1968-06 WOF Vol 01-03, Six Hindrances to Faith

PUBLISHED BY KENNETH E. HAGIN EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION,  P. O. Box 50126, - TULSA, OKLA. 74150 JU NE , 1968 V o l . I No. 3 SIX  HINDRANCES  TO FAITH I Timothy 6:12 - "Fight the good fig ht of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses." I want you to noti ce par ti cu- lary the first clause of   this verse,  "Fight the good fight of faith." "Fi ght the good fight of faith." Well, the only fi ght we have is the fight of faith. I hear folk   say sometimes that they're going to fight the devil. I don't know what for because they wouldn't be a match for him anyway.  And second ly, Jesus has al ready defeat ed him fo r you. He was your substitute. Then again I hear folk   say, "I'm goin g to fight sin." Well, I 'm not. I 'm goin g to preach the cure for sin. No use fightin g it. I have a cure fo r it.  Jesus is the cu re. No , the only fight that the believer is calle d upon to fight is the good fight of faith. Well, there is a fight to faith for this text says, "F ig ht the good fight of faith." If   there is a fight, then there must be enemies or hindrances to faith. If  there weren't any enemies to faith or hindrances to faith there wouldn't be any fig ht to it. So, we'll talk  about the six big hindrances  to faith. T he  Bible says in Romans 10:17, "So then faith comet h by hearing and hearing by the word of Go d. " Many people, when you talk to them, will con fes s t heir lack of faith, when actually they are only failing to release it. Their lack of faith is rea ll y no t the pr ob le m. The real reason for lack of faith is a lack of knowl edge of God's Word. " F o r faith cometh by hearin g and he ari ng by the word of  God." Someone said to me, "Yes, that's my proble m. I don't know much about t he Word but I need faith." You can't get it any other way except through the  Word. Someone else said, "I'm praying God will give it to me." Well, you are wasting your time. You migh t as well twiddle your fingers or thumbs and sing, " Tw in k l e, Tw in kl e, L i tt l e Star," beca use it would do just as much good as if you pra ye d f o r fait h. But if yo u' ll take time to feed upon the Word of God yourself, and listen to the many ministry gifts that God has put into His church, (and teachers are a min ist ry gift that He has put there), then faith will come to ^yo ur sp ir it and  life, for you can receive knowledge that way. A lack of knowledge will hinder us an d ho ld us in bon dage , be cause we do not act upon Go d' s Word, beyond knowl edge . Faith will grow with an understanding of  the Word and if yo ur faith is not growing then your under standing of the Word isnot grow ing. A lack of kn owl edg e of what God's Word say s, a lack of knowledge of our redemption, a la ck of k nowl edge of our re demptive rights in Christ Jesus are oftentimes the reasons for unbelief. I. L e t me give yo u these six b ig  hindrances to faith. The first is lack of   understanding of  what it means to be a new creature or what the new crea tion me an s. In II Co r . 5:17 it says, "Therefor, if any man be in Christ, he is a new crea tu re . Ol d things are passed away, behold all things are new." 1 A lack of   understanding of what the new creature is and what it means to be a new creature hin ders our faith life. Many peopl e do  not know that they are new creatures. They think  God  just forgave them of their sins but it wouldn't do any good for God  ju st  to forgive the sinner of his sins. It would n't help him a bit in the world if  that was al l the sinner re ce i ved. He would sti ll go to hell for he's a child of the devil. He has to be bo rn aga in. He has to be come a new creature in Christ Jesus. N o, we are not  just forgiven sinners. No, we are not poor, s t a g g eri n g , si nni ng, barely-getting-along  ch ur ch members. No, we are not  living down at the end of the bl ock on b a r e 1  y-getting-a 1 o n g street next to grumble alley. That's not for us. We a r e n ew creatures, created by God in Christ Jesus with the very life and the nature of God in our KENNETH E.  HAGIN

Transcript of 1968-06 WOF Vol 01-03, Six Hindrances to Faith

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spir its . We are chil dren of God,

sons of God , and hei rs of God , joint  heirs with  Jesus  Christ.

