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    Simulation of energy use in buildings with multiple micro generators

    S. Karmacharya a,*, G. Putrus a, C.P. Underwood a, K. Mahkamov a, S. McDonald b,A. Alexakis a

    a Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne NE18ST, UK b National Renewable Energy Centre (NAREC), Blyth, Northumberland, UK 

    h i g h l i g h t s

     Dynamic modelling of a building along with its space heating and hot water systems. Dynamic modelling of mCHP including its start-up and shut down characteristics.

      Integration of micro generations with energy demands in a dwelling in real time.

     Fuel utilisation and energy ef ciency in a dwelling is analysed in real scenario.

     Overall ef ciency of a mCHP is largely inuenced by the number of switching.

    a r t i c l e i n f o

     Article history:

    Received 8 May 2013

    Accepted 21 September 2013

    Available online 23 October 2013


    Micro combined heat and power


    Dynamic thermal modelling

    Domestic electrical demand

    Renewable energy sources

    a b s t r a c t

    This paper focuses on the detailed modelling of micro combined heat and power (mCHP) modules and

    their interaction with other renewable micro generators in domestic applications based on an integrated

    modular modelling approach. The simulation model has been developed using Matlab/Simulink and

    incorporates a Stirling engine mCHP module embedded in a lumped-parameter domestic energy model,

    together with contributions from micro wind and photovoltaic modules. The Stirling cycle component

    model is based on experimental identication of a domestic-scale system which includes start up and

    shut down characteristics. The integrated model is used to explore the interactions between the variousenergy supply technologies and results are presented showing the most favourable operating conditions

    that can be used to inform the design of advanced energy control strategies in building. The integrated

    model offers an improvement on previous models of this kind in that a fully-dynamic approach is

    adopted for the equipment and plant enabling fast changing load events such as switching on/off do-

    mestic loads and hot water, to be accurately captured at a minimum interval of 1 min. The model is

    applied to two typical 3- and 4-bedroom UK house types equipped with a mCHP module and two other

    renewable energy technologies for a whole year. Results of the two cases show that the electrical

    contribution of a Stirling engine type mCHP heavily depends on the thermal demand of the building and

    that up to 19% of the locally-generated electricity is exported whilst meeting a similar percentage of the

    overall annual electricity demand. Results also show that the increased number of switching of mCHP

    module has an impact on seasonal module ef ciency and overall fuel utilisation. The results demonstrate

    the need for the analysis of equipment design and optimal sizing of thermal and electrical energy


     2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    The market for micro combined heat and power (mCHP) mod-

    ules is expected to grow, as a viable option for domestic boiler

    replacement [1]. Options include fuel cells, Stirling engine, organic

    Rankine cycle and conventional reciprocating engine based mCHP.

    One of the most promising of these options is the Stirling cycle due

    to its relatively low noise emission and low maintenance   [2].

    Having considered the energy and economic performance of a

    range of domestic scale technologies, Barbieri et al. [3]  concluded

    that Stirling engine based mCHP is the best current option for a

    range of domestic operating scenarios. However challenges exist

    around: a) how to integrate these units into an unfamiliar appli-

    cation in which both heating demand and power demand vary*   Corresponding author.

    E-mail address:  [email protected] (S. Karmacharya).

    Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

    Applied Thermal Engineering

    j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :   w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m/ l o c a t e / a p t h e r m e n g

    1359-4311/$ e  see front matter    2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Applied Thermal Engineering 62 (2014) 581e592

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    throughout the season often with a signicant random component;

    b) unusual module response characteristics (particularly the Stir-ling cycle) involving relatively long run-uptimes; c) a wide range of 

    electrical and fuel tariff possibilities and, d) the possible existence

    of other competing embedded renewable energy supply


    Much of the progress concerning the behaviour of mCHP plant

    in domestic applications has focused on comparing the seasonal

    economics of alternative module types   [1,3,4]   and on the mea-

    surement of the individual and comparative performances of these

    systems [5e7]. Peacock and Newborough [8] studied the impact of 

    heat and power   ows from Stirling engine and fuel cell modules

    using constant effective module data and 1-min recordings of do-

    mestic energy demand concluding that these systems could supply

    25e46% of a single dwelling’s annual electricity demand. However

    this is at odds with De Paepe et al. [9] who concluded that only 10%of the electricity generated by 5 different types of mCHP modules

    can be used by the host dwelling based on energy demands from

    the (relatively simple) simulation program DOE-2.5 applied to

    typical Belgian family houses.

    Though the modelling of mCHP modules has received attention,

    most of this is related to solid oxide and proton-exchange mem-

    brane fuel cells [10e12] and very little work has been done on the

    dynamic simulation of these plants when including the detailed

    dynamic response of the local heating and electrical demand en-

    vironments. Lombardi et al. [13] present a detailed semi-empirical

    dynamic model of a domestic-scale Stirling engine mCHP module

    which demonstrate improvements over an existing model as well

    as a reduction in the number of experimental parameters needed.

