USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living

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Transcript of USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


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  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living





  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    Tllis report '''lIS II'riUQII primllrily for I~e usc of tLa~ '~iLcd.SMlest :Dombin". UI"",c'>in the prepar ation o! [mthol HlpOI ts of II1m . . gl c L '.. - s . . , Imore comprehensive nature, ..\'Ill' ro~ch.'siOl)S. Or OPHlID:!.'S expI!?~~(, th is report must be considered as limited 10 Ibe specific IU lL te , " . 11

    III 1~. -, 'I 'II ! ~leover...d 'lIlrl as subject \(I fu rt lwr intcrpro tn tion m l Ul 'Ig It, (I ru r ners tudies conduetcr l by the SUTW-'Y

    FOREWORD' l' ho Uni ted Slnlcs SI'I',ilcgic Bombing Survey

    was p..slablisho(l Lylho Soor.etmy o! ''''ar or, 3Novcrnhor ] 0 44 , P U IC S IH l .1 Il . to a directi "0 from !,helute Presiden t Rooseve lt , It s miss ion WIIS to COlt-d ud n n im pai-tiu l and Sl Ik i,and will! mobileteams operating lllotbcr parts of Japnn, theislands of tho Paeif ic , OIl{lll ie Asiatic mainland.Itwas possible to reconstruct much of wartimeJnpnncsc mi li tar y p lnnn ing and execu tion , engage-r nen t by engagement , and campaign by campa ign,and to sec u re reasonably ace u rnlest atist ies OJIJupan's economy 1 I > 1 l d W!lT production, plnm, byplfUlt,lllid indllstry by industry. III addition,studies wore conducted 011 Japan's over-ail stTll"regie plans and tho background of hllr Ililtry into"t,he war, the internal di scuss ions and negot ia tionslead ing to h or r acce p tunce of uncond isional sur-render, tho C01.U~0 of bcatth and moru la among thecivi li an populat ion, the e ffect ivenes s of the Japa-nose e iv i ll a u dllJense organizu tion, IIud th e elTect .sof the atemlo bombs. Separate reports will beissucd 00 vering each ph USC 0 f the s ttl ely.The SUrI'cy i nt errogated more than 700 ,Japfl-

    MSII military, Government, and industr ia! off icioJs .Ital so recovered and t rl llwl It ed many documentswhich notonly haNGbean usefu l to Ol e Survey, butalso will furnish data valuable f or o th er studies.Al1"llngcmonts hn "0 bcCII made to turn over thoSt l l V0:Y'S files 10 fbe Central Intelligence Group,tlu"{)uglL which t.hey will be UVII ilnb!e for fllrthru-oxamina tion and distribution.


  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living



    Lt. Comdr. 0.IURL.&6 N!:)I,SON SPINKS, Q. S, N. R.Ohf4 o j D i vi a io : n Lt. WILLIAM A. ED'lVJ,.RDS, C. A..C.O h ie j o f F o od & dw n.RA nlON.D BAIOl!J'I'ANI

    Lt. Comdr. OLIVER W . DEWOLl i' , U. S. N. .R . .Oh i e f o j Manp lJ l C tJ r .8 e c lw nLt. :B'lftTNSwrCK A. BI"GDON, U. S. N. R ..Lt. RAI,I'R HIRGCH1'RITT, U. S. N. R.Lt. (jg) EDWIN P. REUBENS, U. S. N. R,.U . (jg) SCRrDNEn MGCoy , U. S;

    Lt. OS.oI,RLES H. SCHMlOT, A. C..Ohf4 qf. OiQilitmSUPllliu S~iQnLt. JJ;ROI.!E FORREST, Big. C.u, HaROI,O E. FAssIiEaQ, A. C.

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    Table of Cone entsP A ' l T I. DgOLINI ': INJAF ;\NESE S 'rANOAHDOF LI\lINC-l~OO]) __ _1. Jnpal! '! Ii P rGm ! o .r F o o d l',rudt .ion~_ ~ __ ~_ & ~ . . In, Wnrtime Supply of Food __ __ 2Lll, W"cti,nc 11"00

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    1 ' 1 0 . . .No.!!S. Ext" , Al !~ 1" ",, ,1 $ und er tb o S l~p le R&ti ""- S",lom, Jnl"''' Prol"lr, D~>mber 19 Jl toJ~no 19~4_ ._

    '29, Q n li ty o f Foodo Subot ll ulo d for 111"" ' " .lIe";t~l> l. lb ';o'" Japma Pr ol"! r, 1'9 ~2-i5tll,olno 10".) _3 O . 8 1 & 1 >1 0R3t i, ," S tn l. l u re "" n . , ' L s e < i Oil 16 ~'lll.'IIJ..lS _ - - - .- - -st. S" fir,I ), a nd m ' "P IlOn" '' '' :' ' o f S ta ple Food s,1 11 37 -1 1, ( tllo u"",od m ol ria , ,,,,. ).-- ----32, Dal ly Por Capil a A ,.~l nb i1!, ) o f SUl l' l" Foodo ,Jap"', 1'101" '" ]!l,1]-IS (; --.------33. 'Fodor)" I 'roduol!pn of .IIi, J~I"''' PIO""r,1!H0-~6 Imolrie le,,,,' _M. D,. jl y 1 '0 , Capit a I1,,1Nu it' ~l " . .. .L P rod " " J ap an P rope .IMj-l6 ( .o"n } ~48. Pcroen "'go 'of"""'" OblILil)oo on Bnek M",k'olM Il,elI J9



    11 1



    1 4. N o," D~lf\\)T\d" tor Gell.ral Laooro r s , Japan1"01"", 1030 ' _7-6. AUoenUo" Pia II l or G""o.~1 ) ,nbom rs by So"""'""J"p8n 1 ' 1 ' 0 [ > < 1 ' " J O a o . _ _ . . _76. N ow Dem n n II, for 0 " "oral. l.ntJ o", ... , JapanProper, 19~0__ _n. Al Io (! nt io " P la IL for GOlle r, "1 L "bol' (ll 'l ! bX50"'0""" J,fi[}fill Proper, 19~0__ _ . _78. JlltoonHol! P1B I I for ' l' el npo" lT ,) ' Q .""ral Work:

    ors , J il l) !' " Pro"" ,. , lO,~j ( teu t hou" ,, ,, d Mnn_.D a,.l"') .,70. DClllnud. lor 1'.'"po''''y G.neral Wo'l, o duCl ;' il r P er Worke r in -Sl

    00. Co"so ~lption and P"",.i Ilg of Wo : r k ; ' : ; ' ~-jI~~~.PtOl:oer, Sprillg 19-13 . ' . _9 1. Numoo r' o f e"""nl(i"g. m,d Nmnoor or Bui ld ings

    D estroyed and Damo.god i ll Six M~jor Jap-B""",, C it io" _92. N ew Emcrge"cy Laoor' AlIooaLiom;, Jap3"_ PI"O I"", 1945 _ . __ ._. ._93, Wo~kc" , R .c po rti ll g r ar Work "-'l fi Pel'c I) .o oo la I6 ' 01 mnn -hou es lo st I lOrmoruh) ~._. __& _~

    Abwmoo; '; '1l) ln Nine Plo:m!8of M"!lufs.~"'. r8 01E lOC tr io G00Cr,1935-14 (thou~!I!ld .'lu~reYlln.b).






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  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living



    1 ' 1 L ' L . . orI"''''' " , , < I ,Stook.['rduotiu", [ ,1\, [""1,, . " ,,_ ( ' t 301"'''Heud cf HlII,w ol Oil,0" 193-15 ( 'l \i ll i" " r o" n< l" 1" -1'n.lP(!t. ~ _, ~llQn~ an d StUCI~""""I".,loh. hnpor\>-, ('I II Jar"'''all f t~l Id 01 Co IIO" 0 '.1'1I'r. 1936-15 (1011.)

    ;\Ionlhly Prod u o~io" 01 Hid,," an d~nlber, Japan Prop"" 193 5 -- 15 ( lO ll . )

    P lann ed P rod " .ji o" " "d upp l) < I " c t J O hof D"'I,Cli. JBI,uB 1"."'1' ' ' ' 10 8.'>-45 ._Product ion lor DO,",,"1io Consumpti on 01ScIM led C o llij\Jffi., 0 0 ( 1 ( 1 . , Japonl'....e" maH,; (tholl.and Hcms) _




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    12012 0 n.lZ I


    '1'U'II 'F t lmmed C'' 'n~U'III 'UOII ofIml'o'" nrul . )'I' I>rol.'Or. 11131~11l(,.. ,,10 ll"~ be r, J81,n"(",o"ioIO".)---'. .' - "-llIm-Hnhbor Prod I ret i111 J 1 . l . I . ' H L I I 1 rop~ r, '41. Da\h f~r it;;bbo, 'Ia'.\Ir 1l.o.h1 J) all'~ ro or iM~-45 _du.t,j', .J 811110. P E ' porl~ and 1)0-I'roduotlon, Iml'ort~"1 I'ulp JnpfmmCfll it! COl )5U 1J1pt ion I) _- '1,_'. . 1 113& - 1 5 ( t ho l l '01)

    N,,, nile, of J{o""n II Com." at Work" rsBrought jl1io Jnpml P 'r o :p cr A n n ua .l 1 yhI Type 01 Work il&lig'lil"'por. ~18:) lOoNand A\lglIs~ 1945__ _ _ _

    Number 'of Sel loo! Studeni . . Mobil i.1l ~-"b , , , , , . y I 945 tot51\ugl)"l, 104.5 .____________ ]'36n~a.o""(or Lo$> of M"II-H\)u", 01 , h , .JBpnn Optical Company" 1"'~yo~1n .oh-15 A"SlI,,1 19~;' ( r na II-ho " "') _ _ 136

    C au ,,,,, 0 1 " r~n ,Ho" ", L os l 01 'h e A rn o.!!""",ki P Jant " I tl oo Ot all l He,wy 111_d'!st,y Company, O.tober 1M3-I ;;.-\UgU"~ 1945_ 13i

    C"lIumtu;oDof S !" pIQ rood by Work , 19 ~ 1-15 (por-eOlOtI!~c of U1Qu,ho"n; lo.t pcr ' m on th) _ _ 13 7

    E"W" . .tad Relnt i"e t lnpo, \. Im.e 01("a""", ,1o, Dc~H"a o f Con I ProdUctioD, .lap811P ro pe r, 1 9 J0 -- 1 ~ (pe '.""iages) . _. _____ U I

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living



    J. JAPAN'S PREWAR FOOD POSITIONaJdf1lct~,. oj f he J " I} (m e s t D i et,lapan's food positinn M the outbreak of war

    . n December 1M.! was 1l0~ acute by Japll,ne;;estandurds. Durillg t1lo year 19;U the a:"orllge

    Table 1JaPt111~U Esti"~Q/~ tV Da i l y I"trrQ1pil4 Calo- I":;c dJI(/ Proltri,-,.RI!,gl'Fjr~hM/#1'{yy A.g:~;,_g/H)' " ~tlld S~

    M , ' [.;olio,Mt.1':i WC)) 'Il ' t! 'n

    Jlu~1 I FuclV r O r Proii.l!,!!~ ~Ifj Y ' I I I h . l o U~lllt:III!o. (",10-rl t ) (lrmuu!) ,. .) ('''.Ill.)1- -~-,-& W . il.l & 00 il.l1.Il00 " " 1",:200 601',320 10 Jr~ , 1 ' 1l.taO fA l l.m 00I~")]: 00 ::::l GOr,O W . . '.01,(Il00 ;0 !.~7'0 MI . " " m I.G ;CUO O 1lf I.1M mIISSO IiO i,7(Q '",.fI!iJ, SO 1.&lIJ ."~ " " ' " .. . I.~ ill1. '1lm &! 1760 SO~!gJ 1 1 0 ' ~ OO ( ) &!Ii> 2,,:110 00?,roG 100 ' .! ,.'2;!0 002,00) " " 1.300 ss2,l l ' ,O) Ii> ;! .lOO " "u : : Ill;) 2,S3I l ll$, ( 1 1 2,il3O . .,JIIO . . 1.0.0 ! > I IUOO 100 2,,1.:(1 III2,650 '00 2,300 Ii>lrJj u lJ, t,~ . .. ! > I I~430 100 ' 1 , 1 1 1 0 002 , '700 10> 2,3:lII Ii>:1,000 "0 . .~ 100:!,:ISO J20 ~ = 100~ii:l' '" &!1110 - : ! " JOO 'o o2, !I)unesc food

    position Oi l till'. eve of tho war Illy ill its inadequate

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    PfO. 1m Pfo. 1m I'~ fm-d0 ] ~ o i S 9 2 -6.~7H 1 3D 7 3 , 1 0 1 . , Q , O f R~ .. _. . "1.&.' -2.00-1.1ltllL ................................... )2-J.-ros.::! ' ! O , ' 0 1 . 8 . 2 ' 4 : 1 0 0 . . 00,S30.$ l7.S.1 23,Q30.. ' (;3.1111.' 5 'J.~g' 1117 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ! 1 3 , ,,0. 2 15,001.1 l;,1M.1 . ' < 1 , < 0 " 1 . 5 3(1.181.3 "l2..lCIt.~ :._, :,tt)JoCN,.g ~(,.6M.[, 1 t J S . _ . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . ~.~~."m."'~~ I~.!IJI).~ lJl..,...' ru . to2..1 ..._,...m.s: -:p, 'i.1 -1,,~ ... -~1Il.3I 1 : 1 G . . . . . . . . n,:n(l..'IJ ~1 .3W.1 1ll.31T.S 1.1,S31.V {8, 4 ! . 8 - "'.#1 ~6Sf1..:; Sl.soo.l -"U.~ ~l.r - IQ . .. . ..4 , ! _r~ _~ r ~~~__,~ , ~ "'

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    10,I).,:t.l,QU I:!t/i.l

    1 ' '2 . 1& ) I . .- "''",~~.1!J t~ I . .'ll,Q.:IG.: 01l\'!tl.3: 011l.!lt\, ;3 . . 3 1 .1 1 . . . ..l.~!i'lII,.!lO.,

    Tolo.l HI", ~,w:. Orf 1101;- _1

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    I ! ;Pl) l iC11~iono f mos t of lho a v al la b le u g r ic u lt u r n llabor to crop eult] "ULIO!! to th" neglect of landreelnmation,In 1943, bowever, tllll last yellt for which

    duLIi.arc nvailublc, eultive Led !HltCllgO decreased771 ,000 acres, II mneh fuster I'ate tholl the mdue-lion of 110,000 neres in urable l aud. Moreover,450,000 acres et tho 771,000 acre drop was ne-counted (oJ' by II decrease in acrcuge forfood er ops. Pruvlo usly the milt ivM ed acrenge 0 ffood CI'( )PS hill! inol'ellsoo approximntoly 1,000,000I)CIOS between 1931 [fnd H142 (table 7). Bothincr eased double c ropp ing and sh if ts ill the use of~nud from II on rnod to food orop5 contrib utcd to!tho increase.In the shift of flcrnnge from nonfood to foodmull! er ry acren 1;'11 S u (feTed th II greo (,cstAcreage ill this crop dropped [roman

