USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR

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Transcript of USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    .gOS OJ'...

    FOREWORDThe United States Slllltegic Ilombing S u r \ " l ~ Y was est ab li ah td b) ' t heSeeretary of Wa r on 3 ~ ..ember IWI, pursuant t o .. D i ~ ; " e from the latePreRident R o o s e ~ l t . lUI miSllion WI.!I to conduct Il.n impartial and UP'f'rt study

    of OW' aerial.tlack on Gemlany, to be used in connection .... i th a i rauaeb OIlJ a p e and to establish. be!lis f or e.. . luating thll importance and pll.entialiti.of ai r power aa an instrun\E'nt of military slllltl'gy, for IlIa-lining the fUluredeYelopment of the United 5t.teII anned fora:6, ami for d e u ~ n n i n i n g fulure_ ie polieies .... ith respect to the nation al defl'll!Ie. ,\ summary report &Ild__ 200 supporting reports containingtile fmding!! of the SUrTey in Gennanyban -. published.Oa Hi August 115, President Truman requfJ!Ited that tbe Survey OOIIduetallimilar studyof the effects of alll)'Pf!6 of at tack in the war against. Japan,lIIIbm.itting reporta in duplie1ll11 t o t he Secretary of War and t o t he SeertUryof the Nary. The offiCf':r!I of the S u n ~ y during iUl Japallftle phase were;

    P ...UL II. SITU.IUlOIT C. Al.UA.snu.. riN-Cllainru ...WALna WII.D8, S ~ t u r y .fuDT L. Bow1u.s,J. K.. a...Laao\rT1I.RL L J ~ ." S"I: A, llc.'\....u ,FaD SURU., Jr .Mos-or. Sr"GlIT,Da. ulI::llI It T110.ptOs,TuJ:OOOU I' , WSI(lIlT, DiNt'ton.

    The S u ~ y ' s OOOlII]emellt provided for 300civilisllll, 3SO ol6eel'll, Ind MI(leD1isted men. The mHilar)' RgIl.ent of thll organiulion 1I'1S drawn from theAnny to the eJ;l.tnt of 60 percent, .n d from lhe S .., 10 till! Ull"nt of.w per-_L Doth the Ann) ' .n d S . .')' gal"ll Ihe S u l ' 1 ~ ~ ' .11 poesible &lIIis!.nee infurnishing 1DlIII. supplillll, transport .n d inform'lion. TIIII Suney operatedfrom _dquartllnl _.blished in TokJo early in :s.llIembtr 1 ~ 5 , ...ith flUb-head.qlUlrtel'll in N.goy., Osaka, Jliroehinl&, .n d N.gasaki , and with lDobiletam8 operating in other pal1.ll of J.pan, lhe i"l.nds of Ihe Pacific, and theAlliatie lIUlinland.It . . . . poesible to recon!llnlct much of ....rtime J .pan_ military plan.ning and elEllCulion e n g a ~ m e n t b)' engagement .n d caml. .ign b)' campaign,and to -.cui'll nlaIOllabl)' .c

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR




    .\lajor Em..." .\kEL .II)

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    TABLE OF CONTENTS8trMWRY . . . . , . . . .

    I. !kope ..2. 81__ or '!be " .d ll c W.r .s . , J . _ W H . ~ ... lluIthte ) 'ort'e ..

    DKLY HISTORY Ot- J,U'ASt:;S& Alii FOflCt:;ll . . .1. J._ N ...,. Alr YO",", .2. , J . ~ Armr Alr FOml! .SITUATIOS OS i DECEBEIt l lHl ..1.J._ l 'Atlmale of tile Slt U .2. DWpoodU.... .

    TIJ&,JAI'A.''ESE ADVA. CE .1. s-.u...,. .2. Pan 8a.rt>oI' .S. Wake aDd G... . . .. .. .... n n t P10lllppIDeII Or.m1*1P .5. IJlto t i le Nedlerla.adI Ea-. lAdIes ..e. ea-JID .7. a....a .

    TIlE DB:FE..t.TOF TIlE JAI'A."''ESB.t.1B FORCM ..L S.-. , .:!. r-Itle Raid ... ( l o n l se. .... l I i d - . , .5. DIItdo 8a.rt>oI' aDd t i le Aleulia.aa .. ..l I I . a o -Pod _ .f. S-G .8. o...tral Padk .. ... s-.d Campo..lp .. .

    IIOtlTHltABT ASU ""'-0 CHINA . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 8ftt IMut A.ala .2. cw... ..

    OJ:F'll:NBlt OF INmm ro m A!'D 9 O t ; T I ' R " ' ~ ABK..l AOAL"'ST I ".BIOS .1.0--.1 .. .:!. I_ 11.... . .a. UUtbl .... 0llJuI .II. of !.be KaiD loIa.adll .. .1 . . 11l0Ql""e. DIIaI.a of Bo a l _ Aala .. .. .

    DIIJ'B!I'8B OF JAP '" AGAISST AIR ATTACK . . .L . . . . . , ~ . . . , . .. .2. Bult Dlt&ulU. .. .... "'Ie of ES'ort ..... ..



  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    OUlllUIllI"'1l.'(1 .n d olllc!"-'"-'" of their I;re..-ar r o ~ p l of a irJXl"'er .n d I l l i ~ l .kl'fl in their oripnal planning.)!Ol'e(l\tr, the liil!lt O'Oillm.nd Inftdt $erieane;;o'! .\nnv

    .n d X.,.I' O ' l ' o e Q j . ' l l i u ~ d IlriOr 10 the oUlb.....k of .... rIhl' IIl'

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    brpartdt In th f ~ , , \ f t m _ eam'IIfltbtr .lr.1"III nmt Mel' tlw .\lIiflll .. ~ i n t l l Sullo U1d N from ,..hich lhe

    QI.d. . . .DI.1 opention .. . lDounted. In SP'"Q IU - a major factor in the Allied a d .. .the 100 IIIrpriloP altacb on W"..u U1dftlOaDdia .hich the J a p a _ roold not ~ with attadm on All ied" - ' 1n lOOIIthKM. .\.6., I . CODfftIlrated on. If"lUnd I'Upport 10. . . . . of _ h bX"'ti,.. t.af1l'l'L' .. Calcutla I.Ild theB _p I"OIIW- Once the Wariaau - laRn,B-29alIaCb f:OlIki be bunched 011 Jar-- induauyri:tk of plpeti..... -- . ined a ~ 011 IheP-2t . . . . . ADd no, eouJd the la, ,- Air. . . . . . . pnt-' tbl- of Allied bee tNli , , " , doole 10 1Ilftr objKti 01' forte tMe-tl1 dispPnal and otbK def _ .bich__ the Ihnat of ...,. and IUlII&iDed .i r at....n thea i r , , -of the bomebnd , I h e J ~pIbed 10 tM u tnm l I their that the ail'aka ""1 ill imJDPdiatfl ea.ppon ofpvad . .m. ,....and force r on tr ol TMa i r

    of J orpn i - t on an . ' I 'M buillpoad ilb .\rmy .i r ' l O i l ~ \ '00-. . . . 10 tM boalIdaris of their partieubr grOIIDCl1 rmy , .Sa"1. .m. pruIe:linc tar ru of pani.k r m..- 10 the Sa.,.. So Buid ~ , . l I ( ~ forlie lIni...... of .n ficbt-I mlO a ~ i l ~ commaDII_'rial DO territorial p ~ p r Jl&f*dthe Ia11dDc .......8_ tboqh the t .. . lir.11IIlI _n o dt-iplfd10 p . . . .aM apport 10 poed ud f--. the 1..,.- did Dot fllll,. I""...-i IJ fur pnmdinI: . . .h ....ppon in ""'r)pGIDlll__ Clp'l'ItiOll.. Fo r uamplf', dl t o..,r........... OG Port JlonIbJ in tbf l_ ofllHI .. . rirtuall,. .. iulOUl pl"O'r' ie.ofar air III1pport._. thP illUllfllli.lp lIlIPlK,rt. . . . . , prorided by the J I Air Jo'orc- ....Iimit.ed.W-a- ill theU-.,... for air ground_'IIIUeatiaIIl.Ild the In of Kood 6iIPr bomb_ th d IIIpport "'1.ti.....l,. iJll'lfrti.. . . .\0.1theJ.- IIITtIf perceived Ibe lo,tP!i..-1 "-p&

    of trulepOJt ainn.ft I.Ild nf'nr f ' ! l I p l o ~ ....1tbam for theIlIppott of J!'OUIId fon ..... on _ I t~ approachiD( the operWooa of Alliedtroop carrier and llUPpl1 droppilll unitll.b. BIIifMk of AlUM Ai , Potrn1W. AllbP loP.JbmiDI of the . Ir , Ibe J.panMe hillh romnu.ndfaUad toappneil" the lignillcanceof the dilpftr.ltJ. . . . . t h e J I ~ a n d Allifldlir 1M!, dw Jlpe._ _ aircraft indllltr1 produced

    ll,088 planes ...hil" II." I-nitl!d SlaUll, Iholll;h '\ '(fully oon."tOrtl!d 10 wprtill>e e o o n ~ n ~ y , I l r o d l l l ~ ' 119wll. Similarly, the J l lpan_ t",lDlDg progl"luQturned out lbout 3.000 pilou in 10,1,1 as oompn......1.. i u, l for the U. S. Artily .n d ~ a v y . 'fl! lIlIdIllolls upon which it W88 impof'!"ible for them toImse large p;r (OfCfS. tn the li m :l '.""n! of thewnr. the)' delllo)"ed Iheir lIir forcflll in rellllh'ely~ ' n f t l l u " , t ~ Ilround thllll)l'rimeter lind The\" f"iltdto build the which ...o u 1 < l l l l l . ~ e enl\bl';'llh..mto OOllctn1l"l1t" Iheir ai r power on the Illnd m.,;.e t n i n i n ~of Japanese pilotll .. t i l l l ( ) poor lhal thp U!eDlbh'of ! . form.lions was imIJOl!lJli.ib1e. p4. Su;(iJt Fo,uThe ".-eaknesses of Ihe .h!Janl'5fl Air Foroes ino r t ~ o l l ~ i . r operations f o tlU'm 10 d"velop.s!1e('111 8U1Cldll I.lIlI(:k force.s ,htir o n l ~ - hope of",-opping In ill\-..siotl of llot DIllin J.panf'lSe Is10mb. .\ t Ihe end of Ihp ".. r . more than 10.0001l1.lIes ,,'ert . . . . i l.bll l for suicide .tlacks on Inin.. .sion fotcf'. and of 1 1 more than 5,000 werelIelo.ll)" !II'l'IlBn>d for suieidp Utit'. Ob,iousl}. ll>ed.magll ...Ilich those Ilbll"" mi/o!ht hB"" don" depemls i n I .r g" jlArt. 011 the elreeli'eness of tI,e_\l1ied CO,lIllenlleaSllre< which h. d '- n designedto neutrnti,.e Ihem. loelll bIllUlSllm@

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    CII111pllil,(n, ",hid, i',,ol,ed liUleo'er wBler operalion, while the Na'7 "'liS chorf,'e. COIll",,,,,,lel' ill Chief of the,IUIl"lIe:M1 ...110 had tramed ,nFn _ and tm. rnit",1 :'Otale.". In t hat "HI' atninillJ .-:boolW"llS M't up at OJI(lllma. near YokoIIIla. bat a ir op t.. .tiona did not (llI'"' ~ ) o o d , aperimentall l lap lIntil 19'11 ,,b..n Unt lSh IIl'S.. . W'ftIt to JaJllln and l I l O ' i > l l . ~ in the reol'l-'lImut'" of u n l .i r acti..i,i..... The first. J.paneseai.....ft carrier. the 1l0ll11O. "'as completed in''''. J a S a ' ~ ' .\ir Foroe u p a ~ ( ~t h ~ t the 19l!l1"1I princip.]])" u n ~ r H n l ~ " "inilloellft. In 1929 threl' irn;ptoetol"ll of lhe I\ntishAomnallti-ptoetinn l)irKto...le p ~ e d toJ .....n to illlltl'vct in the My-;tem of .ire...fl i n . ~ t_. and tbry ...fOft foll....-ed in 1931l by a RoyalAI ' F_ milNon ...hich frlI..e i n ~ r u c t i o n in .i r1..1 ; " aDd ~ n e r y . It iM 1)i l I " ... orthf lhal in 19.'JllCaptaiD ..-ho l ook a major par t in pl.nUlf!: Jat- torpedo tat1K. for 11ll' ' ... 11 n.rbor attack. ~ n in"'Nrt'OII from ' ' '-0 Uru",h I i n o l ! ~llurinll tile I l I 3 I f ~ the Ja l ' a_ S a , ~ . \ir i"ortt'N1l1nued to " I ~ n d IKlMI.n1 10 four __ "" -He". . . . ioluAeM PIaIlS" ..-hirh ""n' put inlO ..retl i t IIII' LoDdon S . . . .I T ' " ' t ~ , nf l!!:\1l Ibr IhI~ r i t 1 i o h of na.. .1 ~ T I I < " ' I I O " , SiJlhl ...merinalllfll...l" , in 1$.'\.1. .\tur tI .. be-pn-.a,; of ililitot ill Cl,ina in l l ~ j , I""h "'1'..- aDd ahoft ba.oord SU) ."",rall 01......1"'..... ,t..Ch i - . notahl, in .UI'lM>r! " f J1roUn of It... . Ialla . - ."nIl).