    However, no attention is given in this model to the balance of system components and sub-systems (i.e. building, heating, elec-

    trical connections, etc). Dorer and Weber  [14]  used a simulation

    modelling approach to compare two types of fuel cell, Stirling en-

    gine and internal combustion engine based mCHP options at do-

    mestic scale using the modular simulation program TRNSYS.

    However most of their simulations were conducted at time in-

    tervals of 15-min which is adequate for capturing daily and sea-

    sonal energy proles and mean performances but can fail to

    capture many of the shorter term dynamics particularly in relation

    to local loading changes and electrical grid interaction.

    The aim of the work presented in this paper is to address the

    design and operational issues mentioned earlier, by proposing a

    comprehensive dynamic system simulation in which not only the

    mCHP module participates, but also the building, its heating and

    other thermal demand systems, other local renewable energy in-

    puts, and the interaction with the local electricity grid. The objec-tives of the development of such a simulation model therefore are

    as follows:

      Todevelop a detailed dynamic thermal model of a domestic type

    building together with its heating and domestic hot water sys-

    tems, control and thermal storage

      To incorporate a dynamic thermal model of a Stirling engine

    micro-CHP module with suf cient detail to capture its pro-

    tracted run-up transients

      To incorporate other domestic-scale embedded renewable

    electricity systems (specically photovoltaic systems and micro-

    wind turbines)

     To incorporate a local area electrical grid model to enable the

    impact of the typically randomly-varying demand and renew-able supply patterns to be reconciled with the mCHP module

    and prevailing grid behaviour

     To apply the simulation model to a range of operating scenarios

    applicable to typical UK housing

     To use the results obtained to identify key operational, design

    and sizing issues necessary for analysing and optimising energy

    use in building.

    The paper is organised as follows: Section 2 gives the principles

    of system modelling and Section   3   gives details of the model

    development. Section 4  gives the model implementation and Sec-

    tion   5   gives results obtained and discussion. Finally, conclusions

    and suggestions for further work are given in Section  6.

    2. Modelling philosophy 

    Approaches to the dynamic modelling of distributed thermo-

    dynamic systems broadly fall into three categories:

     Generic system models; in which pre-dened components and

    sub-systems are dened and solved sequentially. Parameters

    can be changed at the component level by the user but in all

    other senses these types of models are rigid and inexible in

    that new components cannot be added (or existing components

    changed in character).

      Modular component-based modelling in which recognisable

    system components (a heat exchanger, a pump, a valve for

    example) are treated in a self-contained  ‘

    black box’  manner


    AU area-integrated thermal transmittance value (heat

    emitter, W K1)

    C    thermal capacitance (J m2 K1)

    C wm   heat emitter combined water and material thermal

    capacitance (J K1)

    C w,tank   water tank thermal capacity (J K1)

    G(s) transfer function of either power or heat in response to

    switched event

    K    gain (kW)

    N    total number of heat emitter modelling zones

    R   thermal resistance (m2 K W1)

    T i   temperature, internal (C)

    T m   temperature, middle (C)

    T o   temperature, external (C)

    T s   temperature, surface (C)

    T w   temperature, water (C)

    T w,i   temperature, water at inlet (C)

    T w,o   temperature, water at outlet (C)

    c pw   specic heat capacity of water (J kg1 K1)

    mw   mass  ow rate, water (kg s1)

    mw,io   mass  ow rate, water at both inlet and outlet (kg s1)

    n   integer reference to heat emitter modelling zone

    qloss   heat loss from the tank (W)

    qrad   heat input due to radiation (W m2)

    qsupplied   Heat supplied to the tank by mCHP (W)

    t d   delay time (s)

     xi   inner material resistance ration

     xm   middle zone material resistance ration

     xo   outer material resistance ration

     yi   inner material capacitance ration

     yo   outer material capacitance ration

    s   time constant (s)

       3(s) uniformly distributed error term

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    with dened input/output information   ows such that each

    individual component forms an object. Components can be

    selected and inter-connected by the user to form sub-systems

    from which complete systems can be made. This approach

    gives high   exibility as well as being intuitive for practice-

    focused users.

      Equation-based modelling using differential algebraic equa-

    tions (DAEs). DAEs form sets of differential equations, in

    which time is the independent variable, with their input/

    output information   ows such that each equation forms an

    object. This approach offers innite   exibility but additional

    tools are needed to (a), sort and transform the user-supplied

    equations into an algorithm and, (b) process the algorithm

    to execution.

    Sahlin et al.  [15] concluded that component-based approaches

    are too rigid in structure to accommodate the improvements and

    exibility in use that are likely to be increasingly needed in future.

    They argue that equation-based methods offer greater   exibility.

    However, though equation-based methods form a   exible and

    convenient approach when it is possible to express a closed set of 

    equations to describe a problem, they can often lead to longer

    computation times than is the case with conventional component-based simulation programs. Bertagnolio and Lebrun [16] found this

    when they developed detailed steady-state component models of 

    HVAC plant with a low-order single zone building and applied the

    model to problems in benchmarking   [16]   and auditing   [17].

