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Research Innovator – International Multidisciplinary Research journal

Research Innovator ISSN 2395 – 4744 (Print); 2348 – 7674 (Online)

A Peer-Reviewed Refereed and Indexed

Multidisciplinary International Research Journal

Volume II Issue V: October – 2015


Prof. K.N. Shelke

Head, Department of English,

Barns College of Arts, Science & Commerce, New Panvel (M.S.) India

Editorial Board

Dr. A.P. Pandey, Mumbai, India

Dr. Patricia Castelli, Southfield, USA

Dr. S.D Sargar, Navi Mumbai, India

Christina Alegria, Long Beach, USA

Prin. H.V. Jadhav, Navi Mumbai, India

Dr. Adrianne Santina, McMinnville, USA

Prof. C.V. Borle, Mumbai, India

Dr. Nirbhay Mishra, Mathura, India

Advisory Board

Dr. S.T. Gadade Principal, C.K. Thakur College,

New Panvel, India

Dr. R.M. Badode Professor & Head,

Department of English,

University of Mumbai, India

Dr. G.T. Sangale

Principal, Veer Wajekar College,

Phunde, India

Page 3: Research · Research Innovator – International Multidisciplinary Research journal Research Innovator ISSN 2395 – 4744

Research Innovator – International Multidisciplinary Research journal

Research Innovator is peer-reviewed refereed and indexed multidisciplinary

international research journal. It is published bi-monthly in both online and

print form. The Research Innovator aims to provide a much-needed forum to

the researchers who believe that research can transform the world in positive

manner and make it habitable to all irrespective of their social, national,

cultural, religious or racial background.

With this aim Research Innovator, Multidisciplinary International Research

Journal (RIMIRJ) welcomes research articles from the areas like Literatures in

English, Hindi and Marathi, literary translations in English from different

languages of the world, arts, education, social sciences, cultural studies, pure

and applied Sciences, and trade and commerce. The space will also be provided

for book reviews, interviews, commentaries, poems and short fiction.



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Prof. K.N. Shelke

Flat No. 01,

Nirman Sagar Coop. Housing Society,

Thana Naka, Panvel, Navi Mumbai. (MS), India. [email protected]

Cell: +91-7588058508

Page 4: Research · Research Innovator – International Multidisciplinary Research journal Research Innovator ISSN 2395 – 4744 Research Innovator ISSN 2348 - 7674

International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Volume II Issue V: October 2015 Editor-In-Chief: Prof. K.N. Shelke

Research Innovator A Peer-Reviewed Refereed and Indexed International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Volume II Issue V: October – 2015


Sr. No. Author Title of the Paper Page No.

1 Kingsley O. Ugwuanyi

& Sosthenes N. Ekeh

Shifting the Borders: Genre-crossing in

Modern Africa Drama


2 Prof. Mahmoud Qudah

The Acquisition of the Comparative and

Superlative Adjectives by Jordanian EFL



3 Anas Babu T T &

Dr. S. Karthik Kumar

The Victimized Marxism in Asimov’s

Foundation Novels


4 Ms. D. Anushiya Devi

& Dr. L. Baskaran

Manju Kapur’s Home: Tradition Battles

With Transition


5 Dr. Archana Durgesh

Adhe Adhure: Savitri’s Quest for a

Complete Man


6 Dr. S. Karthik Kumar

Transcending Cultural Barriers: A Study

of Pearl S. Buck’s East Wind: West Wind


7 Dr. Rajib Bhaumik

Bharati Mukherjee’s Jasmine: A Study of

Disjunctions in a Synaptic Location of

Adversative Unipolarity


8 Abdul Rasack P. &

Dr. S. Karthik Kumar

Acquiring Listening and Speaking Skills

through Songs in CLT Classrooms


9 Dr. B. N. Gaikwad &

Sumeet R. Patil

The Reflections of Humiliation in the

Autobiographies of Vasant Moon and

Omprakash Valmiki


10 Dipika Mallick Caste System: A Historical Perspective 61

11 S. Muhilan &

Dr. J. Uma


The Pain and Struggle of Migration in

John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men


12 Dr. Archana Durgesh

& Ekta Sawhney

Coming Back from Death-Near Death



13 Mansi Chauhan

Home as the Location of History:

