Aef 1 - Reading234

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  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234



    Read the article. Choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.

     Review of a local restaurant 

    The new restaurant, Bailey’s, on Park Road is a great success. It opened last month

    and is now the most popular restaurant in downtown Thornton. It’s smaller than the

    others, and it’s definitely more expensie, !ut the food is delicious. It’s easy to get to

     !ecause it’s near the !us station and the main parking lot in town.

    The owner, Chef "ike Bailey, worked in a !ig #ondon hotel !efore he started the

    restaurant, and he learned to cook from some of the !est chefs in the world. $e thinks the

    most important thing is to hae fresh food % eerything on his menu is fresh. $e !uys his

    meat and egeta!les from local farms, and the fish is from the Thorn Rier. Beliee me % 

    it’s all delicious&

    "y faorite dish on the menu is the roasted chicken. It’s a traditional meal, !ut the

    egeta!les are !eautifully cooked and it comes with a special sauce. I loed the desserts.

    'or me, the !est dessert is the chocolate cake with homemade ice cream. 'or people on a

    diet, it’s not a good idea to go to Bailey’s&

    The restaurant is also well(designed and decorated. )ou can see directly into the

    kitchen and watch the young chefs at work. They cook *uickly, !ut eerything is always

     perfect. The smells from the kitchen are wonderful, and they make you ery hungry& The

    serice is also ery good and fast.

    Bailey’s is always !usier than the other restaurants in town. Try it soon !ut remem!er 

    to !ook in adance. +nd don’t eat anything !efore you go&

    Example: A lot of people like Bailey’s restaurant. A True ✓  B False C Doesn’t say

    - Bailey’s is a nightclu! and fast(food restaurant.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    /- It opened a month ago.

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    0- It’s more popular than the other restaurants in Thornton.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    1- + meal at Bailey’s is cheap.+ True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    2- Bailey’s is near the Thorn Rier in Thornton.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    3- The owner, "ike Bailey, is also a chef.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    4- The writer had chicken and mushroom soup for a starter.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    5- )ou can see the kitchen from the restaurant.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    6- 'our chefs work in the kitchen.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    7- The waiters are always slow and unfriendly.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    2 Read the article again and answer the questins!

    - 8here is Bailey’s restaurant9


    /- 8hy is it different from the other restaurants in the area9


    0- 8hat is the most important thing a!out the food for the chef9

     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1- 8here does the chef !uy his egeta!les9


    2- 8hat did the writer eat at Bailey’s9


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    The frozen extremes of the earth

    The +rctic in the north and the +ntarctic in the south are at opposite ends of the

     planet, !ut they are similar in many ways. Both are lands of ice and snow, where thetemperature in the winter can !e so low that your skin can free;e in seconds. It can !e as

    low as %57ne difference !etween the +rctic and the +ntarctic is the human population. In parts

    of the +rctic, there are towns and illages. ?reenland, for example, the largest island in

    the world, has a population of 22,777 people.

    "any of these people work in fishing. They hae a difficult life. There aren’t many

    roads !etween towns and illages, so people trael !y snowmo!ile or with dogs. 'rom

     @oem!er to Aanuary it’s dark for /1 hours a day, !ut from "ay to Auly there are /1

    hours of daylight. In the +ntarctic, there are no normal towns and illages. >nly scientists

    lie there all year round, in special !uildings called stations. They study the sea animals

    and learn a!out the history of the world’s climate !y studying the weather and the ice. It’s

    a hard place to lie, especially in winter, !ut many of them loe it there and return again

    and again.

    Example: The Antarctic is the colest place in the worl.

     A True B False C Doesn’t say✓

    - There aren’t any animals in the +ntarctic.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    /- @o people lie in the +ntarctic.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    0- There aren’t any !uildings in the +ntarctic.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    1- It is usually %57

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    %! Read the article. Choose True, 'alse, or oesn’t say.

    $tud&ing in 'anada

     A student at King’s School tells us what she likes about her English course.

