Helm Fall 2010 Newsletter

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  • 8/9/2019 Helm Fall 2010 Newsletter





    ERMIT NO. 432

    State Representative

    Sue HelmO Box 202104arris urg, PA 17120-2104







    Compromise Resulted inNo-Tax-Increase Budget

    The final 2010-11 state appropriations billpprove on June 30 is a compromise amongompeting interests wor ing toget er to meet

    t e nee s o Pennsy vanians.I commen egis ative ea ers or cra ting

    spending plan that requires no tax increasesnd maintains tight control on the states

    urse. As a usiness owner, I un erstant e toug ecisions t at nee to e ma e tonsure everyone invo ve is p ease wit t en resu t. T roug out my pro essiona career,

    I have had to compromise on numerous issuesto advance an idea or proposal that is fair andquita e.

    T e $28.04 i ion spen ing p an is a$202 mi ion 0.7 percent increase over t e2009-10 u get an is $1 i ion ess t an t eovernor asked for in his original proposal. Inddition, the General Assembly was successful

    in oc ing t e governor s tax increaseroposa s, suc as expan ing t e sa es tax toear y a retai purc ases, increasing t e taxn cigarettes, an imposing new taxes on t extraction o natura gas in t e Marce us S a e

    formation and smokeless tobacco products.Its extremely important for the residents

    t e 104t District to un erstan t eomponents o t e 2010-11 state u get.

    A tota o our major pieces o egis ationomprise t e entire u get pac age. O t e

    four bills, I voted in support of one, which isthe actual spending plan, ouse Bill 2279.T is egis ation is simi ar to our own personau gets in w ic we etermine amounts to eai or eac category o expen itures, suc as

    mortgage rent payments, e ectric, water, sewer,reditors, etc.

    Senate Bill 1042, which I voted against,is t e state s Fisca Co e. T is egis ationrovi es t e income to pay or t e expen itures

    in ouse Bi 2279. My NO vote on t is iis a resu t o a commitment wit in t e i to

    udget article continued on page 3...

    Dear Neighbor: As t e summer comes to a c ose, I am ope u t atyou a a won er u season, even t oug we ea t witsevera ot ays. During t e past ew mont s, I aan enjoyable time meeting with constituents, attendinglocal fairs and festivals, and traveling throughout theistrict istening to your t oug ts an concerns.

    W en t e Genera Assem y returns to session, itas severa issues to ea wit y t e en o Novem er,

    w ic is t e constitutiona en to t e 2009-10 session.A major issue is transportation un ing to repair an

    eplace the thousands of miles of roads and bridgesthroughout Pennsylvania. All told, Pennsylvania isin need of nearly $3 billion to address this growingro em. To ing Interstate 80 was to assist wit t is

    s ort a ; owever, t e e era government rejecte t estate s t ir app ication.

    In addition, the taxing of the extraction of naturalgas in the Marcellus Shale formation is sure to be aot topic. During t e 2010-11 u get negotiations, a

    arties agree to ta e t is issue up in t e a . I amope u t at t is issue is a resse ogica y an air yto ensure our environment, in rastructure an taxpayersare adequately protected.

    As the weather prepares to turn cooler, I am hopefulyou will enjoy the remaining part of the year. If I canever e o assistance to you, p ease o not esitate tocon ac me.

    On a si e note, i you are active on Face oo , youcan now follow me at acebook.com/RepHelm. Iave created this page to ensure that I am able toeac out to t ose w o use e ectronic communication;

    owever, I can sti e reac e via e-mai , te ep one, ormy we site at SueHelm.net.

    Sincere y,

    Sue He mState Representative104t District

    Follow Me on FacebookFacebook.com/RepHelm

  • 8/9/2019 Helm Fall 2010 Newsletter


    Public Pension Systems FaceFunding Shortfall

    The state House approved a bipartisan compromisethat would bring about significant changes to the PublicSchool Employees Retirement System (PSERS) and theState Employees Retirement System (SERS), whichcovers more than 500,000 public employees, retirees andlawmakers.

    For more than a year, it has been reported thatsubstantial increases in funding are necessary tokeep both systems solvent for the foreseeable future.

    Although my colleagues and I in the House RepublicanCaucus have been urging legislative action, HouseDemocrat leaders finally heeded our calls to find asolution.

