ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to...

ABN AMRO Profile Funds for people who want to invest the easy way Investment made easy Fully tailored to your risk profile Active management by experts

Transcript of ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to...

Page 1: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances

ABN AMRO Profile Fundsfor people who want to invest the easy way

Investment made easy Fully tailored to your risk profile Active management by experts

Page 2: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances

“ I am interested in the opportunities offered by investment, but concerned that I lack the time

and expertise to get involved. Many people enjoy managing their own investments. But I

lack the knowledge or the time to play the markets. This is why I invest in the ABN AMRO

Profile Funds. They make investing easy.”

Page 3: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances

Introducing the ABN AMRO Profile Funds Which ways of investment suits me? 04

Choose the ABN AMRO Profile Fund that suits you No two investors are alike. 06

ExpensesWhen you invest, you incur expenses. 10

The ABN AMRO Profile Funds in a nutshellABN AMRO Profile Funds cater for investors of all types. 12

Information and advice ABN AMRO can be reached through multiple channels, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 14

ABN AMRO Profile Fundsfor people who want to invest the easy way

Page 4: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances

Which ways of investment suits me?

Making the best choices If you’re interested in investing, there are bound to

be things you should consider before you proceed.

Willingness to do things the right way is only the start;

knowing how requires a high level of expertise and

understanding of the financial markets. Which investments

or investment funds are the top performers? Which

investment approach suits you best? And who can

help you make the choices that are right for you?

Your world of investmentWith the expertise of ABN AMRO Advisors behind you, the

whole world of investing is yours to explore. ABN AMRO

Advisors will select the investment products and fund

houses that are best suited to you. These fund houses

include leading firms such as Fidelity, JP Morgan and

Robeco. ABN AMRO Advisors will select investments to

suit various risk profiles: the ABN AMRO Profile Funds.

Introducing the ABN AMRO Profile FundsThe ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for

everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell,

you choose one of the funds and the team at ABN AMRO

Advisors does the rest.

ABN AMRO Advisors – the organisation behind the

profile funds – is a highly respected international asset

manager specialising in independent investment fund

research. All the investment funds chosen by ABN AMRO

Advisors are selected on the basis of thorough research.

Multiple factors, such as past performance, prospects for

the future and the qualities of the management team,

are taken into account.

There are six profile funds: for the investor who wants to

minimise risks, for the investor who seeks adventure,

and for everyone in between. On the following pages,

you will find information about the various profile funds

and their composition. However, it is impossible to tell

you everything you might want to know in a brochure

such as this. More detailed information about the funds

and their associated risks is presented in the prospectus

and Key Investor Information Document (KIID). You are

strongly advised to read this material before making up

your mind, so that you can reach a sound investment

decision. The prospectus and KIID are available from


introducingthe ABN AMRO Profile funds


Page 5: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances


Page 6: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances

No two investors are alike.

No two investors are alike. Before you start investing,

you need to decide what sort of investment is right for

you. You determine in advance what risk profile is most

appropriate for your personal circumstances and investment

objectives. The profile funds are aligned with ABN AMRO’s

risk profiles. Even if you already have a risk profile, we

recommend checking whether it’s still right for you. For

example, have your personal or financial circumstances

changed? If so, you may need to change your risk profile

as well. Then simply choose the profile fund that goes

with your new risk profile.

Step 1. What kind of investor are you? With the ABN AMRO Profile Funds, you decide how to

invest. There is always a profile fund that’s right for you.

Do you worry when stock markets fall? Or do you like

to sail a little closer to the wind? How certain do you

want to be about the future value of your investments?

By answering a few questions, you can establish which

risk profile fits you best. Again, if you already have a risk

profile, please check whether it is still appropriate for

your personal circumstances and investment objectives.

For further information, see: abnamro.nl/profielfondsen

Step 2. Which profile fund is right for you? Each of the six profile funds is made up of investments in

several asset classes: equities, real estate, fixed income

and/or cash. The fund can invest in fixed income, equities

and money market instruments directly, through financial

derivatives or through undertakings for collective investment

in transferable securities (including exchange-traded index

funds). It may also make modest cash investments. The

allocation to the various asset classes differs from one profile

to the next. It may also shift over time, depending on stock

market conditions and interest rates. Each profile fund’s asset

allocation reflects the associated risk profile. The make-up

of the profile funds is also aligned with ABN AMRO’s

policies. Profile Fund 1 focuses on the lowest-risk

investments and includes no equity investments at all.

