ShootDotEdit Core Values, Culture, and Playbook


Transcript of ShootDotEdit Core Values, Culture, and Playbook




OUR CULTURAL PLAY BOOK. !Our core values are the core of what we value.

These core values (the way we like to do business and be human around here) have been in design mode by ShootDotEdit Team mates since we began in 2007. !!

This playbook contains principles that we believe in. We believe they are right for our company and for the human beings that help create this company. They are not conclusive. They are a work in progress. !

These are the tenets that guide our decision making here at ShootDotEdit. !They allow us to measure and test our goal to stay on course, to keep “True North”. !

Enjoy. Contribute. Pass along… :) !!!!!!!�2

!!!!!!!!!!!ShootDotEdit employees are here because they want to be here.

They are a "draft pick" because of their motivation to be here. And, their motivation will bring intellectual energy and acumen to their

position and its daily focus in order to increase value to our team mates and to our customers. !!!!!!!!!!!


!!!!!!!!!!!WE BELIEVE IN CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT !Reflection is critical to our culture. Performance review and improvement initiatives are lovely and beautiful. !! !!!!!!!!!!!!


!!!!!!!!GUESSING IS GOOFY (ie. foolish) !

Unfortunately…., “people don't think deeply about business, they guess superficially about it." - Steve Jobs !

Embellished and unfounded assumptions used for key decisions equals cancer. We don’t like cancer. We want to be healthy. Be healthy. Don’t guess! Please, join us in this pursuit! !

It’s ok to say “I don’t know”. It’s ok to say “I don’t have the answer”. We prefer that answer over “guessing” every minute of every day. !!!!!!!!!!!


!!!!!!!!!!THE GENBA.

!The place where SDE value is created.

It’s the place where we create and perform operational excellence. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!�6

!!!!!!!!!! BE HEROIC.

! We go above and beyond.

We are heroes to our customers. We are heroes to our team.

Be a hero. !!!!!!!!!!!!�7


!Simply put, be honest about how you feel.

It doesn’t have to come out pretty and polished. Begin by talking and trust the culture to embrace your thoughts with welcome. !

Give praise when you want to give praise. Share your frustrations when you are frustrated.

Of course, do it responsibly, but share! !Feeling like we can do something better?

Frustrated that something is broken? Talk about it. Disclose it. !

Consider this a formal invitation. !!!!!!!�8


WE DO WHAT WE PLAN. ! We move away from chaos and into order.

We are an execution company. That's what we do. ! We expect to do what we plan for, and we will inspect how the plan was executed according to its

deadline. This approach keeps us on track, it keeps us “True North”. ! We start with the achievement of milestones. Milestones are a result of well planned and documented

strategies. Our strategies are birthed from a vision and/or goal.


!!!!!!!!!!!SHOOTDOTEDIT IS. !

Dependable. Faithful. Trustworthy. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!�10

!!!!!!!!!!“The successful person has a habit of doing the things failures don't like to do.

The successful person doesn't like doing them either. But, his dislike is subordinated to the strength of his purpose.”

! - EM Gray !!!!!!!!!!!!



We behave like a start up. Everyday. It’s hard. And, it’s simultaneously uber fun. !

But, that’s what we do. It’s who we are. !!!!!!!!!!!!!�12

!!!!!!!!!RIGHTS & PERMISSIONS. !You are hereby given permission to be excellent. !We don't be believe in perfect. Perfection will put us out of business. We do believe in excellence. Striving to be excellent is a worthy endeavor. It will pay us back in dividends. ! !!!!!!!!!!!



!If we succeed, we own it.

If we fail, we own in it. !Doesn’t matter if it’s to our customers or to our team mates.

We purpose to own it, to confess it, we learn from it and move forward. !And, if we don’t know something, we don’t pretend we do. That’s harmful and yucky. !! !!!!!!!!!


!!!!!!!!!GOSSIP. !

It’s not welcome here at ShootDotEdit. Buh-by. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�15

!!!!!!!!!!HONESTY. ALWAYS.

!We require honesty and the telling of the truth. We invite to join us. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Smoke and mirrors will go up in flames. We don’t tolerate this kind of smoke around here and the only mirrors used will be for the purpose of reflection. !