    ~llSlloJlllll),~(lCi 1,625,.000 acres in HI31 to 892,001) acres1943 . . I\. r .Ul tber drop to 64 i ,000 acres occurredJ9H . A lt!.tou gb it hn d increased som,mrbn t

    )Jefore t h n t t im c ,o J tc r 1941 industr ial crop acreagedecreased.S hi rt s in a cr ea ge l'at10US food OI'OPS alsoplace, 'W 'bcn~ , bn r t l lY , nnkod bltt!cy, sweet-

    I nn d potu to acr eages in cr eased 6 (} O,O O Obetwceu 1940 and 1944, while soybean,and vcgetnble neranges dcc rcnsed approxi ,2: 50,000 acres. Rice acreage Iluetuat ed

    slig!ltly during til(l I931-42 per iod, buo decreasedil32,OOO acres i ll 1 94 :i ,mti300,OOOncL'es itl 1944 Over -all acreage d(~tll. are incomplete for944ruuL wholly unavnllnble for' 1945. It is im-'po~ibl~, Lhllfefore, to t ru,cc. . U . I ~ t rend of nCl'aI lgatll!Z-!LtlOnto the end of hos ti l it i es , HOWC"O lr , e n

    ,!:mlestlg,~t")n m ad e b y t he J ap il 1l! l! lc in Febl 'ua.ry'11the planted areas of cr ops (lming the 1944-winter season, shows t iJl1t 10,478,709 acresu nde r cultivation I 1m\ 3,6!l9,2li n,QI 'cs wereD i ff ic ul tie s w ith dr&inJ l{ , ' t l an d nd\'ersocondi tions were reported to be the prin-anuses o f n on u se 0r 1:116IuIId, b IJt lack ofwas'list1ld us (liJ'eetly responsible for theILil'ntion of 296,435 acres. Tbose data,e xc lu de H o kk ai do I Im l A ki tl l, K an ag aw a,

    11"' ' 'IO,IJ~' 'U:!JJ' ' lind OkiJ11l.wn profeetUlcs. are OO! I -in table 8. .to th e JJ l'o gl'l!s siv cly tig hter Iar m IIIb or( u s d e se r ib e d ill ~h e C I I I 1 .l I 1 0 b O i ' section)likely tbn t the u -en d tow ard both cle-arable land and cultivated acreage, which



    , 1I.~I / \ t- :I.' ~ \ I '\I \ I r-,L3 / I I \I I ,I~ fl VICEU ,

    !to t\ ,9 -:~ h~ V I\V \ / 1 ". , .~~ ,SARLn :\,,/ ',.\ '/ , '-"j ........... '- ". '\

    HA~ED .I l.\. \ V{

    \fARLEY -- ' " ,/1 \\,,/::~ If\ // ,,~WHEAT 1-....._.:\. . : ; . . . . - . . . . . . \ f I\ . . . .I ,.7 \ " ~ _ j .. .

    V I. . \. . . . . . .,. \I:'r'.:

    e 1~ '31 '~3Z1 ~~. I~ .. "'"" ,~. . 1 57 1!1311 1"39 1~ I 41 ., -~B~~ '~4Z_4~ IM4Fmlllll: 2.-1'., aero !jold. ,ofilllplc.roplj. Jnnan p.,rl'"".,. "' 11131-44 (tons per aere),


    became pronounced ill 1943, eon tinued at. nnacce ler ated paee 1-0 the , ;md of t il e war.rf7orl.im8 PerAr:re. Yield.JII addition I; Q,!:, acrenges, tbe per-"ere yield of most crops ill Japan also t(ll~ded todecline in the war yeal'S. Shortngesof ferti lizer,f arm II l. (, or, and othe r fnctor s of prcducsion weremainly responsible. As shown in table '< I lindillustrn ted in f igure 2, yields of wheat, barloy, and)lakc;:ll)lIrioy registered definite downward kandaduring ~he WIll'.It is_ s igni fi can t 10 note, however, that riceyieLds were meintaiucd ILL prewae lel' cls,. Tbeeause ol this phenomenon WIIS p ri ma ril y th e prec-edanea given rice in the facters ,of production,especially with respect to fertilizer, as discussedbelow.

    TableSOdri~t#'td tr' iU / UnCltli";:''tII~ 1f.""'Q:g~s) ' 11 , , -;' 18 F'd./14~d' .Virlle l ',oj 1944-4' '


    U :I_ lu Id O ~~ M u . l b t > . f T , ) l l 'Ol:l:ic:rs

    !!'~l !m =* & >0 ,( 1< 1; ' [ I32,T. l I l1C."", . 1 1 1 1 . . FIow;,:1 tlploo~ Total

    T4tk -or dtldJl!).J)1! o r Ir rlJ:a t.lcn : n od tt ~o=:O~~~'=~Wi~tltii~~~:::::~. ~ = JJ:~ ~:~~~!-::r:.~::::::=::::::::::::::::::: iil:i: . & 1 : = ~:lPlo"oed lOr~1> >I,""" nlGn,ID. " a, IXL\ 00 . 6M ! " ' .:tIg~~,',:!,::,~~.~~::::::-:::::::.::."'(;i :SM' Z!.~ ... g o ~T.ta! .. __ . _ ._._._. :1.11"1058, ........ '0'.'0.'20

    I H C l kb hl J; i . . nd " 'k l UI ." K ~ w .a ,. KII..J:Lnblm:. . - ad O k lD a l ir J. p r er e eu n e su:duded.S o U : n , " e : ~JITILuO ,of A p I C l U _ l i .u : f t ! 1 l l D 'i 1 PafC!!u ,'_

    Table 9P~'ACI'< )',.{

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living



    to!'"..u...J.. .~.. .0>'"ii2:i=i0til

    . ..a:: : : >'"..EJJ8Cf oj Ih. IPal ' ()JI Ago';ell/tl l lodl LobarTh e IIeel ilie in .J ap fin esc ! lgl 'i eu ll ,m"l ll p1'0-

    ductioll hO~\\'C('1l I !J 'H lind 1946 wn eonsidernblyinDucllccd hy II shOl'L0!l'1) of able-bodied f armlahor, This munpower shortage eontributed tothe reduction of laud under cnlt ivanion, 8S shownill 'I'nble i,nnd ro ulted ill th lISC of I II efficiCIlL[u rm labor, IllUillly women mid older members ofthe Iurming households. '1'[,0 decline in laborofl iden!;y along with tho rest ri cted usc of chamieal(ertilizers WC"e TOlliul responsible (01' I' duc ing thup 1'-1\ 1'1}yie lds of 10 nd under cu lI.ivation.Jnpan's geographic features nud her dCllse

    o' population have b on responsible fOl' exceedingly~ smull-s ized [(lI'JllS, nveragmg nbout 2.5 acres ...; Thi s has in turn necessitated intensified methods~ of 'ultiva,tion with human lnbor and virtually noe, m oc hn nix ed o qu ip m n t, For example, the Mill-~ isLry of Agricu lture find ornmeree reported that~ in 1942 there wore only 99 Inrm trnctors in nil,i' J1tl)OU, 65 0 f wh ic h w e re 011 t be i sl an d o f 1 I o k kn id o,-e where the avernge size Iarm is oonaiderably~ hU"er than ill other parts of Japan. Japnnesea forming, th er ef ol' , is primarily l\ household enter-~ prisc, usually utdlizing ouly tho labor of family1 :: members.= Sin ce 1930 \.\10 num bor (If PC) ) OIlS engnged~ . in agr icu ltu re h ns cou tin uu lly decreased in spitee of the Inrge growth in th . . Jnpaneso populu Lion..g n 193 0 t .he agricu ltura l l abor rOt e Lot~Ued.8 14 1;31,025. By J 940 i had decron ed to 13,841,-.s 576, but ill this decade tile Japnno population] had grown by 6,945,567; therefore tbe agriculjurnl:; Inbor force represented u smaller percenlag ()f.~ the toto l. According to the census of October

    )944. Lhe agniculturul Inbor force hnd declined to~ 13376,469. Moreover, during tho dceud be-ac, t W(,OIl 1931 lind 1940, ul tivated acreage I letua lly7 increa d 600,000 acres. This inereaso in the,. ; f lle e of II de lilling !lgJ'i()ultul'ollabor force wns dUI'~ I (I im p roved efficiency, n grcn{.,;!I 1I 0 of draft~ animnls nud the planting of less labor-consuming6; .rops.

    Estimates by the Ministry of Agri ulturF01 '>sL ry show fI decline in th agriculturnlforce of 74,000 be weell l' eunlOl'Y 1944 find

    1945, chiefly because of mili tary con-II, ns shown in lobl(, 10.

    'l 'u is ovar-u ll de cl in n in LllP IIll1 n11 1 )r ofrkers , ho\Vcv r, represents only II purt or the

    ltural labor probl Ill. J~(lunlly important

    ., .., .eo

    Table 10I !Jl lmautJ Df!ty~,a.r.~ iii Ag,i~"'I*"#l1 L t t . b o , . t r ( ) ' I ' C ; t , jQ_Pa"J

    P " "p er , P .b "I It I" Y 1 94 4 to F.hrllllI"Y 1945, !l it to n \ \' am i l: ': D Tou..1

    LOT c t 1 , l o 1 nllmbrr QJ i ! " 'I ,1 u, " . ~ ~ . . . _ _r_ _ _ u ft " OJ O 2 !.O .!D S1 & SI 3 -, .W IK~::I~ I . ~ = ~ ~ ~ ) ' CKrtJ O"tT Ih~ ~- VI,7~ 7,ij.~ f~;;~-Mni t l l : r:r ( : t ' J n ; ( ' r l ,n lO n . . ~ ~ a _ m .200 . ~ . ~ ... .

    n,11!(~:~~::'~':ri~lu.t.~iPE~ r .; m ~..orktn..... .~ - .r J....:.=4--c:::.:c.;..-I--::-'-:-:-

    ToIJlt.. _ ... _ .'\!('-I'~or:u.dNhDnlltpop1l11l.11op. Ilor 10

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    Table II

    At the rome time military eenseriptien bf.\gonto draw more ab!., ..bodied m en fr om the agr i:-culiuml populntion after 1 93 ., u p ro ce ss w hi ch1\'.85 also intensified in l lo ~ p er io d 1 94 1- -; 15 _ till-fortunat~ly then' is no arlequatu statislicnl 0111-l m r u to show prt 'r~ly the number ofagriculturnlwor ke rs e on se ri pr ed i nt o the a rm ed s er vi ce s, I IIIIstudy conducted i n J RI 1UMY 11)4.S, the ;"Ilinislryof ",\.gTiculluoe IIml Commerce e stim ate d t ha t ap -proximately ' 1 . , ; 0 .0 00 O le n w er e c on so ri pt ed I ra mf arm v il la ge s du ring th~ war, IIIwhom abo II~1 .5 00 .0 00 w er e e ng ag ed c hie fl y in fonning. Wa r;"Iin is!!'}' reeords 011 Ihis slIhjrct were lrurned hI'th e Ja pan ese im m ....lia lc ly IIltN slIrn :o rler , bu t ili s e st imoted Ihot of the In- 10 20 y rn r - ol d menconseript?O! Ie!I III o n.. ". r .. an. WI usl!,), conl-~' I II . .".b I r ., Q . O . . 'I e . .. .e n Ie'~e tlw1 the Army c o n ti ll u ed 1 0 d.. ". ernof Ills st rength from tbe r u tu ! d ie tr i I'!I\\ Lhe bulk. .cts. O Ll Lhe

    I I un ! il. l l 1 1 1 s b be n o te d. b lu tt Ilgl'iCllil(llu,r l> , . .\ f T UI\> Ilen sl 11 l l' ohf l ll i zec l f i el i 0.' npOOl S UOOllntny , . 101"o nlTor tln lo ss o f tl1o.npow", ' IIIN,~Hl ~.. .I I 1 IV llo l'io d U )4 1 -- 4" 1 ~ ho Jn I)au eso C lII . fl 0\'. _ I WIlS fully COgl1l1.1111~ 0 lIe ! l1napoI"Qr 1ftIll~~l. . k . . P r c h - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . , . - l "ri cu llure n n r l too p . olllt1\'~ IllensIU ' I > . 'r . .. . IIt1'S,_ 't',qh' it by fl'cezmg' nnlllrrs. to theirII'll ' .. ', . '1 .1 Q~ru. . . .

    t . du f cr ti I lg ugnc IIturn work um fl~ ...101l~, '.1' d . om l I . .t .i li l\ Il H , } J ! . .(or VIM, .wnr II I ust.rlcS,oncoUI1l'the use of drrtfl I~n~mulll ,m!!. cooPof.u1ive ~1F~i.--------------d f01 th . b" crl m i t t . . )."t"W (~1Ij,1l"J~ulf':11 ~~ill f~r tIliflg., prol:.l .Illg. " e 1110 Ilil.lItion 1 0 m . _ .,students for u grt~ ultu raJ I work !U1!] 01ll:uni~ J ! ~ ' : - _ ' : ~ : : . : : . -. .. _ : . : : _ : : : : :. : : . . : : ~" :- -~)leclol l1Iobilengru:ll!tUl~- work corps . 1 3, ~encl of .1944, l!owcve,, all ~ffort8 to r@Ii~\,~ . I~~:::-I t 'I . ; i u J {HI.~. _ _ugrorillll mnnpowcr S lor Ilg~ were IlPSet hI' ... ..... _11 ,1 qun rll'l'\Vasapproximn.! : cl y 3 , 000, 000 tOIlS. This 1945 (n1o.y-July ) , os shown in Lllbl.. 11.d ec rc n se d t o 1 ,6 6 5, 00 0 tous .il1 the 194 3 13

    Tabl e 12

    ~,6l'1.0001 ., i 5O ' j' , 000~ , 4 S IG . 0 0 0l.a18.0001l$O.0008'19.000& < 1 . . . . . 000$,000

    ~'~ ' :~n!~I~!f~~~~)!H UT ~ . . ~ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ Im.............,0:)0. _ _._.' 0 l I J . _ .urn1~12_ .~.~r.. _: : : : : ..: : : : : : : : : . - : : : .


