European Parliament€¦  · Web view1999 2004 {AFET}Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights,...

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 1999 2004 Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy 27 June 2003 PE 329.281/1-284 AMENDMENTS 1-284 Draft report (PE 329.281) Bob van den Bos on human rights in the world in 2002 and European Union's human rights policy (2002/2011(INI)) Motion for a resolution Amendment by Geoffrey Van Orden Amendment 1 Recital C whereas for the EU to contribute to peace and stability in the world, through the Common Foreign and Security Policy, emphasis should be attached to an effective use of those non-military instruments available to the Union in its external relations, which do not duplicate or detract from the obligations that Member States have to other organisations, Or. en Amendment by Charles Tannock AM\502209PA.doc PE 329.281/1-284 PA PA

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Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy

27 June 2003 PE 329.281/1-284


Draft report (PE 329.281)Bob van den Boson human rights in the world in 2002 and European Union's human rights policy(2002/2011(INI))

Motion for a resolution

Amendment by Geoffrey Van Orden

Amendment 1Recital C

whereas for the EU to contribute to peace and stability in the world, through the Common Foreign and Security Policy, emphasis should be attached to an effective use of those non-military instruments available to the Union in its external relations, which do not duplicate or detract from the obligations that Member States have to other organisations,

Or. en

Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 2Recital C

whereas for the EU to live up to its responsibility for peace and stability in the world, (9 words deleted) military expenditure needs to be increased by the Member States in line with Europe's ambitions and importance be attached to an effective use of all provisions available to the Union in its external relations,

Or. en

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Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 3Recital C a (new)

salutando la seconda Conferenza Ministeriale della Community of Democracies, tenutasi dal 10 al 12 novembre 2002, a Seoul, alla quale hanno preso parte 118 paesi, ivi inclusi tutti i membri dell'Unione europea, riunitisi per riaffermare il proprio impegno e la propria volontà di promuovere e difendere la democrazia, lo Stato di Diritto e i diritti dell'uomo nel mondo,

Or. it

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 4Recital D a (new)

whereas the European Union through its external relations and common foreign and security policy has committed itself to respect international human rights law and international humanitarian law,

Or. en

Amendment by Arie M. Oostlander

Amendment 5Recital F a (new)

overwegende dat in de zogenaamde oorlog tegen het terrorisme de behartiging van de klassieke individuele mensenrechten niet achtergesteld mogen worden bij het streven naar collectieve veiligheid,

Or. nl

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 6Recital G

considerando che la clausola di rispetto dei diritti dell’uomo, introdotta quale elemento essenziale negli accordi di associazione e cooperazione con i paesi terzi, necessita di un’applicazione concreta, al fine di lottare efficacemente contro le violazioni dei diritti umani

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e prevenire futuri abusi, e prevedere un meccanismo chiaro di applicazione e di sospensione nei casi di mancato rispetto,

Or. it

Amendment by Michael Gahler

Amendment 7Recital G a (new)

in der Erwägung, dass leider festzustellen ist, dass einzelne Mitgliedstaaten der EU im Gegensatz zu den Verpflichtungen, die sich aus dem Cotonou-Abkommen und anderen Assoziations- und Kooperationsabkommen mit Drittstaaten ergeben, in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt undemokratische Regime stützen, soweit sie den nationalen wirtschaftlichen, militärischen und sonstigen Eigeninteressen dienen,

Or. de

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 8Recital G a (new)

soulignant que les violations de la clause relative au respect des droits humains par les pays tiers liés à l'UE par des accords ne sont pas seulement des entorses aux droits et aux libertés universels reconnus par la déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme, mais constituent surtout une violation de traités internationaux librement consentis par les parties,

Or. fr

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 9Recital H

whereas, according to the relevant EU Guidelines, Human Rights Dialogues are an acceptable option only if there is sufficient commitment in the partner country to improve the human rights situation on the ground; whereas the EU shall evaluate the results of the dialogues at regular intervals, to determine how far its expectations have been met,

Or. en

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Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 10Recital H

whereas, according to the relevant EU guidelines, human rights dialogues are an acceptable option only if sufficient progress is achieved; (5 words deleted) whereas the EU should evaluate the results of the dialogues at regular intervals, to determine how far its expectations have been met,

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 11Recital I a (new)

whereas mainstreaming should be defined as the incorporation of attention for human rights considerations on all levels and in all policies and will only be effective if mainstreaming is imposed and supervised by the highest levels in the Council and the Commission and if a high level Special Envoy is charged with its implementation on top of the existence of a human rights unit within the Council and the Commission that is sufficiently staffed,

Or. en

Amendment by Pernille Frahm, Gérard Caudron

Amendment 12Recital J

whereas within the European Parliament further efforts are needed to strengthen structures and working methods of its human rights policy; whereas, as a matter of priority, further improvements are needed to ensure proper follow-up of its statements,

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 13Recital J

whereas internal discussions within the Parliament have only slowly been taken further on ways to strengthen its own structures and working methods in the field of human rights aiming at reinforcing Parliament's role in shaping and monitoring the implementation of the

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EU's human rights policy; considers that urgently decisions regarding the creation of a human rights directory and human rights committee are needed to ensure proper follow-up of its statements,

Or. en

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 14Recital M

considérant que, par nature, les questions des droits de l'homme peuvent exiger desréactions immédiates, que les mécanismes prévus actuellement par son règlement nepermettent pas à ses membres de poser au Conseil et à la Commission des questionsappelant un réponse d'urgence et que les réponses écrites du Conseil aux questionsparlementaires se font toujours attendre à l'extrême et sont trop souvent vagues et superficielles,

Or. fr

Amendment by Pernille Frahm, Gérard Caudron

Amendment 15Recital M a (new)

whereas armed conflicts continued to be the most serious threat for the human rights; whereas these conflicts resulted grave violations of human rights,

Or. en

Amendment by Pernille Frahm, Gérard Caudron

Amendment 16Recital M b (new)

deeply concerned by the way in which national security has become the predominant concern of many governments at the expense of human rights since the tragic events of 11 September, in particular by the suppression of political opponents, by branding them as ''terrorists'', by the creation of shadow criminal justice systems, and a greater reluctance by governments to criticize others' domestic policies; whereas this international climate has threatened human rights protection significantly,

Or. en

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Amendment by Pernille Frahm, Gérard Caudron

Amendment 17Recital M c (new)

whereas the United States continued to deny internationally recognised rights to people arrested in the context of the 'war against terrorism'; whereas thousands prisoners were detained from the war in Afghanistan in defiance of international humanitarian law and national legislation,

Or. en

Amendment by Pernille Frahm, Gérard Caudron

Amendment 18Recital M d (new)

whereas the human rights situation in the Middle East and North Africa was further aggravated in the name of "combatting terrorism"; whereas clampdows upon freedom of expression and assembly, intimidation of human rights defenders proliferated; whereas the region continued to suffer from judicial and extra judicial execution, widespread use of tortuere and unfair trials,

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 19Recital N - Recital AM


Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 20Title (before Recital N)

Freedom of Belief and Thought

Or. en

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Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 21Recital N

whereas religious freedom (8 words deleted) as enshrined in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights is defined as everyone's "right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion"and "includes freedom to change his religion or belief, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance; whereas the right not to confess any religion is implied and deserves equal protection,

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 22Recital N

whereas freedom of belief and thought, which are universal human rights, are enshrined in various international legal texts, and include freedom to change one's religion or belief, to practise one's religion alone or in community with others, and in public or private, or not to believe in any religion at all,

Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 23Recital N a (new)

considérant que la liberté religieuse et la laïcité sont deux principes intangibles et qu'ils sont inscrits dans différents textes de droit international et qu'ils sousentendent la liberté de conscience, la liberté individuelle de religion, de croyance ou de non croyance et le droit de pratiquer ou non une religion ou un culte, seul ou en communauté, en public ou en privé,

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 24Recital O


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Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 25Recital O a (new)

considérant que les religions, les croyances et incroyances relèvent de la liberté individuelle et répondent aux besoins spirituels de leurs adeptes,

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 26Recital P

whereas it is incumbent on governments to ensure that the rights of all persons to freedom of religion and belief or non-belief are fully protected,

Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 27Recital Q

considérant que la liberté de religion, de croyance et de conscience est arbitrairement entravée et deniée dans différentes parties du monde, ce qui entraîne parfois des formes graves et violentes de persécution, notamment la détention, la torture, l'asservissement et la restriction de la liberté de parole, de réunion et d'association,

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

and Charles Tannock

Amendment 28Recital R


Or. en

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Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 29Recital R

considérant que l'Etat, par définition, doit être a-religieux et qu' en l'absence d'une séparation de l'Etat et de la religion (14 mots supprimés) et ou d'une croyance il est difficile pour les croyances ou incroyances de s'épanouir pacifiquement ensemble et que des problèmes se posent alors aux minorités, (1 mot supprimé)

Or. fr

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 30Recital R

I frånvaro av en åtskillnad mellan stat och religion, vilket är fallet i statligt kontrollerade religioner, (13 ord utgår) uppstår ofta problem för religiösa minoriteter,

Or. sv

Amendment by Geoffrey Van Orden

Amendment 31Recital R

whereas, in the absence of separation of state and religion, as is the case under state-run religions, it is sometimes difficult for religions to live peacefully together, and problems for religious minorities might arise,

Or. en

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 32Recital R a (new)

soulignant aussi que les régimes à parti unique sont responsables de politiques de repression et de grave violation de la liberté religieuse, et notamment en RDPLao, au Vietnam, à Cuba, en République Populaire de Chine,

Or. fr

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Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 33Recital S

considérant qu'il existe aujourd'hui dans le monde de nombreux types d'entrave à la liberté de de conscience, notamment des tentatives de contrôler ou d'imposer une foi ou des pratiques religieuses, que l'on constate une hostilité de certains Etats à l'égard des croyances minoritaires ou non autorisées et à l'égard des incroyances ainsi que des carences face aux atteintes à la liberté de conscience et l'existence de législations et de politiques discriminatoires,

