Magazine Questionnaire


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Transcript of Magazine Questionnaire

Page 1: Magazine Questionnaire

William Lee Johnson

Dub/Reggae-Rock Magazine Questionnaire

Gender: Age:

How much would you expect to pay for a specialist magazine on this music genre?

£1-£2 -1

£2-£3 - 3

£3-£4 - 2

£4-£5 - 3

£5+ - 1

How often do you purchase magazines?



Weekly -2

Monthly -3

Rarely - 4

Never - 1

What type of content do you specifically look for in a music magazine? (Tick Circles)

o Interviews

o Previews

o Album/Artist Reviews

o Competitions

o New Unsigned Artists

o Reader Input –Opinions

o Other (Comment)


What features would catch your eye on the front of a music magazine? (Tick Circles)

o Layout and Design

o Artists on Front Cover

o Colour Scheme

o Article Headings

o Puffs

Page 2: Magazine Questionnaire

William Lee Johnson

I have found out from the results of this question that I should

not price my magazine in the excess of £5. As a result, I have

decided to price my magazine £4.20. I believe that this is a

sufficient but reasonable price for a specialist magazine of reggae

and dub music.

I asked this question to find out the readership of magazines

among both my peers and the target audience of my magazine. I

have found that the majority of people either purchase

magazines rarely or monthly, so consequently I will publish my

magazine at a monthly rate.

This question was solely to find out the content in which is

expected in my magazine by the target market. I will most

probably include interviews, previews, album/artist reviews and

unsigned artists as the main features of my music magazine. I will

also have reader inputs and competition but as a secondary

feature to the magazine.

I asked this question to see what generally makes the target

audience drawn to a magazine at first glance whilst it’s on the

shelf. The main attraction is the artist on the front cover, therefore

I will ensure that the artist on the front cover is well known and

well respected among the target audience.