    ' i I ' D I ' I I

    , . . ..;0'''''~I. .ooo

    1 .1W~I1.10

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    ", . '~Il b,-CllU>l' til oo,erllnJcnl' ] 1 11 ~ \Hb. P"""') e .' II. U dll'lIt1clIl1111l1l1' it mlllllllliory tb at l~ nlc Uc " ': II 'I'lIi$ "rollf er ti li z@T I l\ ', ti lu b lc b e 'lpph~.110 1'111'. (10 1 r,:cei\"~ till' bl'lldil of 1l11l~bof 1 1 1 1 ' n o u nl,, , ", ""jl1l1l!lIn ll e,~p~rtsfl'rUbzl)T I I ~ " ,Ind. "upune ,p... I'", ' '. 1 trom I ie I rI1l (1 6 tn t~ 111111TIC, ' r~ccl\'''''' nutneu I I, ' '_ It ' l"ndouhtell V !C-l I 0 1 1 w at pr , ," ", ( IlL II' I'll u n . . . '1 I, j.' 'a " LO 1'lCC l'ld( S 0r A il S( ' o f this preeec cnee gt\ ' " I wheat b ur l! 'I ', a nd I lli ke d b'lrll'Y d,>en18s;)d dUl'lIIgthe V~lIrfro;', 0,;', 0, 9. lind 0.79 1 01 1 l wr "cn',l'l..p ~ti\ 'l'ly . to O,GS, 0.73, Will 0,;2 ton per OCT.' .The elf .ct of 1 1,,) f~rliliZ('r sborblgt' on all

    crops , howcv"r . would hove iucn"lslld hnrply 11 119-16 (no d atu Me n'l'l.ihlblc cOi lcenung t lc tu il l re-sult- in 19-15)0 \ 1111subsequen ~'I,'"rsb'ClIlos .l of th edm ;! ti e n > du r ti on o r frrtiliur produ ction in lh.last nil.of the w ar, en d the tend ne y fo r th e ~u -mulative "lft'llt 01 the ~horl :lgo to inc rease wi ththe possu g.> of lime as the nu trien t' in tho soilwere con umed and not n ri fqu nte ly r op l'.l cc d I) y' Ir ti 6c iJ lI m e a nIt is im pos sible 1 0 delm nin e aC llu rlll~ I.l' thn

    1'I'loliollhip Jx.tWN!1l the B,'uilll bilily o f f cr l il i1 . crand the trent! of food pr odu ction in Japan d ur in gthe wn r. dm' to the difficult}' of isolntina t he o lf cc tso f o th er v ar ia bl e f ac to r s, 5 u ~ h" " '! 'u lh er a n d l ab or .It is prob"bly -!lf~ to '1 .URI", ho wever . thn t thor~rriIi1A'r hortnge wns t he p r in c ip a l CIIII"C f or th oreduced per-Bcre yield; i ll nu lt ll uc ou sl y. t he l ab or, u rcity con tr ibu ted to th c deelin e in IIQn'ogc undercultivation and adversely aflected the productionc llp ac ity 0 1 the o gr ic u lt u l' ll l e co n omy ,

    T.ble L5Th. E l l " " #/ " " , , , , . , , i . , , , SJlljd. " . " ' 1 SlIp..,brJlPJ,,#- " 1I:t-Ini ..:s e~."c ~.. .II:~'"I:0. .0 ~ ~. . , r : ;ua:~0. .

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    im ports from hor colouies, .1Ilop.ll.n imported1,3:10,000 tons of r ice f rom Indochinn, Thailandautl Burma ill H140. I II June Hl41 Jurtherimportsfrom BUI"LlllI were prnct ,; coUy hal ted , bucause of

    1"111"' '' , T Lho freezing of JIl.lliUlll!lG assel" in forei.gII'countries,.Q~ l : I1:JI1'ql ti41I '1 '0. . 1 I'I Btirmll TC lW K.ore. y",. Grand011 1. - 1n(OI_ I t O I l k I1-, 03 1 ~ _ . ~ ~ . 0 ''''' Q @ I.m

    1 '0 1 . . 1 1 " ro r ! o t t ! 5 - . 1- ~ ., !ffl.. ... - -. ... ..Ri\)t ' impor l.s iu 1945 doolilled I.() 267,000 tons,

    npproxinmlely 11 per-: ecn~ o r l lormlll, the bulkof it coming from Korea, Table 20 vividly mus-t rntrs bh is adv c r sc situll.lio u in Lh e lost yeRr 0fthe \\'01'.


  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    J'oCon . ' r ' purlsslllpl~ r o o d 5 - , in terms or torUlsgl.> (I 1111 rdl;imports wN " n Qn naL iy [ or gel' hu t CUll h o _ 'ugar I r, I' III' Joprml lS l ' .he!.)be r on side r ed " Slap, I' 001 III 1 - ,- 00 0PL'Il c to l 10 .:"Ul"J"'~'"lucks.jRic., Japall Pmp.r, I NO.Yf,,,6~~1944staple food in ~he n eigh borh.ood or 13 mIlltonto", I~r'''l.t""1it is .apparent thaI. this CIH'1-y-OI'IlI" st'llck llI.,J'Iokkn !do . 6 . 1 , 7~ SI,j_gu . 1 , M 2 'IUlltnnlOlInl. to a IO-day"supp ly , le ss ~h all C M u,e !A o, mO tL _. - -- -- - ~,83~ JO ),'Ii~'ngi . 1, GOO IIyo,go . 3 050I t ! " " . tl I"t ;ibulioD ,1,,-- 0,1>25 Na.,, --. __ 4 869aT] -illS !lint mtm"l"U]hlOllS J.Il . 10 ('S L 13,00) I Vn k" 'Y D ma _ _ _ _ _ _ I, 536su pplics to COlLStllners. H is estimated tltat 12,293 '[o!l.orL ._ 2,.305slock on hnnd I Novom.blll' 1945 wns only 13:1 l~ r~ ~o ~ . i " " ) ' . 8 " , , l e ~ 3060\'3 :&n ~ ... ~n' _ _ _ _ _ J ttOilS. 'I' 2 25 U Ltfillh!tn n .. 101,5980 ' 1 11 6 Y (J J1 ln gu cl ,i . . _ _ . _ 4, .89520: 360 Toku.birn",_ 2,22814, 2M J('Ignw8_ _ _ __ __ _ 4. Sf 0~I,8H Elrj,nc . __ 2,08911,304 l{ehi. .. _ 1,03S1 0, 1 35 I"ukuok,,_ _ _ __ _ _ _ to, 90 39,220 $"10"_ .. _______ 1,5502,305 NnSMnkL . . _ 5,762:1.078 l{m" B!noto G,UlI;'I,OO~ Qi",, .__. 4,665I, 02 0 j\li~' '''

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    WARTIME FOOD CONSUMPTIONIII- ' TabJe28The Su ple F r; tN iRII,ion;n,g 5," '41 _-,II . ' rv ~pr ll ,l ingI N cr 10 p"""~111 III at'O llllf. - . - ~II 0" ' _ . pl;OIl o f t iC " nllllf ro m c aw in g Wlcolltrollrd CO!l.'Ulll_ " _ IIBr-to provide w orkers in ('N'\ iill mil U51 r:r1 ) ;' ~ I lco;; eanw(-t! and prdNre33 ! IO : I . 1 oC l I .'II,-ta I" : 1 , . " "Is t t t d 1 I ItOUIIHI(I~ IIo wl ! l PDII U~ ond:t h e i r allo t m ou ~ 11 0 c{)~lS I U 'C a . u g lOr p .l '( jp .: '" ' '' ' . .. . , ., . . . . . .. _ . . _ . . _ " _ ." _ . . " . . '07, ro o " ' 6 . 813 I.e m . : A i !t ion 0 f thRir total cal one fo od r eq Ul tc mo n I ll , 1 .t Tn"'l. _...... . _.... 1OO,:m 1 ' 3 1 " 000 I,sa .w " 'lit00lthe 8verage, tbe ration lllJotment O r the "I,...~ ' "' '' "' '' 01 '0 ' '' '' ' '' 'p l "on. '1.0 I 6.0 ,s.g 1Ml ab o r" c la ss lVO.S o f s u ff ic ie n t q u an ti ty to p ro .. :. o '~ _n ~ . .. . " :,,, n," " . I f " " " '~'O".hO""I"",uo.1y 8.11d d em a nd oI ricean d sta p le f oo dsf . r o m . 1 93 7L o 1 94 5. T he se d at a i nc lu de -only ricein UIR production, import .and ( ) l lr ry . .ov ru 'c ll t eg

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    i f ' U ' l : ! : ! l ' I " : ' I UrI'aP )1IlLW)-~-r. 1~11S '=Ii- ~ ~I r ~ I ' 9 l ~ m !~t 5 t m I ~ ~ il: I ~I.~~ .2 c ~" n 'I ll - 'J -h '] ' . . 'W~Il. uponO C I l . _ y !lVO.I'a r e su pp . le i. As 8 l'I'lIU!. . .. .. . - .. .. (lQ IlS U IQ Q !S\1'01'0 n ev er as su r ed a nr l w er e !lCVat RbI ._. '.- . _ c " " ~ ec o ! v e

    Table 34~ ~~ .~ "O Dai/) 1 ? , . , . C s J t i ' " ' R"lioTl ~/IoI ;VJ 6)' p'~J.w.ll7,~.~. . ..v.

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    . ing Uoller c~n7i'ruil~ und 1Tg'. aNa,'IiI"distributed ntits a n d vegeta b 1 1 ) . $ would l:llH c~~" . , ....growing pr ova len ce of the black m ur ket In' III.edr:tsyst.etlll r O I ~ ISlIl)]}lenumtfl.q' roods- n ton ded to dorent the, I I '~JlI'tl.VI c.' .'tomon, s wmcn we ru cO . !1 s ld l! l' ab lyp hc no ~ ,~ on tl lo 's n with more me "10 e pU!pI;bclow the average duily per capi ta umounts of foodof l"!ltlODlIlg, . - ~ '.. . "~ D . e y mid I i J i II, -" ble fc . . II .he n(iI'nntoge iu obtainin blflck . n C ~ \I a. ., r 0 " " JJ .n 0 f or c on ll um pt J~ n . T I e o \' ~ rQgohelcd L d. .~ton' bnt ,nA g '1Il~r\:.ilr,ily per capua umouu t s o r B u cl l foods u\'ni1nbl!)( 0 < : 0 snu compO"l I ~ II esn CO!lSUllIUrs gfl,fro 1941 t 194 -, I . 'I' bl 0 TI. ,'. I keen. III ~o - . b are s r ow n JIl ne'l. ,1esOIncreosmg.~ . . . 6 gilres, however, do n o t r op re sc nb the amountsJilid. -Likc the r~ t!o~U Jlg. of O Uter $UP~lIctU!l.lIy ullotted or ccn su med u nder !-lie rntionmentary foods, fish dlStnbutloll w as C u rr ie d 0" ystem, but tllll avornge dnily per eapi In quautlticsby the centl'nl governmen t oIlly in the six Itt whiih were actu ally n vn ilable. The (!l .Gt thatc it ie s , w h il e l oc a l au thorities controlled Ashrnli tmore or these foodswe re p h ys ic n ll y a va il ab le f oriog elsewhere, D a t-ll r eg ar din g th e o ff ic ia l r a ti co ns um ptio n tln m t he r a t io n allotments providedstr uctu re tir o n v ailable for the six hu go cities O J for illuseratesuwo important weaknesses in thef or 1 9 4 3, as S]IO\\I1ln T able 3 8. mtion Syst~lll: (1) T ho fn et (hn t it ,vru; diHieult, ifno t impossible, t.o I lc hi Cl 'C a . smooth nn d cquitnbleTable 38 djstribution of tllese c om mo diti es , a mi (2 ) theD ., Pup) F" h Ra/'" 'Ih 6 LH C' fnd thnt the A rmy, .nvy, llnd certJlm favored'ill ~ r , '" ''' '' ' '""'8'" " I T ' , 'm , ~ w or ke r g ~o up s received eonsidcruhly mora than

    IClmm. P

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    -. rur their prod IICC.c re & S I! d s ub i di es to f~mwlS . , . [ el l ~ ho rl o fTh l l . . ' i - I l c o rr e ct iv e mMS . u t. l! ll ".h O l l 9 ' e r r ' ' I ~ n ( l c n l]"tling \lies t h~~ t : 9f , ! ,b{) b, ril l l r,ol1l~"Il{I) WIYl. stnndnrd. F t~J lCO depot .. , . ., April 19'13 un t i l Soptomber 1 94 4 , 3 0 percent; \hmy loca l A!'1I1)' A.lI11 N ( t v ? ' . \LIuts. !!U[I~~polisbed ri ce (30 per cent {If ( ,bo br an re mo ve d]!II1ll! e d tlm ir food s u JIpllcs by 1'IlI91ngga fd~IlS.~ MIS. ad 0 p ted. In . So pttllll b or 11)01.4, t i l () UBI) ofkc~pUlg til'"@sto~k... T hO ;!) . w as . 1,lOt, how~\\"holly unpolished rille, (brown rico) was attompted;,Ul)' o,'cNllJ, umfied pro~l!lm of ~lLls ( " , 1;111' 0 u ~hQwe"or, beenuso of lts unpalntablenoss andtbo,\I;r il ) 94 .5 . A t Ih at u me th (l. N n vy M illu ;~ d,ig es ti\:e d iso rd er s it c au se d, i !. s lISG w~~ dlscon-i nougun1 tcd ~ . progr.1l!1l t o . ._'lI1COul.'oge loco] 1l,1'ttin ned m O cto be r 1 94 04 . ~ ~i'o m t.b un u ntil tile en dLits to cultl"nte ne e and other stll.ples 01 1 of the war, 20 percent polished flee (2,0 POfCOO of

    ~~'aiJ\lcd land ILud on lau d which JOl 'l ll el li ~ ['he bran removed) "'OBUSed in the rntion."lIa n don ed b ~cn u s u 0 1 th II In b or .SllOJ'I'n go. _'rile s londnrcL dnily. pel" Cllo[llta sto.plera!~ Table 42for Army troops based IIIJ,~p'lll pr oper u p I1 l1IltDuilJ' PorC4pila R.dliMfor A r o I J " r " " r N S Ga"";",,,d ;',)dP."",i9H wa s 600 grnms of l'ICG an d 1 86 grnml lila, 19# 14 "C~f194'~VhC!IL,barley or substi tutes. Nnvu] ]}ll'rsollt> (0) OIl'FICIIIlS um MP.N U\'lN'Q IN DARRACKSin the hom e islan ds r eceived 54 0gru ms 0 1 lit r u " " . . I " " "nn d 18 0 g rf 1l 11 5 0[ b u rl ey o r o th er sto)llps. Us tl, " ! : : ; . ' I : - ! : ' ; ; ' t 111" (anomJj $I... Oil. . >normal daily p er c ap ita I'Ilbioll until 1942 .. \ --. tables 42wei 43, the varlous conlpOI!~' ~I: ' f M ~~ ~,J;' :,. t J g [ " , \ : I , g , . , . t ~ : i . ' r to f b olh the Army and Navy rations were roduQ'_. l -' _ ~ _ ' _ ~ "'1 '~J~ 1~. , _ ' _ " ' S _sever al tim es bafor e the en d 0 1 the war. NQ"eO"UDy""~I""--,--" lIIII ..... 76 III 0."" 0.00

    h I I I bh I' I LI!h0 r;, "IIIp er e np it a e on su m pt ic n, b ut it is espccinllysigull;i"------'----'-----_)___....!...._....!.. _ ___l__Gllllt t ha t r e du c ti ou s were made in tb e p ro le (b)OFFIOERS AN]) M PoI < ] ;1 \' ", "0 A'[ HOME'military zntions as J'UPl}ll'S over-all 'food posiliu' T< o "II"d ote ricr atc d. lr ur the :r mo te , th e d ates w hen 1l1~ ~~l[ ~~lKTo JUb' I !US ",,.