    Furthermore, certain users (practitioners and some applied re-

    searchers) are not comfortable with these methods which limit

    their use to those with requisite scientic knowledge and skills. On

    balance, with an appropriate level of component   ‘granularity’  it is

    possible to alleviate the  exibility issue to a large extent and, thus,

    it is clear that for most applications a component-based approach

    offers the widest range of advantages.

    The multi domain graphical simulation environment Simulink

    [18] integrated within Matlab was used in this work. Components

    and sub-systems were arranged into 5 groups:

     The building envelope

     Space heating and domestic hot water systems

     The mCHP module

     Locally-embedded renewable energy systems

     The electrical distribution network.

    3. Model development

     3.1. The building envelope model

    A high-order lumped parameter method was used for the

    building envelope having the advantage of relative simplicity (i.e.computational ef ciency) whilst also providing suf cient accuracy

    and rigour to capture a wide range of transient effects. The method

    adopted was developed by Gouda et al.   [19]   which envisages a

    second-order description of each signicant thermal capacity

    pathway (i.e. exterior wall, internal partition,  oor, roof) together

    with algebraicheat balances at lowcapacity pathways(i.e.windows

    and ventilation air transfer) completed with a rst-order treatment

    of the enclosing room air. Thus a 9th order model for each space is

    arrived at, as shown in Fig. 1. This method retains the simplicity of 

    the lumped parameter method whilstofferinggreateraccuracy than

    the more common lower order models of this kind [20].

    Energy balance about each element can be written as second-

    order matrix differential equations. For example, for the external

    wall element (Eq. (1)) [21]:

      _T s_T m


    1=½R$C $ð xi yi þ xm yiÞ   1=ð xm yiR$C Þ

    1=ð xm yoR$C Þ 1=½R$C $ð xm yo þ xo yoÞ

     T sT m

    þ ::::::

    1=ðR$C $ xi yiÞ   1=ð yiC Þ   0

    0 0 1=ðR$C $ xo yoÞ

    24 T iqrad

    T o

    35   (1)

    where the resistance (R), capacitance (C ) and   ‘rations’   ( xi,m,o;  y i,o)

    are obtained using the method described by Gouda et al.  [19]. For

    the thermal resistance through each construction element (i.e. wall,

    partition, etc), these   ‘rations’   are fractions of the total elementresistance allocated to the notional inside resistor ( xi), middle

    resistor ( xm) and outside resistor ( xo) of each construction element

    as illustrated in   Fig. 1   (and,   xi   þ   xm   þ   xo   ¼   1). For the thermal

    capacitance the   yi   and   yo   rations allocate the overall element

    thermal capacity to the inside and outside capacitors respectively

    (and, yi þ  yo ¼  1). Gouda et al. [19] used the term   ‘ration’ for these

    fractions to imply that they remain constant (in effect, a quasi

    ‘property’  of the construction element). They require to be   tted

    using a suitable rigorousreference model and an appropriatetting

    methodsuch as optimisation. In this work, values recommended by

    Gouda et al. [19] typical of UK house construction were used. Eq. (1)

    can be readily and ef ciently represented in Simulink using a state-

    space block. Further details of the application of the method can be

    found in Ref. [22].Here, the room model was completed by adding a simple

    transmittance factor glazing model with an associated solar radi-

    ation algorithm to read-in measured hourly global horizontal ir-

    radiances from a weather   le and resolve the data into in-plane

    direct and diffuse radiation. The window model does not include

    any blinds, curtains or internal shading devices. All radiant sources

    (both short wave and long wave) are assumed to be distributed

    uniformly to all opaque room surfaces with the exception of the

    direct component of solar radiation which is assumed to be

    absorbed by the   oor surface only. The solar radiation algorithm

    was based on Liu and Jordan’s  [23] method. A simple air change

    ventilation model was incorporated. Other rooms or clusters of 

    rooms forming heating zones could easily be added to form a multi-

    zone building by copying and pasting in Simulink and making

    Fig. 1.  Representation of the lumped-parameter building envelope model.

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    appropriate connections where appropriate via the   oor, ceiling

    and partitions paths (see Fig. 1).

     3.2. Space heating and hot water systems modelling 

    For the space heating, a distributed low pressure hot water

    heating system model was  rst spatially-discretised resulting in a

    set of ordinary differential equations (Eq.  (2)) [24]:

    C wmðnÞ d

    dt T wðnÞ ¼ mwc pwðT wðn 1Þ T wðnÞÞ AUðT wðnÞ T iÞ


    Where   ‘n’ represents the nth zone of a heat emitter having a total of 

    N  zones of equal volume. Underwood and Yik  [25] and Fong et al.

    [24]   suggest that a satisfactory trade-off between accuracy and

    computational cost for most heat exchangers of this type can be

    obtained with N  ¼  3 and this was used in the present work.