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR



    5. Adv,,"u ;1110 lhe N t ~ h e r l " l I d s E4sl1llditsTn ".l luar, ami F e b n m r ~ ' of 19H the J81'nllese

    laulld,ed and l"Ompleled two ~ i l l l H I I . n e ( ) " s d r i n ~ : ' 1t o the SOUl h Ih/"QUgh tl,e .\Iolutttl. ::-ea .n d the MI. 'ca!l!l8.r Straita. The dril'es beb .n on II J.nnarywhen Japanese Sa.,. paratrooJl!t took .\ inthe Celebes .n d "n .mllhibious force landed atTar ...kan on lhe t a5l ooastol Borneo. Thet'Hfter,~ a h k p a l l l . l I . Kend.ri, "laca.'llIlIH.\ mb on , a nd~ o e p . n g ....ere l .ken in that order. Koepang b",. I I I . ~ t r o o P ! l Tn each operation, ai r IIUppon.Wl.ll pronded b) Ihe .JalMinese ; \" uy A ir Force

    f r o ~ baseD. built a t t he p oi nt t . k l ~ 1 l in the pre.cedmg operat ion.Ai r opposition to the J.panese .drance WILt all

    but negligible. TIle Allied warning system was"elJ IlOOr, and the J apan_ time and againcaught .-\!liNi. planell on th e ground lind destro,.NI.thf'Itt, .\loreoJrer, the Japanese enjoyed I. supenority of .t lease. 4 to 1 . t every pointthey ehOlll8 to attack,and their pilOUI for the mostpart were more e:lJl'frienced thlln th e Allied pilots,most of them had had no pre"ious combat erperi.ence..Eren the posaibilil) of elfecti.e AlliNi. ai r operat.OIlS ceased .bout 11) Febnlar\'. On tha tda" the

    J a p a ~ e 5 e I . n d ~ on Timor .mi the ne n day ~ ~ l rfield at Koepang which had been the p r in .clpal stop on the 1,300mile ferr" route bet...eenAuslralia and Ja' .. . Also on 19 F ~ b l 1 l a " ' Darwinlhe Australian tenninus of the fern ~ t . . . ... ;hi t b ~ 5 of lhe 6 J.panese regular ~ . ~ r i e t 8 as wellIII bJ 30 mNl.ium bolllbet8 from Kendari. Thatforce o.e,.....belmoo the 10 intercepting UnitNi.~ l a t t o ! l f ightcrs, dest roycd almor;t .11 importantai r installations, wD.rehoU9l!l! lind docks .n d sank, i " u a l l ~ e l" tl J' __1 in Port Dl\, harbor.. \bou t . wt'ek laler, Japanl"'f' lancl.I",-_lloombP",sank the { '. S.S. Langley, which "'1\8 atlemptingto ferr, ' P-4Qs from Australia 10 J u a , and AIliOOai r operntions in the Xethl!rlands ERSt Tndie!!\,"ne .brulltl, to II halt-.)ll 'an,, 'hile the Jalll.nese had ao o penetratedinto Sew Guinea and Ulll Bisman:ks, landing atllubRul on 2'2 JBnu.ry and making their first. ai rnicE on Port :\Io....,b) on 3 Ff'bruary 1942. Inl h is a rea the J.panese enjoyed air SUperiOnl)'from lhe beginning. for Ule Australi.ns potI8Il!ISe(lonl, 2(l Hudsons, H Cat.linas and no lighters tooppose l item. T)pic .1 of lhe disparity between.Iapaneseand ,UIiNi. ai r po..-er during this period" u the interception of t he 20 J.nullry CArri!!r

    lished Oil the first. day or the , ,".1'.on 8 Deoember ltlH (Philippines

    Japanese _Arm,., using 32 medium .n dattacked airfields Dnd Olher instal.

    Baguio and Tugnegal1lo in north cen.The Xu) ' was !lCheduled to IIltack atthe weather Wl.ll bad. It linall,. madeabout noon with about ,:; ftghle"" and0 0 C la rk a nd 10. Fields. This I I t ~man,. Uni ted SllItes pl.lIes 011 th e

    ntaeling after having attemilled 10 the earl i er Anny .ttack. As aU B-17s and 30 fightel'8 "'ere dtstro).ed. .q about half tbe onginal hea.ry bombe:hro-thirds 01 the fighter force.nent da,.s, the destruction of Unitedair power iu lh e Philippines wu .CCOIn.

    . . , ftuther at tacks on Clark Field and ai r&be Afallila area. The Japanese Ann ,.~ I i a h e d ai r bllSell.t Aparr i and \-iganclose support f or t he Illain J.IMI....... south f rom I .i ng ay en Gul f. TheBealel! Fa r Eas t A i r Force furnished .1.M opposition, for it had been de'i1dD . .d organizntion. wei,::ht of nwnbers,&ad good fortune. JallRIl had WOlt thellutle of the Philippines..

    . , ,:- &tt.rm.lh. when operaliOIlS 1 I ~ " R i l t s t B8'.. Conegidor hlld f.llen behind schOOule_ ~ h , 2 ,\nny medium bombe r uni ta.. it h about "0 nirernft the

    .. . unit which hlld been left in lhe41.2 T I. e Burma unit:;! fie" about :!OO~ . , . Conegidor, losing" !l I,laueti 10 .nliNu,' 11130 flew r e ~ u l . r Ill....-liuln......: : ..... ill!il. Batun and Correj:idor

    ..--....-. .. periocl.

    4. f i,sl Phi/ippint's C"mp.ugllTI.e first JalMinese !lOl'Iie of Ihe "'at " ' I. l l flo..-nbefore Peurl H ar bo r. On 21 or 2:; :s'o'$(' X a . ~ reconnai!lS8noo plane lIew O'Wm ~ of Luzon. photOb....phing m.jor Unit.. 1tit.te!! _\ml)" in!il.llatioltJl,. A repo", had beo!cn 11 .rei.-ed through Jap.nese Foreign Office channel;Ih.t l'nited SI.Ie> F.r East. Ai r Force stl'\"n.." the Phi lippines amounted to 900 first line .ir~ r a f t . Oil the bR._i'! of u.e photogrnphs. lhe Jal '"nelle estimated l:nited SIllIes l\nn\, aircmfl

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    THE DEFEAT OF THE JAPANESE AIR FORCESi l" main d e l > o l ~ lind ...ilh iU! SUPI,I)' linC!! "Nn'Ill .. eUl b. . . .\llit'd ..bmllrines. It lOO was: 00JIl '1l1ecel)' O I l l c l a ~ 1 in the Philippines and f o 10 Ium 10 lhe lIuicide auack. llean..-hile. lheJ .pan_ high command h. d giO'n ai r Ofll"Ml.lionsin Chinl Ind flum,a a low prioril)' and in thoselheal.,." l l .\Hie. " '01\ air SUIJerioril, in 19-1-&_lrnOS! b)' defaull.

    On I. .. \ 19-H. ..-hl'!l II J a l l l \ l l ~ had air,IUI",rio,.il..' o,'cr llreft! 11'0]"(' Ih 3.000 toile-. a....}"Tok,o il,..1f "H.i lu"cked II)' 1(; Cniloo States. \nll) JII... li"lll oom1x-"" (B-:!':"') IIring from IheL"ulIfOIMd in !linr1h "'""",h Indorl>ina .n,1 p ..en pan fnl' I a ....a. .u.-co. 011 I '" ( ' h i _ .i rbe - .t KlIllIllin,: as Ml'Urily _roe 10 kl!l'p1M rMl I>lao bulh fl'QlD .\l1ltod . J ! e l l l ~ .nol f r t ~ nt" 'J.. ._ rommandfor" 1 ~ .......",00...1 :I I ~ , b e l ' 10.&1 IIw pl.n fp.-.a b , 1.1 ...--d II lh .. uutlll'l only .oom II.,_- . I 11118 1IItI'I ,IW".,\J.(lF.l 'Ij and 1"'1"litPI' I ~ ml_Uan m. IlrrMl.fl. mainly n'f

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    serie!l of hea,')' .i r attack!! on GUlld.lcan.1 in Ihedays immf'dil.tely following.Jilll"nes6 lo&IeS in lhose atlacks were "1'1')' he.. .)'-more than 50 percent. of thcir Bism.rcks.bllSed

    ai r IIl1it". But the Ihree regular l:nited Stau.carnl'r!l ...hiell "'-f'1"I! to prol-ide ai r 8Ilppon. duringIhI' initi.1 pha.."eS of tbe action suffered ofll'n .tion.1 .n d OOl1lbat lO9'lf'S amounting to 20 p l l ! l ( ' n ~ r ship!! lInd I sm.1l ....1'riel', with a 101111 compleml'lllo( about 300 plan6$.The IIi lots in Ihis (orce were the best. pilots then~ m l l i l l i n J ; in the Jllllllll....., .Air Foref>Ol. "'.n) ofu'I'm . - e l e l ' l l n ~ of Pearl Ilarbor, CI'}'lon. and )Iid_...-a,'. III addition, thl' J apan_ then had .bout150 lil'\t-linelllanes.1 n.baul nd a sllf'Ci.1 Slalfoffi......r h. d bf'en sent from Tokyo to I'ASUre theireAic.ient emplOflllenl.. This officer planncd I. 5 d n ~ !le"i

    and acconlin,rJy he 1"t'til'l'd ,,'itbout attemplinr.:landinp at Pon. 1I0re;by. 11,.t I'l'lil"l!mentof tt",,"t 6ignilicanee in "il' ' '' ' of the subse,b,\' 0" a m"jo, . All iedloaot and lbe kl'v 10 sulJ;;eqUf'nt .d,anee> to thenorth. The J.P;fIf'iOf' tllf'm,. .ln';i oonsidel"l!d it .....imporunt lbat thf.) later all(""'I>led to t .k e i t b)' land h..nee .el'Olll lh t O"el\ :;tanlt) ~ ( o u nlai'llI ond to Bank it by ~ i z i n l l " Milne Bo).4, MiJuwyThe liN I'f'lll \'ietof}' for 11,1' t-niled StlllM .\ir

    FolTfS caml' in Ihl ' Hattie of ~ I i d , , " . y (3-6 JUllfID,H). For that 01lf'l'lllion lbe JapantSe h. d assembled I.rge in....sion fOm! c o " e ~ 1 b)' thf'majof port of thl' . 'alllln_ Fleet ineluding 4 c. rril'l'>! wit Ii about ;),,0 p l ~ n e s . The opposing United$bles surface fO",*-8 were built around 3 carrie1"""ith .bout 2"2.'; pl.nell, and they "'I'l"ll llUpportedb_,' mol"ll th." 100 I.nd-ba.,,'t'd plana_u ""J,fi thl' ca;;e in th e Coni Sea. )fid....y w.d ~ i d f ' d b.,' ai r .dion ",ilhoul .n ("nga,r:ement ofmajor s U f f u ~ unit". But this lime J.pan!"""losses we,... disastrous Dnd df'(,'isi"e: the" pDrtici,pating ~ / - " I I . r carrie,.... a c r u i ~ r and 250 plan..../-",inst II", ....rrier )"(If.,",,,,,,", destroyer and 151planes. TI,e J .pantge carri t r fOm! ne"erfred 1t1,0U/th for tbe nu t 3 ) ' f ' fI", tl", J.parJ,""'I' hill"h llriorit)' to the o o , , ~ t r u c t i o n of carrif'l".f'I'en 10 the poil1t of ('011I('rtilljt IWO bl'tlleships tomodified mrriers. ' n l l ~ .1DpnllC!lll Fleet a c ( ' O r d i n ~ h 'could ne"l'r .b",in be used as an offen.. i,e weapoll.and df'n!lt.ting nids such all those on I'I'.rl liarbor. Rabaul. Port. Darwin. nd Ceylon W("l"ll athing of the past. Bu t a I . r ~ nurnhf'r of lher ; u ~ r b l y Il'llined pilo(lI ...hieh fonnf'd the carritrai r It"J'Oufl'I "'ere sall'd. ThOS!' pilots I"ter form"lth e lIudens of the j[roups which pro,'ided most ofthe opposition to the ,\l1ied I..hanee!! in Ihe ~ I . , .-

    ). CorJSun. fil"llt JUt......i

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    IlIml'\l ~ l o " h- .Cl'Oi:ll , l mOlllllnillll to ...i,hill :\I)m i l ~ . of Port ; \ ' o t e " b ~ . But th .. Illall"i"g for tbi!!op....., ion " - I l l poor. It ".lIected romplete llek ofl'(J(Jpt'ration bet"'een .\nm- and Sa... .lId an ulterfailu", 10 .Jlllreci.,,, the .. I"e of .; r .\1 .mOI>l 110 pro,-;"ion "'as made for .i r cuter or .i rlo/.:-;",ie ~ u J l p o r t . TIll! Jallan' . \ n l l ~ . \ir Foreeh. d 1101 ~ e I_ n broug-ht into I h a"... and t be.\nn)' JrrQund commanders r a r t l ~ - infonnl'\l IheXa' of Ihe 1'lOJ:"l"'l!SS of Illl!ir openotion. or calledfor air ,,,,,"i'IIU't'\'. In am ' e,-.,nt. the :-,...,-,.\iI'FolW w , , ~ ex' ..ndl'\l in t l ~ e Solomona lind -couldnOI fUllli,h nid. The $e\:Ond attempt to lilke Port;\Iol'{,b... l h u ~ W I I ~ liOOIllNI 10 f"ilu!"1' from th ..stlll1,The .\1lied ('onduct of Ihi!! tliIUllni!!" \IllS j u ~ ,rhe re ..elN' Ilf the Jap"nesl' . Froll l lh .. ~ l a r t the.\llil'\l J.'I"Ouud forces 0llposin!! ,he ad"llIlce we".stlPllliell10 II Inr..\' ..xtent b.,' air,IIId th ..} recf'ired

    do.e ~ l I " l ' 0 r t '0 ,he {.'l'l'all"'t IlOi; Fiflh .\ir Fomo.En'n Il-lis ".1'''' used for dO!'f ;;uPllOn and forottlcks on , l Jlpanest! s o P J l I ~ ' line. In .Jo.pan_ line of .d .....nce "'as lIankeocl b. . . .n.iroon,e l.ndinJ:" 6J mil\';! llomhea..

    '- '7. . ud tb t .,1 .,..- 900ft 1Q8l rR?"'dial half of ~ Iand-buo!oJ f ) I ~ n ...hlho,d l e , J a ~ carriton o:ollidlod ...ilh t"nill'd L aiMean.n in tbe R a t t ~ of. nla C""" on 26 Odo.... 1N2. and . h 11.. Cnill'd Sui'" e a r r i ~ rB_1 WP IIUtlk. tiMo . , I .pa_ f " " l I " ~ r e d .. . of IPOft than 1011 plaM!O Ind pilots.n- t...o ~ r a l i O l l S ... ~ r It.. c1iDlU: of theairaction .round Guallaklnal. and a f l ~ r a ! M ' r i ~of ... rface adion>o ,",,1min.ling in tI.. Battle ofGuulalean.1 on 13-\,'j S o n ~ m b e r . the Japan_Mwr .p in threAtened l;nited S,ates poo!itiona intiMo HOuthem SoIOOlOIlS. The Japanese carriei'llred Ind "'ere not ..gain committed to combatunlilthe l;nited Statl!'! ilwasion of the )lnrill.lllsin June of 1944. The Jallallese carrier air /l'roupl!..."..., lll'riolibly ...eakened. but the most ser iousdamage done to J.palll'l!ll! Iandbued .i rPO""" . t Rabaul. In ~ b e r of l!l-12. lhere"'ere ' - !han 100 pl.n... bafI thert.nd theIIlIjority of the pikJU ...ere fre;h from J.pan ,..jlhI.D. . " ' ~ of _ than 300 II)-ing hool1l, onlyIIbout I of .hieh had hem ~ p e n t in comba tp""'-). TJ.t. Bilk 01 tAe I.po"'' ' Army .-ti.. Fol'C'f'.It Wall DOl: IIDlil JI.D.UlI'J' 19-13 that lhe Japan_AJm,. .",-ir Forte became inrolved in the SolomonsC&1:lpa.ign.. hi the f.n of IW2,Ihe S.,.,- n l l ~ . nllJI"Ilt al l for reinfon:ftMnt8, lIiring as 00" reA. . the ~ i dmIandB of J .panese AnnyfU'alll in t he . r ta for l[l'Ound support . In December,2 of the beel. Anny fighiu nnils. ,,'ith ell:'p"ience in tha l la la)'an campaign. . . .er e d is patched from SliraJ..y. t o Truk b ~ carrier ...ilhItO pianM. units ...ere 1I0...n doan '0 B.a.bwl from Tntk. and elemtn,a from t1..m interapiN 8-11 auack on Rabaul 011 Ii Janua"1M&. n..., were .ble to maintain .n anzoa,e

    of aboul eo plan. unlil lbe n.llle of1M B-. .m Sea. 1-3 Haneh 19-13. . . .hm twoum k of their pIaDN were be IDd IQQIll of lbeNt . . x - l y daa.pd. They 1fft@1lOOI1 returned. . J. . . . to n&., ba-..m, kIM 1IR airnah and 1I8Pluta __ their urin.l at BabauL.....biJe in Tatyo. the J.,._ Sa..,. a ..iwiItitt that the Arm)' -WI ita ! I t ' ' I ~ ~ _ of unitll t . .d in HaDclJuria tiDnl the bej(in.