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    ,, _ _,.., _.- ........... ,..,.. _ ............ "'~. < Ii",,...,, __ 1ooolI.~ E.~~trrtMW~QOd),':l.fJ:\nfii!ttlt:l.f,d Prit:u, Su6siJiu. Il"lJ tbt "Black Mark'I"A s the JOplW1lSe Government look charge ofWI ) product ion, eollection , an d distr ibu tion off oo d, I t WIIS a l5 0 n ee es sn ry to a ss um e c on tr ol o ve rprices, 10 grunt Iarmers 5Ubsi dies 10 increaso pro-

    daetien, an d t o l 1 Il ie s te p s t o d ea l "iUI lIlc "blackrrut rke t" w hich sprn ng u p as II resu l t of P COlI 't r ol le d Iood - eeo nomy p r og r am .As early !IS 1 93 3, th e government ha d Ill-

    l~ pled to d I l4 l wi th the riee-su rplus problemwhic~ glutted the market and seriously affectedIerm mcome, T ilp . R i C l l COD IrQ lA a t p re vl d ed ror~uol . rna .ximum and min imum farm prices,w h ic l~ t il e r :o vemme n t e n dc l! so r ed t o m a in ta in byen renng I. L P markc l to bu y or sell when IbII priceo f r ic e te nd ed to l1!lduaLc beyond the csl,abLish-lldmnge.A lte r ~ 93 1, ! ,o we ve r, r ic e p rice s b eg an to r issba rply III ap IIII Of. tha SIs bilizl}lion p. . . e

    and by 19a9 the wllO!esalc 11 . I ' I Ch h"d . I " O g r o t m.'_ ..' ~~nSlln 04 ,3ycn per koku, t lp Pr Q" 'm at ~l y d o'1 1 " 1 ' tlI J I 0 _. '''0 Ie 1033eve. n clober 1930 aL I~Oll!!um I od I_ . ,. _c r 0 'pricesexcep t peruut l bles, WilI'C fro:ren n ~ th e . . .', 'I September le"!!I. C ,r . . - preVIOUSIII Jn g PrJllCII o n p er is h.

    L . llld iL 'g Ilsh , w er e I ! ! I . ta .b lia ha d. il l ab I'S IIlC " 'h ....1"0' ,[ te r lh o p r! Cc .s of t e s u commod il il !$ ' ~1.9~., ,n~ ud l an (l.~tent that it was fQllr d h .fl.\\QIl""S , .. . _ . . _ . . . . .. . . . - 1 l~~ ~ Ce n tr al F o od st ur r Corp. whieh served u s tho dis-- tributiog agency to ccusuaners. The selling price~I:; iow.::: : : ,: ." :.: : . :: : . : : : .: : : : : ...,__. ,1 : of ri ce by t he co ll ec ei on aW fn c y to t he di s tr l bu ti on

    ____________ _..!.. __ __l .--~ngel1ey (tbn t i s, t il e wholesa le price ) WItS fixed fitye n per koku i ll 1941 and w a s r n is cd only onceThu s n producer received a total of 6 2.50 yrn 46 yon in N ovem ber ]1 )4 3. The retail price tok o k u for all rico delivered lip to 90 percep t of was sligbtl_y higher, nv u !' og in g o bo l) t

    q uo tn , 1 02 .5 0 yen forca,ch koku between 00 per ko.ku, and "'M intended tt) COI'III' the1 0 0 pe r~ . el lt of bis quo ~ll,. a.nd 162,50 : y e l l _1'I~elICU)S operllting co sts , le ss su bs i.d ie s. T he c osteacb k o k l . l , o bo l' c 1 00 penmn t of his q1!Otn. subsidy aecouo.tcd for a large portion of tho!orda, however , recci vcd corresp ~ of ~he iIIJil)istry o r Ag ri cu lt ur e l in d l !~ or l! !l 'f hc se e xtr a p re miu m s w()re paid on Ilmoun~ing il) th e 1944 fisc!>! yen!' to 770II ? overll11avorngo by ITrens. 1'llther thaI!. Y O I l ."~dun l fll'rmcrs. C OD sequenM y,illdil'id~ ro prices. (in cLuding subsidies) f O ' r bLll"iey,dI d 1l0tneoossllrily receive the promLlJlllS b ll rl ey . when~ , sweet p ot at oe s" p O tl lt oc s a n dde se r ved . .



    Table 47Official G(wtt'nm'(t!,1 P'llrth.tt_li'~gPri,~ oj Pt'iIJCiptl,t A.griCI IJ~

    IIIrat PrP

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    p'nI"r Trmdl. 1.9JHI . . I.J , 0 1 ". -< 1 0 f ar essOn 1M eve 01 the war apsnc ". I. . . . tt ''''''I to tilB proc lie-salisfatlon posiuoa ,n " respec r Ilion and ~\"'lliJability 01 civilian suppws [~nl!in the eM< ' 01 food. OJ,iliaD supply production"1\.; o n !! o f the first phases of t h e , J npaDCSI leconomyto f c - e l t b e o i ll ' ec l s of th o' w ar w it h C hin a, and . there..-IIS- a ded ine both in I he quanl ily an d qllahty ofs u eh c ommod it ie s. in the period from 1937 to10 ~ I. By D e< .:e mbe r 1 9. J( L he civilian su~plysituatioll. ,,185 n ot er itieal, bu t ther e WIIS hUlec us hio n to IIb sor b th e c 1f ects o f n d r as tic c u rtail-m en r of production w hie h r es ulte d f ro m the cue-b re ak o f w ar ,After the ;"18.IIrhuriall incident of 1 931 an dthe ee es eq ue ut e mp ha sis u pon indnstrisl o\lLpll~

    for rorei:m markets, Japan began her r om "c!'Yfrom the ills of widespread un emplojm ent an dgl'llcral"ffiiion w hic h 8 ~ that time affecled thee nt il '1 ' w or ld . I ro n, s te el , , ch em ic al , and machinet oo l i n du s tr ie s grew rapidly in t he e xp an di ngm ilillU 'y a tm os ph er e a nd b eg un to a b sor b SOUle 0 (the 1,5(ljM)OO unrunp lo r~d . D r 193;, when a:q)o.rtsreached II peak of 31 ,0 00 ,0 00 yen an d importsr osa to 3, ;00,000,000 yen. t h is a b so rp ti o n WIIScomplete, .By 1035 UlI) standan] of living of the urban

    ~ower IIDd mi dd le i n ~o ll le groups was considcmblyunpro'l'~. ever previousY~lIrslind i n c ompa r iso nwa s ~lI. I~J_1' { 'om lorlft M e. A lthou gh the sem i-f?udeli:sue rumllll'1'M did DOt. k ee p PO t 'l l w i th ll.I"ISI!,. G O'i'1!1'llll11m t sla b i l i z l l . t i o n of r i P n p n . - .~ ~IlnU1Crea5l1lg 8c(j ''1Ly I II t he ! 1O . memark t b'I lif ' If' ..e oom me do ~ tIe IInnu out of !be 1930-31 ai .. 'rxtremc pOJ1'wty. o ug !, o fFor the 2-yeu t period 1936-3; aVers um! !r e xp en d it u re s in Jo p n . '!lge COu-

    i!! Uo it .c d S lI lt 0 5 d ol la r l en n . s: t : ~ ~ ~ ,JnOYl l ted ,7 0 p er ce n ~ o f l hl ll cOUlllry'sgross'.O,OOO,OOO, orof $ 9,20 0,0 00 ,0 00 . F or the Mille nQ~lo t lOlp roductpcnod, consUmllr '

    Tnble 50l.dll'liI,,".DSSlIB.tho United States, whose poplIJntioH was a k . . . . ' . . _'. M"" "'['eat as Lhat o r GCI I ma ny ' '. J The outbreak of tbe Chine incident InJul_y."'l~Q~" o . ." 01 31)~n ..' d"' I ." ,hose gl'oss natioucl product o r $84 7 0 0 0 0 0 1937 resulted Ill. (I. g1'oater wereion, 1'0 o live.. .... G.' . , ~ , I to O Loin 1outpu t, of consumer goods to tbeG.'qlort11'115WIce that o r . . urm~ny aud nmc tllUes t l" 'l Ilnrk( )( .' aud tho military services. BeLwennJoP"n,oonsHmclcxpenditUl"eS!UllOu~tcdtoSOOA1936_3i and 19'10 the real value of consumer000,000,01"72 pel"cellt.oftllogrosslllttlOnnlprodQe.,pcndiLuras rase, bub with the out break o[ihllOu a per ClLpll.t\ bnSIS,COJ1SUl l lCr c)q)etldilu~ GI:eotcr Eas t Asia wu I' in Decem her 1941 theyJapan du rin g 1 936 -37 Iwer1tgmL l 'ougl~l ' al,;t,rtc(\ to decline, nn d in the l(l.tter stagesof thecompared w ith S 36 4 [01' Germn ny an d s4iS'II..,n fell veryshnrply, i n m ar ke d contrast to thetho U nited States. W hile such comparisons 'lllitcd Stntes, where th e r ca! v alu e of consumersubject to many limitations., ohey oro s U g { ! 1 S I . e . , p c . l I d iL u r e s rose s t e a d i l y throughout tho w r u -of the COlllpnroth 'o1y meager resourees t he Japanese ci villan population even in till!' On the bas is of th e a bo ve index and t.he Pl"~peace, a s it ua ti on which largely precluded viously mentioned average consumer !lc":pc.u.di-e ste bli sh me nt o f a ny s ub sta nc ia l cushion o f ~~u r e s for 1 IJ 36 --3 ; , I be.roaL value of.tllc civilian, .. .. ahu ro of the gross llatlOnol product Ul 1944 wa ssum er g.oods in OnL1C[pat.!01l of war. time shorteg . 00' Ior J'. ""235"" ""0 000 IFr tb d: . f tb J $5,300,000, 0 or upon, ",. , """vv , oram ." e S,1 l1 l .POl l ] "0. e Iwer,oge.. aplll r,o ... . d "L03 qo o 00 '0 000 . for tho U njted. il' ". f lent uermOIl)' an "'. ,", ,CIVI ,~ b Je t o t he se o f tl , it is suggestive of thn declin e whichSLates and tbe 1ll01'C progressive We8 during tho wur in I.he o vo r- n ll J ap ao cs ccouutrics. ta..n dH d of livin g, A ssuming LhaL the nntionll i

    o par iLy bc~wcel l Japflll nnd t .h e U n it edwere tll'ioll Qf even three times os high ASIe of e ); cn au ge , th o rrtl I \'fl Lu e of~hc percon su mer cxpcu ditm .o in J'lj)nn wOll ld hlJ;\'e

    been no more l hon 321Il ,comparcd wi th $773 forLhe n il.ed States, in 1944 . )lIn king full l) .U ow.alice for the IimilalillnB of t he datil, it $tiU appearsIairly certuiu t . L w . t by midIM& Japan W88 fastn ppron chin g, or ltnrl. reached, II situ ation in hoarcivilian eco no my w hich directly, as a result, ofundernourishment, inadequate clothing, nnd in-odoqunlv housing, nod ind irect ly as 0 r,08.uiL o rimpaired morale nmongst, workers and theirf om il ie s, w ea ke n ed h er power 'Ilf rCSi!ltnllce.Bcenuse of (he growing scarcity of certainkin ds of clothin g m nterials, [00 tw ea r , hOllSl)I10IdIurnishings, agrieullUl'aI implements , and rubberan d po.pcr products, tlul standard of l iv ing in bothr u r n Ian d u rban I1.I"(W.8 -Iuiled to keep pace withrising wages an d salaries during the per iod 1 937 -4.l, though food was {niTly p!uutiful and housingou ly slight.Jy m or e erow dcd than usual. .A susual ly happens whet ! wllge5 and salaries arc in-crensing more r apidly than [ood, clothing, an dhousing eO iLE an d \:he supply of those item s isdeclining rulnti:I'e to t ot ll I d em an d, II larger pro-portion of l.otnl c iv il ia ll i n come found its way intos av in gs a nd t ax es , while !Ismaller proportion ~\.a.sspent f O I f oo d, c lo th in g an d housing, nvmgsBureau estimilWl;of consumer expcndi \lIl"I"5 forJa pan pr op er show a drop in t he p er c en t ag !! of1 ; 0 1 : : 1 1 . 1 i ncome spent, for food from 2 . i percent illJ 936 to 21 .3 percen t in 1940 and 14.9 p er c 'P l tL i n1944; Ihe proportion spent [or clothing romainingnearly eon stan t at 0.0 per ecu t fr om 1936 to 1 94 0.bhon fal liug sharply 10 1.3 percent in 19'14; whilesavings and t~XC$ together increased from 21.0p ereon t in 10 313 to 'i1.1 percent in 1940 and 6 1. ~percont in 19#.

    Table 51

    A a imi l Ill' estimate, 011 a som ew hat moredetailed b ns is , p l' Cp ll re d for the SUl'''ey by II.r es ea rc h n s:s od nte of the M i Ls ll bi~ hi E c on om icl l' f, s~ ar ch B u re au , g h: cs the disbribution 01 in.come[ or lin a ' 'o l"o &:o family of b wo n du lts an d threechiLdron in tile IO Il'Q l" in ao megto up. T h.c latter


  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living



    t........'--"'llpate II


    been uo more than S219, compared wiUI $773 forthe Uni to.! latl'.$, in 1044. Milki ng full allow-unco .lor t h " l im it a tions of tho data, it slill appearsfui!"lycl1nllin lhul by mid- IM5 ~IIPar~IV~S fostapproaching, o r b od r ea eh ed , 0 situation III herciviliull eeenomv which dircolly, as 11 result of1111dernnu r ishmant, inndeq 116 to elo tuing, snd in-adequa te hous ing, and i l, di rect !y 6S n result ~rimpu ired morale amongs: workc!" and lh~lrfamilies we n k en e d her power of resistance.J3ecn,;!I(' of the growillg searelty of certainkin ds of dmhing materials, footwear, househeldfuruishings , agr iclI ]l llrru implements, and rubberand paper produeta, Ihe staudard of Jivill~ in b~thrural nn d urban a re as . (n i le '" to kaap P llc () W IU ,t is ing waees and sa la ri es du rwg the per iod J 93i-< 1 . 1 , Lbou;h food WlIlI fa irly p lent ifu l and hous ingonly slightly morn crowded thon. u~unl. ~\.sUSl!.~Uy happens when wages and s ll J, !I 1e~ II re in-orcnsing mere rapidly than food. dOlb~, Oll.t!hOllsingcosts l ind Ihe supply of those items ISdeclining rel ative lo total demand, 0 larger pro-portion o f t ot al r i\ "i li ll n i nc om e found i ! < S '~Q,y intosnvings u nd tuxes, while e a m . l 1 1 1 er proporuon .wnsspent for food, clothing nnd hcusing. u....n~Bureau es! imnles of consumer expenditures forJapan Ilroper show (I drop ill t he p ll l"< :c u ta g c ?[Lotru ineorne spent [or rood from 2 .7 percent III1936lo 21.:3 pcreent ill i!H Oilnd 14-.9 pert'pn~ ill19"; the proportion spent for clothing remainingne l t r l.Y cons tan ! n19.0 porcent Irorn 1936 to 1114-0 ,then 'folling sharply to 1.3 pereent ill19cUj whi leso,vinSS and til li tes togcther increased from 21.0percent in 1936 to 41.1 pcr !'~I lI . in 1940 and 6 1 A percent in 1944.

