UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO1 universita’ degli studi di milano phd in oral sciences-xixx...

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Transcript of UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO1 universita’ degli studi di milano phd in oral sciences-xixx...



Phd in Oral Sciences-XIXX cycle



PhD candidate: Dr. Federica Musto

PhD tutor: Prof. Claudia Dellavia

Head of PhD program: Prof. Massimo Del Fabbro



1.1. Swallowing: a fundamental, but still not completely clear, function.

1.2. Physiology of swallowing

1.2.1. the oropharyngeal phase of swallowing

1.2.2. the esophageal phase of swallowing

1.3. Neuroanatomical basis of swallowing

1.3.1. sensory information

a. mechanoreceptors

b. proprioreceptors

c. other receptors

1.3.2. afferent fibers

1.3.3. central pattern generator (CPG)

a. motoneurons

b. interneurons

1.3.4. neural network

1.3.5. superior swallowing control

1.3.6. neural mechanism

1.3.7. muscular coordination

1.4. Swallowing process evaluation


2.1. introduction and rationale of the study

2.2. material and methods

2.2.1. study design

2.2.2. subjects

2.2.3. instrumentation

2.2.4. measurements

2.2.5. sEMG data analysis

2.2.6. statistical evaluation

2.3. results

2.4. discussion

2.5. conclusions




1.1. Swallowing: a fundamental, but still not completely clear


Swallowing is a complex physiological function which is repeated more than 2400

times every day. Its primary function is linked with the nutrition of the body. It involves

many different anatomical structures, portions of the digestive and respiratory system,

more than 25 pairs of muscles and different neurological pathways. All these parts have

to be well coordinated in order to efficiently complete the swallowing process. The

importance of the task is demonstrated by its first appearance in the normal human fetus

by the 12th gestational week, before the cortical and subcortical structures have

developed. The principal and obligate actors of the swallowing are led by automatic and

reflex phenomena, which occur without voluntary interference and try to maintain the

integrity of the sequence of movements. In fact swallowing can be triggered by nervous

stimulation at different levels, without subjects consciousness. The main automatic

events are the pharyngeal elevation and contraction, the nasal and laryngeal airway

protection and finally the peristaltic esophageal wave. These events involve obligate

swallowing muscles, such as submental, pharyngeal, laryngeal, esophageal muscles and

the muscles of the soft palate. However, as it will be largely explained, during everyday

life the automatic sequence of swallowing is anticipated by a first phase, which is under

voluntary control and which can be identified as the oral phase. It mainly involves jaw

elevator muscles, cheek and extrinsic tongue muscles, identified as facultative

swallowing muscles. Swallowing problems or dysphagias are traditionally divided in

oral preparatory, oral, pharyngeal and esophageal phase problems (van den Engel-Hoek

et al 2017). Dysphagia is defined by medical dictionaries as difficulty in swallowing.

The recognition of the different patterns of symptoms may aid in diagnosis and

treatment (Carucci and Turner 2015). The videofluoroscopy is considered to be the gold

standard for swallowing sequence evaluation, however to date a simple, non-invasive

and reliable method in order to instrumentally assess the activation of the muscles of the

masticatory system (jaw closing muscles and submental muscles) is still lacking.


Dentists have always been studying the physiological mandibular position and the best

vertical dimension for each patients, during prosthetic rehabilitations. For many years

the mandible stability during swallowing has been largely studied, since it was

considered a physiological mandibular position. In addition due to the automatic nature

of the task, the position of the mandible is repeatable (Campos et al 1996). However the

swallowing without occlusal contact is a pattern often found in the population and not

necessarily an incorrect swallowing pattern (Pernambuco et al 2011). Since a

standardized protocol for the evaluation of the masticatory muscles contribution during

swallowing is still lacking, we decided to develop a method applied on a “controlled”

kind of swallowing, asking the subjects to keep their teeth in contact during the

function. Thus a repeatability of the mandible position and a muscular recruitment

model may be drawn, even though the requested task is a not fully physiological one.

Once the protocol will be developed, it will be applied to a “more physiological” kind

of swallowing, asking the subjects to swallow in their most comfortable way, without

giving them instructions about teeth position. Thus speculations about the activation and

the symmetry of masticatory muscles during the oral phase of swallowing in healthy

subjects can be done . In the future the method could be applied on different clinical

situations (atypical swallowing, dysphagia, patients undergoing prosthetic

rehabilitation) in order to compare their muscular pattern, to find possible alterations

aiming at the optimization of the treatment, by a personalized measure of the function.

1.2. Physiology of swallowing

The digestive system transports food internally from the environment to a tissue

interface for nutrients to reach cellular components of the biological system. The

passage of the bolus from the mouth to the esophagus requires the interaction of both

the digestive and respiratory tracts, with swallow providing the propulsion of the food

from the oral cavity into the stomach, as well as providing a protective reflex for the

upper respiratory tract (Lavelle 1988). Swallowing is a complex sensorimotor behaviour

involving the coordinated contraction and inhibition of the musculature located around

the mouth and at the tongue, larynx, pharynx and esophagus bilaterally (Ertekin and

Aydogdu 2003). It has become convenient to state that swallowing is subdivided into

three phases: oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal. This conventional division of the human


swallowing is usually ascribed to Magendie (1825) (Miller 1982). The swallow has,

however, also been described in two stages i.e. the buccopharyngeal (or oropharyngeal)

and esophageal stages (Jean 2001). The 3 phases of swallowing are probably related to

their innervation pattern: the oral phase is often accepted as voluntary, while the

pharyngeal phase is considered a reflex response and the esophageal phase is mainly

under dual control of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems (Miller 1982). Since

the oral and the pharyngeal phases are anatomically and functionally linked, an

oropharyngeal phase will be considered. In fact oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles

co-work throughout the whole task.

1.2.1. Oropharyngeal phase of swallowing

The duration of the whole oropharyngeal sequence is found to be in the range of 0.6–1 s

and remarkably constant in all the mammals studied, including humans (Jean 2001).

The oral moment of swallowing is mainly voluntary and highly variable in duration

depending upon taste, environment, hunger, motivation and consciousness for the

human subject. Its primary function is the movement of the tongue, pressing the bolus

against the hard palate and initiating the movement of bolus to the posterior part of the

tongue and toward the oropharynx. The submental muscles (floor of the mouth) are

particularly important to elevate the tongue, especially for solid bolus. In this stage, the

contraction of the lips and cheek muscles (i.e. orbicularis oris and buccinator muscles)

are crucial to prevent the escape of solid or liquid from the oral cavity (activation of the

VII cranial nerve) (Ertekin and Aydogdy 2003). After the mastication of a solid bolus,

or the intake of a liquid, the dorsal portion of the tongue forms a spoon-shaped

depression in the anterior midline. The anterior half of the tongue is then pressed against

the maxillary alveolar ridge and the anterior part of the hard palate in a rapid sequence;

moving the bolus posteriorly on the root of the tongue toward the pillars of the fauces

(Lavelle 1988). This stage is ended by the triggering of the pharyngeal phase of

swallowing. The nature of the triggering of the pharyngeal phase of swallowing is not

clearly known. As it will be largely explained the afferent fibers involved in the

initiation of swallowing are those running within the trigeminal nerve, the

glossopharyngeal nerve and the vagus nerve, especially its superior laryngeal branch. In

healthy human subjects, it is evident that there is usually a gradual accumulation of


prepared food on the posterior surface of tongue and this solid food reaches the glosso

epiglottic vallecula before the initiation of the swallow. In a small volume swallow (1–

2 ml) such as saliva, there is no oral preparation and the oral and pharyngeal stages

occur in sequence. In contrast, when taking a large volume liquid bolus, the oral and

pharyngeal stages overlap with each other, occurring simultaneously. The size of the

bolus does not alter the sequence of events during oropharyngeal swallowing but

modulates the timing of each phase of the swallow. As the bolus size increases (1–20

ml), the pharyngeal transit time increases, as it does laryngeal closure. Although the

site, timing and intensity of the oropharyngeal sensory input may vary between different

bolus and between healthy subjects and patients with sensory impairment, once

swallowing is initiated, the cascade of the sequential muscle activation does not

essentially alter from the perioral muscles downward. This is one of the lines of

evidence for the existence of the central pattern generator (CPG) for the human

swallowing that will be discussed later (Ertekin and Aydogdu 2003). The oral stage is

subjected to marked inter-individual variability, whereas the pharyngeal stage is

generally consistent (Lavelle 1988). When the movement of the bolus from the oral

cavity to the pharyngeal spaces triggers the swallowing reflex or response, the following

physiological events occur in rapid overlapping sequence. These events are as follows

(Ertekin and Aydogdu 2003):

The nasal, laryngeal and tracheal airway is protected by several “reflex” events

including the closure of the velopharyngeal isthmus by the palate, laryngeal

elevation and suspension by suprahyoid/submental muscles and closure of the

larynx by laryngeal muscles of the vocal folds and epiglottis. Laryngeal

elevation is a vital component of the airway protection as this action does not

only facilitate closure of the vestibule but also repositioning of the larynx

anterosuperiorly under the tongue base. All swallows take place somewhere

between late inspiration and late expiration, and there is always an apneic period

during the pharyngeal phase of swallowing.