    "y name’s Carmen ?arcEa and I’m a student at Fing’s Dchool.  It’s a language

    school in =ancouer . I’m Dpanish, from "adr id, !ut my mother is 'r ench. Dhe’s

    a teacher in "adr id.  The students at Fing’s Dchool are from many different

    countr ies.  Dtudents are from Aa pan,  "exico, ?ermany,  and Italy.  It’s really

    interesting to meet so many different peo ple. The  principal is Canadian, !ut my

    teacher is +mer ican.  Dhe’s from @ew )ork and her name’s $elen.  Dhe’s ery

    nice and she’s an excellent teacher . $er classes are always really fun. AosG and

    Farl are pro!a!ly my !est friends in the class. AosG is "exican,

    Example: Carmen is F r ench .

     A True B False ✓  C Doesn’t say

    - Fing’s Dchool is a language school.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    /- Carmen’s mother is D panish.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    0- Carmen’s father is a teacher.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    1- The students at the school are from the same countr y.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    2- The principal is from Tor onto.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    3- Carmen’s teacher is +merican.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

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    4- AosG and Farl are in different classes.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    5- Farl is ?er man.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    2! Read the text again and answer thequestin!

    E xample:  8hat is Carmen’s last name9 ? a r cEa

    ,  8hat’s the name of  her  school9 ::::: 

    /  8her e is her  school9   ::::: 

    0  8her e is she fr om9   ::::: 

    1  8ho is her  teacher 9   ::::: 

    2  8her e’s her  teacher  fr om9   ::::: 

    3  8hat nationality is AosG9   ::::: 

    4  8hich countr y is F arl fr om9   ::::: 

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    (ile Test 2

    %! Read the e-mail! 'hse True) (alse) r Desn#t sa&

    $i "aria,

    o you remem!er me9 "y name’s ?a!riel Costa. I’m twenty(nine, and I’m Bra;ilian. I

    lie in a small apartment in Rio, and I work as an administratie assistant for a !ig

    computer company downtown. I usually go to work on the su!way, !ut sometimes I take

    the !us. I don’t smoke, !ut I drink a lot of coffee&

    8hat else can I tell you a!out myself9 "y family lies in Dalador, on the north east

    coast of Bra;il. I hae one !rother and one sister. "y !rother works as a waiter and my

    sister’s a nurse. Their names are 'ernando and #arissa. "y parents are !oth teachers. I

    loe sports. I play soccer and !asket!all a few times a month, and I watch the games on

    T=. "y faorite food is "exican. I’m ery lucky !ecause my !rother works in a

    "exican restaurant, so I eat there when I isit my family. I study Italian in my free time

     !ecause one day I want to lie in Italy.

    Please write and tell me a!out yourself. ?a!riel

    Example! "a#riel lives with a frien.

     A True B False C Doesn’t say ✓

    -  ?a!riel works in Rio.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    /-  ?a!riel likes his Ho!.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    0-  ?a!riel’s family doesn’t lie in Bra;il.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    1-  #arissa has two !rothers.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

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    2- 'ernando lies with his parents.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    3- ?a!riel watches sports on T=.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    4- 'ernando lies and works in Rio.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    5- ?a!riel is Italian.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    2! Read the e-mail again and cmplete the *rm!

     @ame ?a!riel Costa


    Ao! /

    City 0

    Dmokes 1 )JD @>

    Dports 2 3

    'aorite food 4

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    (ile Test +

    . Read the text. Choose the correct answer 

    ," PEP.E .I/E

    +s part of our weekly series, we asked #ila Riera and Tim ?reenwood to tell us a!out

    their lies.

