All about Cereal

Survey Findings All about Cereal Last Modified: 07/19/2010


Gen Y findings

Transcript of All about Cereal

Page 1: All about Cereal

Survey Findings

All about Cereal

Last Modified: 07/19/2010

Page 2: All about Cereal

1. Gender

# Answer Response %

1 Male 49 31%

2 Female 108 69%

Total 157 100%

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2. Age

# Answer Response %

1 18 5 3%

2 19 14 9%

3 20 35 22%

4 21 48 31%

5 22 30 19%

6 23 10 6%

7 24 2 1%

8 25+ 13 8%

Total 157 100%

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3. Highest level of education completed

# Answer Response %

1 High school 82 52%

2 Associates degree 12 8%

3 Bachelor's degree 55 35%

4 Graduate 8 5%

Total 157 100%

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4. Do you eat cereal now?

# Answer Response %

1 Yes 142 92%

2 No 13 8%

Total 155 100%

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5. Did you grow up eating cereal?

# Answer Response %

1 Yes 146 94%

2 No 10 6%

Total 156 100%

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6. What types of cereal do you eat now? Please select all that applies.

# Answer Response %

1 Kids cereal, e.g. Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms, Cap'n Crunch

86 55%

2 Healthy cereal, e.g. Kashi, Special K, Smart Start

123 79%

3 Organic cereal 21 13%

4 I don't eat cereal anymore

11 7%

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7. When would you eat cereal? Please select all that applies.

# Answer Response %

1 Breakfast 146 94%

2 Lunch 42 27%

3 Dinner 46 29%

4 As a snack 130 83%

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8. Why would you eat cereal during these times? Please select all that applies.

# Answer Response %

1 Convenience - no need to cook

133 85%

2 It's cheap 61 39%

3 I just like cereal 105 67%

4 Other, please explain: 13 8%

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8. Why would you eat cereal during these times? Please select all that applies.

Other, please explain:

add to yogurt

healthy snack option

If I'm in the mood or looking for something light and easy

its light and i can work out after i eat it.


cereal is the shit.

Healthier than what I may eat otherwise

I eat chocolately cereals instead of actual chocolate.

cereal is the shiznet

its good

filling and low on calories, particularly the special K's

morning fiber

I like that it's like eating and drinking (milk) at the same time. It's refreshing.

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9. How would you eat cereal? Please select all that applies.

# Question By itself With milk With yogurt

On ice cream

With fruits Responses

1 as a SNACK 88 106 21 6 32 253

2 as a MEAL 29 140 30 5 50 254

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10. What would influence your decision for purchasing cereal? Please select all that applies.

# Answer Response %

1 Nostalgia - I grew up eating it

81 52%

2 Healthier alternatives, e.g. low sugar content

107 69%

3 Other, please explain: 39 25%

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10. What would influence your decision for purchasing cereal? Please select all that applies.

Other, please explain:

quick, easy, comfort food

Both- Example, I eat Apple Jacks because I grew up eating it, it tastes good, and now its calories and Fiber content balance it out as more healthy than before

not sure

add to yogurt

fiber content to sustain energy through out the day and after work outs.

It's not expensive

it's yummy

Cheap, it has a lot of food for a small price

if it looks banging and has savory flavors like cinnamon uh!


cheap and easy

Just because I like it.

it's so yummy!



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10. What would influence your decision for purchasing cereal? Please select all that applies.


Cheap, convenient

if it was cheap and tasty

good advertising


new on the market


Lower sugar content yet with needs to have some taste


i dont need to cook it



I just like cereal

If it just tasted better AND was good for you

its delicious

tastes good


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10. What would influence your decision for purchasing cereal? Please select all that applies.







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11. Which cereal mascot comes to mind first, why?

Text Response

Lucky the Lucky Charms guy- because LC is one of my favorite cereals

Lucky Charms


Trix Rabbit - he's the best....I always feel bad for the underdog.

Buzz. i like honey nut cheerios! and its not just for we just had the presentation on him yesterday :)

Cap'n Crunch. Goes well with yogurt.

captain crunch - used to eat that all the time when i was a kid.

Tony the Tiger, because my mom would only by sugary cereals like, once every 3 months and it was usually either Frosted Flakes or Fruit Loops.

tony the tiger

Tony the Tiger

The first cereal mascot that comes to mind when is the Cap'n Crunch. The reason why is because I was thinking about that episode of the Family Guy w/ them mocking him about his cereal cutting the roof of your mouth..haha

tony the tiger ... he's grrrrrreat

Tony the Tiger

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11. Which cereal mascot comes to mind first, why?

Snap, Krackle and Pop

Tony the Tiger, Toucan Sam- Childhood memories, good advertising

Buzz because he appeals to both children and adults. He isn't targeted more toward one or the other, so he is more prominent.

Tony the Tiger. I always loved the tv spots growing up. He seemed to be on every channel!

