School magazine Questionnaire Results Analysis

I began with the usual queston of whether the participants questioned were Female or Male, to attain a general theory of the answers gained and the reason behind them. The bigger gender questioned here was the Males with 60.00% of the total results with the bracket of (prefer not to say) coming with the lowest of 10.00%. I inccluded this bracket for confidentiality reasons. The results show me that the school magazine will potentially appeal to more Males then Females however due to the sample size being small I can’t make this conclusion.

Transcript of School magazine Questionnaire Results Analysis

Page 1: School magazine Questionnaire Results Analysis

I began with the usual queston of whether the participants questioned were Female or Male, to attain a general theory of the answers gained and the reason behind them. The bigger gender questioned here was the Males with 60.00% of the total results with the bracket of (prefer not to say) coming with the lowest of 10.00%. I inccluded this bracket for confidentiality reasons. The results show me that the school magazine will potentially appeal to more Males then Females however due to the sample size being small I can’t make this conclusion.

Page 2: School magazine Questionnaire Results Analysis

Participants responding to the questionnaire were questioned what percentage of their age fell into 6 different age brackets: 10 or below 11 to 14 years, 15 to 17 years, 19 to 21 years, 22 to 30 years, 31 to 40 years, 41 to 50 years and those over 51 years. The responses to the questionnaire demonstrated that the age ranges of the individuals were as follow: 10 or below: 5.00% ƒ 11 to 14 0.00% 15 to 17: 60.00% ƒ 18 to 21: 10.00% ƒ 22 to 30: 5.00% ƒ 31 to 40: 5.00% 41 to 50: 0.00% 51 plus 15.00%. The graph demonstrates the distribution of potential stakeholders of the magazine across the specified age brackets. The highest percentage was 60%, which was within the age bracket of 15 to 17 years, which suggests to me that they could be the potential target audience, however because this wasn’t a big sample of students I can’t make that assumption yet.

Page 3: School magazine Questionnaire Results Analysis

Here I asked what the participants favourite genre of magazine was so I could get an understanding of what to place in the school magazine which would then allow the magaine to prosper and become a personal preference to the students. The genre favourite was “Gaming” joint with “other” with 50% of the total resulsts.The lowest preferred genre was film with 5% of the total results. This shows me that within the school magazine I should favour more towards the gaming genre, however because all the other genres got at least one tick I could potentially include little snippits of them inside of my magazine which means I would be catering for a variety of target audinces.

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Here, I asked the partakers how often they would consider purchasing the school magaize, so I could therefore know when to produce the school magazine on a s specific date where I would be guaranteed consistent buyers, and not produce the magazine on a day where no one would buy the magazine. The results I obtained show that its best that I produce the school magazine on a monthly basis; gaining a percentge of 35% of the total results. The 2 lowest percentages were “Daily” and “Weekly” both with 10.00% which shows me that this would be too soon for the audience to purchase.

Page 5: School magazine Questionnaire Results Analysis

Furtheremore, here I asked the potential target audience what they would prefer the centre image of the school magazine to be so it could be more appealing and they would then be more attracted in buyin the school magazine. A majority of 30% chose that they would prefer students to be the centre image of the school magaizine, as I belive it would give them a sense of belongingness. Additionally, Iin second came “Teachers and students” with 25% which means I could theoretically have little pictures around the outside of the magazine in the corners of teachers and students; so I could therefore be meeting the target audiences needs.

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Here I asked the fundamental question of what the indidviduals would be willing to pay for the school magazine. I asked this question because the amount of magzines brought in hindshight would relate back to how much the magazine was priced or not priced. 36.84% of the individuals questioned said that they wouldn’t pay for the magazine joint with another 36.84% of the individulas saying they would pay £1 or more for the magazine. This would usually leave me in quite a puzzle, however a 3rd category with only 26.32% chose they would pay upto 99p which means for me I could come inbetween these prices and make it so it fits the target audience and meets their needs.

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Another simple question, yet fundamental In the production process of the magazine. I asked the participants how they would like to read the magazine. The options were either paper, online or a ixture of both, the reason I asked this question was so that the school magazine could be more easily accessible. 47.06% voted that they would like the school magazine to be produced on both hard copy and online, which is the result I was hoping for and in actual fact is advantageous to me as now more individuals can acceess the school magazine, but not only the school pupils and teachers but also the local community and potential stakeholders.

Page 8: School magazine Questionnaire Results Analysis

In this question I asked the participants which their preferred font style would be for the school magazine title. 10% voted rockwell, 45% voted Calibri, 15% voted cambria and 30% voted for another font to be used. These results assist me in the production of my magazine as it tells me the most popular font would be calibri. As this is the most voted for option, if I were to use it as my font style for the title it would be most appealing to the majority of the audience.

Page 9: School magazine Questionnaire Results Analysis

In this question I asked the participants if they think the school magazine should be available on the internet. 47.37% voted yes it should whilst a more superior number of 52.63% voted no. This shows me that if I were to publish my school magazine online I would not be supporting the majority vote of 52 percent, however, despite this 47.3% is still a large figure therefore I could match both criterias by producing the school magazine on the interent and also on a hard copy.

Page 10: School magazine Questionnaire Results Analysis

Here I asked the participants where they would like to find the hard copy of the magazine within the school which would be accessed by the school pupils and teachers. The highest response was Student services with 25% of the total results joint with Main reception also with 25%. This shows me that I should place the hard copy of the magazine in the main reception and student services. The initial purpose behind this question was to get an understanding of where the school magazine would be most accessible for the students and teachers.