Participate - IGV Knowledge Center -...


Transcript of Participate - IGV Knowledge Center -...


Welcome the world This

Practice your English for 6 weeks and live another culture!

holidays to your home

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Model Canvas

Families X With kids in


X With kids that don’t leave at home anymore

X Students of other hours

X Interested in other cultures

Young people

Direct Sales

Word of mouth

Online spaces

Database management and client servicing

Multicultural Experience

Practice English and other languages

Product packaging, sales and delivery

Quality and satisfaction mng.

Schools X Elementary,

middle and high.

X Languages

Sales Force

IT Infrastructure

Sales and Promotion costs

Customer Care and Satisfaction costs

Participation Fee

Sales to company sponsors

Companies interested in their employees to improve English skills.

1. Costumer Segments

FG has two main costumers (but it’s not exclusive to them, as potentially anyone could be a costumer for GF): families and young students. In the case of families, the idea is to target parents, both those that have kids at home (and for example know our IGCDO projects like Discover and Grow) and those who’s kids have left home to go to university. The main reason being that they already know what’s like to live with a young person and could be particularly interested. In the case of young students are those who are particularly interested in practicing English and living other cultures. Keep in mind, though, that anyone could be a potential costumer for Global Family if approached properly.

2. Value Proposition

The most important thing about GF is that it has a specific value proposition for the client, and not just a “favor” that he’s doing for AIESEC. The core revolves around having direct contact and coexistence with a young person from another culture without having to invest time or big amounts of money into it. Practicing English (and maybe another language) which is fundamental for today’s world, getting out of the daily routine and living cultural diversity and seeing your own city through the eyes of a foreigner; all of these things is what must be transmitted in the communications to the client as a proposal of self growth and personal/cultural development.

3. Channels

The main channel is direct sales to the client: once they are registered in the database they are contacted by AIESEC to have a proper presentation of the product, close the deal and sign the contract. In order to get the clients to register in the database there are two main approaches: word of mouth (direct recommendations; given a high satisfaction rate of previous costumers) and online channels for young students. Keep in mind, though, that the promotion channels are also very flexible, and will depend greatly on the Marketing and Sales strategy developed for the context of the LC.

4. Costumer Relationship 5. Key Activities 6. Key Resources

The relationship is maintained through database management of registered people who are potential costumers interested in Global Family. Once registered, these people are contacted by AIESEC to offer the product through a direct sale. After the contact signing, those registered persons become clients of Global Family, and from them on we must deliver the product and the quality and satisfaction services that ensure a high score in NPS for Global Family and promoters for the program.

Global Family has an specific product flow that determines the activities done for it’s proper management. In general, the activities revolve around product packaging and marketing, sales and delivery. After the sales is done, its fundamental the quality & satisfaction management through specific policies and consistent follow up of the clients’ experience and measurement of the satisfaction.

One of the main resources is the Sales Force. This involves both the people who’ll do the sales and the materials required for sales to happen (including marketing efforts). And, clearly, the people needed to maintain the costumer relationships and the quality of the experience. Afterwards, the IT platform needed to maintain the CRM with the registered people and clients.

Potential partners are any kind of entities that could somehow support or boost the processes flow of the product. In this case, the main ones could be schools (elementary, middle, high) specially if they are already partners for Discover or Grow, since they can support us in approaching the parents. Also language schools, since the students there are naturally inclined to learning and practicing English or other languages. Any other kind of organization related to cultural activities (like cultural centers) could also be a big asset. Last but not least, companies or organizations interested in their employees improving their English skills and multicultural understanding could promote the program to their employees and be partners in reaching that possible target group.

7. Key Partners 8. Cost Structure

The main costs of running Global Family are those related to the sales activities and client satisfaction activities. On that sense, regular sales costs are to be expected (promotion, materials, printing, transportation to sales meetings, etc) and quality and costumer care management costs (meetings, materials, etc).

9. Revenue Streams

The main income for Global Family would be the participation fee paid by clients to be part of Global Family (which would vary depending on the LC’s city reality). However, this could change depending on the local context of the market and how the product is presented to different clients. Whether the fee is charged or not, and the amount, must be evaluated carefully by the LC in order to guarantee market acceptance. Another alternative method is to get sponsorships/partnerships with companies that could cover the costs of the product, either by in-kind or cash. Also, for the companies mentioned in point 7, there’s an option of charging them an amount for X number of their employees to participate in GF.

