Part in Wtefe iffioars asii - NYS Historic...

{ I y-il'l 1 It « 1 r 4s f, **»'*?|W«IS«!«, XjK4 at fe iSfc- smjy & «*j*tee> SrHtial tttttneas -&ra <&$&&& M. A tiiasmtan * thrfttptpt |M$*e4ftta% p*e- "** "*"* iatiw id -m* i,ft*&*!d -..S#S»r-'S3*iR SfttSlvM- (^tfcen Intel ysar. UWWIBWP. then tomtag ip H*. ef. *he Mttheaift. ¥*al f* Oeisvn, 90, Chura- bsaai,' #1*6 teat Friday morning te tsse K.*. Hytte HwJSafcRJ- He had b**n In m Ifaattfc fcr about Bom in gte. phfit*o«q, Chat- eaugway, Que., 0«. fR» 4*76, He was a -SE et .Jesttesih JSJU UicHe Oeri <JSTOD. Jifo asKwea to Ly«i Mountain, in lB6t w*Sh hi* par- « * * rati tetev in ia*t, aw Ss**- 4y mewed to Churobuaca, where toe enSnt the rest «.'- Vs Ufa flte ^_ _ ^_ was ^ awm*-. tibe tame f*rtn i h § / ^ ^ ^ ^ M 9 S 1 * M toiawa .»»4i* ^ftferMad in 1196, ha was tnarrtedtoMi* *rmer Cetftwi ii*e»» of -Chateau- gay. She tBsc! same time ago. BP Je survived Sjr s s * ssns, Sjlreier at ChMrnjsilaJn aud Ktapd of North Syrsiouse; two danjb- ierR M s * LiSSar, Caw, <* Mai- one, and Mr*- Leon (Dora) Pat- node or CSsuriifeuseo, with whom he had nwie his hoop for be past sevlw&i j«Wt; one «!*- t«, MasteSHrtaCfaran sad one bwjifew, Iwawenca Oman, troth of SicfcnwsH, >"&. f tlttce gramd- chSMiren, Mm. Vtew»Sfca 3etnfr- <fe -F*aiMttta ,idid A»*pn' aJftd Jo- .in Carm ail of Cfaasapiata and two fra&grtiaifcihaaife*, Thom- as ?«hst;a and ite»es crank- litt at tMenbure tieaSar and «• v*«rt niseis and nephews. ^siaenti ao»tees wete S»*a aCosd&y ut »:80 a, m in Imm- «»tta^> Heamt cf! SH*j, J {Sureh, Oiiwagaww, with «he «ev, Afte- rt Hl^swlnem, partap, offidaJ- In^E. Slfttal warn in Jfte f*rfcfc «NilM» lie** « * * * ! ; «^fcpiiba fee ftttarins !««,' -.' ;." ' ' or" s»p atoww! % «ffisoav«ie« to itKwhuw. ilfMemi^iMt- ure- ^-;4gMttn|; «h»t Mtodetti Mfe- ittvwis^Si-- 4ws MMxce &n inte- gmi »«rt spr.our jmw*rict(i tag. Hteh -Bt*<>gt. *hp ftisia i^eaoos mam* p ft^iwr %^«tMd our *l*|e<M% ARttblWtM IHINIISHS rf»l«teH<: tgwri. 3, ft 4*Wj!>e5 «M> ^sWgtitey jge&m at Sxxv'atg «l»fch 4» £h$Ngiqg mere aa?a*» te-jW«*(»«*ite h^ talk Jty $im% jfeauatewce a; ftw invaoi t*«t VneteJII«e,' nnaii- '^MsaiKt «H>- wb rsceiswi fir- «tii 'ihc AtwiKkl dhctatBws Uatb-' «r of He .SsIvattoB Aimy, and tie would lifee to <?»*&*» BSS»*C- latlonfarthe p*Hc lor the wnp- jusK to Uife c^apeti. - y If you inure not *n» «w, It *B nettooiate to JiJ^tl tat vowr*»- : attoti to assfst thie wary werth- wMIc RpllfittsaHji' M(*tvjU«J s^o- rfc, The S^««HBe<|i Arnwty i; MM* oparatinr bi mar* « w s » Sff- wreet coumtanizs ind eeiai**'^ : the «M*i aadl m^rtisgpteawcr- S 1 . M. Moafiay, Aav itxnm coming tri mfter s f. K. «cS! tw totett j is fnihuwIajE i» | >M>lrR i^-T*.-*. PSsaWf ftea.- *!ai as anitU ba«<k ta isartsiat I «nMMMMMBM|HM!»tM^ liSSiB ass? Is Or. Jasnes fi. Stokes, H f<»«rt- <r »jrlinfl»n, Vt-, restdiat (iioti suddenly at his JwMia in imie i S*(fs, N. J., JBTiHgrv «m <n « i A'. M. I He was *He first b£>m chi*d of th» tele Mr. and .Mrs. Theodeiv Stakes, we »K8injttors, Vt. | He went grsi*««P<! foam Bar- j iinffta IQgih aefeooi in 1925, Part in Wtefe Aliteu^'n The temperature vtes bshiw 0, the t-nthu^aisni or Ch- aieau^ay's Hoy Soon* Troop W»P not t*we« jhiHrsd a* rtrev ra«i al the iocal hioJKHi) last gtHidrtay to go to T^alte Pfcaetd. Tine occasion was *e 13th an- fwwu the Ontvere*sr of V«£ nuai « 4n!ter £i P ar4s ^V &*r mora in UK, and tnxa. «. V. ^ ^ 3 ^ ™ Soy s""* 118 ^^ ^K- M. M'SOkal 'CWKse ia IBM. pteew *^ t v .e A*-ror.dsrfc Ooun- Dr. Stomw «amed his tetter cU - Iriaylny foutiaJj for U. v. M.He j *&**&¥ a<*l*««es at the win- wae a tragnber of Siarr* Delta •** W^ B««i«ted ot shiiDg art rrateiftiey, Buritngton i^odge vt finsw «•»«*« ** Paltfare Sta P»-np>- u : wr.-ii.-s. for USttyt] ' WtilISS Wffli?*!»J St. Sdrmimis Church, Won- I Mr\ M a t e [r*-:n wufi JfCMll- trurg last SYiday morruag, T v .c> irii "fi«ithy Mtiteivi ami her ".is i»dy ivas co-nin'tto<3 to Hie va- I !*nd. Tatoert Ii-,vin Worthy ittt to flwsit o KpRnp biiriji! | Potnn of F-vmlkv O^pier, Or- Mr. -fatnorjc iWcl on Tin-.- ' ,f>r '' f f h e KasScri' Star i.i rPT=- f!ny, January 1Hh In the MU-is-! mom '^ at ChJteaugai- :.-st Fii- •na Hospital - !a V "'R 1 *" 1 Th*> (Jateased W«;T to'ii Ipnburg on May 22 1909, Sir. r> F. t A. K, isn6 Che ord^r of AKEPA. IV. SSBtaw tmrved three years daring World War II aa aCas- ihsiin ta >ti* MsAloat Oorj» to Gw Ch(«a r Bacma Iraiia Th- eater. Hp ate> ;0Gr«Bd in many potittcal otftops in ums Falls, N. j.. ana tf» «L mawur of that *%- £rom 1«MS- Ke leaves his wtfe, tha form- er Dorothy safest, of Chateia- S a a 2K'S-"S!Fr*yeir services of Utile Jttl&- H.ii;- / fB» aoAr J ' ^ L . rfNL-5 -^-.i^_ in-laar. if. *. «Wta *tri«WSW a htt. «M r«r. sixwaejrt ^ aSwat- 2>,4. yeara «#»,-'" l - * - He alas ' leaves «ae - state**, two bsmtbers and a wanber of runerai iaarv4oaa"were h s W t i of Mrs Jennie tBarrumbi P. t- nod> and Ibr Isilte Kufsis fiOt 1 ! 