App Store SEO Strategies and Tips

SEO Strategies Mastering The App Store


Tips and guidance for submitting your app to Apple using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to increase app store exposure.

Transcript of App Store SEO Strategies and Tips

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SEO Strategies

Mastering The App Store

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The Discovery Game

• App Store growth has exploded over the past 3 years.


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Plenty of SEO opportunities

• There are a tremendous amount of opportunities to utilize SEO thinking in promoting your app in the app store including:– Icon– Title– Description– Keywords– Category

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Icon and Title

• Icon: Compare it to the Favicon for the web.– What makes one different from another?– Provides instant recognition

• Title: Easy to remember, instant brand recognition.– If possible, incorporate a keyword into your app title.

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Description and Keywords

• Description: The App Store does not use description when matching users search queries to results.– Still consider keywords however as the description pages

are indexed by the major Search Engines.

• Keywords: Most important tag when submitting to Apple.– Apple began using descriptions to match queries with

results but has now turned to keyword matching

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• Unlike traditional SEO, the keyword tag holds swignificant power in the App Store. Keep these things in mind:

– Do not use the app’s name or your company in the keyword. By default queries including the name are linked to your app.

– Use the auto suggest feature to discover what users are searching frequently.

– Make sure the category you choose fits.

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Don’t Rest On Your Laurels

• Like any SEO efforts, the SEO game is always changing and adapting.

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