The tongue thrusts posteriorly to push the bolus throughout the pharynx and into

the esophagus (XII cranial nerve). A sequential wave of contraction of the

pharyngeal constrictor muscles (X cranial nerve) clears any remaining material

into the esophagus. The main propulsive force acting on the bolus is thus,


provided by the posterior movement of the tongue. The pharyngeal contraction

seems to be minimal in relation to bolus propulsion, although it facilitates

subsequent pharyngeal clearance in association with a profound shortening of

the pharynx. Simultaneously the larynx rises and it is pulled under the root of the

tongue and the epiglottis folds down over the laryngeal opening. During this

phase of pharyngeal constriction, the epiglottis tips inferoposteriorly and the true

and false vocal cords protect the laryngeal vestibule by constricting the laryngeal

aperture. Thus the epiglottis facilitates passage of the bolus through the piriform

fossae and into the esophagus (Lavelle 1988).

The upper esophageal sphincter (UES) relaxes and opens for the bolus transport

into the esophagus. The UES consists primarily of the tonically contracting

striated cricopharyngeus muscle. During a swallow, this muscle relaxes and is

opened and the sphincter is pulled upon anteriorly by the contraction of the

suprahyoid/ submental muscle groups. Then the pharyngeal phase of swallowing

is completed and the UES closes until the next swallow. The cessation of tonic

activity of the CP muscle is likely believed to be due to a neural inhibition,

possibly originating from the CPG at the medullary level.

It is believed that the maxillary and mandibular teeth usually make contact during

swallowing. This tooth contact is considered to stabilize the mandible while the hyoid

and larynx execute superior-anterior movements (Lavelle 1988).Nevertheless this issue

is still controversial because tooth contact, lip and tongue movements, vary

considerably between patients.

1.2.2. The esophageal phase of swallowing

In comparison with the extraordinary complexity and rapidity of the oropharyngeal

phase, the esophageal phase of swallowing is simpler and slower. It consists of a

peristaltic wave of contraction of the striated and smooth muscles, which propagates to

the stomach. The peristaltic contraction moves from the proximal to the distal part of

the esophagus at a speed that may show a fairly high degree of variability, depending on

the species and the nature of the muscles, i.e., on whether an esophagus is composed of

striated muscle alone or of both striated and smooth muscle (Jean 2001) (Fig 1). This

peristaltic sequence of the esophagus during swallowing, termed primary peristalsis, is


distinct from secondary peristalsis, which is initiated by distension as a bolus is placed

directly within the esophagus (Lavelle 1988). Secondary peristalsis occurs in response

to stimulation of sensory receptors in the esophagus. For example, the transient

esophageal distension induced by rapidly inflating an intraluminal balloon can induce

peristaltic contractions in the esophagus. This may correspond to the distensions

produced when the esophageal content is not completely cleared by the first swallow, or

when reflux of the gastric contents occurs into the esophagus. Secondary peristalsis may

be initiated at the level of either the striated or the smooth muscle. The wave of

contraction usually begins at the level of the distension or just above it (Jean 2001).

Figure 1: Lateral view of a swallow in a healthy person, based on videofluorographic recordings. (A) Food (shown in

green) is sitting on the dorsum of the tongue. A portion of food is already in the valleculae, having been propelled

there during a previous oral propulsive cycle. (B) Moving upward and forward, the tip of the tongue comes into

contact with the hard palate anteriorly. (C) The area of tongue-palate contact expands posteriorly, which pushes

additional food into the oropharynx. The soft palate and larynx begin to elevate and the epiglottis begins to

tilt. (D) Pushing back into the pharynx, the tongue squeezes the bolus downward through the hypopharynx. The hyoid

bone and larynx are pulled upward and forward; as a result, the upper esophageal sphincter opens. (E) The tongue

continues pushing backward, and the bolus passes through the upper esophageal sphincter. The posterior pharyngeal

wall pushes forward to come into contact with the posterior surface of the tongue. This clears the pharynx of

residue. (F) The tongue drops away from the palate, the larynx and nasopharynx open, and the upper esophageal

sphincter closes as the bolus passes down the esophagus (Palmer et al 2000).


1.3. Neuroanatomical basis of swallowing

Swallowing is a well organized and coordinated task in which the cerebral cortex, motor

nuclei of the brain stem and the sensori-motor fibers play a crucial role. Swallowing is

usually thought to be the result of local peristaltic mechanisms in the esophagus,

combined with reflex involvement of swallowing centers in the brainstem. However, the

cerebral cortex appears to play a critical role in the initiation of voluntary swallows.

Indeed, repetitive electrical stimulation of appropriate regions of the cortex in

anaesthetized animals or in humans undergoing neurological surgery can induce

swallowing (Hamdy et al 2000). The precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe takes part in

the first and voluntary part of swallowing (Hamdy et al 2000). The central pattern

generator (CPG), the premotor circuitry and the motor neurons controlling the phases of

swallowing are contained in the brain stem (Lang 2009). Corticobulbar fibers connect

the cortex with those subcortical centers for the completion and the regulation of the

tasks. The knowledge of mechanism and regulation of swallowing has a crucial role

both in research and clinics.

1.3.1. Sensory information

The sensory information plays an important role in swallowing regulation, in fact the

oro-pharyngeal-laryngeal area shows an high concentration of receptors. Sensory input

not only has a major influence on the activity of brainstem swallowing centers but also

converges onto cortical sensory and motor areas. Furthermore, it has been shown that

the excitability of cortical projections to swallowing muscles can be influenced by the

stimulation of afferent fibers in the vagal and trigeminal nerves (Hamdy et al 2001). The

role of sensation in swallowing has been the subject of controversy over the years. As

an example during dental anesthetic the oral phase of swallowing can be altered. We

also know that salivary flow and that other autonomic events depend on the stimulation

of sensory receptors (Corbin-Lewis and Liss 2005). In addition olfactory and visual

afferences co-work for the anticipatory phase of swallowing. Sensory inputs from

peripheral areas play an essential part in inducing the whole swallowing motor sequence

or parts of this motor sequence such as esophageal peristalsis. They play the prime role

in reflex swallowing and they are also involved in voluntary swallowing. Chemical or

mechanical stimuli can activate reflex pharyngeal swallows, indicating that activation of

either chemo- or mechanoreceptors may be effective, but the specific role is still


unknown. Studies have found that the most sensitive pharyngeal site for activation of

swallowing due to focal pressure is the anterior hypopharynx, but the larynx is more

sensitive than the pharynx to either chemical or mechanical stimulation (Lang 2009).

Moreover, sensory inputs modulate the central network activity to adapt the

forthcoming motor sequence to the information arising from peripheral receptors.

Although the swallowing motor sequence is centrally organized, it can change as the

result of peripheral afferent information (Jean 2001). Receptors turn physical or

chemical inputs into nervous impulses. The mouth has a special status within the

somato-sensory system. Firstly, it is one of the most densely innervated part of the

body, in terms of receptors. This sensory richness is linked to the key role of oral

sensorimotor control in eating, drinking and speaking, as well as to the vivid nature of

many oral sensations. Secondly, the mouth contains a large range of different tissue

types (skin, muscle, teeth) in close proximity and constant interaction. These generate

very rich patterns of somato-sensory afferent input. Thirdly, being a cavity, it has some

somato-sensory properties typical of the external surfaces of the body, and others more

characteristic of the internal milieu. Thus, oral sensations provide an important interface

experience, of both the objects in the mouth and of the states and movements of the

mouth itself. Nevertheless, oral somato-sensation remains relatively little understood

(Haggard and de Boer 2014). A study conducted by Longo et al in 2010 showed an

interesting model of the oral somato-sensory awareness. The model presents a hierarchy

of three stages of sensory processing, reflecting identified levels in the somato-sensory

pathway. The first level is somato-sensation proper. This refers to the awareness of

individual afferent events, such as touches, noxious stimuli, etc. The second level,

which we call somato-perception, refers to the processing of several sensory inputs to

form a percept of a specific object or stimulus source. A crucial feature of this level is

the integration and combination of information from different receptor types and

different regions of the receptor surface. The third and final level of the somato-sensory

hierarchy is somato-representation. This refers to the representation of the body as an

object in itself. Through continued somato-sensory and other inputs, we gradually build

a representation of what our body is like, i.e., a conscious image of the body as a

physical object. Importantly, this representation cannot be generated directly by any

single somato-sensory afferent signal (Longo and Haggard 2010). The three processing


stages of the theoretical model shown in Fig 2 can be related to different stages of the

oral somato-sensory pathway (Haggard and de Boer 2014).