8 rio l^jis fmp'oyp] by the Al- uminum C c . «.!' Americw. Sin %iiviiis are hi>; m o t h e r , tli- rfle sisters anil five bratheis Mra. Jrene Hoi?!in, Mrs. Kami) (Madora i Romonj-d Maesetia Mr-! Tfnvy a-„eor.ry, I^krvLU", Term; Raymond ^<at!1sburgh. *Tranois. TS'iXu'ourg-, Waller, Sj-- racts"ie; Ge««ilrl Balminnrp, Mil , and Wiiliam. llayward, Ca'iiCot- mn. CVater. In the ef&sacon dte Somite visited ,th? JsotwlBd run at M*. Van Hoventerg. At 3:60 P. M. Ice tikeiting rac- I ing 1 wet* heJd ot Ls*e P'artd an | the H%h School Field. The day's activities were cli-1 | | j i y i ^ tnaxed •**!) the attendance at flvff « the JtaMner hockey seme in the j iferth Country Outdoor CM intotsiKiit. ID the fani% lot tia «lre , 'i%r'*>W«*e*y. •3leJ6i^''iiia',««K!s atdenii- iAff the fgnew fttms here an- »*c I>t> and Kbe. X S. Sweet, Mrs. JGai&eth Vaugh, Mr. and Mra. 3&tne9i "W. Sweet, iMr. and Mrs. Hfener -MoCarm. OiynvpSc Arena. pr*yer i ft>r Clmsiiaii uriit) at Chet. Churches ^^^ ^ 9te^»-iteeiSsss tot ChriSBars. ]tJh~«l~T» tfKfe «** he hold in CMea», -•"" ^ (jlf Cta»»t»«( 08 January, isa j g d n wanrt rejoto' MonMy >>. *?«*«« '^ik* 5 ** 5 !! * S oweOiw a( SwteOt*nc«, Will- « ' « « swey S e "W fte * lK> <s0,,i * HUB Trj«*a»ote waa hoaores! at to them tor asstttonce, ni/aiions T* ituMlMni T4«ten Awdiuuv NO. *15 ^atibaky is OOH^MII arnta. Pl- ease (ret your OBopnaa in. __ The January committee ifcaB- a 'Ba^S-'hi leawwtateaEta tit' Tte **««iso ' « = « » H* wi wftowipea nurke «» food hUt«e(ltt» ftow She roirat «* 1 « * « • * "P* 1 "• •«•"* csafeny «afe a aooeeas. We have several ta! « r r t » T i » » . 4& vears ser- "* f •errtec- 4o Ge4 end men, ha-1 AuxWoiy Coofcboolui on hand t^Tfir*H"taM W of the **« J»» « * « ^ «» i ^ Jlta - i*S« *1«. The» nudte nice gi- mhtt •«««* WCHinw* of Ecrite «y Annivewtaty .fiartag a * . y e - «s lor^.hehla,! shflme™. caJl *W- ^•^•^ ^——15-^- " by Peter Breithaupt My Jlva yeai oi*i son just asked. "Have you finished thinking yet Dad- dy?" Sitting on the chasterlield in our li- vingroom with Dun, our three yest oid son on one mide <d ne and Bea. our five ysu old son on thtf otbsr sids, creates a handis&p when oompoei«g this colu- mn. "Daddy, »rtiy doo't y«s stiprt work- Then, I thought of my favorite vil- lage. Can Chateaugey benefit from th- !»? Can Ecurist trade be boosiad? Can publicity be acquired? Can this serve to bring more tourists back in the fut- . wire, after 3£#po? ORB -this eveatmtlly i boost prosperity in Frankiin and Clui- I ton Countiee-r i : Saisething Jo think ahout! Aithoa- ; gh it wfeuiii not aeewsim&y produce ea- £ng?" asked Ben wnile I . sst thinWng. rthshakinjf and ims»edirite reaults, it M^aJwhJle, Dan's determined little fin might Just add something to the com- ^er was moving closer to my typewrit- ; mmtity as * vatjete. •'May 1 pufh thi^ lottixm naddy'P" ft ia difficult to think £arj» W wild- er the*e cit^unutasces. Hflwever; I re- ad ihir otbet- d*y, wse -»eoninind«ti«» «or i Sbspo 1fii7' in afiontreii, would be difficult to obtain. It was ctenHoned thst lBBfeseeR Apsil and OcM** of ft- at yaar t an eatitnated ^8roHUonpeople weald travel to Expo ftom points 200 sulea or more: from Montreal. Also, aa- other 1 2 lajlliois people Hving within a radius of 200 miles fnwn Montreal we likely to visit the exposition. This rep- tweeats aa estimated ?Jt i million visit- or*. • Bow many will come through Chs- tewugay whidb is. m shfl cr*>w flies, a tale over 50 nukss frffln 'Moatr^sl? l Th* -hotel situatior* It* M«tt!*al and UnmedHite environs spears to be bi£u££i£t«nl. There - er# 27,600 notes, m&iei sad lourist - rozmn available. H is. fi?fdicted that another 1,000 roorns mif b# ^ddfid before Expo opens. mw&viet, officials cetiiEtats tlia* about SS.3SS r«9tas a eight will be rso.uir?d teg &* awasaer aioatiw at 1861 herein Venturing along this path need co- st iitt-ie more then *' f«w hours of some p«jr£Ki!^. i%s; pest^s. atid typing and #nveiopfSris. Over the next few moisths, gather « iiat of aii the IRKS, hotels, mo- tels, (SKbiris and tourist - homee. Have all •who ar«» wttereBted, in apjsetariEg on this list send in their detaik to a centr- al office, giving addresses, telephone numbers, «ecoradatloh, rates and diuta- ! nee, as the SSSJIV f!t#a feons Montreal. ; Reproduce eopi»s it this liat, attach th- ; era to an explanatory letter, and send ; them to such soureas of infannatkvi »s Expo, the New York State- office in 1 Montreal the Knu-r-es! Ttssirist offk* , and coas>tdes that are,oartkipati*i'; in Expo *t57. An interesting thought. By stretch- ing fee haegiaation, the many sade eff- ects miff/it, in themselves, be more im- portant than the primary action of «n attempt to inform about aceotnnnodiat> iait in this area which, after aU. is rela- tively close to MostreaL More on this, perhans, sf 8 late* feSe., "'Daddy, may f push this mstton The North Cosirtiy Outihur Qnb held te firsi i&ce