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  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    www.voorheessun.com JUNE 3–9, 2015 FREE

    Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Classified . . . . . . . . . . . 20–23Editorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    INSIDE THIS ISSUECommittee meeting

    2014 audit certified.PAGE 5

    By ZANE CLARKThe Sun

    It was a day 70 years in themaking when the 70th annualKirkwood Memorial Day Paradeand ceremony were held on Me-morial Day to commemorate not

     just those who gave their lives de-fending the United States thesepast 70 years, but throughout thenation’s history.

    Residents, members of the po-lice and fire departments, emer-gency medical services, clergy,community organizations, elect-ed officials and more gatherednear the war memorial on BurntMill Road adjacent to the Kirk-wood Fire Station to memorializethose who made what several of the day’s speakers noted as “theultimate sacrifice.”

    One such speaker was MayorMichael Mignogna, who spokeabout how Memorial Day fallsaround a time of year when many

    families are creating lastingmemories, whether it be throughproms, high school and collegegraduations, weddings, children’ssporting events or family vaca-tions.

    Mignogna said those who losttheir lives defending Americagave up those opportunities tomake such memories, and sothose who remain must use Me-morial Day to honor that sacri-


    “Memorial Day is a day tohonor those who gave the ulti-mate sacrifice for us, those whogave their lives so we could enjoythose times,” Mignogna said.

    Also to speak at the ceremonywere 6th Legislative District rep-resentatives AssemblywomanPam Lampitt and AssemblymanLou Greenwald.

    In addition to being able to at-tend several Memorial Day cere-

    monies throughout the county,

    Lampitt said the day was also spe-cial for her because she was thereto share the ceremony with herfather-in-law and recentVoorhees resident, Retired ArmyCommand Sgt. Maj. GordonLampitt.

    Lampitt said she wasn’t borninto a military family, but havingmarried into one, she learnedabout love, compassion, the word“we,” the word “commitment”

    and banding together to support

    one another.She said those values were true

    of many families that serve in themilitary, and for those who havefamily members who lost theirlives, their sacrifices must behonored.

    “We need to remember them,”Lampitt said. “It’s with that sortof love and commitment thattheir families have given to usand we have given to them, that’s

    why we’re here today.”Greenwald, who has lived in

    Voorhees for 17 years and raisedall three of his children in thecommunity, spoke of traveling tothe different Memorial Day cere-monies and seeing a woman witha young daughter whose father isserving in Afghanistan.

    “There are families that everyday are sacrificing somethingvery special so that these free-doms that are so cherished to us,we have an opportunity to enjoy,”Greenwald said.

    Those who laid wreaths at thememorial included the VoorheesFire District, Voorhees CareerFirefighters and EMTs, Gibbs-boro Fire Company, VoorheesTownship Police, Voorhees Town-ship Committee, Voorhees Demo-crat Club, Voorhees Junior GirlScout Troop 30034, Cub ScoutPack 127, Boy Scout Troop 127,Veterans of Yardley Commons,South Jersey Vietnam Vets, Solid

    Rock Baptist Church, VoorheesTownship Cultural Diversity Ad-visory Committee and severalfamilies.

    Toward the closing of the cere-mony, the Gibbsboro AmericanLegion Post 371 provided a gunsalute, and the Kirkwood Memo-rial Day Parade Committeethanked the Vandegrift family fortheir help in organizing and spon-soring the event.

    ZANE CLARK/The Sun

    Residents, veterans, police and fire department members, elected officials and more turned out for theannual Kirkwood Memorial Day Parade and ceremony. Pictured are those gathered near the war memoriallistening to Mayor Michael Mignogna speak.

    70 years of honoring veterans on Memorial DayKirkwood Memorial Day Parade, ceremony mark milestone in remembering those who made ultimate sacrifice

  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    2 THE VOORHEES SUN — JUNE 3–9, 2015

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    Mu l  c h  S  pe  c i  a l  s S  pr i n  g 201 5 

    The Camden County LibrarySystem joins libraries across NewJersey in offering 2015 summerreading programs based on thethemes “Every Hero Has a Story”for children and “Unmask” forteens and tweens.

    Participants can register on-line or at their local branch andpick up a reading log to track allthey read during the summer oreverything read to the youngest

    children. Report the hours and ti-tles read to one of the library’seight branches to earn incentivesand chances to win larger prizesat the local branch.

    Enrolling children and encour-aging teens and tweens to join theprogram are great ways to main-tain and even sharpen readingskills over summer vacation. Reg-istration dates for the programs

    vary by branch. Call the localbranch to find out details.

    The library’s different loca-tions, including Voorhees, will beoffering special programs basedon the superhero themes duringthe summer.

    Voorhees kicks off seven-weeks of summer reading on Fri-day, June 19, 6:30 p.m., with SuperHero Training Camp.

    “The summer reading pro-

    grams offered at our librarieshelp to keep your children en-gaged in reading and learningover the summer break. I encour-age every parent to take advan-tage of these programs and allthat our libraries have to offerresidents,” said Freeholder Car-men Rodriguez, liaison tothe Camden County Library Sys-tem.

    This summer, HOPE Churchwill host a special night of wor-ship at the John Connolly Memo-rial Park, located off Centennial

    Boulevard on Saturday, June 13from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

    Free of charge and open to all,Summerfest 2015 is an hour of music, prayer and worship led byHOPE’s talented band. It’s a greatopportunity to relax, be outsideand enjoy the summer weather.Those who might attend are en-couraged to pack a picnic andbring a chair, the kids, the dog,the neighbors and join HOPE for

    Summerfest 2015.HOPE Church, located at 700

    Cooper Road, offers a relaxed,contemporary Christian worshipexperience and is open to all.There are two Sunday morningworship services at 9 and 10:30a.m. Age-appropriate and bibli-cally-based activities are avail-able during services for childrenages 3 through fifth grade. Thechurchs Kidz CAN Konnect Min-istry has trained volunteer bud-dies for kids with special needs.

    In addition, HOPE offers a staffednursery for infants through 2-year-olds. The church also has afamily room available in the backof our worship space. For moredetails visit MeetHope.org.