    House Bill 2497, which passed the House on June16, would roll back the changes made to these systemsthat enhanced benefits in 2001 and prevent enormousincreases in school property taxes. After I took office in2007, this issue started moving to the forefront; however,

    many in Harrisburg thought the economy would improveand investment earnings would rise. Unfortunately, the2008-09 recession reversed this course, resulting in theproblem we are currently facing.

    Long-term changes, which will apply only to newhires, included in House Bill 2497 would reduce theyears of service multiplier from 2.5 percent to 2 percent,increase the vesting period from five years to 10 years,increase the retirement age to 65 for most employees,eliminate the lump sum payment option and maintainthe employee contribution rate of 7.5 percent. Thesechanges would also apply to lawmakers.

    Short-term changes that will address the spike inschool district (taxpayer) payments would re-amortizethe total amount of unfunded liabilities over a 30-yearperiod and phase in the increases in employer payments.

    Although school districts would still pay more into PSERS,it will not be as egregious if we were to do nothing.

    Obviously, there is a cost to this proposal. In total, itwill cost nearly $25 billion to reduce short-term costs. Ibelieve this approach is necessary to prevent significantproperty tax increases, especially when Pennsylvaniacitizens cannot afford it. We need to ensure we followthe Constitution and maintain benefits for current

    employees and retirees, but enact changes to controlfuture costs.

    The benefit modifications in House Bill 2497 wouldapply to those who enter PSERS after July 1, 2011; SERSafter Jan. 1, 2011; and those lawmakers who take officeafter Dec. 1, 2010. Due to court rulings against makingchanges to benefits for current employees and retirees,the General Assembly is barred from making changesretroactively.

    I believe House Bill 2497 is a reasonable solutionto a problem that has the potential to severely impact

    taxpayers throughout Pennsylvania.The bill is under consideration in the Senate.

    Legislation Would RevampStates Megans Law Website

    As a resu t o a critica report issue y Au itor GeneraJac Wagner regar ing Pennsy vania s Megans Law we site, Iave introduced legislation that would require the state police

    to ma e c anges to t e we site as recommen e y t eau itor genera .

    Megans Law an its accompanying we site are to assistarents in protecting their children from sex offenders.

    Wit out a re ia e pu ic resource, ami ies are una e tota e t e necessary precautions to ensure t e sa ety o t eirchildren.

    Megan s Law, w ic was enacte in 1995, is name oregan Kan a, w o was ruta y rape an mur ere in

    1994. The perpetrator was a twice-convicted sex offenderw o move across t e street rom er ami y s ome in NewJersey. Her ami y a no now e ge o is past o enses.

    nder the law, the state police are required to maintain au ic registry o convicte sex o en ers. As o June 16,

    t is registry ists more t an 10,000 o en ers t roug out t eCommonwealth.

    T e au itor genera con ucte a specia per ormanceau it o t e we site in 2006, w ic au te t e we site orfailing to provide the public with basic information such asp-to-date photographs and street addresses of registered

    sex o en ers. T e specia report issue on June 22 was afollow-up of the 2006 audit to see how the website improved;it received an overall grade of a C minus.

    I e ieve t is report in icates a ac o attention to t eimportance o t is we site an t e ene t it provi es to t eublic. My legislation would mandate that changes be made

    to t e Megan s Law we site in a time y as ion.As ig ig te in t e au itor genera s specia report, my

    roposal would require:

    A p otograp s to e consistent an a equateso sex o en ers are recognize in c ear y atehotos, including profile views, by the public.

    T e isting o a sexua o enses an e nitionsor w ic t e o en er was convicte or t e

    ublic to identify non-compliant registrants andview t eir pro es.

    Variances in spe ing an punctuation o t ename, a ress an county in t e we site s searc

    feature. A mapping too to permit t e pu ic to see a

    o en ers in a speci e area. Procedures for the state police to identify and

    correct we site ata entry errors. An e-mai noti cation system to provi e pu ic

    notices when an offender moves into a designatedarea or c anges an a ress.

    C i ren are our most precious resource an we neeto take the necessary actions to ensure their safety andsecurity rom t ose w o prey upon t em. I am ope u t att is i wi e swi t y move t roug t e egis ative processto ensure these enhancements are incorporated into the

    egans Law we site.On Aug. 17, t e House Repu ican Po icy Committee

    e a earing at Susque anna Towns ip Hig Sc oo toeview Megans Law

    an t e regu ationsgoverning t e we siteto ensure they arein ine wit w at isequire y current aw.uring the hearing,

    I testi e a out t eimportance o mylegislation and how myroposa wou ma e

    su stantia c anges toennsylvanias website

    or t e ene t oami ies.

    n May, Rep. Sue Helm wasleased to welcome Katie

    (left) Rice and Katelynwoyer (center) to thetate Capitol. Rice and

    woyer are members ofTeam Reflections, which

    s a synchronized iceskating team that was

    ecognized on the Houseoor for winning the silveredal at the United States

    ynchronized Skatinghampionships.

    uring the House Republican Policy Committeeearing at Susquehanna Township High Schooln Aug. 17, Rep. Sue Helm comments on the

    mportance of the Megans Law website.