    1111I of tbe war. Thill the Anny rtfu","l I.. do.kt t it altiJnately ( l ( I l l I P r o t l 1 ~ by III'ndinlt" in onertIIld.ilUll bomhtor unil, 1"-0 paMlyhlnad light bomber unit... Ind th .. . inupl"ri.eoad, pooriy equipped fiJrbtpr unila. of..... QI f&II'JiI- _.y henl lN" of l a ~ k of

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    ,t a l e airfield at W.u. and a ...all 'l'l"U 9l'TIt in fc)rr e i D l o n ' t ' l l l l ! n ~ Th. - r t ' i n f o r o l ' 1 t l f ' n j ~ "" I ' I ' " t 1 i ~ patdled by conroy from Rabaul .bout I ~ f l l r c h .but .lm"'" .11 ,",no lost when .\lIied .it('l"l\ft sankmOl< of Ih" o o n ~ o y in th", action d""ill'll'Ie1h in the New Guinea nl:U, :rhe J ~ p a nl'Sl.' plan to build lip air stl'l'ngth II I :"ew GUineah3d ~ u t f e r e d a severe setlmck.f. 11'e,rak to the tldmirollie$. DIII'illg the laUerpart of ll}\ and earl)' the followinjl," year, the.Jnpaull8e _\nm' Air Force l,'lwe first priority to~ e GuineR. It llttempted to build Ull strengththere to ~ ( ) ( ) planes or more. but 10!ISC!l o"er thenew ferr" route "'ere high, amounting to 30 perClOne 'If the planes ferried. )Ioreo\'er, IKlCllUSll oftl,e inexperience o f t he ferry pilots. bnd mllillte.llftlK'e 'ilong the route, and the poor CQndition 01the fQrw"rd fields, many aircl ' llf t were unlit forcombat "'hen thll)' renci,ed forward arens. ConSClluently, nil' strength in Xew Gllinl'9 mrel) ' excl'eded '.WO plnnes.Durin::- this period, .. 11 \"llTietillS of mRintennncedillicult)" Wel'e encountered, and mnllY planes we'el \ l I l l t l d o , ~ e d which might easil)' IUl\'Il been repaire,lill renr ,,,,,"so ,\ t this poillt., submnrine and nil'1I11nckS On L"Otl\'0YS t o Wewnk and other XewGuinea ports became increasingly ejJ'ecti'e. and IIbecamemore and more dillicult for the Japnnese 10m"intain hn rtdeo:lunte suppl)' of spare prtrtA. Furthl'l"lnore. thl' mnin repnir base for New G"inf"WaS (j>llela oil 1I"lnlllherrt, o'er 1.QOO miles f ' ~ l 1 1 1Wewllk. This base never funetiolletl nde

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR



    the h ~ , t , - ) , losses which the)' hRd sutfel'\'(l. lhe./I,p,tnese still hnd ~ o fin;t1ine aircmft in IhePhiliplliu('!j, Rnd by 1 SOl 'ember they w"re nble10 bring in more tlmn 1,000 reinforcements Blldrepla(:eulent;l. ThOlifl p lanes they cou ld opemtefrom i t Rir6trips On Luzon K"d 51 on the \"iSR)'llIIlIud .\lindan.o. On the Allied side, Ilrimary .....liBllre "'us I)laced On carrierbased I,h",..". for thebeaches were out of range of Innd-lJaSf'd fip:-hler'S.The JlI.llUIU!Sf', t herefoi l' . had the .d, anlage,rineetl)1l, weresunk. But ( 'ni lI 'd Stales I,!tll les iuflecled fll rJ:l"',(,llt"l" dumull6. on tim unprotected nnd disorgllniZI,,1 Jllpanese Fleel, 8iuking one '-egultor carrier,



    to land on "'in,lanno. and the plUlll!I!111,,11 ,,',llulm "-n 10 bnse!! in lhe Cen.l i t ." . Tlwll. huilllf th.. !reCoud w ...k ill...-ny of lhem Wt!N suq,,.ised b.,' aNal'Y carrie,. strike which destro\'ed) ll anes , both AmI) ' and Sill")' . P ~ i n .

    of th\lS\l loases, no substantiul uir. . . . B.llempted ...hen the Alliel! I.nded

    011 15 September 1m. No 1,18n hlld10 OppOSE! the simultanoous I.ndinltll inPiP hecuuse of excessi... I1lnge from.....

    on Peleliu and :Uoroui midI' itthat landings ultimatel)' ....ould bf'hi the Philippines, .n d the JlIPllne>;e. . . . . . . .te Iheir prePll... tions 'o r illl deu a result o f t he September ....rrier.... thfl J.Pllnese Anny .n d S ..,. _\.ir

    . . . . .hed .. ne,..lo,.. in oomb:at etJ'ecti,...-Mithfr rould possibly reco\"er in time.&he _\nny underestim.ted tl'e speedAllied foreescouldbe r e ~ l l l l ! d .f ter..d Yoroui o ~ r a t i o n s . and se t !lOIlle

    ~ ! ~ " " ' _ b e r llII a t . rget d. te for read.ling

    poinl thll" thM ...hich it hn.1 r.."dlld RL the timaof i ts ""thdrnwal from IblNo.ul .9. SeconJ Phili/Jpi"eJC_p_g"

    n. /'reparaliolU lor De/r'IM. From the time ofthe surrender 0 ' Corregidor until th .. lo $ of 1101.lundin. the .Jop"ne"e c o n ~ i d r " " l l h e I'hi\ippilll!1!.r:>r a re a "..herr no substnntinlair Slr('R/olIh I l be maintained. The ai .. bases in the Philippilll!ll"'ere used solely for {n>ininj!" and for lerryinll.ircrdt to 'o rwaro In'll!\. lind the prindlllli renterof air f o .cti} .....s tile ) Innila Air D e .the b r .n d maintenanre renler outSll1e."I)&n. nUl "'ith tI", r.1l of Hollundil\. Ihll Japan__ \nlH' .\ir Foret' b P ~ ' l l n to I,repa... for II"r a d , . ~ t o l he Sorth. "d. for Ih" fir. n ' J ~ H 1 ~ ,""I,h., 1 " " , h l u " , , I ~ . Hul h,1('r in .IttJ!U,I il "'''_ th""jCht Im)h,,!>le Illllt IIl"('lilllill.r1bod "' " In _ ...-111, \I f'arri..", .n d :,tJlII,lKn", hUIwlbout tllP okil,", f'a1T;"r ~ " .... 1..... in 11M'!Tbt>1IHC 11Ift tllP rnitl'd St.l"", Fll'eIill tboo ftn4 bait I . o f II", Philippine" (l9:!11JlI"'l .n d 1""1...1 :0'1.10'11 S u ~ - l,ilotK c\.mon.....11'd tllPir ."""Iul .. ""1... l i Q r i l ~ - , Tht> .111'."_b t n...rly 0111 p l a ~ and I CIIrri. .r to Kir " " . ~ k .0 ,.. oIl"'r f'alTin .........r i o o ~ l y tl..n'.j[f"Il b ~ lIir......k nd :l ....m. '" "I'''' ....nk by sIIIom.rinf'>'.J . pa . _ 1_ in tm. e . .n lral I ... ili, in .Jun.a1lO\lnll'

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR



    t i l . liFt ~ m e r a . _ battltehip. four ~ r u i 8 e n ,ud..-l _II., .......... sflitid AttGf'h_ J)urinlC tbf naUlf of IAi)uGulf.t '" J ..- for tl.. finct timl' I1III!d lnIicidetw:b &pinK ... r f d1iJlll on a plannl!'ll huis- . a IltIblUntial _I f . p"","i0U8ly. tM"" badlIMo iNhDntrol. 1t"&\1 not until tM ....lIIll11@rof IW . aftw 11.1lllIl of I I . M.ri.lUI" hO"'f1"l&1',tJIII tbe Japanee hiilh (OaImand 10 CODailbl' ...... Mlkide l"ftll'* as _[1$ 01 turuingt .k tbe Allied adr.nrf"_ Tlw fir!ll authfnlicated_ 01 a pilcf.1 atlDO\lDeillj( bflon: t.boB' aniDlebtioo 10nu I l " ' - 011 I:; r I ~ , , , i 7 . l 1 { i o , , . , tI' l h mui"

    L u ~ I l . \ I " , ~ ocoe" ~ 1 t O W I t ,,00,... IIll'pilots wel\llost ill Xew G"illell "" d.and 1 ~ 1 l \ l ) ' pilot.!l went into t"()mbnl

    ppmI!'!! ~ ' : I t h only 100 hours lIying lime] I ) . "t th respect 10 lhe disorgtlllil'"FUlld ech ...lon. "n i l l t e l 1 i ~ ' I ! n ~ o 1 l i ~ rto: the .JIII!"ne>e Arm,. .\ ir 0.."01 atWith th ... hl'St Itroond troops h,... l . h i ~October l".Irri ...r strikes.) The ./111>:1._ llS sUl."h. npp3nlnllr c e a ~ 1 to Ill:'IJld became a piecemesl h o d ~ ' e l l O \ l j . . " ' _

    . . . d.,- 10 ~ . ) - basis. R...pair shOI""JlI'. and m.UII...n"nee unil- . l1 "'f",_r the ...ntire arta from I3lmban 10

    ,clark. Since th"t tim .... Ih..."" h a 'l"e.C?nlrol of Ih ... 00'" of suPlllies__pen'JSlon of nlpairs and msill1enanetno ... 10 describe Ih ~ i t u a t i o n all a8 l l ~ ' i l l g lhst t.,-el} I,,"" is f"idfllC'l'lion and gen ...n.lsh.mbl ...... To men-

    . \ f U ~ . r d,e inili.1 COlHluest off tkh , ,'as compleied b,. th ... ~ i n n i n gi n I he spring of 19-12. Jalllln_ill 1I0111hesst Asis were gin!n Il low'" th e hi!!h command. Th ... bulk of theplanes .n d Ihe best nlllla


    li."l1" f " \ \ - I 0 1 ' ~ " ' S itt Ihe wind: 01'''''' 200 ne",' I'c"I.!tl,,,,,. tllOlol tl f Ih"ltI nnn UIICI"tl'li. We,"l' found in.\lIlb"I".....1 lowtl, "nc, mon' lhan 3 or I in OllOpl'H',":, ~ " l l " , .....1undN"ealh hotl!ll"'_ o ld r i...... ",ilkpubl,c h"il,It"lZ". little !! in oml)"ing" tiL_I r i c ' ~ .a,,,1 1', ell ..." ~ " I t ! " ' " l k s and alle)"s. In addition. , ........t I I e n d o u ~ a " , o l l " l ~ of l l l lr is stich all r"rlmteION.fuel l",nrp!I. ""Ilenttol'll, llcope]]...",. /!1tl1S. lires~ h l ! \ ' l ~ . oleo stru,,,, e I ~ _ . were al"" fo\t1H! SC>ItI"-relttlt tllll,."er. Well 0'...,. half of 11.- rIwere lo"ned ill oock,....k tinder hOlbeij " : n 1 ~lh"''''1\ All 01''''''' fitld... Tools ""fre a],;o bune

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    ,t.. "O medium born!>tr ulliia ...ere 1M,"ed 10 Chilli.t he y ...ere alm08t immedi'lel" ...ilhdn.1rll and~ n to nunna Ill.inly for the purpot;e of palrolhng the n., of Bengal, ,,'hieh h. d bee:n lefl in.lIl!ellTl! by withdl1l.walJl o f o ther ai r unilll to th,p,&IOIl IOl l8-During 19H Ihe principII I mi9Sioll of lhe Jarlllnese Ann)' . \ir Foree in Chin. ""as to llUPIl(lrlJallallese ground lroops in their 0IJe ...tionll in the

    Peiping.lI.nko ...Canlon ... i1....y cor ridor. Actu.lly, bowe'er. '"e..,' fe ... /::round ropp.. rt llOrti.. ."-ere fI ....wn. and Ihe lIUIin .J.panese .i r effort. inChin. ooru;isted of ...ids on Fourteenth Ai r F o fields and interception of Fourteentll Ai r Forcetllttll:k9 on hlrb"t:ts in lhe roilwl'y corridor. Themide wel'e On a l;ulIlllllCale, made mo;;lJrat night,nel'er ueeeding I:; planl'S ." d nonllallr consist_i ng o f olll) ' 2 or 3. I l I t e ~ l l t i o n ""III .0 0 ....n ISIIUIll Inle ...ith muimum of .boul 20 fightersin th,p, .i r It one time.d, Tile TlUfltietA Bombt, C_mand. WhenIhe Twenlil'lh IJomher C"''''"llnd H -:?!)oj teIlehedfields in the Chengt.\1 .rea in the summer of 1(144,the Jllpnuese moved in one of Ihei r mOllt e!lperi.eUt:e(1 ntedillJIj bomber UniliJ and pt1X't'eded 10couduct. few small-_te n.ids nil t l J3-2!)ba- . These nids destrortoll fe ... B-29lJ on tlleground .n d IJeriously d.magN others. llean...hile. despile the 101l1:' o.. ~ r l a n d O i ~ h t e to lheirl.rJ..'l't8, the B-29lJ "'ere not !eriously hamperedb,. Chin.based fighters.

