Horror movie poster analysis

Post on 15-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Horror movie poster analysis

Horror movie poster analysis

The main essence of this poster is the blood dripping fromthe wall; the blood that is dripping from the wall is Formed into a face which could be ‘the spirit’ .

The tag line of this is ‘Once you see him, nothing can save you.’ which is wrote under the title and it portrays the fact that once you’ve seen the spirit there is no getting out/ being saved from it.

At the top of the poster ,from the producer of ‘paranormal activity’ and ‘insidious’ , is written this often makes the audience intrigued to see the movie if they have seen and/or heard of the two movies that the producer is also famous for and thought it was a good movie.The colour of the room is very desaturated but the colour that is most prevalent is red. Red has connotations of blood and violence.

The colour which is most prevalent is red, the colours on this poster are quite desaturated; her face is washed out her and her lips are a light shade of pink.

The red in this poster has connotations of blood and violence.The tag line says You will know her name’ extenuates the fact that she is the main character and her name is mentioned a lot throughout the movie.

The website for the film is written next to the release date, this is written in very small text so it doesn’t steal attention from the main factors like the tag line and the film title. The website is mostly always stated on the poster because the people who are interested in the movie can go to the website to find out more information about the film.This film has used a female as the main victim as it follows the stereotype of females being more weaker than men and that they are more vulnerable.

In the title the three I’s are in red this represents that its is the third film.

The strip of light that down one fraction of her body implies that someone has just opened the door/came into her room.

She is portrayed as the stereotypical vulnerable young woman as she is in her room, wearing minimal clothing and is a young female; in horror movies they normally use women as the victim as they are weaker than men and they are a lot more vulnerable. The light makes her eye a big feature which shows vulnerability, and it can make it seem like she is looking at someone. I think there is element of allusion to The Edgar Allan Poe story the tell tale heart.The strap line that is under the title ‘The darkest chapter goes back to the beginning’ makes the audience believe that out of all 3 of the movies this one is the scariest and it tells you that the trilogy of the movies aren’t in order and that actually chapter3 is actually chapter1.

The main essence of this poster is the doll, there is a light shining down on the doll showing the features of the dolls face.

In this poster the doll is crying blood which could show the doll is destressed or upset; this gives the doll a human like feature this gives the impression that the doll will come to life at one point in the movie.

The title of poster is written in capitals and in red, red has connotations of blood and violence and usually represents death.

The main writing on the poster is ‘before The Conjuring there was Annabelle’ this entices the audience who have already seen The Conjuring to then go and see the film ‘Annabelle’ as this film is a sequel to it and it then explains what happened before The Conjuring.

The release date for the film isn’t a specific date, ‘coming soon’ which shows that this is a teaser poster the element of a teaser poster is that it gets an audience’s interests and curiousity from an early stage.

The poster focuses on the dark misé-en-scéne which show general horror conventions.

In the title the word ‘house’ is wrote the biggest and in red rather than the rest of the title which is written in white. The red of the word ‘house’ has connotations of blood, violence and death. The word ‘house’ is also more destressed and looked as if someone/something has put there hands on the word which could suggest there is something unpleasant in the house.

The tag line ‘if bad people hurt someone you love, how far would you go to hurt them back?’ is quite effective and powerful as it is a rhetorical question directed at the audience, which gets the audience involved in the film.

The whole poster is black which implies danger and the main essence to the poster is the house and the red of the word house is very prevelant, the poster really exaggerates the house which shows that the house is the main part of the movie.

In the poster, the boy is sitting in the centre of the poster in a narrow, confined space. The colours in the poster are de-saturated and dull.

The title is written in a child-like font to emphasise the fact the movie will be based on a young child, the font also looks as if it has been scratched which could show that there will be an animalistic demon in the film.

At the bottom of the poster ‘follow his rules this January’ is wrote, this is telling you the release date but it is also a play on what is happening throughout the movie.

‘Every child needs to feel loved.’ on the poster is a very simple tag line but in the context of the poster it is very effective; it makes it seem like in the movie the child isn’t getting the love it needs and because of that something bad will happen in the course of the movie.

The boy in the poster looks very realistic but from the trailer I know that he is actually a doll this could show that during the film the boy can have human features which could lead to him doing things that an average doll isnt able to do.