The Glenville Mercurv facult~ members in ... Dean Pickens reasoned, "I think t.he ~ocal chapter of a...

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Transcript of The Glenville Mercurv facult~ members in ... Dean Pickens reasoned, "I think t.he ~ocal chapter of a...


Holiday Greetings ~~~~~~~~~- ~~~~-

The Glenville Mercurv .,

urt, Kapp·a Sigma Plan Fraternity Houses ¥ l(l • * • * • * • • * * • • • * * • * '41 • • • $ *

("Messiah' Climaxes Holiday Week Festivities

to Make Special Trip Tomorrow's Yule Feast

at the college night at the annual

C Schedules 5-Year Plan; May Have House in '55

six facult~ members in­by !Mercury reporter

Panner, one, <Dean of

or The the

Pearl PickensJ opposed the <Prof. Brown) openly

the plan, and three the pra.ctlca.bil1ty of the

Dean of Men Robert Rig­declined comment at the Ume. Last week, Kappa Si~ Kappa.

dinner. Santa wW fly "'""n''-· __ the North Pole to take part in the festivities by

gifts among the students.

Lace' Comedy School's Biggest Hits l:ey, nurry potatoes. giblet grav,•,

s:nory dressing, cranberry sauce. by Frnr.klin Holstein, did a com- buttered succotash. relish plate,

Shirley James, cast a!s mendable JOb on his German ac- coils, cherry preserves, butter,

, ~uipped to h~r gay ce~!·n Prather and Bertie TUrner shortcake. and coffee. Morttmer Bl·ewster, alias the two gentle but eccentric spins~

Deel, "My father always ters around which .U1e plot evolves pray over me before I go gave sterllng performances Their you" in the first act or the Urtlculat1on and facial e<l>re,;Sions 1 Ohnlmgohow production, proved that. they belonged and Old Lace," the packeo the rootligil.ts.

apd the tempo was The timely entrance in ~he three-act comedy that plav "as when Bob Deel walked in

~me-tingllr,g sucx.ess. wh~n t:1e cruel Jonathan was be-fast moYing comedy pro- moanmg the fact that he needed

Dean Pickens reason ed, " I think t.he ~ocal chapter of a national fra· (Continued on page 4) termty, announced that they are

Music Dept. Leads

mixed ensemble, under t.he di-

making plans for a fraternity but that they had hopes ot

their objective before opens In September !or the

1-955-56 school ye:u·. The announcement followed the last week with Jefferson, national secretary

Kappa Sigma Kappa. During meeting, the fraternity discuss­

procedures to ·be foHmved in ob-taining 'the house, and how they

(Continued on P age 2)

of Dr. Harold Orendortf,lrn .. n.~• .. •t..n.n sing Che.rubin Song. Glinka; Lord Bless and Keep You. Lut­

kin: A Babe Holds Cow-t in Beth­lehem. Tatton; and Beside Thy C1 adlc, .Each.

10 Seniors Bid Fare well At End of First Semester

an e\·enlng o! hilarious en- •lne more victim to be ahead of By CONSTA.i~CE SAl\lS Harman, elementary education; coupled with suspense, his aunties. Just as J onathan mut- .Joan \\11lson Dotson !rom Harris-

. and the USU:ll abundance t.ered that he needed one more vic- Ten Glenville State College sen- ville, elementary education; Wanda. and spills. Timely manlpu- Urn, IBUI stepped through the doo1· A physical E:ducation club IS in liot'S w1ll sing. their sv.'8n song at Lyncll Hines from Glenville, ele-

the lights 9.lso enhanced and said. "Well here r <~.m." process ·or being formed. All the end or Uns semestel' when_t.hey mentary educa tion ; Mary Ann Judy to the eer1e atmosphere. Several unscheduled incidents add- wit.h their first field in wall enter the teaching profession. from Hannan, elementary educa-

Harley Cutlip almost ed to the bewildered state or ar- education will be in the The graduatmg students will be ·tion ; Norn Ann Kennedy from St. with his charges up fairs. D~l answered the telephone Prof. Carlos Ra.tllrt S..'lid the !intshed with their college cduca- Marrs : elementary education: Van-

hill and his ear-splithng without picking it up, the Ugb.ts o~jectiv~ or this club should tion by January 21. One of the c:ia Bud Sing leton rr o.;n Walkers-hls bugle. Needless to say "ent. on after the switch was to create n more professional ~.:.eruors, Ira Richard Satterfield, :.s 'iUle bus iness edtiCallon : Wanda