Processes &



Setting the number of interns and arrival dates


2 Training of the

Delivery Team in how to manage Global Family

3 Define goals for

each stage of the Costumer

Experience Flow

4 Create marketing strategy for the

registration goals and the Operational Plan for the GF as a whole

5 Execute

marketing strategy

6 Contact

registered people, have sales

meeting and sign contacts

7 Expectation

alignment with the clients and preparation for

the arrival of the Intern

8 Arrival and

reception of the Intern

9 Follow-up of the

client’s experience and satisfaction measurement through NPS

10 Experience closing

and audiovisual material compilation

(testimonials, videos, photos, etc).

Mention the next Peak and interest or

referrals to participate in it.

Product Management Flow





1 Online

registration for Global


2 Contacted by

AIESEC to meet and present the


3 Expectations

alignment and contact signing

4 Presentation of

the possible profiles of Interns


5 Welcoming the intern

home, expectation alignment among the 3

parts (AIESEC, the Intern and the client).

6 AIESEC’s follow-up of the experience and possible

meetings and cultural activities (i.e: participation in

a Global Village or opening/closing ceremonies)

7 Closure of the

experience, filling-in the feedback form (NPS)

and providing testimonials of the


Costumer Experience Flow





-The implementation and management of Global Family is done by the Delivery Team of IGCDP, which is composed of the Delivery Managers of each project and the Delivery Coordinator (if applies to the structure). -For each stage of the Costumer Experience Flow there should be clear goals, defined within an Operational timeline. The goals should be set through Backwards Planning, and have a special emphasis in # of registered people, # of sales meetings, # of contracts signed and NPS target.

-If partnerships are going to be done with companies for cost-cutting, then the delivery team should work in synergy with the sales team of IGCDP.

-The promotion strategy should be created specifically for the target group defined as main costumer (which means depending on which target costumer group you want to approach, your marketing strategy changes) and created together with the MKT department of the LC.

-There should be an specific sales methodology to be used by the sellers in the first meeting with the client to guarantee a proper communication of the value proposition and increase the likelihood the deal being closed.

-There should be a nationally centralized system to keep track o the status of each client and the next steps for each one.

-The client must sign a contract accepting the conditions to participate in Global Family.

-In the expectations alignment, AIESEC must explain the expected profile of the EPs (nationality, gender, age, etc), then the client can express which profile he would feel more comfortable with (i.e: girls only). Then AIESEC will be the final responsible in allocating the Interns within the host families, trying to meet as many clients’ expectations as possible.

-There should be a follow-up meeting at half and at the end of the experience, and by the end the client must fill the NPS survey.

-As many experiences as possible should be document through audiovisual material for future showcasing strategies.



-The minimum duration of the program is 3 weeks (for a client to host an intern). This is with the intention to minimize the amount of times an intern would need to change homes only to one (in a 6 weeks exchange). -The Intern must be provided with his own place to sleep, access to the toilet and to the kitchen to cook his own food.

-The Intern must adapt to the house rules: norms, arrival hours, family customs, etc (as understood by standard Romanian culture)

-The host family is not obliged to provide alimentation to the Intern, however they can do it if they want to. In such case, the expectations about food should be aligned very clearly with the intern on arrival. In case the family won’t provide any food, the Intern is 100% responsible for his own alimentation costs. -It’s not needed for the client to speak fluent English in order to host an Intern. The language understanding and communication is part of the multi-cultural experience and part of the purpose of the program.

-The client doesn’t need to have a lot of free time to be a host. Between work and social activities with AIESEC the Intern will usually be busy doing things in the city or traveling around Romania, so the time spent among the host and the Intern is usually at home or in activities they could schedule together.

-It isn’t the host’s job to take care of the problems or difficulties the Intern might have during his exchange; that’s AIESEC’s role through the Intern’s Buddy and the Delivery Team.

Program Conditions





At the beginning, we should mention basic information regarding AIESEC, the projects in which the interns work and it’s main purposes. (the Why). While doing this, we should be sweet and to the point, while avoiding using AIESEC terms like EP, LDM, etc. Giving too many details in the beginning may make them bored and distracted from the main point, which is convincing them to be a host family. Also keep in mind that rather than a monologue from our side, it is supposed to be a conversation, so we should incite them to engage by asking questions. In our projects, one of our enabling elements for leadership development is creating challenging multicultural environments. This point connects directly to our Why of Global Families. Because while we are learning their culture, we also teach our culture to interns and the best way to learn a culture is living with the citizens, like citizens. It’s also important to mention that interns come here as volunteers, so parents can understand that they are not paid for coming ro Romania, but rather do it out of a sense of social contribution towards the country, particularly for the education of our youth. Finally, we should ask their opinions and questions regarding the project and Global Family as a program.

