A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)


Transcript of A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

Page 1: A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)
Page 2: A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

A. Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5)I. The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

Page 3: A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

A. Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5)I. The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

a. The desire to please ourselves result in conflict and fight with others.

b. Sinful human desires to have things our way also result in church conflicts.

c. Selfish desires for possessions and things often leads to the mistreatment of others.

Page 4: A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

A. Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5)I. The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

II. The Craving For Self-Sufficiency (vv. 2-3)

• Self-centeredness leads to prayerlessness.

• Wrong motives in prayer lead to unanswered pray.

• God has promised to meet all our needs as we seek to make Him and His righteousness our top priorities, and not our own selfish desires.

Page 5: A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

A. Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5)I. The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

II. The Craving For Self-Sufficiency (vv. 2-3)

III. The Craving For The World’s Friendship (vv. 4-5)

“Adulterers and adulteress . . . “ v. 4a

“Living in the world while professing to follow Christ is spiritual adultery”

Page 6: A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

A. Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5)I. The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

II. The Craving For Self-Sufficiency (vv. 2-3)

III. The Craving For The World’s Friendship (vv. 4-5)

B. Exhibit Humble Submission To God (4:6-12).I. Submit to God (v. 7)

II. Resist the Enemy (v. 7)

III. Draw Near to God (v. 8)

Page 7: A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

A. Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5)

B. Exhibit Humble Submission To God (4:6-12).I. Submit to God (v. 7)

II. Resist the Enemy (v. 7)

III. Draw Near to God (v. 8)

IV. Cleanse Hands and Purify Hearts (vv. 8-10)

V. Let God Be the Judge (vv. 11-2)

Page 8: A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

A. Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5)

B. Exhibit Humble Submission To God (4:6-12).I. Submit to God (v. 7)

“Pride Causes Us Not To Submit To God”

“The Antidote For The Poison Of Pride Is Humility”

“But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: God resists the proud but gives

grace to the humble”. v. 6

Page 9: A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

A. Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5)

B. Exhibit Humble Submission To God (4:6-12).I. Submit to God (v. 7)

“The Antidote For The Poison Of Pride Is Humility”

“But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: God Resists The Proud, but gives

grace to the humble”. v. 6

“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in the time of need”. Hebrews


Page 10: A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

A. Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5)

B. Exhibit Humble Submission To God (4:6-12).I. Submit to God (v. 7)

“Therefore submit to God” v. 7a

How To Submit To God?• Let God be Lord in our lives

• Give Him control

• Quit trying to do as you choose

• Let Him direct you

Page 11: A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

A. Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5)

B. Exhibit Humble Submission To God (4:6-12).I. Submit to God (v. 7)

II. Resist the Enemy (v. 7b)

Resist“To Take A Stand Against”

“Withstand The Attack”

Page 12: A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

A. Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5)

B. Exhibit Humble Submission To God (4:6-12).I. Submit to God (v. 7)

II. Resist the Enemy (v. 7)

III. Draw Near to God (v. 8)

IV. Cleanse Hands and Purify Hearts (vv. 8-10)

V. Let God Be the Judge (vv. 11-2)

Page 13: A.Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5) I.The Craving to Posses (v. 2)

A. Eliminate Sources of Conflict (4:1-5)

B. Exhibit Humble Submission To God (4:6-12).

C. Emphasize God’s Will (4:13-17).

I. Acknowledge the Uncertainty of Life (vv. 13-14)

II. Include God in All Planning (vv. 15-16)

III. Do Good (v. 17)