Pracrical education based augmented reality with hologram

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Pracrical education based augmented reality with hologram


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Beyond ET


I. Introduction 1. Reasons for selecting target

2. Problems of middle school education

3. Solving problems with Hologram

II. Body 1. Classes

2. Subjects

1) Physical Education

2) Science

3) Foreign Languages

4) Mathematics

5) Art

6) Special Lecture

III.Conclusion 1. Expecting Results

2. Consideration for Long-term Application


Beyond ET

1. Reasons for selecting target

Since students graduated from elementary school, the outlook of adult start to appear on

middle school students. They physically reach at puberty and mentally get ready to accept

higher knowledge. However, it is still too early to say they are fully matured. They are different

from high school students in intelligence. They form their knowledge by experience something

and study concrete materials rather than receive cognitive instruction. Also, middle school

students are interested in using new technologies so they are called “early adopter.” It is nec-

essary to use diverse technologies to encourage students’ interest and to organize instruction

more actively.

2. Problems of middle school education

There are four problems to solve in current middle school education. First, class has limited

educational tool and physical limitation so it can’t fully reflect important element “reality” in

instruction. Second, it is difficult to continue study in house after class because school and

house are separated. Third, current way of instruction delivers information unilaterally. One

instructor deliver knowledge and many students accept it passively. Fourth, there is difference

between instructors and learners. They are different in capability of using tools. Learners are

ready to adapt new educational technologies and have ability to use diverse technologies.

However, many instructors are not ready to accept many new technologies. Many of them can’t

follow the speed of change. So classes provided by these unprepared instructors can’t attract

learners’ interest and organize class effectively.

3. Solving problems with Hologram

Constructor must focus on reality when they construct future educational environment. It is

important to change unpractical education to realistic education. Also, four problems of current

education must be solved. Improving class environment by using diverse technologies and

solving limitation of physical environment by connecting school and house are required. And

also class should be active, free and interesting. In order to achieve them, reflecting reality and

accepting new technologies are needed. To fulfill this, the three dimensional hologram tech-

nology will be the key point to materialize the augmented reality. Since the visualization of this

can meet the degree of the real world, students can experience of the actual practice in the


I. Introduction


Beyond ET

Practical uses of augmented reality in the future educational environment

: Scene by scene

- Classes

- Subjects (PE, Science, Foreign Languages, Math, Art, Special courses)

1. Classes (1) Present problems

Current middle school class environment can be criticized that it can’t afford students’ com-

munication fluently. Elementary schools implement more sensory classes so they can educate

students openly. However, in middle school, the entrance of formal operational stage, desks

are arranged toward front so it is not enough to attract students’ attention and stimulate interest.

Also equipments of class are scarce so it cannot lead instruction interesting. In addition to that

during classes using computer, students who didn’t receive computer can’t participate in

classes as they want. This report suggests many tools and new environment in order to solve

these problems and make learning better.

(2) Blueprint

First, in future class there are round shaped desks so learners can see each other because

communication is important factor of education.

II. Body


Beyond ET

Second, instructor can organize instruction more effectively by using holograms which are

installed in each desk. The existing blackboards don’t have enough equipment that can show

pictures or diagrams. Instructors have to write on blackboard directly and roll down the screen

to show visual materials. So in the future they can show visual materials and writing together

by using digital blackboard.

Third, students can arrange and organize their learning because notepads are given to each

student. So learning will become more active.

- (No.① in the picture) Hologram.

Holograms are fundamental technology in education based on reality. Instructors provide

virtual reality that is similar to real world. For example, when students study the inside of the

volcano they can use holograms to see it in geography class. Holograms can provide infor-

mation vividly and exactly. Students can understand the structure of volcano easily by using

these realistic three-dimensional objects. They can see the process of explosion and move-

ment of power. These visualizing strategies not only help students to understand but also at-

tract students’ attention. It can provide the procedures so students can organize their story of


- (No.② in the picture) Digital Blackboard.

Digital blackboards are connected with notepad and Internet. Instructors can arrange visual

materials and audio materials as they want. These functions solve the limitation of equipment.

- (No.③ in the picture) Group hologram.

While one hologram that instructor use is for whole students, there are holograms for each

group. Students can repeat some part of learning where they cannot understand. Also they can

make it bigger or smaller to see. In addition, these holograms can be used in teamwork. They

provide chance of cooperation to students.