    #ila is a hardworking teacher in "iami. Dhe gets up at six thirty eery morning and has

     !reakfast. Then she makes sandwiches to take for lunch and gets ready for work. #ila

    usually walks to work !ecause she thinks it’s important to exercise eery day. Dhe

    sometimes walks home in the eening, !ut she usually takes the !us. #ila has dinner at

    seen o’clock and goes to !ed early. Dhe doesn’t go out during the week, !ut she often

    goes out with friends on the weekend. #ila eats fie portions of fruit and egeta!les eery

    day and fish twice a week. Dhe eats meat sometimes, !ut she doesn’t smoke. 'or more

    exercise, #ila goes to the gym three times a week. Dhe’s ery healthy and is hardly eer 


    Tim lies !y the ocean in Palm Beach. $e’s a Hournalist for a local newspaper. $e usually

    gets up at eight o’clock, takes a *uick shower, and then he dries to work. Tim doesn’t

    hae time for !reakfast, !ut he sometimes has a sandwich in the middle of the morning. +t

    lunchtime, he usually has a !urger. $e !uys it from the fast(food restaurant across the

    street and eats at his desk. Tim works long hours and often stays late in the eening. >n

    those days, he goes to a restaurant with people from work. They usually hae a !ig dinner.

    Tim doesn’t eat fruit, and he doesn’t like egeta!les. $e plays foot!all once a month, !ut

    he isn’t ery healthy

    Example:  $ila %ets up at

     A &!'' B (!)' ✓ 

    C (!''

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    - #ila has !reakfast :: .

    + on the !us B at school C at home

    /-  #ila :::::::: to wor k .

    + runs B walks C rides a !ike

    0- #ila goes home !y  !us.

    + always B neer C usually

    1- #ila sometimes :::.

    + goes out during the week B eats meat C smokes

    2- Tim goes to work :::.

    + !y car B !y !us C !y train

    3- Tim often has lunch ::.

      + in his office B at home C in a fast(food restaurant

    4- Tim often eats with :: .

      + his parents B Hournalists C students

    5- Tim exercises.

      + often B hardly eer C neer

    2! Read the text again and write .ila r Tim!

    E xample:  # ila is a teacher.

    often eats egeta!les.

    / often exercises.

    0 usually eats a !urger for lunch.

    1 doesn’t go to !ed late.

    2 goes out on the week end.

    3 always has !reakfast.

    4 has an unhealthy lifestyle.

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    (ile Test 0

    %! Read the article! 'hse True) (alse) r Desn#t sa&!

     American artists living abroad 

    Article 1& im 3nwles

    "aegan Camp!ell is a 0/(year(old actress from #os +ngeles, !ut right now, she’s liing

    in Paris. Dhe lies in an apartment that oerlooks the Deine Rier. "aegan’s mother is

    'rench, which means "aegan can speak the language perfectly. "aegan is ery talented.

    Dhe likes acting in moies, !ut she can also sing and dance well, and she has a leading

     par t in a 'rench musical right now. Dhe can also play the piano ery well. In her spare

    time, "aegan likes to relax at home !y watching romantic moies. Dhe doesn’t hae

     plans to return to the KD.

    Tom $ammond is from allas, !ut he lies in Tokyo. $e’s5, and he’s a music student.

    Tom can play the piano and the guitar ery well. $e also writes songs with his friend

    Toshi. Tom writes the music and Toshi writes the lyrics. 8hen they’re happy with a new

    song, they usually perform it to students at their college. They loe to hae an audience

    and would really like to !e in a !and. 8hen he isn’t composing, Tom downloads his

    faorite music from the Internet.

    $annah Brown is a writer. Dhe’s from @ew )ork, !ut she lies in "exico. $annah is /2

    and likes writing romantic noels. $er goal, of course, is to !e a pu!lished writer, so she

    writes eery day for at least four hours. $er faorite time to write is early in the morning,

     !ut she sometimes writes late at night, too. In the afternoons, $annah works as a waitress

    in a cafe. Dhe doesn’t really enHoy this par t of her life, !ut it helps her learn Dpanish.

    Example:  *ae%an is French.

     A True B False✓  C Doesn’t say

    - "aegan lies in #os +ngeles.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    /- "aegan doesn’t act in moies.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

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    0- "aegan can sing and dance well.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    1- Tom studies in Tokyo.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    2- Tom writes songs with his friend.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    3- Tom can sing ery well.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    4- $annah works in a cafe.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    5- $annah likes writing in the afternoon.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    6- $annah neer writes at night.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    7- $annah is always !usy at work.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    2! Read the article again and write 4aegan) Tm) r ,annah!