Or. fr

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 34Recital S

det finns många olika hinder för religionsfriheten i världen i dag, inklusive försök att kontrollera religiösa trosföreställningar eller deras utövande, regeringars fientlighet mot minoriteter eller icke godkända religioner, hot om straff vid byte av tro, förbud för missionärer, regeringars underlåtenhet att beivra kränkningar av religionsfriheten samt diskriminerande lagstiftning och politik,

Or. sv

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 35Recital T

whereas the promotion and protection of the rights of persons belonging to (5 words deleted) minorities of any type contribute to political and social stability and to peace, and can enrich the cultural heritage of society as a whole,

Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 36Recital T

considérant que la promotion et la protection des droits des personnes appartenant à des

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minorités nationales, ethniques, religieuses, laïques ou linguistiques, contribuent à la stabilité politique et sociale et à la paix des Etats et qu'elles peuvent enrichir l'ensemble du patrimoine de la société,

Or. fr

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 37Recital U

allvarliga fall av intolerans, diskriminering och våldshandlingar grundade på en misstolkning av religion eller tro förekommer i många delar av världen, inklusive handlingar som är avsedda att skrämma och påverka och som motiveras av religiös fanatism,

Or. sv

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 38Recital U

considérant que des cas graves d'intolérance, de discrimination et d'actes de violence fondés sur la religion ou sur les croyances se produisent dans de nombreuses parties du monde, notamment par des actes d'intimidation et de coercition motivés par l'extrémisme religieux,

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 39Recital V


Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 40Recital V

considérant que les religions, que ce soit dans des mouvements modérés ou radicaux ou via des organisations non gouvernementales, s'emploient parfois à remplir les tâches négligées

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par les administrations dans des domaines comme la santé et l'éducation tendant ainsi à s'immiscer dans l'appareil étatique,

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 41Recital W

whereas religions are frequently instrumentalised for political purposes, in particular in the case of struggles for power or in the framework of ethnic disputes, and can be easily misused to inflame conflicts, (12 words deleted)

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 42Recital X

whereas traditional peaceful relations between religions have been disturbed by power struggles, (28 words deleted)

Or. en

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 43Recital X

Traditionellt fredliga relationer mellan olika religioner har störts av maktkamper, till exempel på Balkan, i Moluckerna, Nigeria, Sudan, Pakistan och Indien, där sammanstötningar som främst drabbat minoriteten skett mellan muslimer och kristna, eller mellan hinduer och muslimer och andra religiösa minoriteter,

Or. sv

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

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Amendment 44Recital Y

whereas a rise in any extremism (5 words deleted) can be perceived world-wide, causing increased tensions, (6 words deleted)

Or. en

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 45Recital Y

En ökning av den religiöst motiverade våldsanvändningen kan iakttas över hela världen, vilket leder till ökade spänningar (två ord utgår) mellan olika religioner eller inom religioner,

Or. sv

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 46Recital Y

considérant qu'une montée de l'extrémisme religieux (5 mots supprimés) se perçoit dans le monde entier, et qu'elle entraîne l'aggravation des tensions et de la violence entre les religions et les croyances ou en leur sein,

Or. fr

Amendment by Jas Gawronski

Amendment 47Recital Y

considerando che si può oggi ravvisare un aumento dell'estremismo religioso (5 parole soppresse) in tutto il mondo, che provoca un aumento delle tensioni e della violenza fra le religioni o in seno a una stessa relione,

Or. it

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Amendment by Arie M. Oostlander

Amendment 48Recital Y

overwegende dat religieus extremisme (zowel in het hindoeïsme en de islam als in het christendom en jodendom) wereldwijd toeneemt, hetgeen leidt tot meer spanningen en geweld tussen of binnen godsdiensten,

Or. nl

Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 49Recital Y

whereas a rise in religious extremism (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism) can be perceived world-wide, causing increased tensions and violence between or within religions,

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 50Recital Z


Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 51Recital Z

considérant que l'extrémisme religieux (5 mots supprimés) compromet les chances de différentes communautés (1 mot supprimé) de vivre pacifiquement et sereinement côte à côte et qu'il représente, par définition, une menace pour le liberté de religion et de croyance,

Or. fr

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

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Amendment 52Recital Z

Religiös och ateistisk extremism kan vara moraliskt exklusiv och undergräva möjligheterna för olika människor (två ord utgår)att fredligt samexistera. Definitionsmässigt utgör därför sådan extremism ett hot mot religions- och trosfriheten,

Or. sv

Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 53Recital Z a (new)

whereas it is vital to distinguish between religion as belief and peaceful worship, and religion as a vehicle to foster hatred and violence against others,

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 54Recital AA


Or. en

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 55Recital AA

Ökningen av den religiösa extremismen kan ibland visa sig i våld och protester mot det moderna samhällets värderingar sprungna ur en kritik av övergivande av traditionell kultur, familjesyn och samlevnadsmönster. Utifrån detta upplevda hot ställer man sig negativ till religiös tolerans, yttrandefrihet, sekularisering, demokrati och pluralism,

Or. sv

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

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Amendment 56Recital AA a (new)

I en allt mer sekulariserad värld minskar förståelsen för religionens betydelse och människans andliga behov. Många troende kläms mellan extrema uttryck för religion och en oförstående sekulariserad omgivning,

Or. sv

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 57Recital AB


Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 58Recital AC


Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 59Recital AD


Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 60Recital AD a (new)

considérant que des fanatismes religieux peuvent apparaître même dans des pays jusqu'ici considérés comme laïcs et où il existait traditionnellement une séparation entre l'Etat et la religion ou la croyance, et constatant que cette nouvelle situation à tendance à faire tache d'huile et à s'étendre à des pays politiquement plus fragiles,

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Or. fr

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 61Recital AD a (new)

estimant néanmoins que les politiques repressives et violant les principes démocratiques trop souvent menées par les gouvernements des pays sus-mentionnés, en ce qu'elle affaiblissent les représentants de l'opposition démocratique, ne peuvent que renforcer les extrêmismes qu'elle prétendent combattre,

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 62Recital AE


Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 63Recital AE

considérant que des interprétations immuables et extrêmes de la charia règnent notamment en Arabie saoudite, en Iran et dans des pays comme le Soudan, la Somalie et le Nigeria,

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 64Recital AF


Or. en

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Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 65Recital AF

considérant qu'on observe, dans plusieurs pays à forte population musulmane (8 mots supprimés) le rétablissement de la charia et d'autres pratiques (4 mots supprimés) contraires à l'universalité des droits de l'homme,

Or. fr

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 66Recital AF

I flera länder med en stor muslimsk befolkning, såsom (norra) Nigeria (ett ord utgår) Sudan och Pakistan, kan man nu iaktta ett återinförande av sharian och andra bruk som strider mot de allmänna mänskliga rättigheterna,

Or. sv

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 67Recital AF a (new)

inquiet à ce propos quant aux références à la Charia contenues dans le projet de constitution de l'Afghanistan,

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 68Recital AG

whereas the rights of the most vulnerable groups of society are in particular threatened by religious practices, such as the rights of women and girls are threatened by practices such as burning, stoning, female genital mutilation or arranged marriages in the name of culture, traditional practices, customs, or (1 word deleted) religion (15 words deleted),

Or. en

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Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 69Recital AG

considérant que les droits des femmes et des filles sont menacés par des pratiques inacceptables comme la lapidation, l'excision ou les mariages arrangés, sous le couvert (2 mots supprimés) de pratiques traditionnelles, de coutumes ou (1 mot supprimé) de religion, lesquelles imposent (2 mots supprimés) aux femmes une position et un statut social inférieurs aux hommes,

Or. fr

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 70Recital AG

Kvinnors och flickors rättigheter hotas av företeelser som stening, könsstympning, barnäktenskap eller andra arrangerade äktenskap i namn av kultur, traditionella sedvänjor, bruk eller till och med religion. De flesta av dessa företeelser ger kvinnorna en lägre social position och status än männen,

Or. sv

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 71Recital AH


Or. en

Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 72Recital AH

whereas religious extremism may nurture other religious extremism, as is the case e.g. in the Asian sub-continent, where for instance in Pakistan, Indonesia and India extremism of one religion provokes extremism of another and vice versa,

Or. en

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Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

and Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 73Recital AI


Or. fr

Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 74Recital AI a (new)

whereas anti-conversion laws, such as those adopted or proposed in India and Sri Lanka, could easily be abused in practice to suppress religious minorities,

Or. en

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 75Recital AJ

Den potentiella ökningen av våld och kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter som uppkommer ur en växande religiös och totalitär sekulär extremism världen över kräver beslutsamma och samlade reaktioner från Europeiska unionens sida,

Or. sv

Amendment by Arie M. Oostlander

Amendment 76Recital AJ

overwegende dat de potentiële toename van geweld en schendingen van de mensenrechten ten gevolge van de wereldwijde opkomst van religieus extremisme vraagt om een vastberaden en breedgedragen reactie van de Europese samenleving,

Or. nl

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Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 77Recital AK

considérant que la mondialisation a entraîné partout des interactions plus intenses entre les peuples, ce qui rend plus pressante la nécessité de la tolérance (1 mot supprimé) en matière de croyance et de liberté de conscience ainsi que le besoin pour des populations aux arrière-plans religieux d'exiger le respect, afin d'éviter les conflits entre systèmes de valeur,

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 78Recital AK

whereas globalisation has led to intensified interactions between people worldwide, making more urgent the necessity for (1 word deleted) tolerance, as well as the need to command respect for people from different (1 word deleted) backgrounds, in order to avoid conflicts between value systems,

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 79Recital AL


Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 80Recital AM


Or. en

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Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 81Recital AM