    Thoughthe model developedin this work has the potential to be

    used for advanced control strategies, in the work reported here it is

    applied to conventional heating controls as would be expected in

    most existing UK houses. All new and refurbished domestic hot

    water heating systems in the UK require energy saving controls and

    ‘thermostatic’   radiator valves are mandatory. Despite their name,

    ‘thermostatic’   radiator valves contain a direct-acting sensing bulb

    which acts to provide a variable waterow rate in response to room

    temperature e  they in fact modulate hot water  ow with a rela-

    tively wide proportional control band. They also tend to exhibit

    quite long time constants (5 min or more). Space heating control

    was therefore represented by a single on/off thermostat in one

    space of the house (usually the ground  oor lobby) together with

    an upper limit thermostat on the water discharge side of the mCHP

    module; either of which can switch the mCHP module off, but both

    of which must be on to permit the heating to operate. Both ther-

    mostats adopted a hysteresis switching pattern with a switching

    dead-band of 2 K (room thermostat) and 5 K (mCHP module  ow

    water temperature). At the emitter level, the ‘thermostatic’ radiatorvalve was modelled as an equal-percentage modulating valve with

    an actuator and sensing bulb with a 10-min time constant; details

    of which can be found in Gouda et al.  [21].

    The domestic hot water system model consisted of a stored hot

    water tank for two principal reasons. Firstly, it is well-established

    that stored hot water provides capacity to smooth peaks in hot

    water demand and, secondly, the stored capacity can act as a heat

    sink for the mCHP module during periods of light heating demand

    e  an important consideration in order to restrict the number of 

    module starts over a given time period. A simple single-zone tank

    from the Simulink extended thermodynamic systems component

    library was used for this purpose which is based on the following

    energy balance (Eq. (3)) [26]:

    C w;tankd

    dt T w;o   ¼   mw;ioc pw

    T w;i  T w;o

     þ qsupplied  qloss   (3)

    Where T w,i  is the cold water in-feed temperature to the tank (C),

    T w,o is the outow water temperature to the draw-off points (C),

    qsupplied  is the heat input to the tank from the mCHP module (W)

    and qloss is the heat loss from the tank (W). The water demandow

    rate (mw,io, kg s1) forms a model input variable which is read from

    a  le of demand data obtained from  eld-monitoring surveys.

     3.3. Micro-CHP modelling 

    The modelling of mCHP based on Stirling engines has received

    relatively little attention. For dynamic simulations it is necessary to

    treat the problem rigorously because these systems tend to exhibit

    quite long run-up times. Whilst having the advantage of generic

    applicability, a rigorous theoretical approach will lead to a complex

    model requiring high computational power for its solution. It

    would also most likely require at least some parameterisation from

    empirical data (e.g. Lombardi   [13]). In situations where experi-

    mental transient response data are available it is suggested that an

    empirical model   tted to such data is a preferred choice on the

    grounds of computational cost (i.e. relative model simplicity) and

    accuracy. This is the approach adopted in the present work. A

    transient response test was carried out on a natural gas-red do-

    mestic scale mCHP module (specications are given in Appendix A)

    discharging into hot water panel radiators and a local electrical

    distribution bus in laboratory conditions. The laboratory heating

    system test rig was congured using conventional panel radiators

    with a combined capacity similar to what might be found in a

    typical family house. The test mCHP module (Fig. 2) had a nominal

    rated capacity of 6 kW (heat output) and 1 kW (single phase power

    output). The heating system held the mCHP module at a moder-

    ately steady load for several hours before being shut down.

    Inspection of the test data suggested that a transfer function of 

    the following form could be  tted (Eq. (4)):

    GðsÞ ¼  Ketds

    ðss þ 1Þ þ   3ðsÞ   (4)

    Where G(s) is the response in power output orheatoutput of the

    mCHP module,   K   is the gain,   t d   is a pure time delay,   s   is a time

    constant and   3(s) is a uniformly distributed error term. Fitted pa-

    rameters to Eq. (4)  for the test module are given in Table 1.

    The error term reects a random pattern of variance about a

    nominal mean and mainly arises from variations in the heating

    water   ow rate. Such variations are evident in most   ow mea-

    surements of this kind due to small variations in pump operating

    condition and the presence of small bubbles of air, etc, and cannot

    generally be individually explained in detail. This was modelled in

    the time domain as a Gaussian random number sequence with a

    mean of zero and a variance equal to the standard deviation of theheat output value or power output value with respect to the their

    respective mean values during the steady load period of the


    Results of the test including the  tted model response data are

    given in Fig. 3. The data to which the model was  tted reects a

    cold-start situation in which the laboratory air (and heating emitter

    water contents) was at an initial steady temperature of approxi-

    mately 18   C.

    It is noted here that  exibility arises when constructing system

    simulation models in Simulink in that many alternative model

    formats may be used without extensive mathematical manipula-

    tion by the user. Eq.   (4)  represents the third (of three) different

    types of differential equation format used in the present work  e

    that of a linear transfer function. It is conveniently built into thesimulation information   ow diagram using a generic transfer

    function block which can then be appropriately decomposed by the

    numerical engine without further involvement by the user. The

    other types used here are given by Eq.   (2)   which is a nonlinear

    ordinary differential equation (nonlinear on account of the product

    of a variable water mass   ow rate,  mw, and variable water tem-

    peratures,  T w(n   1) and T w(n)) and Eq. (1) which is a linear matrix

    differential equation. The former was built using a user-dened

    equation function (for the derivative) and a generic integrator

    block whereas the latter was dened using a generic state-space

    block. This sort of   exibility is not normally available in other

    simulation modelling environments (such as equation-based

    methods) which are usually restricted to tight formatting condi-

    tions on the equations used.