    Library system unveilssummer reading themes

     Voorhees branch hosts kick off June 19

    HOPE Church plans Summerfest

  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf



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  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    JUNE 3–9, 2015 –THE VOORHEES SUN 5

    By ZANE CLARKThe Sun

    The Voorhees Township Com-mittee went from the fun of theMemorial Day holiday last Mon-day to the fun of dealing with thetownship’s annual financial auditlast Tuesday at its May 26 meet-ing.

    Each year, the state requiresmunicipal governing bodies tomake an annual audit of ac-

    counts, books and other financialtransactions.

    “The auditors come in and wehave auditors here for a fewmonths and they go through allthe contracts and all the bills andall the money spent,” TownshipManager Larry Spellman said.

    As of the May 26 meeting, thecommittee certified the 2014audit, and, according to Spell-

    man, there were no material find-ings.

    “I always feel much betterknowing there’s someone to comethrough and there’s no mistakesand everything is where it shouldbe,” Spellman said.

    In other news:• Committeeman Michael

    Friedman was appointed as adeputy mayor for the limited du-ration of July 1 through July 31.Friedman requested the appoint-

    ment to officiate a wedding cere-mony.

    Under state law, only munici-pal mayors and deputy mayors,not simply committee or councilmembers, can authorize mar-riages and civil unions.

    • Committee endorsed the sub-mission of the 2014 RecyclingTonnage Grant application to thestate. The grant program allows

    municipalities to apply for grantsbased on the total amount of recy-cled tonnage that was collectedfrom residents and businessthroughout the year.

    Any money received from thegrant can then be used to fundfurther recycling efforts in themunicipality.

    “We submit every year and weget funds back for what we recy-cle,” Spellman said. “I think bypopulation, we’re the largest recy-

    cling (town) in the county.”• Committee approved a devel-

    oper’s agreement for AquaticHoldings, LLC. According toSpellman, Aquatic Holdings ispartnering with the former Coli-seum complex on Preston Avenueto build a new pool.

    • Committee awarded a bid to

    Committee certifies 2014annual audit at May 26 meeting

     please see NEXT, page 11

  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    6 THE VOORHEES SUN — JUNE 3–9, 2015

    108 Kings Highway East

    Haddonfield, NJ 08033


    The Sun is published weekly by ElauwitMedia LLC, 108 Kings Highway East, 3rdFloor, Haddonfield, NJ 08033. It is mailed weekly to select addresses in the 08043 ZIP


    If you are not on the mailing list, six-monthsubscriptions are available for $39.99. PDFsof the publication are online, free of charge.For information, please call 85 6-427-0933.

    To submit a news release, please [email protected]. For advertising information, call 856-427-0933 or [email protected]. The Sun welcomes suggestions and comments fromreaders – including any information abouterrors that may call for a correction to beprinted.

    SPEAK UPThe Sun welcomes letters from readers.Brief and to the point is best, so we look forletters that are 300 words or fewer. Include your name, address and phone number. Wedo not print anonymous letters. Send lettersto [email protected], via fax at 856-427-0934, or via the mail. You can dropthem off at our office, too.

    The Sun reserves the right to reprint yourletter in any medium – including electroni-cally.

    In October 2013, Voorhees Township be-

    came the first municipality in South Jer-sey to introduce the Shop Voorhees Proper-ty Tax Reward Program. This program al-lows a portion of your normal purchasingdollars spent on goods and services inVoorhees to be applied to your property taxbill, thereby reducing your taxes at the endof the tax year. We have 51 businesses andmore than 6,100 residents participating inthe program, and the numbers continue togrow.

    On May 5, the Ash Center for Democrat-ic Governance and Innovation at the JohnF. Kennedy School of Government, Har-

    vard University, recognized the PropertyTax Reward Program as a Top 25 programin this year’s Innovations in AmericanGovernment Awards competition. Thesegovernment initiatives represent the dedi-cated efforts of city, state and federal gov-

    ernments, and ad-

    dress such policyissues as economicdevelopment, envi-ronmental andcommunity revital-ization, publichealth, equal ac-cess to education,emergency pre-paredness andhealth care. Theseprograms were se-lected by a cohortof policy experts,

    researchers andpractitioners.

    The propertytax reward pro-gram originatedin Marlboro, in conjunction with Marlboro

    Township’s Shop Marlboro! Shop Local

    Program. Shop Voorhees Property Tax Re-ward Program cards were mailed to all res-idents in 2013. Once the card is activated,purchases at local businesses registered inthe program result in a property tax creditrepresenting a percentage of the saleamount. The reward percentage is deter-mined by the merchant at the time of busi-ness registration. The Property Tax Re-ward Program is being operated by 11townships in New Jersey (Marlboro, Hills-borough, Voorhees, West Orange, Glass-boro, Bayonne, Pequannock, Vernon,Brick, Manalapan and Somerdale). The

    number of municipalities implementingthis program is expected to increasesharply.

    “These programs represent the forefront

    Shop Voorhees program saves taxpayers’ money

     Michael  MignognaMAYOR’S MESSAGE

    Dan McDonough Jr.chairman of elauwit media

    manaGinG editor Kristen Dowd

    voorhees editor Zane Clark 

    art director Stephanie Lippincott

    advertisinG director  Arlene Reyes

    chairman of the board

    Russell Cannchief executive officer Barry Rubens

    vice chairman Michael LaCount, Ph.D.

    elauwit media Group

    publisher emeritus Steve Miller

    editor emeritus  Alan Bauer

    Tim Ronaldsonexecutive editor

    Joe Eiselepublisher

    There aren’t too many times

    when you’ll read a pro-govern-

    ment-restriction opinion in

    this space. As you can probably tell by

    our previous diatribes, we mostly

    stand for free enterprise without re-


    But today, we are in a nutty mood.We’re all for keeping government re-

    strictions in place, at least at the gas


    Last week, state legislators put a

    swift halt to a potential proposal to lift

    New Jersey’s gas-pumping restric-

    tions and allow drivers to pump their

    own gas at the station, and we like

    what our elected officials have done inthis case –for once.

