MIMO-Aware Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks Shan Chu and Xin Wang Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794 Email: {schu, xwang}@ece.sunysb.edu  Abstract —Mul tiple -inpu t and multi ple-o utput (MIMO) tech- niq ue is con sid er ed as one of the mos t pr omi sin g eme rging wireless technologies that can signicantly improve transmission capacity and reliability in wireless mesh networks. While MIMO has been widely studied for singl e link transmis sion scenari os in phys ical layer as well as from MAC perspe ctiv e, its impact on network layer, especially its interaction with routing has not drawn enough research attention. In this paper, we investigate the problem of routing in MIMO-based wireless mesh networks. We mathematically formulate the MIMO-enabled multi-source multi- desti nation multi-hop routing pro blem into a multi -commodity ow problem by identifying the specic opportunities and con- strai nts brought by MIMO transmi ssion s, in order to pro vide the fundamental basis for MIMO-aware routing design. We then use this formulation to develop a polynomial time approximation solution that maximizes the scaling factor for the concurrent ows in the net wor k. Moreov er , we also consid er a mor e pra ctical case where controllers are distributed, and propose a distributed algorithm to minimize the congestion in the network links based on ste epe st des cen t framework, whi ch is pr ove d to pr ovi de a xed approximation ratio. The performance of the algorithms is evaluated through simulations and demonstrated to outperform the counterpart strategies without considering MIMO features. I. I NTRODUCTION In recent years, uncoordinated multi-hop wireless networks, such as ad hoc and mesh networks have been gaining increased research interest and application. On one hand, these networks are known to provide a number of desirable features, such as easy deployment and maintenance, robustness to node failures and extended coverage. On the other hand, they are expected to serve an increased amount of data trafc with various demands fro m dif fer ent use rs. However, due to the lac k of a centra l contr olle r and the mult i-ho p, inte rfer ence limited nature of the network, it is extremely difcult and challenging to meet the higher data trafc requirements. Therefore, it is critical to introduce some new technology that can enable larger network capacity and higher reliability. Mult iple- input mult iple- outpu t (MIMO) syst em has been pro ve n to be abl e to provide hig h spectral ef ci enc y and increase channel capacity substantially through multiple spa- tial channels without need of additional spectrum. With mul- tip le antennas at the tra nsmit ter and /or rec ei ver, a MIMO sys tem tak es adv ant age of multiplexing to simu ltan eous ly tran smit multiple data streams to incr ease wireles s data rate and diversity to opt ima lly combin e sig nal s fro m dif fer ent tran smission stre ams to incr ease transmission reli abil ity and ran ge. T o me et the hig h dat a rat e req uir eme nts , mor e and more wireless devices are equi pped with multipl e ante nnas. MIMO is pro min ent ly re gar ded as a tec hno log y of cho ice for next gene rati on wire less systems such as IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.11n, and the third and four th gene rati on cell ular systems. It is also being considered for supporting peer to peer applications over an infrastructure free wireless mesh network. Most existing studies on applying MIMO technique in ad hoc and me sh networ ks focus on the phys ic al and MA C layers [1]–[5]. In wireless ad hoc and mesh networks, routing is an impo rtan t fac tor that affect s the syst em perf ormance. From a network laye r’ s persp ecti ve, MIMO nodes pro vide differe nt transmission /receivin g capabilities from conve ntional single-antenna nodes. A node equipped with multiple antennas could possibly transmit/receive more downlink/uplink streams, which can signicantly impact the determination of optimal routes for trafc transmission. Moreover, the option of differ- ent MIMO strategies, i.e. spatial multiplexing or diversity with dif fere nt levels of deg ree of free dom, coul d further incr ease the exibility of routing decisions in a network with MIMO nodes. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to have the routing scheme to be MIMO-aware in order to fully leverage the benets brought by MIMO into wireless networks. Some earlier work, i.e. [6], has made an effort in designing heuristic rou tin g al gor ith ms and pro toc ols . Howe ve r, to the bes t of our knowled ge, there is very limi ted work that has stud ied the problem of routing in MIMO-enabled networks from an optimization perspective and it is still not clear theoretically how much benet can be achieved by taking advantage of the opportunities and addressing the constraints resulting from the incorporation of MIMO. In this paper, we study the problem of MIMO-aware routing in wireless mesh networks to leverage the benets brought by MIMO. Different from previous work, we formally formulate the multi-source multi-destination multi-hop routing problem in MIMO-based wireless mesh networks as a multi-commodity ow pro ble m to mod el the end -to -en d tr af c, sub jec t to const rain ts that model the spec ic features of MIMO trans- missions. We allow more exible cooperation among nodes. Specically, nodes in the network can perform many-to-many transmissions, in which a transmitter node can simultaneously trans mit to mult iple downstream nodes and a rece iver node can simu ltane ously rece iv e from mult iple upstr eam nodes , and a transmission pat h can be est abl ish ed in ref ere nce to different MIMO channel modes based on the statistics of the channel conditions and different trafc demands. With a solid formulation, we provide a sound theoretical upper bound to serves as the reference for a practical system design through an approximated centralized algorithm with polynomial time 978-1-4244-5837-0/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE INFOCOM 2010 proceedings This paper was presented as part of the main Technical Program at IEEE INFOCOM 2010.

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