The Role of Dopamin

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  • 7/25/2019 The Role of Dopamin


    ww w.f rontiersin.o rg May 2014 | Volume 5 | Article 47 |Frontiers in Psychiatry | Schizophrenia May 2014 | Volume 5 | Article 47 |


    "#V#$ A"!C%#pu&li'he() 1* May 2014

    (oi) 10+,,-*./p'yt+2014+00047

    !he role o/ (opamine in 'chizophrenia /rom aneuro&iolo0ical an( e1olutionary per'pecti1e) ol(

    /a'hione(2&ut 'till in o0ue

    RalfB ris ch1 *, A r thurSaniotis 2,3 , RainerWolf 4, Hendrik Bielau 5,Hans-GertBernstein5,ohannSteiner5,BernhardBo!erts5,"atharinaBraun #,$%i!nie& anko&ski 1, ali'a "u(aratilake), acie+ Henne%er!)

    and ,o(as- Gos 1

    1 Department of Forensic Medicine,Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland2 School of Medical Sciences, The University of delaide, delaide, S, !stralia" #entre for $vol!tionary Medicine, University of %!rich, %!rich, S&it'erland( Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,)!hr University *och!m, *och!m, Germany+ Department of Psychiatry, tto-von-G!ericke-University of!r.,!r., Germany0 Department of %oolo.y, 1nstit!te of *iolo.y, tto-von-G!ericke-University of!r.,!r., Germany *iolo.icalnthropolo.y and #omparative natomy )esearch Unit, School of *iomedical Sciences, The University of delaide, delaide, S, !stralia

    .dited %'/

    Thomas 34 3eickert, University of

    5e& So!th 3ales,!stralia

    Re0ie&ed %'/Michael Min'en/er., University of

    #alifornia Davis School of

    Medicine, US

    ssen 6eniaminov 7a/lensky,

    The University of 3estern



    )alf *risch, Department of Forensic

    Medicine,Medical University of

    Gdansk, !l4De/o&a 2", Gdansk

    P8-9:-2:(, Poland

    e-mail; ralf/ris ch< hotmail4com

    3opamine i' an inhi&itory neurotran'mitter inole( in the patholoy o/ 'chizophrenia+ !he

    rei'e( (opamine hypothe'i' 'tate' that (opamine a&normalitie' in the me'olim&ic an(

    pre/rontal &rain reion' ei't in 'chizophrenia+ Hoeer recent re'earch ha' in(icate(

    that lutamate 6AA acetylcholine an( 'erotonin alteration' are al'o inole( in the

    pathol8 oy o/ 'chizophrenia+ !hi' reie proi(e' an in8(epth analy'i' o/ (opamine in

    animal mo(el' o/ 'chizophrenia an( al'o /ocu'e' on (opamine an( conition+

    9urthermore thi' reie proi(e' not only an oerie o/ (opamine receptor' an( the

    antip'ychotic e//ect' o/ treatment' taretin them &ut al'o an outline o/ (opamine an( it'

    interaction ith other neurochemical mo(el' o/ 'chizophrenia+ !he role' o/ (opamine in

    the eolution o/ the human &rain an( human mental a&ilitie' hich are a//ecte( in

    'chizophreniapatient' are al'o (i'cu''e(+

    Keywords: dopamine, schizophrenia, cognition, glutamate, dopamine receptors, cannabis, animal models of

    schizophrenia, evolution of the human brain

    B!"F #!$%&' &F (&P)*!+" #'P&%#"$!$ !+

    $,#!-&P#"+!)3opamine a(renaline an( nora(renaline are neurotran'mitter'

    that &elon to the catecholamine /amily+ 3opamine i'pro(uce(

    in the 'u&'tantia nira an( entral temental reion' o/ the &rain

    an( (opamine alteration' are relate( to 'chizophrenia :1 2;+

    3opamin8 eric pro

  • 7/25/2019 The Role of Dopamin


    ri'ch et al+ !he role o/ (opamine in 'chizophreniari'ch et al+ !he role o/ (opamine in 'chizophrenia

    /or emotional proce''in :24;+ P#!8'tu(ie' :po'itron emi''ion

    tomoraphy; hae i(enti/ie( (i//erence' in (opamine content' in

    the pre/rontal corte cinulate corte an( hippocampu'

    &eteen 'chizophrenia patient' an( neurop'ychiatric healthy

    control 'u&8

  • 7/25/2019 The Role of Dopamin


    Val15- allele 'ho &etter conitie a&ilitie' inclu(in

    eecutie proce''in an( conitie /lei&ility than carrier' o/ the

    Met allele :-7;+

    (&P)*!+" ","P%&$ )+( )+%!P$',#&%!, "FF",%$ !+


    3opamine receptor' are 68protein8couple( receptor' an( can&e

    (ii(e( into 3 :1; 3 :2; 3 :,; an( 3 :4;8receptor' :--;+ 3

    :1; receptor' in the pre/rontal corte are (ecrea'e( in 'chizophre8

    nia patient' an( are una//ecte( &y chronic treatment o/ typicalneuroleptic' Greie &y 9rie(mann et al+ :-*;+ n contra't 3

    :1;8receptor' are increa'e( in the parieto8temporal corte in

    'chiz8 ophrenia patient' :*0;+ ncrea'e( 32 m"A ha' &een

    /oun( in the /rontal corte in 'chizophrenia patient' hen

    compare( ith neurop'ychiatric healthy control 'u&

  • 7/25/2019 The Role of Dopamin


    :145;+ !he actiity o/ (opamine i' reulate( &y 6AA an( luta8

    mate+ 9or eample cortico'triatal lutamateric pathay'

    interact ith (opamine terminal' :14@ 147; an( 'peci/ic

    lutamate recep8 tor' in the 'triatum 'uch a' m6lu2 are

    'en'itie to (opamine :112;+ Hih lutamate leel' hae &een

    /oun( in the (or'al cau(ate nucleu' o/ 'chizophrenia patient'