- (No.④ in the picture) Notepad.

Students can take note with it. Notepads are provided to each student and they contain

various educational information such as materials which instructor suggest. So learners can

organize their note themselves.

- (No.⑤ in the picture) Bulletin board.

Bulletin boards contain not only the official notice but also information that students think

important. It is digital so modification and posting are convenient.

- (No.⑥ in the picture) Structure of desks.

The holograms are important but the open structure of class is also important. In future class

there are round shaped desks so learners can see each other. Learners can communicate with

each other and instructor. This structure can reinforce intimacy and communication so stu-

dents can experience social collaboration in advance. It is important because it is difficult to live

alone in society. People have to work with other even if they don’t know in some case. Thus

grouping improves students’ cooperation ability and promotes exchange.


Beyond ET

2. Subjects

1) Physical Education

(1) Current problems

Today’s physical education classes progress simply : the teacher shows an example of what

the students learn that day, and they imitate the teacher. The problem in this progression is that

it does not take into account the difference of physical ability and cognitive ability of each stu-

dent, It means that if there is a learning gap among students, it takes very long time to figure

out what the problem is and solve it, because only one teacher should deal with dozens of

students at the same time. Therefore, the teacher cannot help the each student in personal.

(2) Blueprints

- Physical education with hologram images

The hologram image can be used for physical education in three step when students imitate

certain movement .

- First Step (No.① in the picture) : Providing actual movements with hologram one to many

The teacher shows the whole body images at hand, and after most of students understand

them, the teacher show the students detail movements and positions of certain body part such

as hands, ankles and shoulders. All of the hologram images which is projected by the device

can be zoomed in or zoomed out easily with hands. So the teacher can emphasize by in-

creasing the images that the teacher thinks important or distract by decreasing the images


Beyond ET

what the teacher thinks less important. This will make the students more interested in the class

and focus the key points.

- Second Step (No.② in the picture) : Personal learning with the hologram

Students imitate what their teacher showed with hologram projector in front of the class, but

some students may have problems keeping up with the teaching speed. Students who have a

great capability of physical field can understand and imitate the images and even practice in

actual, but the others who have lack of capability of physical field may not be able to imitate the

movement or even understand the images. In this kind of situation, students who do not com-

prehend what they are learning can use personal hologram projector which the school have

furnished in each class room (or the gym). Using this personal hologram devices, students can

check the synchronization rate between themselves and and ideal poses.

Also, the artificial intelligence which is the network base of hologram continuously notify the

weak point of the students. This helps students review and learn independently, so improves

self-directed learning. In this point, the personal hologram system can be effective and com-

pensative educational device.

- Third Step : Home review with hologram

Lastly, students practice additional review what they learned in school with hologram projec-

tors which is equipped in the each house. (That is because the hologram projectors will be very

common in the future.)


Beyond ET

2) Science

(1) Current problems

Today’s science education has a limitation of analog environment. All equipments which is

provided to the students are hard desk, chair and closed, small laboratory. And even students

cannot practice their own experiment because the science equipments are not enough to

supply all students. Students have many problems to understand abstract notion of science

facts or processes such as the law of inertia or molecular structures without anything to visu-

alize or experience those things. Also, even though the school equipped every single experi-

mental devices in their laboratory, it is totally different issue to do actual experiment with nu-

merous dangers in reality.

(2) Blueprints

- (No. ① in the picture) Science experiment with hologram technology

Three dimensional hologram images motivate students to participate the experiments by

arousing their interests. This hologram images can provide the structure of tiny atom by

zooming in. This increasing & decreasing technology helps students understand invisible

things which are too tiny to see in human eyes.

And visualization of abstract notion can help students to understand about science. For ex-

ample, teaching the law of inertia, the teacher can show students the power currency with the

hologram. Since the presented hologram is tangible, all the virtual devices can be touched and

moved with students hands just like the real thing. This gives students safe experimental en-


Beyond ET

vironment. Unlike the real experiments containing various dangers which occur physically such

as alcohol lamps, acid solutions and unexpected mistakes, the virtual experiments show im-

ages of all equipments that are just fakes. There will be no danger of burning, melting or cutting

because the whole environment is virtual reality. It doesn’t mean virtual experiment is not ef-

fective as actual experiments. Students can learn the exact same feeling of doing real practice

because the hologram images are tangible and realize nature world as same as it is.

