March12 News.

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  • 8/3/2019 March12 News.



    March 2012ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    en. Robert E. Lee Camp # 1589 was again represented at the flagging of the Virginia Museum of Fine ArSaturday by Associate Member Matthew Barret, Matthew Barrett Jr., Darlene Taylor, and John Henry Tayany other Southern Patriots are joining us every Saturday from 11 A.M. till 3 P.M. by walking the City sidearound the museum and gaining support from passersby. Many of the citizens who stop and ask us what ccasion is are shocked to find out about the museum's violations of law, violations of transfer agreementsesecration of a War Memorial to our Virginia and southern soldiers, and the desecration of a place of wor

    The public is even more shocked to learn that the museum has willfully encroached on the ConfederateMemorial Park and has approached the General Assembly of Virginia to have the Chapel destroyed. In yeast, only the efforts of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the United Daughters of the Confederacy hinfluenced the legislators by going to the State Capitol carrying the flags of our ancestors and voicing the

    opposition to the vile and evil plans of this so called museum. The museum exists today only by the efforte then Governor Pollard, who on bended knee, begged the Sons of Confederate Veterans to approve a sea of the Confederate Memorial Park to be used as a small museum. The SCV took pity on the Governopproved a tiny little area for a museum to be built on the condition that one area of the museum be dedic

    to presenting the history and artifacts of the Confederacy. Since that time, especially under the watch oovernor Douglas Wilder (the founder of the slave museum with the missing money), the museum has greencroached on the grounds of the R.E. Lee Camp Confederate Memorial Park by extending its parking louilding over top of the park, destroying the ancient oak trees, and erecting abstract art on the remainder opark. The Sons of Confederate Veterans has a pending law suit against the State for all of its violations asecrations to our soldiers memorial. We should be turning out at least half the membership of our camp e

    aturday to stand in defense of our heritage - especially since this heritage violation is going on right here iback yard. Don't be an "arm chair" patriot - come out and stand for something worthwhile. Bring the wif

    rlfriend, kids, and even the dog! We even have folks that are crippled or carrying oxygen bottles out therea flag!

    eetings Camp Members & Friends,

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    March 2012ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    Letter From TheCommander

    he year has started to fly by very fast. Can you believe its March already! This year, for sull be busy and full of events and activities of the 150th Sesquicentennial for everyone to ta

    art in whether it be SCV, reenactments, living history, talks and tours put on by other historganizations, the list could go on and on. My hope is that each of you will be able to attend

    any as these programs as possible. People within the organizations dedicate a lot of time fort into presenting these programs and appreciates the attendance and participation of ahe Virginia Division Convention is fast approaching, March 30th - April 1st, taking place in Veach. At this time, there are only a few camp members signed up and I encourage you totend, if possible. If you are not able to attend for the whole weekends activities, please platend for the day on Saturday, March 31st.Save the Dates**ne 16th, Robert E Lee Camp #1589, 2nd Annual Picnic and Get Together. Once again, Mrs. Hugh Hawthorne invite the camp into their home. Once you step through their door, it's

    ore than just a picnic. Come and enjoy!ctober 13th, Grave Marker Dedication Ceremony, at Maury Cemetery, Richmond, for Privaeverly Wooldridge. This was a marker that was installed by the camp.hanks to all for a wonderful time at our annual auction in February. We raised a little over500, which will go towards the cost of installing grave markers for our Southern Heroes.egards,ll Brownommander,obert E. Lee Camp #1589dlothian,VA.

    proud descendant of Private Daniel Martin,ompany, C "Travis Rifles", 44th Virginia Infantry Regiment,esident of Confederate Soldier's Home, Richmond Virginia 1889-1899.