    :14-;+ A(eno'ine interact' ith lutamate M3A8receptor'

    an( (opamine Greie &y urn'tocE et al+ :14*;+ t can &e

    'ummarize( that M3A8receptor' an( 3 :1;8receptor' in

    cortical &rain area' 'uch a' the pre/rontal corte an( an ece'' o/

    3 :2;8receptor' in 'u&cortical &rain area' 'uch a' the 'triatum

    are interconnecte( ith each other throuh apo'i8 tie /ee(&acE

    mechani'm :150;+ Hoeer throuh it' pre'ynaptic action

    (opamine re(uce' the relea'e o/ lutamate in the pyrami8 (al

    neuron' o/ layer V in the pre/rontal corte :151;+ 3opamine

    (y'reulation in the &a'al anlia o/ 'chizophrenia patient' i' an

    important intrin'ic /eature in the patholoy o/ 'chizophrenia an(

    not a me(ication 'i(e e//ect Greie&y Perez8Co'ta' et al+ :,;+

    !he /in(in &y ri'ch et al+ :152; that a'trocyte (en'ity i'

    increa'e( in the /rontal corte in 'chizophrenia 'ue't' a (i'8

    tur&ance in the (opamine=lutamate /unction+ 9urthermore

    SoEolo// et al+ :15,; (emon'trate( that 3 :,;8receptor' either

    act (irectly on M3A8receptor' at lutamate 'ynap'e' on theterminal' o/ pyrami(al cell' in the nucleu' accum&en' or act

    in(irectly throuh (opamine at the pre'ynaptic

  • 7/25/2019 The Role of Dopamin


    an( hypolutamateric actiitie' ith &oth po'itie an( nea8

    tie 'ymptom' :21@;+ n particular canna&i' increa'e' (opamine

    tran'mi''ion in the nucleu' accum&en' hich miht cau'e or

    araatep'ycho'e' :217;+ A hih8lo actiity polymorphi'm in

    CBM! interact' ith a(ole'cent canna&i' a&u'e increa'in the

    ri'E /or 'chizophrenia :21-;+ 9urther ene' 'uch a' (i'rupte(8in8

    'chizophrenia81 :3SC1; play a role in 'tre'' pathay' an( the

    meta&oli'm o/ (opamine in 'chizophrenia Greie &y Hain' an(

    Arn'ten :21*; %ipina et al+ :220;+

    (&P)*!+" )+( #0*)+ "2&.0%!&+

    !he role o/ (opamine in human eolution ha' hitherto receie(

    lit8 tle theoretical attention+ t i' 'till unclear to hat etent

    (opamin8 eric epan'ion in hominin eolution a' (ue to

    enetic a(apta8 tion' or epienetic /actor'+ 3opamine ha'

    epan(e( throuhout primate an( hominin eolution an( that

    (opamine i' e'pecially concentrate( in the pre/rontal corte

    hich i' inole( in hiher or(er /unctionin+ !he (opamineric

    hypothe'i' conten(' that cli8 matic chane' occurrin in 'u&8

    Saharan A/rica (urin the Pliocene an( Plei'tocene perio('

    hich re'ulte( in increa'e' o/ the Saan8 nah &elt epan(e(

    hominin locomotory rane+ t i' al'o 'peculate( that 'ome humanroup' enture( to the more ha&ita&le A/rican 'outhern coa't

    lea(in to (ietary chane' :i+e+ increa'in amount' o/

    /i'h.'hell/i'h; that ai(e( (opamineric epan'ion :221=22,;+

    3opamine increa'e may hae al'o &een linEe( ith a

    concomitant eleation in thyroi( hormone pro(uction+ Hiher

    !4 /oun( in =omo may hae repre'ente( an early

    en(ocrinoloical (i//erence&eteen human' an( other primate'

    :224;+ n human' !4 concen8 tration i' a''ociate( ith tyro'ine

    coner'ion to (opa :aprecur'or to (opamine; (e/iciencie' o/ !4

    concentration' are linEe( ith ariou' neuroloical impairment'


    "ecent re'earch 'ue't' that /rom =omo erect!s onar(

    human' &ecame per'i'tence hunter' reFuirin ariou' morpho8loical an( thermo8reulatory mo(i/ication' :i+e+ a'cular reac8

    tiity to temperature lare &o(y 'ur/ace area plantar arch;

    hichproi(e' approimately 20J enery return (urin runnin

    ela'tic ten(on' 'hort toe' more pronounce( .l!te!s ma>im!s

    mu'cle lon le' CS coor(ination o/ meta&olic an( car(io8

    a'cular re'pon'e' to 'u'taine( runnin :225;+ 9rom =omo

    erect!s onar( there i' an ei(ent increa'e in 'tri(e 'ize hich

    al'o optimize( eronomic reFuirement' o/ &ipe(ali'm hile

    (imini'hin enery reFuirement'+ 6reater ma'' o/ 'lo titch

    mu'cle' oul( hae al'o a''i'te( lon (i'tance locomotion+ %on

    (i'tance locomotion in con

  • 7/25/2019 The Role of Dopamin


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    @5+ 6ro'' 6 $icEe K 3re'cher KI+ 3opamine 3:,; receptor antaoni'm8'till

    a therapeutic option /or the treatment o/ 'chizophrenia+ 5a!nyn

    Schmiede/er.s rch Pharmacol :2012; 639:2;)155=@@+ (oi)10+1007.'002108


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    10@+ Samaha A8 "ecEle'' 6# Seeman P 3ian M o&rea L Kapur S+ %e''

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