Figure 2: different stages of the oral somato-sensory pathway (Haggard and de Boer 2014).

a. Mechanoreceptors

Mechanoreceptors fire when they are mechanically deformed and their discharged

frequencies is related to their deformation and thus to the applied pressure. With regard

to swallowing, this may result from mucosal contact with the bolus or by its contact

with other oral structures during mastication (Corbin-Lewis and Liss 2005). Together

with chemical receptors, they are the most represented in the oral cavity and their

characteristics change depending on their position. They can be found in the oral

mucosa (tongue, gingiva, palatal mucosa, vestibular and malar mucosa), in the

temporomandibular joint (capsule and disc) and in the periodontal ligament. The

structures that mediate mechanosensation in the mouth include Merkel cell complexes,

Ruffini type endings, Meissner endings and Pacinian corpuscles. Mechanoreceptors of

the anterior region (i.e. tongue tip) have a high discriminative capacity, in order to well

understand food shape and dimension (oral stereognosis); this capacity becomes less

and less important going back to the tongue. Important receptors can be found also in

the pharyngeal and laryngeal area and in the periodontal tissues, which give information

about the hardness of the food and so about the muscular strength required for its

mastication. The periodontal mechanoreceptors provide important information

regarding temporal, spatial and intensive aspects of force acting on the tooth, during the

initial tooth food contact (Kumar et al 2016). Behavior of receptors depends on their


localization. They are mostly located in the apical third of the ligament. The most rare

and rapidly adapting receptors are situated below but closer to the fulcrum than to the

apex (Turker 2002). Periodontal mechanoreceptors respond maximally when the area in

which they lie is put into tension (i.e. stretch). The receptor types found in the TMJ

capsule include free nerve endings, Ruffini endings, Golgi organs and Pacini

corpuscles. It has been claimed that the Ruffini endings and the Golgi organ within the

capsule function as static mechanoreceptors, the Pacini endings as dynamic

mechanoreceptors and the free nerve endings as the pain receptors (Turker 2002).

Touch and pressure have been used to stimulate pharyngeal swallowing in human

subjects and experimental animals. Larger bolus volumes elicit greater tongue

propulsive forces and shorter latencies to evoke the swallow. Another bolus

characteristic detected via touch and pressure mechanoreception is viscosity. Higher

bolus viscosities elicit increases in oropharyngeal transit times, intrabolus pressures,

duration of pharyngeal peristalsis, duration of tongue base contact to the posterior

pharyngeal wall, duration and excursion of hyoid movement and duration of upper

esophageal sphincter relaxation and opening. Furthermore the ingestion of solid foods

involves transport of the bolus to the occlusal surface of the molar teeth where the bolus

is reduced to smaller-size pieces and then transported into the vallecular space before

falling into the pharynx. This pattern of ingestion contrasts with that usually observed in

single (discrete) sips of liquid, in which the bolus is held in a chamber between the

dorsal surface of the tongue and the hard palate and then squeezed in a rostrocaudal

direction toward the pharynx by virtue of upward and anteriorly directed tongue

movements. Discrete boluses of liquid do not usually accumulate in the hypopharynx

prior to swallow onset, except in the case of sequential liquid swallowing and during

straw drinking (Steele and Miller 2010).

b. Proprioreceptors

Kinesthetic receptors are related to swallowing too. Proprioceptors are located in the

muscular fibers (neuromuscular spindles MS) and in the tendons (Golgi tendon organs).

Both of them are crucial in maintaining muscle tone and facilitating controlled



The spindles in skeletal muscles give information about muscle length and they are part

of a complex functional system. They possess multiple roles such as generating

antigravity thrust during quiet upright stance, timing of locomotor phases, correcting

for muscle nonlinearities, compensating muscle fatigue, determining synergy formation

and modulating plasticity. The number of MS in a muscle seems to be related to its

function and widely varies from one muscle to the other. Muscles active in gross

movements have low spindle density whereas muscles initiating fine movements or

maintaining postural stability have a high spindle density (Osterlund et al 2011). In

humans, masticatory muscles (jaw-closing muscles and jaw-opening ones) have

different concentration of MS. The adult human masseter muscle contains especially

large and complexly arranged muscle spindles. Typical features are a high muscle

spindle density, large capsule diameter, a high number of intrafusal fibers per spindle

and numerous compound spindles, that is, clusters of spindles located closely together

within a common capsule. The largest and most complex spindles are located in the

deep masseter and they make the deep portion well adapted for postural mandibular

control, possibly of special importance in early learning and improving speech function.

In speech, precise jaw movements occur within a three-dimensional space around the

mandibular postural position. Interestingly, the number of muscle spindles in the jaw

muscles seems to increase in the evolutionary series from lower primates towards man

(Osterlund et al 2011). Masseter muscle spindles do not undergo major changes in

morphology and composition from young age to adulthood. This in turn suggests early

proprioceptive demands during growth and maturation of jaw motor skills. However,

the muscle spindle density was three times higher in the young than in the adult

masseter (Osterlund et al 2011). An high density of muscle spindles can also be found

in the temporal muscle too (Turker 2002), with a prevalence in the anterior portion of

the muscle (Zhang et al 2006). This finding reinforces the idea that the jaw-closer

spindles should have a strong proprioceptive impact on the control of human function.

Data obtained from suprahyoid muscles confirmed the rareness of these receptors; in

fact the need for MS in jaw opener muscles is reduced by their usual relationship with

external forces, such as gravity. Opening of the mouth occurs in gravity favour and can

be mainly controlled by the variations of jaw closer muscle tone. Additionally, jaw

opener muscles, are almost never subjected to condition of stretching, because of the


limit, given to mouth closing, by the teeth contact (Saverino et al 2014). Additionally

this suggest that these muscles have either alternative means of proprioceptive control.

The information about the muscle length can be processed by the brain to determine

the position of body parts and it plays a crucial role in regulating the contraction of

muscles, by activating motor neurons via the stretch reflex to resist muscle stretch.

Central connections of the periodontal mechanoreceptors are quite unique in that most

of these receptors have their cell bodies in the trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus along

with the spindle cell bodies. It has been suggested that, in the trigeminal mesencephalic

nucleus, an electrical link may exist between the cell bodies of spindles and periodontal

receptors. It is also unique that the periodontal receptors and muscle spindles from jaw

muscles have direct projections to the cerebellar cortex. It is thought that this direct

connection can be used as a reliable signal of tooth contact, and this may be used to zero

or recalibrate the spindle afferent discharges. Muscle spindles in the jaw-closing

muscles give very finely graded information regarding mandibular movement.

However, they cannot give reliable information about jaw position over a long period of

time, because the spindle properties and the fusimotor activity change continuously

during chewing. For the normal mandibular posture to be maintained, absolute

positional information is needed, and that requires calibration of the muscle spindle

afferent information with the exact time of tooth contact. This calibration could be done

by a comparison of the direct and reliable information received via the spindle and

periodontal afferents to the cerebellum. This comparison may allow the cerebellum to

alter fusimotor activity appropriately and regulate the gain of the spindles in the jaw

muscles (Turker 2002).

Golgi tendon organs are composed by sensory fibers, which loose they myelinic sheaths

and which are located in the tendons. These receptors sense changes in muscle tension.

The Golgi tendon reflex operates as a protective feedback mechanism to control the

tension of an active muscle by causing relaxation before the tendon tension becomes

high enough to cause damage, while the spindle stretch reflex operates as

a feedback mechanism to control muscle length by causing muscle contraction.

Although the tendon reflex is less sensitive than the stretch reflex, it can override the

stretch reflex when tension is great, making you drop a very heavy weight, for example.

Like the stretch reflex, the tendon reflex is ipsilateral.


There is only limited evidence of the existence of tendon organs in human or animal jaw

muscles. The functional connections of these afferents, if they exist, are not known

(Turker 2002).

The proprioception role in the stomatognathic system is a protective role during teeth

contact. In general, proprioceptive signals converge on the mesencephalic trigeminal

nucleus through the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve. In turn, these afferent

impulses are transferred to the trigeminal motor neurons to obtain precise control of jaw

movements. Takeda and Saitoh (2016) made an electromyographic analysis of

swallowing in order to test if swallowing could have been modified by changing the

amount of proprioceptive feedback from a number of different receptors while holding a

food bolus in the mouth and clenching. Initiation of the swallowing reflex was detected

by an anterior shift of the thyroid cartilage using a laser displacement sensor and by

submental sEMG signals. To vary the proprioceptive input, the participants were

instructed to occlude their teeth at various intensities (weak, intermediate and strong)

while holding the 5-ml jelly bolus on the tongue. Contractile forces of the masseter

muscles during occlusion tended to correlate negatively with electromechanical delays

on suprahyoid muscle contraction.

Afferents from proprioreceptors, articular receptors, mucosal and cutaneous

mechanoceptors are collected by the Central Nervous System, which coordinates all the


c. Other receptors

Chemical receptors are situated along the whole alimentary channel and are particularly

represented in the aryepiglottic fold. Gustative receptors take place in the taste buds on

the tongue surface as well as on the pharyngeal area and on the palate. The pharyngeal

area is sensible to the four tastes, but less than oral cavity. Taste sensory input synapses

almost exclusively in the nucleus of solitary tract (NTS), but predominantly in regions

rostral to the subnuclei that contain interneurons vital to eliciting swallowing.

