THE PROVERB - · But prayer does not have to be a four step process. You can have...

AUGUST 2016 Pastor’s Message Session Notes Committee Chairs Worship Committee Christian Education Mission & Evangelism Nominating Committee Book Club Bulletin Board Birthday List August Calendar Memory Cafés THE PROVERB “Called by God through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit to worship, grow and serve.KETTLE MORAINE UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH N66 W32690 Highway K, Hartland, WI 53029 Telephone: 262-966-2410 Website: E-mail: [email protected] STAFF Minister: Rev. Matthew Lee Secretary: Stephanie Flessert Handbell Director: Emily Guderyon Choir Director: Stephanie Flessert Custodian: Sue Weber Although Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he continued to go to his house, which had windows in its upper room open toward Jerusalem, and to get down on his knees three times a day to pray to his God and praise him, just as he had done previously. Daniel 6:10 Remember the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den? King Darius was tricked into signing a decree that said anyone who prays to any God or man but Darius will be thrown into a den of lions. Darius forgot about his good friend Daniel. Daniel kept praying to the God of Israel, and to Darius’ horror was thrown to the lions. But when the den was opened the next day, Daniel emerged without a scratch, revealing that God had protected him the entire time. Sometimes the grand outcomes of a story overshadow the details that led up to the outcome. Daniel being thrown to the lions and then saved was surrounded by prayer! But today, prayer itself has been thrown into the lion’s den among way too many Christians. Recent studies show that prayer and Bible study is on the decline in modern Christian lifeespecially among the mainline Protestants and Catholics. In the midst of modern church struggles, prayer needs to be lifted up more, not less. Without an everyday, authentic encounter with the living God, how do we know who and whose we are? Without regular, disciplined dialogue with the one who is our source and strength, how will we know who we are called to be? And then we wonder why so many wander in their faith walk. I have come to believe that one of the most revolutionary acts the church could do in our age is follow Daniel’s example—to recommit ourselves to the transformative practice of prayer… to reclaim this ancient practice and gift as a people of God. I can think of nothing with greater potential for renewing the church and revitalizing it’s mission and ministry. Prayer, after all, has been an intregal part of the covenant life of the people of God. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 tells us, whether we are asleep or awake, home or away, we are to call on the name of the Lord. The psalmist teaches us to declare God’s “steadfast love in the morning” and “faithfulness by night” (Psalm 92:2). This practice carried over to the earliest of Christians, as by day and night “they devoted themselves to the

Transcript of THE PROVERB - · But prayer does not have to be a four step process. You can have...


Pastor’s Message

Session Notes

Committee Chairs

Worship Committee

Christian Education

Mission & Evangelism

Nominating Committee

Book Club

Bulletin Board

Birthday List

August Calendar

Memory Cafés

THE PROVERB “Called by God through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit

to worship, grow and serve.”


N66 W32690 Highway K, Hartland, WI 53029

Telephone: 262-966-2410


E-mail: [email protected]


Minister: Rev. Matthew Lee

Secretary: Stephanie Flessert

Handbell Director: Emily Guderyon

Choir Director: Stephanie Flessert

Custodian: Sue Weber

Although Daniel knew that the document had been signed,

he continued to go to his house, which had windows in its upper room open

toward Jerusalem,

and to get down on his knees three times a day to pray to his God

and praise him, just as he had done previously.

—Daniel 6:10

Remember the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den? King Darius was tricked into signing a decree that said anyone who prays to any God or man but Darius will be thrown into a den of lions. Darius forgot about his good friend Daniel. Daniel kept praying to the God of Israel, and to Darius’ horror was thrown to the lions. But when the den was opened the next day, Daniel emerged without a scratch, revealing that God had protected him

the entire time.

Sometimes the grand outcomes of a story overshadow the details that led up to the outcome. Daniel being thrown to the lions and then saved was surrounded by prayer! But today, prayer itself has been thrown into the

lion’s den among way too many Christians.

Recent studies show that prayer and Bible study is on the decline in modern Christian life—especially among the mainline Protestants and Catholics. In the midst of modern church struggles, prayer needs to be lifted up more, not less. Without an everyday, authentic encounter with the living God, how do we know who and whose we are? Without regular, disciplined dialogue with the one who is our source and strength, how will we know who we are called to be? And then we wonder why so many wander in their

faith walk.