    New Jersey has banned self service

    at gas stations for almost 70 years, and

    we see no reason to change that now.

    Sure, as many people have argued,

    having attendants pump our gas for us

    is in New Jersey culture. It’s part of 

    who we are –spoiled people who don’t

    have to brave the heat, the cold, the

    rain, the wind or the snow to re-fill our

    gas-guzzling automobiles.

    Sure, it’s nice to have a gas atten-

    dant pump our gas and provide an

    extra level of security when we needto fill up on a not-so-crowded road at 4

    in the morning when we’re avoiding

    Shore traffic on a holiday weekend.

    But the biggest reason we believe

    New Jersey shouldn’t lift the restric-

    tions on pumping gas is because it

    would cost a lot of people a job.

    There are thousands of people in

    New Jersey who have a job pumping

    gas. Even if it’s not a high-paying job,

    it still provides necessary income for

    those workers. Lift the ban, and thesepeople will instantly be out of a job.

    If allowing self-service gas pumping

    would significantly reduce prices at

    the pump, then our stance might be

    different. But estimates say the switch

    would only save a few cents per gallon,

    which means the real winners would

    be the gas station owners – not the

    drivers.So thumbs up to the recent decision

    to not lift the government restriction.

    It might be the last time you read

    those words in this space.

    in our opinion

    Stay in your car!Put down the gas pump: Legislators say no to self-service at gas stations

    Your thoughts

    What do you think about New Jersey’sban on self-service gas stations? Shareyour thoughts on this, and other topics,through a letter to the editor.

     please see RELAY, page 16

  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    For those looking for some-thing to do on Sunday, June 14,Ashland Church is the place to be,as it will hosting a communitypicnic from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.at 33 East Evesham Road inVoorhees.

    The event will feature Games2U, 1- 4 p.m. with on-site enter-tainment such as

    • Giant Hamster Balls, aunique and exciting way to expe-rience the thrill of 360-degree fun.

    Whether standing up or sittingdown, the public can have a blastrolling around on just about anysurface. For even more fun, add asecond hamster ball to createcompetitions. Big enough (andsafe enough) for both kids andadults.

    • The Foam Machine Party isa wet and wild way to flop aroundin foam with friends. The inflat-able pit creates a giant sudsy sen-sation. It's good, clean fun for kidsand grown-ups of all ages, and

    the foam is biodegradable as well.• The state-of-the-art Mobile

    Game Theater is the star of everyparty and guaranteed to amaze.Imagine playing the hottest videogames like Guitar Hero and Mad-den Football on huge plasmascreens in a climate-controlledgaming utopia. Now picture all of that plus multi-player game playand surround sound audio.

    Other features of the day in-clude volleyball, giant slip n

    slides, and an art sale where pro-ceeds will be donated to Ash-land’s Eagles Wings mission.There is something fun for every-one.

    A live radio show and band willalso entertain the crowd withcontinuous music by variousartists.

    Also, what is a picnic withoutfood, so come and enjoy the picnic

    with burgers, hot dogs, bakedgoods, ice cream, water ice andmore prepared by the AshlandChurch Congregation.

    There is no charge for theevent; however, a monetary dona-tion or non-perishable food itemfor the Park Avenue Food Pantryis much appreciated. Bring fami-ly, bring friends and don’t forget

    to bring a beach chair, blanketand bathing suit for the kids.

    Ashland Church set to hostfree community picnic June 14

    JUNE 3–9, 2015 –THE VOORHEES SUN 7

    Camden County ison the rise

    Summer isaround the corner,

    little leagues are

    in full swing andthe sound of con-struction equip-

    ment can be heardthroughout the

    county. This Maymarked the second

    full year of opera-tion of the Camden County Po-

    lice Department, which camewith significant accolades. Just

    last month the new law enforce-ment agency was visited by the

    President of the United Statesand the U.S. Department of Jus-

    tice for the work being donewithin the city. Our officers got

    to tell the leader of the free worldhow they build bridges and rela-

    tionships in communities andPresident Barack Obama held

    the department up as a nationalmodel during a major policy an-

    nouncement at the Kroc Center.So far in 2015, about 400 police

    officers have been focusing on

    human contact and fostering adialogue with residents in thecity to reduce crime. As I write

    this, violent crime is down an-other 20 percent from the same

    time in 2014 and we have cuthomicides in half from the same

    time last year. In other words,the department’s strategic ini-

    tiatives have made an impactand continue to foster commu-

    nity within Camden’s 21 neigh-borhoods.

    Moving forward - knowing thatthe city’s population is very

    young - our commitment hasbeen to engage the youth in their

    schools, churches and commu-nity centers in active program-

    ming. Police officers read tokindergarteners in Whitman

    Park, they have a buddy systemin Centerville and play regular

    basketball games in the Water-

    front South neigh-borhood against

    teams from all over

    the city’s nine-square miles. Fur-thermore, I would

    be remiss if I didn’tpoint out a new

    groundbreakingtask force Project

    Guardian made upof federal, state and local law

    enforcement partners to inter-vene with kids before they be-

    come full-fledged gang members.That said, the changes we col-

    lectively have made are far fromover and this is a long-term proj-

    ect that will create significantdividends for the community if 

    we stay the course. Since the cityhas been made safer the largest

    investment dollars and eco-nomic development in the na-

    tion have landed in Camden.Make no mistake without the

    work of the men and women inuniform and their civilian coun-

    terparts, none of this would be

    possible.Today, we still have significant

    social inequities to address, in-

    cluding the grinding povertythat inhabits several neighbor-

    hoods in the city. That said, withreal job training and growing

    economic opportunities for thecity and the county we can make

    an impact at remedying those is-sues. In short we have come a

    long way in two years, but thereis still a tremendous amount of 

    work to be done.For more information, please

    call me at (856) 225-5451, or emailme at [email protected].

    You can always visit us online atwww.camdencounty.com. Also,

    you can like us on Facebookat www.Facebook.com/camden-

    countynj and follow us onTwitter @camdencountynj.