Roosevelt. clicked, und the body in the window ~.ttitude among the -students. now teaching secondary education Carol Taylor from Spencer, Eng· Gainer, as the scar-faced ~eat wa~ a girl instead of a man Organizations or this natw·e have m a junior high school in Spencer. Jish and libra r y science: Masie

an .air to the plot or But al! was rorgi\'en as the cw·taln been set up &nd run successfully Students graduating and their Hughes Somen •llle from Glenville, as he abl)' portrnyed hls desce"nded just as Mr. Witherspoon a gre-at nwnber or campuses and m~lin fields are: Joseph Stanley home economics: and Ira Richard the sinister killer. Bob'.:i ~as about to drink his lnst; felt that the s:une can be true Boltovitz !rom Rockport, social Satterfield !rom Glenvllle, second-

Or. Em.stten, portra.yed elderbenr wme. (J,L Oi~nville State CoUege. .::. tudies: Betty .)oyce Cooper from ·ary education.


Glen,·ille tate Colleze. Glenville. W. \"a.

Greetings-to you and yours s~~~;it~S~,~-~;i~~l~LUM I NOTES • '

Chri;tmas, t ho, wry finest of the holidays. is little more Br NORA """1< KENNEDY Frank Fullineer, 1953-54 than a week a way . and yet, it seems like only yei'terday •"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"''" _ t ha t we \\ere doing our · hopping for Christ mas 1953. Only KAPPA e m KAPPA M • • Oh" a we"k after Christmas we will be ringing in another new Members and pledges or KAppa arries ID 10 year wltl1e bidding fond f arewell to a year th~t has beenll chl Kappa nre m. king Christmas good to all of u-:. . baskets to p~nt to needy chU·

\\.hat is this magic .. pit·lt that comes over us during t hiS drf'n in Glenvt~l~. Ea ch

joyou~ se . .~>on? It seems t hat every time the holidays ap- d p~edg~s~e~:'::~ the Red proach. things appear j ust a little brigh ter t han they do at ~1;nd,.;',.tbute th~m. any ot~er tin1e. 'iYe go back thr ough our t reasure chest of Miss Ft·eda Arnold and Miss Erma bea utiful memon es-not JUSt those of the year that JS Edwards. soronty sponsors, had pa:'sing a"-\'"'aY, but as far back a~ w e can reme mbet· . Chrtstmas ~rry ror the .

ln the year,; tha t lie ahead, we are s m·e t hat 1954 wtll ond pledges. Monday, Dec. 13. m r ank among t h e best f o r m ost of u . This ha been c ur first Louis Bennett lounge. Gifts were fu ll year c.f pence s ince 1949, and tha t in its elf i.;; plentv to exchanged, a nd the group sang be thankfu l for; we know of no better time to pra).' for i enrols. continued peace than this, t he Holy ' eason. . XI BETA TAL

It seem t ha t we , ·alue peace abo.._-e all oth~r t h lll!fS. Plec!ges or XJ Beta Tau enter­If our nation o r a ny par t of the wo rld lS locked 1!1 confhct t.'l i ned the members wit.h sever:s.l w e aJJ ~uifer ; b u t when pe a .ce r e igns . e ven the uns table Ol't.staud mg performances M on· s ituation we are in at the present time. everyon e is j oy ous. day, Dec. G. Shirley Cross was miS·

The-r? are a lot of people who h ave t r ied to take Christ1t ress or ceremonies, and eac.O pledgt

o u t o f Christ m a t; and tut·n it into n o t h ing but a wild shop- bad a spec1al part in the program

pin~ -;pree, b u t w e _bel~eye tha t there a r e m o re p eople that I Fl~~~· ~;~:~~~ ~~~~e;ess:s1:d ha~~ realtze the g r eat Slgn ifica~~e of the season. P eoJ?le a r e a Christ.mas party for the member~ lot s.m~rt~r and mo~e ~ens1t1ve than m ost of u s gn•e t h e m lond pledges a t. Mrs. T urOer·s cr edit tor ) l a_y be t h ts IS because we are o ne of them. Mond&y. Dec. 13. Sa.nt.n was

De~prte o utwar d appearan ces of d isconcern, mos t of u s cn t. wit h gifts. and favorite deeply and s in cerely movetl by Chris t m as and its con- were sung by the gr oup. notatioru. P eople ba,·e great fa ith in one another , some­times more than they would like to admit, but is n't t hat the ill embers of Class .. way it should be? J C k' P ·

Yes, Ch1·is tmas means a whole lot of ,unexpla inable n 00 tng J epare t h ings. G<ling home for Christmas means a lot to the serv- Series of Dinners iceman, the tra ,·elel·, a nd even t he college st uden t .