Medierna kan spela en viktig roll när det gäller att sprida kunskap och adekvat information om religioner och kulturer och främja en ömsesidig förståelse mellan människor från olika religiösa bakgrunder. Därför bör medierna avstå från att skapa stereotypa bilder av andra religioner som fiender,

Or. sv

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 82Recital AM

considérant que les medias peuvent jouer un rôle important en diffusant une information juste sur les croyances et les civilisations et en promouvant la compréhension mutuelle entre des peuples aux arrière-plans religieux différents: considérant, par conséquent qu'il faudrait les décourager de créer des images stéréotypées d'autres croyances perçues comme hostiles,

Or. fr

Amendment by Jas Gawronski

Amendment 83Recital AM

considerando che i mezzi d'informazione possono svolgere un importante ruolo nella diffusione delle corrette informazioni sulle religioni e le culture e nella promozione della comprensione reciproca fra i popoli di diversa estrazione religiosa; considerando che essi dovrebbero pertanto evitare di promuovere immagini stereotipate delle altre religioni (3 parole soppresse),

Or. it

Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 84Recital AM

whereas the media can play an important role in diffusing adequate information on religions and cultures, and in promoting mutual understanding between people from different religious

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backgrounds; whereas they should therefore be discouraged from creating stereotyped images of other religions as enemies, whilst recognising their obligation to report truthfully where religious intolerance exists,

Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 85Recital AM a (new)

considérant qu'il est inacceptable qu'au nom d'une religion, on prétende avoir ou exercer une autorité politique,

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 86Paragraph 1

Human rights are the cornerstone for all internal and external policies of the European Union; therefore urges the Council and the Commission to speak out clearly against violations of human rights wherever they take place; strongly concerned by a possible marginalising of human rights vis-à-vis security-related, economic and political priorities;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 87Paragraph 3

Calls on the Council, the Commission and the Member States to take the necessary steps in order to put into practice the practical measures contained in the COHOM report on the implementation of the follow-up to the general Affairs Council conclusions of 25 June 2001, which the Council endorsed on 10 December 2002 and to report to Parliament on progress achieved by the end of 2003;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

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Amendment 88Paragraph 3 a (new)

Calls on the Commission and the Council to review and better coordinate all ongoing mainstreaming activities within the EU, through agreeing a clear definition and methodology of mainstreaming as well as attention for lessons learnt in other sectors, international organisations and countries; calls also on the EU member states to mainstream human rights in relations with third countries and to share experiences and coordinate with other member states and the EU institutions;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 89Paragraph 4

Calls on the Council and the Commission to present the human rights clause as a commitment by both parties to the agreement to respect human rights and to use the clause (1 word deleted) to induce positive change, but if this fails consequences should be drawn and the clause should come to full application;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 90Paragraph 6 a (new)

Stresses that such was made very clear by the refusal of the Council to implement Parliament's resolution on the convening of the Association Council between the European Union and the State of Israel;

Or. en

Amendment by Michael Gahler

Amendment 91Paragraph 6 a (new)

vertritt die Auffassung, dass Mitgliedstaaten, die durch ihre nationale Politik zur Sicherung wirtschaftlicher, militärischer und sonstiger Eigeninteressen gegenüber Drittstaaten undemokratische Regime stützen, an der Macht halten oder gar erst in Regierungsverantwortung bringen, und die sich damit in faktischen Gegensatz zu den Zielen der Assoziations- und Kooperationsabkommen in den Bereichen Menschenrechte,

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Demokratie und guter Regierungsführung stellen, jederzeit gegenüber den anderen Mitgliedstaaten und dem Europäischen Parlament hierüber Rechenschaft ablegen müssen;

Or. de

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 92Paragraph 7

Stresses, however, that the lack of a clear implementation mechanism (1 word deleted) hinders the effectiveness of the clause; considers the implementation mechanism of the Cotonou Agreement as exemplary for its provisions on consultations, suspension and participation by civil society;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 93Paragraph 8 a (new)

Calls on the Commission to make the necessary proposal for an implementation mechanism for the human rights clause;

Or. en

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 94Paragraph 8 a (new)

invita la Commissione ed il Consiglio ad applicare le misure restrittive e sospensive in base ad una valutazione della gravità dei fatti meno indulgente rispetto a quanto sinora fatto a discapito dell'effettività della clausola stessa e a discredito del valore giuridico che deve essere riconosciuto alla clausola del rispetto dei diritti dell'uomo;

Or. it

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Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 95Paragraph 9

Calls on the Commission and the Council to set up and make public benchmarks for incentive and restrictive measures to be applied, in order to enhance openness and credibility in the process of implementing the clause;

Or. en

Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 96Paragraph 9

Calls on the Commission and the Council to set up and make public guidelines for incentive and restrictive measures to be applied in order to enhance openness and credibility in the process of implementing the clause, whilst recognising that certain latitude needs to be given in determining how best to achieve these objectives;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 97Paragraph 10

Urges the Council and the Commission to conclude concrete contracts for progress in human rights agreed with a third country in exchange for assistance to achieve these goals and to set in motion procedures for structured dialogue and for the regular assessment of compliance of partner states with their human rights obligations in association with the European Parliament and civil society;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 98Paragraph 12

Calls on the Commission and the Council to adopt (10 words deleted) a systematic methodology to implement the human rights clause which should include consultations with all parties concerned; (rest deleted)

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Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 99Paragraph 13

Calls on the Commission to collect and assess, together with EU Missions, information on specific violations of human rights, (12 words deleted)) as an essential part of its monitoring role; (rest deleted)

Or. en

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 100Paragraph 13

chiede alla Commissione di raccogliere e valutare, insieme con le missioni dell’UE, le informazioni relative a violazioni specifiche dei diritti umani, con particolare attenzione ai diritti delle donne - in particolare la pratica dell'infibulazione e delle altre mutilazioni genitali femminili - e dei bambini nei paesi terzi, quale parte essenziale del suo compito di organo di controllo, in particolare per quanto concerne quei paesi che sono vincolati da una clausola di rispetto dei diritti dell’uomo in ragione degli accordi di partenariato stipulati con l’UE;

Or. fr

Amendment by Elizabeth Lynne

Amendment 101Paragraph 13

Calls on the Commission to collect and assess, together with EU missions, information on specific violations of human rights, with particular attention to womens rights, childrens rights and the rights of disabled people in third countries, as an essential part of its monitoring role, in particular with regard to those countries who are bound by a human rights clause as part of their agreements with the EU;

Or. en

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Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 102Paragraph 13 a (new)

Recommends that, in addition to systematic human rights reporting, checklists should be developed, as well as training programmes and handbooks to assist officials;

Or. en

Amendment by Geoffrey Van Orden

Amendment 103Paragraph 14 a (new)


Calls on the Council, the Commission and Member States effectively to enforce EU sanctions policies in furtherance of human rights; to ensure that actions are not taken which deliberately undermine such policies, as in the case of Zimbabwe where the impact of targeted sanctions has been regularly undermined because of loopholes;

Or. en

Amendment by Geoffrey Van Orden

Amendment 104Paragraph 14 b (new)

Calls for periodic review of sanctions policies in order to assess and enhance their effectiveness;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 105Paragraph 15

Expresses its view that human rights dialogues between the EU and third countries (21 words deleted) should be benchmarks for progress to be achieved and reflected on the ground have to be set up;

Or. en

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Amendment by Ole Andreasen

Amendment 106Paragraph 15 a (new)

Calls on the Council to rigorously apply the Guidelines on Human Rights Dialogues; calls on the Council to apply the methodology of these guidelines on all political dialogues, including those which are established in the framework of a cooperation or association agreement;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 107Paragraph 16


Or. en

Amendment by Richard Howitt

Amendment 108Paragraph 16

Although fully aware of the sensitivity of the issues and the occasional necessity fordiscretion in talks, urges the Council to be consistent with its own commitment toopenness for the EU human rights issues being discussed under the political dialogue andthe human rights dialogue, and to move towards more transparent reporting of the political dialogue in respect of human rights;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 109Paragraph 17

Calls on the Council to initiate, under the political dialogue, specific dialogues on human rights in all its external contacts;(rest deleted)

Or. en

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Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 110Paragraph 17

Calls on the Council to initiate, under the Political Dialogue, specific dialogues on human rights – in line with the EU Guidelines on Human Rights Dialogues - with the (1 word deleted) countries (37 words deleted) that show commitment to further respect for human rights in their country;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 111Paragraph 18

Requests that procedures for dialogue between governments and civil society should be included in all association and cooperation agreements; (rest deleted)

Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 112Paragraph 18 a (new)

souligne que la situation des droits de l'homme en Syrie reste préoccupante; que dix opposants dont deux parlementaires, Riad Seif et Mamun al Humsi sont toujours en prison et que la situation des prisonniers Libanais, disparus ou incarcérés, n'est toujours pas éclaircie,

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 113Paragraph 20

Calls on the Council to act in accordance with the EU guidelines on the human rights dialogue, and to assess the EU human rights dialogues (4 words deleted) on a regular annual basis;

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Amendment by Richard Howitt

Amendment 114Paragraph 20

Calls on the Council to act in accordance with the EU guidelines on the human rightsdialogue, and to assess the EU human rights dialogues with Sudan, Iran and China on a regular annual basis;

Or. en

Amendment by Ole Andreasen

Amendment 115Paragraph 20

Calls on the Council to act in accordance with the EU guidelines on the human rightsdialogue, and to publicly assess the EU human rights dialogues with Iran and China on a regular annual basis;

Or. en

Amendment by Pernille Frahm, Gérard Caudron

and Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 116Paragraph 23


Or. en

Amendment by Pernille Frahm, Gérard Caudron

Amendment 117Paragraph 25

Condemns the use of stoning and all forms of degrading and cruel punishment, notably in Iran, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia; urges the Council and the Commission to insist in their political dialog with governments on abolition of the this practice;