I have come to believe that one of the most revolutionary acts the church could do in our age is follow Daniel’s example—to recommit ourselves to the transformative practice of prayer… to reclaim this ancient practice and gift as a people of God. I can think of nothing with greater potential for

renewing the church and revitalizing it’s mission and ministry.

Prayer, after all, has been an intregal part of the covenant life of the people of God. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 tells us, whether we are asleep or awake, home or away, we are to call on the name of the Lord. The psalmist teaches us to declare God’s “steadfast love in the morning” and “faithfulness by night” (Psalm 92:2). This practice carried over to the earliest of Christians, as by day and night “they devoted themselves to the

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SESSION NOTES: Kim Koski (Clerk of Session) 262-966-2455 / [email protected]

Session will meet Thursday, August 18 at 6:30 p.m.

Session did not meet in the month of July due to vacation schedules.

Hans Guderyon will be the Elder in charge of the Sacrament of Holy Communion on August 7th. Please let

him know if you or someone you know would like a home communion visit.

Enjoy the Peace which is found in the Presence of God!

Blessings, Kim Koski, Clerk of Session

apostle’s teaching and fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayers” (Acts 2:42).

But prayer doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as easy as four steps: 1) name the situation, 2) tell God about it, 3) tell God what you would like to happen, 4) ask God to abide according to his will. These steps can used with prayer concerns, prayers of thanksgiving, prayers of praise. “Lord, I lift up needs of ___. This is a difficult situation… We hope for…. Look after ____ according to your loving care.” “Dear God, I thank you for ___. What a true blessing that ____. I wish these blessings will always remain. Look after ___ always according to your gracious ways.” “God of splendor, my heart rejoices over this sunset. What incredible blessing you

give without our even asking. Open my eyes more to see your abundant gifts and keep me one with your will.”

But prayer does not have to be a four step process. You can have daily devotionals and Bible readings emailed to you and say prayers based on God’s Word. You can also read the psalms in the Bible let them give shape and substance to your prayer as they challenge you to pray with wide-eyed wonder, expectant hope, and unflinching honesty. The psalms can be very honest and straightforward in their thoughts and language. Remember to give God thanks and praise as well as asking, for He is a God of providence and grace. Also

remember to pray for the church, the world and our communities.

Start small and keep it simple. Experiment and explore. And please don’t give up because you missed a day.

After all, perfectionism is the enemy of practice.

Over time, prayer will spill over into your whole life. When a friend recovers from illness, you will say, “thanks be to God!” When disaster strikes, you’ll pray, “Lord, have mercy.” When you see the wonders of life you’ll cry out, “Praise the Lord, O my soul!” You’ll discover your life as “praying without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians


Back to the prayers surrounding Daniel in the lions’ den. One would expect that it was Daniel’s own prayers that interceded, but that is not entirely true. I expect Daniel did pray, but scripture points us towards the prayers King Darius himself gave. When he reluctantly sealed Daniel’s fate, Darius prayed, “May your God, whom you faithfully serve, deliver you!” (Daniel 6:16) Then Darius retired to his royal chambers for a night of fasting and anxious vigil. The next morning, when Daniel emerged from the pit, Darius delivered a call to worship. “I decree, that all my people should tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for the Lord is the living God, enduring forever, whose kingdom shall never be destroyed, and whose dominion has no end; who delivers and rescues, working signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, for this God has saved Daniel from the

power of the Lions” (Daniel 6:26-27).

Let us hold fast to one another in prayer. For we do not walk this earth alone, but with each other and our God

who watched over us.

In Christ, Pastor Matt

WORSHIP COMMITTEE: Kitty Schultz (chair) 262-966-7059 / [email protected]

Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 17 at 3 p.m.

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August 7 – 12th Sunday after Pentecost

Isaiah 1:1, 10-20

Psalm 50:1-8, 22-23

Hebrews 11:1-38-16

Luke 12:32-40

August 14 – 13th Sunday after Pentecost

Isaiah 5:1-7

Psalm 80:1-2, 8-19

Hebrews 11:29-12:2

Luke 12:49-56

August 21– 14th Sunday after Pentecost

Jeremiah 1:4-10

Psalm 71:1-6

Hebrews 12:18-29

Luke 13:10-17

August 28 – 15th Sunday after Pentecost

Jeremiah 2:4-13

Psalm 81:1, 10-16

Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16

Luke 14:1, 7-14


CLERK OF SESSION: Kim Koski (Clerk of Session) 262-966-2455 / [email protected]

BUDGET & FINANCE: Larry Lemmenes (chair) 262-966-2189 / [email protected]