    Table 51

    A similnr {'slimat{ ', on iI sOlllewbllL morodoMllcd bUllis, j)rep!ll'ud [or Lh c Survey by 0.res('.wh IIssodnlo of the :\.litsubisbi EconomicRosc!lrch BI!!"ClIlI, g iv es t he dis lribu tion of income(01' nn nv~rnge family .o f Lw o adults lind I 'Meochildmu ill t bo l ow er m(lOIllIl gr,oup. Tb .c ldLm'


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    ) ,( om l p r es s u re 10 s av e a s u bs ta n ti al p or ti on ofODe's elll'llings ' < 1 ' ' 1 1 8 g ro al an d m o st c on s um er g oo ds. .. er e b ec om in g i nc re as in g ly s ea r oo as th e 113 rp~~ w ith the r esu lt that the nl'~n1ge workerIII!d Itis family $j>I'nL a fairly een st a nt p e rc e n ta g eof lb~ir r i > i Q ! ! " in co me o n food, bu t pmet icnlt", Ioubled the proport io 0 of i n o ome ; ; ,]ved between1?36 lim! 194 4, u ad decl 'l 'l ls e d t he ir n> ln t iv c expen -ditures for all other e en su me r g oo ds a nd w"'~.ecs.B~twecn UI . 1 . ' ; en d 193i ci"ilinn eensumptionof .J8PIl~l'Sl co L ~o n n n d w oo l clo I II increnSe.. n r alk' s~~~'\"" I_II, er Rub~~ Wood '~':"t'correspondingly small stocks of d I~~._ ._ __. !In 8 I.. ,. ,08 ~ ,0>P~POI'n nd p ulp Qnd.r~!~ber lor cl"il'~n usc, O I L : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : - - " ; : f l~ ~ I: li.i I~ I~ ~ III l:,'! Uu s!y ~h c r ntc 0 1 c iv ilia n c Olla Ulllp tlo u h ad 14t : : : : : : :: : : : :: : : :: : : : :: : : :: : : : :: : : : :: l~ l~ 1 ,\ l~i ~ '~ :; g l~ ~ '~d rn st tc ol ly r ed uc ed b y tho en d of 1 94 1, to n p o l l : : ~ : : : : : : ' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : _ : l 8 1 g ~ m l ~

    oobl! uceordiug to reIlS(Jlluble standards of warmth,uornfort lUI.! 3cl'\"ic"ll.hiHLy; in tbe caae of rubbertires IIlld puper, Uti tbll.~ amount, flCOCSSllty to keepcivilian vehicles ill running coudit ion an d topermit eontiuued publ ication of newspapers andt < l .xbookll. So sa t I lI I , l i he se minimrnreqire-mellLs d o n ot r epr esen b " bedr oek," b ut somethingb eL ,v cl lI I l hl lt an d norma L u n r es tr ic te d c .o ns um pLion, In view 0. 1 the t enuous euarecter of .slIoho stim a te s o ne C II lI llo L attach 1.(10much significanceto bile followillg t.nblc, bu t ih is suggestive uf tu ed ec lin e w h ie h o cc ur re d in til oovC '- "O I I J l l P I l II(!S()sMlldllrd o f l iv in g .

    Table 53


    During this period of the war, m on ey \\lo ges a ndsalaries of mnny oeeupational g ro up s c on ti nu e d tori se a t l in 1 lrn :a1emt ing rllctc,\\,Weh exceeded theGovernment-eoatrollcd cost of living, However,beeause ef the shortagu of c o n s u m e r goods, theCl

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    50 y~ D perulouth; >1 further deduct" C< !U t l j r . ,] l o l l " mouth for each depeudent from I . t O I l o[ 1 hrouShou~ t bo p re -a ir rn id 1'~";odoI tho w nr ,11 d Thu Ie ~1, luck mOJke1," priees rOBe stendll,Y, jnmpingtax was ,0 _owe " s, I\, mOll wiH ". ", _ ,,_ " ' e. of "00 ' ) "00 Il Jld 3 d01lo' d' ,I a IOU ' pidly upwnrd m most illS, trulCes ,,,nh, the o,llsetIIlCOlllG ~ " ' ~U 'on ls " ,.]> J' ' I - .. , bl k.-, hs of 1G5 ymt " \VoIIIJ rur n .Hnc" ,s . ~y u y J M5 L llo ' u,~ market"[Ill Lllconte' . ".' per InOl II .'. [ Is 1- , 'f'l is ""I~''~ . , .. 1 I In I,gl"!ces o lTl ,ostcousumer goo . war e 0111-'e, IWQf"ogeor g 2percell" 0 1 ~ ",_V"", mCOIrtIl ,. I! t] I' [Ii '.1 [ I' _,, ., ,,. I ", _ , .. umoa ellg re r IIIn .. e 0 'UII" Ill"IecS, or t loseW l u lo , so . :mgs nne r"~~es COll Iq flods, mnging from 10 Limes bi!; ;l le.r in the ease oftho PIJ~bn

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    ('6~;. Ill" "IIdow tho 1~3 , 'I ' (I', d D ol faD su b;;11li!!lH ',1 A[ the ,VIIr .son ., 1 0 O H )I I 1$ " dI t,v el u n til th e t!l.ill to '(OllS p ro du c ti on h 'I nCf,cao;ing dCllIaIllls fO f m uiu I .' 0 0 toOOr 1 9 - , 1 3filii' II piau L 11 , , 'l ho G um !l .n . ' 1.(1 ormu ,e , -, of we'''lan"hi~h c all ed f or f ur ib e . . c o U I I 1 l , ~110~ rai,ls on l.huII I ilUpar! 0 811'1 '. ~ I" o c o n t I I U Y , lit t,,~ I' f ~ tall, ..J I he un p (l-cush ion of C(lII>umcr goo rtc d ( lu rin g 1 93 5- -3 8,the cities to ,scuk she lt 1 J r w i th f rio nd s a ud rei u 's par capita c ll ,U i ll l1 CO tl SW l lp li ol l o f c ot l W _Sl:jutlrt! yllfuS... ' .. , "" v1"; uildings. . Those who w or e u,na.bJe to of the Tcx~ ije nn d tho head of thllto f i1 1d l i I< ing SP(l( ) ( l lvitli fdeuds i!ithar Control Association, !tu ulUlua! pc!" llalliLII.L ?g cth er s hu ck s [ ro m s cr np m ota lo nd 1 1 ' 0 1 : 1 1 1 . 11 of 25 to 2 8 s qu ll rc yords of COttOIls it e o f ~ he il " b tl r i le d homes O J" s pe nt I ,h elf ;I to !I - Y!lJ'ds o f w oo! d oth is suill.ciontrOR lu i ng t he s tl 'e e t, s I tn d tllei~ JlighL.s ill \JJe 511 prm'idll on adequate, if n o t f li ll pl e, wlm:lrobe.u n d r u ilw u ys tU L io ll S. R m'I I1 inllu,bitnots, oU F oll ow in g th e o utb I'c nk o .f the Ohinn incidonto ~h cr h ll nd , w er e o nly i nd il' Ce Ll y a :l fc ct c ( by July 1 93 7, tho [Yroduct ion im por ts an d I l . . " ~IIII' r ni ds -c lo th in g, h ou so ho ld f ur ni sh in gs , or text.ile cloths. began to dcclille, whilefO.!,!l) e qu ip me nt b ec am e lllOTC difficult to" 'l U I t he destl'uction .of fnetm'jes, roWolld stocks o f f iu i sh e d goods, b ut r isin gmll~ket" rood l)l 'iclls swelLed ~ he ir i nc om e sth eI r h ou se s r em o in ed ullda:mo.ged.


    1 935 LIl0 toxlH e iu l u ~ try h ad u ss lim ed tlo r , g. ro n. t iIIIpO Nll I Il'U ill I Ite ,J!l pauesedespite 0 notab le lack of requisite raw"rillls i ll lhu homelaud. J'upan was dependunt,imports from 1he United tnh:s uutl BritishC O l " 9 p~l'Cetlt,of l,h6 rnw cotton consumed,

    10 9'1 percent of thn wool used WIlS obtainedAustralia, On l y rn", ilk,' an import-dIlLI't i tem, wus i',mI!;Il!)OuS to Jllp~n. 1' 0 olfsetcr it ical dep em l Q!! De UpOll foroign SOl!l'''CS rOrmnteri,lls, J u pa n ~ . xe rt .( >d tremendcus afl'orlll

    , ] ev c lop tlt( rayon a I1 d s t ap Ie fiber in d u si ry, tl n de r e xe re io n S w er e cr ow u ed wi tit ( ;0I ll l idttnJ bl 0


    C/"jll."" P>W!*.d""oj a.,b, 1",/,." ,o J Lw f,f.,m"I... IU!ExJl6r11 "I C/o'b,J"I""', P"'P-. 193~1J.II~u. lm . .. I O OJ

    10 'pClpt1Wb(.lIrI. lIlt!: lJ I). 1 ' 1 1 J o 1 I U l ' II(lm llIilllU'Ilh Uw a~~(ebut : r l . ' I l P o l 1I11klunl1~.

    mln1.mUUl " lwil lfdJ ~ !n l . h L t ~llOf1 " ' " t o : ! dll~nntnl)J blh~i1Ul6.\i) 'Tt)I1110 ....ISOt:.iD!ioll I.n~ .tie Te..ull:o D~I.I rn 'hl'l't"!omm.~I l \dwtr)~ }.H_DI.n1'1'.

    IOU . . . . '''' ~~:~- ., l' ,~; ''''"l'I 100 1001 '0 0 ]~2lib, '" . . . ,. , Lg,n -'1(19 ] ' 1 ] ' &;l "" . , u :t,he demnu ds of U lO rniliL.!l'Y inercased, both illnbsolute nn d relative terms, 1ncreased purchasesub roud of ini t iul WAf m at er ia ls r en de re d rllOproblem of foreignll:1(eJulJ1ge crucial for tl,e .Japll~nese," oupled with this, purchase negotio l ionsf or A .u st r a l i .UI wcol broke IIown , ,,; til n t tendan tlosses in tIm prod u e ti 011 of w(}{llen c I0 til. Importsof A ustruli an woo I dro IIped 53 pereea t between1 9; J7 n ud 1 94 1 , while exports of wool doth decreased60 percent; this wa s uecornpunied by IIH percentcU I "o o ilm cl lt of c iv i li an consumption. lIS a largerproportion of w oo l e lo tit wa s d iv e rt ed to mill tIlryuses, Hnd it ne e been [ or th e " ," cr y r e al s tr id esmode in the production of synthetic cloth, neces-&try r aw n :m te._ ria ls fo r w hic h w ere I Ivai l ab le e i the rin t he J 'a p ll ll C 'o o h ome la n d or nearby areas, thetot~ l n mou n~ of clotn m nllu in ctu red in 1 94 .0 -4 1w ou ld h av e belln m u ch le ss . O uLpu ~ of syntheticc lo th , w hi ch amounted to 6 33 , 000 , 000 .squwey ar ds in 1 9 4' 1 , w a s e xo ee de d o n iy by the !,roductionof cotton cloth.

    Table 59

    Iln~~.J[numbtf, ; 11P7-l00] ,8U I. S)"ll l IwUC! I

    lm 1 Stgo) ,r u100 100:~ I'll~ ' i ! ! : : 'L. . . ,11 . , H -"I to,~J "~'0 11 \ ' 3 1" ".u. ."

    ,~,(1;11 1 1 "","'Il:IllI 1[LIj!!Udil,!!tlIo.~0l.iUI~ ~Is~d.. Ilbrr.I~ cbnn OcANlwn1.!l.o Ul\'.. \P!~t1'1.t whit; :...I l u ~D U:I( Ii I I I ' No nC ' t o f ! omlQntlU'ib~rU ~td~pcru to o ~ Itt ~Ir:d yll!tl~blot'.k mt1.Iitzl~ wotd""to dh.--rn~tu I nt o ~ 1J iAi 'b1. cl 1t l. lr l p roduN


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    .\. (If nil" w O I . ' 1. 'locli'pl Ill!! ." "h il .' t he r e Wll." some ~ . 1 '1 3- A lld tn~1 IIIIInd woo I~" doth be h\"t'~J1, 'Ill':'l!" I~f(' i" Ill)- . T' I\'qllll\'" fanliripndon n f m ll i" ry I I cm p' ( II I tbe !ll1fl, IIC\"id~II("o' of uny c (> !l c~ 'r ' ." ( - s l ~ r no; ; of cloltllllgtbo J~p81L"';l' 10 bu dd u f, r-Ihr ri"ili,lll popu-m~l..ri~[;; \0 1ll~llh e n l 'l .' ! 0' - r iinish 1I1P[!l,U three f li do rs ' I > p o ! I ' U ted tn < m .'. iy of dmhing forlho ei "i li on p

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    . _ it be

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    IIdl'qUlllc stlpply of f~(" e lts Il ro \ \, ,, r r >1 1 l' o ft hi s i n du ; ;; tT lOl'Olll uiu C ." I I- ., . _ . . 'Ili'u rnpt 1011 .p ro du ct i~ 1I ( or dorne:;II~~ ( th~ Chill~ illdl[clItfollo,, the , 1 ') 1 .I 1 ~1 I ~ sk~ . ' '11 do""jncronscd,i n . .hdy 1!l3'. I}rodudloll 01 ~ ~\!, (] n g rl 'M I 1Um b( 'I ' o f I ll (' h O ll le ~bop~

    'f~ble 67

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    . . ~ l J . " ' ' ' ~ proper, 1~3'J-4} _. . ' . oj 1l,~I""r " " ~ - r - : : : : -D"I"lMI"'~ _;. - I~ I I~ID I I~II lO i~ ID IS ""----,..-- ~ 18). ..a01 I 1; I " :l tJ -- -- ; ; - ; : ; - - . . . . ,~ . .... l.rj~ 2.~ l.~ 1 ,~ l.:~ : : n '

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    I . .'totanus anhloXI!l I.' I"" 1 I 1 0 U I l I I,oluu , ,_1'''' I I , e CI\ 'I 'l :i un popu I Iuon 11 n I '" I''00 194')-U' I \ . " sun!" . . . . ..' -" 1\1[itres for tho pen . - .' '~_ 4 'li00 lilrt'S. 1 , a O O . Hml. U ll ' m ed ie nl SI'I'I'I"'~S of u ll, I is i r i lmll"I: . ,boll""'cr, '~~ ( l: ;, ~r t~ l: !" o f 1l\.~I!I'nl b~~n , , ,'ui lublc, th(>l"C would hn ~'r b C~ 1I (In addlt!on 10 I I . r 11th Iliswlo(TICal 0 ~ n t'f 01 InO>'I (I ,. "., for ,wery 6 0 IW!'SOIl.~,. fit 10 whi~hsuppl ies, !l ain)', I II. ..' '. "Owill" [0 HIl'lf I fI " I co nsid er hU'goo tlrOibonl(oril'~ Cl. when viewed III th" Itgbt o rin abi],l)' to " ,., ' . I y , - " um . me 10 n Iu ti I. 011 the I I f ~I'ln61\ ' l i~HI work "Irlunily on u ~ I\ot nenr ll ' .Jnpnnrso st.lIlLIl rr 5, I" , ~(Jre WIlS a shOI 1- . I 1 hr l "" (If doc WI'S "'3' . 'physiciu n s, it WIIS no I; sene us. ft~,other huru lie s 0 8,,_ .' Bl~'(I, Of the esti-50 SCr iOIl" 8S had been ~ I){lNP- . _, . Iar ECONOMY UNDER AIR ATTACKHI, THE JAPANESE C IVIL ..... - . . . .. .