    1'" HU(J.pilulatioll. The ~ ' o u r t l ' e n t h , \ir Foroeue"er dcfellted the Jnpnllese ai r units in C h i l l l ~the "'a,. Japanese uni ts in the Solomons, Bitmarcks, .n d x ~ Guinea "'ere defeated. n ,e. r a "'as too I . ' l . ~ and the pllnes and 10gisliI'W.Isupport provided the Fourteenth 1t1!nl too fImIU.BUl from the ~ e r y first. J a l . l l ~ .i r units illChina "'ere on l he d e f e n s i ~ e , and tbe Japaneseal"'ars spent so much of thtir tffort. in illlercell_lion and in a ttacks on Uni ted Stl llt ii l a ir fieldsIhat Ihe)" could do "1'1")' littl e else, .\!eIIIiWhill:, lheFourteenth Ai r Force hit III mnny t"r/,,'f'Ls besid .... airfields, and by WPllOrtingChin_ ground11"00115 .n d h a ~ i n g theJ'rlanese linN of supply,it did much to kl!l!ll China in the ....r.Il "'111 no t becallge of superiority in numbe",

    lhal th,p, United StalM , \ir Fol"l::ell in China "'1''''so much more elJecti,"e tha" Ihe Japanese. I.nJuly 1912 whl:n lhe Chilli' ,\ ir Tuk Force beganopersling, the Jnpnnese hnd a numerical lluperiority of abo ul 4 t o I , a nd it Will not unt il l at e


    fa,'orite I.rga. In 19-U tbe e . r n p h a ; , i ~ ,,'"U 011d snpport by lighter-bombers, buL by thaL til1ltAIliM ai r ~ U I ~ r i o r i l r " ' l l I 90 pronouncW thllt verylillie nn'olllillihhed, The Japanese offiCl!r inc h . r ~ of !tir operations ill llOuthenst Asill lit theend of the wllr lills staled Ihnt, inh is ....pinion llndin theopinion of other air offieers, thn planes usedfor groulld I;Illlport might better h.'e been empl d . .. inst CalcuU. and tlle Hump Rouloe.TII(l!ll! 016, , ; nd 28 Otfo", t h roul" "'asin q ~ n . t i o o 00 I.q.oe scale_ IhtH' .11 . ( '0 "'eremadIl on airfiekill cOluprising the ...estem end oftbe r o U I ~ in t he upper _\SIlInt \ n lley . The f ir infol..ed about 100 plant!!, nnll did ("Ousidera b damafll' becllllle it aehiHed surprille, The~ " and third were also d.nlll!!ill::. IJllt. IltOIo.hI, L t < - a u ~ of innd&luate relllaeeinenlfl. the alla d .....,,"' no t ('fIIItinued. In IlU3 and 19.J4. there..._ ft ... Iattl '....1 n.itLl 00 . i r f i e l d . ~ at Ku n1DirJt' and llUInanyi. the eastern f'IId of the route,uwI a ( I I I t he . \ t8am "alley f ields. but thesea two did no t mattriall,' interfere ... ilh ,\lI iedoprnllOWl.Another p o t ~ t i . 1 IIl..,..t "" U lhe iuler"l'f>l'lionof In.llIlpOrt 1'1.11l'1li f1yillj( the Hump" This the.I. . . litempted ill the f.lI of 1M3, using twof i ~ l f o r Unilll ~ dowu from llandillria fortlul. (>Q1'J'Ol't. A f_ tra.llflj lOrt plan(';< ..........11Otfrom Oc1obtr 19-13 10 F.. IIu...., IlII-L IheT"" .. Air F_ YU fonm 10 l I U I i u t ~ i n ~ h \ t r... rot o...,r d .. IIlU11p; .n d In.n;:cpol'l. bfoll'ln In81 a rimLitoul route fronl dl t ~ ".111"'" toK111laing , ,"r IbPlliN'r n101lntains to the n ~ r t h ....... But jllllt ...hen the intt!ffi'pli....n open.tions"'I'll causing the mOfit diftleulty, Ihe t ...o lill'll\er..... -.remo\'ed t& Sew Guinr-.,and inlt'n:'t'11tioo-- the IIlIIIlp YU IlllYa" apin ItI_pllWl on a"""' ......L (}n ,wJ S.,pt>rl. A high propon ion ....f"....- in Btmna ....N IIowD in IIIIpportof tl'OOl- 111 tlw ,\rakaR . r a in 1m andiDtItIlmpbala. . in 19+1. In the An.kan IIp''n.,t.kIt, fn,qaellt attacllll WIl", made on RAJ>' fill'ldJI.uel t.Itere ... n attaeb on the Briti8happIJ liDa, tItI doeb at Cbillagonr bei1l(


  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR



    ,- -- ". ~ -- I.... ~ , . . . - - - - m -- I . U ~ ' " m ,.~ u.._ .. . m -:1: ........_ w~ s u...._ .' m~ " " 1 > 1 0 $ _ .1 m,- - ~ " M O $ _ W -: 1 : " ' ' ' 0 $ . o."""-... . . . . . l--. T _ .. ___ - - ,-.._---- ,. ----"--- - -- - - - --- ,- w ,-...-_ .....1111'"_''_''_'''1 ... ",,, . ~ " " ' " .d. f:roluatiQII, Th" JllpalHl&\ plan. o o n c e i n ~ d

    II flCI' 1he Philippine'! campaign. calkd for !lUieidellllncks in slIlIicielll fOI'Cll to 8Il111lf1111 Allillti fighttlrIllid 1I111illil'Cnlft defell!ll'l!. bllt Ihe fort:ellll.ctuallyclIIpl(JJ'cd "'el'e l1e,'er suflieientlJ' large or e


    Ihe J.panese were &!l'lllmblillg all-.kide Illanes and pilOUl in Kyushu for

    .Ilacks o n I he .ppl'OlB.ebing .mphi Orthodox training had almost. c:onteweeks earlier. and Ill.nesand p . M - I ~ released for the training organiza. . . " fonnt 'd in to uuitll lUI rapidlJ 1.88amrI of tlle5e unitll ...ere !leI.!IOnt'd wilhpilots from regular ai r units, and tbtlmade th e I I )'larch IIttack on Glilhi,llCtual ineffectinl1ellS. was composed1 nperienced pilots. .\ fcw other suiWert! made before lind at 1he lime ofon Okinawn, which took pIllet on 1

    the bulk of th e suicide fofC@ was heldlater ma!l!l Mtllcks.8Wide .1 tlad'k, The lir:;;t Inll!!!! b l l i e i d ~

    Iy lli"lnrg(l;rt, nnd mOBl dcstnlcli\,eabo .ttack of the euliro war , c ame ou.hen o"cr a 36!lour period Ihe Jnll.mer 350 suicide 1I011ies, ncooml)aniedthe sallie nllmher of co\'er, rec:onnnisorthodox bombing bOrtiC!l. MOr(l than_pi were hit, l it lel ls t 25 of t hem by

    Thereafter. the JUI",nese launched

    1tn.Ilj:('1h Oil K}'ushu lind lhe FirthY1 Ai r F le et Wall l'flpidly expandedgi"en opernlional control of nll

    Anny unib opera ting in d e f ~ 1 l . ' l e ofK)uslm.intended lhat th e Ilrincip:al strik

    of Ihe Fifth Ai r Fleet and itll suborcommand .hould be suici(1ll ullil!!.also re:>gnized th e necessily for

    Icbter co"e r for illllll:perienced suicid"reconn.i!lSB.nce planes to find the lar. , . !!till had a few experien-' piioobe u,;eO. for onhodox bombing andThe)' accordingly orpnized tbtl r e m a i n i l l ~ pilotll into elittl unil forof conducting orthodox operalion. in

    .. icide au ....ks.;"or-y Att(J('h, Wben t ["nitt'dFleet atlacktd Kyusbu in a series ofbeginning on 1:1 1larch and leadingOkina..... landings, it "'as opposed pn elile units. _-\ single di1'fl bombl'r01 them !lOOred a lucky bi t on th e camel'

    dIroagb break in th e clouds. IIilson other.-esseb. This WI. !! I hem lhe ""1.1' that crippling damage .....s

    "' t uniUl by orthodox Japanese .i r

    3. UlilbiOne of lhe mGA rem.rkable up lo ih l o f IiJall_ne'll! su..,ide force came on 11 1larch 19Uwhen:!4 J a p a . . - Sa ..,. medium bomhers oil

    from K)"IISbu in an attempt 10 a on th e ("nill'() S t . l ~ Fleet base at VlIIII.Had ten .nce (o r poor nlOralfl) caused ,planes 10 turn back. wd poor planning result ..1i n I he .rr i...1 of th e ~ m a i n i l l J l : 15 1.1 Clilhi .ft"dark. Twelve pl.nes then allemllltd lIuicide 1.1laen on BUrfaee uniula! anchor in th e 1111.0011. alldlhe other 1111"'" made onhodox bombillj!; auacbOne plane hi l and $l'riou"I)' d s m a ~ Ihe ....rritrHa"dolph. and One e ~ h f l l on lin i ~ l a n d in IhI:1.1011. but the OIher did no! e

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    ~ h i l " " and do",af.'1'd .bout 000. llowe,"er, j l l d ~ i n gb ~ pl"l'nous exllfrifnt'elii, onll' a "err fe ... of those~ u n k would h""'e '-n in the banll'$hip, carriernnd enli!ll!rclll!;1;e;l (E.d,ibil!! A,\. BB, and CC inAllpelHlix \').6, Deltl/se 01 Sou/INiI$I AS;iI

    . .\rlfr )r.rch of 1 9 - I 5 , l I O I I t ~ t .\oia ..-.s I'raeI,calll' eut 011' from .'lIllnn And ben.rne vinu.llran iudependellt thenter r e . ~ p o n ~ i b l e for ilB own

    il would luwe become "irtu"lIv im-mo"e SUPI)liefl fOl"\\"Rrd eilher t .d kb or 10 j..'rolmd 1f"(101lS. _\Ild oflime of i n , . ~ i o n . oonstalll air J>Blrolbeen maintained o"er the in'-asionr Ihe main ,1"lfflne;;6 a i l f i e l d ~ 113 \\"111,fil1nl.,' beliHeol, howe'er. lhul

    h."e d i ~ l ) @ r s e d Iheir "uitidf 1)lnncs "'ellpl"ewnt their de:>t.ruetion befom thea d that a hill'h proportion of suicideha'e l....n"l'IIled Ih" .\lIi"d l ~ h l e rft'acl",,1 the l l e " c h ~ Bil l . ; ' lons been, I h 1 " " ~ " ' l t " ! 1 e of hits or ,hllllll;!in;.:1M''' ~ u i c i < l e M"t ie ""uS 10Wfl' lit Okiin the Philil'pinl"'. lind il 1 1 1 ' O b a b l ~

    _n e"fll lo"er ... ' l he time of in.. . o f t he l l ~ r ( ' i . - e l ) ' IIOO ....r training"

    f ' I l ' l l l o p ~ d . Se ..erth..1 . ,i f the Jallaa e t u a l l ~ hee" nble to l1r SOIl' 5.000 ~ u i < : i d "figurtl b ~ HI) IIlfllllS impnt for I , ; t ~ or d... ll1... ~ i l l l l '

    ). Ih"..- ...ould h.,-" "",k .bollt 911

    ~ it _ libly thai the f'Iltire Jallanese ' \ I ~_ would ul timately h a" " made 8uicide .tl.ckM. bul a t t he tnd of lbe w. r no definile plnll1lb. d 10 oovt'r this rontingellc,V.c. P r o g " ~ 8 . 0,. lbe end of IhI ' . . . . r the Jnlla__ had made ronsiden.ble progrfflll in impkmeIIling' Itwir plan. Tbt JaP'onele X.\')' i n par ticular had __ bled about 2,.00 small bipl.netrainel"$. "tuipped them for 8Uicide .lIncks, anddilllne>e i ~ l l \ n d s ""em eut otT from lliellOutbern .ren b,. Ihe Allif!ll ClIl'tl ll e of t l I 'hilippinel, the Japanese were faced. \\"ilh .

    ultim.te ,J,onage of a.. i.tion fuel. This I h ~ ,made a maximum ell"ort 10 all",i.te. f irst by lheof ca'll'O 8Ubmariflf'S and major fleet uni toron tbe .\llit

    The Japa.n_ ne\'@rthelllllll would hnl"e ),.dample ""ialion fuel for lIUlltained snidtle .tJaetGO any inV&lliOfl fon:e if i n ' I . - ~ i o n hRd laken plotf


    v.a.I Ia . . . . . of 10 adline IIIda . tllratiGl. n .__ .... thnefoId; (I ) 'The JaP'on.. wen unable by 1 April 10 . -mble and . . . .on Kyulhu a I a fI1KI1II fora>; lhe attack of. . . .0 April ~ I e d tMir muimum efort wilhtiM pAD. whrlro ," ," ,anilalMat f_rd t . . - ;I iil. ['ailed Statl!ll mrriN IItriD< and B ~ 2 ! k dam...,t . . . . ir farilitifs fOl'C'iJll' d Japanree inlow i ~ e dispe.,.1 of aifCl1lft. which in lum ....dl.11K ol'lf&niulion of l a r p . - I e lIullcb ueH

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    Ihe I I - ~ O I < W l l ~ A I l ~ l h t 11)11, ",heu "bout l.j(il>ereem or " l t n t k i n ~ pi"""" "'He 10;,( to enem,.filthlel'!'. IIlIt onl), ill Ih"t month. in ~ o " e m b e r1911 lInd .)IUlnar,' l ! H ~ did JO!lSeS e X ~ ' I ' e ( 1 I perC4!l\t. 1I11d in :\111'" .Iulle .JuJr. Mild AUl:U5L I I IheIfI"ilth! of T",entielh Ail" Force ope".tion!l., the"were le!l11 Ihan 0.2 percent. The 1011111'l11e of \,;ighlh,\ir Force Ilea. '" bombet'8 to GenuAIl fighlers!hlVlIl!;liolil t he . .. . r "'U About Ihree t imes Ihatof 1hll T ......lllieth Air Foree, l ind the worsttllonthl,.IOIIII I'1Ile for Ihe l-;ighlh (in April 19-13)...u mOl'lllh.n Ihre-e Ind one-h.lf lime!llhe worst10!!1! "'Ie of the T ...tntied,.The fill.1 II lnsurIo of the tffectintle91 o f t il tJ'I>anese fijrllter defeTlllll SJstt-m is dIe SIlIlCe8il ofIhe 1l-29s. .n d Ihe ...,.,.1 d.m... doue Jal>anese

    ~ i l i l l ! l is Ihe best proof Ih.1 there was no l ighlerdefell!lfl ...ol1h,. of Ihe name.

    lacQ ..."" . uceedinj.!l, d . n ~ ~ r o u s 10 surfaceships.e.tll l h o u ~ o b "\ldt b, IlOOrl,. I...ined piku in ob-1101 irc ft . nd it ilI!' lhal e,'"n a1lhe mdof II r the Japanll!lf! .ere capable of doinghea.,. d . m . ~ b,. suicide .tlaCks 10 aD" iD.-asiOllforce '1lllnMchinjr I"" maiu J'I>an_ ilIlands. Bu til ....s .6 0 Illain th.1 t' " J . p a n _ Air Jo'on:ea.-ere inClllllble of inle.,_iug t1Ubslanti.1 oppo!ril ion to th" mOllnti"I; _\ \lied .i r assaull 011 J.pan.lind the r1'C'OJ.'1litioli Ih"l t he re " 'a s no dtfensea):..",in81 that llS8lIult u l l d o u b t e d l ~ ' conlributed 10the deci"ion to SliITeuder.