     By F reeholder Director Louis Cappel li, Jr.


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  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    WE NES Y JUNE 3Getting Started With Computers:

    Adult 10:30 a.m. VoorheesBranch Library at 203 Laurel

    Road. Mouse practice, computerterminology, basic computerinstruction.

    Breath, Water, and Sound Yoga:Adult. 6:30 p.m. Voorhees BranchLibrary at 203 Laurel Road.Learn simple yet profoundlyeffective tools to let go of emo-tional, mental and physical stresseasily from your system. Bottomline – learn how you can feel bet-ter! David uses a multifacetedyogic approach involving breath,water, sound, humor, postures,

    knowledge and group dynamicsto access more energy and relax-ation. With all the stress in theworld today, it’s really wonderfulto be able to let go. No prior expe-rience needed and very gentle.

    Brain Tumor Support Group: 6 to 7p.m. at The Ripa Center forWomen, 1011 Main Street Prome-nade. A support group for peoplewith brain tumors and those whocare about them. Free, but regis-

    tration required atwww.events.cooperhealth.org.

    Boy Scout Troop No. 48 meeting:Behind Holy Communion Luther-an Church, Route 73. Boys ages

    10 to 18. 7 to 8:30 p.m. Questions,visit www.troop48berlin.org.

    Ashland Church Choirs: Wee Wor-ship Bell Choir for age 4 at 6:30p.m. Kids Worship Choir for gradethree at 6:30 p.m. Youth WorshipChoir for grades six and above at6 p.m. 33 East Evesham Road,Voorhees. Call 429-8844 or visitwww.AshlandChurch.org forinformation.

    Kresson Bible Church Prayer andBible Study: 7 to 8 p.m. 329Kresson-Gibbsboro Road,

    Voorhees.Open Door Alliance Church Prayer

    Meeting: 7 p.m. 904 CooperRoad, Voorhees. For more infor-mation visitwww.rediscovergod.org.

    Ashland Church Kids Activities:Preschool to grade four. 6:30 p.m.33 East Evesham Road. Call 429-8844 or visit www.Ashland-Church.org for information.

    FougCrew: Grades five and six. 7 to

    8:30 p.m. at Ashland Church, 33East Evesham Road. Call 429-8844 or visit www.Ashland-Church.org for information.

    Ashland Church Youth BibleStudy: 7 p.m. Junior high andhigh schoolers. 33 East EveshamRoad. Call 429-8844 or visitwww.AshlandChurch.org forinformation.

    Exercise Class for Active Seniors:8:30 to 10 a.m. every Wednesday.

    Led by Fox Rehabilitation exer-

    cise physiologist at Fox Rehabili-tation, 7 Carnegie Plaza, CherryHill. Call (877) 407-3422, ext.5795 for more information and toregister.

    THURS Y JUNE 4Teen Volunteer Boot Camp: Grades

    6-12. 7 p.m. Voorhees BranchLibrary at 203 Laurel Road. Doyou want to volunteer at the

    library? All interested teens mustsign up and complete a Teen Vol-unteer Boot Camp session.Please call Christen at the YouthServices Desk, at (856) 772-1636x7360, with any questions.

    Next Chapter Book Club: Adult. 7p.m. Voorhees Branch Library at203 Laurel Road. The Next Chap-ter Book Club offers weeklyopportunities for adults andteens with intellectual and devel-opmental disabilities to read andlearn together, talk about books,and make friends in a relaxed,community setting. Please con-tact Rosemary Scalese at 856-772-1636 x7350 [email protected] for more information. Space islimited.

    MOMS Club of Cherry Hill East andVoorhees meeting: Generalmembership meeting. For details,email [email protected] or visitwww.momsclubcherryhill.org forinformation.

    NAMI Support Group: To provide

    CALENDARPAGE 8 JUNE 3–9, 2015

    WANT TO BE LISTED?To have your meeting or affair listed in the Calendar or Meetings,information must be received, in writing, two weeks prior to thedate of the event.

    Send information by mail to: Calendar, The Sun, 108 Kings HighwayEast, Haddonfield, NJ 08033. Or by email:[email protected] . Or you can submit a calendar listingthrough our website (www.voorheessun.com).

    • Links GC (7/6-10)

    • Old York CC (7/13-17)

    • Rancocas GC (7/3-7)

    NEW Parent-Child League• Rancocas GC – Tuesdays (6/23-7/21)

    • Links GC – Fridays (6/26-7/24)


    High School Division:

    Ages 14-18

    Future Players Division:Ages 10-13 (9 Holes)

    Caddy Division:

    Juniors Ages 6-9 (6 Holes)

    Summer Players Club• Instruction 5 days a week

    + unlimited golf 

    • Links GC – (6/25-8/29)

    For all Junior Tour information andMembership Registration, visit our website


    Brad Hare • PGA Professional

    [email protected] • 609-969-1366

    Tournaments, leagues, camps, andinstruction for beginners, intermediate

    and advanced junior golfers.

    Tiny Tots Golf  Ages 2-7 (coming soon)

     please see CALENDAR, page 14

  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    JUNE 3–9, 2015 –THE VOORHEES SUN 9

    38 Holly Oak Drive



    Sold: $420,000Real estate tax: $15,850 / 2014

    Approximate Square Footage: 5,772This upgraded two-story colonial has fourbedrooms and two full and one half bath-rooms. Features include a glass conserva-tory, two fireplaces, professional landscap-ing, EP Henry brick patio and slate stonepathway, deck, gazebo and two ponds.

    9 Burnham LaneSold: $405,000

    Real estate tax: $12,461 / 2014Approximate Square Footage: 3,114

    This two-story contemporary home hasfour bedrooms and three full and one halfbathrooms. Features include a gourmetkitchen with commercial range, familyroom fireplace, hardwood flooring, fencedyard, patio/deck and finished basement.