Many  p eople do not know theyhave  eternal  l i fe .  They  think ofthemselves  as being sav ed  fromsin. But  John  s ays in his fir stepistle,  "These things write Iunto  you that be l ieve on the nameof   the Son of God  that  ye mayknow  that  ye have eternal  l i f e . "

When  you know what you haveand who you are in Chr is t, itmake s all the dif fer enc e in theworld.


The  second hindrance i s  thatso  many have a lac k of   understanding of our place in Christand Christ's place in our  l ife.

I  suggest to Christians  e v e r y where  that  we need to do somed e f i n i t e  study along cer tai nl ines.  I suggest to  folk   to gothrough t h e New Tes tame nt,part icul arly the Epi stle s, andwri te  down entire phra ses. B ecause what you wr it e down, you

remember  better.  You ' l l  findthese express ions, "I n Chr ist ,"" In  W h o m , "  and "In Hi m. "You'll  find  that'expressions  likethese occu r 133 or 134 ti me s inthe New Test ame nt. The reasonI  say 133 or 134 is because 1use a couple  that don't say thes eexact  words but infer it. Forinstance, I use I  John  4:4  thatsays, "G re at er is he  that  is inyou  than  he that is in the  wor ld . "The  oth er one I use  l ike  this  isCol.  1:13 which says, "Wh ohath  d e l i v e r e d  us  f rom  thepower  of dar kne ss, and  hathtranslated us into the kingdomof   his dear Son." Who refersto  God, the F at he r. If   you'llgo  through the New Testa me ntand confess, "This is who Iam ," "T hi s is what I ha ve ,"you'll find  life will  be differentfor  you.


The  third hindrance is a lackof   understanding of righteousness, what it  g ives  and what

it  is. Thi s hold^ mo re peopl ein  bondage  than  anything else.I  never shall  forget  when I layon  the bed of   affliction  yearsago,  that  I began to see thescriptures on healing and faith.I  came to  James  5:16, which

says, "The effectual fervent

pr ay er of a right eous man  ava i l -eth much." I looked  at that verseof   scr ipt ure and I thought, "O hmy,  if I  we re  only righteous,if   I could  e v e r  get to be righteous, God  would  h e a r mypr a y e r s. " One day I happened tobe  reading  that  a little mo rec lose ly  and noticed God saidElijah  w as s u b j ec t t o  likepas sion s as we ar e. He gave  himas mi exam pl e of a righ teou sman. Something registered inme  and I thought if   this  man

could  be called a righteous man

I  could too becau se I was  likehim.  He had his high momentsand his low mo me nt s. I thoughtto  myse lf, " H ow could God calla person  like  that  righteouswhen  he was so inconsistent."But I rea d in Psa lm 32 whe reit  says , " B le ss ed is the manwhose  sin is  cove red .  Blessedis the man to whom the  Lord

imputeth not i niq uity ." God im puted right eou sness to those

whose  sins  had been  coveredby  the  blood.  Then I found inII  Cor. 5:21 where it says, " Forhe  hath  made him to be sin forus, who knew no sin ;  that  wemight  be made the right eou s

n e s s  of God in him." I saw thenthat  the  b l o o d  of   J e s u s

cleanseth us  f rom  all sin andthat  by the new bi rth we beco mea righteous new cr ea tur e. NowGod  did not make an unrighteousnew  creatur e. W e are create dby  God in Ch ri st  Jesus . He made

a righteous new cr eat ure . Wear e sons and daughte rs of Godas though we ne ve r sinned. Wecan  stand  in His - pr es en cewithout any kind of   feel ing  ofi n fe r io r i ty ,  sin-consciousness,or  without any kind of emba rra ssm ent . We don't have to betongue-tied  becau se of fea r. Wecan come into His presence because we belong the re. Whenwe  were  born again our  sinswere  remitted because our  pastlife  stopped exi st in g. God said

that  he  would  not remember ourtran sgres sions. He doesn't re member ,  so why should were mem Ix) r ?

Someone  might say he hassinned a lot since then and is soweak   but 1 have new s for him .

