Mz sdl-130917

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We need to talk about Twitter presentation from Social Developers London

Transcript of Mz sdl-130917

We need to talk about Twitter @socdevlonSeptember 2013

Angus FoxSocial Developers London@nuxnix

This talk draws on information from but is in no way endorsed by Twitter Corporation #justsaying

Twitter API newsThe first place to start is at

SSL Streaming


API 1.0 retired

Embedded Tweet


>32bit user ID’s

Streaming SSL certificate updates

November 4, 2013 SSL certificates - root certificate will change to

Verisign G3▪ ▪

The certificate is already signed against the Verisign G3 root, so clients currently connecting to this domain already have the appropriate root certificates installed

More Info

Accounts with user Ids >32 bits

Use two test accounts with large Ids: @64Flavors (ID: 4503597479886593)

and @Overflow64 (ID: 4503599627370241). They’ve been set up to Tweet every 10

minutes, generating experimental data for both the REST and Streaming APIs

Headlines tell the story behind the Tweet

New feature for publishers using Embedded Tweets that connects articles about the Tweet with the Tweet itself.

Related Headlines

API v1 Retirement is Complete

If you still have not updated your app and you want people to be able to continue using it, it’s not too late!

What now for Twitter?IPO announcement repercussions

Continuing ‘wider’ issues

IPO confirms Twitters intent

Narrow use cases

Potential issues for


Old school and new school

Alternatives Diaspora*

Continuing issues with Twitter

Privacy users can broadcast sensitive personal information to anyone

who views their public feed. privacy options can sometimes compromise personal information. On centralized services, where all of the information flows

through one point user information has sometimes been exposed to governments and courts without the prior consent of the user

usually through subpoenas or court orders. ▪

Security there is potential for sensitive information to be publicized includes information which may be subject to a superinjunction

Integration Corporate and government culture needs to change to recognise

the change already in place in interpersonal culture

IPO confirms Twitters intent

Narrow use case for twitter apps

Consumption of information about people or brands which post updates on Twitter

Interacting with brands as a kind of support network

A brand and celebrity ghetto

The odd spark of live events

Potential issues for developers No open development partner program No Transparency on the monetization strategy for

twitter Twitter cannot be assumed to be benevolent, has adopted

an embrace, extend and extinguish strategy towards third parties

Expect charges and fees Expect less user data privacy No Service Level Agreement for uptime, feeds No community code of conduct No community governance process to twitter API No community process to innovations in twitter

technogies No Independent adjudication for twitter id disputes

Old school and new school alternatives


Instant messaging IRC Email? Text messages? /

iMessage / BBM Google Facebook Linked-In


APP.NET Diaspora Enterprise social

software Connections Jive SharePoint

APP.NETYour Passport to Great Applications

APP.NET Alpha looks like Twitter is not twitter makes building social apps easier Out of the box social platform and API

A framework of built-in functionality ▪ user profiles▪ following/follower▪ public and private messaging▪ content streams▪ sharing for video, audio, and images▪ Geolocation

App Directory One ID, sustainable platform

without advertising

Diaspora*Decentralisation, Freedom, Privacy

Diaspora* looks like twitter

Diaspora* is not twitter

Use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on other major social services. This way your friends will still be able to keep in touch with what you’re up to, even if they’re not yet on diaspora*. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts, with more to come.

Tent / Cupcake looks like Twitter

Tent is a protocol, Cupcake an implementation

Activity stream (Brand/Fan) Pages Like button Hashtag Groups Reblogging Polling Internet petitions

Tent is not Twitter

Before the sponsored updates. Before the terms of service changed. Before data stopped being private. Before we sold our memories. Before we forgot our rights. Before everything that made media Less social and more cynical, There was one simple idea: Our lives are our own. What we share and who we share it with, Our memories, our secrets, Our lives are our own. That idea is important So we’re going back to before. And in going back to before, We’re going forward. Tent. Going back to forward.

All your data in one place that you control

Tent is a protocol that puts users back in control. Users should control the data they create, choose who can

access it, and change service providers without losing their social graph.

Tent is a protocol, not a platform. Like email, anyone can build Tent apps or host Tent servers, all Tent servers can talk to each other, and there is no central authority to restrict users or developers.

Tent helps you keep all your data in one place that you control. You can choose a hosting provider or run your own server. If you want to move hosts later your data and relationships come with you.

With Tent you can put data back in the hands of your users, leaving you to focus on what you're best at: designing and building applications. There is no central authority to cut off API access. You deal only with your users, directly.

Place your bets

Users Type Lifecycle Opinion

Twitter 200,000,000 (Feb 13)

Apache License, Version 2.0

Pre IPO Brand and Celebrity Ghetto 100,000 (March 13)

Private Service

Stable Developer ghetto

Diaspora* 405,000 (Sept 13)

AGPLv3, MIT Stable Unknown

GNU Social (

Unknown GNU Affero Stable In decline Unknown BSD Preview New

Adjusted in part from :

Thank youPresentations are available from Slideshare