Or. en

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Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 118Paragraph 27


Or. en

Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 119Paragraph 27

Calls on the Council, the Commission and the Iranian authorities to ensure that all relevant international and Iranian NGOs, as well as MEPs and Iranian parliamentarians, are included in the Round Table of the EU-Iran human rights dialogue, in order to benefit from human rights expertise;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 120Paragraph 29

Calls on the Council to deepen the discussions, in the context of the Round Table of the human rights dialogue with Iran, on the rights of (3 words deleted) minorities, on the death penalty, on corporal punishments, and on freedom of association;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

and Geoffrey Van Orden

Amendment 121Paragraph 30


Or. en

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Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 122Paragraph 31


Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 123Paragraph 32


Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 124Paragraph 36

exprime son inquiétude face au risque que le prestige de la Commission des droits de l'homme de l'ONU, en tant que première instance mondiale s'occupant des droits de l'homme, ne soit substantiellement diminué par sa tendance (1 mot supprimé) à se politiser (1 mot supprimé) : regrette que ses débats et ses résolutions ne reflètent pas la situation des droits de l'homme, mais plutôt la mobilisation de leurs soutiens par les pays qui sont accusés d'atteintes aux droits de l'homme; constate qu'à la suite de fortes campagnes par les pays concernés, les propositions de retraits des résolutions sont souvent bien accueillies; plaide pour toute réforme susceptible d'inverser le processus de politisation et donc de maintenir la crédibilité de cet important forum;

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 125Paragraph 37

Regrets that the EU action taken at the 59th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights only partly reflects Parliament's position, and insists that the EU Presidency give full consideration to Parliament's priorities at future sessions; (rest deleted)

Or. en

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Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 126Paragraph 37 a (new)

Welcomes EU initiatives tabled at the 59th session of the UNCHR, of which 11 country resolutions and 2 thematic resolutions, and the numerous resolutions they co-sponsored making the EU one of the most active players at the UNCHR;

Or. en

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 127Paragraph 37 a (new)

Beklagar att FN:s medlemsstater valde Libyen, ett land som knappast har utmärkt sig för att respektera de mänskliga fri- och rättigheterna, att vara ordförande för FN:s kommission för mänskliga rättigheter;

Or. sv

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 128Paragraph 40

Decides to hold an annual debate with the Council and the Commission in order to evaluate the outcome of the United Nations Commission on Human Rigts and the role that the EU played in the Commission as well as to prepare the next session of the UNCHR;

Or. en

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 129Paragraph 40 a (new)

Beklagar att UNCHR avslog resolutionen om Kuba som fördömde de långa fängelsestraffen i april för 78 fredliga demokratiaktivister och som kritiserade de summariska rättegångar de utsattes för. Förväntar sig en ny och opartisk domstolsprövning samt uppmanar Kubas regering att snarast möjliggöra för ett FN-sändebud för mänskliga rättigheter att besöka ön för att kunna rapportera om situationen för grundläggande fri- och rättigheter på Kuba;

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Or. sv

Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 130Paragraph 41

Recommends seeking in close cooperation with the Council arrangements (10 words deleted) to allow the head of the EP ad hoc delegation to make a policy statement on behalf of the EP at the annual sessions of the Commission;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 131Paragraph 41

Recommends seeking arrangements with the Bureau of the UN Commission on Human Rights to allow the President of the European Parliament to make a policy statement on behalf of the EP at the annual sessions of the Commission;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 132Paragraph 41 a (new)

Asks its Conference of Presidents to consider a permanent presentation on administrative level resident in Geneva during the sessions of the UN Commission on Human Rights;

Or. en

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 133Paragraph 43

invite à un renforcement, en ce qui concerne la définition des politiques, des

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programmes et des projets, de la consultation, de la coopération et de la coordinationentre l'UE et l'ONU, en particulier au sein du Haut Commissariat aux droits de l'homme,de l'Organisation pour la Sécurité et la Coopération en Europe et du Conseil de l'Europe et des Conférences Ministérielles de la Community of Democracies;

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 134Paragraph 44

Calls on the Commission, the Council and the Member States strongly to support initiatives to promote and enhance the fight against (1 word deleted) discrimination in all relevant United Nations fora, particularly UN human rights bodies, the ILO and the World Bank; (rest deleted)

Or. en

Amendment by Johan Van Hecke

Amendment 135Paragraph 45 a (new)

is van mening dat er voorwaarden moeten worden gesteld aan het lidmaatschap van de VN-Commissie van de rechten van de mens, zoals de ondertekening, ratificatie en naleving van internationale mensenrechtenverdragen en het toelaten van het bezoek van een speciale VN-rapporteur; meent verder dat het ook aangewezen is dat de besluitvorming binnen de VN-Commissie wordt omgebogen van een unanimiteits- naar 2/3 meerderheidsregel;

Or. nl

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 136Paragraph 52

Calls on the Council and the Commission to introduce a systematic human rights impact assessment at the level of policy formulation and with regard to the implementation of the external assistance programmes; underlines in this regard that a 'sustainable development impact assessment' is already undertaken in relation to EU trade policy; stresses that the impact assessment must be in full consistency with the EU guidelines on human rights;

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Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 137Paragraph 53


Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 138Paragraph 54


Or. en

Amendment by Geoffrey Van Orden

Amendment 139Paragraph 56

Expresses its firm belief that the Council's interaction with Parliament on human rights issues is not at all satisfactory; urges the Council substantially to improve information to Parliament on action taken on human rights policy and to respond more positively to Parliament's positions and statements, in particular as expressed in Urgent Resolutions, so that Parliament can contribute more effectively to the implementation of EU human rights policy;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 140Paragraph 56

Reiterates its firm belief that the Council's interaction with Parliament on human rights issues is not at all satisfactory; urges the Council substantially to improve information to Parliament on action taken on human rights policy and consideration given to Parliament's positions and statements, in order to allow Parliament's views to contribute more effectively to defining EU human rights policy;

Or. en

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Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 141Paragraph 56

Expresses its firm belief that the Council's interaction with Parliament on human rights issues is far from satisfactory; urges the Council substantially to improve information to Parliament on action taken on human rights policy and consideration given to Parliament's positions and statements, in order to allow Parliament's views to contribute more effectively to defining EU human rights policy;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 142Paragraph 58

Reiterates its call on the Council to react comprehensively on the EP Annual Report on Human Rights, (29 words deleted) expects that the Council's reaction will give a clear indication of whether or not, and if so for what reason, it plans to implement Parliament's requests;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 143Paragraph 59

Reiterates its call on the Council and the Commission to improve the EU Annual Report's structure; insists that the Report should provide an analysis of the impact of the EU actions and an assessment of the implementation of the human rights clauses in agreements with third countries;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 144Paragraph 60

Calls on the Council to report, at ministerial level and at least once during each Presidency, to its committee responsible on the follow-up of EP resolutions; (rest deleted)

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Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 145Paragraph 61


Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 146Paragraph 62

Calls on the Council to arrange for participation by the chair of the Council's working group on human rights (COHOM) in relevant meetings of its committee responsible; (rest deleted)

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 147Paragraph 63


Or. en

Amendment by Ole Andreasen

Amendment 148Paragraph 63

Calls on the Council to arrange for ad hoc meetings of COHOM with the rapporteur of the EP Annual Report on Human Rights, as it was already the case in June 2003, as well as with MEPs on a regular basis, in particular with a view to the preparation of the annual session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, on the occasion of the submission of the Presidency's programme related to external relations and human rights action, and as debriefings on the outcome of COHOM meetings;

Or. en

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Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 149Paragraph 65

Insists in the interests of transparency that the Council review its procedures in order to ensure that the deadlines for answering parliamentary questions for written answer will be respected;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 150Paragraph 65 a (new)

Calls on the Council and Commission to provide the relevant committees of the European Parliament regularly with the calendars of the Commissioners, representatives of the Presidency as well as a calendar of the upcoming political dialogues, in order to enable the Parliament to present Council and Commission with its recommendations;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 151Paragraph 66

Reiterates, as a matter of priority, that its own structure and working methods should be improved, through the creation of a human rights committee, a regular dialogue between the Presidents of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Development, as well as through the creation of a Human Rights Directorate in the secretariat of the Parliament in order to ensure the necessary systematic follow-up of its human rights action (7 words deleted) and to provide increased support to Members initiatives;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 152Paragraph 66 a (new)

Decides to intensify its work to provide the Council and the Commission with guidelines and benchmarks prior to important meetings of Council and Commission with high level representatives of third countries;

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Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 153Paragraph 66 b (new)

Stresses that such was made very clear by the refusal of the Council to implement Parliament's resolution on the convening of the Association Council between the European Union and the State of Israel;

Or. en

Amendment by Geoffrey Van Orden

Amendment 154Paragraph 67

Underlines in this regard the obvious necessity to transfer administrative capacity from other areas to the human rights field which, at present, is (1 word deleted)understaffed;

Or. en

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 155Paragraph 68 a (new)

souligne à cet égard l'urgente nécessité de se doter, à l'instar du Congrès américain, de moyens de diffusion d'informations concernant la démocratie, le droits de l'homme, la liberté de religion et les droits des peuples indigènes in direction des pays où ces principes sont férocement niées, et demande la réalisation d'un réseau radiophinique Voice of Europe pour la transmission d'émissions sur ces thèmes dans la ou les langues locales;

Or. fr

Amendment by Arie M. Oostlander

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Amendment 156Paragraph 75

besluit de contacten met de voormalige winnaars van de Sacharovprijs (deletion) te verstevigen en te systematiseren teneinde de beschermende werking van deze prijs voor de winnaars te garanderen en de situatie ten aanzien van de mensenrechten en fundamentele vrijheden in de betrokken landen te kunnen controleren;