  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    10 THE VOORHEES SUN — JUNE 3–9, 2015

    Prescription Drug Drop Boxesare now located across CamdenCounty to provide residents witha free and anonymous way to dis-pose of unwanted prescriptiondrugs. The Camden County Ad-diction Awareness Task Forceprovides a list of drop box loca-tions on their website www.addic-tions.camdencounty.com to pre-vent these potentially dangerousexpired and unused prescription

    drugs to fall into the wronghands.“Everyone should check their

    medicine cabinet for unwantedprescription drugs that expireand become permanent fixturesin bathrooms throughout thecounty.” Freehold Director LouisCappelli, Jr said. “We recognizethe importance of having a safeand legal way to dispose of thesesubstances, and are working in

    cooperation with every munici-pality in Camden County to iden-tify drop-off sites.”

    Last year, Americans turnedin more than 300 tons of unwant-ed prescription drugs at morethan 5,400 drop-off sites acrossthe country. The take-back pro-gram addresses a vital publicsafety and public health issue.Medicines that languish in homecabinets are highly susceptible to

    diversion, misuse and abuse.Rates of prescription drug abusein the U.S. are alarmingly high, asare the number of accidental poi-sonings and overdoses due tothese drugs.

    In addition, Americans arenow advised that their usualmethods for disposing of unusedmedicines – flushing them downthe toilet or throwing them in thetrash – both pose potential safety

    and health hazards.“As a mother, educator and

    elected official, the addiction cri-sis in Camden County is one of my biggest concerns. Prescrip-tion drugs have become the No. 1abused substance by young peo-ple because they are accessibleand go fairly undetected.” saidFreeholder Carmen Rodriguez, li-aison to the Camden CountyHealth Department. “Studies

    show that a majority of abusedprescription drugs are obtainedfrom family and friends, includ-ing from the home medicine cabi-net. Parents and grandparentsbecome the unwitting supplier of these dangerous substances.”

    In addition, the Camden Coun-ty Health Department always re-minds residents to keep their pre-scriptions safe and locked away.Having a secure place for storageof these medications is an impor-tant issue in order to keep them

    out of the hands of children sothey are not abused.

    If a member of the public or aloved one needs help please callthe 24/7 toll-free confidential hot-line for addiction help at (877) 266-8222.

    In Voorhees, unwanted pre-scriptions may be disposed at theVoorhees Police Department, 1180White Horse Road.

    Check the Camden County Ad-diction Awareness Task Force

    website for additional locationsthat will be added in the comingmonths.

    10% OFFGutterGard™ or Seamless Gutters

    The Gutter GuysExpires 3/15/15. Not to be combined with other offers.

    With this coupon. Valid at participating offices only.Coupon must be presented at time of estimate.

    $35 OFFRepairs

    The Gutter GuysExpires3/15/15. Not to be combined with other offers.

    With this coupon. Valid only in Atlantic, Camden, Cape May andOcean Counties, NJ. Coupon must be presented at time of estimate.

    $10 OFFGutter Cleaning

    The Gutter GuysExpires3/15/15. Not to be combined with other offers.

    With this coupon. Valid only in Atlantic, Camden, Cape May andOcean Counties, NJ. Coupon must be presented at time of estimate.

    Since 1988 Over 300,000 Of Your Family, Friends & Neighbors Have TrustedThe Gutter Guys To Work On Their Homes. Why take a chance with anyone else?

    Prescription Drug Drop Boxesnow located throughout county

    Send us yourVoorhees news

    Have a news tip? Want to sendus a press release or photos?Shoot an interesting video?Drop us an email [email protected] . Faxus at (856) 427-0934. Call theeditor at (856) 427-0933.

  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    JUNE 3–9, 2015 – 11



     S E L E C T E D  HA R D 

     S U R FA C E S











    the ODB Company of Richmond,Va., for one new and unused 30CY leaf vacuum machine totaledat $48,848.

    As per state law, the townshippublically advertised the contractto solicit the lowest possible bid,with the bid from the ODB Com-pany as the only bid received bythe township.

    • Committee approved the ap-pointment of John Bullock to theposition of a part-time class II po-lice officer within the VoorheesTownship Police Department.

    According to Spellman, Bul-lock will be one of the police offi-cers serving in the township’s

    schools.• The next meeting of the

    Voorhees Township Committee isscheduled for Monday, June 8.

    NEXTContinued from page 5 

    HOPE Church will once againhost its annual Giant Yard Sale,held this year on Saturday, June 6at HOPE Church, 700 CooperRoad, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    HOPE Church views the eventas a great opportunity to getspring-cleaning projects under-way. Sellers may reserve a spacethe size of two parking spots at afee of $20. Sellers must bringtheir own table and shade to joinin on what HOPE Church de-scribes as a fun, community-wide

    event. For further information,please contact the church office at(856) 751.4673 or e-mail [email protected].

    Church yardsale June 6


    is June 8

  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    12 THE VOORHEES SUN — JUNE 3–9, 2015

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    For the fifth consecutive year,Kennedy Health, with hospitalsin Cherry Hill, Stratford andWashington Township, and ad-ministrative offices in Voorhees,will host a day of fun-filled festivi-ties to celebrate Cancer SurvivorsDay at Washington Lake Park, 626Hurffville-Cross Keys Road, inSewell on June 7.

    This year’s event includesKennedy’s first-ever 5K run/walk

     – on a USATF-Certified K Course

     – which kicks off the day at 9:30a.m. (registration 8 a.m.).The run/walk is followed by a

    celebration of life for cancer sur-vivors from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., fea-turing refreshments, musical en-tertainment, family activities,dunk tank, giveaways and ven-dors.

    A special survivors lap and cer-emony caps off the day, giving

    cancer survivors and friends achance to connect with eachother, celebrate milestones andrecognize those who have sup-ported them in their journey.

    All activities are open to thepublic. There is a $30 registrationfee for the 5K run/walk – whichincludes a race t-shirt. Cancersurvivors will receive a free com-memorative “survivors” t-shirt.Additional t-shirts will be avail-able for friends and family mem-

    bers to purchase.Proceeds benefit the Center forHope & Healing at KennedyHealth. For sponsorship informa-tion, call or email Louise Baca at(856) 218-5321 or [email protected]

    Registration for the 5Krun/walk is required. Please go towww.kennedycancersurvivors.org/5k by June 6 to reserve a spot.

