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  • 8/14/2019 msg00163


  • 8/14/2019 msg00163


    key, it steps instantly), and overall AVR Studio worked well. You can

    do all the standard things you want, look at registers, memory

    locations, watch variables, etc. Since AVR Studio is written by Atmel,

    you get views of peripheral registers which are named, with their port

    bits broken down, and you can toggle the bits as you see fit. There are

    some rough spots (enabling/disabling debugWire should be done

    automatically if you goto into programming mode or debug mode, is mymajor gripe). CAVR has some nice extentions like PORTC.3 = 1 means bit

    3 of port C is set to 1. Those kinds of extentions, I found, are very

    handy in embedded prorgamming.

    Contrast this to my current setup with the LPC2103. I am using the

    GNUARM toolchain set (thanks Rick/Pablo/everyone else who put it

    together) which in itself works. I followed a tutorial written by "Jim

    Lynch" which shows how to get GNUARM, the Eclipse IDE and the OpenOCD

    GBD daemon all working together. I have an existing piece of JTAG

    hardware that works with OpenOCD, so I didn't have any additional

    hardware costs.

    With the ARM development you'll have to make a choice between sticking

    your code in FlashROM and executing from there (can be slower, but

    usually more code space) or putting it in RAM (not much room). This is

    a limitation of working with a CPU vs. a microcontroller. A big deal

    for ARM7TDMI devices is they only have two hardware breakpoints. So

    if you want to singlestep your code which is in Flash, that requires

    both hardware breakpoints. If you're using any open source tools, you

    can almost forget about singlestepping and setting meaningful

    breakpoints. If you want software breakpoints, you'll need to stick

    your code in the limited RAM. This a big tradeoff, for the LPC2103

    there is 32 KBytes of Flash but only 8KBytes of RAM.

    Getting the GNUARM+Eclipse+OpenOCD working is a time consuming setup in

    my opinion. The compiler works, but you'll spend a decent amount of

    time mucking with C runtime files (crt0.s), assembly initalization

    code, linker scripts and other things. Thank fully the LPC2000 forum at

    Yahoo has some preexiting examples you can use as a starting point.

    Eclipse has (in my opinion) an overly complicated user interface that

    can be quite slow and unresponsive at times. It seems like it's very

    customizable, but if you start digging, you'll find you can't streamline

    it too much. Using the Eclipse IDE for writing code works OK, but usingthe "Zylin Embedded CDT Debugger" is not a pleasant experience (at least

    with OpenOCD), I found it very unreliable. I have since switched to the

    Insight debugger with my code executing from RAM.

    Insight works OK, but singlestepping takes 45 seconds per step! The

    AVR setup singlesteps instantly (or so it feels). Insight of course

    has no knowledge of the chip's peripherals, so if you want twiddle

    enable bits or look at peripheral settings, you'll have to dump the

    memory location and work backwards.

    Re: PIC vs AVR vs ARM

    Re: PIC vs AVR vs ARM 2

  • 8/14/2019 msg00163


    So, on paper using one of these ultracheap ARM "microcontrollers" looks

    good, but I think you'll find there's a decent sized leap to get it

    going. I had been thinking of using these ARM parts in some personal

    projects, but for now I'm sticking with the AVRs.

    Someone might be quick to point out a commercial compiler would work

    better and that it is unfair to compare CAVR, a commercial compiler, tothe free GNU toolset. This might be true, but commercial ARM compilers

    are usually more than a few hundred $$ and they usually only work with

    their JTAG debug tools, so you're very quickly locked in. Many of the

    commercial ARM toolchains (Keil, Rowley for example) are based on the

    GNU toolchain, so all of those limitations come along for the ride.

    My $0.02



    Re: PIC vs AVR vs ARM

    Re: PIC vs AVR vs ARM 3