    Example: Tm li5es in T6&!

    ::::::: watches moies at home.

    / ::::::: works in the afternoon.

    0 ::::::: sometimes works in the theater.

    1 ::::::: doesn’t play the piano.

    2 ::::::: is a student.

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    (ile Test 7

    %! Read 4aria#s diar&! 'hse the crrect answer

    Daturday, Auly 5

    +nna and I left home early in the morning, !ut our flight was delayed, and we didn’t

    arrie at #+L until late in the afternoon. 8e were really tired, !ut we took a !us to our 

    hotel !ecause taxis in #os +ngeles are ery expensie. 8hen we got to the hotel we

    rested, and then went out to explore the city. 8e had a *uick sandwich in a small cafe,

    and then we headed for Rodeo rie to !uy clothes.

    I !ought a Hacket and some T(shirts there. I wanted to !uy a !ag too, !ut I couldn’t find

    one that I liked. In the eening, we ate in an Italian restaurant and went to a clu! to dance.

    8e met some really nice people and had so much fun that we didn’t get !ack to the hotel

    until ery late&

    Dunday, Auly 6

    8e got up late and had !reakfast in a cafe. I had a !ig !reakfast, !ut +nna Hust had some

    fruit. +fter !reakfast, we went for a walk around the city. 8e walked downtown and went

    to #ittle Tokyo. 8e had sushi there for lunch, and then we took the su!way to $ollywood.

    8e walked down Dunset Bouleard and went to Kniersal Dtudios. 8e went !ack to our 

    hotel at 677 and went to !ed early. 8e wanted to get up early the next day and explore

    =enice Beach.E xample! *aria an her frien %ot to $os An%eles i n the .

     A mornin% B afternoon ✓ C evenin%

    - They to their hotel.

    + walked B droe C traeled !y !us

    /- Daturday afternoon they ate .

    + at the airport B at the hotel C in a cafe

    0-  "aria !ought .

    +  a  !ag B  some clothes  C  a  pictur e 

    1-  Daturday eening they

    +  stayed at the hotel  B  ate in a dance clu !  C talked to some people

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    2 Dunday morning +nna ate .

    + a !ig !reakfast and fruit B a !ig !reakfast C fruit

    3 >n Dunday they had lunch .

    2! Read the diar& again! 'hse True r (alse!

    Example:  *aria travele to $os An%eles #y train.

     A True B False ✓

    #os +ngeles taxis are usually chea p.

    + True B 'alse

    / 8hen they arried at the hotel on Datur day, they had lunch.

    + True B 'alse

    0 "aria !ought a Hacket on Rodeo rie.

    + True B 'alse

    1 They ate Aapanese food on Daturday eening.

    + True B 'alse

    2 "aria and +nna liked the dance clu !.

    + True B 'alse

    3 +nna had a !ig !reakfast on Dunday mor ning.

    + True B 'alse

    4 They took a !us to $ollywood.

    + True B 'alse

    5- They wanted to go to =enice Beach in the eening.

    + True B 'alse

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    (ile Test 8

    %! Read the ad5ertisements! 'hse True) (alse) r Desn#t sa&.

    Dummerset Place is a comforta!le house Hust outside of Chicago. ownstairs, there’s a

    large liing room, a dining room, a kitchen, and an office. Kpstairs, there are three large

     !edrooms and a !athroom. The yard is spacious, and there’s a garage next to the house.

    There are excellent schools in the area, and don’t worry a!out the neigh!ors. There

    aren’t any& )ou can rent Dummerset Place from Pullman’s Real Jstate +gency.