Hiding behind a lie simply can’t exist here at SDE. !!“Smoke and mirrors is a metaphor for a deceptive, fraudulent or insubstantial explanation or description. The source

of the name is based on magicians' illusions, where magicians make objects appear or disappear by extending or retracting mirrors amid a distracting burst of smoke. It may also refer to any sort of presentation by which the audience is

intended to be deceived.” !- Wikipedia !!!!!!!



MISCOMMUNICATION. !It causes things like divorce and war.

We don’t like divorce. We don’t like war either. !And so, we try really really hard to listen carefully and communicate clearly ;) !!!!!!!!!!!!



We ALWAYS want to be better, more efficient, and growing. Always. Which means we’re constantly changing. Constantly. !!!!!!!!!!!!!



BIG LEAGUE ACTING & THINKING. !We’re here to play Big League ball, and so we expect all of our team mates play like Pro’s.

We strive to harness each of our unique capabilities and strengths and apply them to each of our roles and responsibilities. !

We focus on strengths. We delegate non-strengths. !We are here to win. ! !!!!!!!!!!


!!!!!!!!!!!!A Better You + A Better Me = A better Us. !!

That is all. !!!!!!!!!!!!�21


Oh how we love thee. ! For the sake of your team mates,

for the sake of your plan, and for the sake of your reputation..., !

when delivering your thoughts in audibly and in writing, invest the time and energy into being clear. ! !!!!!!!!!!�22

!!!!!!!!!!GOALS & PERFORMANCE. !

We inspect what we expect. We measure them. We believe in them.

And, we hold each other accountable to them. !!!!!!!!!!!!�23



Our culture is adopted and loved by many team mates. They believe, and have believed, in what we do and in what we stand for. !

Some, people, do not value our our pursuit of excellence. They prefer a place of employment that provides for ease, cruise control, and minimal change. !!!!!!!!!!!



Determined to self manage. Proactive in our moment to moment decision making.

Determined to be better. !Oh, and at any given moment,

any one of us will take the time to clean the kitchen counters, take out the trash,

or vacuum the floor. !!!!!!!!!�25


!"On good teams coaches hold players accountable, on great teams players hold players accountable."

- Joe Dumars, Detroit Pistons !“Leaders must develop a lower threshold for alibis and become better communicators and enforcers of

what they want done. If you are more interested in being liked and popular than holding people accountable for results, you have a serious leadership weakness. It is not your job to make people happy. Your job is to get them better. Holding people accountable to high standards and results is

nothing to apologize for. Failing to stretch them to their potential is.” - Dave Anderson, Author of No-Nonsense Leadership !

!! !!!!!�26

!!!!!!!!!!!!WE MOVE AWAY FROM CHAOS & INTO ORDER !Order is good. Chaos is bad. ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!



CO-LEAD / CO-FOLLOW is the FUTURE. !Charisma does not trump our culture.

Title does not trump culture. No bully's allowed.

No bulldozing allowed. And…, bad planning doesn't make for someone else's emergency. ! !!!!!!!!!!!



!They’re never fun to forge or develop.

Implementation is time consuming and costly. !But, oh, they are SO MUCH better

than the stress we experience from chaotic disorganization. !!!!!!!!!!!!!�29

!!!!!!!MAPS !

Maintaining Alliance with our Priorities

& Strategies !!!!!!!!!!!!!


!!!!!!!!!EXCELLENCE. !

We don't be believe in perfect. Perfection will put us out of business. We do believe in excellence. Striving to be excellent is a worthy endeavor.

It will pay us back in dividends. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!�31

!!!!!!SAY “NO”. WE DARE YOU. !Be clear about your roles and responsibilities. Let this guide and determine your decisions. !To the degree you say “no” to the wrong tasks is the degree to which you will be strong for the right tasks. ! 4 Rules for being clear about saying NO Rule #1: No, I can't do it, but I can find someone who can. Rule #2: No, I can't do it right now, but it is my job and I can do it later. Rule #3: No, I can't do it, because it’s not my job. Rule #4: No, I can't do it, nobody else can do it, we need to hire. ! !!!!!!!!!