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    March 2012ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    Adjutant/Treasurer Report

    r checking account balance as of January 13th was $2,463.76. Attendance at the February meeting was 14 members and 9tors.

    e February meeting was our camp auction. We raised $500 from the auction and $65 from additional donations adding to theove. Thank you to Paul Maynor, our auctioneer, Matthew Barrett, our generous major donor, and all donors and bidders who auction a success.

    e are still in need of a color sergeant to keep the flags and bring them to the meetings.

    o, the camp would like a couple of volunteers to serve as door greeters at our meetings to help visitors feel at home. Thank yy Brooks for offering his services as one of them.

    r anyone talking to a prospective member or a former member who wishes reinstatement, the incoming member has the optioy national dues for the remainder of this fiscal year which ends on August 1st and the next for slightly more than the cost of a es. This is a substantial saving. The details are here,

    r the rest of us, dues reminders will be sent out in July. More details to follow.

    mmander Bill Brown, First Lieutenant Commander D. B. Walston, and I attended the Virginia Division SCV Officer Training ormation Meeting on Saturday, February 18, 2012.

    e of my duties as adjutant is to inform National and Division of changes to our roster, including address changes, droppedmbers, and to keep a Last Roll of deceased members so they can be properly honored. Please inform me of all such change

    esponse to a couple of requests regarding the January/Februaryissue of Confederate Veteran being late, National has replieds not sent until December 31

    stin order for all last-minute dues payers to be processed. They apologized for the inconvenienc

    e Virginia Division Sons of Confederate Veterans 53rd Annual Convention is scheduled for March 30th through April 1st 2012a large event where the Outstanding Camp Award is given. I must submit our application on or about March 1st, so please seescription of any War Between the States related activities you have in which you have participated and wish to include if youalready done so. Additional information for this event can be found on the Virginia Division website.

    ave received the convention packet containing the proposed changes to the Virginia Division SCV Constitution and will bring ing with the outstanding camp application to the March meeting. We actually have a bit longer to submit it, but it will go out

    mediately after the meeting.

    ase remember the parade and program in honor of the 150th anniversary of the 1862 inauguration of Jefferson Davis as Preshe Confederate States of America to be held on February 25th, 2012 here in Richmond.

    spectfully submitted,

    ir Perrowutant/Treasurer

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    March 2012ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    Fort Clifton, 1864 - 1865

    by David G. Malgeert Clifton was a Confederate stronghold on the Appomattox River that served as an important link in thechmond-Petersburg defense line in 1864 - 1865. Located on a high bluff near the junction of the Appomattox

    d Swift Creek, the fort controlled navigation on the river north of Petersburg and was a formidable defensivestion that was never taken by Union forces until the fall of Petersburg on April 3, 1865.

    rt Clifton was constructed during the winter months of 1863 - 1864 by soldiers and slaves under the direction

    nfederate engineers Charles H. Dimmock and Henry de Feuvre. Originally composed of three primary earthentifications, the fort later included a powder magazine and a two-story guardhouse. Numerous underground h

    uilt into ravines and gullies" - surrounded the fort and eventually accommodated more than 500 men. Anilleryman station at Fort Clifton late in the war left the following description of his post:he place - the old 'Clifton House' - was well fortified and had the additional protection of the river along the en

    nt of perhaps a mile. The works extended from the Appomattox on the right to Swift Creek on the left. Thereme guns of heavy caliber mounted and ready for action, and in addition to these some field pieces disposed a

    e line at suitable points."ttle of Swift Creek; The most determined attack on Fort Clifton occurred on May 9, 1864, when five Federanboats under Major General Charles K. Graham sailed up the Appomattox to shell the fort. Graham's woodenssels operated in conjunction with the Union X and XVIII Corps, which proved the Swift Creek defense line fro

    ander's Bridge to Fort Clifton. This action, known as the "Battle of Swift Creek," or "Arrowfield Church", result

    e repulse of 18,000 Federals by 4,200 Confederates under Brigadier General Bushrod Johnson.fighting raged along Swift Creek, the Union gunboats drew within range of Fort Clifton's guns. The fort wasmmanded by Captain S. T. Martin of the Virginia (Richmond) Artillery, and the garrison was augmented by 25the 44th Tennessee, sent to help man Clifton's heavy pieces. A Federal signalman reported that the gunboatsurned Confederate fire "with apparently some effect," but noted that "the enemy occupied a very elevated