Logemann et al. (1995) measured differences between swallowing a regular barium

suspension and a sour barium suspension prepared in a 50% ratio with lemon juice in

patients with neurogenic dysphagia. Both oral and pharyngeal transit times were

shortened with the sour bolus (Steele and Miller 2010). A sour bolus elicits more


frequent swallowing than a water or a sweet bolus (Mulheren et al 2016). Nociceptors

and thermoceptors are well represented too in the stomatognatic system. Cold

stimulation seems to decrease the latency to induce one swallow (Steele and Miller


1.3.2. Afferent fibers

Signals transmitted by receptors are collected by afferent fibers of cranial nerves and

they are converged in the central nervous system (CNS), in order to be processed.

Involved nerves are olfactory nerve (I), optic nerve (II), whose pathways are different

from the nerves related to the general sensorial information. Trigeminal nerve (V) with

its three branches, facial nerve (VII), glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) and vagus nerve (X),

especially with its superior laryngeal branch, are involved in the sensorial path. These

nerves bring their information in brain stem nuclei, trigeminal nucleus (mesencephalic,

pontine and spinal tract) and solitary nucleus (SN) (VII, IX and X) (Fig 3). Trigeminal

mesencephalic nucleus (next to the masticatory one) receives signals from the receptors

inside the masticatory muscles and periodontal information, for masticatory regulation.

The pontine (main one) one receives fine tactile information (face, lips, teeth, palate,

tongue anterior part), while the spinal nucleus receives less fine tactile information as

well as thermal and pain-related information. IX and X nerves bring information from

the posterior region of the tongue, the pharynx and larynx to the solitary nucleus (SN) in

the pontine part of the brain stem. In this context we refer to VII nerve because it brings

the taste sensation of the anterior portion of the tongue, which is the transmitted to the

rostral portion of the solitary nucleus (Fig 4). The superior laryngeal nerve innervates

the larynx and plays a major role in initiating the swallowing reflex (Takahashi et al

2014). In fact the motor sequence can be readily initiated by the internal branch of the

superior laryngeal nerve (Jean 2001). The SN plays a crucial role in the gustative

sensation, but its importance in the swallowing task has been demonstrated as well.

Stimulation applied to the solitary tract and its nucleus can induce a very similar

swallowing pattern to that obtained in response to the superior laryngeal nerve

stimulation (Jean 2001).


Figure 3: brainstem cranial nerves nuclei

Figure 4: distribution of the oropharyngeal sensory innervation. Schematic representation of the distribution of the

sensory branches of CN V, VII, IX, and X innervating the oropharyngeal mucosa (Alvarez-Berdugo et al 2016).

1.3.3. Central pattern generator (CPG)

Once the afferent fibers reach the nuclei in the brainstem, the information is led to

specific areas which are known as swallowing center and they represent the first central

swallowing integration area. Swallowing is a complex but stereotyped motor sequence

with a fixed behavioral pattern. It constitutes, however, one of the most elaborated


motor functions, even in humans, since it requires the coordination of more than 25

pairs of muscles in the mouth, pharynx, larynx and esophagus. The sequential and

rhythmic patterns of swallowing are formed and organized by a central pattern generator

(CPG). The CPG can be subdivided into three systems: an afferent system

corresponding to the central and peripheral inputs to the center; an efferent system

corresponding to the outputs from the center, consisting of the various motoneuron

pools involved in swallowing and an organizing system corresponding to the

interneuronal network that programs the motor pattern.

a. Motoneurons

Motoneurons are localized within the trigeminal (V), facial (VII), and hypoglossal (XII)

motor nuclei, the nucleus ambiguus (IX, X), the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (X)

and at the cervical spinal level between C1 and C3. These motor nuclei do not all

participate to an equal extent in swallowing, at least during the basic pattern. V and VII

motor nuclei do not deal mainly with swallowing. They are most strongly involved in

several other orofacial activities such as jaw reflexes, mastication, licking, and sucking.

Lesion experiments have shown for example that abolishing the V motor nuclei does

not affect the swallowing sequence. Trigeminal motoneurons mainly involved in

swallowing innervate the mylohyoid, anterior digastric, lateral pterygoid, and tensor veli

palatini. Within the VII motor nucleus, motoneurons greatly involved in swallowing

control the posterior digastric and stylohyoid. Other muscles innervated by these two

motor nuclei, such as the medial pterygoid, temporal, and masseter are more facultative

swallowing muscles. In fact, the main motor nuclei involved in swallowing are the XII

motor nucleus and the nucleus ambiguous (Jean 2001).

b. Interneurons

The swallowing neurons are located in two main brain stem areas: 1) in the dorsal

medulla within the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) and in the adjacent reticular

formation, where they form the dorsal swallowing group (DSG) and 2) in the

ventrolateral medulla, just above the nucleus ambiguus, where they form the ventral

swallowing group (VSG).


A) DSG. Within the NTS, there exist neurons that fire during either the oropharyngeal

or the esophageal phase of swallowing. Most of the oropharyngeal neurons are active

either just a few milliseconds before or during the oropharyngeal phase of swallowing

(Jean 2001).

B) VSG. In the ventrolateral medulla above the nucleus ambiguus, there also exists a

large population of oropharyngeal swallowing neurons. These neurons have been

identified as interneurons. The burst firing behavior of the VSG neurons is very similar

to that of the DSG neurons in terms of the sequential firing pattern; this population has,

however, a lower instantaneous discharge frequency.

Additionally, within V and XII motor nuclei or in their close vicinity a groups of

interneurons has been identified as premotor neurons or neurons involved in the

bilateral coordination of the motoneuronal pools (Jean 2001).

1.3.4. Neural network

Within the swallowing network (Fig 5), VSG neurons are activated via DSG neurons

and motoneurons are driven by neurons of the VSG. If we therefore consider the

swallowing CPG, there exist simple circuits linking together the afferent fibers, the

DSG neurons, the VSG neurons and the motoneurons. It has been established in several

networks involved in basic motor behavior, such as locomotion, that within a given

CPG all the neurons are not equal since some of them play a preeminent role. As

regards swallowing, data already obtained suggest that neurons in the DSG are likely

candidates to act as generator neurons in the initiation and organization of the sequential

or rhythmic motor pattern. The VSG contains the switching neurons, which distribute

the swallowing drive to the various pools of the motoneurons involved in swallowing.

The swallowing network in mammals therefore provides a unique example of neurons

located within a primary sensory relay, i.e., the NTS, which nevertheless play the role of

generator neurons. Several lines of evidence support the idea that NTS neurons play a

leading role in swallowing. NTS neurons exhibit a sequential or rhythmic firing pattern

that parallels the motor pattern. As this firing remains unaltered after complete motor

paralysis, it is clear that it is actually a centrally generated premotor activity. Moreover,

most of the neurons, if not all those which have a preswallowing activity, are located


within the NTS (Jean 2001). In fact right before swallowing an activation of premotor

neurons in the intermediate (NTSim), ventromedial (NTSvm) and interstitial (NTSis)

subnuclei of the NTS can be seen. The primary NTS premotor subnuclei that control the

pharyngeal phase of swallowing are the NTSis and NTSim (Lang 2009).In addition,

systematic exploration of the brain stem with concentric bipolar electrodes to determine

which central structures responded to stimulation by triggering swallowing have shown

that the active points are situated only in the region of the solitary complex. It may be

stated that swallowing results from the stimulation of afferent fibers belonging to the

solitary tract.

The CPG for swallowing consists of two hemi- CPGs, each located on one side of the

medulla . The existence of two hemi-CPGs was established by making longitudinal

midline sections of the medulla. After this splitting, stimulation applied to the SLN on

one side triggered a “unilateral swallowing,” i.e., a swallowing sequence involving only

the ipsilateral oropharyngeal muscles, except for the middle and inferior pharyngeal

constrictors in some species. These results indicate that under physiological conditions,

the two hemi-CPGs are tightly synchronized and organize the coordinated contraction

of the bilateral muscles of the oropharyngeal region (Jean 2001). The swallowing motor

sequence is mainly generated in the ipsilateral hemi-CPG and this CPG transfers the

swallowing pre-motoneuron signals to the contralateral CPG (Jean 2001; Ertekin and

Aydogdu 2003) (Fig 6).


Figure 5: diagram of the swallowing central pattern generator (CPG). The CPG includes two main groups of neurons

located within the medulla oblongata: a dorsal swallowing group (DSG) located within the nucleus tractus solitarii

(NTS) and the adjacent reticular formation and a ventral swallowing group (VSG) located in the ventrolateral

medulla (VLM) adjacent to the nucleus ambiguous. The DSG contains the generator neurons involved in triggering,

shaping and timing the sequential or rhythmic swallowing pattern. The VSG contains the switching neurons, which

distribute the swallowing drive to the various pools of motoneurons involved in swallowing (Jean 2001).

Figure 6: schematic representation of the central pattern generator of swallowing. Peripheral and supramedullary

inputs reach to and around nucleus tractus solitarius–dorsal swallowing group (NTS-DSG). NTS-DSG activates the

ventral swallowing group of premotor neurons in the ventrolateral medulla–ventral swallowing group (VLM-VSG)

adjacent to the nucleus ambiguus (NA). VLM-VSG drives the motoneuron pools of the V, VII, IX, X, XII, C1–3 CN

bilaterally (Ertekin and Aydogdu 2003).