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     3.4. Modelling of micro renewable energy systems

    Besides incentivising mCHP, theFeed-inTariff (FiT) in theUK [27]

    also provides subsidies for other electrical renewable energy tech-

    nologies. At the domestic level, the two applicable technologies are

    photovoltaic (PV) systems and micro-wind turbines. Because of the

    likelihoodof interaction between one (or both)of theseoptionswith

    the mCHP module (for energy management), it was essential to

    incorporate themin the simulationmodel.The PV system model wasbased on the two-diode model of Ishaque et al.  [28] combined with

    the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller model pro-

    posedby Jianget al.[29].Asimple xedinverterloss assumptionwas

    made. The micro-wind turbine was modelled using a classical

    power-law model with power coef cients taken from typical man-

    ufacturer’s literature andentered into theSimulinkmodelby means

    of a look-up table. Also included is a permanent-magnet generator

    model with a voltage regulator based on a buck-boost converter.

    Details of the latter can be found in Mohan et al.  [30].

     3.5. Modelling of the electrical network

    The local power grid connection was modelled as one balanced

    three-phase (400 V) power supply including resistive and inductiveimpedance of the feeder based on part of the distribution network

    model developed by Barbier et al.  [31]. The intention is to capture

    the impact of a simultaneous penetration from several micro gen-

    erators to the distribution network. The   ‘dynamic load’   block

    (Fig. 4) will either import or export power from/to the local three-

    phase grid connection taking into account any capacity from local

    embedded renewable generators and the prevailing local demand

    by the house. Although the model is focused on one subject house,

    the impact of   uctuating power   ow from a small number of 

    several neighbouring houses can be explored, as the three phase

    network is assumed to be balanced.

    Electrical demand in domestic applications has considerable

    randomness due to switched loads by occupants. Some attention

    has been given to the modelling of these demands by considering

    rst the power usage characteristics of electrical appliances andthen introducing a probabilistic model to describe how and when

    they are likely to be used by the house occupants  [32,33]. In this

    work, the power demand patterns measured by Richardson and

    Thompson  [34] were used instead as they were considered to be

    more representative and typical and, in addition, the appliances in

    use were precisely stipulated.

    4. The integrated system model

    The completed simulation model expressed as a Simulink block

    diagram is shown in   Fig. 4. Note that the   ‘space heating’   block

    masks the multi-zone house model (Section 2.2) as well as the

    heating system and its thermostatic controls (Section 2.3). Time

    series input data are read from  les as follows:

     Domestic hot water demand

      Weather data (external air temperature, wind speed, global

    horizontal solar radiation)

     Occupancy activity schedule

     Electrical power demand.

    4.1. Application

    The model was applied to two typical UK family house types; a

    semi-detached house (Fig. 5) and a larger detached house (Fig. 6).

    As a simplifying assumption, the houses were divided into 3

    heating zones according to internal temperature standard; the

    Living Room zone (nominally 21


    C); the bedrooms zone

    Fig. 2.  mCHP test module.

     Table 1

    Model parameters for the test case mCHP module.

    State   K  (kW)   s (s)   t d  (s)

    Switch on e  heat 6 91.4 60

    Switch on e  power 1 131.4 120

    Switch off  e  heat 4 161.4 0

    Switch off  e  power 0   e e

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    (nominally 16   C) and a balance zone comprising all other spaces

    (nominally 18   C). This is a common assumption for domestic en-

    ergy modelling in the UK   [32]. The house constructions were

    assumed to be in accordance with typical recent construction

    standards as set out in the UK’s National Calculation Methodology

    simplied building energy modelling database  [35]   and the UK

    Building Regulations, Part L, 2006 for the semi-detached house and

    1996 for the detached house. The occupancy patterns assumed two

    working parents with children of school age (i.e. weekdays 06:00e

    08:00 h and 17:00e23:00 h; weekend days 07:00e23:00 h). In-

    ternal casual heat gain assumptions were based on those used by

    Anderson et al.   [32]  in the development of the UK’s leading do-

    mestic energy model   ‘BREDEM’. A typical International Weather

    form Energy Calculations (IWEC) weather data  le for the north of 

    Fig. 4.  Integrated simulation model.

    Fig. 3.  Fitted model to mCHP data.

