090924 Gaze

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Transcript of 090924 Gaze


Donostia/San Sebastian, September24th 2009

Didier Clarinval

Donostia/San Sebastian , September 24th 2009

Caroline Brakel


- What? - Where ? - Who ? - When ?- How ? - Results ?- New challenges ?

1. WHAT ?

Our mission :

We created, and we manage nowa programme aiming to raise entrepreneurship through Wallonia.

What’s « entrepreneurship »?

As economic agency, AS-E works at 2 levels :

1°« Esprit d’entreprendre » desire to act (initiative, responsability, team spirit, …) Youngster (primaire), general education, non-economic education, …

2°« Esprit d’entreprise » desire to create economic activity  Vocational education, business schools, …

2. WHERE ?

Wallonia = Walloon Region

- 1 of the 3 federal regions of Belgium - 16,844 km²- About 3,4 million inhabitants- Capital= Namur - Largest metropolitan area = Liège - Others main cities are Charleroi, Mons, Arlon, …- French as common language, - a german speaking minority in the east


The AS-E

AS-E is an Economic Development Agency created in 2006 by the Walloon Government within the framework of a large developpment plan called « Marshall Plan for Wallonia »

Missions of AS-E

Coordination of various actors in the field of creation, development and transmission

Grants for starters and innovative SME’s

Competitive intelligence

Annual starter/SME award …

The « Entrepreneurship TEAM »

the Head of the Agency

2 coordinators in charge of strategy, organization, communication, …

a « SALES FORCE » of 5 teachers

1 people in charge of the german speaking region

The « Entrepreneurship TEAM » is supported by :

A Guidance Committee which brings a wide number of partners together = all the major players involved in this issue :

A private Expert : FREE

Field partners

Some of the private and public organizations acting on field

And about 10

4. WHEN?

Before 2007

Some operations are financed by Governement(Junior Entreprise, Dream-day …)

Teachers are not deaply implicated

No specific communication campain

Coordination is not yet a key but FREE, as private organization began to gather some actors (entrepreneurs, policy makers) in a common approach

2007 : The Agency launched a global « Entrepreneurship awareness program 2007-2013 » …


Guidance Committee


And starts with coordination and promotion of existing operations (junior enterprise….)

2008 -2009 the Agency quickly distinguishes itself by an original methodology based on :A top-down approach with a higher range (20 now !) of operations available all over Wallonia A bottom-up approach with small, specific and focused operations in schools and ind CEEA structured communication with baseline « nothing but aces »A « SALES FORCE » distinguished in the European Enterprise Awards (Prague) …

5. HOW ?

A structurated programme offered to schools A strong marketing strategy A day-to-day presence of our Agents in schools and around The setting-up of a specific measure only proposed by our team to schools and CEE Our choice for « of the field » teachers and their integration in a « sales force »

The « programme »?

1° Old field partners go on to work in schools with their « product » (junior enterprise) ; new ones are selected by AS-E complementing the initial offer

2° AS-E leads the common communication and manages the common « sales force »

3° AS-E proposes some micro-grants (« bourses pour projets innovants ») helping specific appropriation in schools

How is the programme structurated to convince teachers to introduce entrepreneurship ?

5 axes with a panel of proposals : “s’éveiller” : meetings of professionals “s’ouvrir” : activities based on creativity “s’essayer” : learning by doing

(like young enterprise) “se mesurer” : participation to contest MINI-

ENTREPRISES “s’envoler” : various activities in the last year of

studies …. (like CEE = “Clubs d’Etudiants Entrepreneurs”)

about 50 field experiences


Results 2008-2009

367 schools involved at various degrees (about 64 % of the target) :Implementing operations such as « junior enterprise » Running specific micro-entrepreneurship-projects… about 2500 teachers involved in these schools

32 962 pupils and students involved in 2008-2009


A larger « tool box » for enthusiastic teachers

- diffusion of pedagogical tools explaining how to introduce « Entrepreneurship » in schools - more small innovative « entrepreneurial » projects lead by teachers- more « entrepreneurship team » in schools-…

Research of specific approachs in :

-Primary education and beginning of secondary education (where to reinforce the project pedagogy)

-Pedagogical education

-Universities & High Schools (to encourage initiatives in CEE and others)

Research of specific approachs in :

- Universities & High Schools

(to encourage initiatives in CEE and others)


www.wallonie.be AS-E : www.as-e.be www.tousdesas.be

Didier Clarinval : dcl@as-e.be


Caroline Brakel : caroline.brakel@entreprunners.be


Donostia/San Sebastian , September 24th 2009