    Io n . V.l>. . , ....... .,7.' ,., J . . . . : J ~ I I ~ ...... ,::; Q.02

    thl'lll"eml-'e l1\lln1>el" of ,Jnp'"HJi;l'pe r "went)'-first Bom1>el" COlli.


    achiele11 b,. JlIpane9t fij.!htel'llJI.49s is s hown i n Exhibit Q (.\p_which gin!S the tot.1 T " ' ~ l i e l h Airu d 1_ caused b, .Japanese fij.!hlr8 from lhll eshibil. B-!?9 losse;;much sm.ller than tho;;e sufJe".dhea"" bombers .gainst Ihe Gerin Ihe Europellil lllealer. Thethe J'lllIne;;e Ai r Foref'!l tllld .gaiIl$l

    limited re!lOUretS. Ih" Jap"uesI' _\irnel'"r hope 10 eom"tte on e "en&be _ \ l l i ~ Air FOn:ell .n 1'.1of Iinle. Thl:!ir inil i.15tlCCe$Sll!l ..........e:steIltiou.lI,. "'1'11-1 rained. ...ell-orwell-(uiflpl:!d .i r units which caujrhttIIlprepared. Aftu Ihose units ,, t rel!IoIomOIl!l. BislI1.rcks.a.nd ~ ... Guin.....Ie ftl)lalioulIl circum l"lIN'"Even befo", tb t ord ..r 10 conllll'r\"e !lilot5 .nJplanes for I" " suicide force. Ihe . J l l f l l l l ~ . \ I tY_ DtVI'r made an an OUI .../forl "pillS! IIw.B--2lle.. Only a MI.II part of Ihp ti!!hter slrl '"..~ of the JapaDelll' ~ u "OS ...Ier OOlnmitt ....1 Iefq[hler dtfll'lllM uniu. .n d UCf'pl durin!! JunllJrrand Jotbruary of 1 9 - 1 ~ , th ... JIII)tllll'lle AI'I1IY u ,ro_lIIIld ' - ...ith 11111 H--2(l;j t lmn with thl:Pllilippilleil aDd OkinawL Durin!! tho enlire I""riod of a it a ll ac b on .J'I'.I1, fl"Olll .)1I(]6 Inl1Iinlil tblltnd of th6 war, the .hl)"nestl AI1(1)' " ' .. .,. n... ~ eommittfd mOn! thllll 21 percelll ,,{thllir tOl.1 l I ~ h ~ r l l I n n ~ h to tli6 d e f ~ n ! ' i e ~ .'Ipan.The low f 1 C a l ~ of tll'ort of .1"flunlSll lillhl'''.ga.intll: thl' 1t-29lt is hefII illdic"INI I>y 11,11 foll a'"


    t. W, Hilt ." J a J * _ dtd no ( . .m_ly ronBidel lhe~ b i h l Y of air . n a r b on I1It' ma'o JaJ*ne-'. . . . . . . lInlil I' " l loohu" ... ,,1 of Alml IH:l.AI lbal l i _ I " ' , ",sl_ndf'd n l d i _ l n yai r .....,...... """ffll .nd I...,...ft..r ah ,... malntaiDNI .. ....,.i ftjrhlH' ""iIM in .ta,_n for d r f m ~ i . - epu., . .- In 1H.1 Illd Nrl, 1\loU. ho .......r. U--2DlttL'b .......... b4'lifl4'd 10 b4' immi"",t ud 1M&,:II .... doof_ of In.. to:Dl'oi"" ....,. ~ Q I , ~ , , " ItoIltido-n.bW III..olioo. n",,,. follo fd ....-i...of I"'IOl'pniQ;liOOll dnoilfllftl 1 0 " - I p o ... i Ibra! of I' " B - and h. IhI' mdo f 1M..-ar a_l l iol l . . :l . . nK1.II'" had lwu d4'.. 11I1'1'(I..i-......... for the ...u h a n ~ of inronnatioo obIaiad by the rinl I)'IIIeaUI Wtrt paMI,. inadel (IWL AhhoIqda.1 _ lime Impe ria l GetralH. . . . .u r t e n del:ided to pool Ann ,. and ~ a v y1Ip_ n i u , !be J a p a _ Sa ..,. rttueed t o I ak t. . . . . . from Ann,. Air FOfte oIBl'ers. and _ro flbter Qui", of both ware placM under theDiIIriet Uroo.nd Ann,. commanden, 10 tllt

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR




    -"J,.'." , .

    ' ....... !,._lIlr-

    thll lito;l "'''''j': (,If plulII!!! 0"1'" l'l"r1 1lIlrb..." thecnlll111IIIU!t', of Ollll or lI'e Ilir , . : r o u ] l ~ whicll 51111kt ~ ' l l / ( c l ' t d ~ ~ lind P";l1('"t Qf It'aln, lind .\(lminl1\ 1I1l1ll.molos 1ll'1'iI01l1I1 N>pre"enl,,1 i "e in c h . r ~ ofJ l l l l n n l l 1 ~ o t r e l \ ~ j , ' e .. ir o l ' e r n l i o H ~ Ilj.... i l l ~ l Gu"dRI.calla I.

    c. Ou,.lJfl . U ~ r o f t SfIYlIgl". The [,1-'111"1':II fOfOI'er_1I11 ".1 ' ' ' ' '_ . i renf. l;Irt'nj.'1l1 uS11'\""I-'1h of lactio:al nnil" lind 1I1011thl\' COIubal"ire... fl production: .

    Tho i u ~ r , , " " " in Ill" mliu of Il,-otlurtion lQh l r ~ n , . : t h du,in,.: llH:l "1ll1 I ! l l l i 11 function ofIlie hil(h r"h'S M "nSIIl":o which OC1I"- The dropiu t h 11'li" i l l . J " I ~ "r WIll or COIn.,.., ''(''liltS frmu

    ,,_ .... ,.,""" 'M>.,_" ..." ..., ,oulJ_, ,j+,,'"I" ..."-,,...)81. ,...,

    . , o l ~ l a t i o l \ s 1I",:"f"4. 1"'1 fo r ...arcy of _.Ml , " , , - "f '" ""R1.1f 10 "", , ' t!lfmout in full_ .\('1u.1 pl"O

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    ',.-rlil.... ~ . \ " 1111 1 ~ 1 T ' t \ 1 l of .\nl1) . i r l i c l d ~ "-ere !)f,....d. lu lh efor,,.n1 . r t l I ~ th. . . i r r ~ l t I "nih "ere nO!. ,!!i"e",ul":I".le 1 l I . l c r i . l ~ lind KJlI;l)nle'lll for eilhcr COli:;l:n'Clion o r " 'I .. ir. T I I ' M u c i l ~ ' of .1l"-tIUherIicltls in IIl"1'l1S Rich .s Hunn. dra>ilio:all) cnn.iled.J"I",n"",,, OI"'Tlltioll durinl!' tilt T a i n ~ ' _,.on .h. P j l o l ~ . :O>lillllnotl ...r f "c lo r ""as Ihe q n . l i l ~

    of tlie pilot" (.\I'I>I-'ndi:< II ) .\S IIM'ir skill dedill('(1. Ihe nlJlIll>I-'r of .ocidclll8 Oil TOuline Ilil!'hlS;nCrell;et1. Alld dlcir IlIck of " b i l i l ~ ' C:lS the fuihll'll

    10 Ilc".,lop "n :ult'\llInle lIl11;nttir ~ ~ ' s t e l l 1 .\ hhotl l! 'h on I" 'p l 'r bothK.v)" sllpl,lied dlcir forw"nl Ull;tl!e !'l!ctions "nd seplln'l" mobile

    up hl' fi ..ld repair :lnd SUPI,I}" d c p o l ~ .bLq d C l ' o t ~ . ill openHioll the s ~ ~ l e r nfor thc follow;lll!' rca."Ons:

    IIlliI move for"aro of llleti.....1 unitsI)' purl of Ihc WlIr. thc enlirc mMin

    ~ ) f , i r S ~ ' l , I e m beeame gTe:!.t1} o'erir fa('ilili"", I I I ! ! , ~ ~ behind Ihc .d throc whit-h did n ....:h tI.c for"...nltao Ihillly spre'.l(1 OI'l oO'er 100 wide a"

    l'Ctio'e. lloTeO.-cr lherc " - " ~ no ; l I lU 'ilil;es bet ...ecn thc .\m,.o lind :\l\o}.units wcre 0IICTat;n/! in 1I01l1l11dia.

    to be flown \.:;(1() mi\eoe their lIdnnced dCI>oIto >l\1"h an ex-lent thMI S l o c k l , i ~ Wei'll tremeudonll 1lTe:!. IIl1d wert! oftcn IlJle'problemof nl8illlcllllnce amll'Cllnil'per'the fon'A ... lltl 'CllS did nOl lJeI'Qlllt! nCUlemid194-l . whell A Illrj.,,", proportionc-.,.,...lffillnCl! pe,,;onncl hAd be......

    .... ,...., I A_ 1 ~

    Rtt II.. J . pa . _ Am,)" ." d S.oy _im. tH of,",",11 k-.rt inOOllt,t.llml .. ilh tla('b OIlMor .n dwitb J.....- _im. tM of J - in Jlarticul.r-,.p in t 1 follo.. i.... ~ f 1 ~ :(I I Anny comt.t 1_ (inrludinlt: .il'("rafl" M ~ on Ihe , ," ,LInd) .I"l! flinn all 16,llS5.ComwpondirtM Savy 1_ . t l ' onl)' IO,IlTO. limKa,,! nollOOll:l""t 1_.rIl jtinn &II 16,bTll l'PIfJ.IWM "ith.Army noncolnhat 1_ of 7.M1O. TIlfrllit nc apparent I"NlJI>II for tbi. dill('repancy .in l h i n ~ bUI lb ..11'-.'" ........_ o n - of .. ~ ( ' r y f.. . J.p" I I lW' oIIio....nrof 2 . ~ r f t l I l or nM>n',Th fiu"'" _I in .10. nlain ,,!Wf forailTl'lIflkJlRi in p,.. ticul.. . Ol",ralionll or ~ m j l l l l p " " .n>

    wli ...fd 10 bf IDOI"f .,.li.blP tha" flIMr .Japarw.oe".Iisli

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR




    T. . t 1 C A ~ ' " .. ,. , . . HI '

    0 T_) , - --.-- - -- -- - .,. - '. - - -.- .. .. .. " - - - '. -,- ,. ,. - ,. ,- - '. -.. .. ., - ,. - - - " " -" " .. " .. " "[ ,. - ~ ,. -" " ,. ,M, , .. " .lO; -" '. ,"r -I '. u ' l ~ o " l ! ' l : I , . w"..

    Exhibit B

    ---...,. .,. 1 . 1 .- - ---II - . -. -. -.-. -. '.. -. -. -". :oO111 lUll ' .10 " ' "

    >SO .. " 1 1 ' ~ J . _ - l __L:::L_J.T ". ._T """. ' ." ..,_

    Exhibil Cli .......', I.(}$ .... ~ U , . I"/MMH ,1.. . _ .1,1' "or:


    t.t__ __ () d ,

    8 . . . . . . . . . . . 0_0' ....

    - - - ,. - -,- -- ,- - --,. ". - -- , ,.,. - ,. - ,.' :1 ,. '. ., ,. ,. , -- - ,. , '. ,. '. '.- U' I I --.--,,,




    = P t ' t = ~ :



    ~ - - : - - I . . . _ . L - - - - : , - - - - : - - - - " c l : : : i : : :

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR



    Exhibit B


    Exhibit C.Ii,....../I 1 ... :. or fA, J."'OWM . . . . . . .h, . 1'0+'

    ,- ...,-- '--: '--":fN --- ' ~ T ~ , : '. T;: ' ' ' 0 .. .4, ' J , I , , " " I , ..... J"""'4lIO _ ;00 ,,,I :1 - I - " - .-. . 1,"1 D' , . ,. DO .. . -- . I ~ . , -- - ". ..... I . --.-. -I" - -- - -.. ~ ' I :: I - - .. - - - . ,.. '. ,. ~ I " " -. - ,. ,. - " " ,. -. - ,. - " ,. ,. " ,. "1 '. ,. - " " '"I ,. " " '. , ." '. " " ,. ~ :1 '. '. " " ," .' =[ " " ,. ,. -" ," ., ," .. .. .. ,., -" ,. ".:1 '. " -- - " -, - - - - - ,. - ,. - - -- 'J " , - - - " '" , , " -,- ... .- ..-; .. "'1' .... 1 '''. '" -" " 1 ~ 1 " 1 -1 ... ".

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR





    " " ,n ...




    " . "" "






    , .