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    England (Finningley) [36] was used. The houses were assumed to

    be ventilated at an average rate of 0.5 air change per hour

    (including external air inltration) with respect to the whole house

    volumes in winter, and allowed to rise to 3 air changes per hour

    when the heating systems were inoperative (i.e. in summer) in an

    attempt to limit high summertime temperatures. This average rate

    was assumed to apply during conditions of average site wind speed

    with a correction applied at other wind speeds.In both applications of the model, the mCHP module was

    congured for heat-led control. Thus when there is a demand for

    heat, the module is active and simultaneously servicing either po-

    wer demand or exporting power to the grid (or both). As the de-

    mand for heat falls, power importing will become predominant.

    A domestic-scale wind turbine with a rated capacity of 420 W

    (specications of the wind turbine are given in  Appendix B) was

    applied to both house types. Four roof-mounted mono-crystalline

    PV modules were applied each with a rated power output of 185 W

    (specications at standard test conditions are given in Appendix C)

    were applied to the semi-detached house. For the detached house

    with a much larger roof area, the PV module provision was

    increased to 14 modules (with the same module specication). The

    mCHP module applied to both houses was a natural gas-red   ‘un-

    der-bench’ Stirling engine based module with a rated active power

    output of 1 kW and corresponding heat output of 6 kW at a hotwater  ow temperature of 75   C.

    In this application, the electrical demands were based on

    measured demands [34] for two houses with similar characteristics

    to those depicted in Figs. 5 and 6. The 1-min resolution data in both

    cases reect the appliances in the monitoredhouses as summarised

    in Table 2. The weekday and weekend demand patterns are given in

    Figs. 7 and  8  and it was assumed that the daily patterns formed a

    repeating sequence throughout one complete year. Similar pattern

    Fig. 6.  Detached house type used in model application.

    Fig. 5.  Semi-detached house type used in model application.

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    was repeated for the case of domestic hot water demands. The

    monitored hot water demand at an interval of 5 min in UK houses is

    show in  Fig. 12.This is one of the main advantage of this model

    where the demand pattern at resolution of 1 min can be given as

    input, whereas in other models the interval used is 15 min  [14] or


    5. Results and discussion

    A full annual simulation was carried out using a variable step

    trapezoidal solver. This solver was selected to provide an ef cient

    computation (i.e. variable step) and the use of the trapezoidal rule

    was considered to give some limited capacity to handle stiffness in

    the model (mainly arising due to control devices within the space

    heating model). The computational requirement was noted to be

    3.6s of computer time per hour of simulation time in winter

    simulation periods when the space heating is active, falling by

    about half in summer simulation periods based on a typical modern

    desktop PC. The time step limits were set at 5 s (minimum) and

    1800 s (maximum  e   though this was never reached). Samples of 

    results were extracted for a typical winter week (Figs. 9e11), a

    typical warm summer week (Figs.12 and 13) for the semi-detached

    house only, and summaries of annual energy   ows are given inTables 3 and  4  for both house types.

    Zone temperatures for one typical winter week (starting with

    the weekend) are shown in Fig. 9 for the semi-detached house (also

    plotted are the corresponding external air dry bulb temperature

    and global (horizontal) solar radiation). In the application given

    here, the house is occupied intermittently during the day. Thus two

    characteristic peaks in zone internal temperatures can be seen for

    each day for the morning and evening periods during which the

    house is occupied often with a free-oat mid-day peak which can

    be traced in  Fig. 9  to a corresponding increase in solar radiation.

    Note that the heating is controlled from a thermostat mounted in

    the ground   oor entrance lobby together with local   ‘trim’   by

    ‘thermostatic’   radiator valves. This is normal practice in UK do-

    mestic heating control. As a consequence, room temperature con-trol involves wide variations among zones (in applications where

    the lobby space contains signicant heat gains, serious under-

    heating can occur in other spaces). In practice, the comfort-

    critical living room space in UK houses is commonly equipped

    with a further method of heating (e.g. a   ‘focal-point’ heater such as

    a wood burning stove,etc). Note that the energyassociated with the

    focal point heating has not been included in the present study on

    practical grounds. The fuel used for this varies and, nowadays, solid

    fuel appliances such as log-burning stoves are gaining in popularity.

    Therefore, the total energy demands given in Tables 3 and 4 shouldbe interpreted accordingly.

    Electrical energy  ows for a typical winter week are plotted in

    Fig. 10 for the semi-detached house. This shows power generated

    by the three sources (mCHP, wind turbine and PV modules) as well

    as imported (shown negative) and exported (shown positive) po-

    wer ows. Between two and three   ‘bursts’ of daily power from the

    mCHP module can be seen as the module is called to meet space

    heating and domestic water heating demands. It is encouraging

    that more frequent switching of the mCHP module is avoided as

    this might lead to module wear and early breakdown. Renewable

    energy activity in this typical week is low with the exception of a

    windy day (day 2) giving rise to the wind turbine operating at its

    rated capacity for a signicant part of the day. Most of the power

    generated is used by the host even during unoccupied periodsduring which standby loads absorb the available renewable power,

    though there are small contributions to export from the mCHP

    module when active.

    The thermal energy  ows in a typical winter week and plotted

    in Fig. 11 and, in a typical summer week, in  Fig. 12, for the semi-

    detached house. In winter, the mCHP module is switched typi-

    cally once only in the morning and once or twice to meet the

    evening demand. Usually, just one or two relatively short charging Table 2

    Electrical appliances in use [34].