    sition" and had a "decided advantage."e U.S.S. General Putnam fired 19 rounds from her 20 pound Parrott rifle but was prevented from closing on tht when the U.S.S. Chamberlain ran aground and blocked the river channel. The General Putnam succeeded in

    wing the Chamberlain back into the channel, after which the Federal ships retreated safely out of the range offton's guns.ring this action, the U.S.S. Brewster received a shot through her boiler and lost power near the fort. A

    nfederate boarding party was organized but was thwarted by the Brewster's crew, who abandoned and burnessel before an assault could be made. The Brewster eventually sank near the fort. As the battle continued, Fo

    fton came under fire from the 4th Wisconsin Light Battery, posted across Swift Creek at a range of 2,350 yarde Confederates replied with 32 pound guns, but never silenced the Federal battery, which continued to fire "aervals" throughout the afternoon.anwhile, on the opposite bank of the river, Maj. Gen. Edward Hinks attempted to position a battery in suppor

    aham's gunboats. Hinks later reported on his unsuccessful attempt:"We reconnoitered the enemy's position voroughly, and came upon his works at several points. Having accomplished all that was possible, the force

    urned to City Point that night."

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    March 2012ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    is ended the most serious attempt to take Fort Clifton. Following the engagement, General Pickett (in comma

    e Petersburg defenses) sent special commendation to the fort's defenders in recognition of their "service andlant conduct."e Action of June 16, 1864; Following sorties against Fort Clifton by Federal gunboats on May 11 and June 9

    , the U.S.S. Commodore Perry led three other vessels against the fort on June 16. Not wishing to repeat theents of May 9, the gunboats fired on Fort Clifton at long range for most of the day. After receiving no reply fro

    fton's guns, two gunboats were sent to within 150 yards of the fort to determine if the position had beenandoned by the Confederates. When the fort's guns finally opened fire on the astonished Federals, the gunbo

    ain withdrew to a point safely out of range.ring this action, the Commodore Perry fired 47 shells from her 100 pound Parrott gun. A footnote to the affai

    curred the next morning, when the Commodore Perry again opened fire on the fort. On the second shot, the grst, killing two seamen and "completely destroying the cabin bulkhead." This was the last major effort by Unio

    nboats to assault Fort Clifton.ege of Petersburg; Throughout much of the fall of 1864, Fort Clifton was commanded by Lt. Colonel Henry Tion of the 1st NC Artillery. As the siege of Petersburg continued, command of the fort passed to Major Winfred

    tshaw of the Virginia Artillery. Cutshaw's command included Jones' 2nd Company, Richmond Howitzers, Fry'srber's Virginia batteries, and "remnants of five other batteries saved from the battle of Spottsylvania C.H."Confederate soldier described the garrison at Fort Clifton as "ragged, barefooted, and even bareheaded," who

    et of worm-eaten peas, rancid pork, and unbolted corn drew "scarcely a complaint, or a murmur of dissatisfac

    m the Southern troops. The men were constantly exposed to the fire of Federal pickets and artillery along the

    er but still seemed to enjoy the sight of nighttime artillery exchanges, with "burning fuses forming an arch of ich paled occasionally as a shell burst, illuminating the heavens."acuation; At 10 p.m. on Sunday, April 2, 1864, Cutshaw's battalion was ordered from its position at Fort Clife original intent of the move was to reinforce the Confederate line near Five Forks. However, after an all-nigh

    arch during which the sky above Richmond was seen to be alight with fire, it became evident that a general res underway. The artillery at Fort Clifton was left in position - the battery horses having been wintered in a

    ferent place - but a small detail was left behind to spike the guns and blow up the magazine. This beingcomplished, the detachment rejoined the battalion on the march to Appomattox.ements of the Union IX Corps took possession of the fort on April 3, and found 14 pieces of light and heavy

    illery. Colonel Henry L. Abbot of the 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery was charged with the task of removingnfederate guns and ammunition from the Petersburg defense lines. On April 8, Abbot reported that his work wmpleted. Fort Clifton's guns were shipped to the depot at Broadway Landing and then transported by barge to

    deral arsenal in Washington, D. C. day, Fort Clifton is located in the northeast corner of Colonial Heights. A quiet park on the fort's grounds seemie the carnage and strife of the events of 1864 - 1865. Yet among the trees, the stout earthen fortifications s

    and, silent, defiant sentinels, as if guarding the approach to Petersburg still.