  • 8/9/2019 Helm Fall 2010 Newsletter


    SADD Student of the YearRecognized

    In June,I welcomedStacey Geyer,

    a residentof WayneTownship and a2010 graduateof Halifax HighSchool, to theHouse chamberto present aHouse citationto her forbeing namedthe 2009-10PennsylvaniaStudents

    AgainstDestructiveDecisions(SADD) Studentof the Year.

    I want to congratulate Stacey for attaining thiswell-deserved recognition. She has proven to bea leader among her peers by encouraging them toparticipate in activities that are beneficial to their

    future and lives.Stacey is the daughter of Steve and Judi Geyer.She has been an active member of her high schoolsStand Tall chapter of SADD since her freshmanyear and most recently served as its president. Inaddition, she was chosen to be a member of theNational Student Leadership Council for SADD duringthe 2009-10 school year.

    I am so proud of Stacey for standing up for whatshe believes in and assuming a leadership role tohelp others. On behalf of the residents of the 104thDistrict, Id like to wish Stacey the best in her future


    Deadline to Apply for PropertyTax/Rent Rebate Program Extended

    The deadline to apply for the states Property Tax/Rent Rebate program for 2009 haseen exten e to Dec. 31, 2010.

    E igi e participants can receive a re ate o up to $650 ase on t eir rent orroperty taxes paid in 2009. The program benefits eligible Pennsylvanians who are 65

    years or o er, wi ows an wi owers 50 years or o er, an t ose 18 years or o er witisa i ities.

    Eligibility income limits are set at the following levels, excluding 50 percent of Social

    Security, Supp ementa Security Income, an Rai roa Retirement Tier 1 ene ts:

    $0 to $8,000, maximum $650 rebate (Homeowners and renters) $8,001 to $15,000, maximum $500 rebate (Homeowners and renters) $15,001 to $18,000, maximum $300 rebate (Homeowners only) $18,001 to $35,000, maximum $250 rebate (Homeowners only)

    T e Property Tax Rent Re ate program is one o many initiatives supporte yt e Pennsy vania Lottery, w ic e icates its procee s to support programs or o erennsylvanians. Since the program began in 1971, more than $4 billion has been paid to

    qua i e app icants.Resi ents are remin e to provi e a t e necessary income, property tax or renta

    information required to process claims quickly and accurately.Property Tax Rent Re ate c aim orms are avai a e y contacting my E iza et vi e

    o ce at 362-1119, or my Susque anna Towns ip o ce at 651-0100. Forms can a so eown oa e on ine y visiting my we site at SueHelm.net.

    vote on a Marce us S a etax y Oct. 1, an a orcee uction in payments

    to t e Pu ic Sc oomployees Retirementystem (PSERS). This

    e uce payment was toe part o re orms to t etates pension systems

    t at are em o ie inouse Bill 2497; however,lthough this bill passed

    t e House on June 16, it isti awaiting action y t eenate.

    ouse Bi 2289,which I voted against, is theill that provides for building

    n construction projects.T is is t e egis ation t atrovi es $10 mi ion or

    t e Senator Ar en Specteribrary in Philadelphia and

    $10 million for the formerongressman Jo n Murt ai rary in Jo nstown. Itequires repeating t at I iot vote or t is egis ation.

    ouse Bi 2290, w icI voted against, increases

    the Commonwealths debtlimit by $600 million.imi ar to o taining are it ine increase orur persona cre it car s,

    this bill increases theommonwealths total debt

    limit from $3.45 billion to$4.05 i ion. O t e $600mi ion in more orrowing,ear y a , or $300

    million, has been directedto Philadelphia by theovernor.

    Compromise Resulted in No-Tax-

    Increase Budgetcontinued frompage 1...