Structure of the Speech

Keep in mind this is just an example; you should adapt it to your personal style, the specific person you talk with, and the reality of your LC. This particular example is focused on selling to parents of children who participate in Discover.

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. ………………. . I am / we are ……………………………. and I am /we are part of AIESEC in ……………. Have you heard about AIESEC before? (Wait for their answer, if they haven’t heard then proceed explain it briefly). AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-run and non-profit organization. Present in over 127 countries and territories we provide leadership development experiences for youth through international exchange opportunities, in social projects and professional internships. For this summer/winter, over ……… many interns are coming to (name of your city) to be part of our project Discover, to work as a volunteer in developing the skills of the participant children. How familiar are you with the project? (Wait for the answer, if they aren’ t familiar at all proceed with a simple explanation). With Discover, our non-formal education project for youth, we aim to help our participants to improve their soft skills by using English as a tool and by discovering other cultures in these early ages by creating a multicultural environment with our international volunteers. These interns stay in Romania for 6 to 8 weeks and aren’t paid, so during this period we also aim to connect them with local hosts through our program Global Family. For the Interns this is also a powerful cultural and development experience, and we believe the best way to teach our culture to them is staying with local families: they will become familiar with Romanian traditions, food and so on at home, they will live like Romanians in your home. The program has no charge, the only requirement is to be able to provide the intern with basic needs: a place to sleep (bed, couch, mattress) , hot water, internet connection, etc. By being a host for an intern, you will also improve your speaking English, learn your guest’s culture and especially, you will be one of the most important part in his/her experience because they will learn Romania from you. And maybe the most important thing is you will find the chance to contact with at least one of the interns who facilitate their children’s sessions from firsthand. I / we said “at least” because it depends on how many interns that you are able to and you want to host. These are the basic things, what do you think so far?”

Speech example

Can we trust the interns? Yes, you can trust them because before we select our interns, we make interviews with them and we accept them after they become successful in this selection process. Who are these people and how do you select them? These people are young students from around the world who applied for our project through our online platform We make interviews with them to understand their motivation to participate in Discover, how they see the world, what is their viewpoint, how will they react in some unexpected situations that they may face while they are here and how they manage with the situations and the experience as a whole. How will we communicate with them? English will be the common language between you and your guest, however a basic English level from your side is enough, since part of the cultural experience for you is also to practice and learn the language. Why should we participate in Global Family? What will we gain? Your main gaining will be the cross-cultural experience, the chance to improve your English for free and communicating with your child / children’s project facilitator from firsthand. It is also a way to contribute and support our social project Discover, that aims to support the education of youth all across Romania in the long-run. What are our responsibilities as host family? The main thing is to provide a sleeping place for the intern (bed, mattress, couch), shower with hot water, internet connection and access to the kitchen for him to cook. You don’t have to prepare meals for him/her, neither do you have to take him/her to trips or transport him around the city. As AIESEC, we’ll organize integration and cultural activities for all our interns during their stay, but of course you can spend time as much as you want/can with the interns and if you share your meal with them, they would appreciate it. Also, you have no legal responsibility over the interns actions while in the country, or bonding of any kind. Last but not least, they are expected to respect your home rules and adapt to the living norms that you agree. Are you paid for working in AIESEC? No, we are working as volunteers as well, just like our interns. Where are they coming from? They have applicants from all around the world; China, United States, Mexico, Pakistan, Egypt, Turkey and many more. Can we choose the nationality? Unfortunately we don’t let parents to choose the nationality because one of our main goal is breaking the ices and prejudices between countries by creating this environment and also if we let, it would be a kind of discrimination and if some of the interns find out that they are not selected just because of their nationality, it won’t be a good welcome for them to our country as you might understand. Besides that, we usually don’t know how many interns will come from each country until some weeks before the project starts and the amounts would be hard to calculate. What if we can’t get on well each other with the intern? You can approach us in every problem. We will always be there to solve the problems there might be happened because some misunderstandings maybe and help you to have a healthy experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

AIESEC in Romania