of tne •feeason Sunday. January 16th si tte- Beiirie-.a Baauh CUtb on Lo- 4^«r ChateaiigRy Lalte. The remiBB of the racps were -as toHos?s: igiakwn Raw - Tferied evant - Open £. i"jee Mii'.er - PiatUbia^a ghitebiwfcy afaihadlat Chart*; "'" theVaryitev. H*ffr. Har- old? J. 8Jae% cf St. PafeiSss Ch- wiih anU ?he ttev. Charles J. Mspin o£ the Onteauj>ny afedi- odaa Church owdaafcSuij the as--' vJce (to iajsuary 36th lite serviee -wift he In St.' PatricK"., CSvJsrsh with The Rev, Chsrtes J. Martin The Very Bav. BwoK SteUy, ar4 The Rev. Jparphftutoaico- nctecHng the service. Both, ser- vices wiB begin alt g:09 p.' M- The enttre Christian <S««mm*ty ts Invited to attend Jwtit of Sthe- «e aerviewf., The order of worship tot the- se aerck** rma been prepared and approves Sy the National GoanoEl of ChnMSwa and-Xhe Rs- taaV. OaHioMe IHsiicp's Oomms- sioti fttr Ecumeeioai Affaire. f&s«* next SKFtday, Jsn*. 23 At ISphnont Stescli ai t:W oee 8 to 14 Btisworth— Bom- Bralnanls- T to 9 ho 11 HHlfltiiS OH dM Jar^jarf 12th The deep««t syrasrathy is ex- tended tc 'Mt and Mrs. CrfWtn Biaonetie in the death of their infant: son, Brian, nehteh coenr- 'red en TiJttKisy, Jatsoasry 12th. In the ^ra«uwe Meowwfei Ht^- The Ir.&int was torn in Ma- lone on February SS, HS5ftson at Garth ana »lane fttytai* Bi«ean«.ta. Attrvlvinf are WB ttat«t*s, a -Uojw. Bawse 1 * and a brother. Brian; his patmctmf gsaaapir- ents, «r. and Mrs. Ctattde Bi* «9^ite, ST., '<»6ie88B»y: artd maternaj jriswUnareitte MET. and nth- Johri 'Mjrnn, of aut*e. jptsisentl anwieeB weae tseid on Thutaday alhwnoan, Jan- uary VWi at tte home nf his griinaparcr»iB. Mr. and Mr«. Cltud ^aptnatfe, «r. ^iBv, »u«««e WTBISOM, pas- toe of tt»e 1Pi«shj,-ieaiatt Church e?$.«t&ted. BqrhU wiB be ma- da' In the North Itarte name !«?$!> in the (Vine;. I Oar nasi mssttag wig is; held j 'fts»6!jav Tn\:. 1, IMS at 7:80 p ,M.' i iXsraary o«BsraJ8t»3e ehsir. man Silaa ftwaan, Hantb SrMth A<rw«l» ^uarmtAft, ^OH-rfcj,!^ W<K>- <aiff, <Mn)de* JOhnEh'on. Kite Rjfen and Dorothy iePage. *hp Gay tWt offl»meDem- (mkeijw^in «*8 meet 'TueaSay, Jtami««Ur »f-, at J:9B at the heme | of; ?*j|. :3jh«dy aqpnotda Mrs. "~ Kiv» a lesson KstresSanetj^ will 4* set-vJstS. mard- iviae JtKator Bt.s» 1. Roderick hay 2. TVffiteen WUl>s «Ke Usdfes ^*owaer»«uf! -'raepower li. -lioreUa Merrtek — Malane JLasSes PcwOerpiiff to horse- power and over j. Marsha Supley — ACeniU 2. Viola Lallfarrutd Ctess A — 31BCK — 7 tin 8 hor- sepower 1. Loretta Merric> Malosje 2. BBmaxA McCoy Maione 3. Seith SSerrick Matore C&ss B —- Snook — S to 9 horse- power 3. Jery I^egacy Burfee 2- Lawrence Titas Malono S Loretta MemTl Maione CLtSB C — Stock —- J() horsepo- wer and over 1. Jean tiaUtonx ChdtMmjpay J. Tiro Shanty Maione- % John Kasha - Lyon Hour Speed Race -- for supped up maehinea 1 Pete- Beniers — Vatene 2 B-a-in COSVBT! — Bttrise 3. Alvin MOOK- iEalotie Modified Ciaw — Ojai 1 Otis H-s-lf,'- Ch:!tf«'8Bay 2. Brwln Co"vai -Surke g. Rieh»r1 TitrniWav -- Bllen- "ourg Oeaur AoprOKlrnatLHy 1,000 peopi^ eame to watch --ace. At the lasi race of the yesi f\."<-oi\. =<IT. >,i-'r:ce S'.irr 0 :' i\.b.:e^- ij, rect.vto a.-, ipp-aii- the M-t'dnnRr ,.»<•<! A: 12 i'r-.vniity Agi-iuiJiur- Kei-itlh ixbilei l'« Those who asviteo an the in- i»t»!'pt'fin »err Vtibel Irvn.i. T.ilbi.-it Ii-M-in. Olfi nj',1, Bhirto, .SilhcrmuR an-J Bi'ty Chase. The Citgoing mjitron, Om Hilt A«xj'-ifit{" Matron. Jcu, <;o- inli thanked PH.- ctf.cers arid members for i!he fine ciwipL-rat- K.P. Jmi-.g th^ pas-, yt-dr feh- was presenteil with a Past Mat- rons' jewel The new matron, Mat/el Inw \r\ rev.eweti some eatlic-r year": cf of tne chapter, stressing the hij;hl<giir> of those years She thanxeri the chapter for again j giving her the opyorturJ'y io ci-rve ui> W--,r*h,¥ ?,latror, >.fr\» Irwin -wrja presents a «;ift L-- om the chapter *>y the mAgo- ing 1Aiit!<on, Oh Hili. Ti-e oth»r bfficers ii-JUHOi.: were. Associate Matron, Ida Co- ok; Seoretas^-, Edith GHespie, Conductress, Phylus Cook. Tra- su-,-- l ;*ars. O'n-a Granger, Chapiiin, Grai-e Hitas Marsha- U, Shirley Siiberrnan; AsSiSlant Marsh.. Helen Friend- Musici- an,, Judy Hammond; Worder, Katherint. BHsworlth: Color Bearw. Actehnde SiJvei-. Adah, Joan Legacy; Bather. Marsha Martin. Electa, Betty Caawtorti. The following otGcers were <inaole to be present and wili l»e installed later- Asscstid.t€ Patron.. Ea»-1 Vr- jend: Trea£«rer, Irma 'Pai«iet- ifiir; A^sbettte ConduchwsB, /.tin Cbegqgu i.JEStortar, Winifred. A'dasM: Sentinel,, i n l i n e Cha- se; Rath, EbjtaUin Wills: Mar- tha, Lyia. Morgan. iPollowing the installation re- freshments of dainty sarafe"ich- es cuid coffee were sentJd by the Past Matron's Cinb, uiKier the direction of Lillian Eanta Vtai J'I'IP. 7. ' •'*-! Viin •ooa'-'jnal .l^iiei'i •'iT'^l mi Jet a; Chtteauga. Schocl tv. purticipfV.- 4 ;n j the fol'owlng extraoiu-rii.i.lar j .•(•ti.-il-es di.nng hi? high schtvol | "'" .",'.