BUILDING & GROUNDS: Hans Guderyon (chair) 262-352-3788 / [email protected]

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Jan Mahaney (chair) 262-367-6929 / [email protected]

MISSIONS/EVANGELISM: Phyllis Warden (chair) 262-646-3873 / [email protected]

WORSHIP: Kitty Schultz (chair) 262-966-7059 / [email protected]

TREASURER: Scott Meyer (chair) 262-397-8365 / [email protected]


NOMINATING: Phyllis Warden (chair) 262-646-3873 / [email protected]

Practices are on Wednesdays

Handbells (4 pm): Emily Guderyon (262) 719-2909

Choir (5pm): Stephanie Flessert (262) 966-0863



Meets every

Thursday at 6:30





3 p.m.

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CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Jan Mahaney (chair) 262-367-6929 / [email protected]

Next Meeting: Thursday, August 11 at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall

Hello Friends,

As we come into the last month of our summer break KMUPC has some exciting things

that you will want to mark your calendar. This event is for the entire congregation.

Our last campfire story for this summer will be told on Sunday, August 7 around our campfire. We have heard the stories of Jonah and the Big Fish, Lazarus being brought back from death by Jesus, and in August we will

hear the Call of Isaiah. Let me tell you it is a story not to be missed – remember August 7!

Friday, August 12 - put some big red circles on this date! KMUPC is planning a cookout, hamburgers and hotdogs, but wait there is more. KMUPC is planning a cookout and an outdoor movie. That’s right we are watching a movie outside on the side of the pavilion (wow, can it get any better!) WAIT there is more after the cookout and movie, you can sleep in a tent outside*. Can you believe it all those great things plus more surprises and fun all in one night? If you can’t do all those exciting things you are welcome to come to whatever you can. If you are not able to attend any of those fun things come for breakfast on Saturday, August 13 @ 7:30 a.m. As always invite your friends, cousins,


On Sunday, August 28 we will have a special "blessing of the backpacks" as our children prepare for the new school year. Children and youth are invited to bring their backpacks to the service. (Adults may bring briefcases, if they wish to be included in the blessing.) Coming on September 11 will be the start of our new Sunday School year that will be full of Bible stories, fun and fellowship. Our theme is “Looking Forward!” We will celebrate “Grandparents Day” as we start our church school year.



Christian Education Committee

*Parent or related adult must stay in tent with child.

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL: Begins September 11.

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL: on summer break.

MISSION & EVANGELISM COMMITTEE: Phyllis Warden (chair) 262-646-3873 / [email protected]

Next Meeting: Monday, August 8 at 9 a.m.

KMUPC LUNCHEON: on summer break.

Kettle Moraine volunteers will be serving dinner at Hope Center in Waukesha on Friday, August 5 from 4:45 - 7:00 p.m. We need 4 dozen cupcakes—If you would be willing to provide 2 dozen cupcakes, please contact Judy Warner. The Hope Center serves needy people in Waukesha. Food is donated by area restaurants and comes ready to serve. Many different churches help this ministry. KMUPC volunteers have been helping twice a year for a long time as part of our local mission outreach. Thanks to all who support us in this effort.

In August we are collecting school supplies for our friends at the New Dawn Community Worship Center on Palmer Street. (WATCH FOR SALES!!!!) Last year we took so much to the Palmer Street church that they were able to supply many, many kids with backpacks, pens and pencils, Kleenexes, notebooks, folders, protractors, and all manner of necessary items. Rev. Cistrunk is amazing in her drive to bring much needed relief to families in the name of Jesus Christ. We are so blessed to be able to share in this ministry!

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BOOK CLUB Stephanie Flessert (coordinator) 262-966-0863 / [email protected]

Tuesday, August 16 at 3 p.m. at the home of Holly Salzman. Our book is "A Man Called

Ove" by Fredrik Backman. There are many copies of the book in the library system, as well as

lg. print, CD book, & OverDrive versions. There are a lot of holds, so place yours now to get

a copy in time to read it for the meeting. Please let Holly know whether you will attend.

New people are always welcome to join!

