SLS1102: First Year Florida Lakeside Freshman Experience … · 1 SLS1102: First Year Florida –...

1 SLS1102: First Year Florida – Lakeside Freshman Experience Fall 2015 Section 176A INSTRUCTOR: David Rowe, M.Ed ([email protected]) – 352-392-2171 ext. 10802 PEER LEADER: J. Cameron Lair ([email protected]) OFFICE HOURS: By appointment CLASS MEETING: Thursdays, Period 5 (11:45am – 12:35pm). Lakeside Commons COURSE DESCRIPTION: First Year Florida is a course designed to aid students in a successful transition to the University of Florida. This course aims to help students develop the practical, social, emotional, and intellectual skills that are essential to a fulfilling four years at UF, provide a foundation for a well-rounded college experience, connect students to the University of Florida, promote engagement within and outside the classroom, and communicate university expectations. TEXT: Connolly,K. (2010). Double Take. New York: Harper Perennial. Nist, S. (2015). College Success Strategies:2015-2016 Edition Rath, T. (2007). Strengths Finder 2.0, 1 st Ed. New York, NY: Gallup Press. (<$15 from Amazon, do not buy a used copy unless you have already taken StrengthsFinder!) CANVAS: This class will utilize Canvas for assignment submissions in conjunction with in paper assignments. For every assignment submitted in this class, you will need to submit it via Canvas. We will let you know if a hardcopy is required for any submission. GATORLINK: Students are required to have and use their GatorLink account for all UF related e-mail functions. Official university communications are sent to students at this email address. You are responsible for staying informed and current with all correspondence sent over the listserv. CIVILITY: Mature and respectful behavior is expected from all members of our learning community in all interactions with instructors, guest presenters, and other students. Side conversations, sleeping, and reading other course material (or the Alligator, etc.) are not appropriate and may result in the student losing attendance credit for that day. Cell phones, i-Pods, MP3 players and any other electronic devices are not to be used in this classroom; please turn them off (or at least silence them) and put them away prior to the start of class. Students will also be graded according to their attitude and participation in class discussions, group activities, and projects. Students are expected to be alert, respectful, and attentive while in class. LEARNING OUTCOMES: First Year Florida educates new students to maximize their learning and development. As a result of take this course, students will: Connect with faculty, staff, and peers at the University of Florida. Identify university resources and services that contribute to their personal and educational goals. Recognize the purpose of reflection, critical thinking, and enriching educational opportunities within and outside the classroom. Evaluate the effects of personal well-being on student success and engagement. Recognize the academic, conduct, and citizenship expectations of the University of Florida. Develop an awareness and respect for being a part of a diverse global community.

Transcript of SLS1102: First Year Florida Lakeside Freshman Experience … · 1 SLS1102: First Year Florida –...

Page 1: SLS1102: First Year Florida Lakeside Freshman Experience … · 1 SLS1102: First Year Florida – Lakeside Freshman Experience Fall 2015 Section 176A INSTRUCTOR: David Rowe, M.Ed


SLS1102: First Year Florida – Lakeside Freshman Experience Fall 2015

Section 176A

INSTRUCTOR: David Rowe, M.Ed ([email protected]) – 352-392-2171 ext. 10802 PEER LEADER: J. Cameron Lair ([email protected]) OFFICE HOURS: By appointment CLASS MEETING: Thursdays, Period 5 (11:45am – 12:35pm). Lakeside Commons COURSE DESCRIPTION: First Year Florida is a course designed to aid students in a successful transition to the University of Florida. This course aims to help students develop the practical, social, emotional, and intellectual skills that are essential to a fulfilling four years at UF, provide a foundation for a well-rounded college experience, connect students to the University of Florida, promote engagement within and outside the classroom, and communicate university expectations. TEXT: Connolly,K. (2010). Double Take. New York: Harper Perennial. Nist, S. (2015). College Success Strategies:2015-2016 Edition Rath, T. (2007). Strengths Finder 2.0, 1st Ed. New York, NY: Gallup Press. (<$15 from Amazon, do not buy a used copy unless you have already taken StrengthsFinder!) CANVAS: This class will utilize Canvas for assignment submissions in conjunction with in paper assignments. For every assignment submitted in this class, you will need to submit it via Canvas. We will let you know if a hardcopy is required for any submission. GATORLINK: Students are required to have and use their GatorLink account for all UF related e-mail functions. Official university communications are sent to students at this email address. You are responsible for staying informed and current with all correspondence sent over the listserv. CIVILITY: Mature and respectful behavior is expected from all members of our learning community in all interactions with instructors, guest presenters, and other students. Side conversations, sleeping, and reading other course material (or the Alligator, etc.) are not appropriate and may result in the student losing attendance credit for that day. Cell phones, i-Pods, MP3 players and any other electronic devices are not to be used in this classroom; please turn them off (or at least silence them) and put them away prior to the start of class. Students will also be graded according to their attitude and participation in class discussions, group activities, and projects. Students are expected to be alert, respectful, and attentive while in class. LEARNING OUTCOMES: First Year Florida educates new students to maximize their learning and development. As a result of take this course, students will:

