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1. le dossier inffo flash Encore modeste en termes de parts de marché, les “serious games”, ou “jeux sérieux”, suscitent un intérêt croissant de la part des responsables…

1. Serious GamesAlessandra Caldeira SavastanoHugo A. Moraleida Isabella M. Soares 2. Análise de um tipo específico de jogo sério focalizando:Narrativa ImersãoPersonagem…

Full Body Interaction for Serious Games in Motor Rehabilitation Christian Schönauer ∗ Thomas Pintaric † Hannes Kaufmann ‡ Interactive Media Systems Group Institute…

SERIOUS GAMES 3D FOR THE ENERGY SECTOR More than 140 Utilities companies worldwide make use of Indra Solutions SMART ENERGY What are the “Serious Games”?…

HappyWise Ltd · +358 8 415 69 373 · www.happywise. f i · info@happywise. f i Kansankatu 53 3rd f loor · 90100 Oulu · F in land · Kei lat ie 2 · 65300 Vaasa · F in…

1.Serious Games Lehren und Lernen mit Computerspielen Ahmet Emre AÇar 2. SG - Überblick • Einleitung: Was sind Serious Games? • Eigenschaften der Computerspiele •…

1. Serious GamesGames als vorm van educatie, training en informatie. 2. Wat zijn serious games? 3. Tapper De eerste serious game 4. Tapper De eerste serious game 5. Vroeger…

1. PRODOTTI Inside disaster Game4managerVolkswagen - Think BlueIBM - City One 2. INSIDE DISASTER - experience the Haiti heartquake -Caratteristiche:o Simulazione con formula…

1. Serious gamesCitizen Science & Biodiversity: Meeting at the crossroads October 22, 2011 2. A serious game is a game designedfor a primary purpose other than pureentertainment.…

1. Serious GamesAlgo más que solo entretenimiento 2. ¿Que son los Juegos Serios?Juntamente con entretener, pretenden entregar conocimiento.Transmiten mensajes, conceptos…

1. !SERIOUS GAMES 2. HIRN 3. & Serious Games nutzen den menschlichen Forscherdrang, um dem Lernenden UNTERHALTSAM EFFIZIENT vielfältigste Inhalte nahezubringen. 4. U.A.…

1. RizaAtiq Abdullah bin O.K. Rahmat, Kamisah Osman, Normah Abdul Aziz 2. Introduction Learning can be fun with computer gamejust as the computer game in entertainmentindustry.…

1.   2. Games are good for more than just pure entertainment Serious Games:Games whose primary goal is beyond entertainment 3. Training – designed to put a person in a…

1. Serious Games by Ralph Cajucom 2. What are Serious Games? 3. What are Serious Games? Serious games are “…about taking resources of the (video) games industry and applying…

1. Serious Games by Ralph Cajucom 2. What are Serious Games? 3. What are Serious Games? Serious games are “…about taking resources of the (video) games industry and applying…

Virtual Reality Systems advanced & interactive visualisations „It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” Albert Einstein Pixel…

Área prioritaria / Lehenetsitako arloa: AP_/_. LA: Bizkaia Talentua: empleabilidad y formación Iniciativa / Ekimena: I.3 Investigación para la empleabilidad Acción -…

Slide 1 Serious Games Μάθημα: Ηλεκτρονική Υγεία Ονόματα: Χριστιάνα Αλκιβιάδου Ελένη Κοκκινόφτα Το EdHeads…

SERIOUS GAMES wankathon âYour act springs directly from desire for an end together with knowledge of means. This is equally true of all acts, whether good or bad. The ends…

Serious Games with an emphasis on educational value Adam Nakama  4/19/11 --MMA 2011 Overall summary, ToC, etc. Goal: To give you some insight into the broad field of educational…