Profile Fund 6 has the highest-risk strategy, based entirely

on equities.

choose the ABN AMRO Profile Fundthat suits you


Page 7: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances

Profile Fund 1 Very defensive

Strategic allocation across asset classes per 2012.

This allocation may change in the future.

Are you looking to get a better return than offered by a

savings account while minimising the risk? If so, a very

defensive portfolio will suit you best. This portfolio is

made up of cash and fixed-income investments, without

any equities. You should invest for a period of at least

two years.

Profile Fund 2 Defensive

Strategic allocation across asset classes per 2012.

This allocation may change in the future.

Are you willing and able to take a little more risk and can

you invest over a longer period? In that case, a defensive

portfolio is your best option. With a defensive portfolio,

you invest largely in fixed-income and cash instruments,

but a very small proportion of your capital is also put into

equities and real estate. The minimum recommended

investment horizon is five years.

Profile Fund 3 Moderately defensive

Strategic allocation across asset classes per 2012.

This allocation may change in the future.

Although you are not strongly risk averse, you want the

risks kept within certain limits and spread over a longer

period. If that’s you, the answer is a mixed portfolio

with the emphasis on fixed-income investments, plus a

modest amount in equities. You are advised to commit

your money for at least seven years.

Profile Fund 4 Moderately offensive

Strategic allocation across asset classes per 2012.

This allocation may change in the future.

You understand the risks and recognise the opportunities

involved in investing in equities. Because you are willing

to accept a little more risk, a moderately offensive portfolio

is probably right for you. This implies that more of your

capital will be invested in equities than in fixed-income

products. To benefit fully, you should expect to invest

for at least ten years.


Fixed income





Onroerend goed



Fixed income





Onroerend goed



Fixed income




Fixed income





Onroerend goed



Page 8: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances

Profile Fund 5 Offensive

Strategic allocation across asset classes per 2012.

This allocation may change in the future.

The potential of a higher return is important to you. With

an offensive portfolio made up mainly of equities, with

fewer fixed-income products, you have that potential.

The corresponding risks are something you’re willing to

accept. Anyone who chooses an offensive portfolio should

be willing to commit their capital for a minimum of twelve


Profile Fund 6 Very offensive

Strategic allocation across asset classes per 2012.

This allocation may change in the future.

Pursuing high returns is your main investment goal. For

the greatest chance of high earnings in the longer term,

your best choice is a very offensive portfolio, made up

almost entirely of equities. You accept the substantial

risks that go with such investments. The minimum

recommended investment horizon is fifteen years.

Step 3. Once you’ve made your choiceOnce you have decided on the profile fund that suits you

best, ABN AMRO does the rest. Our experts will ensure

that your profile fund continues to reflect your attitude to

investment. They constantly monitor the markets, picking up

on any significant developments in trading or interest rates.

Whenever important changes are observed, ABN AMRO

Advisors will adjust the composition of your profile fund.

This leaves you free to focus on other things.

RisksABN AMRO offers investors six different profile funds.

The six funds reflect the profiles used in ABN AMRO

Bank’s central investment policy for private investors.

Taking your risk profile into account, you select the

profile fund that’s right for you, with the help of your

financial advisor.

▶ The profile funds range from ‘very defensive’ to ‘very

offensive’; the more offensive a fund, the bigger the

related risk. Each profile fund has a different asset

allocation across cash, fixed income, indirect real

estate and equities. Bands have been defined for

these asset classes at the profile fund level. Profile

Fund 1 invests mainly in short-term, fixed-income

securities, such as deposits and bonds. As a result,

investing through profile fund 1 involves the least

risk. By contrast, Profile Fund 6 invests mainly in

equities and consequently is associated with the

highest risk.

▶ The profile funds may invest in emerging markets.

This can increase the risk due to above-average

volatility, a higher level of concentration, reduced

availability of information, lower liquidity and greater

market sensitivity.

▶ The profile funds do not provide you with dividends

or other earnings along the way. Any income from the

investments is reinvested in the fund.

▶ The profile funds are not listed on any stock exchange.

That means you can only buy and sell units in these

funds through ABN AMRO.

▶ The value of your investment can fluctuate considerably.

Past results are no guarantee of future performance.