• Connect with faculty, staff, and peers at the University of Florida. • Identify university resources and services that contribute to their personal and educational

goals. • Recognize the purpose of reflection, critical thinking, and enriching educational opportunities

within and outside the classroom. • Evaluate the effects of personal well-being on student success and engagement. • Recognize the academic, conduct, and citizenship expectations of the University of Florida. • Develop an awareness and respect for being a part of a diverse global community.

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ABSENCE/LATE POLICY: Discussion and participation is not only critical to the learning that takes place in the classroom -- it will help you make the most of your SLS and enhance your freshman experience. In order for staff to benefit from this class, it is an expectation that students attend all class sessions and be responsible for turning in all assignments on time. Students will be allowed one (1) unexcused absence—though you will not receive points for attendance that day. Two (2) late arrivals to class (after class has already begun) or leaving before the class has ended will result in one unexcused absence. If a student arrives to class over 15 minutes late, the student will be considered absent for that class session. At least 2 points will be deducted from the attendance/participation grade each time you are late to class. If you must be absent, it is your responsibility to notify your primary instructor prior to your absence, and to update yourself on information missed by obtaining photocopies of handouts and so forth from fellow classmates. You are also responsible for all of the material that you missed that day, this may require you to go to another class, or meet 1:1 with instructor or guest speaker in order to learn the material. Excused absences include:

Required student participation in a University sponsored event: These events will be excused with official documentation from the appropriate faculty or staff member. Documentation should be received PRIOR to the event.

Religious Holidays: Religious holidays are always excused; however, please notify the instructors, in writing, within the first two weeks of class so that appropriate accommodations may be made.

Medical Emergencies: Medical emergencies are excused with appropriate documentation from a health care provider.

Family Emergencies: These emergencies are only excused with written documentation. COURSE EVALUATIONS: Students are expected to provide feedback on the quality of instruction in this course by completing online evaluations at Evaluations are typically open during the last two or three weeks of the semester, but students will be given specific times when they are open. Summary results of these assessments are available to students at Additionally, students enrolled in First Year Florida will be asked to complete a separate course evaluation for further information. This is a time for you to provide direct feedback on your Peer Leader and Instructor. ACADEMIC HONOR SYSTEM: The Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Pledge: On all work submitted for credit by students of the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: "On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment." Please note that violations of the Academic Honor System will not be tolerated. Before submitting any work for this class, please read the policies about academic honesty at, and ask the instructor to clarify any of its expectations that you do not understand. ADA STATEMENT: The University of Florida provides high-quality services to students with disabilities, and we encourage you to take advantage of them. Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should 1) Register with and provide documentation to the Disability Resource Center (352-392-8565), and 2) Bring a letter to the instructor from this office indicating that you need academic accommodations. Please do this as soon as possible, preferably within the first week of class.

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GRADING: This course adheres to the UF Grading policy for assigning grade points. For more information please visit: Below is the course grading scale: 94-100 (A); 90-93 (A-); 87-89 (B+); 83-86 B; 80-82 (B-); 77-79 (C+); 73-76 (C); 70-72 (C-); 67-69 (D+); 63-66 (D); 60-62 (D-); 59 or below (E)


Date TOPIC August 27th What is Lakeside?

Syllabus Canvas Assignment Due Next Class: Sign Up for GatorPlunge on EventBrite READ: Double Take (pp 131-145)

September 3rd

Assign Resources/Groups for Campus Resource Presentations

September 10th Resumé Talk (Career Showcase is September 29th @ 30th) READ: Double Take (pp 1-26)

September 17th Discussion: What Does it Mean to be…? Assignment Due Next Class: GatorPlunge Reflection

September 24th Time-Management Assignment Due Next Class: Take Strengths Assessment & Reflection

October 1st Values Activity (or UFPD S.C.O.P.E. Guest Speaker) Complete by Next Class: Gator Career Link Activation

October 8th Strengths Presentation: Dustin Rollins Area Coordinator for Yulee & Coordinator of Social Justice Education – Housing

October 15th Mid-Semester Check In (…what else do you want to learn?) Assignment Due Next Class: Common Reading Program Event & Reflection

October 22nd UFPD S.C.O.P.E. Guest Speaker (or Alternative Topic) READ: Double Take (pp 57-69)

October 29th What is Community?

