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  • 8/8/2019 IdeasforClassroomBlogs(2)


    Classroom Blogs and Blogging Ideas

    I am looking for ideas for our K-6 teachers on what they can write about for their classroom

    blogs. This is NOT for student blogging ideas, but it is for teachers that have a blog they share

    with parents, students, and staff. Please share any examples of classroom blogs and if you

    have any ideas for writing in them, please add below. Please feel free to add your twitter namebeside your idea and or blog. Please make them as general or specific as you like.

    Ideas for your classroom blog

    Category - Student Discussion

    1. Ask students a question about a classroom event that is happening and what are some

    suggestions they would have for the party. Encourage discussion between students so

    they can come up with an idea. (@gcouros)

    2. Have a quote of the day that reflects your values - ask for reflection comments and how

    it affects their lives.3. Allow students to preview upcoming topics by posting an outline, some weblinks,

    preview video, etc on the blog. Encourage questions, comments and further relevant

    links contributed by students as well. (@DaveDodgson)

    4. Ask students to share about a previous assignment that they loved (at any age) and

    describe a bit whythis assignment appealed to them (@FifeWOW).

    5. Ask students to imagine that they are a teacher. Have them describe their classroom

    (environment, lessons, assignments, etc...) (@FifeWOW)

    6. After reading a story, section of a book, post comprehension questions or prediction

    questions. Have students post their response and then have them reply to three others.


    7. Interview an expert and publish the video. Invite other people to the discussion. (@gret)8. Create book trailers or reviews. You can share your recommendations with the world.


    9. Invite other people to your class discussions by using Wallwisher. (@gret)

    10. Have students share what theyare experts on, How tos or How to dos What I know...


    11. Pose questions about the book you are reading aloud in class to have a discussion

    about the book- reading response blog online! (@kelalford)

    12. Use an image as a writing prompt (I use the Ed Tech 365/2010 group on Flickr).

    Primary students write one sentence (or more) based on the image. The BEST part?

    Providing the link to the post to the creator of the image so they can read (and hopefully

    comment) on what my students are saying (@nsharoff)13. Students map out their digital footprint and then blog about the necessity to be aware

    about this. (@briankotts)

    14. Have students create blogs (videos, glogs, wikis) of them teaching topics they are

    learning about in class-to be shared with fellow students, parents, etc. (@kmhmartin)

    15. Have students create an Animoto for classroom hopes and wishes (@4thgrdteach)

    16. Facilitate an all-class conversation about how things will go in class during the year...

    then write it up, share it out, & invite comments. (e.g.
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    09/06/class-contract-2010-2011/) (via @butwait)17. Have students discuss, compare, contrast, and critique primary source documents.

    pictures and videos. Have students read and generate the questions for each other.


    18. Discuss being internet savvy, including use of mobile technology (@tasteach)

    19. Discuss the importance of using links when writing on the net (@tasteach)20. Ask students to students provide feedback about a field trip (@thetechieteach)


    Category - Making home connections

    1. Share upcoming events in the classroom and invite parents to be a part of the session.


    2. Discuss something from class, an event in history, a science experiment, a story you are

    reading, and ask a question for parents to weigh in on. Get their ideas. Help make them

    contributors to the learning as well. (@MrMacnology) Share the parent reflections in

    class as part of your lesson. (@katyvance)

    3. Create a post asking parents to share successful ways they are encouraging learning attheir home. (@FifeWOW)

    4. Ask parents for their feedback on your teaching, certain lessons that you taught, how

    their child is responding to school/you. (@theteachinggame)

    5. Create a post asking families to share information about who their children are - as

    people and as learners. Attach a link to a Google Form which the teacher has created

    to gather this information. Then the data would be collected in one place so that the

    teacher could easily view and consider it from time to time during the school year.

    (@Fife WOW)

    6. Post a video a week of a student interviewing another student or teacher-student

    etc. I did video posts with a homebound student with cancer. It helped her to

    not feel so isolated. (@jmholland) ps. maybe this should be a google form?7. Post direct student quotations, with or without students name depending on your

    schools policy. The first day of Kindergarten was..... This Thanksgiving, I am thankful

    for..... This Christmas I would like to give Santa..... This could also be done in a

    voicethread and shared with a partner class, then they could give their ideas to the

    project. (@jmcmcmahon)

    8. Share the topics currently being addressed in class, and ask parents for real-life

    applications of those topics from their experiences. Ask for volunteers to come in and

    share their experiences. (@acmcdonaldgp)

    9. Post an Animoto, Photopeach, or VoiceThread, etc., and ask parents to leave a

    comment sharing what their child enjoyed the most about the activity. Encourage

    parents to watch the slideshow with their child, so that they can talk about the eventstogether. (@grade1)

    10. Post your weekly newsletter and if something went super well in class that day, also you

    can have parents ask their students a specific question about their day (@4thgrdteach)

    11. Try posting support links that students can use at home to practice the skills being

    taught in class (@thompseg) Students can comment about their experiences/questions

    12. Write page about blogging in the classroom - parents to leave a comment to show they

    have read and understood it (@tasteach)
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    Category - Celebrating classroom success

    1. Share any pictures or videos of classroom success and have parents and students

    comment on the day, (@gcouros)

    2. Display best of students projects on the blog - either uploads of computer/web-

    based projects or scans/photos of paper-based projects. (@DaveDodgson)3. Publish a Voicethread. Students can describe their projects and parents see them

    too. You can also encourage parents to comment on their kids work. (@gret)

    4. Maybe a weekly (Fridays?) reflective post celebrating that weeks successes

    - big and small - as seen through the eyes of the teacher. (@FifeWOW)

    5. Display student work and not just the best of the best but a good sampling to show value

    of all students (4thgrdteach)

    6. Posting work that exhibits the quality you hope for others to produce. Discuss what

    makes the work excellent. (@thompseg) Allow for students to give praise for their peers


    7. Students have different roles regarding the blog - Joke teller, Safety Tip, Reporter,

    Photographer - have input to blog weekly about classroom happenings. (@tasteach)8. Post a podcast/radio show about classroom/school events (@pam_thompson)

    Category - Other?