    (ceding , r~c[o tl l! l Jg , nur l Hlil.ollsmg' of lhns~b emos wo r e d e st r oy ed by tile nil ' raids, o n dto the e: of bo I II .G ~rUlmly au d

    J U pl ln w e re ~llbj''('loo 1 0 " tn ll cg lc 6 L r ~u",cb, .8ndill .both C&'5I$ Ihr r~~ulting dest rt lNlOIi . o f ( o~ !,~ z . ; ' d hOUSUl" f~rI[j-d ot b illg. h.ousebold I u """"mgs , 811 '"t iL";CO [ ;lribUI~d someth ing to the u l ti m at e c ol la ps eof their powersof re; ishUlOu, I II neither C!l!!r J.>

    it 8c~[l_mll' 10 claim tlmt bomb d~magc 10 !lIB("h-iliiL~ 1Ik of the G mi te r E ast .,\.sin w ar, the J a p a u e scs ta nd a I 'd of Ii,ing bega n 10d ee li ne from is II I nmdy10' " fevel a t un nccdl 'mt lng' ro te , so tha t br thelime of the IlLl'gI'-SC!Ilc ni t lUlnoks in ::..Inroh '104;;,there "'lIS .-inuruly n o cu shion M t. [0 ab so rb th eimpact o f a ir ,vor,. T ~I ' Ja pa ue 54 ! c iv il ia n c an gI.l~u lo ng O IL le ss, o , I . I : I < J d id grl Blong 011 less 111 ntbo averoge G~rmW1. b ut ( he re is an i r r'C! iuc i bl r .min imum ooyond wllic}1 n o on e CIIn !?l) wilhoutel'!mtunUy S[Jcc.~.hing 10slarvetion I i~dd i seuse ,The Jnpa n ese c, VIIUIIlpo (>li la (ioll wa s Jar c !' . tthis h.;ypolbeliclll brca kin ", 'poim thn n IISCfllo.

    _ ~_ 'C ' ',[I \V flIS lJ CGerman civilian popu lation when lbv wnr ! dTI d t [. 'fl' en! Q ,10 IlS rue Ion !II lcltld upon III ~ t' - '1 ' . ."n,pSllt'SC{ ." ., 1 0n economy within (he tellllively s!lllrt t l m uof f J ) . ! m._oJlt.lls "'II!! lIS great lIS t h u t '1"/1 ' 'I IG II' ule ~ < UpOIte MU ." ny . II nn.g n 3-yeo t period TI l .bb'l b I' .'. lIS ISn In 11(,.n Q to t e . I~ u " 11 '1 ' B nd m or v C ll nc l' Jlt " I .w i t . , b inp.endiery oo'nh!! to t il " - "" ", (M It ?' nUo.cks1 '1' r' ,. , .,.11 . o r m fl ilmmII ICy 0 lite :Japanese u rban atcu s lo!l ' u -(( un ey of u l(-IM clim me' lI IU " "" [ ' k' '( ' 'n ollr-'''- n "11 for the


    I !q l1 c! ll io I1 l! hl ~' p hl YI 'd n p ll rl , in shapiug -lapan'sudsillH to surrender.Si lO r I f !g o of civilin n s" [Jplies h n d " f fir Il""~

    L'riOI1B offect 01 \ In !H m' S n .b il ity to p ro ae eu towar than ~h!l foorl shortage, EVl'nlO the doySl ine nd er, t , 1 t e ,J Illl Itn esc h n d su cce ed er l ill elo th-un d hOl1sillg themselvos by Lh " ) l\ O SI ~ t ri ll g" nL

    tion,rllpccinlly the ol'ererowclad h ou sin g e on di-tions, 110 dOl rh t had Mil'" t ' lI~'c! on till' i'ffidcllf'ylind product iviLy o{ .J'\Jl""el

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living



    J. J AP A N 'S P R EWA R l l ' IANPOWER POSIT ION~pll/~tirm G ,. ". .r b " ", I , 1 M - lAbDr r l l ) T U , 1939- -40P rior to ti,l' ou tbreak of ho:;tiJitiC 'S with

    China in.J uly 19.17. III allJlOWl'r WM Ii III in ee p roble rn in . J8p t1 l l f uppro.timat,,!y iO m il li on ( 1 93 6 ),th or e w as Oil abu nd an ce of w or ker s for peacetimerequirements, lind Il long.dL'I",lopcd ~\.."t~rn of! ' O C l B I l in d poli t ic al ; eg im 'Jl t ft tion mini mi ~l~leon-t 1 i < ' " l b('tw!'luol' loren increased, but showed slightumerical losses, '''hile retaining u predominnnt,s iti Oi l ill the ei I' iii au h. b or ro re o, 1 I! ;l 'i cu i ~ l! re a n dreslry nevertheless represented only 4'2.6 percentth is fo rc e i n 1940 a s c omp a re d wi t:h ~8.1percentH130. This contrests with manulncturing und= - - : - - ~.I-:..:..::~.::::=+:Jpllskuclioll w hich r epr esen tee! on ly 20 per cen t oI:ro~::u.". 1!il.4 n .,wlabor force il l HI30 u n 'd 25 pereen t in lM O.g ! : : : D . J : : : I l U l " i . i ; " : : :: : : : : : :: : : : : :: : : : : :: : ~ : : : . rt::~. j , j i . " i j A study of the eivilinn labor force for itsZ~~ ree a ' ; i i r i i i O i i o i m i i l i . ir ; . i : : : : : : : : : : : : : :t ~ : : ~ : ; _,c om po sitio n ( lis cio Sf )s a dd itio na l e vid en ce o f

    ~~I"", : r ! , m i i i: : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : . . . I~~ I::: Ie extent of In]lun's lrall!!ition townrd lnduatria li-c T ~ : . n n ~ . : ; ; . : ' . l ' ~ k o ~ ' : D " :'' :.~ ' : . ' i 1 i. , ; ; _ . : . .. . . i . ;' ' '' . : . :. i . i o . : :. . : . : . . ' . : . , : ~ . : . , : ' . : ' .: , , : , , : ~ , : , , :, , : , , : J = : ~ I : : l : ~ I Ltion, Moles in r nn nu fu ctu rin g n nd co nstlu o.

    _,__ >v . I=:: ' : : l on in cr eased I w m l w i . . ,o l l y from ~,130,000 inn.rmun,m, ",d 1>ro! ., ' !; r 'WOI. t 10 0' ~_ .- .. .. .. . l iL i. l U l l 930 to 6,l70,000 in UNO; i ll g O l' ommc n t and~~Ie ~r\ i a, . _~~~!.:.::::::::::::::::n s lUl..8 1 1 . 4 -e' r of os sio nu l o cc up at io ns , f ro m 1,360,000 t o 1 ,5 10 ,-- : : 8 o u t o o l = - : : ' : C o ~ m - n - T I : - " ' - I r - . . - , . . . _l__ L_.!...I 00; il l unnsporterlon and eonnnunieations,

    \\:I.f ) 1 I 1 ib1 r yQn tJ : l .1 ' r (l UlItlll ~lIm1!lloo b) ' t l iG C"bJM lI . : DU I "I ' Ii ! !J01 IE' un fl:t)l.' W.1M.... 'om 1l1J7,000 to 1,210,000; an d in mining, from,71,000 to 529,000, Tbese inereases were pri-ln rily at t he e xp en se of agl'icuiturc an d forcs1iI'YM ob in H130 claimed 'i,730,000 males as COUl-ared to only 6,610,000 in 194:0-.. dcerense of,120,000. Commerce sIlITcl'~d" loss of 400 ,OOU) ales d II r i ng the Sil me p orio d 'Llld f i sh l l1g >111 domes ti c 8m 'v ic es Q. c om bin ed lo ss o f I Ip pr ox i n m l;o ly2 ,000,'rho nJllIlbw' of fomales i nCrC

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    shlll between Ibn 1\10 . . 1 10 , , - . , 1 1 1 Ih~~~ twOimp!emcn(l-d by sn ",ltemp n'l i n . lnst r in l. !111l1"e ,"(Ill! II Cliivl'l'OOl j!."I"ol!P~ lOW p ~ to I "r g~ r O i l, '5svstem by bin,lillg :!) tH.Il. 'T , ""01I00m-1 uon of sub-. - . ,.. ' l ind r('J!"LU~.throu~b till' ed~Il.1Qn r i : : . i{nk,ljinm, forcontracts. .\ p~.~t , :,n:;~Ii-~ll~ t~ its (I\I'U air-, .; o ;~mp l l . wou ld hUH 1ll. . - I' 'bl'Oulrllct()rsr " r, - -1"lL"ely~L"gL'su"raft, sctones, U '" ,~- , . Thro w~ro, ill!l 1 1 " 1 on\.'5. ,.1. 01ud (l grrn t muu) - . [:\'.8 kajlll\lI Sap pro~ mdlely 250 'llf the IdH~r ,or. '-;"1 nlW. . 'l~dors I'('{.'t'l~"' .o (a complex alone, ,11 '"0 11 A ~,s lIl! ,Im ate rin ls f ro m th e p "l" I'n t ,,"' i,lu o f the oil iees 11'08 IIdmilli~! . tl r l!d lo y thoious Imr(,(,turps i n a c, 'o rd nu u e wilh polil'i

    olhel" efforts fuiled. PnrtiaLly beCl lUs{ ' of this anrlIllWIially b IW l LUS< l of the I imited scope of lh . . ea rlymeusures, only 850 males woreeonserlpted in 19:19.'I'hese wout into f om ' ..\rmy I 'lbor units, In 1940a lola! of 52,1:192males wos eOllscl'ipl"oI, OJlIi hI19~J ~!t(\ figure jumped \(1 2 5 ,192. '1 his !lilly b~cxp!nill.ed by tho r o d 1 . i1 l 1l .p r iv ll ll 1 1y oWlLl'd fuctA:>-ri~s "'Of 0 rc .ccivi llg oonscr ip t!'d workers we ll inudval lc, o[ IJw DcrNllbrr l '1 l y is i oo . o f tit" ('olls\'rip-tion 1,,\\,.' i\pponuix ("lI,ies DBB 11 lU I cee showt lte scope of t .he o)l\, iru cOllscr iption progr ll T!I.

    t il b . m U ' Ll D ll :s un .l 1. n J Il lI 'O I ] 'O J I i I I ~ICT U:! b&8111t. IWlI11 f \Tu;l ~ inGI~.\1en ' " t t1, mr_l'l'I b.. L n l id '-iUt~ n.! ~b(l ill' ' ' '' ' rl A l o r III! I lL l i Jn iA l NUlnllll-i:I!'1"IBli ' l .~ l I iIZ ! U


    ( LW'e of en l I\1oLrl luut of workors 10eueli l)~ eel . 0'1'" Ull! specified indus.!ll. Augu st IO :IS mid NOvl'lIIbllrI941, inclusivo. A elassiflcnticn, und turned over to the Welfare

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    Aft~nlPIS", Rwue. Lalw. TUrll.~tr .'. d .signed 10 S\.(lb,-.\.nother prl)\\'nr measure, . .. . .- . I' - ttinl lflduslnl1S, "asIi?,il lh e I" bor su p PS III ess ti r der i ssu~dthe ompl(I\'~'C Lum,o, 'cr pre"Nt 11.'1\,'. ~T . -b .. 19 '0 . .. ..ieh reslrictoo ll.le III0sible interruption. The following points

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    ~1 . dt.c=l 'UJ!b..~ = , ~ ~ t A d ~ ~~=~ -.~..ftd;fpotUlUD aa ' l1 aITIm'lmkl l l lgBi ~=---+--"~r.lNOlilt ' lX " . .Un!I!)QT_ I

    -~~-- oM "" "",uoI 0 1 " " ' Mm y ot DO l , ,< Iud!. I l O 1 > n ! C : i "~:,=:. ..~~ ...~.~ .droUInJ;t,1~~~.AU;I~:~-=~Ic1n1' .~.A Ul.~nn~~,~..==.......III_ of '"11d~

    re l r ol le h 1l1l'1l t in ~Ol' (um OJ I Lel'))I'IS(lS, 10 . 13I .[' 1 llO lcs ! lot til ~be Ia b o r Iorao ,2.13lint . u _ 'The plan called ntton~lol~ to tbe

    t u rt l- Ov ur 0 [ I n b o r" u n d .prOlmSG d 6 1 m ~ Slepsbe t 1k Co i l "to eheok this hen v y tU. I' II -Over ."' O lIO I L also vni d ,,!porl!m t ind u stl'ms. .. O ICC ( lOtlCQr l lthe !l Iorruo an d wolJ~belllg of ~he laborLII 'o s tlitclUClI ts, L h e : I n ' S t (I[ will eh SII id: "of til. , d ru p ill th e w ill 1;0 produce and kilt'delllriorlltil)lI of Ithe l l1bo!"(lI'S,specialb e p lo ce d on "fJ~r~. to IlIcsllrl'c. If~~ol'{"dnl'.,:e t!Jp ( lC t LV lt lCS o f ] li ll l' lo lm Prodsociel ies II nd ref 01 ' 111 L I III system o r Ia bor aut l'nd"m"' ." Tho second, desjgncd to '"urrenCll of disturballccs nm on g J nb O l' Il I' S ,"l im!' art icle YB of ~hQNat ionn l Mobiliz!Hioow ou ld b e i ll " 0 ked.T ho 1 .!)4 1 Mobiliznbion P II LI I,. m or e

    b cn si ve s( nt isL iC !ll ly t hu ll . (litlml' of UU I011\!J,. WIIS11ot put in 0 pc rn tion un til ~UJ ""''''''III. '!:!'''~ ..4!"n~,"(!, ''._ .,that year. Demand for l abor was2 ,210 ,000 aud supply a t 2 ,520 ,000 ,Ilion double the 1939 figures (Tables 78,a nd 8 1) . SoW"cesof supply 1Vi!l'O hbrec """"'~.~' '' ' 'general workers, tcmpornry workers, an d ln1 1 > be imported from Mauchcukuo, Ohine,o ve rs ea s emp ir e a re es . General workersbe suppl ied as Iollows: ew primary !uHI m,A----------------------...!....--school g rn du llte s, 32 .7 percent; bus iness24,9 percent; IIworkers from in du str ie s in ,,,,,_,,m:o:of rcorgl1llizing, Hi.S p er ce n t; u a em pl oy ed ,percent: general coustrucbicn workers, 6.3cent ; .Korell us , 3.2 Pe rc e n t ;. n r i scelleneeus "'~,.t.. fl"'..lii.,'2.7 pereent, home workers, 2,6 percent;meat and sclfcluploycd, 2.4 porcent; an dportatiou and cornmerco, ~.3 parcenb.The foiluwillg points were to be k e p i

    mind, tile piall said, in handl ig d0 lll6 n dsgenoml work ill'S:T I le . d emands will be divided into Lbolo win g c ute go ric s: m un it le ne , p vo du ctiO ll5 1 00 , n lL ~ it ia r. y i n d u s t ri es , c iv il ia n goods,

    portation, communicat ions, lind natiollalworks.Workers in gen eral bu ildin g' construclioP

    be kept 10 a lID n imu Ill. W (Irk c I'll needJ>d

    n (Iu! INnpor , II 'Y workers Cliu'.f.:ory,.t\Llotmonts of workers who are to oITwtIrilion, except t hose uceessary for restorin'"losses, will he used on mi! itrw)' contrauts i~

