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  • 7/27/2019 cis341_week06_ch05


    WEEK 6 CIS288: Securing the Network Services and Protocols

    Slide 1 Introduction Welcome to week 6 of C-I-S 288: Security Design in aWindows 2003 Environment.

    In the previous lesson we discussed securing the networkmanagement process.

    In this week we will discuss securing the network services

    and protocols.

    Next Slide:

    Slide 2 Objectives When you complete this lesson you will be able to:

    Design network infrastructure security;

    Design an I-P Sec policy;Design I-P filtering;

    Specify the required protocols for a firewall configuration;

    Secure a D-N-S implementation;

    Design security for data transmission;Use segmented networks;

    Design security for wireless networks;

    Design public and private wireless Lans; AndDesign eight-zero-two-point-eleven-X authentication for

    wireless networks.

    Next Slide:Slide 3 DesigningNetwork



    Designing a secure T-C-P I-P based network begins withthorough planning. The network infrastructure is

    comprised of hardware and software elements and has

    both a physical and logical structure. Hardware clearly

    includes servers, hosts, and gateways, as well as printers,mobile devices, and even the network cabling

    specifications. The software side includes operating

    systems applications, and services such as D-H-C-P, andother network protocols, and the N-T-F-S file format, to

    name a few.

    The elements involved with designing a secure network

    infrastructure are:

    Plan network security; Create secure boundaries; Deploy

    network security technologies; Deploy server, application,and user security technologies; and deploy network

    monitoring and auditing.

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    Next Slide:

    Slide 4 Designing




    After developing your overall security plan, you need to

    drill down to design the security for the networkinfrastructure. Network infrastructure includes those

    services and protocols used to run network services. As

    with any security model, you must find a workablebalance between security and usability.

    Finding this balance requires that you take several logicalsteps to implement the best solution for your firm. These

    steps include:

    Assess the risk to your network and system data anddetermine the appropriate level of security.

    Identify valuable information;

    Define security policies based on risk;

    Determine how security policies can best be implemented

    in an enterprise;Ensure security management and technology requirements

    are available and in place;And provide users with an easy and secure method of

    accessing the appropriate resources.

    Next Slide:

    Slide 5 Common

    Types ofAttacks

    We will now list some common types of attacks.

    Understanding attacks clearly is the key to implementingneeded security technologies for your network.

    Many types of attacks can occur, and it seems someone isfiguring out another way to attack a secure computer

    system almost every day. Some of the common methods

    are eavesdropping, data modification, I-P addressspoofing, password-based attacks, brute force attacks,

    denial-of-service attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks,

    compromised key attacks, sniffer attacks, application-layerattacks, and social engineering.

    Next Slide:

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    Slide 6 IPSec


    I-P Sec is a suite of protocols that provides protection of

    data integrity, and authentication. It can also provideoptional privacy and replay protection. The I-P Sec

    protocols are defined by the Internet Engineering Task

    Force, or IE-T-F.

    I-P Sec provides security services at the transport layer of

    the T-C-P I-P stack. The I-P Sec driver interfaces with theT-C-U U-D-P transport layer and the Internet layer,

    making it transparent to users and applications. It can

    receive network communication and, through the use of

    filters and rules, it can:Select required security protocols; Determine algorithms

    to use for a particular service; And Use cryptographic keys

    required by any of the services.

    IP-Sec is used to secure the communication channelbetween computers and to secure the data flowing acrossthat channel.

    IP-Sec secures data by signing the packet and encryptingdata. You can choose to use one or the other, or both.

    Signing the packet involves using a hash value to make

    sure the packet has not been tampered with. Encrypting

    the data involves an encryption algorithm as well as keysfor encrypting and decrypting the data.

    Next Slide:Slide 7 IPSec Policies


    I-P-Sec policy consists of several elements: filter lists,

    filter actions, and rules. Its critical to understand howthese work together to enforce security across the

    enterprise. Its important for you on the job and will

    certainly be one of the key topics on the exam.

    I-P-Sec policies are applied based on rules. A rule

    provides the ability to create secure communication based

    on the source, destination, and type of I-P traffic. Eachrule contains a list of I-P filters and a set of security

    actions to take.

    Each I-P-Sec rule consists of these elements:

    A selected filter list; A selected filter action; Selected

    authentication methods; A selected connection type; andSelected tunnel settings.

    Next Slide:

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    Slide 8 Designing IP


    When designing I-P filtering, there are a few design

    suggestions that will make your task easier. These aredelineated on the table shown on this slide and describe

    recommendations for both filter and filter actions.

    For configuring secure servers, including firewalls andcomputers in perimeter networks, you can review the

    common list of T-C-P and U-D-P ports and ensure youblock or permit traffic as needed for the correct function

    of the computer in question. The Internet Assigned

    Numbers Authority, or I-A-N-A, provides a full list of T-

    C-P and U-D-P ports from zero through sixty-five-thousand-five hundred-thirty-five.

    Next Slide:

    Slide 9 Configuration

    a FirewallConfiguration

    Firewalls can be used between segments of a network or

    to protect the corporate network from the Internet. Sincethe firewall by definition provides a security boundary,

    configuring I-P-Sec for a firewall makes sense.

    To configure a firewall between I-P-Sec computers, it

    must be configured to:

    Forward inbound and outbound I-P-Sec traffic on U-D-P

    source and destination port 500. This allows Isak-M-Ptraffic to be forwarded;

    And Forward inbound and outbound I-P protocol fifty, E-


    Forward inbound and outbound I-P protocol fifty one, A-H;

    Forward inbound and outbound U-D-P source anddestination port forty-five-hundred.

