S. Angliski

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  • 7/23/2019 S. Angliski


    University "Goce Delchev " StipARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN


    !per h!nlin# c!ses ENGLISH $




    o'(!ss ( % r %!ri! )rstev!

    Si'on! At!n!sov!


  • 7/23/2019 S. Angliski


    Stip- ./ne +0$1

    Content&1.Introduction32.Tourism inSpain..

    ..43.Summer resorts and beaches...54.Winter tourism...65.Nature and rural tourism ....76.Art and culture!eseums in

    !adrid."7. Ni#ht li$e......%

  • 7/23/2019 S. Angliski



    Spain is located in south&estern 'urope. It is bordered

    b( the Atlantic )cean and the *a( o$ *isca( in the

    north&est and b( the !editerranean Sea in the east

    and the south. It has a 1214 +ilometer ,754 mile- landborder &ith ortu#al in the &est and a 623 +ilometer

    ,3"7 mile- border &ith /rance and a 63.7 +ilometer

    ,3%.5 mile- border &ith the tin( cit(0state o$ Andorra in

    the northeast characteried b( the (renean

    !ountains. In the south it has a 1.2 +ilometer ,.75 mile-

    border &ith ibraltar ,&hich le#all( belon#s to the

    nited in#dom- and a %6 +ilometer ,5%.6 mile- border&ith !orocco ,euta !elilla-. All to#ether Spains

    547"2 s8uare +ilometer ,1%4"%6 s8uare mile-

    territor( includin# the *alearic Islands in the

    !editerranean the anar( Islands in the Atlantic

    euta and !elilla has 1%17." +ilometers ,11%1.7

    miles- o$ land boundaries and 4%64 +ilometers

  • 7/23/2019 S. Angliski


    ,3"4.6 miles- o$ coastline. Spain is sli#htl( bi##er

    than t&ice the sie o$ )re#on.

    To/ris' in Sp!in

    9ourism in Spain &as de:eloped durin# the 1%6s

    and 1%7s &hen the countr( became a popular

    place $or summer holida(s especiall( $or tourists

    $rom the *ritish Isles /rance entral 'urope and

    Scandina:ia In 27 Spain became the second

    most :isited countr( o$ the &orld a$ter /rance.Spains tourism direct industr( ; &as $th

    hi#hest tourism direct industr( ;.

  • 7/23/2019 S. Angliski


    S/''er resorts !n 2e!ches

    9his t(pe o$ tourism &as the >rst to be de:eloped inSpain and toda( #enerates the most income $or theSpanish econom(. 9he mild climate durin# the &hole(ear and the e?tensi:e sand( beaches o$ the!editerranean and Atlantic )cean as &ell as o$ its t&oarchipela#oes ,the *alearic Islandsand the anar(Islandsrespecti:el(- ha:e been attractin# tourists $rom

    Northern 'urope $or decades. 9he leadin# sourcemar+ets o$ Spanish beach tourism are the ,around

  • 7/23/2019 S. Angliski


    24@ o$ the total arri:als in Spain in recent (ears-erman( and /rance ,around 15016@ each- $ollo&edb( Scandina:ia and Ital( ,around 7@ each- and theNetherlands ,around 5@-."B%B

    9he most popular Spanish coasts are on its!editerranean side and include $rom north to southcloc+&iseC

    9he osta *ra:a the osta ;auradaand the ostadel !aresme in the autonomous communit(o$ atalonia :er( popular &ith :isitors $rom /rance

    as &ell as inland Spain &ith notable resortsli+e Salouand the cit( o$ *arcelona.

    9he osta *lanca ,one o$ the most de:elopedcoastal areas o$ Spain e?tremel( popular $or tourists$rom the nited in#dom and erman(&ith *enidormas the leadin# summer cit( o$ Spain-and the osta del Aaharare both in theDalencianommunit(.