1.3.5. Superior swallowing control

Experimental data have shown that the basic swallowing pattern can be induced without

any supramedullary structures being involved. Under physiological conditions,

however, the swallowing network receives inputs from higher centers and several

cortical and subcortical structures can also influence the pattern of swallowing. In

addition, the descending pathways can initiate or modify the pattern of swallowing


through interaction with the peripheral inputs to the brain stem. Thus, although not

generally susceptible to central control, the patterned sequence of events associated with

swallowing can be modified by learning, for example following surgery for carcinoma

of the larynx (Lavelle 1988). It is possible that during repeated swallowing, descending

signals from the cortical sites associated with swallowing decrease the threshold to

evoke swallowing (Ertekin and Aydogdu 2003). The fact that an individual can swallow

voluntarily without the existence of any need to ingest food or to protect the upper

airways shows that the medullary swallowing network can be activated at least by

inputs from the cerebral cortex. In addition, several clinical reports have indicated that

cortical dysfunction may result in dysphagia or swallowing impairments or may affect

esophageal peristalsis (Jean 2001). The triggering of the spontaneous swallows probably

does not require cortical drive but could involve communication with the cortex and

subcortical regions, and can occur between meals and during non-REM sleep and

depends on the amount of saliva accumulated in the mouth (Ertekin and Aydogdu

2003). These observations point to the involvement of supramedullary influences,

although the peripheral afferent pathway and the CPG seem to remain unaltered in these

patients. Supramedullary structures may be responsible for various effects on

swallowing such as initiating the motor activity, or modulating reflex swallowing. There

exist a number of subcortical sites, including the corticofugal swallowing pathway,

which can trigger or modify swallowing, in particular the internal capsule, subthalamus,

amygdala, hypothalamus, substantia nigra, mesencephalic reticular formation, and

monoaminergic brain stem nuclei. These influences can be either excitatory or

inhibitory. It has been reported that several forebrain regions, including the amygdala

and the lateral hypothalamus, may facilitate swallowing by means of dopaminergic

mechanisms. Inhibitory effects can be evoked by stimulating brain stem structures such

as the periaqueductal gray, the ventrolateral pontine reticular formation, and some

monoaminergic cell groups. Results suggest that these inhibitory effects probably

involve opiate and monoaminergic mechanisms at the level of the NTS. Whether these

influences act directly on the medullary CPG or may involve a more complex central

pathway is not known. Few studies have in fact dealt with these central effects on the

neurons of the CPG. As far as the supramedullary influences on swallowing and their

action at the cellular brain stem level are concerned, all the results available so far have


been obtained in studies on the cortical influences on swallowing. However lesion of the

NTS area involved abolishes the swallowing evoked by cortical stimulation, which

further indicates that the solitary system is the main central system responsible for

swallowing. Results obtained on anesthetized sheep indicate that most of the early

neurons in the DSG can be activated by applying cortical stimulation. This is in

agreement with the idea that one of the functions of the cortical area may be to trigger

the “voluntary” swallowing motor sequence. Cortical stimulation induces an initial

activity followed by the swallowing burst that accompanies the onset of swallowing.

Early neurons in the DSG were cortically activated with a shorter latency than those in

the VSG and only 32% of all the neurons in the ventrolateral medulla were cortically

activated. Late neurons in the DSG also responded to cortical stimulation, but in small

numbers (38%) and with a longer latency. None of the late neurons in the VSG nor the

very late neurons either in the DSG or the VSG was activated by cortical stimulation.

On the basis of the finding that during swallowing sensory feedback is conveyed to the

cortical area via a first relay in the pons, the swallowing cortical area may have a further

function. Neurons in this area may belong to a ponto-cortico-medullary loop so that

upon receiving sensory information, they might control the activity of the CPG

swallowing neurons as they fire successively, just as peripheral afferent fibers do. It has

been shown that cortical neurons in the swallowing cortical area of sheep are activated

or inhibited during swallowing. Therefore, the cortical swallowing area may serve

mainly to trigger swallowing and control the beginning of the motor sequence, after

which the sequence might be carried out without any further cortical control (Jean

2001). The swallowing tasks yield activation of the lateral postcentral gyrus localized to

Brodmann’s area 3, 2, 1 and/or 43. This finding of swallow-related activation of the

postcentral gyrus might reflect various types of oropharyngeal sensory processing and

underscore the importance of afferent information in the regulation of swallowing.

Cortical activation during both swallowing and swallowing-related motor tasks that can

be performed independent of swallowing was also found in the parietooccipital region

corresponding to Brodmann’s areas 7, 9 and 31. Somato-sensory and parietal regions

have been cited as a region of activity during mechanical and chemical stimulation of

the esophagus The somato-sensory cortex and posterior parietal cortex are likely to have

a sensory role in the control of swallowing. Also the temporal lobe has been implicated


in a number of functions that are related to swallowing (Ertekin and Aydogdu 2003).

Speaking about efferent signals, human data show that the locus of the cortical control

of swallowing lies within and antero-caudal to the face area of primary motor cortex. A

number of brain regions with increased activation were detected with PET (Hamdy et al

2000). The cerebral motor cortex is the portion of the cortex which is responsible for the

planning, the regulation and the execution of the voluntary movements. The precentral

area is situated in the precentral gyrus and includes the anterior walls of the central

sulcus and the posterior part of the frontal gyri. The precentral area may be divided into

posterior and anterior regions, the first one, which is referred to as the motor area,

primary motor area, or Brodmann area 4, occupied the precentral gyrus. The anterior

region is known as the premotor area, secondary motor area, or Brodmann area 6 and

parts of areas 8,44 and 45 (Fig 7).

Figure 7: representation of the primary motor cortex, premotor cortex and supplementary motor area.

The primary motor area receives numerous afferent fibers from the premotor area, the

sensory cortex, the thalamus, the cerebellum and the basal ganglia. The primary motor

cortex is not responsible for the design of the pattern of movement but it is the final

station for conversion of the design into execution of the movement. The premotor area

receives inputs from the sensory cortex, the thalamus and the basal ganglia; its function

is to store programs of motor activity assembled as the result of past experience. It can

be reported that the premotor area programs the activity of the primary motor area. In


terms of human swallowing, there might be two distinct patterns of activity: first, the

caudolateral motor cortex, which may be associated with the initiation of the full

swallowing sequence at the highest level and second, the premotor regions which may

be more modulatory and concerned with “priming” the pharyngoesophageal

components of swallowing. The supplementary motor area represented in the superior

and middle frontal gyri, is believed to be associated with motor planning and, in

particular, with planning of sequential movements as occurs with oropharyngeal

swallowing. In addition the activation of the anterior cingulate cortex during volitional

swallowing may reflect the attentional and/or affective component of the swallowing

task. Finally studies have demonstrated how the insula and the frontal operculum are

activated during swallowing (Ertekin and Aydogdu 2003).

Swallowing recruits multiple cerebral regions, often in an asymmetrical manner,

particularly in the insula, which is predominantly on the right, and in the cerebellum,

being mainly on the left. These latter observations are in keeping with the earlier

observations that motor cortex representation for swallowing musculature displays

degrees of asymmetry (Hamdy et al 2000). Studies conducted with the technique of

transcranial magnetic stimulation showed that in the majority of the individuals, the

projection from one hemisphere tended to be larger than that from the other, i.e. there

was an asymmetric representation for swallowing between the two hemispheres,

independent of handedness (Hamdy et al 1996, 2000). The new technological advances

in functional imaging of the human brain have revolutionized our understanding of how

the cerebral cortex operates in processing sensory and motor information. . In particular,

positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging

(fMRI) have become established as useful methods for exploring the spatial localization

of changes in neuronal activity during tasks, within both cortical and subcortical


1.3.6. Neural mechanism

Speaking about a swallowing center is quite an oversimplification. A voluntary swallow

(VS) can be distinguished from the spontaneous one (SS). In VS, the regions of the

cortex and subcortical areas involved with swallowing serve mainly to trigger

swallowing and to control the beginning of the motor sequences (i.e., mainly the oral


phase of swallowing). After this, sequential muscle activation is carried out without any

further cortical control to perform the pharyngeal and esophageal phases. VS occurs

with a desire to eat or drink such as during mealtime and while awake and aware.

Although saliva swallowing alone cannot precisely distinguish the kind of swallowing,

SS is mostly a kind of saliva swallow that occurs without the person being aware, such

as between meals and during sleep. The major difference between the VS and SS is the

origin of the swallow trigger. Materials in the mouth (food or saliva) and the cortical

drive to the tongue and the submental muscles are necessary for initiation of VS. On the

other hand, according to the classical view of the initiation of SS, the oral phase is

bypassed. Despite this, it has been shown in animals that the perioral, submental and

lingual striated muscles can also be activated in SS, probably under the control of the

medullary network of the CPG and bypassing the cortical drive. Direct human

physiological studies are necessary to investigate those muscles during SS. Although

the initiation of the oropharyngeal phase of swallowing is different between VS and SS,

the subsequent sequential and stereotyped motor activity of the pharyngeal and

esophageal phases are under the control of the brainstem network for both types of

swallows. VS and SS can be differentiated in terms of state of awareness, wakefulness

and to what extent the oral phase is involved. In VS, there is clearly a reflexive

pharyngeal phase, as in SS. However, there is no strong evidence of a cortical influence

on SS in human (Ertekin 2011).

