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Page 1: How my magazine appeals to target audience

How my magazine appeals to my target audience

Emily Turner

Page 2: How my magazine appeals to target audience

The colours I have used red, white, black and grey on my front cover, The reason I have chosen these colours is because they are conventional to an Indie magazine and so these would typically appeal to my target audience. This is clear to me, as I found this from my feedback from my target audience.I have used the colour red and black because they show Indie connotations of elegance and power, which is obviously linked to my genre so would appeal to my target audience.

I have used the colour red as it is typically used on Indie genre magazines as it brings images and text to the foreground therefore making it easier to read, Red is also a colour of strength, power and leadership. This red is also seen as a feminine colour, which also links into the fact that I have unconventionally used all females throughout my magazine although from feedback I have found out that my magazine is female leaning.

-Colours on front cover-

Page 3: How my magazine appeals to target audience

I have used the colour black as again it is typically used in Indie magazines, black is also associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery. Although it portrays a negative connotation, I am trying to portray formality, elegance, power and mystery throughout my magazine.I have also used white throughout my magazine which is usually seen in Indie magazines. White is associated with light, It is considered to be the colour of perfection.As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a successful beginning this is why it would appeal to my target audience. The use of these colours also helps me to create a house style which allows the reader to make a comparison between the pages, The use of colour on mise-en-scene is used in the outfits worn by the artists. Usually black as it does not distract the attention away from the artist.

-Colours on front cover-

Page 4: How my magazine appeals to target audience

-Colours on Contents page-

I have used some of the same colours which are contrasting on my Contents page, I have used red and black, The reason I have chosen these colours is because they are conventional to an Indie magazine and so these would appeal to my target audience. I found this from my feedback from my target audience.I have used the colour red and black because they show Indie connotations of elegance and power, which is obviously linked to my genre so would appeal to my target audience.

I have used the colour red as it is used in Indie magazines as it brings images and text to the foreground therefore making it easier to read, I have also used it to highlight important information and it makes everything stand out. Red is also a colour of strength, power and leadership. This red is also seen as a feminine colour, which also links into the fact that I have unconventionally used all females throughout my magazine although from feedback I have found out that my magazine is female leaning.The black used on my contents also allows features to stand out and when used on the headline, draws your eye to it.

Page 5: How my magazine appeals to target audience

-Colours on Double page spread-

Again I have used some of the same colours Double page spread, I have used red and black. White also contrasts with the red on the image I have used. The reason I have chosen these colours is because they are conventional to an Indie magazine and so these would appeal to my target audience. I found this from my feedback from my target audience.I have used the colour red and black because they show Indie connotations of elegance and power, which is obviously linked to my genre so would appeal to my target audience.The black text stands out and is easy to read. I have used the colour red as it is used in Indie magazines as it brings images and text to the foreground therefore making it easier to read, In this case the image is very edgy and appeals to my target audience as it is different. It stands out on the page, it also links to the red used on my stand first which also stands out. Red is seen as a colour of power and leadership. This red is also seen as a feminine colour, which also links into the fact that I have unconventionally used all females throughout my magazine although from feedback I have found out that my magazine is female leaning.The black used on my contents also allows features to stand out and when used on the headline, draws your eye to it.

Page 6: How my magazine appeals to target audience

-Fonts on front cover-

The fair majority of my font cover includessans serif fonts, although my front cover features amixture of fonts, I chose this as it is more appealing to my target audience and this is most commonly used. The reason is because it connotes elegance and sophistication therefore it appeals to my target audience as this is what they expect to see in a real production in this genre. I have used different sized fonts for my masthead, cover lines and main cover line to draw attention to masthead/main cover line as it is in the biggest size. Overall, my fonts used would be seen as conventional because they are typical to the genre and link as they are seen as cool and sophisticated.This also links in with my house style as I have used the same or similar fonts throughout my magazine.I feel that the dominant use of sans serif fonts will appeal to my target audience as this is what they want to see. Having bold fonts allows features of the page stand out, also having a varied use to both fonts will appeal to them as it still allows it to stand out but relates to the fact that my magazine is female leaning. The feminine fonts show this.

Page 7: How my magazine appeals to target audience

Again fair majority of my font cover includessans serif fonts, although my front cover features amixture of fonts, I chose this as it is more appealing to my target audience and this is most commonly used. The reason is because it connotes elegance and sophistication therefore it appeals to my target audience as this is what they expect to see in a real production in this genre. I have used different sized fonts for my masthead, cover lines and main cover line to draw attention to masthead/main cover line as it is in the biggest size. Overall, my fonts used would be seen as conventional because they are typical to the genre and link as they are seen as cool and sophisticated.This also links in with my house style as I have used the same or similar fonts throughout my magazine.I feel that the dominant use of sans serif fonts

-Fonts on Contents page-

Page 8: How my magazine appeals to target audience

-Fonts on Double page spread-

I again have used mixture of fonts, I chose this as it is more appealing to my target audience and this is most commonly used. The reason is because it connotes elegance and sophistication therefore it appeals to my target audience as this is what they expect to see in a real production in this genre. I have used different sized fonts for my masthead, cover lines and main cover line to draw attention to masthead/main cover line as it is in the biggest size. Overall, my fonts used would be seen as conventional because they are typical to the genre and link as they are seen as cool and sophisticated.This also links in with my house style as I have used the same or similar fonts throughout my magazine.I feel that the dominant use of sans serif fonts

Page 9: How my magazine appeals to target audience

-Contents in front cover-

I know that audience will find my front cover appealing because it is an Indie genre magazine and this is what my target audience like and buy these types of magazines to read about, the features used and the content throughout my magazine will also appeal to them as it contains features they would like to or usually expect to see. It contains features like a large masthead which is bold and stands out, It has one main image which takes up most of the page, It also uses the left third to promote artists and encourage the audience to buy the magazine. My target audience like to find out about new bands and artists, updates and reviews. These are the type of things I have featured in my magazine. I have also used a puff to attract my target audience to read my magazine as it may be interesting content to them. The reason I did this was because my audience like interviews with new artists and also reviews of them, so this would appeal to them.