    Please call M0/- 222(/73 !etween 677 a.m. and 277 p.m., "onday to 'riday, or e(


    "idtown Court is a traditional townhouse on a *uiet street. The house has three floors.

    ownstairs, there’s a modern kitchen, an impressie dining room, a liing room, and a

     !athroom. >n the second floor, there are two !edrooms, an office, and a !athroom. >nthe top floor, there are two more !edrooms and another !athroom. The current owners

    hae updated the entire house, and all the furniture is in excellent condition. >utside,

    there’s a small yard, !ut parking is on the street. The rent is ery good for a townhouse

    of this si;e. Please call $antan’s Real Jstate +gency during office hours. M0/- 222(


    City =iew is a modern apartment !uilding with great iews of Chicago. The !uilding is

    in walking distance of downtown, !ut there’s plenty of opportunity to escape from the

    traffic !ecause it’s also across from a large park. The apartment for sale has one

     !edroom, a small kitchen, a liing room, and a !athroom. +ll of which are decorated

     !eautifully. There’s a parking lot !ehind the !uilding with space for one car per resident.

    )ou can !uy this apartment for a ery good price. Call Parkway Real Jstate +gency at

    M0/- 222(/67 or go to www.parkway(info.aef for more information.

    Example:  +ummerset ,lace is in owntown Chica%o.

     A True B False✓  C Doesn’t say 

    - Dummerset Place has eight rooms.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    /- Dummerset Place is a good home for a family.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    mailto:[email protected]://www.parkway-info.aef/http://www.parkway-info.aef/mailto:[email protected]

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    0- There isn’t any furniture in Dummerset Place.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    1- "idtown Court is on a noisy street.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    2- There are four !edrooms in "idtown Court.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    3- "idtown Court is expensie to rent.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    4- City =iew is in a park.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    5- In City =iew, the !athroom is small.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    6- There are people liing in the apartment right now.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    2! "rite $ *r $ummerset Place) 4 *r 4idtwn 'urt) r ' *r 'it& /iew!

    Example:  There aren’t any neigh!ors. D

    - )ou can park in the garage. ::: 

    /- )ou can !uy this place. ::: 

    0- There are three !athrooms. ::: 

    1- There isn’t a dining room. ::: 

    2- It has two floors. ::: 

    3- There are four rooms. ::: 

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


     (ile Test 9

    % Read the article! 'hse the crrect answer!

    I .-/E 4: 2-;<

     Lucas arc!a is a che" in a restaurant in #e$ico %ity. &e talks about his 'ob.

    I work at ?a !r iela’s, which is one of the most po pular restaurants in "exico City. The !est par 

    t of working there is !eing par  t of a fantastic team of friendly and talented peo ple.

    I star ted !y washing dishes when I was only 3. I wasn’t interested in f ood, and I neer cooked

    at home,  !ut I wor k ed har d, and soon !ecame a waiter . =ictor , who was head chef at the time,

     !egan to show me how to cook , and I loed it so much I went to college to learn mor e.

    8hen =ictor left ?a !r iela’s, I !ecame head chef . +t the time all the food was "exican. The

    *uality was excellent,  !ut I wanted to do something diff er ent,  so I decided to hae an

    international menu.  @ow we sere food from all around the wor ld. There are so many fantastic

    markets and gr ocer y stores in the city, so I can usually find any ingredient I need.

    I use a lot of natural ingredients such as !rown r ice, or ganic f lour , and pasta. Dome people think 

    that healthy food is !or ing,  !ut they’re wr ong. 8ell(prepared natural food has so much more

    flaor than fast f ood. >ur food is healthy and our customers loe it. 8e use the ery !est meat

    and the highest *uality egeta !les.

    ?a!riela’s is open "onday to 'riday from 277  p.m.  to 77  p.m.,  and from /07  p.m.  to

    77  p.m. on the week ends. >n 'ridays and Daturdays we  play lie music f r om around the

    wor ld.  There’s a children’s menu on Dundays,  and that’s also when we sere traditional

    "exican f ood. 

    Example: ----- is the chef now .

     A $ucas ✓   B ictor C "a#riela

    - #ucas started as a .