In  I  John  1:9 it says , " I f we

confess  our sins , he is faithfuland  just  to  fo rg iv e  us our sins,and to cleanse us  f rom  all unrigh teou snes s." He does twothings for the  be l i eve r  who mayhave  sinned. When he confesseshi s  sins  the  Lord forgives  him.When  we have sinned we  feel

guilty  and have a sense of unrighteousness. We  feel  embarras sed and spir itua lly inf eri orto  come into His presence. Buthe says  that  He also cleansesf rom  all unrigh teousn ess. Un

righteousness is  just  the  word,righteousness with the  prefix"un" on the front of it  thatmeans not or no n-rig hteou ness.If   I am cle ans ed  f rom  non-righte ousnes s then I' m righ teou s again. I' ve found manyt imes  that  when I get  folk   to seethis, th e y automatically gethealed.  T h e y ' v e  been under condemnat ion and have thought Godwas  mad at them.  They failed

to  understand  that  they are theright eousn ess of God, in Chr ist.


The  fourth hindran ce is a lackof   understandi ng of our  p r i v i

lege  or right to use the name  of

the  Lord  Jesus Christ . This will

hold  us in bondage and  wil l  give

us a sense of weakn ess . Whenwe  know what  that  name  will  dothen we can defeat Satan and en joy  v i c to ry .  Everybody believes

that  the name of   Jesus  can beused in pr ay er , because  Jesus

said, "W ha ts oe ve ry ou shall ask

the Father in my name He  willgive  it you. H ithe rto ye haveasked nothing in my name, askthat  y our joy may be  fu l l . "  Isuggest  that  the name of   Jesuscan be used everywhere that  theWord  indicates  that it can.  Jesushimself    said  that  in the verseswe  just  quoted in John 16:23, 24.In  the 16th chapt er of Mark Hesa ys , " G o ye into all the  world

and preach the gospel to  every

creature." He  goes  on saying," H e  that  believeth and is bap

t ized  shall be saved; but he thatbelieveth  not shall be damned.An d  these signs shall  follow

them  that b e l i e v e . "  To them  thatbel ieve  'the gos pel these sign sshall  follow  them - - not theear ly  church, not the apostle s,

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1. How to Tr ai n the Human


2.  Confession BringsPossession.

3. How to Turn  Your  FaithLoose.

4.  Seven Steps to The Highe stKind  of Faith.

5. Doubt,  Thief   of God'sGreatest Blessings.

6. How to  Write Your  Own

Ticket  with God.7. What it Means to   Be l ieve

with  the He ar t.8. Faith Actions  that

Correspond with The Word.

9. You Can  Have What You  Say.10. How Faith Comes, etc. etc.

The  above list  g i v e s  you abird's eye  view  of some of themost interesting and intriguingsubjects d e a l t with here inBrother Hagin's own inimitablemanner.  They  contain not only

the  Word  of God, a  "thus

  saiththe  L o r d , "  but nuggets of  truth,sparkling side light s, sto rie sand ri ch il lus tra tions out oftwenty-five  y ear s of preachi ngthe Go s p e l by Evang elis tKenneth Hagin. Th is  s t u d ycourse can and  wil l  change thewhole  cours e of your  l i fe  ifyou  begin to put into pr ac ti cethe  truths  and  scriptures taughthere by our own ma st er tea che r,Brother Hagin.  Your  e d i t o rfee l s  it is  well  worth  twice  the

investment.  (W.B.C . )PRICE  $5.00. Ord er you rs

today  f rom  KENNETH E.  HAGIN


P .O.  Box 50126,  TUL SA, O KLA.


A I R L I F T  T R I P  CANCELLEDBecause of   ve ry  serious  i l l

nesses  in both of our familiesmy  wife  and I we re unable tomake the  F . G . B . F . I .  Scandinavian  Ai r l i f t .  We have also hadto al ter our May sche dule. Wewill  however be conducting a

Seminar in the latter  part  ofMay  in D a l l a s , Texas atChris tian Cent er. Thank youfor  your prayer and financialsupport in  this  time of crisis.

N o t h i n g  l i es  be y ond  t he  r e a c h  of   prayer

e x c e pt  that  w h i c h  is   o u t s i d e  t h e  wi l l  of

God .