    Appli anc e type De tac hed house Semi -detach ed ho use

    Electric shower Yes No

    Occasional use of electric


    Yes No

    Economy-t tariff Yes No

    Use of timer controls Yes No

    Energy saving lighting

    usage (%)

    25 25

    Halogen lamp usage 12 4

    Outdoor oodlight No Yes

    Refrigerator 2   Fridge/freezer 1

    Freezer No 1

    Television 1 (tube) 1 (tube), 2 (plasma), 1 (LCD)

    Computer 6 3

    Electric oven 1 1

    Microwave 1 1

    Kettle 1 1

    Toaster/sandwich toaster 1 2

    Dish washer 1 1

    Washing machine 1 1

    Tumble drier 1 1

    Fig. 7.  Daily power demand pattern (semi-detached house type).

    Fig. 8.  Daily power demand pattern (detached house type).

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    cycles per day are needed for the hot water tank. When just one is

    needed, this tends to take place during the evening when the mCHP

    module is also servicing space heating loads. In the summer, when

    the mCHP module is called to meet domestic hot water demands

    only, just one or two short daily bursts of mCHP activity are needed

    for hot water tank charging and this usually occurs when there is

    high coincident demand by the host for electricity (Fig. 13). In all

    cases, the high degree of damping (due tothe space heating and the

    hot water tank) is such that frequent switching of the mCHP

    module is avoided which is good for module maintenance and


    Electrical energy ows during a typical warm summer week are

    plotted in Fig.13 for the semi-detached house. One most days, onlyone burst of mCHP activity per day is evident in summer and this

    will be due to entirely domestic hot water tank charging. In sum-

    mer, a stronger pattern of electrical export is evident and this is

    mainly due to daytime power generated by the PV modules (in this

    typical summer week, the contribution from the wind turbine is

    very small). However, power imported is high during this week due

    mainly to the restricted use of the mCHP module since the heating

    demand is now restricted to domestic hot water only and the PV 

    modules are generating at periods outside the main occupied

    hours. The use of battery technology could help to reduce import at

    the expense of export (but only if the economics were favourable)

    and this will be added to the model in future. Annual totals for

    electrical and thermal energy are given in  Tables 3 and  4  for both

    house types. It is clear that the heat-led strategy for the mCHP

    module restricts its ability to contribute electrical power  e  indeed

    the power generated by the wind turbine and PV modules both

    exceed that produced by the mCHP module (bya substantial degree

    in the case of the detached house type due to a much larger PV 

    capacity). However this is desirable in that the zero-carbon tech-

    nologies dominate power in this application whereas the low car-

    bon technology contributes a smaller share of the power but all of 

    the heating. Combining technologies in this way, almost 20% of allpower generated is exported by the semi-detached house but this

    falls to approximately 11% for the detached house due to its much

    higher power demand. However, against the overall electrical de-

    mand for the house, the mCHP module and renewable technologies

    met a similar proportion of around 20% of the demand of both

    house types (i.e. around 80% of the annual electricity demand

    needed to be imported). It is clear that the electrical contribution

    Fig. 9.  Typical winter week zone temperatures (semi-detached house type).

    Fig. 10.  Typical winter week electrical power 

    ows (semi-detached house type).   Fig. 11. Typical winter week thermal power 

    ows (semi-detached house type).

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    from the mCHP module is heavily dependent on coincident heating

    and howwaterdemand. To illustrate this point, consider the winter

    months November through February when very little renewable

    electricity is available (Fig. 10). If all of the base demand for elec-

    tricity (averaging approximately 250 W for the semi-detached

    house (Fig. 7) and 800 W for the detached house (Fig. 8)) was

    met by the mCHP module without regard to heating, then at least

    720 kWh of electricity would have been offered by the mCHP

    module to the semi-detached house (whereas the module gener-

    ated just 425.9 kWh in the entire operating year   e   Table 3) and

    2304 kWh offered to the detached house (as against 719 k W h

    generated in the entire year e

     Table 3).As to heating, the mCHP module met all of the domestic hot

    water demand and all of the space heating demand of the back-

    ground (radiator) heating system collectively amounting to

    2820 kWh for the semi-detached house and 5114 kWh for the de-

    tached house (Table 4). As was pointed out earlier, however, this is

    for background space heating only and excludes energy consumed

    by local   ‘focal point’ heating in the living room (which can be sig-

    nicant). There is clearly a need to examine the design capacities of 

    the various technologies together with both electrical and a longer-

    term form of thermal storage than a simple water tank (e.g. phase

    change storage) in relation to available import and export tariff 

    structures so that an optimum economic balance can be arrived at.

    On this last point for instance, a 300 L water tank coupled with the

    mCHP module with a thermostat switching differential of 5 K

    would meet the design heating demand of 6 kW for approximately

    30 min between switching intervals. A phase change store

    comprising 150 L of phase change material with a transition

    enthalpy of 200 kJ/L plus 150 L of water would meet the 6 kW

    design heating demand for 1.5 h  e  three times as long.