Last, those virtual experiments can maintain the value neutrality of science because virtual

experiments does not require real living things such as little rabbits or mice. Students do not

have to kill small living creatures in their dissection class. There will be no dispute of ethical

legitimacy of dissection experiment.

- Using smart board

From the picture, you can find a board which is display information. It is the exact same device

equipped in the classroom. Students can note on the desk with their fingers or the pen which is

designed for the smart board and all of the text will be stored in the school database. They can

relocate and edit the texts easily with their fingers.

After an experiment is over, all the contents and information learned in the experiment will be

sent to every students ‘ personal computer, so they can actively review what they learned. This

will diminish students the burden of writing all things. And eventually, it will stimulate students

study science much more interestingly.


Beyond ET

3) Foreign Languages

(1) Current problems

In current foreign language conversation classes, one teacher should handle many students

as in other classes. There is inevitable spatial and temporal limitations. All students cannot get

enough time to practice free conversation with real foreigners. To overcome this problem, there

are some internet based conversation program today, but the reactions of computer programs

are so limited that it is not helpful to actual conversation in the real world. Moreover it is too

boring to continue the conversation with computer because it does not have any other stimulus

except flat audio sounds.

(2) Blueprints

- (No.① in the picture) Personal hologram conversation

This device provide one on one conversation to a student. It can visualize a human being, so

students feel comfortable as converse with actual human being. And this conversation pro-

gram has a huge database of expressions and artificial intelligence, so that it can react what-

ever students ask or talk about. to be specific with the massive amount of information and high

intelligence, the programmed react all conversation in textbook and even random conversa-

tion, so students can talk with the hologram very naturally. It means that students experience

real conversation as talk with foreigners. Also this system motivates the students’ interests

because it was human shape.

- (No.② in the picture) Using smart board

The smart board senses points of students and display the key point of the conversation. As

like other smart board, all information that students wrote in the class is stored and able to

share students’ personal computers. Linkaging with artificial intelligence, the hologram keep

asking questions which are related to weak points of students. So students can keep practicing

their weak parts. And the teacher can access to this database. All of the information will be

helpful for teaching students personally.


Beyond ET

- (No.③ in the picture) Microscopic earphones

Students barely find they are in a closed classroom with this microscopic earphones because

they are very small and light. They provide very natural environment to converse, so students

who learned with this earphones will feel comfortable when they are in foreign language

conversation in the real world.


Beyond ET

4) Mathematics

(1) Current problems

Mathematics is a study that improves the base of all logical thoughts. To maintain standard

ability of mathematics, it requires repetitive effort to solve problems and comprehension of

right solutions. There would be no problem if the students do what they should do (such as

homework). But mathematics is a do abstract that some students who has no concept of

shapes or formulations have trouble following the class. For instance, in today’s classes,

teacher draw simple graphs to make students understand trigonometric function, but those

are not enough to express the relation between figures and the graphs. Therefore , students

should figure out the relation by themselves. It is, however, very difficult to figure out the

concept for middle school students who are not intellectually mature as adults.

(2) Blueprint

4-dimensional class using an electric board

(An electric board that is used in this class is identical with the electric board which described

before.) By using an electric board (personal computer), students can find the various shapes

of figures in diagram. Students who have the concept of space can imagine the three-

dimensional shapes of figures, but most students can't imagine them. Teachers explain the

parts that students can't understand by using an electric board and make students to have the


Beyond ET

concretion of abstract concepts. By using this method, students who don't have the concept

of space will learn easily. Also, holograms that are set up in each student's desks will make

students to find the answer of what they don't know, and make them to draw actively on ab-

stract graphs.


Beyond ET

5) Art

(1) Current Problems

In present middle school art class, there aren't many classes that is really dedicated to 'art'

alone. Also, materials that is need in the art class can't be provided in the school. So, students

have to prepare them. But there are students who can't prepare them because of their fi-

nancial difficulties. Public schools should solve these problems but they don't have much

money, too. However, art does prosper our lives and students should learn art to learn crea-

tivity and imagination. Therefore, students should be provided various materials. Break from

present systems, government should consider new technologies and medias.