. · T h e S~Jvatio~ ~rmy carol~ng a.t e:ery str~et corne r; m~~::.~g of g~~~~05 :n~~ed cia~ room Is the nw·sery a. son. Robert Alla n , Jr. bngh t, ga.;} d~OI a t 1o n s on mam s b eet , l ast-mll"mt~ s h o p- prepared meals. practiced g menu . figures which have been the former Kathry~ ~· ; t h e Chris tma tree ~nd all the trouble gettmg tj)e ·pla nning, selection. and service painted a round one corno1· or the a ;nember or the 54 h ghts ~o work ; an~ m ost 1mp9r tant of. all~ church .s ervice when they held a series of dinners room. ilhe figm·es were painted m class. Site was a .. member on Christ mas m ornmg . S o m e h ow, that 1s the m ost tmpres - ranging fl'Om a ftlmily s tyle to n oils by the At·~ 405 class. Beta Tau sorouty, WNA, s ive servi~e of them a ll. You can,t expJa in thes e ~hings, you very formal dinner. That IJ)nJiticulnr n rea or the room ~~ho" Players, a nd the can only feel them. One of the dinners, whlah com· is known ns the "story corner:· tlOt,al Relations club. She

From the bottom of our hearts . we wis h everyone-- pleted the series, was a forma l type · is a rug on the floor on which English .and social studies faculty. students , and their fa milies - t h e merries t Clfri .::;t- "'1tlh Humphreys, Dorothy .s it a nd el.ther lell or !~:;e ~~ ~~~vge;nis "'s"er'sv"tn,cgn',"'n""""llllll m as ever, nd a pray er for "peace :m e arth" throughout Lanham, and Kathleen Ba rr aot.- stones. 'Ir.1e 91ctures were . ,, f : 1955. JIM i."lg as host.esses. They prepa red the . low ~n the walls to be ne..1r nune,... Olces. - - - ---------- --- - - --------- meals, anangem.ents, a nd dec- children s eye level when they

Studettt 1'eacheJ·s The struotw·e whiCh housed Glen- ooration. Guests . tor t-he evening sitting on the flo~r.. rn~~t~~n~ W~l~~d ·J:~esW~ton, vi!le high ~hool has been.condemn· :·~~~e ~~:~£' 5~~~!~: Peter Kostyk, , plgs '.0:~~0~. 11!~~n~~d d~~~: C~mmunlty church. on

Sltifterl as Local eo by ordel of the ~te flr.e marsh- .Beth Hudkins, Mary Louise Gil- tcy": Barbnm Wright pain ted OUlg, Nov. 26. Mallene was School is ()lased .all School was not 111 session •Mon- lespie. and Ba11bara Johnson held '' Mar y and .her lamb'': Shirley rlent here. for one year.

~ay, ~~''· 29• but r esumed TUesday, n. semt-formal dinner with P atty Cha ncey did " little Miss Murtett" : ~mp~s, s ne. w~l t i

Sbt oC tl.t~ eigh t stude nts doul~ :~ t~e resent time the h Reynolds. Lois F.i£her, Prof. Helen Wan~n Milligan, 1t.he .. gingerbread l\0~ vu~·11~:s other e c ptuctice .teadlii"lg thLs te.m1 have P . · h1g Br.amme..r, and Plot. Elma J . Woof- man ; and Charles Cas to. the

1 Ill . id .

. iSChool Ls meeUng m the Board or ter 3.S guest3. " three bears ;·. coupe w 1es e tn been chaugd. to otlleJ. SChools be- Educt!. tion otuces and t.he college Two fiimily·style meals were Pennsylvania. couse tJle Glen vill' h tgh sohool Old Gym. The t wo -elementary pla nned. and guests a lso a ttended D pt H ds but..ld.lng l\0.. been condemned. grades a re meeting in tlhe lhome these. The members who prepa red e • ea