-.-, Treasurer- ,'*ut'..r 'Par- ( lr '^ in., o' ADKi.a Var.',it> r.ase- ; r IM''] OOJS Ctn n.ry, lis ;,ml Kxplorer Sron Wh . <yr,.j ,- ,.l C'arti hnol.igy progiam. Wan- David Bilow in Dramatic^ Club Production Mr. David Bilow, son of M-. and IMTS Ardi-pw Hllow Jr., is a mcnil^r of the east IP *hp Dra- Jnafec; Club pi-odiutirior!, "The tlPaajre of Hss Comnany 1 . The play will be prs-senoad &t Alw- i ° ny Bi-ssnc ns oo.-.e^re jan'triry 25. Mi. Bllotw s 5wo-yesir bti^-'n- ets adnuni<r?tian and afloount- ing student, is also participat- ing- in 3irt.rsnnir3! BaafceSbai! ail is SlatS'-cJac for the luaieeifasll teatri of Albany Business Coll- ege. ft"v Hiim'.' V°ri:am< d,i"t«i re -.erv-es- i.u !l Iiy was pdac-ed m 7t-e V'n iffioars asii TOLOSKY: A son Todd Anth- ony) was tore to Set. and Mr=. Psul Takeky. former ve- sidewis of Elleribun; Bep^t, on January 4. 3S» at Hotasn Air roree Base Hesgftal. N. M The graedparents ere Mr. and ivtrji. George LBoSaE", smd Mr *>nd Mrs. Tnffieid A. Tol- osJcy, cf Ellentang Depot. The .iTiniial meeimjr stockholders ot the First Nn Sa:!l; «r Cnueaugay Chatea»ifay, JJ. 7 , wa* held rst Tuesday, Janutry 1L, 1S6G the bar* offices '.!ie ,;il The following w>»i-o »"ctod •-iireetors lor ]996: John C Hisr- gUis. Robert W. Ohw-r. Ho* ard D. Hoy, John L. Sprsigue, John D. Lyonn, J. Bonato Sw- eet, Elmer A. Thompson. At the organizational meeting of the Boairti ci Direesors thi> laikAiiiiag; offtoea.1! and atsif wwre «4«!feS5"^:Mi {.puoinied: P Kfctcsae l*»ase 136H to .Ml A da'u^hltfir, was born Dec. Mrs. Lyman rd, New York. She W. a grand- damrhter to Dr. and Mrs John J. Mahoney. CH*TKAlKiAY CENTKA1. srwoor, MimiT Januair;' s[4-S8 MONTDAY: Bt'ef and Qravy on MashPd Pfrtatees, Buttered Com - Bread & Battler, Peanut Butter Cookies - liilk TUESTJAY. Baited ChilirOJii, Pear & Lettuce Salad, Eread & Sutter, Cherry CobOier - Milk. WTBDNESDAY: FWed Chicken- Oven Koastel Potatoes - But- tered peas. Bread & Ri&ter jn:& - ;«ia. THPR9DAY: Baked Ravioli & Meat Si? ; ic2, Buttered Wax Boans - Cheese Square.-. Bread | the m>;n-iag^ of C!aiy a«! & Buster, Fruit Cun & Ml He. jiMkss Nancj' Jones, whereas U FROAY j-Iam-einade Rice * < stusuld have been Miss Jean Tomato Soup, Assorted Sand-! jone;. wiches. Oarrut and C^iftry atw-1 "*«, rmaied Or-hos MiiK i - -. . I President: Howard In. Hoy, S'jpe.^lPrestdewt: JQlmet- A Cashier: JofiJi D. i^/tHSH. Ass4eKant festiter: jenr-y Sheehan. Assldtaw Cashier: Margfird Baraea. Head Briakke^Ber: VS:n T>. Faran. Teller; Bemice A. Gog-nift TaBer: Jamjes K Nolan. Savings Tei'a-: Donotlry IJ>- Heilc. Bookk«>per': Sandna MoOray Bookkeeper. R'lfcy Farquhir. :. 2U, ima to Mt. St ap a% j >*=**«**- Town Boanl j Tine ChateaugBif Toivn Board fOSJSECTJfSJf ' a* theli reguiar mont«ly moat- ing Jansih'iw 6, u938 oinde the lr, last week's issue if The folios-fog anpcWraerts. Hoccrii mention vHie made rHATK.4lMlA¥ ««ANGE SO. «8* WEEIS Worthy u^piSW State -SffiiStiir Anthirr Tiir.ner, lun-fcsr -Dorii-ty Mw. Tantf"' and Pamon'a Lec- turer Mn>- BiUnice Jones nw5e ttielr official waits to Chaiseu- gay Orange No s84 FrtdHv nsg- St, January M. The fonoMT"— program was "njoyed by 24 Gr- angers and guests Sons - We're Here- for Fun - Grange Tf For Cransrers - Adelaide Sil- ver. Ww Yeas- dandle 6ervi«e^Be? •>i-» r»s«nc-.t.C;advF W"ti, Gearirsna KIBUMII 1 , Grange Word Content - I.eona MrOomrtck solo - Kfeyy - Howe on dit EitiTge - isi>en ijumoni . A Mother's Feelir.^ Gladys Welch Reading - Splinters From tht Cross - Ruby Parquha*. Song • The More We Get Toge- ther - Grange Refreshments of rolle, salads, cafee & coffee '»ere served by Servlep and Hosnitnimy -CMmrr- hT<*. high ixtlifl trof-hies w!" bt giv. en in all above ctaaics 'ihese ii-o-fh.c"! wilt he jrrvan <JT\ the po- irst system 5 points for l«,t. 3 point" for 2nd, Z points for Srd and 1 point far ids. These will he giver, to the three hipheat sccitng contcsterris ir. each ,-a-^fc niici pointe c&uni only on tacas J that are apon-wed by tne Ncth Country Outdoor dab. In aidtlit- ion 8r» this •noney p*-ise.; are gi- ven in each race. . iKIeharti >l. Pcar^jrij isa> xm:- Cis!:! cf ait JBin^,- WIM> that sweh !.-. !iif f-a«»ii»(; »f « man b>lovr4: Wa'-ftl". fr»rr» a i3t*gr.t"!' can i.icl itghcj hta world. Thin M "Ji" Ns»aev hs-. taavaa Kwumtfe C Mra. Ir°!V> Murra/, Walftkro Seivice Officer; Irwin Pery, Homer Ssmes, and sanile iSe mavse, Town Oonetabies: Bob- ert IXtpree, Wallace Collins, Wl- lii-sari IHanott and Darmer IPai- flwwr iTjre Wnroens; Arrcorjti TrowiMey. Chsirruni' Board of Assessor*. SupervlBu^ S'ran'ses G. Ryan . i.fijsftxJla>i of the Town ita'C Btn- j irilrsg. an,-; T'V,vTi Ct*tk Aronie j McDonald Registrar of Vital nitatlstio.', VPC average wark-sr r'»iirlri,'; today a-. 6T> or over vJl rscelve Q HOCLI. Sev'inty benefit thai r^jlacth only abo^.1 a 'Uiir-'i o: oi h. 't retirement oam'ngs "Ai t-he momant wo ca!v havs s«!f .WWMMS ceowwtUis^"