Or. nl

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 157Paragraph 75

decide di creare una rete fra i precedenti premi Sakharov nell’intento di rafforzare i contatti fra di essi e monitorare la situazione dei diritti umani e delle libertà fondamentali nei rispettivi paesi di appartenenza; vigilando, inoltre, sulle sorti dei vincitori del suddetto premio e di quelli del Passaporto per La Libertà che troppo spesso sono oggetto di ritorsioni nei loro Paesi di origine;

Or. it

Amendment by Richard Howitt

Amendment 158Paragraph 75

Decides to create a network with former Sakharov Prize laureates, with a view tostrengthening contacts with them and monitoring the situation of human rights andfundamental freedoms in the respective countries; encourages continued support to those former Sakharov Prize laureates who suffer from oppression in their country;

Or. en

Amendment by Arie M. Oostlander

Amendment 159Paragraph 76

spreekt zijn voornemen uit zich nauwer bezig te houden met het democratiseringsproces in derde landen; beveelt om die reden aan dat leden van het Parlement deelnemen aan door de EU gefinancierde projecten, eventueel in samenwerking met de Raad van Europa, gericht op de scholing van parlementsleden uit derde landen ter ondersteuning van de democratisering, om hen in staat te stellen kennis aan te dragen en beste praktijken uit te wisselen;

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Or. nl

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 160Paragraph 77 a (new)

Reconsiders the re-establishment of a committee for human rights;

Or. en

Amendment by Ole Andreasen

Amendment 161Paragraph 77 a (new)

Decides to adopt its report on human rights in the world at a fixed moment and well in time to ensure that its recommendations can feed into the Council Annual Report on Human Rights as well as the Commission Programming Document;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 162Paragraph 78

Considers that (25 words deleted) the EU's explicit and open engagement for the human rights situation in third countries in the context of the political dialogue represents an encouragement for human rights defenders;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 163Paragraph 78 a (new)

chiede con forza all'UE di sostenere gli attivisti dei diritti umani, che hanno testimoniato innanzi alle istituzioni, una volta rientrati nei loro Paesi e di adoperarsi affinchè non si verifichino piú episodi di ritorsione ed intimidazione nei loro confronti;

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Or. it

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 164Paragraph 79

Calls on the Commission and the Council to underline, in their political dialogues with third countries, the important role of human rights defenders and their need for protection as they increasingly become targets of human rights violations, also due to counter-terrorism measures by governments, which often limit the freedom of expression and movement of human rights defenders to a disproportionate extent in comparison with their legitimate work;

Or. en

Amendment by Geoffrey Van Orden

Amendment 165Paragraph 79 a (new)

Condemns any misuse of the "human rights" label in order to promote and protect terrorists and other political extremists;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 166Paragraph 83

Calls on the Commission and the Member States to continue to brief local non-governmental organisations in third countries on EU human rights policy, and to invite them to regular reporting to EC Delegations and EU Missions on the situation in the country concerned in order to strengthen human rights impact assessment;

Or. en

Amendment by Richard Howitt

Amendment 167Paragraph 83

Paragraph 83

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Calls on the Commission and the Member States to brief local non-governmentalorganisations in third countries on EU human rights policy, consistent with the Commission's recent Communication on the Participation of Non State Actors, and to invite them to regular reporting to EC Delegations and EU Missions on the situation in the country concerned in order to strengthen human rights impact assessment;

Or. en

Amendment by Richard Howitt

Amendment 168Paragraph 87

Takes note of the fact that the adoption of the Commission's updated priorities forEIDHR funding (in November) and the adoption of the EU budget (in December) for thebudgetary year to come, creates a time gap which prevents the Commission from fullytaking account of the EP budgetary remarks; decides to discuss this problem with theCommission in order to find arrangements leading to a solution; regrets successive attempts by the European Commission to reduce allocations to 190403 (Budget line "Development and consolidation of democracy and the rule of law - respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms" previously B7 - 7010) in its Preliminary Draft Budget and reiterates support for the important activity financed under this heading;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 169Paragraph 89

Calls on the Commission, in the process of establishing a National Indicative Programme, to intensify consultation of the civil society in the country concerned on the measures proposed for promoting respect for human rights and democracy, and to support participation by independent associations in implementing projects;

Or. en

Amendment by Richard Howitt

Amendment 170Paragraph 89

Calls on the Commission, in the process of establishing a National IndicativeProgramme, to consult civil society in the country concerned on the measures proposedfor promoting respect for human rights and democracy, and to support participation by

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independent associations in implementing projects; extending legal provisions on civil society participation already contained in the Cotonou Agreement to other countries and regions in the world;

Or. en

Amendment by Elizabeth Lynne

Amendment 171Paragraph 89 a (new)

Calls on the Commission to give specific attention to women, children, ethnic and religious minorities and disabled people in the EIDHR programme and to effectively monitor the participation of civil society organisations representing the interests of these vulnerable groups in EIDHR funded projects;

Or. en

Amendment by Ole Andreasen

Amendment 172Paragraph 90 a (new)

Encourages the Commission to take the reform process of the management of the EIDHR further and to enable the availability of sufficient and qualified human resources to guarantee the efficient implementation of the EIDHR programmes and to make an end to the delays in implementing the 2001 and 2002 EIDHR micro-projects schemes;

Or. en

Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 173Paragraph 93 a (new)

Deplores that increased financial support from the Commission for the prevention of torture have been at the detriment of funding for organisations offering concrete assistance and rehabilitation to victims of torture; urges the Commission to allocate balanced funding to both, the prevention and continuous support to rehabilitation to victims of torture;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

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Amendment 174Paragraph 94

Calls on the Commission to focus on the social reintegration of prisoners through EIDHR-funded projects; calls on the Commission to give special attention to the situation of the most vulnerable groups of detainees, such as juveniles, women, foreigners, people from ethnic and religious minorities, homosexuals and victims of torture;

Or. en

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 175Paragraph 94 a (new)

chiede la creazione di una specifica linea di credito per il finanziamento delle organizzazioni non governative attive per il consolidamento della Community of Democracies, che coinvolge ed interessa tutti gli Stati membri dell'Unione europea e, pertanto, l'Unione europea in quanto tale;

Or. it

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 176Paragraph 95 - 116


Or. en

Amendment by Jas Gawronski

Amendment 177Paragraph 95

chiede al Consiglio e alla Commissione di reagire con decisione qualora si verifichino gravi e continue violazioni della libertà religiosa nei paesi terzi, adottando posizioni chiare nei confronti dei governi interessati (9 parole soppresse);

Or. it

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Amendment by Jacques F. Poos

Amendment 178Paragraph 95

invite le Conseil et la Commission à répondre efficacement aux atteintes graves et persistantes à la liberté de religion et à la liberté de conscience dans les pays tiers en adoptant des positions claires à l'égard des gouvernements concernés et en évitant d'appliquer deux poids deux mesures;

Or. fr

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 179Paragraph 95

invite le Conseil et la Commission à répondre efficacement aux atteintes graves et persistantes à la liberté de religion et de croyance dans les pays tiers en adoptant des positions claires à l'égard des gouvernements concernés et en évitant d'appliquer deux poids deux mesures;

Or. fr

Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 180Paragraph 96

Condemns all forms of violations by the State of the right to religious freedom, this is the case under totalitarian regimes which suppress and try to control religious belief and practice, but also when discriminatory legislation or policies are used towards minorities and non approved religions, and in the case the state neglects the problem of discrimination against, or persecution of, minorities or non approved religions; urges those governments to respect international human rights law and guarantee freedom of religion;

Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 181Paragraph 96

condamne les régimes (1 mot supprimé) qui répriment ou s'efforcent de contrôler les croyances et les pratiques religieuses tout comme les convictions philosophiques (16 mots

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supprimés)et demande instamment à leurs gouvernements de respecter le droit international en matière de droits de l'homme et de garantir la liberté de croyances ou d'incroyance

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 182Paragraph 96

Condemns (1 word deleted) regimes which suppress and try to control religious belief and practice or non-belief (12 words deleted), and urges those governments to respect international human rights law and guarantee freedom of religion and thought;

Or. en

Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 183Paragraph 96

Condemns totalitarian regimes which suppress and try to control religious belief and simple worship such as those in Burma, China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea and Vietnam, and urges those governments to respect international human rights law and guarantee freedom of religion;

Or. en

Amendment by Jacques F. Poos

Amendment 184Paragraph 96

condamne les régimes totalitaires qui répriment ou s'efforcent de contrôler les croyances et les pratiques religieuses, comme en Birmanie, en Chine, à Cuba, au Laos, en Corée du Nord et au Vietnam, et demande instamment à leurs gouvernements de respecter le droit international en matière de droits de l'homme et de garantir la liberté de religion et la liberté de conscience;     

Or. fr

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

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Amendment 185Paragraph 96 a (new)

exprime sa solidarité avec les populations chretiennes des Montagnards brutalement reprimées depuis des décennies par les autorités de Hanoï et demande au Gouvernement vietnamien de mettre fin à ses politiques d'oppression et d'extermination;

Or. fr

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 186Paragraph 96 b (new)

prend acte des premiers pas positifs entrepris par le premier ministre Vietnamien à l'égard du Patriarche de l'Eglise Bouddiste unifiée, interdite par le regime depuis plus de 20 ans, mais insiste pour que le Gouvernement vietnamien prenne sans délais des mesures concretes pour garantir la liberté religieuse et les respect des droits fondamentaux, à partir de la libération du Vénérable Thich Quang Do, détenu en isolation absolue dans le monastère Thanh Minh Zen à Saigon;

Or. fr

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 187Paragraph 96 c (new)

condamne également les constantes violations des droits fondamentaux en RPD Lao ainsi que les politiques d'oppression brutale et constante dont sont victimes les populations Hmong, les populations de religion chretienne;

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 188Paragraph 97

Calls on the Council and the Commission to set up guidelines for EU policy towards third countries on human rights including freedom of thought and expression;

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Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 189Paragraph 98

Calls on the Council and the Commission systematically to emphasise in discussions under the political dialogue the importance of protecting the fundamental freedom of religion and belief or non-belief, not only by way of writing those freedoms into the constitution or penal code, but by putting them into practice;

Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 190Paragraph 98

invite le Conseil et la Commission à mettre systématiquement l'accent dans les conversations au titre du dialogue politique sur l'importance de la protection de la liberté fondamentale de religion, de croyances et d'incroyance, non seulement en inscrivant ces libertés dans la Constitution ou dans le droit pénal mais encore en les mettant en pratique;

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 191Paragraph 99

Calls on the Council and the Commission to address the issue of religious freedom in the referential framework of general human values; (rest deleted)

Or. en

Amendment by Jacques F. Poos

Amendment 192Paragraph 99

invite le Conseil et la Commission à aborder la question de la liberté de religion et de

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la liberté de conscience dans le cadre de référence des valeurs générales de l'humanité et à encourager les chefs religieux à interpréter leurs textes sacrés d'une manière qui soutienne ces valeurs et évite les excès tels que les traitements inhumains ou les châtiments;

Or. fr

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 193Paragraph 99

Europaparlamentet uppmanar rådet och kommissionen att ta upp frågan om religionsfrihet i ramverket för det unika, lika och okränkbara människovärdet och att uppmuntra religiösa ledare att tolka sina texter på ett sådant sätt att sådana värden försvaras och att man undviker överdrifter som inhuman behandling eller inhumana straff.