    The fuel consumption of the mCHP module was 4137 kWh for

    the semi-detached house and 7949 kWh for the detached house(Table 4) giving an ef ciency (electrical power-to-fuel energy) of 

    10.30% and 9.05% respectively. The overall fuel utilisations (elec-

    trical and thermal-to-fuel energy) are 78.5% and 73.4% respectively.

    The reason for the lower ef ciency and fuel utilisation in the case of 

    the larger detached house is due to a greater number of cold

    module starts. The initial warm-up phase during a cold module

    start results in a short period of rated fuel use during which the

    power and heat outputs are below their rated values.

    6. Conclusions

    An integrated simulation model for analysing micro combined

    heat and power (mCHP) systems and embedded renewable sys-

    tems in domestic applications has been developed and presented inthis paper. The model differs from most previous models of this

    kind in that a detailed dynamic treatment of the plant, equipment

    and building envelope has been considered in the present work

    whereas previous models have tended to use simplied   ‘quasi-

    steady-state’  methods. Thus the present model is able to predict

    plant response at very small time intervals allowing it to capture

    high frequently changing electrical and hot water demands and

    accurately simulate the run-up and shut down characteristics of 

    domestic scale mCHP modules.

    The model has been applied to two typical UK domestic appli-

    cations consisting of a 3-bedroom semi-detached house and a 4-

    bedroom detached house. Both houses are equipped with a mCHP

    module, a wind turbine and a photovoltaic array. The simulation

    model is used for analysis of typical winter and summer operatingweeks as well as the overall annual energy use during the whole

    year. Results obtained show that the electrical contribution by the

    mCHP module is heavily dependent on the space heating and hot

    water demand of the building. The results also show that the

    contribution from the mCHP supplemented with embedded wind

    and solar power (for export or use within the building) depends on

    Fig. 13.  Typical summer week electrical power 

    ows (semi-detached house type).

     Table 3

    Annual energy account (power).

    Energy stream Semi-detached kWh Detached kWh

    Generated by mCHP 425.9 719

    Generated by wind turbine 279.4 279.4

    Generated by PV modules 539.2 1752.7

    Exported 233.6 (18.8%) 305.5 (11.1%)

    Overall demand 5298 11,542

    Imported 4287 (80.9%) 9119 (79%)

     Table 4

    Annual energy account (heat).

    Energy stream Semi-detached kWh Detached kWh

    Demand due to space heating 1728 3995

    Demand due to hot water service 1092 1119

    Annual fuel demand (natural gas) 4137 7949

    Fig. 12.  Typical summer week thermal power  ows (semi-detached house type).

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    the electrical demand of the house and can contribute to around

    20% of the overall electrical demand of both house types whilst

    exporting almost 19% of their combined electrical outputs for the

    semi-detached house falling to around 11% for the larger detached

    house. However the increased number of mCHP module starts in

    the case of the detached house was found to result in a reduction in

    the electrical ef ciency and overall fuel utilisation of this module

    compared with thesemi-detached house type where the numberof 

    module starts was lower. The results obtained demonstrate the

    need for the analysis of tariff structures and the impact they have

    on equipment design as well as the potential for thermal and

    electrical energy storage.

     Appendix A. Specications of Stirling engine based micro-

    CHP (Whispergen)

     Appendix B. Specications of the wind turbine

     Appendix C. Specications of the PV module


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    Engine 4 Cylinders double acting Stirling cycle

    Generator 4 Pole single phase induction motor

    Electrical output:

    Electricity supply 230 Vac, 50 Hz

    Nominal mode Up to 1 kW

     Thermal output:

    Nominal mode Up to 7 kW

    Maximum Up to 12 kW (including auxiliary burner)


    Type 2H-2nd family natural gas

    Supply pressure 17e25 mbar (20 mbar nominal)

    Fuel consumption:

    Maximum burner  ring rate 1.55 m3/h

     Wind rotor characteristics

    Radius of the wind rotor 2.25 m

    Number of blades 2

    Moment of inertia of the wind rotor and rotating parts

    of the generator

    9.77 kg m2

    Cut-off wind speed 12 m/s

    Permanent magnet generator 

    No of pole pairs ( p)   6

    Stator phase resistance (Rph) 1.25  U

    k0 (¼ pFm) 1.5

    Specication Value

    Short circuit current 5.69 A (dc)

    Open circuit voltage 44.4 V (dc)

    Current at maximum power 5.03 A (dc)

    Voltage at maximum power 36.8 V (dc)

    Short circuit current coef cient 3.1   105 A (dc)/K

    Open circuit voltage coef cient   3.84   104 V (dc)/K

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    [36] U.S. Department of Energy, EnergyPlus Energy Simulation Software: WeatherData. Available at:   http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus/cfm/weather_data3.cfm/region ¼6_europe_ wmo_region_6/country¼GBR/cname¼United%20Kingdom  (accessed 08.08.12).

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