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    March 2012ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    entlemen of the Robert E. Lee Camp # 1589, u presence is requested on February 25th, 2012 at the "LEE" monument located on Monument Ave.,chmond VA.

    e Parade/Rally is still taking place. I have not heard otherwise. This is being put on by the Sons ofonfederate Veterans of which you are a member. We need to show our support for this event. I will have oamp Flags and Banners there at the Lee Monument by 10:00am. I hope to see many if not all of our campembers there.egards,l Brown

    ommander,obert E. Lee Camp #1589dlothian,VA.

    Confederate Heritage Rally 2012

    Schedule of Events

    Richmond, VA February 24, 201200 p.m.5:00 p.m. Virginia Ordinance of Secession on Public Display at the

    Library of Virginia, 800 E. Broad St.00 p.m.9:00 p.m. Lecture: Walter Donald Kennedy

    Slavery in the American Context

    Location: Crowne Plaza Richmond Downtown

    Richmond, VA February 25, 201230 a.m.11:00 a.m. Assemble for Heritage Parade

    Location: DMV HQ, 2300 W Broad St

    00 a.m.12:00 p.m. Heritage Parade to Lee Monument

    Location: Monument Ave.00 p.m.1:30 p.m. Heritage Rally

    Location: Lee Monument, Monument Ave.

    3:00 p.m.5:00 p.m. Panel Discussion: Eric Richardson, Teresa Roane,Abdur Ali-Haymes

    Minority Service in the Confederate Military: Debunking

    yth of the White Confederate Military

    Location: St. Pauls Episcopal Church, 815 E. Grace St.

    00 p.m.8:30 p.m. Revival Service

    Location: St. Pauls Episcopal Church, 815 E. Grace St.

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    March 2012ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    53rd Annual Virginia Division Convention

    arch 30-April1, 2012 - The Virginia Division Sons of Confederate Veterans 53rd Annual Convention is beintly hosted by the Princess Anne Camp #484 and the Stonewall Camp #389 and will be held in Virginiaach. The speaker for the luncheon on Saturday will be Mr. John V. Quarstein who will be speaking on "Bthe Ironclads" and the speaker for the dinner Saturday evening will be Mr. Patrick Falci portraying Lt. GeP. Hill. contactCommander James Bowesof the Stonewall Camp orCommander Thomas Tillmanofncess Anne Camp for additional information or concerns.

    r registration information visit

    Next Meetingur next meeting is scheduled for March. 7th , 2012 dinner at 6 P.M. and to followith business and Art Wingo, he is a volunteer at Chimborazo visitor center. He will be

    eaking on Chimborazo Hospitalat 7 P.M. at the Dolce Vita Italian Restaurant, 2401

    olony Crossing Place Midlothian, VA 23112

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    March 2012ee OOffffiicciiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonn OOffTThhee GGeenneerraall RRoobbeerrttEE LLeeee ccaammpp ##11558899 OOffTThhee SSoonnss OOffCCoonnffeeddeerraattee VVeetteerraann MMiiddllootthhiiaann,, VViirrggiinn

    Flight of a White Dinosaur

    he plan is to have Jim give a presentation on the Flight of a White Dinosaur in the near future

    Jim HarrisPO Box 4212Chester, VA 23831E-mail:[email protected]


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    Hardback books are $22.99plus taxPaperback books are $15.9plus tax (regardlessof any different prices on thinternet).

    Author James E. Harris, Jr. wasshocked by the staggering intellectualand elitist movement in the countrythat feeds the need to go overboardin accommodating one portion of thepopulation due to past injustices. As

    he journeys through life, he witnessedthe way people pander to andpamper staff and wards in the

    juvenile justice system, as well as thelack of vigilance by the government,especially the Air Force, prior toSeptember 11, 2001. In Flight of aWhite Dinosaur, he reveals thesubtle and flagrant reversediscrimination in government, whilerelating his adventures andexperiences.