An Inquiry Ict Inclass

 eLearning Papers • • 1 Nº 20 • July 2010 • ISSN 1887-1542  An inquiry-oriented approach for making the best use of ICT in the classroom  Roser Pintó Casulleras DirectoroftheCen treforResearch onScienceand MathematicsEdu cation(CREC IM) Digna Couso Lagarón Researcherat theCentreforRese archinScien ceandMathematics Education(CR ECIM) María Isabel Hernández Rodríguez Researchassi stantattheCentreforR esearchinSci enceandMathe maticsEducation (CRECIM)  Summary Many decades af ter the in tro duct ion of ICTs in to scie nce cl assr ooms, there ar e sti ll many unanswer ed questi ons ab out the impact tec hn ol og y ha s in stu dent s’ lear ni ng . This ar ti cl e addresses thegeneral question:“WhatICTsarethemostuseful,andhowcanthey contribu te to bet ter lea rni ng in the sci enc e cla ssr oom?” We con cei ve ICTs as too ls that can enh ance parti cular lear ning situa tions orenvironments, and inthis sens e,this articleelaborateson the mostappropriatetechnologies forparticularlearning environmentsanddi scussesinwhatorder, andwithwh atpurpose,thesetechn ologiesshould beused. Th e fi rst part of this ar ti cl e hi ghli gh ts the most common ly us ed te ch no lo gi es in scie nce classrooms,reviewingtheuniqueopportunitiestheyofferthatwouldnotbepossibleotherwise.  Af ter discussing the pot ent ial (or lack thereof) of the se technologies, the second part of the articlepresentsaproposalforusingsomeoftheminaspecificpedagogicalcontext:aninquiry- based learni ng cyclefor laborator y wor k. The mainaim of the pro pos al prese nted hereis to discusshowacertainteachingandlearningapproach,suchasinquiry-basedlearning,anda certainteachingandlearningsituation,suchasschoollaboratorywork,canbeenrichedbythe use of ICTs. Finall y, a detailed exampl e of how specific ICTs are used in laboratory work sessionswithan inquiryapproach isalsoexplained .Thispracticalcase comesfromaresearch- basedactivitysequenceonkinematicsanddynamicsdevelopedforsecondaryschoolstudents withintheframeworkofthelocalprojectREVIR. Keywords :learning,research,secon daryschool,Informa tionandCommun icationTechnolo gies (ICT),laboratorywork,inquiryapproach Introduction Theinformationsocietyinwhichweareimmersedrequiresorimposestheuseoftechnologies inall ambit s. Thes etechnolo gieshavechange d andcontin uechangin g oureveryd aylivesas regards communication among indi vi du al s, and the use, development and pr ocessi ng of information.Theschoolcannotberemovedfromthisreality.Onthecontrary,itshouldlookfor themeanstoat tainthemaximumbenefitfromsuchtechnologiesforstudents’learning.OCDE (20 01) alr ead y hig hli ghted thr ee mai n reason s to inc lude Inf ormati on and Commu nic ati on tech no lo gi es (I CTs) in ed ucat io n: ec on omi c, so ci al an d pe da go gi cal. Th e pe da go gi ca l

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