    Rep. Sue Helm presented a House citation toStacey Geyer, a resident of Wayne Townshipand a 2010 graduate of Halifax High School,for being named the 2009-10 PennsylvaniaStudents Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)Student of the Year.

    ep. Sue Helm attendedpening day of Little League at

    nders Park in Penbrook.

    ep. Sue Helm joined Coachob Herman and the Dauphinirecrackers during opening day

    f Middle Paxton Townshipsaseball and softball seasons.

  • 8/9/2019 Helm Fall 2010 Newsletter


    REPRESENTATIVE SUE HELMCapitol Office: 141-A East Wing / PO Box 202104

    Harrisburg, PA 17120-2104Phone: (717) 787-1230 /FAX: (717) 787-7375

    New Website Available for Electric Consumers

    The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) is offering a one-stop shop website for residential, commercialand industrial customers.

    The website includes information about electric shopping, what it is, how to shop and which suppliers areavailable, as well as the PUCs list of competing suppliers and the Office of Consumer Advocates Shopping Guidepricing information. A ZIP-code search feature is also available so consumers can see all suppliers and offers servinga given area.

    For a link to the website and further information about electric rate information, visit my website atSueHelm.net.

    Persian Gulf Conflict VeteransReminded to Apply for Bonus

    Veterans who served on active duty in the Persianulf War during Operations Desert Shield and Deserttorm are reminded to apply for the Persian Gulf Conflict

    Veterans Bonus.T e Pennsy vania Department o Mi itary an

    Veterans A airs o ers t e Pennsy vania Persian Gu

    on ict Veterans Bonus to veterans w o serve onactive duty, including mobilized National Guard andeserve personnel, between Aug. 2, 1990, and Aug. 31,

    1991, with a payment of up to $75 per month for everymont o active Gu War service. Veterans w o receivea Sout west Asia Service Me a an were ega resi entso Pennsy vania at t e time o t eir service are a soeligible for the benefit.

    An additional bonus of $5,000 is available tourviving ami ies o t ose i e in action uring t eame perio .

    For more in ormation on t e Persian Gu Con ict

    Veterans Bonus, visit my we site at ueHelm.netanclick on Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans Bonus.

    New Online ResourceAvailable for Autism


    A ree Internet irectory t at ig ig ts autism-friendly businesses and locations is now available forindividuals and families dealing with autism.

    T e we site, AutismResources.com,waseve ope y Keystone Autism In ormation Systems Inc.,

    un e y a Pennsy vania Department o Community anconomic Deve opment grant attaine in 2008.

    A t oug maintaine y Keystone Autism In ormationSystems, AutismResources.com is also fueled byser feedback to provide recommendations and reviews.

    T ose in t e autism community are we come to s aret eir expertise on t e new site.

    A to - ree num er, 1-877-695-8495, is avai a eor t ose wit out Internet access to request or s areeferrals.

    Visit my website, SueHelm.ne , for a link to theew site.

    Mark Your Calendars: Legislative Events Throughout the District

    September 11 - Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Etching, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Susquehanna Twp. High School parking

    ot, 3500 E merton Avenue in Harris urg. T is event wi e e weat er permitting.October 7 - 4t Annua Senior Expo, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Kevin s P ace, ocate at 105 Main Street in Ly ens.

    December 1 - Elizabethville District Office Open House, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., 16 East Main St. in Elizabethville.

    December 2 - Susque anna Towns ip District O ce Open House, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., 2090 Ling estown Roa in Harris urg.

    Susquehanna Township Office: 2090 Linglestown Road,Suite 100 / Harrisburg, PA 17110

    Phone: (717) 651-0100 / FAX: (717) 651-0801

    Elizabethville Office: 16 East Main Street, Suite #1 /PO Box 559 / Elizabethville, PA 17023

    Phone: (717) 362-1119 / FAX: (717) 362-1009


    Rep. Sue Helm was pleased to welcome artists from the

    Millersburg Area Art Association to the state Capitol. During

    the month of June, art work from the association was on

    display in the Capitols East Wing Rotunda. Pictured with

    Helm are Wendi Mills Wilver, Suzanne P. Murdza, Hildegard

    Stutzman, Dharla Maiden, Joan Roadcap, Rose Runkle, Rose

    Sivar, Linda Clark, Shelly Echeverria, Marjorie Bezubic and

    Linda Deibler.

    ep. Sue Helm presented a certificate toriana Zeager of Millersburg Area Highchool, for being awarded the Comcastoundation Leaders and Achieverscholarship.

    ep. Sue Helm presented a certificateto Morgan Klinger of Upper Dauphin

    Area High School, for being awardedthe Comcast Foundation Leaders andchievers Scholarship.