Transcript of Part in Wtefe iffioars asii - NYS Historic...


I y-il'l

1 It « 1 r

4s f ,

**»'*?|W«IS«!«, XjK4 at fe iSfc-

smjy & «*j*tee> SrHtial tttttneas -&ra <&$&&& M. A tiiasmtan * thrfttptpt |M$*e4ftta% p*e-"** "*"* iatiw i d -m* i,ft*&*!d

-..S#S»r-'S3*iR SfttSlvM-(^tfcen Intel ysar.

UWWIBWP. then tomtag ip H*.

ef. *he Mttheaift.

¥*al f* Oeisvn, 90, <£ Chura-bsaai,' #1*6 teat Friday morning te tsse K.*. Hytte HwJSafcRJ- He had b**n In m Ifaattfc fcr about

Bom in gte. phfit*o«q, Chat-eaugway, Que., 0 « . fR» 4*76, He was a -SE et .Jesttesih JSJU UicHe Oeri <JSTOD. Jifo asKwea to Ly«i Mountain, in lB6t w*Sh hi* par-« * * rati tetev in ia*t, aw Ss**-4y mewed to Churobuaca, where toe enSnt the rest «.'- Vs Ufa flte

^_ _ ^_ was ^ awm*-. tibe tame f*rtn i h § / ^ ^ ^ ^ M 9 S 1 * M toiawa .»»4i* ^ftferMad

in 1196, ha was tnarrted to Mi* *rmer Cetftwi ii*e»» of -Chateau-gay. She tBsc! same time ago.

BP Je survived Sjr ss* ssns, Sjlreier at ChMrnjsilaJn aud Ktapd of North Syrsiouse; two danjb-ierR Ms* LiSSar, Caw, <* Mai­one, and Mr*- Leon (Dora) Pat-node or CSsuriifeuseo, with whom he had nwie his hoop for be past sevlw&i j«Wt; one «!*-

t « , Mas teSHrta Cfaran sad one bwjifew, Iwawenca Oman, troth of SicfcnwsH, >"&.f tlttce gramd-chSMiren, Mm. Vtew»Sfca 3etnfr-<fe -F*aiMttta ,idid A»*pn' aJftd Carm ail of Cfaasapiata and two fra&grtiaifcihaaife*, Thom­as ?«hst;a and ite»es crank-litt at tMenbure tieaSar and « • v*«rt niseis and nephews.

^siaenti ao»tees wete S»*a aCosd&y ut »:80 a, m in Imm-«»tta^> Heamt cf! SH*j,J {Sureh, Oiiwagaww, with «he «ev, Afte-rt Hl^swlnem, partap, offidaJ-In E. Slfttal warn in Jfte f*rfcfc

«NilM» lie** « * * * ! ;

«^fcpiiba fee ftttarins

!««,' - . ' ;." ' ' or" s»p atoww! % «ffisoav«ie« to itKwhuw. i l f M e m i ^ i M t -ure- ^-;4gMttn|; «h»t Mtodetti Mfe-ittvwis^Si-- 4ws MMxce &n inte-gmi »«rt spr.our jmw*rict(i tag.

Hteh -Bt*<>gt. *hp ftisia i^eaoos

mam* p ft^iwr %^«tMd our *l*|e<M% ARttblWtM IHINIISHS rf»l«teH<: tgwri. 3, ft 4*Wj!>e5 «M> ^sWgtitey jge&m at Sxxv'atg «l»fch 4» £h$Ngiqg mere aa?a*»

te-jW«*(»«*ite h^ talk Jty $im% jfeauatewce a; ftw

invaoi t*«t VneteJII«e,' nnaii-'^MsaiKt «H>- w b rsceiswi fir-«tii 'ihc AtwiKkl dhctatBws Uatb-' «r of H e .SsIvattoB Aimy, and tie would lifee to <?»*&*» BSS»*C-latlon far the p*Hc lor the wnp-jusK to Uife c^apeti. - y

If you inure not * n » «w, It *B net too iate to JiJ tl tat vowr*»- :

attoti to assfst thie wary werth-wMIc RpllfittsaHji' M(*tvjU«J s o-rfc, The S ««HBe<|i Arnwty i; MM* oparatinr bi mar* « w s » Sff-wreet coumtanizs ind eeiai**'^

: the «M*i aadl m^rtisgp tea wcr-

S1. M. <« Moafiay, Aav itxnm coming tri mfter s f. K. «cS! tw totett j

is fnihuwIajE i»|>M>lrR i -T*.-*. PSsaWf ftea.- *!ai as anitU ba«<k ta isartsiat I


liSSiB ass?

Is Or. Jasnes fi. Stokes, H f<»«rt-

<r »jrlinfl»n, Vt-, restdiat (iioti suddenly at his JwMia in imie i S*(fs, N. J., JBTiHgrv «m <n « i A'. M. I

He was *He first b£>m chi*d of th» tele Mr. and .Mrs. Theodeiv Stakes, we »K8injttors, Vt. |

He went grsi*««P<! foam Bar- j iinffta IQgih aefeooi in 1925,

Part in Wtefe

Aliteu^'n The temperature vtes bshiw 0, the t-nthu^aisni or Ch-aieau^ay's Hoy Soon* Troop W»P not t*we« jhiHrsd a* rtrev ra«i al the iocal hioJKHi) last gtHidrtay to go to T alte Pfcaetd.

Tine occasion was * e 13th an-fwwu the Ontvere*sr of V«£ n u a i «4n!ter £ iPar4s ^ V &*r a« mora in UK, and tnxa. « . V. ^ ^ 3 ^ ™ Soy s""*118 ^ ^ ^K-M. M'SOkal 'CWKse ia IBM. pteew *^ tv.e A*-ror.dsrfc Ooun-

Dr. Stomw «amed his tetter cU-Iriaylny foutiaJj for U. v. M.He j *&**&¥ a<*l*««es at the win-wae a tragnber of Siarr* Delta •** W ^ B««i«ted ot shiiDg art rrateiftiey, Buritngton i odge vt finsw «•»«*« ** Paltfare Sta

P»-np>-u: wr.-ii.-s. for USttyt] ' WtilISS Wffli?*!»J

St. Sdrmimis Church, Won- I Mr\ Mate [r*-:n wufi JfCMll-trurg last SYiday morruag, Tv.c> irii "fi«ithy Mtiteivi ami her ".is i»dy ivas co-nin'tto<3 to Hie va- I !*nd. Tatoert Ii-,vin Worthy ittt to flwsit o KpRnp biiriji! | Potnn of F-vmlkv O^pier, Or-

Mr. -fatnorjc iWcl on Tin-.- ',f>r ''f f h e KasScri' Star i.i rPT=-f!ny, January 1Hh In the MU-is-! m o m '^ a t ChJteaugai- :.-st Fii-•na Hospital -!aV "'R1*"1

Th*> (Jateased W«;T to'ii Ipnburg on May 22 1909,

Sir. r>

F. t A. K, isn6 Che ord^r of AKEPA.

IV. SSBtaw tmrved three years daring World War II aa aCas -ihsiin ta >ti* MsAloat Oorj» to Gw Ch(«a r Bacma • Iraiia Th­eater. Hp ate> ;0Gr«Bd in many potittcal otftops in ums Falls, N. j . . ana t f » «L mawur of that *%- £rom 1«MS-

Ke leaves his wtfe, tha form­er Dorothy safest, of Chateia-

S aa 2 K ' S - " S ! F r * y e i r services

of Utile Jttl&- H.ii;- / fB» aoAr J ' ^ L . rfNL-5 - ^ - . i ^ _ in-laar. if. *. «Wta * t r i « W S W a htt. «M r«r. sixwaejrt ^ aSwat-2>,4. yeara «#»,-'"l- * -

He alas ' leaves «ae - state**, two bsmtbers and a wanber of

runerai iaarv4oaa"were hsWti

of Mrs Jennie tBarrumbi P. t-nod> and Ibr Isilte Kufsis!8

rio l^jis f m p ' o y p ] by the Al­uminum Cc. «.!' Americw.