    + waiter B chef C dish washer

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    /- 8hen he was 3, #ucas .

    + started to work at the restaurant

    B was a good cook

    C was interested in food

    0- #ucas likes using ingredients.

    + !rown B natural C unhealthy

    1- The restaurant opens for lunch .

    + eery day B only on Dundays C twice a week

    2- )ou can’t eat at ?a!riela’s .

    + on "onday eeningsB on Daturday afternoons

    C on Dunday mornings

    3- ?a!riela’s sometimes seres .

    + !oring food B fast food C "exican food 3

    2! Read the article again! 'hse True r (alse!

    E xample:  $ucas likes his  / o# .

     A True ✓   B False

    -  #ucas !ecame head chef when he was ,3.

    + True B 'alse

    /-  #ucas didn’t cook at home.

    + True B 'alse

    0-  #ucas neer worked as a waiter.

    + True B 'alse

    1-  It’s usually difficult for #ucas to find ingredients in "exico City.

    + True B 'alse

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    2-  #ucas thinks healthy food isn’t !oring.

    + True B 'alse

    3-  The restaurant is open fie days a week .

    + True B 'alse

    4-  The restaurant isn’t open for lunch during the week .

    + True B 'alse

    5-  The music is usually international.

    + True B 'alse

    6-  There is a children’s menu during the week .

    + True B 'alse

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    (ile Test =

    %! Read the maga>ine article! 'hse True) (alse) r Desn#t sa&!

    T,E ;E$T P.A'E$ T /I$IT

    There’s no place on ear th like Br a;il. It has some of the most !eautiful !eaches in the wor ld,

    some of the !usiest, most exciting cities, as well as the !iggest area of unex plor ed rainforest on

    the planet.

    The country is, of cour se, enormous. In f act, Bra;il is the fifth largest country in the world in

    terms of land area and po pulation. It coers half of Douth +merica and has !or der s with eery

    Douth +merican country except Chile and Jcuador . It has more than 54 million peo ple, and

    most people lie in cities near the coast.

    Bra;il is a fascinating place to isit.  The people are warm and f r iendly,  and they welcome

    almost 2 million tourists to their country eery year . Tr aditionally, Bra;ilians gie presents to

    their hosts when they isit peo ple, so it’s a good idea if you do the same& Typical gifts include

    f lower s, chocolate, and wine.

    8hen some people think of Br a;il, they think of soccer , music, dancing, and !eaches. The most

     popular pastimes may not come as a sur  pr ise  playing soccer ,  listening to music, dancing,

    walking on the !each, or Hust talk ing.

    'amily life is ery im por tant and eating together is always s pecial. "ost people hae lunch at

    a!out 77  p.m. The eening meal usually doesn’t !egin until a!out 477 or 577 in large cities.

    If you isit Bra;il and usually eat dinner at

    377  p.m. or ear lier , how will you make it until dinner time9 8ell, Bra;il also produces some of 

    the !est coffee in the world % so hae some&

    Example! Brazil is the #i%%est country in the worl.

     A True B False✓  C Doesn’t say

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    -  The population of Bra;il is 54 million.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    /-  There aren’t any cities in the middle of Bra;il.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    0-  "ost people lie in the rainforest.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    1-  Bra;il !orders Jcuador and Chile.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    2-  The cities are all ery *uiet.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    3-  Bra;il is an interesting place for tourists.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    4-  +!out fie million people isit Bra;il a year.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    5-  8ater sports are ery popular in Bra;il.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    6-  In Bra;il, people usually eat dinner in the afternoon.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    7- People sometimes drink coffee !etween lunch and dinner in Bra;il.

    + True B 'alse C oesn’t say

    2! Read the article again! Answer the questin.

    -  8hat attractions does Bra;il hae for tourists9

    / - 8here do most of the people in Bra;il lie9

    0-  8hen do Bra;ilians gie presents9

  • 8/18/2019 Aef 1 - Reading234


    1- 8hen do people in !ig cities usually hae dinner9

    2- 8hat are some popular pastime actiities9