    Winter tourism

    Spain as the second most mountainous countr( o$

    'urope is $ull o$ hi#h mountains and #ood s+i resorts

    &ith $amous s+i slopes all o:er Spain includin#

  • 7/23/2019 S. Angliski


    the (renees the Sistema entral the Sistema

    IbEricoand Sierra Ne:ada. /or the most part the main

    crest $orms a massi:e di:ider bet&een /rance and

    Spain &ith the tin( countr( o$ Andorrasand&iched inbet&een. 9he ro&n o$ Ara#onand the in#dom

    o$ Na:arreha:e historicall( e?tended on both sides o$

    the mountain ran#e &ith small northern portions no&

    in /rance and much lar#er southern parts no& in Spain

    Nature and rural tourism

  • 7/23/2019 S. Angliski


    Spain is the third lar#est countr( in 'uropecitation

    neededBand has a di:erse landscape and as a result is

    o$ten called Fa miniature continentG.citation neededBSpain is

    the most mountainous countr(in 'uropea$ter S&iterland despite the $act that a 45@

    o$ its !ainland area is occupied b( the !eseta

    entral,HInner lateauH- the hi#h plains o$ central

    Spain. 9he rest o$ the countr( is dominated b( se:eral

    !ountain ran#es includin# pea+s that e?ceed 3

    meters si#ni>cant lo&lands and a :ast coast

    alternatin# ru##ed cliJs &ith sand( beaches ba(scapes and co:es. Spain also has t&o archipela#os &ith

    a :ariet( o$ landscapes the *alearic Islands&ith a

    t(pical !editerranean landscape and the

    di:erse anar( Islands.

  • 7/23/2019 S. Angliski


    Art and culture !useums in !adrid

    !adrid is considered one o$ the top 'uropean

    destinations concernin# art museums.citation neededB*est

    +no&n is the Golden Triangle of Art located alon#

    the aseo del radoand comprisin# three museums.

    9he most $amous one is the rado !useum +no&n $or

    such hi#hli#hts as ;ie#o DelK8ues Las !eninas and/rancisco de o(as La maMa :estida and La maMa

    desnuda. 9he other t&o museums are the 9h(ssen

    *ornemisa !useum established $rom a mi?ed pri:ate

    collection and the eina So>a !useum &here ablo

    icassos uernica han#s returnin# to Spain $rom Ne&

    Oor+ a$ter more than t&o decades.

  • 7/23/2019 S. Angliski



    9he ni#htli$e in Spain is :er( attracti:e to both touristsand locals. Spain is +no&n to ha:e some o$ the bestni#htli$e in the &orld. *i# cities such as !adrid and*arcelona are $a:orites amon#st the lar#e and popular

    discothP8ues. /or instance !adrid is +no&n as thenumber one part( cit( $or clubs such as acha andapital ,se:en Qoors- and *arcelona is $amous $or)pium and Sutton $amous clubs. 9he discothP8ues inSpain are open until odd hours such as 7am. 9he*aleraric Islands such as Ibiaand !allorca are +no&nto be maMor part( destinations as &ell as $a:oredsummer resort.

    Ibia is a relati:el( small island and its cities ha:ebecome &orld0$amous $or their associations&ith tourism ni#htli$e and theelectronic musictheisland has ori#inated. It is &ell +no&n $or its summerclub scene &hich attracts :er( lar#e numbers o$tourists but the islands #o:ernment and the Spanish

    9ourist )Rce ha:e contro:ersiall( been &or+in# topromote more $amil(0oriented tourism. Noted clubsinclude Space ri:ile#e Amnesiashuaa acha ;1 'den and 's aradis. Ibia isalso home to the le#endar( HportH in Ibia 9o&n apopular stop $or man( tourists and no& a N'S)World Terita#e Site.

  • 7/23/2019 S. Angliski



    !ost $esti:als turn around patron saints le#ends localcustoms and $ol+lore. Amon# the most sin#ular onesstand out theSe:ille /air,/eria de Abril in Spanish-the omerUa de 'l ocUoin Almonte Tuel:a the &orld0$amous unnin# o$ the *ullsin amplona the /allasinDalencia the9omatinain *uVol Dalenciaandthe /iestas del ilarin ara#oa.

    9he arni:alis also popular all o:er Spain butespeciall( in the anar( Islandsand adi. 9here arereno&ned mo:ie $esti:als all o:er the countr( the mostreco#niable bein# the $amous San SebastiKnInternational /ilm /esti:al the !Kla#a Spanish /ilm/esti:al the Seminci,DalladolidInternational /ilm/esti:al- the !ostra de Dalencia and the Sit#es /ilm/esti:al the &orlds $oremost international $esti:alspecialiin# in $antas( and horror mo:ies. !usic$esti:als includes theSXnar the /I* the /estimadthe rima:era Sound the *ilbao ** Li:e the!one#ros ;esert /esti:al and the S)S 4." /esti:al.

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