Magazine Cover: Questionnaire Analysis

Faiza Wasim Magazine Questionnaire Analysis

Transcript of Magazine Cover: Questionnaire Analysis

Faiza Wasim

Magazine Questionnaire Analysis



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Male Female

As presented by the chart above, overall 30 people had taken part within our survey; 10 male and 20 female. The target audience for our film, “Visions”, is mainly aimed at female audience therefore we ensured to have a higher number of female rather than males to participate in our survey. This is in order to get a clear indication of what this gender requires in a film magazine and which specific aspects attracts them into purchasing it.

Are you male or female?




15-19 20-24 25-30 31-35 36-40 40+

How old are you?

As the data above presents, 13 participants which took part in the survey were between the ages of 15-19, making it the majority. The second highest age group to participate within our survey were between the ages of 25-30 as five people from this age group took part. This is followed by the ages 31-35 with four people and finally, both 20-24 and 36-40 were at joint fourth place with 3 participants each. It is crucial that the majority of our participants are between the ages of 15-19 as the target audience for our horror is aimed at 15 and above therefore allowing us to collect representative data. Through this we are able to gather a clear understanding of which types of colours, styles and formats are most suitable to use to attract this group.














How often do you buy a film magazine?Daily Weekly Monthly Sometimes Yearly Never

As displayed by the chart above, 11 out of 30 of the participants which took part within our survey, purchase a film magazine on a monthly basis, making it the majority. On the other hand, the data states that only one individual purchased in a daily film magazine. Through research, I have also come to realise that is common for mainstream magazines to also be released on a monthly basis as this generates excitement amongst its audience. Therefore, based on my previous research and my findings displayed above, I have decided that it is best to follow in the footsteps of such film magazines and also release my film magazine on a monthly basis.

How often do you buy a film magazine?

Sight & Sound 3%

Box Office 7%

Entertainment 27%

Total Film 30%

Empire 33%

As reflected by the pie chart on the left, the majority of the people that took part in the questionnaire mostly buy ‘Empire’ magazine, taking 33% of the votes. This is followed by ‘Total Film’ at 30%, ‘Entertainment’ at 27%, ‘Box Office’ 7% and lastly “Sight & Sound’ taking the least amount of votes at only 3%.

It is essential to find out which type of film magazines are favoured by our audiences or if they prefer mainstream or niche magazines. Through this I am able to gather a clear insight on which magazine styles are seen as more attractive to my audience so I can then mirror similar features when it comes to creating my own magazine cover.

If so, which film magazines do you buy?














How much would you spend to buy a film magazine?£1.99 £2.99 £3.99 £4 and above None

Through this question, I aimed to find out how much money my audience are willing to spend on purchasing a film magazine in order to base the price of my own magazine on these findings. As conveyed by the image above, 11 participants stated that they would be willing to spend £1.99 on a film magazine, making this the majority. My target audience are between the ages of 15-19, meaning that they possibly are unemployed have a lack of disposable income, therefore making dependent on a cheap and accessible film magazine which could explain the results.

However, the data above also conveys that a total of 10 participants are willing to spend £3.99 on a film magazine, which is twice as much of a £1.99 film magazine. Through conducting research, I have come to realise that mainstream magazines such as ‘Empire’ and ‘Entertainment’ are priced at £3.99 which denotes quality and professionalism to the audience. I therefore aim to follow in the footsteps of such magazines and also price my magazine at a similar price in order to convey to my audience that my magazine is of a high standard.

How much would you spend to buy a film magazine?

❖ “The colours used on the magazine front cover are essential in drawing me in.”

❖ “ When buying a magazine, I look for the celebrity who is displayed on the front cover.”

❖ “Free goodies.” ❖ “It depends on what genre of film is being shown” ❖ “The colours” ❖ “Exclusives.” ❖ “The colour scheme of the magazine”.

What is it that initially draws you into a magazine?

Through this question, I have found that the majority of my audience view the colour scheme of a magazine cover as a significant factor when drawing them in. I therefore will ensure to use specific colours such as red and black which automatically reflect the horror genre to the audience. However at the same time, I will use bright colours such as white and yellow when presenting the font in order to grab audience’s attention and draw them in. Furthermore, I have also gathered that exclusives of a film are highly favoured by my audiences therefore I again will incorporate sneak peaks, behind the scene exclusives and interviews within my magazine.

Total Film 17%

Entertainment 20% Empire


Out of the magazines presented below, which do you most prefer?

The pie chart on the right demonstrates that the majority of people which took part in the questionnaire preferred ‘Empire’ magazine, taking 63% of the votes. This is followed by ‘Entertainment’ at 20% and ‘Total Film’ magazine in last place at 17%.

Why? (Please specify)

❖ “The colour scheme- the cover lines stood out to me” ❖ “First looks and previews.” ❖ “The fact that it was Harry Potter- I’m a fan” ❖ “The colours” ❖ “Exclusives”

The majority of the participants which took part within my questionnaire stated that the colours used within the Harry Potter issue of Empire magazine, initially attracted their attention. The cover is dominated with dark toned colours such as black and blue, however also incorporates contrasting colours such as white and red in order to make the cover lines stand out to the audience. Furthermore, I have also found that my audience were interested in this magazine cover due to the exclusive first looks/previews which it included.



Which type of article do you most prefer reading in a film magazine?Interviews Reviews Sneak Peaks New Releases

Which type of article do you most prefer reading in a film magazine?

As reflected by the data above, 14 of the participants included in our questionnaire favoured ‘Interviews’ over any other type of article, putting it at first place. This is followed by 11 participants choosing ‘Sneak Peaks’, 4 participants choosing ‘Reviews’ and lastly, only 3 choosing ‘New Releases’. I therefore will meet my audience’s needs by including behind the scene content, sneak peaks, interviews and reviews in order to generate interest.

What colours do you prefer to see on a film magazine cover?

❖ Bright colours- white, blue, yellow. ❖ Red,white,black ❖ Black and white ❖ Dark colours- black, grey, white ❖ Red and white ❖ Grey, black, red, white

The participants which took part within this survey mostly preferred a magazine cover to have a dark colour scheme. The colours favoured by them were mostly- black, red and white which is convenient as these colours are seen as conventions of the horror genre. I therefore could incorporate these colours within my magazine cover to convey the genre of the film which is being advertised.