Page 10: How my magazine appeals to target audience

-Contents in Contents page-

My contents page is conventional as it contains all the conventions which are typical for an Indie magazine. An ordered layout of text and information, Regular categories with quizzes and reviews. These are based around the audiences interests but also what they expect to see. I found this out from my research. The text which tell you what will be featured on each page is conventional as it is personal to the reader but using words “like your mate” and “your questions answered” this creates a connection to the reader and it will make them feel as if you are talking directly to them. The use of more visual images and a review will appeal to the audience as it will be easier for them to read and understand. A main image is used to highlight the most important feature.My target audience like to find out about new bands and artists, updates and reviews. These are the type of things I have featured in my magazine. I have also used a puff to attract my target audience to read my magazine as it may be interesting content to them. The reason I did this was because my audience like interviews with new artists and also reviews of them, so this would appeal to them.

Page 11: How my magazine appeals to target audience

-Contents in Double page spread-

My Double page is conventional as it contains a lot of features that my target audience would expect to see. It includes conventions like the artists name in large font in the top corner of the page, the article about the artist set out in neat columns, all ordered so they are easy to read. The article is appealing to the audience because the language used is informal, it is colloquial language they use everyday. Such as “fake!” in this case it is exaggerated. They would find it appealing as the large image draws the reader in, it is links with the genre because Indie is different and this is not your typical image. I also used a stand first on my page to give the audience a quick overview of what will be featured in the article and encourage them to read it. This is appealing to the audience because they understand it and it gives them a rough idea of what to expect, it also allows them to decide of they want to carry on reading. The kicker is appealing as it attracts the audience, The article is fun but has elements of serious and informative, it would appeal to my audience as they are outgoing, serious but fun also and they enjoy reading about their favourite artists and reviews/ artist comebacks.

Page 12: How my magazine appeals to target audience

-Images in front cover-

The images on my front cover are conventionaland appealing to the target audience as the artist is around the same age as the majority of the target audience, this is appealing to them as they will be able to relate or make comparisons between themselves and the artists. Having one main image on an Indie magazine is conventional. The images are appealing as they are conventional, the body language is quite inviting by also mysterious, so this and the facial expressions connotes a serious tone but also reflects it as sophisticated and elegant. The artist is wearing a black, it stands out but does not distract the attention from the text on the page or the make-up and facial expression of the artist. It is a classic and elegant look and will appeal to the target audience as it is based around what they may typically wear. I have used high key lighting on my image to allow it to stand out , it also represents the artist as outgoing. The shot type is a mid shot and this appeals to the target audience, this is what they expect to see.

Page 13: How my magazine appeals to target audience

-Images in Contents page-

The images on my contents are conventionaland appealing to the target audience because they link to the content in the text on the page, it also appeals to the audience as artists are around the same age as the majority of the target audience, this is appealing to them as they will be able to relate or make comparisons between themselves and the artists. I have used more images than text on the page as my audience find it easier to understand.The quizzes and regular features will appeal to the audience as it involves them. I have also used images of social network sites which the reader can find our company on, this will appeal to them because the majority will use social networks on a daily basis and this will able them to find updates and sneak peaks of information about our magazine, This is conventional as it is self-promotion and the audience would expect to see it.The use of large page numbers will appeal to the target audience as it will be easier for them to navigate.

Page 14: How my magazine appeals to target audience

-Images in Double page spread-

The image I have used on my double page spread is appealing to the audience as it is close-up, it would suggest elegance, sophistication but she also has a serious facial expression which shows emotion, this would appeal to my target audience as they could relate to it. It could also suggest dominance as she is the main focus of the page. Although you cannot see her outfit, I feel that from the article the audience would like her, it makes it mysterious which may appeal to audience as they would want to know more about the artist. It would encourage them to read more about her. The colour of the picture isn’t typically what you would see but my audience would like it because it fits into the Indie genre and is different.

Page 15: How my magazine appeals to target audience

-Layout in my magazine-

The layout of my pages/ images are arranged in route of the eye, this is appealing and conventional as they reader can follow a pattern in this and clearly pick out important information which appeals to them. The information which is important will be placed in clear and typical areas on the page. It also makes features stand out. It is conventional for an Indie magazine to have a neat and ordered layout, which is what my magazine also follows. This also makes it clear and easy to read. It also allows the reader to notice the typical conventions, if features are placed in key areas this will appeal to the audience as it is what they expect to see. Although on the front cover you may sometimes show a typically cluttered look to the page, featuring lots of artists, reviews and pictures. This may only be used in a special edition magazine so usually the layout is neat and ordered, easily readable. This could represent the target audience to be fun and crazy but typically serious and organised. It also again represents the target audience to be elegant and sophisticated, it also connotes confidence. This is conventional because the audience can relate.