Social Snap: Tumblr platform report

How to Use Tumblr to Market Your Brand January 2013
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What's the secret to Tumblr? Learn more from this presentation on ways to use Tumblr effectively in your marketing mix.

Transcript of Social Snap: Tumblr platform report

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How to Use Tumblr to Market Your Brand

January 2013

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Is Tumblr a Good Fit for Your Brand?

Tumblr is a “microblogging” site that boasts over 84.7 million blogs – including those from brands like IBM,

GQ and Bungie.

On Tumblr, you can post content of all types, reblog from other Tumblr users and comment on posts.

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Essential Pinterest Stats Who uses Tumblr? • There are 170 million monthly U.S. visitors (as of

October 2012). • The site attracts roughly the same number of women

and men (52% vs. 48%). • The average age of Tumblr users is 34.6, although 50%

of users are age 25 of younger. • Approximately 5% of all online adults use Tumblr. • The average Tumblr user spends 1 hour and 38 minutes

on the site per day.

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Tumblr Users Love Short Content

• Since shorter is better, you can use your Tumblr account to summarize blog posts from your existing company blog.

• Both the Los Angeles Times and Rolling Stone Magazine use this strategy to tease larger stories on their main website.

Takeaway: Think of your Tumblr account as a

promotional arm for your regular blog. Alternate promotional posts with content from other sources.

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Tumblr Helps You Extend Your Visual Brand

• Tumblr themes allow you to personalize your blog and tie it visually to the rest of your website properties.

• You can use colors and logos that reflect your brand (like Coca-Cola does) or get a custom theme that is identical to your website’s theme.

Takeaway: Use a custom theme with your brand’s colors, or match your Tumblr theme with your existing website.

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Community Involvement leads to Brand Exposure

• When your brand curates, reblogs or likes another post, your name and link are shown below that post.

• Reblogging, commenting and liking posts from niche blogs can lead targeted users back to your Tumblr blog.

Takeaway: Seek out influencers in your target audience and

comment, like or reblog their relevant content to get in front of new followers.

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How to Engage Tumblr Users

• Use tags wisely to categorize posts and lead new followers to your blog.

• Create category pages to help new visitors find the best pages.

• Encourage commenting by installing the Disqus commenting plugin.

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More Tips to Engage Tumblr Users

• Self link your posts so you’re listed as the source when items are reblogged.

• Explore sponsorships – Sponsored posts can get your blog in front of new audience members.

• Get creative – Think outside of the box to appeal

to Tumblr’s cutting edge and humor-loving user base.

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Create a Tumblr Blog for a Niche Interest

• Get to know your target audience and find out

what appeals to them. • Build a Tumblr blog that high-lights a specific

interest, skill or lifestyle. • Huggies hosted the Highchair Critics blog to

appeal to young parents and share cute baby photos.

Takeaway: Consider your target persona and develop a niche blog that they’ll love.

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Encourage Community Curation

• Tumblr users can contribute to your blog with their own creations – which helps you produce fresh content.

• HBO’s Game of Thrones Tumblr encourages visitors to submit their own creations related to the show - from fan art to cosplay.

Takeaway: Ask for submissions and monitor them to

be sure they are relevant to your audience.

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Use Memes to Increase Interest

• Tumblr is creative, youth oriented and anchored in Internet culture.

• Incorporate popular memes by “memejacking” and following trends.

• Use Know Your Meme or Trend Hunter to find hot ideas and then adapt them for your brand.

Takeaway: Tumblr is lighthearted and fun – and

memes help your brand get in the spirit.

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How to Measure Tumblr Traffic

• Union Metrics for Tumblr offers the exclusive analytics program. Key metrics include overall engagement levels, influencer identification and “reblogging trees.”

• You can track some Tumblr blog themes through Google Analytics to see which terms are bringing visitors into your Tumblr blog, and how often you’re being visited.

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Start Leveraging Social Media Today!

• You’ve learned the basics – now get the full story! • Download our free white paper and learn more

about Pinterest, Tumblr and Google+ marketing for your brand.

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