    Kennedy Health plansCancer Survivors Day

  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    JUNE 3–9, 2015 –THE VOORHEES SUN 13

       B   Y  O   B  


    Now taking reservations for Fathers Day!








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    Kennedy Health, with adminis-trative offices in Voorhees, invitesarea breast cancer survivors to at-tend a special “My Journey withBreast Cancer” discussion.

    Dr. Barbara Chamberlain, aSouth Jersey resident, will dis-cuss her journey with breast can-cer, providing a backdrop for asensitive discussion, where all

    are invited to participate.The event will take place on

    Monday, June 8, from 11:30 a.m. to1 p.m. at the Kennedy Cancer Cen-ter for Hope and Healing 900 Med-ical Center Drive, Suite 207,Sewell. Registration is required,as space is limited. Please regis-ter online at: www.kennedy-cancer.org

    The YMCA of Burlington andCamden Counties is asking peo-ple take control of their healththis summer with the Y’s sum-mer membership special.

    For $99, the individual summermembership special allows mem-bers to enjoy all the facility bene-fits the Y has to offer, including afitness center, indoor pool, basket-ball courts, free babysitting serv-ices and unlimited access to boththe Mt. Laurel YMCA andBurlington-Riverfront YMCA.Families of up to six can take ad-

    vantage of the family special for$149. Membership with the Y alsoincludes more than 145 free groupfitness classes weekly as well asmore than 30 free water exercise

    classes each week.The Y’s summer membership

    special is valid from time of pur-chase through Aug. 23, and doesnot include any joiner fees ormonthly dues. Regular programmembership rates apply for allswim lessons and sports and playclasses. New members can alsotake advantage of a summer per-

    sonal training special featuringfive, 30-minute sessions for $99.

    Registration is available onlineat www.ymca-bc.org, in person atthe Mt. Laurel YMCA (59 Center-

    ton Road) or Burlington-River-front YMCA (302 CommerceSquare Blvd.), or by calling (856)231-9622.

    YMCA offering summer membership specials

    Kennedy Health to host breast

    cancer survivor event on June 8

  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    mutual support, education andadvocacy for individuals, familiesand friends of persons affected

    by severe and persistent mentalillness. 6 to 8 p.m. at M. AllanVogelson Library, Camden Coun-ty Library Branch. Questions, call

    Gale at (856) 701-8143.Voorhees Breakfast Rotary Club:

    7:15 a.m. at Short Hills Deli &Restaurant, 486 East EveshamRoad, No. 103, Cherry Hill. Formore information visitwww.voorheesbreakfastrotary.org.

    Overeaters Anonymous: 10 to 11a.m. at Hope United Church, 700Cooper Road. Call 609-239-0022or visit www.southjerseyoa.org.

    Body After Baby: 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. at

    1011 Main Street Promenade. Usea combination of pilates and yogato strengthen, increase flexibilityand tighten. Cost is $60 for sixweeks. Registration required. Formore information visitwww.events.cooperhealth.org.

    Free Exercise Class for ActiveSeniors: 1:45 to 2:45 p.m. everyThursday. Led by Fox Rehabilita-tion exercise physiologist at

    Brookdale at Voorhees. Call (877)407-3422 for more informationand to register.

    Voorhees Central Chapter of BNI

    Breakfast: 7 a.m. at The Man-sion, 3000 Main St. BNI is a busi-ness and professional referralorganization. For more informa-tion visit www.bnidvr.com.

    BNI Marlton Regional ChapterLunch: Every Thursday at 11:30a.m. at The Mansion, 3000 MainSt., Voorhees. BNI is a businessand professional networkingreferral organization. Join us tolearn more about how to growyour business. Call Ray for detailsat (609) 760-0624.

    Babies’ Playgroup: Ages 1 to 18months. 10 to 11 a.m. at VoorheesBranch Library. Meet new friends!We provide the toys and booksbut no organized programming.

    FRI Y JUNE 5First Notes: Baby Music Class:

    14 THE VOORHEES SUN — JUNE 3–9, 2015! !! " !!

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    A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Larc School, anon-profit special education school who serves a

    wide-range of children with disabilities.

    # "


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    CALENDARContinued from page 8

     please see CALENDAR, page 15

  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    Ages 0-2. 10:15 a.m. VoorheesBranch Library at 203 LaurelRoad. An interactive musicenrichment program for the nextgeneration of music performersand enthusiasts. Hosted by theMusic Training Center in Marlton.

    First Notes: Toddler Music Class:Ages 3-5. 11:15 a.m. VoorheesBranch Library at 203 LaurelRoad. An interactive musicenrichment program for the nextgeneration of music performers

    and enthusiasts. Hosted by theMusic Training Center in Marlton.

    Senior Card Group: Adult. 12:45 p.m.Voorhees Branch Library at 203Laurel Road. Seniors meet, week-ly, to play various card games.

    Teen Anime Club: Grades six-12.6:30 p.m. Voorhees BranchLibrary at 203 Laurel Road. Dis-cuss favorite manga and anime.The group will be watching a dif-ferent anime series at each ses-sion.

    Open Mic Night: Adult. 7 p.m.Voorhees Branch Library at 203Laurel Road. Poets gather toshare their works.

    South Jersey Yarners: All. 7 p.m.Voorhees Branch Library at 203Laurel Road. All things yarn!Come with your knitting needles,crochet hooks and yarn for aninformal session with yarn enthu-siasts. From beginners toadvanced. All ages welcome.

    Toddlers’ Playgroup: Ages 18 to 36months. 11 a.m. to noon at

    Voorhees Branch Library. Meetnew friends! We provide the toysand books but no organized pro-gramming.

    Congregation Beth El: Shabbatservice at 6 p.m. based on tradi-tional liturgy and infused withspirit by upbeat melodies andcamaraderie. 8000 Main St.,Voorhees.

    Hands & Foot Card Game for Sen-ior Citizens: 1:30 p.m. in room Aor C on the third floor, Voorhees

    Branch Library, 203 Laurel Road.Questions, call Jeanne McCabe at(856) 784-4676.