Reading Kamila Shamsie’s Salt and



Page 5: Research · Research Innovator – International Multidisciplinary Research journal Research Innovator ISSN 2395 – 4744 Research Innovator ISSN 2348 - 7674

International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Volume II Issue V: October 2015 Editor-In-Chief: Prof. K.N. Shelke

14 Dr. G. Vasuki &

V. Vetrimni

Philosophy through Symbolism: A Study

of Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie


15 Dr. Rajib Bhaumik

The Woman Protagonist in Bharati

Mukherjee’s Wife: a Study of Conflictual

Ethics between Indianness and



16 Dr. G. Vasuki &

R. Velmurugan

Treatment of Slavery in Toni Morrison’s

Novel Beloved


17 Dr. Archana Durgesh Shakuntala - Myth or Reality: Man Enjoys

and Woman Suffers


18 Dr. Laxman R. Rathod Interdisciplinary Approach Mechanism of

Biopesticides: Solution of Trichoderma in

Agriculture Crops


19 Mr. Arvindkumar

Atmaram Kamble

Translation Theory: Componential

Analysis of Mahesh Elkunchwar’s Drama

Old Stone Mansion


20 Dr. Bipinkumar R.


Mahesh Dattani's Plays: Reflections on

Global Issues


21 Thokchom Ursa

Maternal Nutrition during Pregnancy

among the Meitei Women and its Effect

on Foetal Growth


22 Ksh. Surjit Singh &

K.K. Singh Meitei

Some Methods of Construction of

Incomplete Block Neighbor Design



23 W. Christopher


My Son


Page 6: Research · Research Innovator – International Multidisciplinary Research journal Research Innovator ISSN 2395 – 4744 Research Innovator ISSN 2348 - 7674

International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Volume II Issue V: October 2015 (144) Editor-In-Chief: Prof. K.N. Shelke

Some Methods of Construction of Incomplete Block Neighbor Design

Ksh. Surjit Singh K.K. Singh Meitei

Research Scholar Faculty

Department of Statistics, Manipur University, (Manipur) India


Several methods of construction of neighbor designs in complete as well as incomplete had

already been presented along with examples. In this paper, we present a construction

method of Incomplete Block Neighbor (IBN) designs based on the forward and the

backward differences arising from initial set(s) in applying the Lemma proposed by Rees

(1967). These concepts of neighbor designs were introduced by Rees ib id. Such designs

have uses mainly in the field of Serology and some of them can be used for animal

husbandry experiments. His contribution envisages to meet the requirement of arrangement

in circles of samples from a number of virus preparations in such a way that over the whole

set a sample from each virus preparation appears next to the sample from every other virus


Key Words: Neighbor design, Circular block, Incomplete Block Neighbor, Initial block

1. Introduction:

The samples of different virus preparations (treatments) are arranged on the circular blocks in

which every pair of treatments occurs as neighbor equally often ensuring a balance situation.

These concepts of neighbor designs were introduced by Rees (1967). Such designs have use

mainly in the field of Serology and some of them can be used for animal husbandry

experiments. The constructions of neighbor designs in complete as well as incomplete blocks

were given by Rees The constructions of incomplete block designs are exclusively due

to Lawless (1977), Hwang (1973), Hwang and Lin (1977), Dey and Chakravarty (1977),

Kageyama (1979), Meitei (1996) and others. Kageyama (1979) starting from BIB design on v

treatments by inserting “0‟s” in the block, presented three series of neighbour designs,

whenever a finite Abelian Group of order v exist. Hwang (1973) had given the constructions

of neighbor designs with parameters (i) v = 2k + 1, λ=1 (ii) v = 2ik+1, λ=1, k≡0 mod(2) (iii)

v=2mk+1, λ=1, k≡0 mod(4) through examples for only k < 7. For k ≥ 7 each of the initial

blocks of the IBN designs are constructed by a recursive method based on the initial blocks of

size k < 7. Meitei (1996) had proposed a method of construction of even treatments