The trix rabbit because I'm working on that account

Tony the Tiger - he was the man.

Lucky Charms guy (Lucky?) everybody knows "they are always after me lucky charms!"

Trix bunny and lucky charms lepercon are the two that I would think of

count chocula. i mean, he's famous. also booberry, cause I never got to each that cereal and always resented it. also snap crackle and pop cause they are classics.

tony the tiger, just remember their commercials the most when growing up

Lucky the Leprechaun!! Iconic

Kellog Tiger - Remember his as a child and his phrase "it's greeaaat" very easy to remember and he was always on the boxes.

Tony the Tiger because i remember the frosted flakes theme song

Cheerios because it's my favorite and very well known.

tony the tiger

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11. Which cereal mascot comes to mind first, why?

captain crunch

tony the tiger because of the phrase "they're greaaaaaaat!" and he was on commercials a lot when i grew up

CoCa Puffs Bird... I used to eat alot of this and Cinnamon Toast Crunch!

Toucan Sam, that's just what popped into my mind- it was between him and Tony the Tiger.

Trix Rabbit

The bee from Honey Nut Cheerios because it was the only sweetened cereal my parents bought when I was young.

koko crunch!

Tony the Tiger. He & frosted flakes have been marketed with sports so that increases his poularity.


Tony the Tiger, he's the most obnoxious.

Snap, Crackle, Pop - I grew up with Rice Crispies.

Lucky because he I grew up with him.

special K's flat tummy girl, if she is counted. because i eat special K the most.

otherwise captain crunch. because he flies out of the box

Tony the Tiger because he's the man

Lepruchaun from Lucky Charms because of the commercial's song.

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11. Which cereal mascot comes to mind first, why?


The Captain for Captain Crunch. It's my favorite cereal.

the trix rabbit because of your commercial

Tony the Tiger, And idk you asked

captain crunch

Sonny from Cocoa Puffs

Cheerios. Yellow box.

Tony the Tiger

The trix bunny because I was just thinking of cereals I ate as a kid.

Tony the Tiger

Tony the tiger - appealing, been around awhile, although I don't eat Frosted Flakes

Count Chocula.... because it is the best ceral to eat when you are high

Tony the Tiger, the jingle is catchy "...they're grrrrreat!"

Toucan Sam; Tony the Tiger; Captain Cruch

Tony the tiger because I just stocked the cereal at work.

The Trix Rabbit, I really have no idea why.

Tony the Tiger

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11. Which cereal mascot comes to mind first, why?


Honey Nut Cheerios... it's what I ate today.

Tony The Tiger

The Bee from Honey Nut Cheerios!!!

Tony the Tiger because I ate Frosted Flakes growing up.

tony the tiger; capt'n crunch

tony the tiger. because hes grrrrreaattt.

Froot loops bird...I don't know why.

Tony the Tiger (Frosted Flakes)

frosted flakes tiger -- first cereal I think of

Tony the tiger. i always saw the commercials and like the cereal

Life because it is what I eat most and is my Dad's favorite as well.

Tony the Tiger from Frosted Flakes. Who would forget a huge tiger?

trix rabbit - they never gave him any :(

Tony the Tiger because I grew up eating Frosted Flakes the most.

Kellogg's Tiger - Because they're Great! I see it on tv ads a lot...

The bunny from Trix

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11. Which cereal mascot comes to mind first, why?

Tony the Tiger! Cause it's Tony the Tiger!!!! and cause I'm a Towson Tiger : )

The Honey Smacks frog because I used to save my allowance as a kid to buy honey smacks

Lucky Charms Leprechaun, it was my favorite cereal when I was younger

Peyton Manning on Wheaties fuel. Because he's a boss.

frosted flakes tony the tiger because that was my favorite cereal as a child.

toucan sam because he was a pioneer in the cereal mascot industry and set a new standard for tropical avian consumer facing work.

Tony the Tiger/ don't know, he just did.

Tony the Tiger comes to mind first because Frosted Flakes is my favorite cereal.

tony the tiger

Tony the Tiger, because I love frosted flakes :-)

Tony the Tiger

Tony the tiger because I always remember his commercials with the kids when they all say "Frosted Flakes, they're grrrrrreaaat!"

Tony the Tiger because he's gggrreeeeatt!

tony the tiger

Tony the Tiger. Memorable song, voice and appearance

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11. Which cereal mascot comes to mind first, why?

Tony the Tiger, very catchy!

the leprachaun from lucky charms. I have no idea.

Tony the tiger...just the first one that came to mind. I don't even eat frosted flakes.

Trix bunny, that's my favorite cereal

Tony the Tiger

Captain Crunch because crunch berries are probably one of the greatest foods of all time

cocoa puffs! they were my favorite growing up

cap'n crunch. favorite cereal from childhood maybe?

tony the tiger just because the advertisements for frosted flakes were done so well with him