Sin %iiviiis are hi>; mother , tli-rfle s isters anil five bratheis Mra. Jrene Hoi?!in, Mrs. K a m i ) (Madora i Romonj-d Maesetia Mr-! Tfnvy a-„eor.ry, I^krvLU", T e r m ; Raymond ^<at!1sburgh. *Tranois. TS'iXu'ourg-, Waller, Sj--racts"ie; Ge««ilrl Balminnrp, Mil , and Wiiliam. l l ayward , Ca'iiCot-mn.

CVater. In the ef&sacon dte Somite

visited ,th? JsotwlBd run at M*. Van Hoventerg.

At 3:60 P. M. Ice tikeiting rac- I ing1 wet* heJd ot Ls*e P'artd an | the H%h School Field.

The day's activities were cli-1 | | j i y i ^ tnaxed •**!) the attendance at f l v f f « the JtaMner hockey seme in the j

iferth Country Outdoor CM

intotsiKiit. ID the fani% lot tia « l re ,'i%r'*>W«*e*y.

•3leJ6i^''iiia',««K!s atdenii-iAff the fgnew fttms here an-»*c I>t> and Kbe. X S. Sweet, Mrs. JGai&eth Vaugh, Mr. and Mra. 3&tne9i "W. Sweet, iMr. and Mrs. Hfener -MoCarm.

OiynvpSc Arena.

pr*yer i ft>r Clmsiiaii uriit) at Chet. Churches

^^^ ^ 9te^»-iteeiSsss tot ChriSBars. ] tJh~«l~T» tfKfe «** he hold in CMea», -•"" ^ (jlf Cta»»t»«( 08 January, i s a

j g d n wanrt rejoto' MonMy >>. *?«*«« ' ^ i k * 5 * * 5 ! ! * S oweOiw a( SwteOt*nc«, Will- « ' « « swey Se"Wfte *lK> <s0,,i* HUB Trj«*a»ote waa hoaores! at to them tor asstttonce,

ni/aiions T*

ituMlMni T4«ten Awdiuuv NO. *15

^atibaky is OOH MII arnta. Pl­ease (ret your OBopnaa in.

__ The January committee ifcaB-a 'Ba^S-'hi leawwtateaEta tit' Tte **«« i so ' « = « » H * j » wi wftowipea nurke « » food hUt«e(ltt» ftow She roirat « * 1 « * « • * "P*1 "• • « • " * csafeny «afe a aooeeas. We have several ta! « r r t » T i » » . 4& vears ser- "*f •errtec- 4o Ge4 end men, ha-1 AuxWoiy Coofcboolui on hand t ^ T f i r * H " t a M W of the * * « J»» « * « ^ «» i ^

J l t a - i*S« * 1 « . The» nudte nice gi-mhtt •«««* WCHinw* of Ecrite « y Annivewtaty .fiartag a*.ye- «s lor^.hehla,! shflme™. caJl *W-

^ • ^ • ^ — ^ — — 1 5 - ^ - • "

by Peter Breithaupt

My Jlva yeai oi*i son just asked. "Have you finished thinking yet Dad­dy?"

Sitting on the chasterlield in our li-vingroom with Dun, our three yest oid son on one mide <d n e and Bea. our five ysu old son on thtf otbsr sids, creates a handis&p when oompoei«g this colu­mn.

"Daddy, »rtiy doo't y«s stiprt work-

Then, I thought of my favorite vil­lage. Can Chateaugey benefit from th-!»? Can Ecurist trade be boosiad? Can publicity be acquired? Can this serve to bring more tourists back in the fut-

. wire, after 3£#po? ORB -this eveatmtlly i boost prosperity in Frankiin and Clui-I ton Countiee-r i :

Saisething Jo think ahout! Aithoa-; gh it wfeuiii not aeewsim&y produce ea-

£ng?" asked Ben wnile I . sst thinWng. • rthshakinjf and ims»edirite reaults, it M^aJwhJle, Dan's determined little fin might Just add something to the com-^er was moving closer to my typewrit- ; mmtity as * vatjete.

•'May 1 pufh thi^ lottixm naddy'P" ft ia difficult to think £arj» W wild­

er the*e cit^unutasces. Hflwever; I re­ad ihir otbet- d*y, wse -»eoninind«ti«» «or i Sbspo 1fii7' in afiontreii, would be difficult to obtain. It was ctenHoned thst lBBfeseeR Apsil and OcM** of ft-at yaart an eatitnated ^8 roHUon people weald travel to Expo ftom points 200 sulea or more: from Montreal. Also, aa-other 1 2 lajlliois people Hving within a radius of 200 miles fnwn Montreal we likely to visit the exposition. This rep-tweeats aa estimated ?Jti million visit­or*.

• Bow many will come through Chs-tewugay whidb is. m shfl cr*>w flies, a tale over 50 nukss frffln 'Moatr^sl?

lTh* -hotel situatior* It* M«tt!*al and UnmedHite environs spears to be bi£u££i£t«nl. There - er# 27,600 notes, m&iei sad lourist - rozmn available. H is. fi?fdicted that another 1,000 roorns mif b# ^ddfid before Expo opens. mw&viet, officials cetiiEtats tlia* about SS.3SS r«9tas a eight will be rso.uir?d teg &* awasaer aioatiw at 1861 herein

Venturing along this path need co­st iitt-ie more then *' f«w hours of some p«jr£Ki! . i%s; pest^s. atid typing and #nveiopfSris. Over the next few moisths, gather « iiat of aii the IRKS, hotels, mo­tels, (SKbiris and tourist - homee. Have all •who ar«» wttereBted, in apjsetariEg on this list send in their detaik to a centr­al office, giving addresses, telephone numbers, «ecoradatloh, rates and diuta-

! nee, as the SSSJIV f!t#a feons Montreal. ; Reproduce eopi»s it this liat, attach th-; era to an explanatory letter, and send ; them to such soureas of infannatkvi »s Expo, the New York State- office in

1 Montreal the Knu-r-es! Ttssirist offk* , and coas>tdes that are,oartkipati*i'; in Expo *t57.

An interesting thought. By stretch­ing fee haegiaation, the many sade eff­ects miff/it, in themselves, be more im-portant than the primary action of «n attempt to inform about aceotnnnodiat> iait in this area which, after aU. is rela­tively close to MostreaL More on this, perhans, sf 8 late* feSe.,

"'Daddy, may f push this mstton

The North Cosirtiy Outihur Qnb held te firsi i&ce of tne

•feeason Sunday. January 16th si tte- Beiirie-.a Baauh CUtb on Lo-4 «r ChateaiigRy Lalte.

