Horror movie poster analysis

Horror movie poster analysis

Transcript of Horror movie poster analysis

Page 1: Horror movie poster analysis

Horror movie poster analysis

Page 2: Horror movie poster analysis

In the poster using a nun is more deceiving because nuns are innocent and religious where as this one is clearly evil.

The scratches on the poster suggests that she is distressed. Her eyes being blurred suggests she has no soul as eyes are the windows to your soul.

The colour red has connotations of blood, the colour black has connotations of death. The phrase at the top ‘inspired by true events’ thrills the audience because they know that these events can happen.

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The phrase ‘The Night He Came Home!’ The word ‘He’ is bigger than the others and emphasised because people are unaware of who he is.

The darkness represents danger and the knife could represent death. The long fingers have a face carved into them like a pumpkin.

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The most noticeable in this poster is the blood dripping down the wall; the blood forms a face which could be ‘the spirit’.

The tag line of this is ‘once you see him, nothing can save you’ which is wrote under the title and portrays the fact once you’ve seen the spirit you can not be saved.

At the top of the poster, from the producer of ‘paranormal activity’ and ‘insidious’, is written this often makes the audience intrigued to see the movie if they have seen and/heard of the two movies that the producer is also famous for and thought it was good.

The colour of the room is very desaturated but the colour that is most prevalent is red. Red has connotations of blood and violence.

Page 5: Horror movie poster analysis

The main feature of the poster is the doll, there is a bright light which is shining onto the dolls face to show the facial features.

It is clear to see in the poster that the doll is distressed and is crying tears of blood; this is giving the doll human like features and shows that there is a possibility it could come to life during the film.

The font of the poster is in capital letters and red which has connotations of blood and violence, and usually represents death.

The main writing on the poster is ‘before the conjuring, there was Annabelle’ this entices the audience that have already watched the conjuring to then go and see the film ‘Annabelle’ as this film is a sequel to it and then explains to the audience what happened before the conjuring.