Evaluation q5

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation q5

We decided to give our film a certificate of 15, we chose to use this rating as we have seen other film similar to ours and they have a rating of 15 too. So we felt we would be able to relate our film to this age range. From looking at other thriller films with the certificate of 15, I feel the content of these films are not too explicit and our film is of similar content and explicitly of these so the 15 certificate would fit well.

To show/ make sure our film was a certificate of 15, we used the element of death and tension as we assume the actor dies at the end. also we use a TV, mobile phone and these are commonly used items by teenagers which is suitable for 15 year olds. There is also mild violence and swearing, which we see would be appropriate for a 15 year old.

Our film would be a attraction to the teenage audience as a teenager would be able to reflect and relate to the character as he is a teenager. They could be attracted by the lifestyles of the actor and the showings in the film. Our film covers loneliness and despair, and some teenagers may be able to reflect on this. It addresses teenage lifestyles, e.g. watching television, using mobile phones, social media. As these are things that teenager use they will find the film interesting and appropriate to their age.

We created tension through music and acting. We used music throughout some of the scenes. Will found some un-copyrighted music which was creepy and built up tension through the scene as the audience didn’t know what was going to happen next. We added a heart beat sound effect into our film which added suspense and tension. This could be seen as effective and popular with the audience viewing our film.

We decided that we wanted our film to be a small low waged film of a small and less popular following as it will not be in contention with the other bigger films such as ‘Paranormal Activity’ where as we want to be on the scale of something smaller that not many people would have seen. We also picked Film4 as our institution as this company shows small low budget films and not the big blockbuster titles that companies like Paramount and 20th Century Fox show. With this small and low budget company this will help us gain a small cult of followers how will hopefully enjoy the film we have created.

We have created tension in other ways too. We added in blackout effects into our film. Which come suddenly in the film at high tension points which makes the audience be ‘on the edge of their seat’ seeing as these blackout scenes come suddenly in the film, people are not suspecting it and the this may cause them to feel scared and this helps create tension throughout the film.