November 5th NO CLASS – Work on Presentations Assignment Due Next Class: Campus Resource Presentations

November 12th Campus Resource Presentations Assignment Due Next Class: Workshop Success Series & Reflection

November 19th Campus Resource Presentations, Continued READ: Double Take (pp 211-223)


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December 3rd Wrap-Up (What’s Next)


Assignments Point Value Due Dates

Attendance & Participation 70 (5pts x 14 Classes) Ongoing

Service Project & Reflection 20 September 24th

Strengths & Reflection 20 October 1st

Gator Career Link Activation & CRC Service 20 October 8th

Common Reading Program Event & Reflection 20 October 22nd

Campus Resource Presentations 20 November 12th

Workshop Success Series Event & Reflection 20 November 19th

Attend Approved Fall Campus Fair & Photo 10 December 3rd

Total Points Possible 190

Traditions Extra Credit – Gators Explore 10 December 3rd

Assignment Explanation:

Reflections: Reflection paper entries will be assigned throughout the semester. In order to obtain full credit for the reaction papers, reaction papers must:

Meet reaction papers deadlines (late reaction papers will receive partial credit) Be 2-3 pages typed, double spaced, 10-12 point Times New Roman font, and have margins no larger

than 1 top and bottom and 1.25" left and right Focus on the topic assigned Exhibit correct and appropriate spelling, grammar, and syntax

Service Project: Gator Plunge All students will be required to attend the Gator Plunge Event on Saturday, September 19, 2015. Students will need to sign up for event by August 26. Students should answer the following questions: What is something you learned from this experience? How do you feel you were able to effect the community? In which ways could this project be improved? How does community service relate to being a Gator? Also include a selfie in the submission. Strengths: You have taken the Strengths Finder tool, now it is time to examine your own strengths more closely. What was your reaction to seeing your Top 5? Were there any strengths that surprised you? Did you feel like anything was missing? Share 1 example of how you have seen each of your top 5 strengths in action. Gator CareerLink Profile Activation Assignment Gator CareerLink is the portal to UF resources that can help you explore career paths, find ways to gain experience and begin preparing for your career now! By activating your account, you will have access to all the Career Resource Center’s services including job and internship postings, Career Planning appointments, an online mock interview module, and a calendar of all upcoming events and workshops. Activating your profile as a first-year student allows you to become familiar with the Gator CareerLink system and connects you to the CRC right away.

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Part 1: To activate your profile and receive credit for your, follow these simple steps: 1. Go to 2. Click on Gator CareerLink Student Login. 3. You will be directed to a UF Authentication page. Type in your GatorLink username and password. 4. Next, click on “My Profile.” 5. Fill out both the Personal and Academic profile as much as possible. You must complete all fields

with a red asterisk in order to have an active profile. Make sure to save your information. 6. Once your profile is complete, click on “My Jobs.” 7. Find and print an internship, part-time, full-time or volunteer experience you would be interested in

applying for now or in the future. To receive credit for this assignment, turn in the printed job description to your FYF instructor. You do not actually have to apply for the position- this is just for practice.

Part 2: We will discuss ways to utilize the resources of the CRC and cater this to your needs

If you have problems activating your account, please email [email protected] with your name, UF ID # and description of technical problem

Common Reading Program The book Double Take by Kevin Connolly is required for this course. You will be required to read the book, attend a Common Reading Program and answer the following questions. What are the key points of the book? What parts of the book were you able to identify with? Are there any parts of the book that you do not relate to and why? What is your reaction to the Common Reading Program speaker? Share 1 example of how you can may be able to relate the speaker or author’s message to your college career? Campus Resource Presentation In small groups, you will be assigned a campus resource to explore and learn more about. You will present your findings to the class. This presentation will include general information about the resource and a handout that you create and distribute to the class on the day of your presentation. You will be presenting this to the rest of the class in some form. The presentation should include:

Name of resource(s) Location of resource(s) Services offered Hours of operation How students access services Name of a contact person Phone number and website address The handout should include (this should not be a handout given out by the office/resource you visited): Summary of the resource Website/Where to get more information Location Services Offered Rubric for grading Campus Resource Presentation Total Points: 20 Information above covered: 8 points Presentation: 7 points Handout: 5 points Workshop Success Series You will have the opportunity to engage with other new students and also UF faculty & staff members about a variety of topics. How to register: students will visit to sign up for a workshop that fits their individual needs and interest. When done, they will complete a survey online. Co-instructors will receive confirmation email as to which students have completed the requirement.