Some  h a v e written askingabout the Hand-crafted  Bible

ca se s we used to ca rr y. We

are glad to report  that  we can

furnish you with these ca se s.

The  l ar ge ca se s are $15.00.

The  medium case is $14.00

and the small is $12.00.



Our new book, "The  Min i s try Of The Pr op he t, "  just  offthe  p r e s s  is one of gre at int eres t to p eo pl e e v e r y w h e r e .Bro the r Hagin te ll s in thesepages of his visit with the  LordJesus  who ca me to him in pe rson  while  he was in the hosp ita l.Jesus  talked with him and  gave

him much s o u n d instructionrela t ive  to his own mi ni st ry ,which is , as mos t of you know,The  Ministry Of a Prophet.Read  what  Jesus  told him personally  about one of the  Min i s try Gifts as  taught  in the Ne wTestament. Everything  taughthere is backed up by the NewTestament, and experience.

PRICE  50<? . . . Or de r  f romP . O .  Box 50126, Tulsa,  Old a.


Don't  forget  to order your  Junepr ay er les son . The subject is

" T h e  P ra y er of Binding and

Loos ing . " W r i t e  Box 50126,

Tulsa, Okla.


Those  of you who own taperecorders  wil l  want the threelatest  tapes  now available  from

Brother Hagin's teaching ministry. Please note the numbers,and the subjects listed:

#25 Side 1 - - Dis cer ni ng ofSpi rit s, Side 2 — Work ing ofM i r a c l e s  . . . $4 .00 .

#26 Side 1 - - Int erce ssi on,Side  2 — Gifts of The S pi ri t . . .

$3.00.#27 Two Tapes on the  Gift

of   Pro phe cy . . . $8.00.

I t ' s un f or t una t e  th . i t  s ome  pe op l e  arc

l i k e  t he old  m u l e , wh i c h  was  a w f u l l y  b a c k -

ward  a bout go i ng  f o rwa rd !


not the pre ac he r - - but the

b e l i e v e r s .  They  can  cast  out

devi ls  in His name.


The  fifth  hindrance is a*lackof   understanding  about actingupon the  W ord .  We should stoptrying and  start  acting. TheBible  says, "Tr us t in the  Lord

and l e a n not  unto  thine ownu n d e r s t a n d i n g . " All  that'sne ce ss ar y fo r you to ask is

"What  has God sai d?" If weknow  that  the  Word  is  true  andwe  act as though it were  trueit be co me s a rea li ty in ourl ives .


The  sixth hindrance is a lackof   understanding  that  we are tohold fast to our co nfe ss ion offaith. In Hebrews 4:14 it says," L e t  us hold fast our co nf es sion." Our faith keeps pace withou r c onf ess ion. In Rom ans 10:10

it  says, " F o r with the  heartman believeth  unto  r ighteousne ss ; and with the n.ou" confession  is made unto  salvation."Jesus  said in Ma rk 11:23, "T ha twhosoeve r  shall say  unto  hismountain , B e thou re mo ve ^ andbe thou  cast  into the ser; andshall not doubt in h:'s  neart,but shall  be l i eve  tha*  thosethings which he saith sh_Jl com eto  pass;  he shall hav ; what soe v e r  he  sa i th."  When I wasprea chin g in St.  Lou i s ,  a young

full  gospe l mi ni st er, who wasserving  as youth di rec to r ofthe  church  there said, " Br o .Hagin,  I'm 32 and the doctorshave said it is impossible forus to have any children.  Will

you  talk and pr ay with me andmy  w i f e ? "  I told them I would.So  we talked and his  wife  saidshe would confess  that  theywould  have a chil d. She said  thatshe would say now  that  theywould  have one instead of sayingthey' d like to have one.  After

12 months I re ce iv ed a lette rthat  said they had a bouncingbaby  g i r l .  Al l they needed wasto act upon the  W ord .  Faith ismeas ured by our confess ion.Our usefu lnes s in the  Lord  ismea sur ed by our confessi on.

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 Bible Faith Study Course



P .  O . B o x  5 0 1 2 6

T U L S A , O K L A H O M A 7 4 1 5 0