Or. sv

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 194Paragraph 100

Calls on the Commission to encourage and assist, where possible, third countries in taking all necessary action to combat violence, hatred, intimidation and coercion motivated by intolerance; (rest deleted)

Or. en

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 195Paragraph 100

Europaparlamentet uppmanar kommissionen att uppmuntra och i förekommande fall bistå tredje land när det gäller att vidta åtgärder för att bekämpa våld, hat, hot och tvång som motiveras av intolerans baserad på ateism, religion eller tro, med särskild hänvisning till religiösa minoriteter och seder som diskriminerar kvinnor och kränker deras mänskliga rättigheter;

Or. sv

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Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 196Paragraph 100

invite la Commission à encourager les pays tiers et, autant que possible, à les aider à prendre les mesures nécessaires pour combattre la violence, la haine, l'intimidation et la coercition fondées sur l'intolérance en matière de religion, de croyances ou d'incroyance , en mettant l'accent sur les minorités religieuses ou philosophiques et sur les pratiques discriminatoires à l'encontre des femmes et portant atteinte à leurs droits;

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 197Paragraph 101Underlines the key role of education for deepening mutual understanding and respect for different religions; (29 words deleted) considers that access to modern communications technologies and language courses can facilitate intercultural exchanges, tolerance and understanding (3 words deleted) within and outside the European Union;

Or. en

Amendment by Arie M. Oostlander

Amendment 198Paragraph 101

onderstreept de sleutelrol die onderwijs speelt bij het vergroten van het wederzijds begrip en respect voor verschillende godsdiensten; verzoekt de Commissie om, door een positieve maar onpartijdige houding inzake de confessies, de wederzijdse aanvaarding van burgers van verschillend geloof te bevorderen; vindt dat opwekking tot haat strafbaar dient te zijn, onder andere in het onderwijs; is van mening dat toegang tot moderne communicatietechnologieën en taalcursussen kunnen bijdragen tot interculturele uitwisselingen, tolerantie en begrip voor andere godsdiensten binnen en buiten de Europese Unie;

Or. nl

Amendment by Geoffrey Van Orden

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Amendment 199Paragraph 101

Underlines the key role of education for deepening mutual understanding and respect for different religions; calls, therefore, on the Commission, Council and Member States to ensure that they do not fund school books and other material which promotes religious or other hatred; considers that access to modern communications technologies and language courses can facilitate intercultural exchanges, tolerance and understanding for other religions within and outside the European Union;

Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 200Paragraph 101

souligne le rôle essentiel de l'éducation pour approfondir la compréhension mutuelle et le respect des différentes religions, croyances et courants philosophiques; invite par conséquent la Commission à financer des programmes d'aide pour promouvoir l'utilisation de manuels qui ne traient pas seulements des religions dominantes mais aussi des autres convictions religieuses et philosophiques; considère que l'accès aux techniques de communication modernes et au cours de langue peut faciliter les échanges interculturels, la tolérance et l'acceptation des autres croyances et courants philosophiques à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur de l'Union européenne;

Or. fr

Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 201Paragraph 101 a (new)

Considers that the media should be discouraged from creating stereotyped images of other religions as enemies through for instance raising cultural awareness amongst them;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

and Arie M. Oostlander

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Amendment 202Paragraph 102


Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 203Paragraph 102

invite la Commission à apporter une aide à la coopération et au développement en partie en s'engageant dans des mouvements religieux ou philosophiques dont le but est de promouvoir la coexistence pacifique entre les divers groupes sociaux;

Or. fr

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 204Paragraph 103


Or. en

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 205Paragraph 103

Europaparlamentet uppmanar rådet och kommissionen att inleda dialoger med lokala religiösa ledare för att skapa en bättre förståelse för den roll som religionen kan spela i ett öppet samhälle och att diskutera hur EU:s medlemsstater själva hanterar frågor om andligt liv, tro, sekularisering och religionsfrihet.

Or. sv

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

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Amendment 206Paragraph 104

Calls on the Commission to fund external aid projects in support of victims of violations of human rights freedoms, in particular victims of (4 words deleted) barbaric practices, such as burning, stoning, female genital mutilation, amputation and arranged marriages;

Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 207Paragraph 104

invite la Commission à financer des projets d'aide extérieure en faveur des victimes de violations des libertés religieuses, de croyance et d'incroyance, et particulièrement des victimes de pratiques barbares à motivation religieuse ou culturelle, telles que la lapidation, les mutilations génitales féminines ou masculines, les amputations ou les mariages arrangés ou forcés;

Or. fr

Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 208Paragraph 104

Calls on the Copmmission to fund external aid projects in support of victims of violations of religious freedom, in particular victims of culturally or religiously motivated barbaric practices, such as stoning, female genital mutilation, amputation and arranged marriages involving coercion;

Or. en

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 209Paragraph 104

Europaparlamentet uppmanar kommissionen att finansiera externa stödprojekt för offren för kränkningar av religionsfriheten, framför allt offren för kulturellt eller religiöst motiverade barbariska sedvänjor som stening, könsstympning, amputeringar och arrangerade äktenskap, samt de som förföljts för sin tros skull;

Or. sv

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Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 210Paragraph 106

Calls on the Council, the Commission and the Member States to place the emphasis, in the training modules for their staff dealing with external relations, on acquiring thorough knowledge of the values and practices of different cultures and religions in order to deepen their sensitivity;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 211Paragraph 107


Or. en

Amendment by Arie M. Oostlander

Amendment 212Paragraph 107

verzoekt de Raad en de Commissie in het mensenrechtenbeleid van de EU prioriteit te geven aan het vroegtijdig signaleren van misbruik van godsdienst voor politieke doeleinden en in dialoog met de verantwoordelijke leiders geweldadig religieus extremisme te voorkomen;

Or. nl

Amendment by Geoffrey Van Orden

Amendment 213Paragraph 107

Calls on the Council and the Commission to make the prevention and combating of the abuse of religions for political purposes, including forms of ostensibly religious dress which are designed to send a political message, a priority in the EU human rights policy, and to conceive a general strategy to deal with religious extremism in all its different dimensions;

Or. en

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Amendment by Arie M. Oostlander

Amendment 214Paragraph 108

is van mening dat de Europese Unie, met inachtneming van scheiding van staat en kerk, (6 woorden schrappen) een beleid moet ontwikkelen (8 woorden schrappen) gericht op het bevorderen van tolerantie, wederzijds begrip en respect voor verschillende culturele en religieuze gemeenschappen, zowel binnen als buiten de Europese Unie;

Or. nl

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 215Paragraph 108

Considers that the European Union, with its tradition of separation of religion and state and of tolerance and respect for beliefs, should encourage representatives of different religions to develop a policy of inter-religious and intercultural dialogue with the aim of improving tolerance, mutual understanding and respect for different cultural and religious communities, inside as well as outside the European Union;

Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 216Paragraph 108

estime que, par sa tradition de séparation de l'Eglise et de l'Etat, de tolérance et de respect des religions, des croyances et incroyance, l'Union européenne devrait s'engager dans une politique de dialogue interreligieux et interculturel visant à améliorer la tolérance, la compréhension mutuelle et le respect des communautés culturelles, religieuses et philosophiques différentes, tant en son sein qu'à l'extérieur de l'Union;

Or. fr

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 217Paragraph 108

Europaparlamentet anser att Europeiska unionen, med sina traditioner när det gäller (nio ord utgår) tolerans och respekt för olika religioner, borde utveckla en politik för interreligiös och

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interkulturell dialog i syfte att förbättra toleransen, den ömsesidiga förståelsen och respekten för olika kulturella och religiösa samfund, inom såväl som utom Europeiska unionen.

Or. sv

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 218Paragraph 109

Europaparlamentet rekommenderar en fördjupad interkulturell dialog mellan EU och tredje land kring specifika frågor, såsom rätten att byta eller avsäga sig sin tro, kvinnors rättigheter och stränga straff, och en förstärkning av dialogen med deltagande av ledamöter från Europaparlamentet och företrädare för regeringarna, parlamentariker, akademiker och företrädare för civilsamhället från såväl EU:s medlemsstater som tredje land.