    1. Blog about their changing pedagogy or teaching practice. For early childhood teachers:

    how play fits into their classroom, or how parents can help children develop early literacy

    skills at home (@mrsmaley)

    2. How teachers use art, music, drama, etc. in their classroom. I have found that posts on

    using art in the classroom have been very popular on my own blog.(@wmchamberlain)

    3. Blog about Edtech topics and experiences for attendees of your PD classes.


    4. Building on @mrsmaleys point, share the research you are reading which is currentlyinforming your instruction and discuss the connections between the current research in

    your field and the way you are teaching. (@katyvance)

    5. Write about what is going on in your life and how it changes your views on education,

    students or life in general. Students and parents get to know you and your students see

    that you write about daily life, too! (@kelalford)

    6. Share what you are passionate about learning. Ask for reader comments about what

    they are passionate about. Use this with the kids to help them identify a passion of

    theirs. (@acmcdonaldgp)

    7. Use the Blog as a Learning to Learn Tool. What do they find interesting about

    HOW they are learning what they are learning, what observations do they have

    about the challenges they faced - how do they overcome them etc (@theavanos)8. Use Wikipedia to expose the benefits of critical thinking by analysing, reviewing and

    editing posts. (@briankotts)

    9. Share a slideshow of a classroom activity that demonstrates a student teacher in action.

    This informs and reassures parents and is great for the student teachers portfolio.


    10. Write a letter to your class about your hopes and dreams or what you learned

    over the summer; show them you are human - and excited (@4thgrdteach)

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    11. Let the whole blog become the learning hub of your classroom. Link to others. Connect

    with others. Demonstrate through the @replies in your comments that the blog is a place

    of dialogue.

    12. Use your classroom blog as a node of connection to another group (or groups)

    of learners. (See one class challenging another to a kind of math duel, here: (via @butwait)13. Use your blog as a place to reflect on your own journey as a learner (e.g. http://


    Examples of Classroom Blogs

    Individual Blogs:

    Aviva Dunsiger (@grade1) - - Grade 1 Blog

    Pernille Ripp (@4thgrdteach) -

    David Fleming (@mrdfleming) -

    Angela Cunningham (@kyteacher) -

    Jill Fisch (@jillfisch) -

    Conchi Fuentes (@conchifm) -

    Louise Winsor (@louwinsr) -

    Jennifer Pearson (@mrsjpearson) 3rd grade http://

    Jan Smith (@jansmith)

    The Smarties (@lisagallin)

    Wm Chamberlain (@wmchamberlain)

    Mary Kreul (@MaryKK) - Wisconsin Grade 4

    Room 7 Super Scoopers, Dunedin NZ- sharing our current learning, thinking andactivities. Communication and homework via our team wiki page. (@MrsBee12)

    Eddie Thompson (@thompseg)- 2nd grade

    Dave Hill (@hilld) - info on grade 6 science class

    Karla Duff (@teacher6th)

    Kathy Cassidy (@kathycassidy)

    Joe Stahl (@jrsteach)

    Sue Wyatt (@tasteach) Kids in the Mid grade 6/7 IT classes

    Lauren Lockyer (@LaurenFLockyer)

    Geri Coats @gericoats: 9th grade ELA

    Jen Roberts @jenroberts1 American Lit -11th

    grade Audrey Nay @sandynay

    Parents-Partners in teaching and leaning (support and guidance for parents) Teacher Talk- Embracing 21C Challenges ( feeding our

    teachers with updated learning practices and ideas) These are a few of my favourite web2.0 things (introducing web 2.0 tools to interested teachers out there)

    Pam Thompson @pam_thompson Room 13 Year 6/7
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    class in Adelaide Shane Freeman-

    Jaki Braidwood (@5_Alive) (Grade 6/7)

    Patrick Johnson (@patmjohnson) (Grade 2)

    Paul Gray (@paulegray) (Grade 2)

    Mary Bell Classroom Blog for French I - 5 students Beth Diaz 2nd grade blog from all boys school!

    Meenoo Rami (@sapereaude) - High School English Blog

    J.M. Holland (@jmholland) also formerly http://circle- Head Start Child Development Specialist.


    Edublogs directory of elementary/primary classblogs is here:

    directory/directoryelementary/(via @butwait) (and folks can add their blog(s) to the

    directory if they want to, here: )

    Not a classroom blog but I just linked my pre-service teachers in - https:// (Ira Socol) @pysproblem81s list of edu-blogs:


    @cybraryman1s list of edu-blogs:

    Classes taking part in the bi-annual student/class blogging challenge - Sept. 2010

    Other School Blogs Long Live Libraries4Lifelong Learning (helping

    updated info about libraries reach TLs) Latest happenings from Mrs. Nays Library (news

    about new things happening at school and displaying students work from library lessons)