    I-P-Sec can be routed as normal I-P traffic, although the

    forwarders do not have the ability to examine the packet ifit is encrypted with E-S-P.

    Next Slide:

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    Slide 10 Securing a


    D-N-S is the method of resolving I-P addresses to domain

    names or domain names to I-P addresses. This vitalnetwork service is a target of interest to hackers because

    access to this data provides valuable data for attacking the

    network and gaining unauthorized access.

    There are a number of common threats to D-N-S that must

    be considered and mitigated when planning security forthe enterprise. The table on this slide shows the common

    threats and how hackers can exploit these threats.

    Next Slide:

    Slide 11 Securing aDNS


    There are a number of ways the D-N-S Server Service canbe configured to reduce the risk of and exposure to attack.

    The first step is to examine the configuration of the D-N-S

    Service to review settings that affect security. The secondstep is to manage the discretionary access lists on D-N-S

    servers that are running on domain controllers. Finally,

    implementing the N-T-F-S file system on D-N-S servers

    running any operating system that supports N-T-F-Sprotects the files on the server.

    Next Slide:

    Slide 12 Designing

    Security for



    There are a number of other methods for securing data

    being transmitted in a number of different scenarios. I-P

    Sec works well in some instances, but other options are

    more viable and appropriate in other instances. We willnow review some of these options.

    The first is S-S-L T-L-S which stands for Secure SocketsLayer Transport Layer Security. This protocol is typically

    used to secure H-T-T-P or H-T-T-P-S traffic on Web sites.

    However, it works below the application layer in the T-C-P I-P stack and can be used transparently by applications

    that require security for application layer protocols such as

    F-T-P, L-D-A-P, or S-M-T-P.

    The other option is S-Mime. S-Mime is used to secure e-mail traffic from one end to the other. As mentioned

    earlier, S-S-L can be used to secure server-to-servertraffic, but S-Mime is best suited for end-to-end security.

    S-Mime is an extension of Mime that supports e-mail by

    enabling the e-mail originator to digitally sign an e-mail toprovide proof of both origin and message integrity. It also

    enables e-mail to be encrypted to provide confidential

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    communication via the Internet.

    Next Slide:

    Slide 13 UsingSegmented


    One of the most common methods of securing networkdata is to segment the network into smaller sections.

    Switches, routers, gateways, or firewalls can beconfigured in between these network segments to manage

    traffic between and among various network segments.

    Segmenting a network improves the efficiency of the

    network because multicast and broadcast traffic is kept onthe local segment, preventing it from being transmitted

    across the entire network. By segmenting a network, local

    traffic stays local and remote traffic is forwarded to thegateway. The gateway can be configured to block or

    permit different types of traffic to protect network

    segments from either receiving or sending data tounauthorized networks, segments, or hosts.

    Next Slide:

    Slide 14 Designing

    Security for


    Now that we have reviewed how to protect data across the

    network; we will now discuss how to protect the wireless


    There are four different types of wireless networks, based

    on their range or scope. They include:Wireless personal area networks;

    Wireless local area networks;Wireless metropolitan area networks; And

    Wireless wide area networks.

    Wireless personal area networks connect wireless personal

    devices such as cellular phones, personal digital assistants,laptops, or wireless printers.

    Wireless local area networks are designed to provideconnectivity to a local area, typically defined as a building

    or office.

    Wireless metropolitan area networks connect buildingswithin a campus or city through infrared or radio

    frequency. The infrared implementation has limitations

    due to the requirement to have line-of-site forconnectivity.

    And wireless wide area networks have existed for a while

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    and are most commonly implemented via cell phones.

    The current technology is not standardized and there areseveral companies and technologies vying for their place

    in the standard.

    Next Slide:Slide 15 Threats to



    Before going into the technologies any further, you need

    to look at some of the threats to wireless networks.

    Clearly, some of the threats are the same as on a wired

    network, but there are threats that are specific to wirelessnetworks. Youll look at each threat and find out the best

    current solution for mitigating that threat.

    Shown on this slide is a table listing all the different typesof threats.

    Next Slide:

    Slide 16 Designing


    Designing a secure wireless network takes planning and

    integration with existing infrastructure. Some industryanalysts believe that wireless networking will become the

    de facto standard, so understanding how to design a

    wireless network will help you both on the job and on theexam.

    The elements of designing a wireless network include:Designing W-Lan network infrastructure;

    Designing wireless authentication;

    And designing wireless access infrastructure.

    Next Slide:

    Slide 17 DesigningAuthenticatio

    n for Wireless


    The security mechanisms available for securing a wirelessnetwork are the following:

    Eight-zero-two-point-eleven identity verification andauthentication;

    Eight-zero-two-point-eleven Wired Equivalent Privacy


    Eight-zero-two-point- one-X authentication;And I-A-S support for Eight-zero-two-point- one-X


    Since each of these security mechanisms differ among

    their security solutions, it is important to analyze each

    mechanism in detail.

    Next Slide:

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    Slide 18 Summary We have reached the end of this lesson. Lets take a look

    at what we have covered.

    The first half of this lesson was focused on designing

    network infrastructure security. Designing a secure T-C-P

    I-P based network begins with thorough planning. Theelements involved with designing a secure network

    infrastructure are: Plan network security; Create secureboundaries; Deploy network security technologies; Deploy

    server, application, and user security technologies; and

    deploy network monitoring and auditing.

    The second half of this lesson focused on Security for

    wireless networks. There are four different types of

    wireless networks, based on their range or scope. Theyinclude: Wireless personal area networks; Wireless local

    area networks; Wireless metropolitan area networks; AndWireless wide area networks. Each of these wirelessnetworks has its set of threats. Some of the threats are the

    same as on a wired network, and others are specific to

    wireless networks.