    S TUR Y JUNE 6

    Legomania Club: Ages 5-11. 10:30a.m. Voorhees Branch Library at203 Laurel Road. Create and playwith Legos provided by the

    library. Use your imagination ormake something based on thetheme of the day.

    Mommy and Baby Yoga: 9 to 10a.m. at The Ripa Center forWomen, 1011 Main Street Prome-nade. Total body, mind and spiri-tual experience for both momand baby! Focus on breathingtechniques and asanas (postures)for mom. For beginners toadvanced. Babies from age 6weeks to 6 months. Women mustbe six weeks postpartum and

    have physician approval. Cost is$60 for six weeks. For more infor-mation visit www.events.cooper-health.org.

    Congregation Beth El: Shabbatservice from 9 a.m. to noon,including a wide variety of otherservices throughout the morning.

    8000 Main St., Voorhees.

    SUN Y JUNE 7Ashland Church: Sunday service

    and Kids Church at 10:30 a.m. Fel-lowship at 10 a.m. Childcare andchildren services available. 33East Evesham Road, Voorhees.

    Community Gospel Chapel: Wor-ship at 9:30 a.m. Refreshmentsand fellowship at 10:30 a.m. Sun-day school at 10:45 a.m. Biblehour at 11 a.m. Bible ministry

    meeting at noon. 20 Bergen Ave.,Voorhees.

    JUNE 3–9, 2015 –THE VOORHEES SUN 15

    Fill 4 bags of any

    Bulk Stone for $10 

    Prompt Delivery Service 









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    CALENDARContinued from page 14

     please see CALENDAR, page 18

  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    in government innovation, and across-section of issues of the 21stcentury, including renewable en-ergy, community revitalizationand public-private partnerships,”said Stephen Goldsmith, directorof the Innovations in Govern-ment Program at the Ash Center.“They demonstrate that efforts tomake government work bettercan stem not only from executiveorders and statewide initiatives,but also small community pro-grams and private citizens on so-cial media.”

    The Shop Voorhees PropertyTax Reward Program has a freemobile app. If you have an

    iPhone or Android, download theapp and find information aboutall participating merchants andthe credit percentage each mer-chant is offering. Use the app for

    a quick search and the “click tocall” feature. Once you havedownloaded the app, check itoften because new businesses are

     joining and some merchants mayupgrade to include inventory andreservation capability.

    The Shop Voorhees app isavailable in the Apple App Storeand Google Play for the Android.

    Our Shop Voorhees programalso includes a monthly “Meet theMerchant,” which highlights a se-lected participating business andshares valuable informationabout sales and specials. The pro-gram also has “Deals of theMonth,” which lets participants

    know about available couponsand other ways to save money byshopping locally. For more infor-mation about the Shop VoorheesProperty Tax Reward Program

    visit the township’s website atvoorheesnj.com or our Facebookpage, or contact Michael Marchit-to, EDP, Voorhees Township Eco-nomic Development director, at(856) 216-0473 [email protected]. Cards canbe picked up at Town Hall.

    • The 11th Annual Wine andFood Tasting to benefit the AliciaRose Victorious Foundation willbe held on Wednesday, June 3,from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at Lake-side Manor, 10 Foster Ave. inGibbsboro. The event featuresmore than 250 of the most inter-esting fine wines, craft beers andspirits from around the world, ac-companied by gourmet delica-cies. Wine experts and winemak-ers are available to answer ques-tions. Ticket donations are $50per person in advance or $60 perperson at the door. For reserva-tions, call (856) 784-0615 or visitarvf.org. The foundation installsTeen Centers in hospitals

    throughout the country to bringhope, excitement and entertain-ment to teens facing difficult con-ditions while receiving hospitaltreatment.

    • The first show in our 2015Summer Twilight Series will beon Thursday, June 11 (rain dateThursday, June 18) and will fea-ture Beginnings, the world’s No. 1tribute to Chicago. They arebilled as “The Ultimate ChicagoBand.” The show is free andstarts at 7:30 p.m. on the “GreatLawn” at Connolly Park. Formore information, visitwww.voorheesnj.com or call theshow hot line at 856-882-SHOW.

    • The Relay for Life of CherryHill-Voorhees will be held on Sat-urday, June 13 from 10 a.m. to 10p.m. at Cherry Hill High SchoolEast at 1750 Kresson Road. Themission of Relay for Life and theAmerican Cancer Society is tosave lives and create a world withmore birthdays by helping people

    get well, helping people stay well,finding cures for cancer and fight-ing back. For more information,visit www.relayforlife.org/cher-ryhill-voorheesnj or our Face-book page.

    RELAYContinued from page 6 

    16 THE VOORHEES SUN — JUNE 3–9, 2015

    Roofing Tear Offs & Reroofs • SkylightsDesign/Build your Additions (your plan or ours)

    Cedar & Mahogany Decks • Trex Decks • Vinyl RailingsWindows • Doors • Finished Basements • Kitchens

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    Relay for Life is June 13 in Cherry Hill

  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    JUNE 3–9, 2015 –THE VOORHEES SUN 17


    Make a fully tax-deductible contribution to

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    tomorrow and for years to come.

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    Tulane University awarded de-grees to the following Voorheesresidents on May 16 in the Mer-cedes-Benz Superdome in New

    Orleans.Emily Apple graduated from the

    School of Liberal Arts with abachelor’s of arts degree.

    Andrew Apple graduated fromthe School of Medicine with adoctor of medicine degree.

    Matthew D. Napoli of Voorheesgraduated on May 10 from SaintMichael’s College with a bache-lor’s of science in business ad-ministration and environmentalstudies.

    On Saturday, May 16, the fol-lowing Voorhees residents gradu-ated center Elizabethtown Col-lege.

    Melissa L. Cameron graduatedwith a bachelor’s of arts degreein communications.

    Danielle N. Nelson graduatedmagna cum laude with a bache-lor’s of arts degree in psychology.