Fixed income




Fixed income





Onroerend goed




Onroerend goed



Choose the ABN AMRO Profile Fund that suits you

Page 9: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances

▶ The profile funds may invest in the Russian Trading

System Stock Exchange, which allows trading in US

dollars, rather than the local currency.

▶ With all the profile funds, it is possible that you may

lose some or all of what you invest.

The main risks associated with the ABN AMRO Profile

Funds are set out here. For further details, please refer to

the prospectus and financial information leaflets of the

profile funds.


Page 10: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances

When you invest, you incur certain expenses. These consist

of the costs incurred by your chosen profile fund and the

transaction costs.

The expenses associated with participation in an investment

fund are always expressed as a percentage, known as the

ongoing charges. These expenses are reflected in the value

of the fund. The expenses associated with the various

profile funds are shown in the table below.

The ongoing charges are posted on abnamro.nl/tarieven

When you invest, you incur expenses.


* The ongoing charges are based on the period from 30 September 2012 to 30 September 2013 for ABN AMRO Profielfonds 2 to 6 and from 1 july 2012 to 1 july 2013 for ABN AMRO Profielfonds 1.

** Expected ongoing charges from 1 January 2014.Ongoing charges can vary from year to year. They consist of the expenses detailed in the prospectus, plus the expenses connected with the investments that are made. On abnamro.nl/profielfondsen you can find the actual rates.

ABN AMRO Profile Fund 1 0,97% 0,60%

ABN AMRO Profile Fund 2 1,02% 0,64%

ABN AMRO Profile Fund 3 1,34% 0,86%

ABN AMRO Profile Fund 4 1,44% 0,96%

ABN AMRO Profile Fund 5 1,68% 1,05%

ABN AMRO Profile Fund 6 1,72% 1,11%

Fund name Last published ongoing charges* Ongoing charges as of 01-01-2014**

Expenses associated with the Profile Funds


Page 11: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances

Investing in the ABN AMRO Profile FundsThere are several ways to invest in an ABN AMRO Profile Fund:

▶ Call 0900 - 9215 (€ 0.028 per minute with a start rate of 9.51 cent and your usual calling costs)

▶ Visit a branch of ABN AMRO

▶ Consult your financial advisor, if you have one


Page 12: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances

ABN AMRO Profile Funds cater for investors of all types.

ABN AMRO Profile Funds are the easy way to invest.

To help you make up your mind, the main features are

summarised below.

The ABN AMRO Profile Funds in a nutshell ▶ ABN AMRO Profile Funds cater for investors of all

types. There are six funds, varying from lowest risk to

highest risk.

▶ Once you have chosen the profile fund that suits you

best, you don’t have to monitor your investments.

ABN AMRO takes care of everything.

▶ ABN AMRO’s specialists invest your money with the

best investment institutions and funds around the world.

▶ Your chosen profile fund remains tailored to your

needs and preferences. ABN AMRO’s specialists

adjust the composition of the funds to reflect market

developments whenever the need arises and at least

once every six weeks.

▶ If your investment preferences change, you can

always switch to a different profile fund.

▶ You can easily invest whatever amount suits you,

whenever you please, or by setting up an automatic

monthly payment.

the ABN AMRO Profile Fundsin a nutshell


Page 13: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances


Page 14: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances

ABN AMRO can be reached through multiple channels, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Advice If you have questions about our products and services,

please visit one of our branches. You can also call us

on 0900 - 0024 (€ 0.10 per minute with a start rate of

4.54 cent and your usual calling costs); the lines are open

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The number to call from

outside the Netherlands is: +31 (0)10 241 17 20.

information andadvice

Brochures Our other brochures are available at our branches. You can

also request them by calling 0900 - 0024 (€ 0.10 per minute

with a start rate of 4.54 cent and your usual calling costs).

