Plans for Photo-shoot

Post on 06-Feb-2016

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Plans for Photo-shoot

Transcript of Plans for Photo-shoot

Plans for Photo-shoots Theme

The theme of my photo-shoot is going to be winter so my model will be wearing thick warm looking clothes.


I will take all my photos in 2 days and those days will be Saturday the 24th of January and Sunday the 25th of January depending on the weather on those days.


The model I will use is James Wood


Image 1 – Onesie, Slippers

Image 2 – Thick Shoes, Jeans, Long Sleeve shirt, Winter Coat

Image 3 – Thick shoes, Jeans, T-shirt, Fleece, Hat


Image 1 – Inside the Models house

Image 2 – On a street corner

Image 3 – In an alleyway


Trespassing: Trespass: can be defined as an unauthorized interference with a person’s possession of land. It is the direct invasion of possession which is actionable, thus, once the invasion has been proved, it is for the defendant (the person committing the invasion) to justify his actions.

This applies to my campaign because when I take my photos I must not make sure I’m not on any private land and if I am on land that is not owned by the council I must have permission off the land owner.

Intellectual Property rights: Intellectual property (IP) rights are legally recognized exclusive rights to creations of the mind. Under intellectual property laws, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets rights are legally recognized exclusive rights to creations.

This applies to my campaign because I must use my own ideas for my photos and not use anybody else’s style of photography.


Representation: In my photo-shoot I must make sure I respect each group of British society and not offend any part of my audience with the pictures I will take. I must make sure my model is not doing anything derogatory that could offend my audience. I also have to represent other clothing brands fairly this includes the clothes my model will be wearing for the photo-shoot and not discredit them.