Search results for Tumblr: Explained - nyu. · PDF fileTumblr: Explained Tumblr is a blogging platform that enables you to easily share the content you love with the world. Unlike other blogging platforms,

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1. -창의적인자기표현을위한글로벌플랫폼텀블러 -텀블러는유저의언론의자유를지지하고보호한다 -무엇이든쉽게공유가가능 (글텍스트,사진,인용,링크,음악,브라우저,전화,바탕화면,전자우편)…

1. Vea Cariño Bachelor in Secondary Education University of Santo Tomas 2. Short Background of Tumblr • Defined by wikipedia - is a microblogging platform and social networking…

1. ¿QUÉ ES? • Es una plataforma de microblogging que permite a sus usuarios publicar textos, imágenes, vídeos, enlaces, citas y audio a manera de tumblelog. Su sede…

1. Tumblr. 2. ¿De que trata?  Pagina para ‘divertirse’  Imágenes  Música  Frases 3. Algunos ejemplos. 4. Cuentas. Crear una cuenta de Tumblr…

1. Tumblr 2. What others are doingRolling Stone - 3. The Atlantic - 4. UTNE Reader -…

1. Tumblr TutorialPHIL 139 - Technologies of 2. What is Tumblr?A quick, easy way topost and sharemultimedia contentThink: combination…

1. Tutoriel TUMBLREtape 1 : SinscrireAllez sur puis cliquez sur le bouton Inscription en haut à droite de votre écran. 1. Indiquez votre email 2. Indiquez un…

1. MILLENNIALSCONSUMERBEHAVIOR (OCD)TUMBLR 2. Adding anotherlevel to thetravelexperience byproviding uniquecontent. 3. Adding anotherlevel to thetravelexperience byproviding…

Tema tumblr

{block:ifrainbowlinks} {/block:ifrainbowlinks} {Title} {block:Description}{/block:Description} iframe#tumblr_controls {right:3px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:vertical { background-color:#030303;…

“A space in between Twitter and Facebook”, Mr. Coatney@Tumblr 10 Reasons why hoteliers should start micro-blogging by Eeling @ddih 10 reasons why hoteliers should use…

1. · Plataforma de microblogging que permite a sus usuarios publicar y compartir textos (de alrededor de 140 caracteres), imágenes vídeos, enlaces, citas y audio.Ejemplo…

43 · A year changes you a lot. · Actions always prove why words mean nothing. · Years, lovers, glasses of wine. These are things that must never be counted. · I have…

Begin forwarded message: From: Amanda Williams Date: 16 November 2011 12:12:21 PM AEDT Subject: sleepover {Title}{block:PostSummary} · {PostSummary}{/block:PostSummary}…

{Title}{block:SearchPage} | {lang:Search results for SearchQuery}{/block:SearchPage}{block:PostSummary} | {PostSummary}{/block:PostSummary} #installtheme, #tumblr_controls{…

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Tumblr Talk Tumblr Talk How To Speak Tumblr   You have an account…NOW WHAT?! So you have a Tumblr account. You have a few friends but it’s not enough so you ‘follow’…

Tumblr Profits 2 Contents Can You Really Make Money on Tumblr ....................................................................................................... 3 How…