    , ~





    ; : ; ; ~ I culisted lllen remlliucd about whll' it ha(1 beenot'lllhe Will' (E:thihil G) \ t t l be . HI irltln'uirof the war, the J"pnne; X"y"'"S produdlll{ pilOUl "t the mt e A f" 000 ..I . v ~ a)C""l \ , ;COU'I"U"C< 'nth the A',n)'8 i50. Rnd IIccordi",''' it - " - _ ' I (


    ' . '

    '. -


    _. T a l






    ~ " ' "



    t : J - j - ~ ~ - ~ : t - ; ; ~ - , * - ~ t - ~ ~ - ; + - ~ , t - J - ~ ~ ~ L - ' l - . "

    m e a ~ U I " l ! fo!' t h e/licicllc\" d i ~ I " . I ' . . ")e

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    :r ~ I. :[ - . .,:1 ., l 'h.' . . . . . ~ . -1 "' I . ., ., ., "', .........._----- .._.._-,..---- ..-----


  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    of units 8S units, 1\ 'as rcspon.I"l' fol' ,hp eftieipncy dbl11:oyed_ ai r 1 1 l l ~ ' S lit tlte beginning

    . n ~ l l t by, tt became lIlon; lindprovide I r n i l l i n ~ of this SUIt, ""din comi.lllt of pilot.'! fresh froma I\llljOr fl1ctor in the ultimate. y of all J l l l ) : l . n ~ ai r units.

    of tile war. there ..-ere YOOlltpiJoU " 'h o h ad been graduatedor training units. The ~ a " y ' ,was !l'lDlewhat Sl:rollgl:'r thlln the

    only 2.MlO. me 600 of the...i th an . .-enge of about lOurigned to the camel ' gTOUp!!.a..,. pi lots ..-110 oJll'rated ill them )bla}-a. had an a'-erage of be-flying hoors, and squadron andhad much more. ,Japalle;;c> offiabout 300 flying hours in trainbeing sellt to a tvtieal unit. as100 hours in primal)', basic andtbM gi"en to a l "n it ed States

    " " ' ~ .60 pP:roI'nt of Japanese .\nIlYI oombat ~ p e r i e n c e in China'ng apins t the So,'iet ("nioniD 1939. .\bout 10 percent ofpilotll also had seen act ion illi ll Chil la was not pllMicu

    ....... of th e lack of serious 01'[>0

    ., the- Chinl'll6 Air Force. al. . . . . . . and groulld SUPIJOM nnitsapins t !il'e targets. InSoYiets, bowenr, the Jal,anese.. . MOOS opposition lind suf

    Japanell! Ann)' . lir Forcea OODlIiderable 1111M of liteduring the first day's o f t helamed .. hile lil[htillJ: the

    had a prearranged I,lan forwining progtllm to meett plan was pu t into e/feet illad became o ~ r a t i \ - e in earlyIleW training unita were formed)I'O"ridingabout a }-ear's f t y i l l ~

    pencmnel. both offiCt!rlI andJlI'OII'lUD for rq(Ular offict'rlIII

    lind enli,ted men ....' m " i n ~ 1 "bo ll t what i. had 1Jl.'e1llJ('f011l the Will' ( E ~ h i L i t (I ).Al the b e ~ i n n i l l ~ of the wnr. Ihe ,hllllne..e XlI'-y

    \ \ ' l l ~ produl'ing" pilot., lIt the r n l ~ of llJltlO . , f a r 8.1o o m l ' l l ~ 1 with the .\ 1'1lIy"s rW.lIlIllllcoonlin,:I) itnllule no 1,,1'/-'1' Ch,UI/-'(';l ill I h structure or SIR ofil" tnlinin!! ol'l!llni1.n.iOll. Two nl!"- lraining ai r~ r o l l P ' : l "'''1"\'. ho\\e"er, put IlItO opera' ion late in19-12 and early in 194:J respecti'ely.The 19-12 f'xpall>;ion gal'l! .he JaplllleSl' . \ml} ' ntl'1lillilll! OTJ-",ui>:lllion which produced 1Il0M! than

    2.700 I,i!ots i n bot h 1942 and 1943. )Ieanwhile,the Xa.) t r a l l l i n ~ or/-'llllization was olleTluing ata ~ l i ~ h t l ) ' i n c ~ tempo. and it produced 2 ~ 1 l ' )p i l O l ~ in I!H2 and 2.700 in 1fI.. :'l (Exhibil .J).

    During 11)-12 and l!H:'l, .he lIy-ing time of a'er. .\nnl ' and ~ " ' y pilo ts 1ll!fore e n t f ' r i n ~ oombatsuffered a ~ u k l . l \ t i . 1 dl!!Clinf' ll-:xhibit K) . 'fhedKlIne i attribmablt'.o the 100;.; of a gre:tl majority' of thf' pilots with .. hom the Japanese beganthe w'ar and t o the n f ' C f t o . ~ i . } ' for ellll,lol'ing: pilO(,1"K@1ll1y j.!TlIdllllte

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    "-fU, ,.rI.'" or. . . . . teo. _,., . . 1o tUun I..,Uo!to r 1_ . t oM,. ~ ~ - - - - -Ioun_ c : o ~ l . l t. , a l a l ....

    1acoJ. . __ t U I I.......1.. tool_ad , i '11II h tilt U .. ..,to,1 U t l . . _. ,'n h l"\I.nJl..- r_ t.. .tpatto .. .1

    rLtllll IIGIIIDr1(1l11D1lfttol)

    ,,,,11 ,110... . ot tU" , ' I ' ' . ro .hlol C l ~ " a n ..... . . . . . J lu . . . . . . . l' Uoul12 _ . , ~ ~

    rRUnlll rL!"11ll DOtGIl '(n>11II IlllODJrI'l)


    oluno! ..ctlo. ' N o " ~1 _ ' o t . . .. t " tllet-t~ , - a l . . o . I O C -.,


    Exhibit F"-IR 5CIIJOU (1I1lO ""-OIl)

    _ Ottl""'" s..,lIoo .. ()rn""n _II . . " -ad '0 I __ .. . _ dII . t t r ta . . . . .'': 1': ~ ' _ _ _ . IUou. 1 h l a d I :Un '

    ..... U .. Uk ... \o . . . . . .

    II U ..

    7 . ~ P n J __ lAt tllP bPginning of the . .-ar hoIb the Ann)' .1S ...,. Ja.d rfiat iqoly small bil l ~ i e n l fol'Cell ,

    aircraft and pquiptnl'lll m.inlenanl.'l" per.lOnTh>Ioe fOl'llfJll ........ ino::reased durillJ!" til... " l I r.J'l"f'MiIDlllely lh e same nouo as Ihl" ftying peliPl .nd ...ilh Ihe lIIlme deelin. Iquality. n. . S.ry kN about 20.000 of it!! I_inlftUlp(lt per.!Onnel in Ih e B i ~ l l l a r e k s - : 5 0 I ,_ .rea .n d an equal m,mber ill Ibe OutP.riIM-. . .hen JaJlllIIPR bases Ihue ..ere isolatedand in tM Philippines II much I.r",.r numbec ,bOIh .\nn,' and Sa"y maillt"nalll.'l" lll"r o t ' r i l ) l l s l ~ ' .8. Si,,,.;o,," &ul oj IJ'...AI 1M 1"11I1 of th . "a r tllP 18)IIIO.JII rs \lese I,illo!

    . . . .llablP for rom1>&t.ltad an a v e r a ~ lI)-ing eltptl1el'k"f' of abool 100 houn! (F.llhibil K). Very fr1'llllIa ....m.inll'd. in lPoill...r .\m,, Qr Nil". '' ; witoVlPor llllll boul"ll' ftyillj!," time. IIn.llhe\" \\"11"- IllI.i"l.l I t a . . f f ~ " " , .inllIructOI'll. or men ~ i g n l l t l to el;1U?II. . . .hlrh. In too .'l"lIt of in\"lll.ion, "'N'll 10 I'"Ide IllOOrt for llIIicide uni!JI. A,.pm\imlllf'h h ~ t he ' l had . .I 0111 .1_thanIOOh"llnlfl)iulol""I\,lwr10 be UIII!d In t he ini ti .1 "ui ride KtllU;ks 10 11~ t e l l l that .ircraft were IllIilsbl... ,\1. Iho enof ~ h .. ar . there were only .h",,!. 10,700 phLl'available lo r tbeo 18,000 pilOlIl to II)' .

    .uacu. .. biro even ul\llkiJled pi ot.8 could pn100000l. lnlbe winter and spring of IOU, 1111 orth"dOll Irsining carne IeDlporsril, to . standstill, 1111'1.llhoulfh il11l"u later resUlllPl1, part;

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    . tI"M" . .


    I J. I I . I ) I ~ A I I I 'TO'H.l l l . . . . . TIIIJA''''''

    .OTI' " ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ,1Il '0 l t l ln ." UICLUOU"'ILOT', " ,VI."TOII' , .0 ....1l0111t'UNIIIII ' , 111.010111I11I,' I'Ll"'" . I IH l I l l '

    ~ ..

    , ~ Z ; : : : : l - A V Y LG'T QUIU., 'UIOO f,""H"H""H""H::j----i''"'''!--------j.. F = ; : : : : = = : c : : - : c c - , - - - - - E ; ; ; ; ; ; r - - - - - - - - ~~ T _ [ O OUlllfl6 '(11100 .........

    ..I IIi" ........



    ---al l _ VdaII--. a._." "' - --..-.... lMr ....I. . . . ._ ........-' \WI "U I I II ". , I I h l l T I l

    - ...., . . 111 I"'IAL .1. 'OIGI T I'.'A TO ' "O l l " " AT I I l I " " " O ' WAIfL.' JlU. . . . . ".-11I.--...... f l"


  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    _EASE _ PILOT FU'IIl8 E X P E _----41---.041depletion of .. soline stockll lllnde such an eJ;pedient nf"CeS!i'HT.(2) Tho uso of 8lcohol as nn n"iation fuel in.voh'eo;lno 10l:i!l in power, nnd in fuct II sliA:ht in.

    C''t'hSill ~ l I l t o o . Xevertheless, the Japune;.e eneountered the follo.. ing p r o b l e l l l ~ :(a) .1lainJe..aMe D i " t t d t i ~ ~ . I. Had OOfllbus

    tion caused c)'linder sllller-oooling. and the c)'linder hend had to be llrotectOO b)' 1 \ ~ b e 5 t O ! : l

    2. In cold weather it was n l ! C ( ' ' ' A A r ~ ' t o p reheatintnke air b)' e x h B u ~ 1 ~ ' 1 l S heat lJe('hUSIIl of fault)'distribution of ai r fuel mixlUn!.3. Parts of the fuel sJSl:em. pllrticularly those

    made of copper alloy. quickly oornx1ed. and Olilermetals hlld to beemplOJOO.~ Slaning dilficultiell were uuiversal, and it

    l>C'l'"me l \ e c e ; ; , , ' \ I ' ~ ' to install small tllllks filled with''\'gulllr ,n-intion t,'1l5Olille to be used for slulting.

    ~ _\t low lemllerature:s the 50 Iler

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    : : : : : t l [ t : ~ [ , I S ( 0' srocKa

    - ,.OOUl;T1(lff . . .-ollT,_.t __ ......,. ".v,. l;OlQUlII"1'lOIlI





    ' I T I T T T T T T T I - ' - - ' - ' - - ' ' ' ' - - ~ ~l E ~ E : : ; I I ,


    ........,. . - p p I J . t t h l . - t b l 1 rate ofJ S f J-.I1- .A.1Ip& 1M3, or 2..... 1Ii of ,u . nacbed in th e. . . . . . . .01111&, . . .wp.t. ...... the Japa-_ (JbWIli'L). Ja addition, a1-. . . . . p i I ' ' tihupIy and im-. . . . . . . . . __ 1 9 \T. the J..-- pro-........ hJ J bp I l 1M6 about one-to-daol.......... "'"by th e Jap:o._A i r F...............period (ElEhibit

    L) . _ t h e pn.eq.I Ur d o r t plannedto npalUli AD W 10 ta b th e fonn01 .-els. theJ. . .- -w . '-we 1'UD oat of long be-fan _ . . . Old of _ I if then 11M been an in...UI ~ o 1m . The 1JlOD.,OOO b a r ~ l s011. hand at the'" of the .&1' woold. ha"6 t -n....ita, for 80lDll 5tllO,OOO auicide lOrties of 5boa... duralion each.

    *h ' ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A i r F _ ~ f t d M G f d l l_ I n : III &nbDBIo 1M 0' -. . . . . . . . . 1 0' ........... _ pIuMd. o p et w - ' on.. . . . . ..m Mel GIl MDd il l . . l Ja.- 1 . -

    . lp", ,"diz 1/1. T o b l ~ (;Quu'l"rly ..-IUlon tuel 1 1 " - \ l 1 > t o r ~

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    APPENDIX IV. fiGHTER DEFENSE OF JAPAN.JIlI'"nl'Se .\nli) n!lSumed !,rilllltr)" n'l;ponsibilihf or t he d d ~ n s e of the main isl"ndll and b)" I l lIlenllS 8t0l'pe.. . 1.101.000 ,.- 1;aI.lIeU.. ' . . . . . 000 ' ."'.lIeU .O.01 ,...-,.- T.'l,OI 7M.OO>'/...... a.. ow 1. . . . . 000'"- .. -- _. ,.-- :c. ~ ~ . l i I I l I.- ,.-. ~ . ~ O O I, Jan . . . . .IA .. _I l u I ~ ..10 ..:s"orlL_,-.._. ......____ .. _ a . (__ " O I I _ ~

    --:\;.1.. . 11. I.

    u.I Apr_ .' I " ~ ,0._.. _

    ,,,",,IIIIlT__ -u _, _I J u I ~ _001 , .--- ,_a ,. ,.... ..- ,...... - - _._.-- . .. .- _.. ,. .---- -- -_.- .-':- ..... ,. ,.-- .-.__. m....- .- .....e-,. -- -_. __ ... .---- .- ....-_... .--- ,.. ..--- .. , , ..... I,J>I, l ( IO~ . ~ = ...- ,. .-. .... ,.- .---..- - .... ~ 1 .m.:'OIl ..-~ C O I....... ,.. ..- , ~ ',:m.1OIl...::._, .- ,: ' ' ' .000 " 1 , -0 1-_ ""'llID .-_ 01.001 - -- a.- ,-......-;-..........-...--.- '. -...... , , - - - ~ " " ..._ ............ _ l I ' I "

    ;: 1.

    .,...m. ,.. .. 7 " .............-"'-......,....... - - ..... - - - --. - -- - - - - ......