(2) Blueprint

- (No. ① in the picture) By using hologram, students learn the harmony of colors and the

methods to draw pictures. Students don't have to learn by practicing in the palette. They

actively decide what colors should be mixed with decided quantities. They can learn the

various harmony of colors by practicing easily, not with memorizing the harmony of colors.

- (No.② in the picture) Also, students can experience various equipments that are used in the

art class. They can learn textures of Writing brush-pen, charcoal, pastel and etc. through

hologram not by buying them

- Students can learn various methods that are used in the art class easily by using hologram.

For example, students can learn perspective through individual feedbacks and teaching. It

can be called as one to one, custom made lesson to each students.


Beyond ET

6) Special Lectures

(1) Current Problems

Holograms can be used in special lectures. In current middle schools, guest speakers present

various educations like practicing fire-fighting procedures, sex education, etc. Or lectures that

were taken in the past are broadcasting in special lecture time. Of course, these methods can

save time and space. But a lecturer should meet lots of students, and students don't listen

carefully his or her lecture because the lecture is too boring. The lecture is too unilateral.

(2) Blueprint

Special Lectures with Network based Hologram

- Holograms include the video chatting not just video itself. Holograms can connect the

speakers that are in the half the globe away and make students communicate with each other

through the networks that are linked. Students can learn direct, useful information by asking

what they are curious about and get the exact answers from experts. These school based

holograms are linked to other institutions. These networks are certainly beyond the limits of

time and space, and prevent the isolation of humans in digital society.

- Holograms are technologies that are used in virtual world although they exactly show the

presence of guest speakers. It means that anything could be actualized in the virtual world.

For example, fire-fighting procedures can be practiced by firefighter in his or her fire station

through network based hologram. If the firefighter wants to explain instructions of fire extin-

guisher, they can make virtual fire in the virtual world. The fire fighter doesn't have to make

real fire or show complicated drawings. Students can learn horror of fire and the emergency


Beyond ET

state by feeling the hotness and brightness of virtual fire. Of course, the firefighter can extin-

guish the virtual fire. It could be new problem-based education that is not actualized in the


- Students can make notes of lectures of lecturers by using each notepads that are built in the

desks. These notes are transported to students' personal computers. Students who are slow

in their notes, can use function of automatic writing, which is oral-based writing.


Beyond ET

1. Expecting Results

It could be supplements to actualization which lacks in current educational system. Through

holograms, teachers can have realistic class and students would apply what they learned in

the class more easily. Also, teachers can provide their class more effectively through an

electric board and the hologram technology. Students can actively arrange and make struc-

tures of what they learn by using personal notepads. Finally, by having networks that linked

schools and homes, learning can be occurred beyond the limits of physical space. Student

can have lessons from their own homes.

The ultimate purposes of all these practice is realization of augmented reality in the virtual

world. The class will be much more refined and specific compared to current class. It will

provide the exact same environment with the real world to the students in the classroom. So

the students can apply what they had learned in classroom and expect high level of

achievement. Not only the practical experiences, the augmented reality with hologram also

provide safe educational environments. Students will not need to be exposed to a dangerous

environment to perform some activities because they can do all or them in the virtual world.

Consequently, this technology will bring a huge change to the classroom design and the

educational methods. Classroom will be open in the way that students can see the hologram

more easily and clearly. Also students are grouped to discuss their ideas with classmates with

the hologram projector. The educational method will become customized to each student.

Students can study in their own speed and check their weak parts much more intensely and

repetitively with their own smart computers.

2. Consideration for Long-term Application

Holograms using augmented reality are certainly beyond the limits of physical space like

classrooms, and these technologies will be important in future middle-school education.

However, to make these technologies as long-term and universal application, there should be

the definite understanding of its side effects. The most serious problem that can occur is the

blurriness of real world and virtual world. Middle school students are already matured physi-

cally, yet they are not matured enough psychologically. If holograms are spread with

thoughtlessness, there will be students who can't adapt to the real world.

To make these technologies as useful, teachers should provide lessons to make students

assort the real world and virtual world. Augmented reality using holograms should be equip-

ments for high-quality education, can't be the real world. To make students assort the real

world and virtual world, schools should provide lots of lessons, too. It can be a solution to

make the holograms a little bit strange that the real world. There should be lots of discussions

about these problems.