It is likely that modulation of the process of swallowing results from activity in cranial

nerves other than those directly related to swallowing. For instance, salivatory

preparation of the bolus cannot occur in the absence of cholinergic activity mediated

through the peripheral and autonomic nervous system. Also, the striated muscles

mediating swallowing in the pharynx and upper one-third of the esophagus, are under

the control of impulses originating in motor neurons of the corresponding cranial nerve

nuclei, whereas the smooth musculature associated with swallowing are innervated by

cholinergic vagal preganglionic fibers that synapses with a plexus in the muscle itself ,

resulting in postganglionic release of acetylcholine (Lavelle 1988). The swallowing

center is also said to be linked to the respiratory center, for respiration is transiently

suspended in swallowing. Such linkages are certainly likely because all these centers lie

very close together, but the exact pathways are not known (Jean 2001).


Sensory peripheral information are led to the brainstem as well as to the sensory cortex

of the brain. In response to a peripheral stimulus, or central command to swallow, the

neuronal program of the swallowing center exerts a sequential all-or-none pattern of

excitatory and inhibitory effects of the various motoneurons supplying the muscles of

swallowing (Fig 8-9). It is believed that sensory feedback originating from the

oropharyngeal mucosae and deeper receptors in the region may modify the CPG of the

bulbar swallowing network. However, there has been much debate about the effects of

mucosal receptors on oropharyngeal swallowing, because of the discrepancy among the

studies of topical anesthesia of the oropharynx. On the other hand, the sensory deficit in

the oropharyngeal mucosae has been proven to be one of the important causes of

dysphagia and aspiration in stroke patients. Results obtained during topical anesthesia

of the oropharyngeal mucosae in human subjects suggest that adequate sensory inputs

are necessary for the perception of the bolus volume and viscosity by the cerebral cortex

and the bulbar swallowing network. The insufficiency of the sensory coding would

produce an “uncertain evaluation” in the central nervous system. The main role of the

oropharyngeal mucosal receptors may be to contribute to the initiation of swallowing,

but when swallowing is triggered, the pattern and sequential activity of swallowing is

not essentially changed (Ertekin and Aydogdu 2003). The efferent portion of the CPG

coordinates impulse flow for the Trigeminal, Glossopharyngeal, Vagal and Hypoglossal

nerves for soft palate contraction, for pharyngeal constriction, for laryngeal muscles

contraction, for tongue muscles contraction and for esophageal muscles contraction. In

detail, when the movement of the bolus from the oral cavity to the pharyngeal spaces

triggers the swallowing reflex or response, the following physiological events occur in

rapid overlapping sequence. All of the events until the esophageal phase are mainly

controlled by the CPG of the brain stem. The nasal, laryngeal and tracheal airway is

protected by several “reflex” events including closure of the velopharyngeal isthmus by

the palate, laryngeal elevation and suspension by suprahyoid/submental muscles and

closure of the larynx by laryngeal muscles of the vocal folds and epiglottis. Protection

of the airway is essentially owing to the CPG.


Figure 8: sensory pathways and swallow response integration. Schematic representation of the neuronal pathways

perceiving stimuli in the oropharynx and larynx that lead to the integration of all the information as the swallow

response in the central pattern generator in the brain stem (Alvarez-Berdugo 2016).

Figure 9: schematic of the anatomic physiology in normal swallowing. There are three different locations in the

swallowing function: The first location is the peripheral machine of swallowing process known as the oropharynx

where all of the peripheral sensory/motor events occur. The second location is the medullary swallowing center in

and around the reticular network of nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) and nucleus ambiguus (NA) at the ponto-bulbar

region known as the Central Pattern Generator (CPG). The CPG receives all peripheral inputs and descending motor

drives. The third location is the cerebral cortex and some subcortical structures. These are connected to the brainstem

CPG especially via corticobulbar pathways (Ertekin 2011).

The CPG must be able to perform a wide range of tasks, such as converting the

repetitive messages conveyed by central or peripheral afferent inputs into a bursting

activity, transmitting bursting activity after a variably long delay depending on the

nature (oropharyngeal or esophageal) of the neuron in the network, ensuring via a

rostrocaudal inhibitory mechanism that the later neurons cannot fire before or during the


activity of the earlier neurons, and generating a rhythmic bursting pattern, at least in the

case of the oropharyngeal neurons. The bursting pattern of the swallowing neurons may

be built up as the result of either re-excitation phenomena or excitatory feedback

mechanisms. The centrally generated bursting pattern of swallowing NTS neurons

suggests that these mechanisms may well take place within the DSG. Neurons with pre-

swallowing activity presumably possess these re-excitation loops so that the neuronal

firing will increase until reaching the critical level at which the swallowing burst is

generated. In addition to the mechanisms by which is generated the burst firing of the

swallowing neurons, the swallowing network can be viewed as a linear-like chain of

neurons based on the rostrocaudal anatomy of the swallowing tract (Fig 10). Because

there exist, within the NTS, neurons which fire sequentially during swallowing, each

neuron or group of neurons in this chain may control more and more distal regions of

the swallowing canal and be responsible for the successive firing behavior. Excitatory

connections between neurons may provide the basis for the successive excitation of the

cells via increasingly numerous polysynaptic connections. In addition to the central

connections, each DSG neuron in the chain may be synaptically activated via peripheral

afferent fibers originating in the corresponding part of the tract which is under their

control. Whether or not this linear pattern of organization in the form of a chain of

neurons exists at the VSG level also has not yet been ascertained. In addition to

excitatory connections, there also exist inhibitory connections between the various links

in the chain. It has been reported that when the neurons responsible for the beginning of

the swallowing sequence fire, the cells controlling the more distal parts of the tract are

inhibited, and their activity is delayed. Inhibitory phenomena play an important role in

the shaping and timing of the sequence, since the neurons controlling more distal parts

of the swallowing canal are subjected to longer periods of inhibition than those

controlling rostral parts. Inhibitory mechanisms may not only be responsible for

delaying the onset of neuronal firing, but they may also contribute directly to the

sequential excitation of the neurons. In fact, via mechanisms such as disinhibition or

post-inhibitory rebounds, the inhibitory connections may be at least partly responsible

for the progression of the contraction wave. With the assumption that there exist only

inhibitory connections between swallowing neurons the sequential excitation of neurons


may result from post-inhibitory rebounds involving in this case cellular properties of the

neurons in addition to network connections.

Figure 10: possible mechanisms involved in pattern generation. A: the swallowing network can be viewed as a chain

of neurons (1-4) that parallels the rostrocaudal anatomy of the swallowing tract. When triggered by peripheral or

central inputs, the neurons at the beginning of the chain (1) generate, on the basis of network and/or cellular

properties, a burst firing which starts the sequence; they also exert inhibitory effects on the more caudal neurons in

the chain (2, 3, and 4) through central inhibitory connections (lines with black dots). The swallowing drive may be

transferred by central excitatory connections (white triangles) to the subsequent neuron in the chain (2), which also

inhibits the more caudal neurons, etc. The sequential firing behavior therefore results from the successive excitation

of the neurons paralleled by a rostrocaudal inhibition, which lasts longer when the neuron is more distal in the chain.

This network may function without any sensory feedback, but the peripheral inputs may modulate the sequence

(broken lines). Intrinsic properties of the neurons such as pacemaker, post-inhibitory rebound, and delayed excitation

properties may intervene in the functioning of the chain. Given this scheme of organization, it can be postulated to

account for the differences between primary and secondary peristalsis, that the strength of the central excitatory

connections decreases in the caudal direction, while the afferent feedback inputs then become more important. B: the

chain may also function mainly on the basis of inhibitory connections. In this case, the sequential firing of the

neurons may be produced mainly by mechanisms such as post-inhibitory rebounds. In this case again, these

mechanisms will presumably decrease as they occur more caudally. As suggested by field potential recordings, it can

be postulated that the neurons generating the oropharyngeal stage can also induce, in addition to the inhibition, a

long-lasting excitatory influence on neurons of the esophageal network, indicated here by the dotted line with striped

triangles (see text for further information). The sequential firing is therefore dependent on both the inhibitory

connections and the properties of the neurons and on a facilitatory influence exerted on the esophageal network in the

case of the primary peristalsis. This tentative mechanism of intrinsic modulation may account for the differences

between primary and secondary peristalsis. The traces below the diagrams give the membrane potential of

oropharyngeal (1) and esophageal neurons (2, 3, and 4). The upward deflection corresponds to a depolarization of the

neuron and the downward deflection to an hyperpolarization. The dotted lines in B show a possible long-lasting

excitatory or facilitatory influence exerted by the oropharyngeal neurons on the esophageal ones (Jean 2001).