James B.o..~loson. \Vandn Carol economics building or •the h igt: t.hese meals were Janie Shipman. Required Courses . . T aylor. JecJc. Tenn .. 'lnt, and Helen '3Chool. As soon as necessary Vtrginb Johnson, Pa t ty Roystet·. ment.ary school at Qutck:, m Berry tJla.ns have all been IITlO\-ed changes can be ma de. a U high lMarLha Marsh Ma.cel Batten, a nd Ch:u n nen of the d ifferen t divi- wha county. Eunlc~. a ItO .... 'lornt.anto7.·n hig h school. Joseph s::bool classes (viU be held -a t. the Ma rilyn lR.astl~. Their guests were 01 the college l,ave ::een meet · Futu1·e T eachers of America. Bok:ovitcb James Oha.pman County recreation cen ter. Leror Barba.nt Wr ight. Nona Kennedy, to discuss what courses In a nnd SCA, was a lso n member were ruo ved to S..Uld Fork high Stennet. I}Jrincipal, says re pa irs J uan ita Brannon, Vanda S ingleton, ~hould be J equil·ed for n Wesley F ound-ation. 6Chool. .s.l1ould rCe completed in about 10 Clara Hull, and Charlene Cole. cert.Htcate. These require-

T he eou.cMJon - de~t~e;c;;;·. days. Th e school will function In will t.hen be prese'nted to Woody Paxt.on and Johnny lnounoed. t lw.t tlhe. teachers were th is manner until money can be C ·t 7.( S • . Y . Clark. local repl·esentf•· endlne, former s tuden ts or moved <iue to t.he state or nux or mised Lo ereot 11 new building. OltJ ' 6~ appa Lglna the teach er tra ining com- ville State, a1·e now ntltendlng . lthe pJ~t G lenville high school. T'ius ' is the first rterm ~ere have <Contin ued from 1) ~~~x~;~n~as just completed dut) T he del):lrt...oJ:l,.>.nt feels trhat a lthougil been no el~mentary pmctlce teach~ would fina nce the project. Edsel teacher-training commllitee ' · tthe u .. .. •.:tlon ::i.'L .G lenvi.lle high ers. accordmg to Prof. H . Y . Clark. Ford. chairman of a special com- by the S ta te Board of 1- - ----------ISch'OOl wlll uot change, the s tudent. He believes this can be a serious mit tee 'llppoint.ed by to set up 1·equirements be approved by the Sta te BOfll'd o(

rt.e.1cher.:. o Jld receive training in ':.rend because elen~enta ,·y teacher.:; S t.Einley Costy, announced that t.he tescher train ing. Each state Educauon before it 1s adopted br n nlOl"t! t:Yi)'IC.'l high school Sltua· (l. l'e needed badly m this state. results or the meet1ng were very <'Oliegc will submit the subjects the schools. rt;on. Those enrolled a re: Rlc)la rd Bar- encou1·agmg, a nd that h is commit- uhey think should be required of ................................................. ...

'Ilne dt.";).ll"'--nent a nnounced that rett who \ \ 111 teach physical edu- tee would begln at once working out teachers, and the com.mUtee will 1

practice taw• er.i u1 lhe :SeCOnd:ti'Y CO\tion in both the elementary and the final plans ror the purchase of make up a list. from these require- : dleld. wLll b~ 1eot to outlying bigh h igh .s<.J1ools at Sand Fork; Helen th e house. ments. :

hoob tor the rerr.ainder o! Ui!ls Ben·y Da vis. business a nd'} 1 The other fr3ternity on the Glen- Any changes In cunicu)a. must ' uExpert CJeanin g and tSC'hool )l'.L1.' urges students to ;;c1ence at NormantO\\·n ; Walter ville camp us. Sigma T a u ......... ... ............... .. ... .............................. : Pressing''