For more informationPlease visit our website abnamro.nl


Page 15: ABN AMRO Profile Funds · The ABN AMRO Profile Funds have been developed for everyone who wants to invest the easy way. In a nutshell, ... appropriate for your personal circumstances

General disclaimerThis marketing document has been prepared by ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (‘ABN AMRO’) and is exclusively intended as general information and is not oriented to your personal situation. Therefore, the information may expressly not be regarded as a recommendation or as a proposal or offer to 1) buy or trade financial instruments and/or 2) procure investment services nor as investment advice. Key Investor Information Documents have been prepared for the ABN AMRO Profile Funds containing information on the product, the costs and the risks. The prospectus, the Key Investor Information Documents as well as other information are available from abnamro.nl/fondsen. We recommend that you download these documents and read them before you buy the product. This marketing document is not intended to replace the above-mentioned fund documents. The value of your investment may fluctuate. Past results are no guarantee of future performance. The buying and selling of units in the funds will be subject to charges. The ABN AMRO Profile Funds are subfunds of ABN AMRO Multi-Manager Funds Sicav, an investment company with variable capital incorporated under Luxembourg law and based at rue de Gasperich 33, 5826 Howald-Hesperange, Luxembourg. ABN AMRO Advisors is the trade name of Neuflize OBC Investissements, a company incorporated under French law and based at avenue Hoche 3, 75008 Paris, France. ABN AMRO Advisors is a delegated portfolio manager. ABN AMRO Multi-Manager Funds Sicav is recognised in Luxembourg as an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS). The ABN AMRO Profile Funds are registered with the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten / AFM) under the Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht). Although ABN AMRO Bank N.V. attempts to provide accurate, complete and up-to-date information, which has been obtained from sources that are considered reliable, ABN AMRO makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to whether the information in this document is accurate, complete or up-to-date. ABN AMRO Bank N.V. accepts no liability for printing and typographical errors. The information and opinions included in this document may be amended without prior notice. ABN AMRO Bank N.V. is not obliged to amend or update the information and opinions included in this document. Neither ABN AMRO nor its agents or subcontractors shall be liable for any damage or loss (including loss of profits) arising in any way whatsoever from the information provided in this document or its use. ABN AMRO, or the relevant owner, retains all rights (including copyright, trademarks, patents and any other intellectual property right) in relation to all the information provided in this document (including all texts, graphical material and logos). The information in this document may not be copied or published, distributed or reproduced in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of ABN AMRO or the legal consent of the owner. The information in this document may be printed for your personal use. The tax treatment of an investment in ABN AMRO Profile Funds depends on the individual circumstances of each investor and may change in the future. ABN AMRO Bank N.V. has a banking licence from De Nederlandsche Bank N.V. (the Dutch Central Bank / DNB) and is registered with the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten / AFM). ABN AMRO Bank N.V. is listed in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce under file number 34334259.

About ABN AMRO ABN AMRO Bank N.V. has its registered office at Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, 1082 PP Amsterdam (the Netherlands). Tel.: 0900 - 0024 (€ 0.10 per minute). Internet: abnamro.nl

ABN AMRO Bank N.V. holds a banking licence from De Nederlandsche Bank N.V. (the Dutch central bank) and is included in the register of the Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM - Authority for the Financial Markets) under number 12020215.

ABN AMRO Bank N.V. may act as a provider of payment, savings and credit products, as an intermediary for payment, savings, credit and insurance products, and as an investment firm for all investment services and activities and related services.

You can find information about ABN AMRO Bank N.V.’s complaints procedure and the disputes bodies to which ABN AMRO Bank N.V. belongs at: abnamro.nl/allesnaarwens or you can request it at telephone number 0800 - 024 07 12.

ABN AMRO Bank N.V. is subject to the Investor Compensation Scheme and the Deposit Guarantee Scheme. You can find further information about this at: abnamro.nl/garantieregeling or you can request it at telephone number 0900 - 0024.

US Person Investment DisclaimerABN AMRO Bank N.V. (‘ABN AMRO’) is not a registered broker-dealer or investment adviser under the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the US Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended from time to time, or under applicable laws of the individual states of the United States of America. Accordingly, in the absence of specific exemption under those Acts, any brokerage and investment advisory services provided by ABN AMRO, including but not limited to the products and services described in this document, are not intended for US persons as meant by the aforesaid legislation and regulations. Neither this document nor any copy of it may be sent to or taken into the United States of America or provided to a US person. Notwithstanding the above, the sale, distribution or offering of the services and/or products described in this document is not intended for any person in countries in which ABN AMRO is not permitted so to do pursuant to any legal provision. Persons into whose possession this document or any copy of it may come must inform themselves about and observe any legal restrictions on its publication and distribution and/or the acceptance of the services and/or products described in this document. ABN AMRO shall not be liable for any damage or loss arising from services and/or products taken in contravention of such restrictions.


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