    Jeremy van de Rijn of Voorhees

    has graduated from Bucknell Uni-versity.

    Son of Robert and Anne van deRijn and a graduate of EasternRegional High School, van de Rijngraduated with a bachelor’s of science degree in cellbiology/biochemistry.

    Hannah Pike of Voorhees grad-uated magna cum laude with a

    bachelor’s of arts degree inJapanese from the College of Arts & Sciences during com-mencement ceremonies on May

    17 at the University of Vermont.

    Nathan Cerota of Voorheesgraduated from York College of Pennsylvania on May 16. Cerotaearned a bachelor’s of science de-gree in criminal justice.

    The following Voorhees areastudents at Lehigh University at-tained dean's list in spring 2015:Leah Fendrick and Daniel Sohn.

    Voorhees resident Ashley Lau-ren McSweeny has been named tothe president's list at James Madi-son University for the spring 2015semester.

    Mikaela Baker of Voorhees hasbeen named to Millersville Uni-versity of Pennsylvania's dean'slist for the spring 2015 semester.Baker earned a semester grade-point average of 3.5 or higher andattempted at least 12 credits of course work.

    Davenport University has an-nounced that Derek Rimson of Voorhees has been named to thepresident's list for the winter 2015Semester.

    To achieve recognition, a stu-dent must maintain a minimum3.8 grade point average while en-rolled in at least nine credits of regular coursework.

    on campus

  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    Heritage Church: Worship serviceat 10 a.m. Fellowship followingservice. 110 Kresson-GibbsboroRoad, Voorhees.

    Hope United Methodist Church:Worship services at 9 and 10:30a.m. Kids Konnect at 9 and 10:30a.m. Sunday morning prayergroup at 8 a.m. at 700 CooperRoad, Voorhees.

    Kresson Bible Church: Morningworship from 11 a.m. to noon. Sun-

    day school from 9:30 to 10:30a.m. 329 Kresson-GibbsboroRoad, Voorhees.

    Open Door Alliance Church: Sun-day school begins at 9:30 a.m.Worship begins at 10:45 a.m. 904Cooper Road, Voorhees.

    MON Y JUNE 8Teen Volunteer Boot Camp: Grades

    six-12. 7 p.m. Voorhees BranchLibrary at 203 Laurel Road. Doyou want to volunteer at the

    library? All interested teens mustsign up and complete a Teen Vol-unteer Boot Camp session.Please call Christen at the YouthServices Desk, at (856) 772-1636x7360, with any questions.

    Voorhees Toastmasters meeting:7:30 p.m. at Heritage Church, 110Kresson-Gibbsboro Road. Visitvoorhees.toastmastersclubs.orgfor more information.

    Exercise Class for Active Seniors:8:30 to 10 a.m. every Monday.Led by Fox Rehabilitation exer-

    cise physiologist at Fox Rehabili-tation, 7 Carnegie Plaza, CherryHill. Call (877) 407-3422, ext.5795 for more information and toregister.

    Breastfeeding Support Group: 5:30to 6:30 p.m. at The Ripa Centerfor Women, 1011 Main StreetPromenade. Join other breast-feeding mothers for fellowshipand support at this informalweekly meeting. Professionals onhand to offer advice and answerquestions. Free, but registrationrequired at www.events.cooper-health.org.

    Focus Group: ESL ConversationClass: For adults. 10:30 a.m. to

    noon at Voorhees Branch Library.Practical and everyday topics aswell as pronunciation are thefocus. For non-native English

    speakers. No registrationrequired.

    TUES Y JUNE 9Chair Yoga: Adult. 10:30 a.m.

    Voorhees Branch Library at 203Laurel Road. Try this gentle formof yoga, practiced while sitting ina chair. It includes very basicmovements and is great for sen-iors or anyone wanting to trysomething new.

    Global Citizens: Ages 8-12. Noon.

    Voorhees Branch Library at 203Laurel Road. Come and enjoycrafts, games, music and foodfrom different countries aroundthe world! A different culture willbe highlighted each meeting.

    Short Story Discussion: Adult. 1p.m. Voorhees Branch Library at203 Laurel Road. Take part inlively discussions of contempo-rary short stories. Program is inconjunction with KennedyEldermed. Stories can beobtained at the information deskon the first floor. June 9 "TheHalf Skinned Deer" by AnnieProulx.

    Global Citizens: Ages 8-12. 6:30p.m. Voorhees Branch Library at203 Laurel Road. Let's explorethe world! Enjoy crafts, games,music and food from a mysterycountry!

    Horticultural Society of SouthJersey meeting: 7 p.m. at Car-man Tilelli Community Center,Cherry Hill Municipal Complex,

    820 Mercer St. New topic at eachmeeting. For more informationvisit www.hssj.org.

    Voorhees-Gibbsboro Rotary Clubmeeting: Filomena's Restaurant,Berlin. 7 to 8:30 p.m. For moreinformation call (856) 534-3384.

    Senior Citizen Club Social: 11:30 a.m.to 3 p.m. at Lions Lake Park Ban-quet Facility, 101 Dutchtown Road.For more information call (856)429-4703.

    Free Exercise Class for ActiveSeniors: 1:45 to 2:45 p.m. everyTuesday. Led by Fox Rehabilita-tion exercise physiologist atBrookdale at Voorhees. Call (877)407-3422 for more informationand to register.

    18 THE VOORHEES SUN — JUNE 3–9, 2015


    CALENDARContinued from page 15 

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  • 8/9/2019 Voorhees - 0603.pdf


    classifiedT H E V O O R H E E S S U N

    JUNE 3-9, 2015 PAGE 20

    W H A T Y O U N E E D T O K N O WAll ads are based on a 5 line ad, 15-18 characters per line. • Additional lines: $9, Bold/Reverse Type: $9 • Add color to any box ad for $20. • Deadline: Wednesday - 5pm for the following week.

    All classified ads must be prepaid. • Your Classified ad will run in all 9 of The Sun newspapers each week! • Be sure to check your ad the first day it appears.We will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion, so call us immediately with any errors in your ad. • No refunds are given, only advertising credit.

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