However, there exist some differences between the oropharyngeal and esophageal

phases of swallowing. In fact, results indicate that unlike the oropharyngeal phase, the

esophageal phase may show some lability and also suggest that the central program


controlling this phase may be less robust than that responsible for the oropharyngeal

phase. The size of the neuronal population involved during these two phases is also

different. Depending on the number of muscles involved, the number of active neurons

during the oropharyngeal phase of swallowing has been found to be far larger than that

involved in the esophageal phase. The bursting activity of the oropharyngeal neurons is

also very different from that of the esophageal neurons. Differences may reflect

differences in the strength of the synaptic connections along the chain of neurons,

possibly due to the existence of increasing numbers of synapses, and/or to the properties

of the cells. In fact, data obtained in the case of secondary peristalsis have suggested

that the swallowing CPG can be subdivided into two subnetworks: an oropharyngeal

and an esophageal net of neurons, each of which mediates the patterning of the

respective phase of swallowing, but that the esophageal net is likely to have less robust

central mechanisms and be more dependent on afferent inputs. The swallowing CPG is

not an automatic, continuously functioning CPG and the question arises as to whether

the swallowing neurons are completely inactive when no swallowing occurs, or whether

these neurons may have other functions. This question is especially interesting, since we

have established that swallowing neurons include NTS neurons and it has by now

emerged that the NTS is far from being simply a sensory relay. NTS neurons are

involved in many activities, such as the autonomic ones, as well as in endocrine

processes and in several integrated behaviors such as emotional processes, hunger,

thirst, control of pain mechanisms, regulation of the level of consciousness, and

probably many other yet non identified functions. Are all the NTS neurons in this very

small population each devoted to a single fixed function, or do there exist within the

NTS one or several populations of neurons that are flexible and participate in several

functions, depending on the inputs they receive? When a given stimulus is delivered, a

pool of appropriate neurons is activated and forms the swallowing CPG, whereas these

neurons are involved in other tasks when no swallowing activity is required. It has been

established that not only motoneurons, but also interneurons can be involved in at least

two different tasks, such as swallowing and respiration, swallowing and mastication, or

swallowing and vocalization. Motoneurons presumably receive a drive from separate

CPGs, and their activity no doubt depends on synaptic interactions between the two

networks. Some recent results have indicated that interneurons localized in the dorsal


(DSG) or ventral (VSG) regions of the swallowing network also fire during several

motor behaviors such as swallowing, respiration, mastication and vocalization (Jean


1.3.7. Muscular coordination

The importance of swallowing in transport and protection is illustrated by the

frequencies: 2400 swallows per day increasing to 300/h during eating (Lavelle 1988).

Such activity is aided by contraction and coordination of the muscles of different

portions of the body. In mammals, all the muscles involved in the oropharyngeal stage

are striated and are therefore driven by several pools of motoneurons located in various

cranial motor nuclei in the brain stem and the uppermost levels of the cervical spinal

cord. The esophageal muscles are composed of both striated fibers and smooth ones,

which are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The oropharyngeal stage of the

basic or fundamental swallowing is a complex, stereotyped sequence of excitatory and

inhibitory events. It involves a set of muscles that always participate in this fundamental

motor pattern and therefore, these muscles have been termed obligate muscles. In

addition to the obligate muscles, other muscles, such as extrinsic tongue muscles, facial

muscles, lip muscles and levator mandible muscles, may or may not participate in

swallowing, depending on either the species or the swallowing conditions, and therefore

constitute facultative swallowing muscles. Muscular events are described below (Jean


The oral phase of swallowing recruits the jaw closing muscles of the mandible

(i.e. temporalis, masseter and medial pterygoid) to stabilize the mandible. As a

result, the type of bolus affects the recruitment of the jaw closing muscles

(Ertekin and Aydogdu 2003).

The perioral-facial muscles are the first recruited during the oral phase of

swallowing to provide an anterior seal of the lips. In healthy human subjects,

orbicularis oris and buccinator muscles firmly close the mouth to prevent food

from escaping, flatten the cheeks and hold the food in contact with the teeth. It

has been observed that the perioral muscle activity is ended just before the

pharyngeal phase of swallowing, while the masseter activity can continue or

reappear during the pharyngeal phase of swallowing (Ertekin and Aydogdu

2003) (Fig 11).


The styloglossus and hyoglossus muscles force the root of the tongue against the

soft palate and posterior pharyngeal wall (Lavelle 1988).

The tongue movements that initiate swallowing require the concomitant

contraction of the mylohyoid, geniohyoid and digastric muscles (submental

muscles- SM) (Lavelle 1988) (Fig 12).

SM contraction initiates swallowing and it continues until the completion of the

oropharyngeal swallowing process, since they pull up the hyoid bone into a

anterosuperior position, which elevates the larynx and initiates other reflexive

changes that constitute the pharyngeal phase. As we will largely describe, when

a swallow is initiated voluntarily, the contraction of the SM muscles should be

controlled by at least two routes. During the initial part, SM muscles should be

activated by the cortical drive either directly or via the brain stem CPG. The

latter part of SM muscle activation should, however, be controlled by the CPG

of the brain stem network, especially in the period immediately after the onset of

laryngeal upward movement, which is an important and early event of the

pharyngeal phase in voluntarily induced swallowing. In many of the dysphagic

patients, the onset of SM is extremely prolonged, which indicates the difficulties

of the cortically induced triggering mechanism due to the involvement of the

corticobulbar fibers (Ertekin and Aydogdu 2003). SM activity seems to be

influenced by the body posture in upright position the electromyographical

activity was larger than the one detected in supine position (Shiino et al 2016).

The elevator and tensor veli palatine muscles elevate the soft palate, with

additional shortening and dorsal thickening until approximation against the

posterior pharyngeal muscle.

The middle and inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscles narrow the hypopharynx

and contributes to the peristaltic wave.

The epiglottis tilts dorsally and downward, thanks to muscular elevation of the

larynx and the contraction of the floor of the mouth (submental muscles), along

with elevation and posterior movement of the hyoid bone (Lavelle 1988).

CP muscle is a striated muscle sphincter situated at the pharyngoesophageal

junction. It is one of the most important muscles for the evaluation of

neurogenic dysphagia The CP sphincter muscle is organized with motoneurons


both tonically and phasically activated. The muscle is tonically active during rest

and this continuous activity ceases during a swallow in human subjects. During

a swallow, tonic motoneurons supplying the CP muscle are first inhibited and

the CP sphincter is relaxed. Consequently, during the rebound burst, phasic

larger motoneurons fire transiently to close the sphincter as fast as possible after

passage of the bolus and the tonic motoneurons are re-excited. Although both

units are under the control of the CPG, both are also influenced by sensory and

cortical inputs (Ertekin and Aydogdu 2003) (Fig 13).

Figure 11: Representation of the jaw closing muscles (A-C) and some of the perioral muscles (D-E): A:

masseter muscle, B: temporalis muscle, C: medial pterygoid muscle, D: orbicularis oris muscle, E:

buccinators muscle (from Gray’s anatomy, 2009).


Figure 12: Representation of the submental muscles (A-C) and the tongue muscles (D-E): A: digastric

muscle, B: genyohyoid muscle, C: mylohyoid muscle, D-E: tongue muscles from different views (from

Gray’s anatomy, 2009).

Figure 13: representation of the pharyngeal muscles (A) and the larynx structure (B and C) (from Gray’s

anatomy, 2009).


1.4. Swallowing process evaluation

The analysis of the swallowing process is an important phase during the clinical

evaluation of the stomatognatic system. It is stated that this physiological task can occur

more than 2400 times per day and thus it is important to evaluate its progress step by

step. There are many clinical conditions related to a non-physiological swallowing

mechanism, such as atypical swallowing or dysphagia. The most important phase of the

clinical pathway is the right diagnosis, to ensure the morphology of the different

structures involved, the muscular coordination and the neural integrity. A complete

examination as well as an anamnestic questionnaire are crucial stages in the diagnostic


In addition also instrumental analysis can be used. Many methods can be listed; among

all the techniques, the videofluoroscopy (VF) , the fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation

(FEE) and the surface electromyography (sEMG) are the most used (Yu et al 2013). The

videofluoroscopy is a radiologic exam, in which the passage of the bolus from the oral

cavity to the stomach is evaluated. The patient is asked to eat a contrast medium and

thus, after x-rays exposition, the passage of the bolus is monitored thanks to a connected

monitor (Fig 14).

Figure 14: an example of videofluoroscopy during swallowing.

The endoscopy was introduced since 1988 as an alternative to the videofluoroscopy. It

is composed by a flexible endoscope, which passes transnasally to obtain a superior

view of the pharynx and larynx. Although FEE does not show swallowing directly, the

presence of subglottic residue and oropharyngeal secretion indirectly indicates the

wrong progression of the movements (Umay et al 2013) (Fig 15).


Figure 15: an example of endoscopy. Aditus to the larynx can be seen.