    --. - ....-- - - ----

    5. 'J"be Periotl oj Grell/est Afli,'it,: NO"tt",lnrall,lno intc,:!l""lct! , \ l " I n ) ~ I " . \ d,'w a lIchielcd.4. &

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    I?H to Aprill?"}The first I I ~ : . . ' ! ) Mrike from thl" .\1"rilinM canle

    Ot) 2-1 NO"cllI],er 11H l. TheN followoo " serie6 ofdllyli!!ht 6trikl'l'l from extreme ,.Ilitudl'!l (about:10,000 fl"('l) during- 1 ~ 1 I l 1 M ' r , ,Jllnulln'. lInd Febr,mr)' \\hkh in turn were followed by It !!Cril'!!of "'l!; Illned to ! l { ' l ' ft 't l the 1"'0 , lima andOkiullwo operation:;..'n,roughoot thiS period, the inlel'C1'ptor units

    ll!I!lI,:!11ell to the dtferu.e of ,1.IJaIl did the irto .>1011 Ihe ,\Ilied air L'Ntultnd their _ I e ofeffort " a ~ much hij!"her Ihan in tIM' last mOllt.hJIof Ih t .... r. 1111" defense orp,nization l"ein:tined.bout Ihet;&ll1e lIS in the sumOler and f.ll of 194-1,e x ~ l ) I that the .\ ir Traininp: . \ml)- "'as redesign.ted tiM' (ith . \lr .\nII)" re.lie..-ed of its tntininJ.:"funetlOI\.;o,. and c h . ~ 1 ... ith the defen,;e ofI\.I-.",hll in oonjunction ...ith 1M appropriate Disrnet .\m'J, That '" et(lIi I'llI'd tI il(ht ti/!htillJ: units, and the;wcre IIlmObl cOlll!,l!"tcl)' utlflrepurt-d for thl! me

    .. _ ,_ .... . . . . - . . - . . . - ~ ......... s.I"'SIem ' '" IS inllde;l' fi}!:lnerhiclwr in the ~ u n l l l w r of IOH tlmn dUl"aIthoufth throul(houl Ihc Jnpunt"'C Ai,'.. . vtorJ low rhuing- the enlire lleliod)..Japan.... "'ere ml,ki"l( lin "lIoul deoat in 1 9 t ~ , wherells III',:!i'\I1in,:! in theIm.n alh-Illpt WaS m'lIle to \'01l!!C1"\"('lo r defelllle IIpin1h l it thisted 10 nn a n ~ n l ~ ~ of "boUI 2,100

    aD indication thllt lhe Jallanese high comdid nol oonsidel" the thretH of 1J-.-2!.lftI'1 i f r i o l l ~ l ) (Exhibil Pl ,

    aD e'ort 10 employ 'Hh-lIllced training . . - r v e fOl" defense spinSl air auack,\ l i t Aml)-, Imo"'-n lIS the ,\ir Tnlinin!!Kokuj,,,m) WIS fonned. It 0lll'r ml callacit.l' being" onone hand a partina organization and on Ihe other all

    uni t ha\ ' ing suIll'n-oor.l' control oftraining units which ...ere directh' ~ u b 10 the District _\mlies for d e f e n ~ pur

    boept for - " e n d photo I '8 l :OnDaI_nn l l l \ ~ '. . .whkhappannt1y.d undfoteetM. II" .\ I l i ~ dpkDe over Japan f!oIn the time of Ihe Doo.tiUIe raid .mtll the 20th Ikmbe'r Comm8IullJe!:""opentlOlUl fnIIIl China t - - In J u n ~ "f \!li I.DariDI __ of that period the J . p - n ~ werepnoctIIpiedwithoperatiClml m fOrwlftlan-IlJl. ,ulIl. , . . . &hi ~ u . t .hidJ, too* pl. .. ..' in the.-.of I l M 2 . t h e l l i r ~ " " - " " " sHowedto .......... B l d J a ~ ~ n ' l ) I l tl'l'de....wet of the B-II iPdiated thai . l t a { ' k . ~ frol1lan- miJht ......... mll).l.1_ 1,nIHt"lli.... fiDd MI.,. JIIAII,," .. I'" n , , ~ t llkel)'. . . . A r I d ~ . in !ohreh of11K. thIre .... tutMr . - . n i u t i u l l of the.... .a.tea- . , . . . . . . . . . . (0 mft 't Ihe nl'''-......." . &nt lIlep Ill '" I , , " IIl'qIlIl\Ilifln of Ihe ,If'' - . l l ID iun........ ; IlIP ftJin/! bril!",lecIIupI . i l h d e r - of Tokyo ...... u l ' / ! r a d ~ 1 to . , . . di II I "'1!IJri1lfl: and ~ l l m m e rof l IM, the put .fter the lir

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    ro.1,.".. o . ...

    diwn Itoftl Di"'l anad",.. .hid, look I'IRce 111I"ebruary tDd Mart'h.r. \ a 1eN1l of 1_ II I Ihll Jhilil'pinl'!'. ~ h ......1 of ".Jilll'riPl'1'f' of Ih .IRI.. n 1Il-l e ~ p 1 o r 1 ;101. "'a>l He " lo er Ihan II I,ad I.-nin till' toUfilller .Ild f.ll o f IMI .d. Thfo J.IlI.nfWl' .....milljl: .n d ~ n ' l controlof iDltroel'ion ~ ~ " S I e I l l 5 ...... llOOr. (Thoee s s ~ 'l o m o ~ cu'- id......d in in p""grtlpllll 7 .Ildl\ b.1 )11'e el!iie ..M \ of Ihe .1.llI.ll .i r defl'll.... s y ~ Iftil d u r i n ~ I I ; i ~ pl'riod .llllI'.'" in E",hiLit Q... hich .00"-';; \oo.:oe!; of B-2!l!I10 Ja l l . "_ liltl'I.......Thto-e .mount..d 10 U7 IlI'l'I'f'nt of llOrtif'!lfto ..n in :"it,emb.r HU-I.nd 1.29 pl'l'I'f'nl in J.n,, n 1!l-I: lu t durilJj.: :\I.rth 191:. J.IIRn...... fij!hter:. f.iled 1O!lOO. . . . . Iinj!le ,ictOI). T I J o . . ~ " t ..of the E i ~ t h . \ir Force 10 ~ n n . n /i.j!hl..r- ..-.lI.boot thra tilDft! t.1l1.1 of th.. T ......llIi@th . \ ir Furl'f'I h l ' O l l ~ " " ' - till' .....r nd t.llt "'oN mnlhly I"""l"1u!of till'Eilth (in .\llriI191:!) mo.... II"'nIhree and OM half litne'" IllI' 10"'1 . .te of IllI'T ....mlil"lh in S01"f'\l\b.r. (Thai monlh ...... lhe.. _ forlhe T....nli@thu1'um..d l 'rim.ryrelnilt!to tl,... S.ry p l .nsof .gen....1 n.lure f or op.....1'005 .pilL-l: Ihe B-29s. .n d lbe :S.'")' .1.....,'" p"id.1 least lip

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    o.r Ihe IIl'pl"Ullching fom18lion, 01101 (2) infonna.I ~ O n nbollt the SUllPlllled pRlh of the Allied fonnD.11011,9. (o>ltl>1#o>lAll hil i been ;ndica' ed in the l lr e, ,ous pIIlragrul,hJl. the JaIJallf!!:ill f i ~ h t e r defense 8JlII.em Wallmore, thnn r,.;1' on paper Ind distinctl)' poor

    In Pl"lletlte. One fund..menlal m..t ter s t .nds outaoove OIhel'll L i the I.tincipal tl'IiOn for il.'l shonCOInillp-lhe .1al>ln_ I,l..nnf'r'!l f.iled 10 lIl!e 11K'd. n..",r of .\Ihed litn.ll.cks and 10 gi"e Ih", defellSf' S ~ " s t " ' I 1 1 I " " ""IUblle Iltiorilies. Thus duringthe Philippine.!,. tlK' resources of bot:hai r .ml l l ."'I'l! e l l 1 l ' l o ~ ' " d to SlOp .\lIi ed 11efl"'lralionto Ihe IIOnh. nd afler the "hilippinllll .....mpaign.~ r i I I I'rioril)" Will .I ....)"s ginn to tkfe\\!!e .gaiI1SlIlIrasion. Ail a resuh . i""... fl .n d l,iIOl$ ."'I'l! ron!If'n'ed for nhim.le use in the allliin."llS;on f o ..n d lite .1"IIIM!SIl! . \ir Foftti .. 1 1 o . ~ I _ .1.111dtillll 10 be bumed wilhout e"er oommiuingmort lhan 30 petcflll of arailable figllt"'rs to (heirddetlllf' (Esbibil ") .


    .n d NI"'''.IlIld no o p t ~ l l i o l \ n l IF F equip.me01l1l for k " " , p l n ~ COnstn"l tNIck ofT h , - , ~ ' were therefore forced to N!IJ.n d often inllCCIltll.lll l"el'0rls fromaDd IIpon rtllOnll from the fighlel'll

    .. 10 their wherellooul.'I. Jnl" ,n_",dio lelellhone equipment w..s poor.,. il often hallptllet1llmt the j.'nllmd

    ..... ,,"ould not ho,'e precise k l l O l d e d ~ ....wlwl'l'llooul.'I of his fig-httl' ll f rom Ihe

    t.b-o. ulll;1 telum.for- ",d, inlonnlliion ,.s w.., receh'edfronl the .. .ming S\'SI.elll!l b,' "'",' oftipentiOlI9 rooms. g r o l l ~ l d conn';;'l ~ t 1 1. . . . little infomlation aboul the . ..he. ..'fill Albed airenfl. The ,. h..d no specialioO$ w .ssil (hem.. .nd tI",, p0l!-

    I if .n)-. of the mher teochni.....1 "e..-ices. . - . n l ~ fonned a pa n of the .\\liM","!!JIOIInd conlrol of i n t e ~ p 1 i o n (GCI).. . . . . . . of fi):!"hters into posilion .coord__ possible. nd the ""lentof rotllrol in

    ..... , limited to: (1) orders to all'

    8. fighter Co,mol. I . I > I ~ fighter control Ht.-lIt 1 ' , , ~ ......1 a n"limelll.T) S l a ~ , .\ $ .-eslill. i n t " ' ~ l ' t i o n was ear'

    ried out on IUlI,hu..rd b a F , i ~ "ilh t1ij!ht jP rooms.

    (- l) Ez('!longe o/lt,/o,.,..atia" l l e l , r ~ N ' .It.. , Xllry. The.... " ' l '.... three m e l h O l l ~ I,m..idlforlhe of inronn.tion 1ll'l"'Hn .\nll)'..nd Sa.")' ....ming s ~ - " t e m . . ~ ' ti l all Ud,,,"/-"'" ofli.i;;on officer 1 toI.ronde il", nl'Jtt best. thin!! to . ~ i l l l ! " l " , . in'ej.... ted....ming S ~ - s l e m . HUI in f.eI. illier-t>n'i> j l l l l l o o . ~ ill6led 10 .. f.1Iu .... to l " I l l l l l o ~ ' II", f.rilili"", .,.,.il.ble. and neither . \m,) nor S . , ~ e,'er n,aole fulluse of Ihe inform.lio" ,un>UI Inj.oetMr by II,e_ of 1,lmi"/l b o o o . r < : l ~ or O(Mr m",n,o. and Ihe('OIltl""ioflo. IN-rired thoo .... from ..'e"" Inn;;mntedto ~ - q b o n l . n a l e ulliUl. bol:h IUliairenft. poundand , \ c t u I I l ~ . tl... 101' li t u n i l ~ in l he di sl ri ct ( Ih , l l ~ h . IIlh_and 1 ~ ' t h F l ~ ' i l l j ! D i , ; " i o o ~ )llbared lho O1..nlinn" moo," . ith Ihe district "I".. i e > t . . n d t l " , ~ l o o k ~ ) ( ) M i b i l i l ~ ' for I_inl : informatiOl Ind ,;..-inj! orde... 10 the 0lletllion.lai r unil .... Thi " -.;telll n',nained " i n u l l 1 ~ ' und o a ~ .-hen tI ...- \ .....\mli look Ihe J>late oft.... Disttct .\nnie< (Exhibit R).

    n.. S ' F O ~ ' I ........ hid, I a b l i ~ l K ' d ..n ..irdefell8l' orpnir.atKm ~ n l > l n b l e to t h ~ . t To.,...o."'.nd tulruok . At the end of lbe . I r ,lhe 'Ilil. ehallled .i th Ihe defelllll' of S.go).fllllDd t!leorneel ...... under the local A.. .. . Ann) ' for_ and untkr the t:lerl'l\lh !-'IYln/l:Dirisio, at o -k l for 0I1K'....TIle nyinj[ l)ivIsi,,,,1I nom,.lIy the dec l'.. . wlM 10 inlerol'l,t. 11m tactical oonlrol of thefilditer IInila . . . . left to Ihe nnll ClIn,manderll.on- mmm.ndel'll l'eCf'irM .bh"",i.t...:1 ,'el'llIOT\l)of the informallon OOlDin" into Ihe mAin ann)'OJlM1ltiO!lll room.....1 tlK'Y "ere nom'III) ..ble tobep _ IOn of. plot of Ih . rel'0rwdllOljition.of I p p l O l e l , i ~ fonnltiOllll, Somf'ti"ll"I 1......1com


  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    r..r."uq ]1... ." ., ~ 51" ~ l y l a c 1'rllo1ncDlrtlloD(GIro)II

    1It1.1.1r Ano'f1'ot;;ro) ---IIII


    Exhibit N

    '- 4 an i r!ylllC Squadl"Oll fo r r e eo lma l a_ l .

    Ir - - - - --T---------T'----- -----,i II Ceatral I v.. ten l 1 !Iortherl:: Dh t r t c t ""no' I D h t r l c t . ~ Dhtl ' te t , l .no'i ( O _ ~ ! ( ~ ! ( s . _ ~ )

    ' r 1 ~ . lath J'l,yl!lC I r icade 19th ' l :..lllC B r l ~ .( ~ (Onka) I (ONkt)I I II I II I L_ - .I I I_ J , Innac ~ 13 th" 346th ' l..lllC i f th 4Ur." 34Bth ' l ri l lC~ 1'0 Pl lnn "ct.

    ?O PlaD"

    . r \11" I l .DbU l l l t ......,

    ( ""o! ' )


    4\11. hn. lee'. . . . .n---....Moo>13'11 F17l11C ..........n-I . . . .( ool

    _Mr---cd';.i -----T----- w ~ . 1 ; ~I Dhtrto\ Antt l I t . . tnet AnqI

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    Exhibit P Exhibi(Q." ".11.11'(:">;1) TO D.... ".111: OF u , '..:s , , I . o s S ' ~ CAUl:!) 11\ lM .. ,"!::!l." I"'GlITERjj

    ~ - 11_.. _ ..IT _ ...n.... -- 8__ -,. j'"""", - .,J....

    .....,..Dt.etlria' Anti_ I

    t""E . \---- ::...Ai r A." ,



    I1f t AU''''I. . . . .lIII



    l . . ~ J r t p Q( 0 - . 1I...:...... "till .... .., n pM n La Iet_ at,. . . . . . . , rod. , .q 320_._..-O

    .--II. . . . . . I. . . .Wln ...... 1(.....l IIII_..( ~ .. ...l..


  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR




    INHAROIlAnON 01""' .. . 6.F. PERSONNEL


    J A P,Q, N






    INTIENtO.ATlOfiI Of',l,N.U'i pe;RIONMIL


    AREA DEFENSE PLAN. . . . .A....II V .L . . tCIIICI

    ........-JI, I l, .1'1 ' 4$

    "- I I'!toU' touRCIE

    Exhibit U


  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    IRE.tS C* RESf'QNSllUTY " DEFENSE. . . . . . .UL ....vaL A.1t ,OIICE

    ___ 0 1 " - ' iCWGd .=m fIOIlI ........ . . . . . . 01 c:rHJPIMf1OllIlWPl AIltIff_ .... " ...... If1'UIGII'TIOIII llIIINClML . . . .


