
Presentation • Motivation and Target group • SNS Design Usability Implementering Conceptual models Test and conclusion

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• Motivation and Target group • SNS   Design   Usability   Implementering   Conceptual models   Test and conclusion

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Introduction to Idea Sharing

• The reality of models

• Problems finding a project idea / area

  Creative technique

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Motivational Problem

• Idea Sharing • Idea development   Recieving and provinding input

”The critique that develops the idea, is often better given from other people. If they have other professional knowlegde or other experiences than our own, they can often see problems, oppertunities and perspectives in the idea, which we are not aware of ourselves.[...]” [Kollerup  2006,  p.65]  

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Motivational Verification

Performed  on  50  AAU  students  

Performed  on  50  AAU  students  

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Target Group

Why Medialogy Students? Semester and feedback

Keywords by Oblinger for the relation students are in when using digital media.

• Activity • Engagement   Visual tools   Social interaction

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University Students Use of Digital Media

  Test performed on 811 Aarhus University students   Most students are online every day   Higher use of social- and networking sites   50% of the students use facebook, Twitter and

LinkedIn for friends and social networking.