Or. sv

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 219Paragraph 109

Recommends deepening the intercultural dialogue between the EU and third countries around a specific theme, such as women's rights and rule of law compatible with international human rights standards, and intensifying the dialogue with the participation of Members of the European Parliament, government representatives, parliamentarians, academics and representatives of civil society from both the EU Member States and third countries;

Or. en

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 220Paragraph 110

Europaparlamentet välkomnar initiativet från kommissionens ordförande att upprätta en “rådgivande grupp på hög nivå om dialogen mellan befolkningar och kulturer” i syfte att intensifiera den interkulturella dialogen med och mellan länder och samhällen längs Medelhavets södra stränder, grundad på nyckelprinciperna jämlikhet (två ord utgår) och korsbefruktning, och som syftar till att förstärka den interna sammanhållningen i EU:s samhällen.

Or. sv

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Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 221Paragraph 111 a (new)

Calls on the Commission to institutionalise the intercultural dialogue, to extend it to inter-religious dialogue and to widen it to other regions, to involve different levels of society, and to ensure that the necessary funding is available for this purpose;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 222Paragraph 112

Stresses the importance of a permanent structure for intercultural (2 words deleted) dialogue, and calls on Member States and the Mediterranean partner countries for the early creation of the Euro-Mediterranean Foundation decided upon at the Ministerial Conference in Valencia in April 2002; underlines that the Foundation should act as a catalyst for intercultural dialogue involving the general public, and encourage more positive media involvement;

Or. en

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 223Paragraph 112

Europaparlamentet understryker betydelsen av en permanent struktur för interkulturell och interreligiös dialog och uppmanar medlemsstaterna och deras partner bland Medelhavsländerna att så snart som möjligt skapa den Europa-Medelhavsstiftelse som beslutades vid ministerkonferensen i Valencia i april 2002. Europaparlamentet understryker att stiftelsen bör fungera som en katalysator för den interkulturella dialogen med allmänheten, i synnerhet skolväsendet, och uppmuntra till ett positivare engagemang från mediernas sida.

Or. sv

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 224Paragraph 113

Calls on the Commission to work in close cooperation with ‘intercultural (2 words deleted) dialogue’ initiatives undertaken in the framework of the Council of Europe, the Organisation

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for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the UNHCHR, and other national and international fora, in order to avoid duplication and enhance experience and knowledge of the subject;

Or. en

Amendment by Jacques F. Poos

Amendment 225Paragraph 114

estime que la Déclaration du Caire sur les droits de l'homme en Islam (1991) et la Charte arabe des droits de l'homme (1994) sont en partie en flagrante contradiction avec la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme; invite par conséquent le Conseil et la Commission à encourager les dirigeants du monde islamique à revoir l'interprétation des lois islamiques dans le sens de la Déclaration universelle afin d'éviter les excès tels que les pratiques ou les châtiments inhumains et de donner la priorité aux peines alternatives;

Or. fr

Amendment by Arie M. Oostlander

Amendment 226Paragraph 114

is van mening dat de Verklaring van Caïro over de rechten van de mens in de Islam (1991) en het Arabisch Handvest voor mensenrechten (1994) niet altijd in overeenstemming zijn met de Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens; doet om die reden een beroep op de Raad en de Commissie om leiders van de islamitische wereld uit te nodigen tot confrontatie van hun visie op de islamitische wetten (9 woorden schrappen) met de Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens om excessen, zoals onmenselijke bestraffing of praktijken, te voorkomen en prioriteit te geven aan alternatieve straffen;

Or. nl

Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 227Paragraph 114

Europaparlamentet anser att Kairodeklarationen om de mänskliga rättigheterna inom islam (1991) och den arabiska stadgan om de mänskliga rättigheterna (1994) inte alltid ligger i linje med den allmänna förklaringen om de mänskliga rättigheterna. Europaparlamentet uppmanar därför rådet och kommissionen att uppmuntra ledarna i den islamiska världen att uppdatera tolkningarna av den islamiska lagen så den stämmer överens med den förklaringen, för att

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undanröja förbud mot och hot vid religionsbyte samt undvika överdrifter som inhumana straff eller sedvänjor och prioritera alternativa bestraffningsformer.

Or. sv

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 228Paragraph 115


Or. en

Amendment by Véronique De Keyser

Amendment 229Paragraph 116

invite l'Union européenne à se servir, dans ses discussions sur la liberté de croyances avec des pays tiers, des normes internationales en matière de droits de l'homme comme ultime instrument de mesure tout en s'efforçant de trouver des points de référence dans les convictions, les valeurs et les normes de l'autre partie afin d'abolir les partiques ou châtiments horribles infligés au nom de la religion, notamment lors de l'application de la charia, et de favoriser la mise en place de peines alternatives;

Or. fr

Amendment by Jacques F. Poos

Amendment 230Paragraph 116

invite l'Union européenne à se servir, dans ses discussions sur la liberté de religion et la liberté de conscience avec des pays tiers, des normes internationales en matière de droits de l'homme comme ultime instrument de mesure tout en s'efforçant de trouver des points de référence dans les convictions, les valeurs et les normes de l'autre partie afin d'abolir les pratiques ou les châtiments horribles infligés au nom de la religion, notamment lors de l'application de la charia, et de favoriser la mise en place de peines alternatives;

Or. fr

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Amendment by Lennart Sacrédeus

Amendment 231Paragraph 116

Europaparlamentet uppmanar EU att tillämpa internationellt vedertagna standarder för mänskliga rättigheterna som måttstock i dess diskussioner om religionsfrihet med tredje land. Samtidigt måste EU försöka hitta referenspunkter i övertygelser, värderingar och normer hos motparten, i syfte att avskaffa vedervärdiga former av bestraffningar eller andra sedvänjor som sker i religionens namn och som bryter mot de mänskliga fri- och rättigheterna, framför allt när det gäller tillämpningen av sharian, och uppmuntra till utvecklandet av alternativa former av straff.

Or. sv

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 232Paragraph 116

Calls on the EU, in its discussions on religious freedom with third countries, to use the international Human Rights standards as the ultimate yardstick; at the same time it must seek points of reference in the convictions, values and norms of the counterpart, with a view to abolish horrific punishments or practices that occur in the name of religion, in particular in the case of application of Sharia, and encourage the development of laws compatible with international human rights standards;

Or. en

Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 233Paragraph 116 a (new)

Expresses deep concern at the growth of religious extremism in Pakistan and the imposition of Sharia law in the North West Frontier Province by an alliance of religious fundamentalist parties;

Or. en

Amendment by Charles Tannock

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Amendment 234Paragraph 116 b (new)

Deplores the violence directed against members of minority communities in Pakistan and, in particular, those from the Christian and Ahmadi communities and the government's failure to protect those individuals; deplores also the arbitrary application of the law of blasphemy;

Or. en

Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 235Paragraph 116 c (new)

Calls on the Council and the Commission to enter into dialogue with leading Islamic scholars to identify and highlight punishments which are described as 'Sharia' but which are in reality nothing more than tribal customs;

Or. en

Amendment by Geoffrey Van Orden

Amendment 236Paragraph 117


Or. en

Amendment by Pernille Frahm, Gérard Caudron

Amendment 237Paragraph 117

Reaffirms that States must ensure that any measure taken to combatterrorism complies with their obligations under international law, in particularinternational human rights, refugee and humanitarian law; reiterates its call for a UN mechanism to be established in order to monitor and analyse the human-rights impact of counter-terrorism measures;

Or. en

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Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 238Paragraph 117 a (new)

Recognises that governments have an obligation to defend their citizens against acts of violence, including terrorism, and that there will inevitably be honest disagreement in open societies over the balance that needs to be struck between individual liberties and the protection of communities;

Or. en

Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 239Paragraph 119

calls on the Presidency and Member States to ensure the early adoption of the Commission's proposal of 30 December 2002 relating to restrictions on trade in equipment used for (2 words deleted) torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment;

Or. en

Amendment by Richard Howitt

Amendment 240Paragraph 121

Calls on the Council and the Commission to support the fight against slavery in affectedcountries, including specifically the situation of bonded child labour and urges the governments of these countries to investigate the full extent ofthe problem and institute measures for the eradication of this gross violation, such asmechanisms for release and rehabilitation;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 241Paragraph 122 a (new)

Chiede al Consiglio ed alla Commissione di adoperarsi affiché, sia garantita l'integrità fisica e la assoluta indipendenza dei giornalisti nello svolgimento del loro lavoro;

Or. it

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Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 242Paragraph 123

Calls on the Council to include in its Human Rights Report an analysis (7 words deleted), factual reports and a critical assessment of the effectiveness of the EU's Human Rights Policy in terms of addressing any kind of discrimination;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 243Paragraph 125

Supports the efforts undertaken by the ILO to bring about a permanent elimination of forced labour in all countries concerned; reiterates its call to the Council to strengthen its common position so as to include a foreign investment ban in order to stop international business from profiting from the widespread and systematic use of forced labour (3 words deleted);

Or. en

Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 244Paragraph 125 a (new)

Calls upon the Council and the Commission to address and take concrete measures in respect of those countries that have laws that discriminate on the grounds of sexual orientation;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 245Paragraph 125 a (new)

Calls upon the Council to undertake everything possible to stop the exploitation of workers and to end the repression of trade-unions and the killings of trade-unionists; urges the European Union to investigate thoroughly on the situation of trade unions and trade unionists in all countries which have co-operation agreements with Europe;

Or. en

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Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 246Paragraph 125 a (new) (under title: death penalty)

Reaffirms its view that the EU must continue to work towards the universal abolition of the death penalty; calls upon all states which still retain the death penalty in their penal legislation to establish a moratorium on all pending executions with a view to abolish the death penalty completely;

Or. en

Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 247Paragraph 126

Urges all states who still maintain the death penalty to act in accordance with the resolution 2003/67 adopted at the 59th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, which calls for (9 words deleted) the death penalty not to be imposed for non-violent acts, crimes committed by under-18s or those suffering from a mental disorder, on pregnant women or on mothers with dependent infants; opposes strongly the use of the death penalty on the basis of gender-discrimination legislation, public executions, and cruel punishments such as stoning, which should be stopped immediately;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 248Paragraph 126