    '1 : ' , o.gri.uulluro, tmnsl1orlatiou, communicu-11m! other im portent in du str ies 1 18 well as

    r r~serv6S.'Work~rs Ior Ma n ch ou k uo . n gr ic u IL u l' .r .. J col-pro] e ets, rn embers of Lhe YO H lhs'

    Manehoukuo Coioniul tiou A.rmy nn d\Vorkcl";! to b e s up pl ie d from ,Jflpun properhll kopL to a minimum, A separate report,. be mn!! .. eover iug personnel needed in 1\\!1

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    "",'fram,.,ral&b'IIII.I~WUIIKrnDnml'w;'I.1i"kf.. ...,!\LM-~"'II:kn:\,"~IDW;ior~

    T1)f ~1 11 1"" L D~lI dl lf ""~ f t~ 1 lI IIP~yt ~n.Of1,tDdu;W.liJ.hI!" " - -Man't~ J....,.'" ( " .h lDc1: r~ ~~jh~ Governmem e om pu te d th e r eq uir em en ts

    for temporary workers ~l! to\olillg ~O.SO() ,OOOman-days.Regard ing olirn worker s, the pion cu lled

    for 1{O:"Ol l t uLOf(' rB 10 b o sent 10 . \!nnrboukuo,_a gb .a 1I "" , u nd th P Sou I II P B c i f i e, !I~ w e l l as to.I.upUll pro p~ r, for prod upt i0 Iloil" PIIII.sion n n d llB-liouDI def~m,.. projC('I.s, Chiul'Sc Inlwrers Were~o b l' ~"I'ti i n F O I 1 T lO > . ; ni ll product i o n . ~ ~ p o n s i O > Hm,lu8ll'lcs, Drmruuls o f th e I ! : m p i r p 011 J np n n~el u h u r LOlaled I 00,000. 1'l!bl~ 82 shows a t i p t a i l C ' t Ibn'ukdmvl! of til(' trrnpo>mry (liul ali. k"!Lh1 .'O riI'B . 'n \ Yor crGo.v~mfJ/CI!(,v;11lrofl~d Llbor OrgafJiznliomAn early pllllilt' of Ja pn n'ij ID obT. '11Nl"'"om w~ s II r' .11~"lI(lH".c - , . JP.' IlnI"al i O I l ollobor U I'I I us mO\'PlIu'ul 1 1 '0 " ~ 1' lr le d 1 1' 1" 11 '- 1 _ ll oI lS .- In n, " nll~ p o f

    J u ho r d is pu : tu s ," AeLmdly, labOI" U!l iOIl~,IIJr ,JupUH"SO sysl CU I o r go"ol"lu~ellL, IlI'VI'r"111 I;'r-tlut duat o f pOW~I. . ccord tng to [l il t!s o>u : r r .'S , r i lL ' pcnk. of ~he I l~OV(lUlO!H'sst tongl h, l1 'udwd III 1 9 ,3 6 . . ( h ~1 not eXc~Q\1 ~ 'D espi I ~ J h ls, I IIe 10 ta o II tn !"l~ u gO Y l'I'lIlllillhal lIuiouism was" d ls tu rh ln g ( 'h 'ln o-,lI9 1 1 Pp , . ..s si on w as hol h t ho r ou g h II ur i 1'1)1111,,,,

    Table 82

    t I ll ' ma i ll te l ll ll lCu of ( I i! ! { 'i p l: i u '! i ll work i1l1{l \n oL iw l' B ig ni fk nn t ph"sr of t!l,. work

    t he . J. :u id nr wp o f y ou th " li d 1 1 ll ' " s t" hl .i ql lln ~ nt ,yonlh work O rSlIlliv.n tin lls. -I'Q lil'l.l chiefs or 0 1hor 1 0 . 11 [ c o vc rm ll cn L o U i-

    llBliully hended Ih~ im lh 'i d ll n l ' ll lSOl ' iUJ . io n s .",..ruoxlri'll'ldy low n ud w~r" I, ;c llc l"UlIy pnidt he o ,n pl oy ef . These .IUI'S, togetlwr wilho rn me nt su ba idie s, on " bt~,! lilt' uSlIoci"ti(llmcnrry 0)1 Lheir n dmin istretivo and b~ncflt

    s, Although the !lugyo Hokoku Kaiidentified p rin ci pa lly w ith Iu ut or lc s UlI(I. mines,

    nlso had memburs in dopnl"l-l1lout slon's, ngri .ILtWO lind fishi"g. :N lcmbcrship in the hlll.e]"w as q uite a mn II , h ow ev er .mulnted by Government prcssur ll au d till'

    of L . L 1 C Suugyo Hokoku Koi, t!w p H r i service movement spread a . w i f L i y throughout,fields of JftpUU{So economy. For do(YII Romu H okoku Kai (Labor Patriotiew as d ev elo pe d, II10nl,; with n_ NogyoI Remme l (Agricultllre Piltri.ol,ie Fcdera-

    for I lg l ic lI ltU fl'. A Shogyo Hokoku KaiPdr iotic Society) was Q!'!;"nlli~cd [or

    ereinl store workors not digibl.o ror mr-m-r i p i l l tllP Snllgyo Hokoku 1 \ . 1 1 ; . , n nd n K ,n iu nleu D un (M nrirw 'Trnnspurtntion Patriodcf or morchn nt mn rine sni lo rs. Govormucnt

    were alse f>l'gn l1i7 .u cl. l:) ln tc' rn i !wo.yhad the Kokuyn '[ 'ei:S'l(lo Hokoku Kn i

    n t io n a] R I l- i1w ll ys Patriotic Socie y), connnuni ,s workers ~h(l ' I'eishin Hokoku Dan (Com-

    1111en tions P n tr i 0 L ic S o c io Ly) II lid n a v n l wo r k-the lCnigllll Hokoku D un (N "vy Patriotioy).

    D wlmds FroflJ JlJlTlI'h.llkIl_(J~Chiu4m~.dA . . . .d , I~'-~w Allol'll/ml, oj }4/!"'''".~ ThOOMI1(11)(ll !OllJl

    ~ ' h . ' 1 : \

    1n its stead !.II(' lovornmant ll!lGollru{, '! '!1('SInblislil1lenL o r r ,l( 'to l'Y n ss oc ia tio na whidltheir origin in II. plan devised in October IAichi. prefecture. This plan rOI " tll~rmollJ'capilu] n nd gen er al lu bor was ~hethe Sung) 'o H okoku Kn i (In du strySociety), By 1938 the movemen t wasgan ized in in du stry an d bu sin ess (Ill.! ill Iw he n f ir st r eliab le figu res w ere lJ.vllilflbl~,in div id ua l a ss oc ia tio ns h ad lUI uggregntoshill of 2,900,000 in 19 ,11'14 c,oml)ll!liL'S.w as C )'l) fllille d t o 4-,800,000 members ill I{'om pu llics iu l94 0, w hen tho Wl'lfu,'o Q J Wrl ge s " "d H Q .I II "tlook O\'Cl' uc(,ivt' dirl'ction of LIII'lllovc!nl'nl," WlIgCS, by ,V " ester n slu ndu rds, wert'to 5,290,000 members ill 78,'146 . '"''''''''I':U low during th~ 1930's, nlt,hollgh the19H."~ developed in tlw In tt'!r y cn l'S ofAssodJl~ioH fUllctions wel"ll IIIHnorou~ n nd the IiI'SL 2 ycurs o f L bo 1 94 0 's \\fer{',

    Ioril 'd. T h~ '. l' i nd ll (l ~d ~ h( l trn in jn g of Jo lmr ci0 n t bO n)akc t ho . Go~ cr n nwn t cst n.blish_ con-ngcruellt lenders" study of n u Lrition . cijsl Is. The II'nge s Lr u t, ;t n r e i l$ l ,l f w I IS com pl ic ll tedof e.~tm ollolmcnls of food, liquol', II poiu!- w he re 'W l'l'I lg cs [ (lr lllkllhOll1C "'Jlgt'sr n ~ d . i c c i l l o ' t o I ll em be rs , gu.idnncl i in /\flY in dustrilll gl 'oup or for the ullLioll >IS iICal~lcru:y, l l T O l ' k c l : b O lW Ii ( s 1 ), 11 .< 1,mosO o lt , l if O irnpossiblo to r.omplllt ' l1'ilh 11ny dl":gl'cc" '1"10. JOI""'" ~."", """,. , .1>100 . " " ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' " ,, ,1 . . 1 ) ' , . n l l : t O ,wr.u rn ul'. - A n I!XU mplc, u nd OJW w hic h w ou ld"",._ 'I'~"}"0'1'1,how.,."., "' ..... 1 In " ,1"1 '1" . ,h , " u " '' '' '~ " ' '' '' '' .1 _ . . " ~ w iH ,'S 0 ll lO " l! ri lL ti ol l t o \ ' ir tu a! ly 1 1 11L )' P "S \1 f: ; : ~ . I ' ~ " r . , > . I f ) r..,"" I ' " " ' " I" ' 1 1 3 7u 2 I D . . . . " , , " b I ! , U I rin land l m si n us s I ~ o r , co r n s , is a wago rllporti _fl r . n . ~ (jfll(lhl!h: t-!u.h" l '~ ' Dn I~ 8 C"l!(1!o 1II Lo.l~. Ife . . : Th. " " ' n o w.. ' ' '.J'....I " ' ' hI! U.. " " 1< .1 mr ' IIO" (II.... ttcd to tho Munitions Mini stlJ' by the

    ~() UOl!lckg Knl. I < : n i w n 11i'rcrnft o. ' J " b o conl ,pnnyJs !Josie, ," ~ !) P rf jd l. 1 1I hl 'r .otJl)f} ,allO-lle,"lh[. ff':!ilJll l ir n ~ur~t-~of , ! ; 4 f l . "_ I IU ll !mb ol )l Ii ll f tj ll r3 nJ ll nl :l 1i U; f. , h, . h u~ ' t ~' kf n h ;: .; , h oi : !\ l I lr M "


    nxperioneo , 1 1 1 , , 1 lYIJI' of work. In nddleion,IVO rkr l : > I roee i,' 1-e per io d 1935 1_

    Tabl e 83buJktl qj F?tttor, J DB,tI1 ]apa" P I ) P t : T ' " 19J:J-41


    . i A\ i(ift[fl'! :!!.!U FI:~Jt' \ l J o I . )

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    ., h I I ~\'Ior 0 II~diffeNlncl'S bu~-Il(I" I ~ ~1~ t il l' w ar olTort andtr i " d~ly conoco1ctl "'1.: 1'ho f o rt ll Q r . . ro u p,L I d t.-clh' r oM col'c spr ead betw een the w ageIe" ~ o f th (",'0 group of in d tri ' This in(Urn diminished the usefuln ,~ of wage paymentsII_ an 6ulomati(' m ean s of chan nelln g w or ker s ou tof dvilian-type production into WIlT production.Tb fo ing do not mean that, actual

    " in yl'n paid by ci,-ilisntypn industries camerl to actual 1\'8 paid by war-productionIndustries, In rea li ty , " 'ages paid 10 m II i n t heformer lypi! of Industri - during 1939 were 60 toiO per cent of ,vag - paid to men in the war-pro-duction iad tries. Furthermore, woges paid toworn n in u ch indu stri s a L x tile s, w hic h e m-ployed large numbe rs of rhem, were l it tle mornthan one -fou rth o f wag paid io man in indus-tri - likp metal-workin , where the work foroe. .. .~ m a in l y male, I U 1 d werelloouLhalfof l l l e w l l ! r e Spaid to men in these branches of textil wh:rcboth men and worn 'n were mployed at imi la rwork."Retu:ning nOli'. to the u eud of factory

    wag III general, It is apparent UllI l paymentshowed_ only II small rate of increase during103;}-'3 i but bowed a r ap id ac cc le nl tic n there-Bher , 'Both moles and fl!lllal I -,', d_d' Jar"" III unslr n _ To ~ve s o~e indicati on of the aeLunl si?e? f Japanese indu t ri al w ag e p ay m en ts Ihe foU -mg figures Brepresented: ,OIV-

    In Janua ry 1 !l40 male fa toed I c ry workerslI,,~rag 11 whole dJlily wllge o.f 2 ~while. women r ec ei ve d I01 r' / ynn,1941, mol 'eri 3'13 y y C u . lid anuary. en all femalIr D.... D Klqal... rats , rtQtcI"liJ;IM. y.

    ell B o ok , H I I 0- t l, P P .. o : : e . . . a n .


    aVj'mge working dny in the metal-wor king lindahiphuilding industries, fQr exumple, wa wellOV'I' 10 houra and mnlly other lypes of IactorieaI' quired IHI II- or 12-hoor work day, mollf"c lorics, p llyi .ng mull WII"CS on u pieeework basis,p laced an ineentivt- 011 long hours, and in agri-c ul ture long hou rs we re eornmeu par ti cul ar ly dur -ing Ihe plulliing [ 1920' , howe"er, ulTordc(L a measureof protection for fcmal gila chi ld re n, X ightwork nud labor in eorta iu hazardous 0 uputionswere prohibi ted nnd working UOllTS for women l indchildren uuder J 0 were l imited to 11 hours 11 dol',i nc lu sive o f tl l -bour rest per iod. in wa required that tbey 1111"1 at least two r tdays a monlh. me fll t cr ios 3ud bus in COIl-corns gtH'C Doth male and f mil) empll)yees IIregular day or more orr 11week; o ther s d id 1I0t,Dill' labor'lL, accor ding to WelJare )1;11-istry officials, ordinarily worked only abont 20days a month d pite the increased pr ure forlabor, Tbe offic ia ls snid lbcy doubted if weathercond it ions and 1111\ physico I $010 min II of workerswould hI!\'0 permitt d n longer working month,They III 0 called attention to lbe tr adition (hillJllpuncse dill' laborers do not work on ra iny clay;;and said thnt, eITOI '1s to overcome till ustomWCl1l not BU - ful.B cau se of the 10n l:" working day an d monthpr evalent for general workers, the Gover nment

    was not obi to freel nny mark d in creas inIbis dire lion during the prewar period. n thecontrnry all aLtcml)L was made Lo limit, hours to12 daily (including a I- hour t period) to min-imize absenleei III and accidents. A g neralorder' to this effect. WASi lied in l\hroh 1939, but.was not ent irely SUCCOSSf111 becau e of the pressurel'xe.r ed 011 fn et r ios for iller 11 d production,In 1941, munition indus tries WIIJ't' given permis-sion to increase ~he hours of mule worker s f rom12 to 13, i l l 0 1 1 1 iv of a t-hour rest peri d. An(,f fOlt was III 0 made to cnccuraee two and t.hreshifts dlul)" in tead of t,he traditionn I ou e, butagain ~be Government encountered only parfialucces during tbe prewol' I) riod.Slimmary of Preuiar MallpDu'll:r PD~;tiallAn nnalysis of J.lp,III'S manpower 11 0 ition

    dur ing Ihe prewar pe ri od , I rom 193G-31 LoJauua ry59

    , .. I C 'f} lIclu .sioll lhn l Ie5i111illlI' l:Ollll~o~r~~ 1'(~MdiH!.: the I\lll,lh~' of