    HOT[: M08LE "",,OAll . . . . U'SOl TO SIW" .O':"TTHS SOURC(5 AHD .. HUM IE . OF ....SES 1I0YH All'Ml' "''''0 HlIVl,W[IU: EQt!I""to .....ITH RADAR.



    "liLY I"'



    SOUIlOI: 11111. .0. .1' 0 '.....,u IltItIOIlllL


    APPENDIX V. KAMIKAZE ing hnck JOt '" 'sion will; 1 OIl I P ~ to enl'l'" out the mispercent eA,c,l'lw,""ed t l of suicide I'lanes "'llS com..evenl It(lms:

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR



    T I 'o I III western ' ~ o r l d "Kamik"ze" "D" "Wind" I . . - ""lIleI , a n llSIor'e,,1 reference 10 the stonn which~ ~ ~ 7 J J ' e d the ~ l o l l l ; O I neet in"adinjl: Japan in theGHIe , \ ~ ' \ ' l t - I S synonmnoll!l with "suicide: ' Buteneml K.WRhe had thi s to say'.. y II 'tn ~ l ~ OlH K ..mikaze att ..cks 'suicide atek,,- Il"g 18 e misnomer IIml " 'e relt . .ery badl .. ~ u t , J'our C 1 I l l i l l ~ them 'SIIicide' attacks. The)" e III no ! I e , ~ ' uicid/!.' TI'e pilot did not st..o.ut on . h nll!il!lon ...ith the intention of oommil.u n !II11c,de. li e looked upon himself ll.'l" hum.nbomb willch "-outd dtSl y .. pan of theellt"'" t1eoet for 00 11 11 ' Tht> - , . , ; I -> "1 " 'J ' . ~ ~ ~ , { I ' . o c u l t" ?nous I h l l l ~ ..-hile .. '-luicide' m., not beglorlOU!l.M 50The t..nn "Kamihze- rame to be >@t lIl'rvmlI.'lt I T I ( ~ k Fort.'t!openaliolls in the lasl month of tbe ....r !lre,'em",1the mission from being .ttempted.

    c. Btgi"nillg in Allril ItH5 J . p a n ~ l " ~ " " I , A i rForee medium bombers I..unched In m,d-I ll r roeket.proptlled one-man guided mi!l8ile known tothe J.panese as OK..\ ("cherry b\o!ls . il l .. . hom thi!< pbn - Ann.- or ~ a .... ronunandtland their efl'@cti\-en. . . . ~ o aocu";'trly kno.-n 10 tM J . cid", mi ion b as 1.__ - Oct.oblo """'. . . . n o u ~ I ~ reiaorted BlI 2.j,

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    ' . . . . t o ~ a a d S ... i o n . ~Arm1 ad ~ . , . , . air - __ ...... -W ., . _ pbDtt--lmd _ of th e

    -., . , . Ida\-bu ai d ...... th e ~ 1 " I " f ' I l d f ~tWII . .. 1I'IIllIed 10 die in. the __ "forio'u!l"'kadll IDaI bdtle.". ...... B U ~ n and complfUly- . -ud 10 I t . pilolband to the I o . ~ e c l ~ 1 o n.itbout e J i ~ p t l o n - ~ I I ~ UI a_ jo r eaot-ional criBi for 1M bulk of the lIl.n aitUlll: their lum to " d i l l l { l o r i o u ~ l y . " Yd notIAOA thu_ dozen from the two !ll'l"l"icesdillObeyed0I"liN'II ud look 011" on unaulhorized wicide n,isBioruo--Il. aUlttks ",femod 10 b ~ .\dmil'lll Hal",,}". ith l be remark, "Allhough hoMilities ha.-e--.. .. !hall oontmuelOehootdown Jap pl.nMin a fn.,dly IlWIJ\er.""ice .uhniral '[" Oxnmandfor in Chief ofthe Su-/ Fifth . ' ir Y1ftt" lhe DUljOT cooounandiD K\-u&lU at lbe end. is "'POrted to ba flo..-u01. !'Uicide mi:!rIiorI 10 Oki.....a hen beJa.rd. a k - bouf'!l in ad .. ._. that the B U ~ d e r. . . ~ i . . , . SeO'al ,'rm,. piloU ." " reported 10. . . camnitted ban.kiri .1 _ for"l'lnl inKJUlhn rat'- thBsl face tbe disgrace of ! lt ITftDderI f tbtJ 'lOU1d noI arry out lheir lI\Iicide mi_ons.V_ AJmiral OniBbi Iao bad ginn lhe finIt..-raJ Kamikaze ont.!r to S. . . .I pil0t8 in th ePhi l ipp_ caUlpaign, c o m m i l t ~ suicide shortlyatt. t1e surrender.The .eeb bet.OI"ftn 1118 F.mperor's .nnounceIJI(IlI. .f suTl"lltlder and our mu.1 landing atAtNJi .irfield outside Tokyo 11"1.8 BUlliciettt toJ*IIli&theJas--IO pu l through lbe l'Jllotion..1criaia md .'t. nlll at borne in Japan the \aIM ofKamikaze f i l 1 ~ the JltellS. in 11"hich it ....alI picIu",d ronll,llote Slleee!$. and lhe sanle BaCrilici.1"Iliril 1ra$lirtd in the public at I . b ~ lh e miJjt a r ~ ' prollBl-'8ndlst& Kamiku .e unla were established in factories and on farrM-llOI. 10 die therelim 10 work da)' and night ...ith the 6lUUe zeal allIhe pilou o'er.>eU Onll fBCIory dilltributed gift10"'cIIOeach of it! .-orkersbearinglhe I"oeh....cIe ... for Klllllikue.The following i! a labulation of total 10IIIIetIlllonth br moulh Rud the number of slI;cide lOIIlle8ill each monlh. Jl will be seen tlmt nil the C11111paib'll Ill'Ogrellsed Ihe percenlage or .uicide effort,measured in1-. rose steadil)'.

    tlull relIrhl'

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    One {) f the I ~ i t allli 12.aHemptl'd !lIlicide r1l11&lind another - anI .... , ~ J ' d a m . ~ a carrier10 Ollie I cnslled 011 In ~ l a n d 1n th" atoll. The. rs .Ilded In I I ....ler.nlt! deci_ioll 10 IaSI'icide tact-- . fl ('t l!O much emphUi5 onroldly l ~ i ~ 1 ~ ~ l : : ~ " ~ ' : : S ~ I : ~ ~ : r " - : . ;offieer of lll".\nll'-" Sisth _\ir \n n ' in the nukyus ClIUl]llll!-'1l h"red thele "fo;lr J. yfor lhis d'biCf!; main l"fII!lQns"I. There W18 no l'fllO;l>I'et o( "idor in the "i r

    bf etnl,lo}'mClll or orthodox methods y:!. Suiride ullnck8 were more e f T ~ f Ilhe power ( . Ive 1eClIllSBI b Itnl'>!ct or rhe plalle WII" lidded toI llll ror Ihe h0 1l1 11. l>e!!ides wllich lloll' eXI,loding/-.,150 m il eHIIed liretij f"nher, achievement of lheproper .1I!:"1" e(rl'cted """"ler ~ , - _ . . II ... - . ""'" anI C-orti I oftI",:! or:l blj.!:"'l"-I .1I."k, the .,."."e-t' "fO ""erto SI.I-'I' III Ih " ...r.. J. I" ,n Sa,.,- Illa.- ...,re brckred Ib ro",'1' ' '-tl'lle on _\lli.. 1 .. a hip" "hile .\ml, plan.... "-entaf 'er Ihe lran"lll>rt Thi" WftS Ihe fiN of 10lllftjor pl1ln'l...:1 " t l " " k ~ ft!-'lIill.,t th" "lIll"1l I f t ~ kforce. InIlL'pon_. ond SIlI,!,IJ shiP'! durin!!: theuhno)St 12 " ' e c k ~ of lhe 10ml C 1 I l l 1 l ~ l i , , ' 1 l 011 Okinawa.Thl! ./"I''''l' .... ,ll>er,-inc WIIS "' 0 Hlll' as l a r ~ " " ..tlla!lSf'd pl""e o'I'I'IIIo"h 1 I t......"ibln" altholl"h "Btti","" SII"IWi!j(lllIlUcb b.,' ",,,,dl I I n i l ~ wcro inlenlionllllr ,X'-Cllll'!." .\ml. lIS ' It I ..eJle. lhn ,\HiM!f O l l ~ l t l back wilh a nlll&;j,'e Blllillircnlft bar""ge"

    P J H " ~ _ Dllr;//8 The R)'ult)'tlsPdR)'R 011 1\'0 ,Ii",,, whid. ( "I I 00.

    Y 1 t h d ~ " , 1 \ 1 of .J"I'"11esol Qil' llnilll from1I\ ./"nU"1".I' lOla. l ind Ihe IllIHlin!;"

    t r o o ~ On OkillllWII on I April 1!Jlr.aIr Mr"ices look slock of theirp lanM in lhe Philippin\"'!. The,"

    unl ll tl"" IInlkn,. .' t"IlllllJ)ll i,,'Iland Oil f l r e l l ~ " l l l o l l ~ "" . ill!>/; the,(b,,'h .\m1.l' and X . ' ~ ' l . IklthlhPu !Je.,t 'win-en'tine I _L . I .... u u m ~ 1 ' ! I InI II' . \ n n ~ ~ PEG(n" and Ic,'" ""('''' I Ie-' . .. " \" ....u ti lle d OIll ,,-ithIUId II {'()ntao.1 fU;le I ' r o j ~ l i l l ~ from

    _ p l o ~ l l l e n l WIIS the mO( ~ u < . ' f i " ' ~ f u ltrW bJ elthrr ~ n i l : : " . ' .... e Iikel.l to I .nd ne:.-I ..illll'r in~ 1 U ~ u ~ or direct I}' in Kyushu andble "-a}' to SlOll th"m " 'ould he I",he bulk ~ lhe I\\" ai r fo",", i;,rs. on SUIcide mi,."iOllll.

    Ie number of the regula r lighter.. " l l h h ~ l d from suicide In I'ro"idean,1 hJlhlH p m l ~ 1 in" or "1",-,, f" '."ouhl Jlel tltroll/!h 1 1111' 11'1"/-':t"",,nee ,mits likewise must ho heldICt'IlPI'''1. Ihe 1"1\' "h5'l'1l f m ' ~ l I i , ' i d ..~ WI,R 10 !'IlIl"."te rh. . . \lIi",1.UII14f Hll0 11>1 Bir e \ ' e , - ~ ' IlOIl8ible.. . 0I'\t' lIme. rnlullllij.'ll on 1" 0 ,hll'" 'h r,hit- 10 InQUIll ouh bl ' " Illajur"OIl\l,i"",1 .\nn, ~ r l , 1 ".n- al.. plan .,. r " .' ~ . 0 lem ~ ' ' ' ' ' l d e pl.nM.. .\nu.n, _Ink.'k Bl 'nil ..d ~ I . I I " !. . . ... , ,'.rli..r ..-as ~ u l l k I" 1"'0 hilJlc.; .: ;r "" _ d"mDI-'l"(!,..-, lilal it hadr "mil ~ h i l " " 060 weill dnm-

    -----&.0"' '-_--- - .-_.,........-----...--- ... Qrina\ o l ' l h O t l o ~ tWQ.'.1.' ....... Jur f , , ~J)lItinlr t I... I ' b i l i l l l , i , , , ~ ('11""'.;10'" 1JOIh ,1,,- .\ nny1,,,1 ~ . ai r fOn?- d. . ,, I ' ilol" and plane< from,h ..,T rtiular tact;.".\ Itpnlf unit"- The first Navy"ilou 10 be e m p l o " ~ 1 .. .". DIM''''''''or .\ i r GroUlJ201 (equipped ..-ilh ZEKJo:. IlM'n Ihe SIl\.I"lI ~ ( . " d ard fiNl line singl",.ell"1' lij;:hll'r). T h i ~ Jill'"

    z.;...y li r unit became II Kamikaze unit, com1_1 of its o...n pilotJl lind " o l u n t ~ r l l fnHu

    Jo'rom aI Ulllllinllti(Jll 0' Ibe .1.0" l ab l" .bbow, l Il 'v tral o Ilwr Xan' air unil>l. ,\I"fOnl! th..

    ------& l_ -.,--


    the tarpt ... that tbe a" 1 would A) - W, MIll

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    kin!:, f ' 1 l 1 I u ~ 1 with 6 IR,Il/iti lIP Illll". IlOIlIClillle9 "'ilh BtlOIlH. "Hn f 01' tn" :! in ............c,pl/l('fl lno"",l

  • 8/6/2019 USSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCR


    1 of tho ,l.,'lu!oline lwj.,IW to delcrio.hllilllf or the OkillNWII \'IIUllll,iguj1011116:>'l OCla,,\, /-,&IIO];lIe ha d 10

    with fl7 "C:lane /.,'u!lO]iul'l 1 ""elll dO"'11 steadil)', ~ h o r t e l l i n g..... ami tle':N!I\"iu!:" ~ f I i ( ' i ( ' I ) { " ~ ' in J.."tu-

    "IIJ:' prol.lerns of lht. ./a,..n _ IIiI'_pll't ion of the .\meri('t'l OOIHIIIl!l>tan tl .IUII(', and the bo-gillllinJ;" of

    ~ . .... Kuaeks 011 l ' bl'UlJli:hlbut II (elO. k ~ u j e i < 1 l o mi""ioll$,ai r f,,1'"N"II thou/,l.! the lull 'Hlllldlhe .\l1ied j l 1 1 . ~ i o n of K \ " U ~ h l l . l l dII'l'tlilll' rt1Idy for the r,;'.'llllieide

    .. II... llOllleland.1, at 110011 Oil II .\lIj..'1L.;t IOU,

    " I ' l l ld,) ' "o;('f came 0'"1.'1' tl ... J.,l.I.ric. Th"" ElIll'l'ror . i d tl,at Japan10 11I01' f i ~ h t i l l j ! . The)' eQuid hardly'J1Ien. ...oold bl! 110 lIlO.... suil"ide mill-

    lo r tit,. FiOla! /), I f""( o/Ilt"The J." 'lIese Imperial Gen

    o e s t i r n . t ~ l lifter the r.1l of"i f Hu i. did not join tho:- "'u,8tuet, would ill,'atle 80mh K n , ~ h l lIm'mber." The joint c h i e f ~ of &t.W-.utin-I.r IIet I SOn'mber HlI;; for. . . .1'011111 tn the ' I_i.l.ull( 'k (fo ' had uniU!of iln , ,"n. Thoi' "l:"lIlar lij.!htt>1'II 1 1>on,1)f1'8.1;,0 l iN'!' in I'"rat" I I " i t ~ .n d "'1' u l ' t ' < ; : t ~ l 10" .... Ihpm for ~ 1 > e l : i , , 1 .n" rk . t l I.!'t I'e'oO