Evaluation question 3

Evaluation Question 3 JOSH PARKER

Transcript of Evaluation question 3

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Evaluation Question 3 JOSH PARKER

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We have previously conducted research into a potential film distributor during the pre-production process of our film, we decided to settle on a UK based distributor with the film having a particularly small budget and small timeframe. One of the main distributors we decided to pick out for our film was Studio canal. This seemed the most sensible choice due to their experience with horror films and thrillers, which match our genre of film, they also have evidence of a psychological horror on their website portfolio.

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The idea to side with studio canal for distribution also is due to their format with films, since they have experience with how our psychological horror and so the film style and format will be similar to what they have previously dealt with, making the distribution process more simplified as a result. If we had chosen a bigger distribution company however the process could’ve been potentially altered and different compared to studio canal’s process. An example of a bigger distributor would be Sony Motion Picture Studios, they would be the prime choice due to their established presence within the media platform and their success with many blockbuster titles that really serve as a showcase for the professional standard that this distributor has, however due to their scale there could be possible changes made to the film in the terms of the budget demands and even length of the film.