    Il,ft Jnl .l ll lWllC CIv il . 11111 populnt,iOIl to ll .l~ " " III" W(,H' ~"lI.till"'"t~ with the .fulllllk"Il'l'sislul!'1' put up byI],, .Jnl"IIII'~!'military ill til!' SQuth 'Illd C'unt ru l

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    H l4 " le ad s llir ec tlv to IQ ,. I~"n' "ntcr rd H,; Oren!!'r r : : n s ! . \sm war OilDEmpl I 'r J!1H with suflieirnt t1LllllpOwer \Il1dS did 11 0 mom!un seratch tbe SlJrf8~C of t he potential pool 01manpower ill the u nesscn tiu l ln dn str ies, T hlY )'did. however, ,.,1 0 prccedpllL for Ihe m easu resfound IIl)C was a trend toward 1" ..gel ' ree-tories lUld greater mech'llliz.l Lion, and new plan ts"'ere {osloblished ill new r~gionalcoJlcrntrntiolls.00 lhe othor hn lid, while the henvy industrieswere expnndl ng, the rcusumer goods ind ustriesconi inned to com ! 'l Ict I II IttI l lece\crnwd rate,Th;i s con trn r- tion wns ,hw pnrdy to di rect Govern-ment ocucn, ill view of t he need for t,rlln.potto.lionand "'~w materials, an d to ll. lesser extent to theneed for t he 10hOI.' force und plont cnpneily of Iheseindusu- ies fol ' Lhe purposes of will production, IIwas also due in purl to indirect factors, such asi so la tion f rom sourcescf r ow mnter iu l import s Ukccottou, and isolation [rom o""rs~as markets.A third ,Ievclopmcnt. but one which hod !l.much narrower si gnificance ror mnnpower, wasthe errort to d""f,lop the ove rs eas nrcas s e izr dduring 1942. To obtain the raw ruateriul wealtllof some of L1wse urNIS, it was !leCCSSDT" to d is -puteh technicians, uWlIillistral:i>"l, speciulis ts , audbusinessmen to fill the" key" jobs, II was alsonecessar y to send both spec ia li st s and commonlaborers W Ihe variou S ou Lposts to to nstruei de-'fenses. The rnobilieation plnns called [or 96,000workers to be SNIt overs eas in l fl4Z , nnd 142 ,000in 1943,' Th e number of personnel Ildmilly as-signed to Lhese tusks is lIol known, but it could1101 . luw" been large if only [or the reason tho tJoplin could not spare mnlly higb~" skilkd men.Such numbers us sl,e did send eonsuuucd anotherdrniuon this .llIrcndy inadoquutu category.A four t-h dcvolopment was the dc{' )ining s tand-. 1 1 ' ( 1 of living of the oiviliun populn Lion. Thedecl ine whi r-h hnd begun in preceding' ) "c nI 'S w us('urrird to new lows in this period. A ct.t" ile,)U("'ollnlof tILi;; ])I'O('('C

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    II11ilOl'I111.1' bcc]tusc of II nu mber of cli~n8 di~' l'hlll' j} fuc t? I 'S hn 1' 0 b ee n t if lk en inlo ~rcn~ t,ill cvolua,tmg the record of Jap eollSj~d G 1 1 11 " . . ..l 'Cool' t l o f Germllny an reet Brit' .,,.It," ".. .11111In COlJIpa , r lS~U ~Vlbu Gel'mllnY_I~"tical find qualitative fnctots [{II:" uklt~b e s eid tb o. t Jn~ll!! entered World ,~,lcr":iIsmaliorproportlOll of her t{ lt 'a l poputr.lI,to tJ )1 ln b 01' fOI"C(I (ll nned forces ~ho n tworkers). By Febru ary 1 1')44 , J !l pn~ u s Ii,wlwt improved her stalli!illg l"elatil' [11Il1l.n~ II- OOlllpa'l'nblc period, bu t WIlS s ~ n . U lld~('Te.e,"o.I rnobili2"atioll. MOl" SI 1. IOrln;" . ~ let'l" II!llobili~okio!l achievemenf . f 0 1 : lUell . t " I i "d i J. . G l \!I .S ~goo In ,CpU.1I as 111 (\I"lll!lny, bu t m ob'WIIS superior III I '~glll'd ~o women . ~

    apRuellt~red ,,\r.oddWa~,n ~I'll;h Il.pproKimllLcly10 some degree of mOhlli7.MIOn flllll.til'o to the'01 conditiolls p l'o vu ili ng in each count ry. Bye b ru n l" Y 19 4 .' .~ , she lind aeluovcd fill in cr en sc invcr-oU mobi li zn tion mmrly but not qui to so gre ll .tt,hH ()~h ic~Ol l ]OIl~ 0.[ G l "Cn ~B ' I 'i I, n in d u rmg u eom -

    11l'U ble por to ( i. 'IIu s u ppli u s to b I)(ihm II las n n d~ m n l es , III thoeas.(l of m ules, the Jupunesc~a 11 n b II lower real level and showed all increase

    lhau GrellL Britain's: in thaeesc of Iemnles,10 Jnpl\ll\Id~'" A f te r adjustment), or +10 b ~ ~ I I I11on , iSQl lJQw l1~I (IHfcf\'!nI ~~ ' IU~rrprd i . fI I f I." ~ ,~, " ( l) ot,n.I."",h"t.",,,,,,I. n' I If Ilo,"'" d~' '' ' ' I " , , , ," ,_ Tluliic ehll.ngcs ill the OIvilion II bc )! '. O I" CO (0'" . .. . ~ 0 1 dlH ,'".n ( m ' " " . , ," Ia) ,I" , d " lt " " 0 1 1 ,, 0 \" '" 1 ' 1 ' IO ~ show llIl,) ' sig nifiC lln t c[if[ nl"oIlC CS by ng cr...~~\::d. 01"", ~u'I'I~. II ml' oj ri..,I,u,. .. ~ ",tor01 AJlI)mI(Li.~ Table RR).' :Molus O\'Rr 40 years o{UIlln,\f/t . I I ! ~1[hno w h 1 : . the n~ : ! It ru lD iu. f t . 1119 f tYl ! ll lahD IIJ" "' "'" 1 .1 0 .. .. ,0 "on ,. O n l) r.~'. " " " - I , , U , , " ' ' ' ' l>Ol~ ' ' : . t g'() ill(,rensed 6 hnos~ unifol'loly ill Ihe su('oassi"c' f ! l."~,~~~d." l""""lbl ll ll ,,ol"d

    Table 85P.p,,/, , /; .r' "m/ L ab o r l 'O T " CehySex;lap"" P"._.1022 P eb . 1 9- 14 I '~", I O n

    [In . h " . . . . . .do)( ' J : a ~ r n r o I I L I ' f I I I I W

    Tn tn l po tm. lD lkm_


    aj-le g'l'OU]). This was probably due to the grCl lt crn\'nililbi1i~y ofunmarried young women a nd y ou ngmn tried wome n wi lhou t chi [Men, th c eonse-qUCIICl 'S of the wilhd,lIwol 01 large numbers ofyoung single lind married men into the armed10TOI IS" U if ru rther bcl ip"cd t .h ll t the oge groU]l~l ': II do ~ 2 0 showed n certain in crease in lJl~ir p31"-t ieipat ion in the l ll fb l)r force, but it is impossi bleto measure thia l loouroJ(' iy beeause of defects inJ apanese Sintis Li(;S,.Tho mobiliu!tion of part-time workers wasincreased through lbo intensifico Lion of theuctivitles of tbo Putriotie Laber Corps, Par-

    ticipation in these activities doubled from 1941to !42 , nud rose in ]943 to over s L ' I : t imes the19 (1 . leve! (Appendix TobIe CUU). Thll bulko f ~bCSGill e I 'C(k

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    . . 1[ ,. ! 1\:0n'II(1.'1 d IU.. to import R( { ,llOllll . 1 0 '/I[ IIlIl U 'f h C!l' s\'nrirly {I OI"Cl-lawr in this cbllpll'r. I ~re \.. ~ -. . . ';OJ]all labor problems: uneour rolled milI1 1 1 1 -

    '. . ,,_ e , (r ruplcd I 110scr iption w hich rollSilllluJ' II! e- - , . f Ibor ~{'h (1flu l -planning' tumoror 811d p ll 'l ll lHg 0 .11_.i n g o f 1~! lI11~n ,) Il (I ortll l ion f llcili-t ic s, and Ihe domestic rnw muterin I base beforetheoutbreak of "'(II' with the U u ited tates, TheIourth l'nh'gQry,govl'rnml'nt, and prcfesslouul,coutrury to the others, showed it s biggest i J J e I I lU - . . " Cbet"'~en 1 9~ O a nd 104:4. This reflects the u uor -U Th('J iIIt1u:j:1IIb l~ ~ W II I L 1 1r ol ! :l N) ! cm ( lW "h l! ~ b.rnr ' ~hoU.n 11:1~ hr ' o~ lJ l n ~ ' I.blil d u e ~ , Oh ~ alld.(ft:ta.lln~ ( I o f l l Je ) -i:tI..!.DJl'r...r fll\l,U I~ in cn e

    1014 [lf83U). U 'L"ltf\W 1t3~lh'k" Iu i!l~l'" IIIJllon~ r u : . . . .ruibu.~Dl:iUJ~Ikln~Uill'lenmuru 0' 1h~'ul:lldJlj~UTL\-n.l ~ ~rth r .urM !ithot (.6~ I . r : i HM' not""t o ( \ IU1~ndJ: T J R h r o H H.


    R I [1lI1ci iCl!lR~ the w er] 1 10U"gr ow th of gol 'CI1I! llPUIbcci!.mc illle[Lgitil~I'. " . . 11 l rl l~ (i o] ], ( be was the aLoppngo of (1]1gold mining to release

  • 8/3/2019 USSBS Report 42, The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living


    IYitllin rns l\wacl ll l" lI !g I I I.I I Hl Y Tobin \T"I .A"" "" "I :\ ~ ', ~c om po ne nt p Rr t~ II.. 'l s 1 0"~I!II . ~~", .. I' !~. '1 I Ihat olllhlllJ{ IIIdi""lo;;c $ pauern "m il or 0 " 1; ' , I ~,x- .. _ h 'I'IIU 0("('1)pal lOW; " lit I ,fO~o.'gQlIIgpRrngTII P . ,~ ria t . , " " w it h til,'pandu .. . " ,,1'I'C t l i r u > e d o . . < " l y 8~ _ . d t Iswar r 1I or l. T Iu ." "1 ) 'II','J"(' U lRdl ll l~ ry . 8 11 ,0 0_. . . _., _.: .buil,fu'''' "clud ell, 1000-(mdudlllg lill'I'nut, '>wP .... .- du . . I, . e l l " stock Ordllau.tC, ~ I Il I I II u~{.rJa,"01,,,,,,,. ttl mg ~ , '...,. 'II t05ma eh iner v RIll.! "qn ipm e J! I), 11' .111h ,"cren ~ IJICrt"'UC ~ud !II.'uds ( ind1ll . l iug metal rofirung:1I1(prUL"I'SSin), whicb i lIen'lISt'{! t i p l)ro l'JI I. ~\\ 0, ,,h, 'r lndu trial groujl< '. ~h.rui, 'a ls [iurludmgd ll 'm i, . .. .. p ro dm I .c " f or b ot l, i nd us tr ia l ( "o n~. .r ns~lId household r(Juslllll~l"$) ami u ti li ti es ( gai l,. . I .' cl r i, ' p ower , \\-al~r supply) showed 11 0 ohnngcin tilt' first ;roup IUId only II. "lighl l ne ro ns e i n t Il t'SI 'COlltl The lack of rnajcr dllluge in t h.,,,, 1'1 '0iltd U' t ri es m i l\ ' be e t tribu te d to the far t th uIIII & yentered the' war period " ilb r cllllil'~ ly la rgec "p ~r it .Y a nd this capsrity r emB iu e d r e as on a bl yadequate rOt the ~81 demands upon their output.Th~ COliS traction ind ustry (indudillg ai- 'il engi.neering I I. Dd 1 11 1. 1on a! defen se w or ks us well nshuilding coustructiou) showOOc n moderate in-erease.of iper cen t, X ation al defen se w or ks w ererclll.ti..dy minor during the lir st 2' Y l:ar s of w a rw it h th e C "n it ed lilies. T h e r ema in i ng i n du s tr ie sm~ he m ~nu fa~l~g grou p n il show n et declin es,With I"",, riles shewingtho largest drop, 5 2 p er ee u t,~d w~ products dropping 32 p er ce nt, T he sem du stn L'S I s " _ " 1 U'est ;... l o ot o o . . 1 : 1 . . . . . . . . . , '" " " , ' '_,I!oo.-n I"

    G G

    workers fo r more essent ia l lypes of mining.. L!lrg~-Ij.CIIII' reorgnrtizatien of industry, car ~'Il'dou,L III tile sumrnernl "t 043.. All pencetimuIlIdWlLr!B"-esllCcinlly textile, clothing and foodproctl&li I I I I ' , buLUlI"eer,ting th ~ JnIUIUraetu re of 24 tRp ,' ci li ed a r ti cl e s of d ai ly n e ce ss it y- -were ordered~!II"'f to "C IiSI! produ ction O r m ove lbpir opera-tions lu occupied U>rritories lind mJlke tucir workJorees ovui lab le to speci fi ed k('y war lndustriesThis I l~ ~ ns ll rc W I I! l evidently Dim~>d nt t.IIOSC Jarg;peo C~I[JH! este blish mCI J IB wh iel, had resis u . - dcurta ilfDtmL or cO!!\IOrniOD, sinee the small domes-!e workshops 1 1 1 1 1 1 b o o n SI.!II.~lal1li1dly curtailed byIldW'niU L";O!lQmj" tI, '' 'e lopmeniB, or hed b~'{!~converted or nb" ll ri 'QtI into tho auhoontrncl iugsy>ii;cm.Conversion of peacetirne industries, begin-

    uing in mid- [!}'13. Spvcio.l efforts were made toconvert the medium D ud llll'go lll-'i:tiIe plantsIO~ll~i.nillgn operation. Plans called for using theo..'i:!simg labor force and plaut, facil it ies.Prohibiticn of males In certain occupations

    proposed i ll , JUIIQ 194'3 WId decr eed in Seplcmbp;of that yenT. ),[C!CS, a ged 14 to 40 (ond l ater 451'were prohibited from working In. 17 white-collarand serv ico trad es, It was estim a toII 1hilt b v 15~Itlfch 19t14 0bout J 0,000 m a l e s had left t b e s eoceupations,S us pe us ion 0f non essen tia I co n structlon wor k

    or -der ed in 1943. Public works nod long.nmg~CO l1 st ru ct io !. l p ro j a ct s [J0 t d lree Us CODn t lCtedwith the w ar cffort w ere suspended (or lhe dura-tion.Limitntions on tho number o r persons em-p 1.0) '11bIe iaeerta in mi nor IIc~h'itis, im posed in

    1M'3. Busses and st ree tcars WllI"fl limited to oneo!ll~rnt.or p er " ch ic le and a permit W f!S required 1;0hir e more thml on e domestic Slltl"II.llt.11; is evidon~ lrom lbe foregoing list, IlS wella s fr om PurL nof this report, that th.c Jnponeoo