2. Definition and Notations

2.1 Definition

An Incomplete Block Neighbor design is an arrangement of v treatments into b blocks such

that each block has k (<v) treatments, not necessarily distinct, each treatment appears r times

in the configuration and every treatment is a neighbour of every other treatment precisely λ

times. It will be denoted by IBN design (v, b, r, k, λ). The parameters satisfy the following

relations vr = bk and λ(v-1)=2r.

2.2 Definition

Given a set, S={a1, a2,…, ar} where the forward and the backward differences of S as


Page 7: Research · Research Innovator – International Multidisciplinary Research journal Research Innovator ISSN 2395 – 4744 Research Innovator ISSN 2348 - 7674

International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Volume II Issue V: October 2015 (145) Editor-In-Chief: Prof. K.N. Shelke

±[a2 - a1]; ±[a3 - a2]; ± [a4 - a3]; …; ±[ak – ak-1]; ± [a1 - ak].

Lemma 2.1:[Rees (1967)] Consider a module, M, of v elements, viz; 0, 1, 2, …, v-1.

Consider t basic blocks Sj = {i1j , i2j , i3j , …, ikj}; j = 1, 2, 3, …, t, each block containing k

(not necessarily distinct) elements of module v. These t basic blocks, satisfying the following

conditions, when developed mod(v), generate an IBN design with parameters v, b = vt, r= kt,


a) among the totality of forward and backward differences reduced modulo v, arising

from the t basic blocks, every non zero element of the module occurs equally frequently

(say), λ times and

b) the sum of the forward differences arising from each basic block is zero.

The condition (b) satisfies for any block and thus, it is enough to satisfy the condition (a) in

order to construct a neighbor design.

3. Basic Principle of Construction:

For a given . Consider GF(v). Further, consider another set

such that

(i) and take at

least the values


(iii) and


(v) –

Obviously, the maximum value of r and s are n-1. And also for all . From (ii)

and (iii), we have

. Then

… (3.1).

The elements of { , , ..., , , , …, } are unknown, but to be determined as

explicitly shown here after. The procedure for identifying ai’s and cj’s, which attempts first to

determine cj‟s and secondly to determine ai‟s, after having determined cj‟s, follows here


Step 1: a) If then the value of will be substituted by

and . Obviously, – and .

b) If . Then proceed the

Step 2.

Step 2: a) If then the value of will be substituted by

and . Obviously, – and .

b) If . Then proceed in the

similar manner, further.

Page 8: Research · Research Innovator – International Multidisciplinary Research journal Research Innovator ISSN 2395 – 4744 Research Innovator ISSN 2348 - 7674

International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Volume II Issue V: October 2015 (146) Editor-In-Chief: Prof. K.N. Shelke

The process for finding ‟s and ‟s will be continued at most step as .

Thus, after having determined ‟s, the process gives the values of the ‟s which are the

only elements belonged to the set, – . And the range of i & j

are immediately determined.

Let S*

and occurs exactly once in ,

be the set such that Obviousely, i.e.,

and .

The set S* is transformed to the sets S and S′ as

… (3.2)

… (3.3)

where mod (v), . Thus we can get a theorem

given below.

Theorem 3.1: For ; „n‟ natural number, the two initial set, S and S′, when

developed mod(v), yields an IBN design with parameters


Proof: As a result of developing the initial block, S and S′, containing n elements under

reduction module 2n+1, the elements in the configuration are 0, 1, 2, …, 2n. Therefore v =


By method of developing the two initial sets, S and S′, it is clear that 0, 1, 2, …, 2n exactly

twice when developed mod 2n+1. As there are k elements in each initial block, then every

element of Module of 2n+1 viz., 0, 1, 2, …, 2n occurs 2k times in the configuration of the

blocks developed from S and S′.

