Hercules Aerospace Company Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044 ... · Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044-0098...


Transcript of Hercules Aerospace Company Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044 ... · Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044-0098...

Page 1: Hercules Aerospace Company Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044 ... · Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044-0098 (801) 250-591 G. R. Muir Vice President and General Manager March 27, 1986 Mro Ron
Page 2: Hercules Aerospace Company Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044 ... · Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044-0098 (801) 250-591 G. R. Muir Vice President and General Manager March 27, 1986 Mro Ron

Hercules Aerospace CompanyAerospace Products GroupBacchus WorksMagna. UT 84044-0098(801) 250-591G. R. Muir

Vice President

and General Manager

March 27, 1986

Mro Ron Ho Nelson2154 South 1900 EastSalt Lake City, Utah 84105

~ar Ron ,

Congratulations to you for being selected ProductEngineering FnIlJ loye of the month for February .

Your contribution is impressive. You are to be camnendedfor yoor ingenuity on the cure cycle modeling efforts and theapplication to MSC Composite shaft prqgram. Congratulations toyoo for a job well done. Keep up the good work.


Page 3: Hercules Aerospace Company Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044 ... · Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044-0098 (801) 250-591 G. R. Muir Vice President and General Manager March 27, 1986 Mro Ron

Hercules IncorporatedBacchus WorksMagna, Utah

12 March 1986


FROM: J. L. McCordManager, ~--


SUBJECT: Employee of the Month

Congratulations, Ron. You were selected as February Employeeof the Month based on your cure cycle modeling efforts and the application toMSC composite shaft program. Historically, cure cycles for new compositeparts were established by trial and error, usually resulting in long, costlydevelopment efforts to eliminate delaminations. Using your cure model, youwere able to establish a single step cure cycle for the MSC composite shaft.This cycle was used to successfully cure on the first try the largest (10 ftlong, 11.5 in. dia) 2 in. thick composite shaft that has been manufactured todate. In addition to minimizing the development effort, the single step curewill save over $10,000 per shaft. You can be proud of your significantcontribution on this important program.

The Employee of the Month Award was established as a specialmeans of recognizing extraordinary efforts on the part of some of our ProductEngineering people in meeting requirements of technical excellence, schedule,and cost. This award entitles you to a dinner for you and your partner on anormal Hercules expense report, using charge code 99120080. A giftcertificate (Penneys or Sears) for $100 is available in lieu of the dinner.If you choose the certificate, please contact Wendy Hanson, 16532.

P. A. BukowickF. BeaversG. H. BergmanG. H. BerholdJ. R. BraithwaiteR. M. CalderH. B. CarrollW. L. DainesR. K. DropekJ. B. GoodroE. T. HikidaM. R. HurstW. E. JohnstunP. G. KempH. J. MooreD. G. PaslayR. P. QuigleyB. G. SmallwoodE. L. TalbotR. E. SchneiderW. Weron

JLM:njd0629P/18cc: G. R. Muir

C. E. AlfordR. D. BelnapD. E. BorgmeierJ. P. BrownG. L. CandalotP. E. ChristensenH. B. Det~eeseC. R. EubanksR. C. HaddockF. R. JensenA. C. KastnerG. L. LaughlinG. T. NelsonW. F. PehrsonE. R. RadkeL. E. Smith, Jr.J. H. ThacherG. E. WalkerG. J. YorkF. W. Warr

Page 4: Hercules Aerospace Company Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044 ... · Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044-0098 (801) 250-591 G. R. Muir Vice President and General Manager March 27, 1986 Mro Ron

Bacchus Wo['ksMagna, Utah

30 January 1987

In Reply Refer To:ADMN/T24l/290-0716

R. H. Nelson (N2EG17)

K. A. Mortensen, T200 Coordinator ~~~Product Engineering (M/S N2WA7 -Ext. 16290)

Irnp~overnent Recommendation Awa~dSUBJECT:

ConRratulations! Your Improvement Recommendation 621 has been approved bythe Industrial Engineering Department. The savings were calculated to be$94,000, which entitles you to one award from the following list.

$100 Gift certificate to Sears$100 Gift certificate to J. C. Penney's

Please circle one item and return this memo to me at N2WAl

Award Received by:



Page 5: Hercules Aerospace Company Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044 ... · Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044-0098 (801) 250-591 G. R. Muir Vice President and General Manager March 27, 1986 Mro Ron

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Page 6: Hercules Aerospace Company Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044 ... · Bacchus Works Magna. UT 84044-0098 (801) 250-591 G. R. Muir Vice President and General Manager March 27, 1986 Mro Ron

Ilerculeg ]nc.orp{.")I~ated

Bacchus Works

Mc:~gna, Utah

28 rebr\J<.~I~y 1986

In Reply r~efel~ To :



J. 1.1. Thacher (x 16171) --rRecognition of Achievement


CorIgr,~tulatiL")ns on your selection as a c.andidate from Engineering Designand Analysis fol~ Engineering Employe of the Morlth. You are recognized foryour wL")rk on cure process modeling with specific refererlce to compL")sitetubes. Your c,~reful analysis of a one step curing process and itsimr:.\lementation resulted in a quality product at reduced c.ost. Theaccomplishment of this task requir(~d detailed coordination among many groupsand a variety of scientific disciplines.


J. L. McCord

R. K. DropekNlEnl

