Moodle at Ballarat

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Steve Pallett, Flexible Learning Technologies Officer and Adam Barbary, Systems Analyst/Trainer, Ballarat University The University of Ballarat is in the middle of a transition to Moodle from Blackboard CE8. The transition to Moodle is taking place over 2010 with Blackboard to be switched off at the end of Semester 2, 2010. We are running two Moodel production instances, one for TAFE and one for Higher Education. It has been a ‘smell of an oily rag’ project with all the challenges that entails. Steve will speak about the LMS evaluation process, selection of a system and the early implementation issues. Adam will talk about the integration of our Moodle instances with Campus Solutions (HE Students Systems) and APTUS (TAFE Student System) and the training program being delivered to teaching staff.

Transcript of Moodle at Ballarat

  • 1.Moodle at theUniversity of Ballarat

2. Background pre 2009

  • WebCT Blackboard legacy
  • Technical and usability issues
  • Early Moodle adoption

3. Background pre 2009

  • WebCT Blackboard legacy
  • Technical and usability issues
  • Early Moodle adoption

4. Evaluation and Moodle trial - early 2009

  • Considered Sakai, D2L, Blackboard, Moodle
  • Formal Moodle trial
  • Blackboard Learn?
  • Consultation
    • Forums
    • Surveys

5. 6. 7. 3 words to describe the ideal LMS (staff) 8. 3 words to describe the ideal LMS (students) 9. 10. 11. Evaluation conclusions late 2009

  • Green paper and final report to VCST
  • VCST approve Moodle from 2011
  • Hosting and support decisions
    • Service levels
    • Cost
    • Infrastructure

12. LMS transition - 2010

  • Technical content migration - training
  • Consultation with Moodle partner
  • Early performance issues
  • Communication
  • Blackboard decommission Dec 2010

13. Integration IMS Enterprise XML

  • Why IMS Enterprise?
    • Legacy support
    • Concurrent Systems
    • Rapid Integration
    • Flexibility

14. A Two Pronged Approach

  • Two Campus Management tools
  • Differing School Requirements
  • No licensing
  • Two Customised Moodle Installs

15. Campus Solutions (HE) APTUS (TAFE) Moodle UBOnline Moodle UBTAFE School Program Course 1 Course 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 Campus Management LMS/VLE School/Course/ProgramStructure 16. Some Issues

  • Data Snapshots
  • Moodle's IMS implementation
    • No native update support
    • Overlapping crons
    • Default course settings

17. Training

  • Focus on Online Delivery
    • Not a user manual
  • Non-linear Package Approach
    • Introduction
    • Communication
    • Assessment
    • Content expansion
    • Groups (specialist training)
