How to Make a Connection With a Girl By "Bouncing" Between Conversation Topics

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How to Make a Connection With a Girl By Bouncing Between Conversation Topics

By: Frankie Cola

How Build Rapport With a Girl - The "Deep and Wide Rapport" Method to Having Fun and Sexy Conversations

Today we're going to talk about how to make a connection with a girl, by using what are called DEEP and WIDE rapport.

The Common Questions...

Why is deep and wide rapport important?

What does "deep and Wide Rapport" even mean?

How can I connect with a woman by using deep and wide rapport?

Can you give me a practical example of how to use deep and wide rapport in mid conversationlike when asking a woman about her favorite music?

Why it's important...

You see, making a connection with a girl is extremely important if you want to get her to follow your lead.

(Doesn't it just suck when you're trying to escalate and a woman doesn't follow and just makes things hard for you?)

But if you understand the secret of deep and wide rapport, you will know how to DEEPLY CONNECT with girls and get them feeling an emotional connection with you...

...Just by simply "bouncing" from one conversation topic to another in the very specific way that I'm going to reveal.

Let's begin...

In the "Small Talk Tactics" Report...
(get it here for FREE), Bobby Rio tells
the story of thew time he was talking to
a girl... and he created too much rapport
with her.

In particular, he created too much "deep" rapport... and not enough "wide" rapport.

Let me explain...

"Deep rapport" is when you go really deep on a specific topic that you both find interesting.

But "wide rapport" is when you find commonalities on many different topics.

Deep rapport is DANGEROUS...

And I'll explain why...

Let's use the example of musical preferences.

You see, talking about music can be VERY DANGEROUS because it can set you up for a TRAP.

The reason talking about music can be dangerous is because say you are talking to a girl and you find out that her favorite band is Sublime...

And it just so happens that you own every single Sublime album, have a big poster of Bradley on your wall, and even named your dog 'Lou Dog'... think that would be a good thing right?


You see, what usually happens is that the two of you proceed to spend the next hour talking about your favorite Sublime songs, how much you wished Bradley was still alive, and bitching about how there is 'no good music anymore."

And you're STUCK in the same topic...

(which is called a "Conversation Island")

When you're stuck in the same topic like this... and you can't get out... it means you've fallen into a "Conversation Island Trap"

Now those types of conversations never end good.

Because once the Sublime "talk" runs its course, you're left standing there in an awkward silence with nothing else to talk about.

And believe me, I've been there...

So what's a better way to handle it?

Here's what you should do instead...

Instead of staying in "deep" rapport with just one topic...

Avoid the Conversation Island Trap by mixing in some "wide rapport."

How Wide Rapport Helps You Keep the Connection

Not only does "wide" rapport give you plenty of topics to bounce to...

But it keeps the FOCUS of the interaction on the you and her vibe that is going on between you and the girl.

So the "story" of the interaction should NOT be the topics you talk about... the story should be the chemistry between you and her.

Those topics you connect on are like the "extras" in the "movie" because the center of attention is on the two main superstars of the movie: you and her.

Ok so, let's say you're talking to a girl and you find out that you're both really big fans of Sublime.

Here is a better way to handle it:

Spend a few minutes talking about Sublime... but then quickly bounce the conversation to something else...

Practical Example of Using Wide Rapport

Since Sublime is from Southern California... you can talk about California... which then can lead into the two of you sharing wild travel adventures

...or you can turn the conversation towards surfing... or snowboarding... or smoking pot... or you can make a game out of naming all the famous dead rock stars you'd love to have seen in concert... or would have had sex with...

The idea is to find a bunch of different commonalities and use them as a SPRINGBOARD to create a VIBEbetween the two of you...

...the vibe is ALWAYS more important than the topic of conversation.

Make sense?

Ok let's summarize...

1. Deep rapport is staying on one topic for too long (going deep into it).

2. Wide rapport is going through various topics. (going wide)

3. Staying on one topic for too long (deep rapport) is VERY DANGEROUS and it stops you from creating true connection (and sexual chemistry)

(it stops you from jumping through other topics that allow you to bring sexuality into the equation)

4. Instead, learn to JUMP to other topics (go WIDE). So go a bit deep into topics, but not as much, and then bounce to other topics before you get too deep into one topic (and creating too much rapport).

5. The focus of the interaction should bethe VIBE between you and the girl.

In essence, you are using the conversation topics as a TOOL to make that vibe happen.

When this vibe is happening, you and her (in your mind) both KNOW that's IT'S ON....

...even if at the surface it only seems like you're only having innocent conversations, you can still feel the emotional chemistry with the girl happening... and that's when you know you GOT IT!

Now if you want more specific ways to create that connection "vibe" and escalate a conversation to a more flirtatious level, then I recommend you read this free report that reveals tactics and techniques to to "make small talk sexy"

Word-for-Word Lines for Getting Girls: FREE 23 Page Manuscript Reveals Exactly What To Say to Make Her Want You

Inside this Free Report, you will learn:

The #1 mistake men make that prevent a conversation from turning sexual (page 8)

How to create "conversation momentum"by using a "role" (page 11)

How to ESCALATE a conversation into asexual topic that gets her excited to keeptalking to YOU. (page 17)

Read More Free Articles on creating attractive conversations on