pLan t..:1eir iheduJes :tccordingly. Jack Tennant. oomnret·ce and phys- has not made a ny s t:ltem ent. · 1 ~ •· [t ~..:, lc!ry tu.lQQvl.!-s.ble !or a stu· ical education at Normantown : J o- date regarding plans fo t· o rra· Daniell '~ ......................................... 411 dent pl1 '.l to t..'lke a class on L~eph Bokovitch, socia l studies and ternity house. Sigma T a u Gamm:s., ! ................... .......................................... ... cam flu:. \\ ent .tenching u i.le phfs.ical educa tion at Sa nd F ol'k : like Kappa Sigma Kap):.a . is a Chevrolet, Inc. '; has to ~v_ out r Glenville to teach:· and J ames Chapman. social studle.s k>cal chapter of a na tional fratern~ , ! ~ PloOf. Neo.iO.:.l 'Ve.Us &ud. S tudents L Sand For k . tty. , Glenvi11e Phone 6221 : ~ vroblems or this kind J Rcblnson. English , socia l 1 ~ 1

ve been~ oo see their advis- s tud ies, nod special journa lism Norma ntown, and Bertlha Reynolds, ~ .................................................................... ·: flr6 tx:r:.~ .re~tr.ation fo1· the sec- work, Nonna nto\\<11; Wanda Curol English at Sand F ork. ... ............................................................... ;:

orwl ~HE GLENVIL~~r,l;:~;~~; scGt·elnecen-· f, "'"F~o-r,~Th~;e~·F.,:a·m· •. -ly_. .... , R~:;::,~:t '::,: ,.:',:~::::K::AN::::A::w::-;,H::A::::. Stude l Newspaper of Glenvilie State College,

ville. W. Va. : Open E ''ery Night Published each \\'ednesd»y d uring t he academic year : Until 12 o'clock ' : N BANK

except holidays by the clas. es in J ourna lism at Glenville ! .... "................ ~ ...................... :: UNJO · State Jlege. Ent~red a . second class matter November 23, ,-··--··--·····----··--·:: 192\1, at th postoffice at Glenville, W.Va., under t he act of , ' , lf:u-ch 3, 18 79. Modern 1: :: Editor -- -- - --------~~~~~~~~-~30}ame• E . Robinson Jr. Dry Cleaners : HOWES' l l 13u$ine,~ Manager - - --------------------- Keit h McAfee Court Street DEPT STORE :: Alumni Edttor -------------------------- Yvonne Hart Compar e (JUr pr ices and our • :: Sports - ------ ----- - ---- Billy tanley, James Hamrick workmanship--You can't :: •

~f::,t~~~~i J!::tl~t~~--·_:-_:-_:-·:iia~ba~a -\l~tight:B;tt~eJ~-~~ ~~~~~~ beat them. • l l Member

PhQ'" rraph~r ----------- ----- - ---- - J ack D. Ca" ·thon PATRICK REALE Quality Jlld5e. I' or The :' F d 1 Deposit Insurance Re r er, ------ J~>hn Cutlip. Rita Pickens. ?\ora Kennedv. , : e era

:!-! rl·.v Jame•. K..thrm Parm~r. George Pease. Pat"Y A:\'lJREW WHITI?\G Entire F a mily :' Company

Adl~;e~~~~<>~~~~~~--~--~-~~~~~~~:~~~-- E . B. Elder G W. Ya. : ...... '"····--·······"':IL ......... '"'" ..... .

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Page F&ar

VMH Entertain Residents; Will Sponsor Mix in ]an. ~..!".:.~,:'::.U~ro"o~:.o~;;~~ Third in Film Series ~he_ restd · ot the hau wm hotct Shows Economic Ed. their Qnnu.'ll donmtory party Im­tnt"diately !ollowing the College p resentation of ""The Messiah." A sponsored by the film pre­nUx wt1l be the main -attl"action view St>..l'VICe Will be held sometime eponsored. ~y the hall in January. this week in Room 4005. The exact

Conmuttecs for the activity of will be annot:nced later. the e\'ening have been appointed. to be pr€Yiewed this monU1 In c'h.arge of refreshments v.ill be about economic etlucatJon. They L ucille Li.r . cha.irm .. 1n; Jane Ship- • " T he Living City,·· wh1ch man, Ma...rl:ha Hathaway. Nina God- o:1 the study "Renewing !ny, Betty- Boggs. and Patricia Cit1es" by Miles L. Colenn West. Tt1o,a selected to make a.n eppointme--J.t. w1lh Santa an Jack­je Coe, ob.air!llan; Joyce. Jackson, and Bonme Gon-el.