The remiBB of the racps were -as toHos?s: igiakwn Raw - Tferied evant -

Open £. i"jee Mii'.er - PiatUbia^a

ghitebiwfcy afaihadlat Chart*; "'" theVaryitev. H*ffr. Har­

old? J. 8Jae% cf St. PafeiSss Ch-wiih anU ?he ttev. Charles J. Mspin o£ the Onteauj>ny afedi-odaa Church owdaafcSuij the as--' vJce

(to iajsuary 36th lite serviee -wift he In St.' PatricK"., CSvJsrsh with The Rev, Chsrtes J. Martin The Very Bav. BwoK SteUy, ar4 The Rev. Jparph ftutoai co-nctecHng the service. Both, ser­vices wiB begin alt g:09 p.' M-The enttre Christian <S««mm*ty ts Invited to attend Jwtit of Sthe-«e aerviewf.,

The order of worship tot the­se aerck** rma been prepared and approves Sy the National GoanoEl of ChnMSwa and-Xhe Rs-taaV. OaHioMe IHsiicp's Oomms-sioti fttr Ecumeeioai Affaire.

f&s«* next SKFtday, Jsn*. 23 At ISphnont Stescli ai t:W

— oee 8 to 14 Btisworth— Bom-


T to 9 ho

11 HHlfltiiS OH d M Jar jarf 12th

The deep««t syrasrathy is ex-tended tc 'Mt and Mrs. CrfWtn Biaonetie in the death of their infant: son, Brian, nehteh coenr-'red en TiJttKisy, Jatsoasry 12th. In the ^ra«uwe Meowwfei Ht -

The Ir.&int was torn in Ma-lone on February SS, HS5 ft son at Garth ana »lane fttytai* Bi«ean«.ta.

Attrvlvinf are WB ttat«t*s, a -Uojw. Bawse1* and a brother. Brian; his patmctmf gsaaapir-ents, «r . and Mrs. Ctattde Bi* «9^ite, ST., '<»6ie88B»y: artd maternaj jriswUnareitte MET. and nth- Johri 'Mjrnn, of aut*e.

jptsisentl anwieeB weae tseid on Thutaday alhwnoan, Jan­uary VWi at tte home nf his griinaparcr»iB. Mr. and Mr«. Cltud ^aptnatfe, «r.

iBv, »u«««e WTBISOM, pas-toe of tt»e 1Pi«shj,-ieaiatt Church e?$.«t&ted. BqrhU wiB be ma-da' In the North Itarte name !«?$!> in the (Vine;.

I Oar nasi mssttag wig is; held j 'fts»6!jav Tn\:. 1, IMS at 7:80 p ,M.' i iXsraary o«BsraJ8t»3e ehsir. man Silaa ftwaan, Hantb SrMth A<rw«l» uarmtAft, ^OH-rfcj,! W<K>-<aiff, <Mn)de* JOhnEh'on. Kite Rjfen and Dorothy iePage.

*hp Gay tWt of fl»me Dem-(mkeijw in «*8 meet 'TueaSay, Jtami««Ur »f-, at J:9B at the heme

| of; ?*j|. :3jh«dy aqpnotda Mrs. "~ Kiv» a lesson

KstresSanetj^ will 4 * set-vJstS.


JtKator Bt.s» 1. Roderick

hay 2. TVffiteen WUl>s

«Ke Usdfes *owaer»«uf! -'raepower

li. -lioreUa Merrtek — Malane JLasSes PcwOerpiiff — to horse­

power and over j . Marsha Supley — ACeniU 2. Viola Lallfarrutd Ctess A — 31BCK — 7 tin 8 hor­

sepower 1. Loretta Merric> — Malosje 2. BBmaxA McCoy — Maione 3. S e i t h SSerrick — Matore C&ss B —- Snook — S to 9 horse­

power 3. J e r y I^egacy — Burfee 2- Lawrence Ti tas — Malono S Loretta M e m T l — Maione CLtSB C — Stock —- J() horsepo­

wer and over 1. J e a n t iaUtonx — ChdtMmjpay J. Tiro Shanty — Maione-% John Kasha - Lyon Hour Speed R a c e -- for supped up

maehinea 1 Pete- Beniers — Vatene 2 B-a-in COSVBT! — Bttrise 3. Alvin MOOK- — iEalotie Modified Ciaw — Ojai 1 Otis H-s-lf,'- Ch:!tf«'8Bay 2. Brwln Co"vai — -Surke g. Rieh»r1 TitrniWav -- Bllen-

"ourg Oeaur AoprOKlrnatLHy 1,000 peopi^

eame to watch --ace. At the lasi race of the yesi

f\."<-oi\. =<IT. >,i-'r:ce S'.irr0:' i\.b.:e^-

ij, rect.vto a.-, ipp-aii-the M-t'dnnRr ,.»<•<! A:

12 i'r-.vniity Agi-iuiJiur-

K e i - i t l h ixbilei

l ' «

Those who asviteo an the in-i»t»!'pt'fin »err Vtibel Irvn.i. T.ilbi.-it Ii-M-in. Olfi nj',1, Bhirto, .SilhcrmuR an-J Bi'ty Chase.

The Citgoing mjitron, Om Hilt A«xj'-ifit{" Matron. Jcu, <;o-inli thanked PH.- ctf.cers arid members for i!he fine ciwipL-rat-K.P. Jmi-.g th^ pas-, yt-dr feh-was presenteil with a Past Mat­rons' jewel

The new matron, Mat/el Inw \r\ rev.eweti some eatlic-r year": cf of tne chapter, stressing the hij;hl<giir> of those years She thanxeri the chapter for again

j giving her the opyorturJ'y io ci-rve ui> W--,r*h,¥ ?,latror, >.fr\»

• Irwin -wrja presents a «;ift L--om the chapter *>y the mAgo­ing 1Aiit!<on, O h Hili.

Ti-e oth»r bfficers ii-JUHOi.: were. Associate Matron, Ida Co­ok; Seoretas^-, Edith GHespie, Conductress, Phylus Cook. Tra-su-,-- l ;*ars. O'n-a Granger, Chapiiin, Grai-e Hitas Marsha-U, Shirley Siiberrnan; AsSiSlant Marsh.. Helen Friend- Musici­an,, Judy Hammond; Worder, Katherint. BHsworlth: Color Bearw. Actehnde SiJvei-. Adah, Joan Legacy; Bather. Marsha Martin. Electa, Betty Caawtorti.

The following otGcers were <inaole to be present and wili l»e installed later-

Asscstid.t€ Patron.. Ea»-1 Vr-jend: Trea£«rer, Irma 'Pai«iet-ifiir; A^sbettte ConduchwsB, /.tin Cbegqgu i.JEStortar, Winifred. A'dasM: Sentinel,, i n l i n e Cha­se; Rath, EbjtaUin Wills: Mar­tha, Lyia. Morgan.

iPollowing the installation re­freshments of dainty sarafe"ich-es cuid coffee were sentJd by the Past Matron's Cinb, uiKier the direction of Lillian Eanta

Vtai J ' I ' I P .

7. ' •'*-! Vi in

•ooa'-'jnal .l^iiei'i •'iT' l mi Jet a; Chtteauga. Schocl tv . purticipfV.-4 ;n j the fol'owlng extraoiu-rii.i.lar j .•(•ti.-il-es di .nng hi? high schtvol | "'" .",'.-.-, T r e a s u r e r - ,'*ut'..r 'Par- ( lr'^ i n . , o ' A D K i . a Var.',it> r.ase- ; r IM''] O O J S Ctn n .ry , lis ;,ml Kxplorer Sron


. <yr,.j ,-

,.l C'arti

hnol.igy progiam.