Urges all states with capital punishment to act in accordance with the resolution adopted at the 59th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, which calls for a world-wide moratorium on all executions and for the death penalty not to be imposed for crimes committed by under-18s, those suffering from a mental disorder, or new mothers; opposes strongly the use of the death penalty on the basis of gender-discrimination legislation, public executions, and cruel punishments such as stoning, which should be stopped immediately;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

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Amendment 249Paragraph 127

Welcomes the abolition of the death penalty for ordinary crimes in Turkey, but calls for an abolition of the death penalty in all cases;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 250Paragraph 127

Welcomes the abolition of the death penalty for ordinary crimes in Turkey, nevertheless reiterates its concern about the increasing number of death sentences in other countries with which the European Union has close relations such as the United States, Saudi Arabia and the Peoples Democratic Republic of China;

Or. en

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 251Paragraph 128 a (new)

invite la présidence italienne à concrétiser son engagement à faire adopter un moratoire universel des exécutions capitales lors de la prochaine Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies;

Or. fr

Amendment by Richard Howitt

Amendment 252Paragraph 131

Calls on the Government of Indonesia to address the deficiencies of the ad hoc tribunalon East Timor in order to secure a substantiated account of the human rights violationsthat occurred in 1999 so as to bring all perpetrators of human rights violations to justice; calls for continued attention to assisting the safe return of refugees to East Timor from camps in Indonesia;

Or. en

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Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 253Paragraph 132


Or. en

Amendment by Geoffrey Van Orden

Amendment 254Paragraph 132

Notes the entry into force of the Statute of the International Criminal Court on 1 July 2002 and the inauguration of the Court on 10 March 2003 (rest deleted);

Or. en

Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 255Paragraph 132 a (new)

Recognises the desirability of a permanent International Criminal Tribunal, but notes the concerns of the United States regarding the possibility of malicious prosecutions against its civilian and military leaders; believes as a minimum that progress must be made in tightening-up the definitions of command responsibility if the U.S. is not to remain antagonistic towards the ICC for the foreseeable future;

Or. en

Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 256Paragraph 133


Or. en

Amendment by Geoffrey Van Orden

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Amendment 257Paragraph 133

Calls on (1 word deleted) State Parties, before considering harmonising their national legislation with the provisions of the Statute, to introduce necessary derogations to protect their own political leaders and military and other personnel from mischievous and politically motivated actions;

Or. en

Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 258Paragraph 133 a (new)

Welcomes the adoption of a new Council Common Position on the International Criminal Court, strengthening the EU support to the Court and calls on the Italian Presidency to adapt and update the Action Plan in accordance with the new mandate and goals stemming from the Common Position;

Or. en

Amendment by Charles Tannock

Amendment 259Paragraph 134


Or. en

Amendment by Geoffrey Van Orden

Amendment 260Paragraph 134

Notes the United States (4 words deleted) policy of discouraging governments from ratifying the Rome Statute and of obstructing multilateral cooperation in the framework of the UN on the grounds of the 'American Service-Members' Protection Act;

Or. en

Amendment by Bob van den Bos

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Amendment 261Paragraph 134

Calls on the United States to give up its policy of discouraging governments from ratifying the Rome Statute by pressurizing States worldwide for the conclusion of 'bilateral impuinty agreements' and of obstructing multilateral cooperation in the framework of the UN on the grounds of the 'American Service-Members' Protection Act';

Or. en

Amendment by Charles Tannock and Geoffrey Van Orden

Amendment 262Paragraph 135


Or. en

Amendment by Charles Tannock and Geoffrey Van Orden

Amendment 263Paragraph 136


Or. en

Amendment by Bob van den Bos

Amendment 264Paragraph 136

Calls on all governments not to conclude any bilateral immunity agreement with the United States as these are contrary to the Rome Statute and inconsistent with the EU Council Conclusions and Guiding Principles of 30 September 2002; and to refuse to engage in the scheme to transform the fight against terrorism into a pretext for the conclusion of such agreements;

Or. en

Amendment by Charles Tannock

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Amendment 265Paragraph 137


Or. en

Amendment by Pernille Frahm, Gérard Caudron

Amendment 266Paragraph 140 a (new)

Calls on the newly appointed Special Representative of the UN Secretary General to monitor, in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and other relevant agencies, the situation of refugees and the internally displaced inside Iraq, and provide remedies for abuses they suffer, including when refugees and displaced populations return to their home areas and property;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 267New title after paragraph 140

Indigenous Peoples

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 268Pragraph 140 a (new)

Requests the Commission and the Council to ensure the full implementation of the 1998 and 2002 Council resolutions on indigenous peoples, in particular the development of a specific methodology for the development work with indigenous communities and the training of Commission staff;

Or. en

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Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 269Pragraph 140 b (new)

Requests the Council and the Commission to follow up Parliament's demands to promote a word wide policy on indigenous peoples in general and not only on indigenous peoples in developing countries;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 270Pragraph 140 c (new)

Strongly supports the demands of the Pygmees, Masao, San and other indigenous peoples in Africa to be recognized by the African countries as indigenous nations, according to the international debate on this issue;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 271Pragraph 140 d (new)

Requests the European Parliament to put the issue of indigenous peoples as a permanent item on the agendas of its interparliamentary delegations with countries where indigenous people are living in order to check and complete the relevant information in the Country Strategy Papers;

Or. en

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 272Pragraph 140 e (new)

Requests the Commission to include in all Country Strategy Papers about countries with indigenous peoples a specific paragraph or chapter on their living conditions and main concerns;

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Or. en

Amendment by Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Olivier Dupuis, Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Emma Bonino, Marco Cappato, Benedetto Della Vedova

Amendment 273Recital 140 f (new)

invite la Commission à inclure dans les accords avec les pays tiers des clauses et de mécanismes d'évaluation spécifiques quant au respect et à la protection des droits fondamentaux des populations indigènes, trop souvent victimes de violations très graves et systématiques,

Or. fr

Amendment by Matti Wuori, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Nelly Maes

Amendment 274Pragraph 140 g (new)

Reiterates its demand to establish a permanent delegation between the European Parliament and the UN forum on Indigenous peoples;

Or. en

Amendment by Giovanni Claudio Fava, Michael Cashman

Amendment 275Pragraph 141

Expresses its concern about the serious violation of children’s rights, as set out in the Convention of the Rights of Child, including the right to health, education and nutrition as well as protection from violence, exploitation and abuse; notes that: 600 million children live in poverty world-wide; every three seconds a child dies from malnutrition, lack of water or health care; 130 million children, two-thirds of them girls, are deprived of basic education; two million children have been killed in wars over the last ten years; more than 300,000 children under 18 years of age are actively participating in armed conflicts; two million girls are victims of female genital mutilation;

Or. en

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Amendment by Ole Andreasen

Amendment 276Pragraph 143

Calls on the Council and the Commission to introduce a stronger children's rights perspective into all EU external and internal policy areas, based on strategic implementation guidelines, and to ensure overall co-ordination; calls on the Council and the Comission to develop a strategy for the follow-up of the Special Session on Children of the UN General Assembly;

Or. en

Amendment by Ole Andreasen

Amendment 277Pragraph 144

Calls on the Council to start drafting a Common Strategy on children and armed conflict (10 words deleted); stresses that any action must target those involved in trafficking and their clients, adequate sanctions must be planned and applied in the country of origin, of transit and of destination, and child victims must benefit from adequate protection;

Or. en

Amendment by Richard Howitt

Amendment 278Paragraph 145 a (new) under a new title "disabled people"

Notes with grave concern the evidence presented by the Disability Awareness in Action report (March 2003) that over the last 12 months there have been 483 reports of abuse concerning 4 292 disabled people across the globe. DDA records show that 13% of the total number of victims have died as a direct result of human rights abuse;

Or. en

Amendment by Richard Howitt

Amendment 279Pragraph 145 b (new)

Expresses serious concern about the evidence presented in the respective reports of the Amnesty International on users of psychiatric treatment and the Report by Mental Disability Advocacy Centre on Caged Beds which informs us of the severe human rights

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abuses experienced by disabled people living in institutions across Europe which needs must be immediately addressed by the Governments of the countries concerned;

Or. en

Amendment by Richard Howitt

Amendment 280Pragraph 145 c (new)

Reiterates the European Parliament support for a UN Convention on the Human Rights of Disabled People which must build on the provisions of the UN Standard Rules in such a way as to fully recognise and promote the rights of disabled people and that such a UN Convention must be legally binding;

Or. en

Amendment by Richard Howitt

Amendment 281Pragraph 145 d (new)

Calls on the UN members and Agencies to ensure that the six existing UN Human Rights Conventions are interpreted to recognise and fully promote the rights and needs of disabled people and their families, which has not been the case up to now;

Or. en

Amendment by Richard Howitt

Amendment 282Pragraph 145 e (new)

Calls on the Commission to ensure that disability is explicitly referred to in European Commission reports on human rights and that disabled people are recognised in the work of the European Commission as a group particularly vulnerable to human rights abuses;

Or. en

Amendment by Elizabeth Lynne

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Amendment 283Paragraph 145 f (new)

Notes with grave concern the recent reports of Amnesty International and Mental Disability Advocacy Centre which give evidence of the serious human rights abuse of disabled people living in institutions taking place across Europe;is particularly concerned about the continued use of cage beds in psychiatric hospitals and in social care homes for people with intellectual disabilities used in a number of Eastern European countries; calls on the countries concerned to cease this degrading and inhuman practice without delay;

Or. en

Amendment by Elizabeth Lynne

Amendment 284Paragraph 145 g (new)

Supports the work in progress for a UN Convention on the Human Rights of Disabled People and calls upon the international community to support a legally binding UN Convention to be drawn up in close consultation with the international disability movement and which must provide permanent and effective monitoring mechanisms;

Or. en

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