Compnsi.u.« the oonutl'l.ttee are Mary .F'Rit.h Holbert, Jauice Arnold, Janet Thompson, n.nd Dorottn I.anham. who will act as chairlllr.W.. Phyliss GlVen will as chauma.n for the clean-up com­mn.tei:= w1t.h Oneta Polan, Mary Counts Patsy Greene. Kathryn P ru·­

.Jner, .wd J ean l.ord ~ssisting. Pre.,~O.ent teetty Cooper has ap-

pomt.ed OOil'tlllittees to can1' ont t.i.le event. \\'hich was sponsor-pl.a.ns fot 'tbe CObling mix. Nora · tne State Wool Growers' as-.A:rm Keuuedy heads the decora- Gonnent l<n~i•t.imo Marilyn modeled her all-tlon co• with B a r b a J' a outht. n consisted of a jump-Wrlght. Wa.tldJ. 'Milligan, a11d Wan- made of steel gn1.y tweed. fleck-

::.a;:~ry U:~~~ol:~~t~~d ~~~ !=::..:.:=~::_:::.:.._::.:.._.::::.:.:::.::::.=-.=::..:.:=w~l~tt~· ~ro::.:'-="~1 _b_ll_•e_. _b_la_c_k._a_n_d_c:__.:.._ ____________ _ _

ginia. Hm·ns have been appointed to the entertainment committee. 'I1he refi·e:.ilfnent committee is com­posed' or .Barbara Johnson. Jeane Ree.,e, at1dr Gail Boggs, Mary Lou­ise Oi..le!ple is chairman. Joyce J Delores Hitt, Doroth y Matics, Beulali. Lewis, and wanda CaJ-ol Taylor are responsible for p.dverti.seme.."'l.t. The clean-up com­mittee is beaded by-J ackie Coe, Donnie Gon'fll, Jackie H~phreys,

and Kathleen Quitm will assist.

Santa Claus Visits Kanawha Festivitie~

Kaua\1/ha hall's Open House last n'i.ght ~:~ huge success. Sevet"tll 6tudent.s o..nd many faculty members were p~t.a.t rthe affair. As guests entered •bhe downstairs lobby, they ~:egi.ste·red .vt the provided desk. After they had gone thl-ough t he l"eC' line, ther were guided on J\. tour of tHe dormitory by fresh­men 1-esid.euts. After the tour, each guest was served punch and 1brown­ies. Each guest was also presented wtth a sma.U gifi.

One or th.c main features of the evening .-.., the appearance of Santa ClaUB who kept the guests·.!in la.ughtar wtth his antics. Enter­'llairunent w.a.s provided in the loWlge durWg the entire even.~.11g.

Faculty Divided (Oontiuued f.r&m page 1)

that it will. not lbe practical cause or tb.e e),.-pense involved-not cnly the imtlal cost of buymg a nd the house, but the ex­pense of l 1intaming it would be !large. I know ver.r little about their plans, Jt would seem ow· student !body i.s rather small to support lfratermt.y bo~mes. ··

Prof. Brown offer-ed, "I think is a good 1daa. It wl11 alleviate the dorntitory llou.sing shortage, and perhaps ma.lte for better school Eplrit."

Prut B. Y. Clark stated. "There .are some i:D.herent dangers for or­g3.Ilizations to contract fl.nancial (/bhgatioD~S "A"..!ch will make hard­ships over tile years. Whenever become3 to..> expensive for an or­din.:lry student oo belong, it be­comes a. chss distinction and less


!e:u::r~~lC 1 0~~ r~:t t~':eb;~ttin- P erfect to give ... no filter compares of tne college in tJ>e jong with L&M's Miracle Tip for quali.ty or ~l. Bei§ie B. BeU re111ied. "We effectiveness. Much more flavor, much need nou.;1ng space: this would help,l )ess nicotine. L&M- America's best :;::u,1(yb P~~t !~~~~~!-~1 ~~io~~ 6Jter cigarette ... in the most distinctive obhgatmg tl:temseh·es t() ist the of holiday cartons. chapter hou.:.e m the future. ·

Prof. CbrL'Sa WiUjam_s stated. " I I ~~kb~~;~~:e:~~~\·~ ~;ill~ou:~~~ r our students not tin.m-~

:u!oa:~~lo~0 t:i~: ::t~t~~~.! there mi.I.St ue rules and rfg\U:tnons.