W a n -

David Bilow in Dramatic^ Club Production

Mr. David Bilow, son of M-. and IMTS Ardi-pw Hllow Jr., is a mcnil^r of the east IP *hp Dra-Jnafec; Club pi-odiutirior!, "The tlPaajre of Hss Comnany1 . The play will be prs-senoad &t Alw- i ° ny Bi-ssnc ns oo.-.e re jan'triry 25.

Mi. Bllotw s 5wo-yesir bti -'n-ets adnuni<r?tian and afloount-ing student, is also participat­ing- in 3irt.rsnnir3! BaafceSbai! ail is SlatS'-cJac for the luaieeifasll teatri of Albany Business Coll­ege.

ft"v Hiim'.' V°ri:am< d,i"t«i re -.erv-es- i.u !l Iiy was pdac-ed m 7t-e V'n

iffioars asii

TOLOSKY: A son Todd Anth­ony) was tore to Set. and Mr=. Psul Takeky. former ve-sidewis of Elleribun; Bep^t, on January 4. 3S» at Hotasn Air roree Base Hesgftal. N. M

The graedparents ere Mr. and ivtrji. George LBoSaE", smd Mr *>nd Mrs. Tnffieid A. Tol-osJcy, cf Ellentang Depot.

The .iTiniial meeimjr stockholders ot the First Nn

Sa:!l; «r Cnueaugay Chatea»ifay, JJ. 7 , wa* held rst Tuesday, Janutry 1L, 1S6G the bar* offices



The following w>»i-o » " c t o d •-iireetors lor ]996: John C Hisr-gUis. Robert W. Ohw-r. H o * ard D . Hoy, John L. Sprsigue, John D. Lyonn, J . Bonato Sw­e e t , E l m e r A. Thompson.

At the organizational meet ing of the Boairti ci Direesors thi> laikAiiiiag; offtoea.1! and atsif wwre «4«!feS5"^:Mi {.puoinied:


Kfctcsae l *»ase 136H to .Ml

A da'u^hltfir, w a s born D e c . Mrs. L y m a n rd, N e w York. S h e W. a grand-damrhter to Dr. and Mrs John J. Mahoney.

CH*TKAlKiAY CENTKA1. srwoor, MimiT Januair;' s[4-S8

MONTDAY: Bt'ef and Qravy on MashPd Pfrtatees, Buttered

Com - Bread & Battler, Peanut Butter Cookies - liilk TUESTJAY. Baited ChilirOJii, Pear & Lettuce Salad, Eread & Sutter, Cherry CobOier - Milk. WTBDNESDAY: FWed Chicken-

Oven Koastel Potatoes - But­tered peas. Bread & Ri&ter

jn:& - ;«ia. THPR9DAY: Baked Ravioli &

Meat Si?;ic2, Buttered Wax Boans - Cheese Square.-. Bread | the m>;n-iag^ of C!aiy a«! & Buster, Fruit Cun & Ml He. jiMkss Nancj' Jones, whereas U FROAY j-Iam-einade Rice * < stusuld have been Miss Jean

Tomato Soup, Assorted Sand-! jone;. wiches. Oarrut and C iftry atw-1 "*«, rmaied Or-hos • MiiK i - -. .


Pres ident : Howard In. Hoy , S'jpe.^lPrestdewt: JQlmet- A

Cashier: JofiJi D. i /tHSH. Ass4eKant festiter: jenr-y

Sheehan. Assldtaw Cashier: Margf ird

Baraea. Head Briakke^Ber: VS:n T>.

Faran. Teller; B e m i c e A. Gog-nift TaBer: Jamjes K Nolan. Sav ings Tei'a-: Donotlry IJ>-

Heilc. Bookk«>per': Sandna MoOray Bookkeeper. R'lfcy F a r q u h i r .

:. 2U, ima to Mt. St a p a% j

>*=**«**- Town Boanl j Tine ChateaugBif Toivn Board

fOSJSECTJfSJf ' a* theli reguiar mont«ly moat­ing Jansih'iw 6, u938 oinde the

lr, last week's issue if The folios-fog anpcWraerts. Hoccrii mention vHie made



Worthy u piSW State -SffiiStiir Anthirr Tiir.ner, lun-fcsr -Dorii-ty Mw. Tantf"' and Pamon'a Lec­turer Mn>- BiUnice Jones nw5e ttielr official waits to Chaiseu-gay Orange No s84 FrtdHv nsg-St, January M. The fonoMT"— program was "njoyed by 24 Gr­angers and guests Sons - We're Here- for Fun -

Grange Tf For Cransrers - Adelaide Sil­

ver. Ww Yeas- dandle 6ervi«e^Be?

•>i-» r»s«nc-.t.C;advF W"ti, Gearirsna KIBUMII1, Grange Word Content - I.eona

MrOomrtck solo - Kfeyy - Howe on

dit EitiTge - isi>en ijumoni . A Mother's Feelir.^ • Gladys

Welch Reading - Splinters From tht

Cross - Ruby Parquha*. Song • The More We Get Toge­

ther - Grange Refreshments of rolle, salads,

cafee & coffee '»ere served by Servlep and Hosnitnimy -CMmrr-hT<*.

high ixtlifl trof-hies w!" bt giv. en in all above ctaaics 'ihese ii-o-fh.c"! wilt he jrrvan <JT\ the po-irst system 5 points for l«,t. 3 point" for 2nd, Z points for Srd and 1 point far ids. These will he giver, to the three hipheat sccitng contcsterris ir. each ,-a- fc niici pointe c&uni only on tacas

J that are apon-wed by tne Ncth Country Outdoor dab. In aidtlit-ion 8r» this •noney p*-ise.; are gi­ven in each race. .

iKIeharti >l. Pcar^jrij isa> • xm:-

Cis!:! cf ait JBin ,- WIM> that

sweh !.-. !iif f-a«»ii»(; »f « man b>lovr4:

Wa'-ftl". fr»rr» a i3t*gr.t"!' can i.icl itghcj hta world.

Thin M "Ji" Ns»aev hs-. taavaa

Kwumtfe C

Mra. Ir°!V> Murra/, Walftkro Seivice Officer; Irwin Pery, Homer Ssmes, and sanile iSe mavse, Town Oonetabies: Bob-ert IXtpree, Wallace Collins, Wl-lii-sari IHanott and Darmer IPai-flwwr iTjre Wnroens; Arrcorjti TrowiMey. Chsirruni' Board of Assessor*.

SupervlBu^ S'ran'ses G. Ryan . i.fijsftxJla>i of the Town ita'C Btn-j irilrsg. an,-; T'V,vTi Ct*tk Aronie j McDonald Registrar of Vital nitatlstio.',

VPC average wark-sr r'»iirlri,'; today a-. 6T> or over vJl rscelve Q HOCLI. Sev'inty benefit thai r^jlacth only abo .1 a 'Uiir-'i o: oi h. 't retirement oam'ngs

"Ai t-he momant wo ca!v havs s«!f .WWMMS ceowwtUis^"