Ancillary tasks - Magazines

9 q=magazine+review+2+page+spread&espv=2&biw=994&bih=626&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=G3yKVaf0JYSU7Aa10 4Fo&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=p9vWqOtd_VxmcM%253A%3B6_uekfSvD4iPTM%3Bhttp%253A%252F %252F1%252F5%252F5%252F1%252F15517976%252F5212783_orig.jpg%253F0%3Bhttp%253A%252F q=magazine+article+documentary&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=q3qKVYqzEsG37Aa7uIDQDw&ved=0CAc Q_AUoAQ&biw=994&bih=626&safe=active&ssui=on#tbm=isch&tbs=rimg %3ACQU7B10t91qfIjgPS1CBts3z1NYyoTqBGYytbBIZSMPHWmSFWqnjjYOXvYw5nUCzbLSTwuN8T2Cz_1mXNEjXYMSGr0SoSCQ9LU IG2zfPUEf_1KzgDcbMWqKhIJ1jKhOoEZjK0R_18rOANxsxaoqEglsEhlIw8daZBFyfre1pzFRXCoSCYVaqeONg5e9EZOLQ5ukL5cO KhIJjDmdQLNstJMRBagOK9f7vfQqEgnC43xPYLP-ZRGTi0ObpC-XDioSCc0SNdgxIavREXwdiPqhJlRd&q=magazine%20article %20documentary& %252F-jexsmD5LKSA%252FTbQibiccRRI%252FAAAAAAAAB5Q%252FsbKGa20SqGA%252Fs1600%252Fun3.JPG%3Bhttp%253A

Transcript of Ancillary tasks - Magazines




Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

Text usually starts in bold with an opening paragraph

Text usually starts in bold with an opening paragraph

Text usually starts in bold with an opening paragraph

THE TEENAGERSThe picture is clearly staged to show the three protagonists posing in a stereotypical ‘teenage’ position

There is a coloured box at a slight angle which gives a reader and potential viewer a brief run through of the bits they ‘need to know’

The title stands out and comes across the picture slightly to give a modern and cool look

The paragraphs are formatted around the quote and picture which has a short pun caption beneath it

The quote from an external reviewer is highlighted just like the title

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

The title is made bold to stand out however they use the words ‘we stand’ below it to show unity of the football team and reference the title

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

The title is made bold to stand out however they use the words ‘we stand’ below it to show unity of the football team and reference the title


Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

The title is made bold to stand out however they use the words ‘we stand’ below it to show unity of the football team and reference the title

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

The title is made bold to stand out however they use the words ‘we stand’ below it to show unity of the football team and reference the title


Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

The title is made bold to stand out however they use the words ‘we stand’ below it to show unity of the football team and reference the title

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set


The quote box and font is a different colour to the main text

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set


Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

The title is made bold to stand out however they use the words ‘we stand’ below it to show unity of the football team and reference the title

Picture of the main cast or presenters, usually in-front of the location or a set

The title is made bold to stand out however they use the words ‘we stand’ below it to show unity of the football team and reference the title