Representation of male and female in media



In general, "media" refers to various means of communication. Media includes every broadcasting and narrow casting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, direct mail,telephone, fax, and internet.

Transcript of Representation of male and female in media

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What is media?

In general, "media" refers to various means of communication. Media includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, direct mail,telephone, fax, and internet.

Traditional Media - television, radio, newspapers, magazines,newsletters, tax press and other print publications

Social Media - terms used to describe the new generation of digital,

computerized, or networked information and


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Press (includes newspapers, magazines, etc)



Films & dramas

3Web / Internet ( Today, this digital technology is the modern world)


Traditional & Social Media Includes

5 Recommendations

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Films/movies/dramas are a fun way for a family or friends,to sit together, and enjoy a couple of hours of entertainment. However, often times, people who watch these films/dramas can find themselves to be in a position where their sex is defined in a poor manner. They can have any reaction.

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What they show in films and dramas and its negative effects?

Use male and female to show Violence in action movies.

Disrespect to men/women/parents. Use Women and girls as Sex

Object/Show romance /love. Independence of women.

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Representation of Violence and its negative effects

Male and female are represented in movies to show violence.

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Disrespect to men/women/parents.

In films and dramas we can observe men and women talk to each other and children with their parents angerly.And also children

learn other activities and act on them.

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Use Women and girls as Sex Object/Show romance /love.

women are presented as a sexual commodity and as a sex object. The portrayal of women in dramas and films is usually negative.

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Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group of people) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common.

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Codes used in Pak. Advertising

In the analysis of the Pakistani advertisements the codes used to talk to female masses can be concluded as follows:

Family Relations Romance Beauty

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Representation of males and females in advertisements and its effects

Advertising is both a mirror and a shaper of public opinions, mores, and social standards. By the sheer weight or exposure, advertising sets a social agenda as to what is expected, what is fashionable, and what is tasteful for a significant number of people.

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Advertisements do not merely sell products; they sell concepts, values and beliefs too. They tell us who we are and what we should be and how we should govern our lives. Advertising industry has used women in this medium as a tool to attract the sights of viewers. Using scantily clad and attractive women as an object to stimulate desires among the public to use the advertised goods or services is a cheap yet globally practiced technique of advertising.

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Women are shown in traditional domestic chores situations such as Homemaking and Child-rearing or, as the trend are developing, as a Glamorized Housewife and Happy Consumer. Even when they are representing professionals in various fields they are still much glamorized.

Men and women are portrayed in an indecent, immodest and immoral way.

Women are represented as thin and beautiful while men are portrayed as physically strong.

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Men are used in female product advertisements to attract women while women are used to attract men.

Many commercials make girls and boys think that the only thing they should do is work on their appearance, because their opinions don’t matter.

Exposure to ultra-thin models in advertisements produces depression, guilt, shame, insecurity, and body dissatisfaction in female teenagers.

Teenage boys can be prone to obsessive exercising, binge eating, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, steroid abuse and diet aid abuse.

People are so much used to watch immodest ads that they don’t even feel its something wrong.

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Some Example of Advertisements

In the 1st ad women are showed as the object of affection in a shaving cream ad where no women are needed.

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In 2rd ad a boy is trying to get the phone no of a girl just to sell a mobile connection.

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In 3rd ad In the 3rd ad a boy is using fairness cream to attract girls.

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In 4th ad a girl and boy is showing immoral behavior just to sell a juice.

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In the 5th ad a women is using beauty cream to get married.

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INTERNETBy the turn of the century, information, including access to the Internet, will be the basis for personal, economic, and political advancement. The popular name for the Internet is the information superhighway

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Negative Impacts of the Internet Negative: Unreliability of ResourcesNegative: Time Consuming

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Positive Effects of the InternetPositive: Internet Based EntertainmentPositive: Wealth of Information

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Face bookFacebook is a social networking website launched in February 2004 that is operated and privately owned by Facebook

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Negative Effects of Facebook

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Privacy Blow Up:Does not Care about His/Her Surroundings:Less Social Interaction:Bad for Health:Reduce the Time for Study:Possibility of Conflict:Less Family Concern:

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How to handle Facebook addiction?Reduce Facebook trackingConsider other alternatives Meet up with your friendsActivate Facebook blocking applicationsUse self help CDs Buy a mobile phone with no Internet capabilitiesShare your thoughts

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Youtube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos.


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Negative Effect Of Youtube Cyber BullingReligious HatredSocial Interactions.Viral Videos

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Representation of males and females in press

Every day, millions of teenagers are exposed to magazines glamorizing thelatest fashions, beauty products, gadgets, and other “useful” tidbits of information displayed on only the most physically attractive models. These magazines serve as a carrier for stereotypes, usually negative, directed at both men and women.

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Many teenagers view otherteenagers in these magazines and feel that unless they look as perfect as the modelsdo, they are not good enough

A young girl may readCosmopolitan and think that just because she does not wear Celine Dion perfume orPrada dresses, she is not socially acceptable and no one will recognize her for whoshe is.

A teenager guy may read Maxim and think that because he doesn’t wear a

Nautica suit or drink Absolut vodka he is not an acceptable man.

The effects of powerful, dominant, muscularmodels are also apparent, as guys go on diets and exercise routines in order to changetheir body image.

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The average men’s magazine contains articles about alcohol,clothes, sex, sports, cars, and other objects, with little or no emphasis on staples likeeducation, current events, life management skills, and others.

Women’smagazines do nothing to help epidemic of false stereotype portrayal by crammingtheir magazines almost half-full of influential advertisements.

The overly skinny models wreak havoc on the self-esteem of female readers and can cause eating disorders and personal insecurity.

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Few photos in press

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In the above magazines and newspapers men and women are showed in extremely indecent way. They are selling their selves to earn money which is immoral children and teens get influenced by these magazines and newspapers.

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Recommendations: Families should discuss television advertisements,

dramas and films with their children i.e. a mode of learning.

Children should be given such confidence that they may cast critical outlook and analyze what they view in the advertisements. Parents should help children to make a differentiation between reality and imagination / fantasy.

Children should not be allowed to go to cinemas alone.

It is desirable that a child or teenager should not have a television in his or her bedroom separately. A main location where all family members may watch television is strongly advised.

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Television viewing should be restricted to less than 1 hour to 2 hour per day. Families should opt other active ways to spend time i.e. in sports and games. Although much media content is negative, there are many important positives that need to be explored. Parents can play a key role in this regard.

Our educational system should prepare its students with such skills through which they may be able to approach the media especially advertising critically.

In today’s media-dominated culture and society, it is vital to assess critically the onslaught of messages sent by the media daily. But most of the students in this age have the ability which is not fully developed, to think critically.

Swift actions should be taken to tackle immoral commercials, dramas and films. Indecent magazines should be banned.

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Considerable talent resides in the media and in the marketing and lobbying industries which support it. Harnessing this human capital for good is possible but will only occur in response to government action or public outrage.

Public opinion polls show substantial support for regulation to curtail marketing aimed at people. Both statutory and voluntary/self-regulation are currently being considered as

responses to the problem of marketing.


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