NOMINATING COMMITTEE We have met half a dozen times to consider the needs of our church and the talents of the members of our congregation, working to identify future officers and servants in the church. We have places of opportunity on the Session, Deacons, new Pastor & Church Relations Committee, and Nominating Committee for next summer. If you are approached by a member of our committee, please prayerfully consider whether you might be able to serve. If you have been asked, this means that our committee has come to a strong consensus that you may have the skills needed to become a valuable contributor to a certain leadership group. We also ask you to pray for us in this important work for our church! Phyllis Warden (chair), Sandra Flatt, Stephanie Flessert, Diane Kallas, Kim Koski & Sue Shultis


8/5 Ramona Winger

8/6 Sandi Blaha

8/7 Helen Cummins

Lisa Rudy

8/11 Erin Pleuss

8/18 Marian Pfeiffer

Tim Proite

8/24 Roger Voelker

8/27 Kylie Meyer

Fred Preussler

8/30 Marcia Roth

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All items for our September newsletter are due by

Monday, August 15th.


All church members and active friends are getting

new mailboxes in alphabetical order.

Leadership, staff & groups such as PW will be in the same area that they now are in—the left side of the left section of mailboxes. Snowbirds will have mailboxes to the right of that section. Those who are here year round will have mailboxes on

the outside wall.


It is time to update our church directory. Please look for the copy of the directory on the table in the Narthex. Check your page and update your family entry—address, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, birthdays. When you have done so, please put an X in the upper right corner of your page. I will be contacting any families that haven’t

updated their page.


Mondays are Pastor Matt’s off day. He is accessible by cell phone, in case of

emergencies. Texting is best. PRAYER REQUESTS

Please contact Donna Anderson to have requests put on our e-mail and phone prayer chains. Donna’s cell phone number is (262) 391-8736. Or e-mail her at: [email protected]. Members may also submit prayer

request through our website:


Please bring in your Piggly Wiggly store receipts and put them in the bin, bottom left corner of mailboxes near front door. We trade them in for a

percentage in cash!

We just received a check for $377.24!


We have a few handyperson tasks to address:

Attach pencil holder to bookcase in office area

Finish off exposed wiring in the youth area

Please contact Stephanie Flessert to volunteer.

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Memory Café’ at Denny’s Restaurant, 2801 N.

Grandview Boulevard, Pewaukee

August 24 / 4th Wednesdays of every month

from 10—11:30 a.m.

Individuals with MCI, early to moderate Alzheimer’s

or other types of dementia and their care partners

as well as those who worry about memory problems.

Please note this is not a support group.

Being active physically, socially and mentally is

good for the brain!

For further information, contact Wendy Betley at

the Alzheimer’s Association, 1-800-272-3900.

Sponsored by Waukesha county ADRC and First

United Methodist Church, Waukesha.

Wednesday, August 3

4 pm Handbell Practice—S

Thursday, August 4

6:30 am Morning Prayer—N

Sunday, August 7 (Communion)

10 am Communion Worship Service—S

11 am Coffee Hour—FH

Wednesday, August 10

4 pm Handbell Practice—S

Thursday, August 11

6:30 am Morning Prayer—N

5:30 pm Nominating Comm. Mtg.—MR

5:30 pm Christian Education Comm. Mtg.—FH

Friday, August 12

—- Supper & Outdoor Movie / Campout

Saturday, August 13

7:30 am Breakfast

Sunday, August 14

10 am Worship Service—S

Monday, August 15


Tuesday, August 16

3 pm Book Club—Holly Salzman’s home

Wednesday, August 17

3 pm Worship Committee Meeting—MR

Thursday, August 18

6:30 am Morning Prayer—N

6:30 pm Session Meeting—MR

Sunday, August 21

10 am Worship Service—S

Thursday, August 25

6:30 am Morning Prayer—N

Sunday, August 28

10 am Worship Service—S


CR Choir Room FH Fellowship Hall LL Lower Level

MR Meeting Room N Narthex S Sanctuary

Lake Country Libraries Memory Project is a partnership

between four public libraries (Delafield, Hartland, North

Lake / Town Hall & Pewaukee) in Waukesha County with a

mission to provide programs for those affected by memory

loss, Alzheimer’s disease, and other forms of dementia. A

main component of the memory project is a monthly social

gathering for those with early stage dementia and a care

partner, called memory cafés.

The next gathering is on Friday, August 5 from 10:30

a.m. – Noon at the Hartland Public Library, 110 E. Park

Avenue, Hartland. The local band “A Little Bit of

Heaven” will lead a sing-along. Refreshments will be


Please call Wendy Betley, Alzheimer's Association of

Southeastern Wisconsin, at (414) 479-8800 to register for

this FREE event.


N66 W32690 Highway K

Hartland, WI 53029