The forward and the backward differences arisen from , S and S′ are:

S: ( - ), ( - ), ..., ( - ), ( - )

i.e., – by the condition (ii) of the construction of IBN


i.e., ... (3.4)


i.e., –

i.e., ... (3.5)

All the elements of S* i.e., { , , …, } ≈ { , , ..., , , , …, }. Here it is to

claim that all values of ai’s and cj’s are distinct. The proof of distinctness of cj’s will be laid

down first. Secondly, the proof of distinctness among ai’s will follow.

Let where for determining the value of ‟s

Then – ... (3.6)

We know that as ‟s are all negative

Page 9: Research · Research Innovator – International Multidisciplinary Research journal Research Innovator ISSN 2395 – 4744 Research Innovator ISSN 2348 - 7674

International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Volume II Issue V: October 2015 (147) Editor-In-Chief: Prof. K.N. Shelke

since v > q and equation (3.6)

where for determining the value of ‟s.


… (3.7)

We know that as cj‟s are all negative

, since and equation (3.6)

where for determining the value of c3‟s.


… (3.8)

In general for determining ‟s, we know that

as cj‟s are all negative

by the equations (3.6), (3.7) & (3.8)

i.e., = 2 (p-1)

; p = 1, 2, …, k - 1

, since v > q and k is natural

where for determining the value of ‟s; .


= 2(k-1)

. … (3.9)

The last element, , of c type in S*, we know that

as ’s are all negative

, by the equation (3.9)

Page 10: Research · Research Innovator – International Multidisciplinary Research journal Research Innovator ISSN 2395 – 4744 Research Innovator ISSN 2348 - 7674

International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Volume II Issue V: October 2015 (148) Editor-In-Chief: Prof. K.N. Shelke

since and s is natural

By the Steps (1), (2) and so on, proposed in the construction of IBN designs, Section 3, the

value of the last element, is obtained when i.e.,

Then = i.e. –

Therefore, by the condition (i) of the construction of IBN design,

… (3.10)

under the reduction module of v i.e., 2n+1 as

From the condition (v) of the construction of IBN designs,

– The set { , , ..., , , , …, }

can be partition into four subsets

and . From the relation (3.1), all the

elements in the subset (ii) are distinct. Now, as cj’s are distinct and

– {all determined values of cj’s}, all the elements in the subset (i) are also

distinct. Further, are distinct and consequently, by the condition (v)

of the construction of IBN design, are distinct. By

condition (i) of the construction of IBN design, ≠ for all i.e., any two elements

belong to the different subsets are distinct. Further, by the condition (v) of the

construction of IBN design, i.e., any two elements belong to the different

subset (ii) & (iii) are distinct. Similarly, it is know that and since

mod(2n +1), then ; where

i.e., any two elements belonged to the different subsets are distinct. Since Є {1,

2, 3, …, n} and mod(2n +1), then .

Similarly, it concludes that , i.e., any two elements belonged to the different

subsets (i) & (iii) are distinct.

As S* i.e., as , , ..., , , , …, are

distinct. Further, among the totality of the backward and the forward difference given in (3.4)

and (3.5), every non-zero elements of GF(2n +1) under mod (2n +1)

repeats twice. Hence by the Lemma proposed by Rees (1967) the theorem is proved.

An illustration of the theorem is being given below:

Example: Let n = 6, then v = 13, by the relation (3.1), i.e., 4

where , which lies between 1 and n i.e., . The value of is

substituted by i.e., - 4. Then the process to find ‟s is determined and clearly s

=1. Obviously, { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } – { - } i.e., and

– i.e., 5.

A set i.e., such that Here is transformed to the sets

mod (13) and = {12, 9, 4, 11, 2, 0}. These two sets, S and S′, when

developed under reduction module (13) give an IBN design with the parameters v b

r k λ .


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International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Volume II Issue V: October 2015 (149) Editor-In-Chief: Prof. K.N. Shelke

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