The Chipper Issue 3

Key Club Edward R. Murrow High School The Chipper Volume 1| Issue 3 July/Aug 2012


edward r murrow key club newsletter issue 3

Transcript of The Chipper Issue 3

Page 1: The Chipper Issue 3

Key Club Edward R. Murrow High School

The Chipper

Volume 1| Issue 3 July/Aug 2012

Page 2: The Chipper Issue 3

Points chart

7th (100pts)

Cindy Chen

6th (105pts)

Irene Jiang, Betty Lin, Annie Wu

5th (110pts)

Keen Malasarte, Iveethe Molina

4th (120pts)

Eric Leong

3rd (135pts)

Jonathan Ye

2nd (214 pts)

Michelle Sy

1st (229pts)

Vanessa Luo

Points Chart &

Up Coming events

Freshmen (aug 28th

Orientation -29th)

First meeting of the

year (TBA)

Page 3: The Chipper Issue 3

Word from your Editor...

Ciao people,

I hope you’ve had an enjoyable

summer so far and I can’t wait to hear

about all of your adventures, abroad

and local. As you all know, our Key Club

has stayed very active in the past month

because service is needed year round.

We’ve been working very closely with

other schools in our division so you will

be seeing a lot of fresh faces in this is-

sue of The Chipper. This month’s issue

will also be featuring an article by one

of our very own, Anne Li! Unfortunately,

I was not able to catch her in action

with my camera so you guys are just go-

ing to have to use your imagination.

You will also notice that this issue is la-

beled July/Aug and that is because your

editor failed to publish the July issue on

time and she will not be present for the

majority of the month of the August

therefore she found this compromise.

Your Editor, Iris Li

Page 4: The Chipper Issue 3

AAYC: Summer Field Day Written by Iris Li

The Asian American Youth

Center hosted its 13th Annual

Summer Field Day this year at

Columbus Park in Chinatown.

Summer field day was a day of

play for children of all ages.

The AAYC had planned basket-

ball tournaments, potato sack

races, party tents, face paint-

ing booths and other festivities

but they needed help carrying

out such an extravaganza! This

is where Key Club came to the

rescue. We sent volunteers to

set up booths, man party tents

and aid races. Because more

volunteers showed up this

year than they had antici-

pated, some of us got away

with slacking off a bit and hav-

ing fun of our own. The event

took place from ten o’clock in

the morning to three in the af-

ternoon so to rejuvenate the

helpers hearty servings of Chi-

nese steamed dumplings were

given out to everybody along

with Ice cream dessert. At the

end of the day, we helped dis-

mantle the camp and cleaned

up. In reward for out hard

work, the AAYC sent out rec-

ommendations letters to eve-

ryone who signed in.

Page 5: The Chipper Issue 3

The Asian American Youth

Center hosted its 13th Annual

Summer Field Day this year at

Columbus Park in Chinatown.

Summer field day was a day of

play for children of all ages.

The AAYC had planned basket-

ball tournaments, potato sack

races, party tents, face paint-

ing booths and other festivities

but they needed help carrying

out such an extravaganza! This

is where Key Club came to the

rescue. We sent volunteers to

set up booths, man party tents

and aid races. Because more

volunteers showed up this

year than they had antici-

pated, some of us got away

with slacking off a bit and hav-

ing fun of our own. The event

took place from ten o’clock in

the morning to three in the af-

ternoon so to rejuvenate the

helpers hearty servings of Chi-

nese steamed dumplings were

given out to everybody along

with Ice cream dessert. At the

end of the day, we helped dis-

mantle the camp and cleaned

up. In reward for out hard

work, the AAYC sent out rec-

ommendations letters to eve-

ryone who signed in.

Page 6: The Chipper Issue 3

Walking at the CPC Walkathon with Key Club

On the 22nd of June of 2012, members

of Key Club prepared to walk for the

CPC Walkathon that was ahead of

them. Members from Edward R. Mur-

row High School, Brooklyn Technical

High School, Midwood High School,

and James Madison High School par-

ticipated in this wonderful event. An

event that brought everyone together,

the walkathon surely made Key Club a

big and happy family. It was a scorch-

ing hot day, but the members of Key

Club were not discouraged. As cam-

eras flashed and sweat started to drip,

the Key Club members got ready to

march ahead with everyone else. At

10:30 A.M, the Key Club members

happily got to their feet and started to

walk. Walking to the beat of a drum,

and following a Chinese dragon held

up by workers, the walk was merry

and festive. The walkathon aroused

happy feelings and gave everyone a

wonderful mood, even the elderly that

were walking.

Key Club was as happy as ever,

shining with beaming smiles and

laughter all the way. Not a single

frown was seen, and the experience

was heartwarming. One wouldn’t give

up the chance to go walk another

walkathon with Key Club. An experi-

ence that one would never forget, the

walk was fun and a mood-booster.

Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge and

crossing it again, the members of Key

Club happily walked and marched in

laughter and joy.

As the members of Key Club

rested at Cadman Plaza, more group

photos were taken, revealing beautiful

smiles. Water and soda were distrib-

uted, fueling our active walkers.

Laughs were shared, friendships were

made, and every member of Key Club

Written by Anne Li of Edward R. Murrow High School

Page 7: The Chipper Issue 3

Walking at the CPC Walkathon with Key Club

Written by Anne Li of Edward R. Murrow High School

was very happy.

When the CPC Walkathon was

over, the Key Club got to rest and re-

lax. However, the day was not over

yet! The CPC Day Fair

after the marathon was even more

fun, with special speakers and prizes.

There was even a speaker who

showcased her own poetry! More

fun awaited the Key Club members,

and even more smiles were shared.

The Key Club members definitely en-

joyed this bonding event. The experi-

ence was beautiful, giving off such a

happy mood. The day ended with

the members heading on to their

own matters, but their memories of

the beautiful day will be forever in

their minds.

This experience was a great one

for the members of Key Club, and it

is hoped that there are many more

fun events to come. Smiles, happi-

ness, and joy were circling around

these members the entire day. An

experience like this will be remem-

bered without a doubt. An experi-

ence that truly warms one’s heart,

this Key Club event was really a great

one. Bonding like a family, Key Club

seemed exactly like one. However,

Key Club wasn’t just any ordinary

family but a big, happy, and smiling

family that has unbreakable bonds

that will last forever. Each member

shined like a star in a night sky, par-

ticipating in this wonderful walk-

athon. This experience will be unfor-

gettable, and its memory will be as

bold as ever. A Key Club experience is

truly like no other.

Page 8: The Chipper Issue 3

Prospect Park Restoration Written By Iris Li

When asked what you

guys would like to see us do

as a club, an overwhelmingly

response was “gardening” or

“planting trees”. Your wishes

were granted on July 26th

when our lovely Lieutenant

governor Helen Wong

planned the prospect park


The event took place

near the playground on Van-

derbilt Street. The Key Club

from John Dewey and Brook-

lyn Tech joined us on said

fine day to free saplings from

weeds and relocate runoff

rubble. In the midst of pull-

ing out plants taller than a

freshman and coming face to

face with all sorts of spiders,

flies and worms, one of us

came across something more

disturbing than a centipede;

a Knife! (Cue dramatic music)

although the tool was not

covered with any visible vital

fluid, it still managed to scare

the jeepers out of the major-

ity of us. When we finally got

over the kitchenware fiasco,

we returned to our respec-

tive saplings and resumed

our labor.

After clearing up the un-

wanted foliage, we set out to

replace pebbles from the

trail that were washed away

Page 9: The Chipper Issue 3

Prospect Park Restoration Written By Iris Li

rain. The next hour or so

was spent shoveling and

wheeling gravel around.

Since the most exercise I

get a week is walking to my

mailbox, the task was more

than challenging. By the

time we finished, we were

wheezing and perspiring so

the logical thing to do was

to run through the sprin-

kler! Thoroughly soaked

and cooled we decided to

hit up the nearby ice cream

shop to conclude the day.

Page 10: The Chipper Issue 3

Bensonhurst Clean Up

On the morning of July 30th, Key club and other local volun-teers gathered at the United Progressive Democratic Club building to gear up to clean the streets of bensonhurst. Mur-row, Midwood, Madison and Dewey high school was assigned the streets from Bath ave 20th ave to bay parkway. Equipped with brooms, gloves, rakes and boxes of garbage bags we set out on our task. To shorten the cleaning time we divided ourselves into two groups to tackle both sides of the streets. Working si-lently, we managed to clear the designated streets in a matter of a few hours and headed back to the building. Upon arrival, boxes and boxes of hot fresh pizza pies awaited us! We helped ourselves to slices of cheesy goodness and enjoyed the rest of the day chatting and fooling around with fellow key clubbers. I’m sure that everybody who volunteered for this event will think twice before littering from now on.

Written by: Iris Li

Page 11: The Chipper Issue 3

Bensonhurst Clean Up

On the morning of July 30th, Key club and other local volun-teers gathered at the United Progressive Democratic Club building to gear up to clean the streets of bensonhurst. Mur-row, Midwood, Madison and Dewey high school was assigned the streets from Bath ave 20th ave to bay parkway. Equipped with brooms, gloves, rakes and boxes of garbage bags we set out on our task. To shorten the cleaning time we divided ourselves into two groups to tackle both sides of the streets. Working si-lently, we managed to clear the designated streets in a matter of a few hours and headed back to the building. Upon arrival, boxes and boxes of hot fresh pizza pies awaited us! We helped ourselves to slices of cheesy goodness and enjoyed the rest of the day chatting and fooling around with fellow key clubbers. I’m sure that everybody who volunteered for this event will think twice before littering from now on.

Page 12: The Chipper Issue 3

Summer Streets

On Aug 4th, division nine volunteered with the Summer Streets event. Many of the busy streets of Manhattan were blocked off that day so bikers could ride to their hearts content. To main-tain order, the directors of Summer Streets re-quested the help of us civilians. Key club answered their call and showed up that morning eager to help. Unfortunately (or fortunately) a lot more volunteers showed up than needed and our help was not needed. Key club was released early from their duties so for the rest of the day we did what we do best; eat! We found a nice Vietnamese res-taurant and tucked in with a nice hot bowl of pho.

Written by: Iris Li