Furthermore, sEMG is another method that provides important information about the

muscles involved during swallowing. sEMG is a non-invasive, radiation free and cheap

diagnostic technique, which gives information about muscular activity. It registers the

myoelectric signal, derived from the electric field generated from muscle fibers

depolarization and transmitted to skin thanks to surface electrodes attached to skin. For

this reason it is suitable only for superficial muscles. It was demonstrated how

electromyographic potentials in the muscle groups that are effective in swallowing can

work reliably (Vaiman et al 2004; Umay et al 2013) (Fig 16).

Figure 16: an example of surface electromyography of anterior temporalis and masseter muscles.

The main advantages of VF are the integrated observation of all the swallowing phases,

that is, observation of the oral preparatory phase and oral transit phase, of the elevation

and anterior displacement of the hyoid-larynx complex, of the upper esophageal

sphincter opening and of esophageal transit (Da Silva et al 2010). Nevertheless VF

gives qualitative analysis about the swallowing process and the evaluation of the results

is subjective, in addition there are some disadvantages such as the necessity of patient

cooperation and transport, failure to directly show the nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal

and laryngeal anatomy, evaluation of only motor ability, risk of aspirating the opaque


material and risk of exposure to serious radiation in repeated applications. FEE is

reported to be safer, more sensitive and better tolerated than VF. Moreover, the

diagnosis and treatment of dysphagia can be ensured without the cooperation and

mobilization of the patient (Umay et al 2013). Despite a lack of a general consensus,

FEE seems to be as an alternative to VF. There have been many controversial opinions

on the clinical application of sEMG. The major concern was related to the lack of

reliable criteria for comparative and longitudinal evaluations.

In fact electromyographical signal is influenced by many factors: electrodes type and

position, head and back position, muscular cross-talk etc (Suvinen et al 2009).

Nevertheless thanks to standardized protocols, the cited factors are limited and so

quantitative comparisons, both comparative ( between muscles, between subjects) and

longitudinal (Suvinen et al 2009; Sforza et al 2011). Considering the muscles related to

the stomatognatic system standardized protocols have been developed, for masseter,

temporalis, sternocleidomastoid muscles (Ferrario et al 2000; Botelho et al 2011;

Frongia et al 2013). Studies for submental muscles assessment are needed.



2.1. Introduction and rationale of the study

As it is largely explained swallowing is a physiological task, which is crucial for

everyday life and which is repeated thousands of time per day. It requires a complicated

neuromuscular coordination, of both reflex and automatic activities, occurring during

the pharyngeal and esophageal phases. A disequilibrium in the neural circuits as well as

uncoordination of the active muscles are linked to many clinical situations resulting in

dysphagia. During everyday life the automatic sequence of swallowing is anticipated

by a first phase, which is partially under voluntary control, known as the oral phase. It

mainly involves jaw closing and opening muscles, cheek and extrinsic tongue muscles.

From a muscular point of view an instrumental, easy and non-invasive assessment of

the physiologic pattern of activated muscles is needed. Once the protocol will be

developed and the muscular model will be found, it will be possible to apply it to

different clinical situations, aiming to find deviations from the physiological movement

and to optimize the multidisciplinary treatment through a personalized measure of the

function. As it is reported the surface electromyographic potentials in the muscle

groups that are effective in swallowing can work reliably. Surface electromyography

(sEMG) can detect the activation of superficial muscles and thus considering

swallowing it is ideal for the analysis of the oral phase. Among jaw closing muscles, the

masseter and the temporalis muscles activity has been largely electromyographically

studied in a static task (maximal voluntary clenching MVC) and standardized protocols

are well assessed (Ferrario et al 2000); on the contrary standardized and repeatable

protocols for the submental muscles (jaw opening muscles) activity are still needed.

Different studies have electromyographically analyzed the submental muscles, but

without a proper standardization test, for example considering the effortful swallow as

the maximal contraction for submental muscles (Reyes et al 2014). In addition the

analysis of dynamic oral functions, such as swallowing, is still an open field of research

and further scientific approval is needed before clinical applications.

The purposes of the current study were therefore firstly to develop a standardized

protocol for the assessment of the SM during a simple static task, like MVC (phase 1).

Secondly we evaluated the contribution of masticatory muscles during the oral phase of


swallowing (phase 2). Since a method is still lacking we decided to analyze a

“controlled” kind of swallowing, asking the subjects to keep their teeth in contact

during the function. Thus a repeatability of the mandible position and a muscular

recruitment model may be drawn, even though the requested task is a not fully

physiological one. Once the protocol will be developed, it will be applied to a “more

physiological” kind of swallowing, asking the subjects to swallow in their most

comfortable way, without giving them instructions about teeth position. Thus

speculations about the activation and the symmetry of masticatory muscles during the

oral phase of swallowing in healthy subjects can be done . In the future the method

could be applied on different clinical situations (atypical swallowing, dysphagia,

patients undergoing prosthetic rehabilitation) in order to compare their muscular pattern,

to find possible alterations aiming at the optimization of the treatment, by a

personalized measure of the function.

2.2. Material and methods

2.2.1. Study design

Standardized cutaneous myoelectric activity of Anterior Temporalis, Masseter and

Submental muscles was recorded.

Phase 1: preliminary measurements for the development of a standardized

sEMG protocol for the assessment of submental area muscles during maximal

voluntary clench (MVC).

Phase 2: electromyographic analysis of the oral phase of swallowing and

preliminary detection of the normality values in terms of duration of activation

of each registered muscle, duration of the whole exercise and intensity of

activation of each muscle. In addition a graphical analysis of the EMG signal

will be conducted in order to assess the intensity and the position of the spike of

activation of each muscle. The analyzed parameters will lead to the assessment

of the reproducibility and variability of the used protocol and thus the sample

size for the detection of normality values in the population will be calculated.


2.2.2. Subjects (for phase 1 and 2)

Twenty young adult subjects (10 males, 10 females, age range 19–35 years, mean 25,

SD 5), volunteered for the study after a detailed explanation of the experimental

protocol and possible risks involved. The study protocol was approved by the local ethic

committee. During the muscles function recording, the environment was tranquil, quiet

and with low light. The subjects sat in a comfortable office type chair, having a straight

posture, with the feet flat on the floor, and arms resting on their legs.

Inclusion criteria (for phase 1 and 2)

Systemically healthy subjects

No diseases of the stomatognatic/neck areas

At least 28 permanent teeth

Bilaterally I Angle class (both canine and molar)

overjet and overbite between 2- 5 mm

no anterior or lateral crossbite

no periodontal disease

no recent craniofacial trauma

no temporomandibular disorders

no neuromuscular diseases

Exclusion criteria (for phase 1 and 2)

simultaneous orthodontic therapies

oral surgery within 3 months

drugs which could interfere with the musculo-skeletal system

2.2.3. Instrumentation

Electrode type and positioning

The Anterior Temporalis (TA), Masseter (MM) and Submental area Muscles (SM) of

both sides (left and right) were examined. Disposable pre-gelled silver/silver chloride

bipolar surface electrodes (rectangular shape, 21x41 mm, 20 mm inter-electrode

distance) (F3010, Fiab, Firenze, Italy) were positioned. On each muscle a bipolar


electrode was positioned on the muscular bellies parallel to muscular fibres as follows

(Musto et al 2017):

MM: the operator, standing in front of the seated subject, palpated the muscular

belly while the subject clenched his/her teeth. The electrodes were fixed parallel

to the exocanthion-gonion line and with the upper pole of the electrode under the

tragus-labial commissural line.

TA: the muscular belly was palpated during tooth clenching and the electrodes

were fixed vertically along the anterior margin of the muscle (corresponding to

the fronto-parietal suture).

SM: each electrode was placed parallel to the anterior digastric belly,

paramedian to the midline and lightly diverging, 1 cm posterior to the mental


A disposable reference electrode was applied to the forehead or on the earlobe (Fig 17).

To reduce skin impedance, the skin was carefully cleaned prior to electrode placement

and recordings were performed 5 min later, allowing the conductive paste to adequately

moisten the skin.

Figure 17: representation of the electrodes position.


Surface EMG activity was recorded using a computerized instrument (Easymyo, 3

Technology S.r.l., Udine, Italy). The analogue sEMG signal was amplified (gain 100,

bandwidth 0–1000 Hz, peak-to-peak input range from 0 to 3600 mVpp) using a

differential amplifier with a high common mode rejection ratio (CMRR 100 db in the


range 0–60 Hz, input impedance 100Gohm), digitized (24 bit resolution, 4000 Hz A/D

sampling frequency), and digitally filtered (high-pass filter set at 30 Hz, low-pass filter

set at 400Hz, band-stop for common 50–60 Hz noise). The signals were averaged over

25 ms, with muscle activity assessed as the root mean square (RMS) of the amplitude

(µV). SEMG signals were recorded for further analysis. Before acquisition session, the

subjects were properly trained to elicit true teeth maximal voluntary contraction using

an on-time sEMG signal visualization.

2.2.4. Measurements


Each appointment (T1 and T2, with a 2 weeks interval between them), was composed

by three acquisition steps:

Masticatory muscles standardisation procedures: two 10-mm thick cotton rolls

were positioned on the mandibular second premolars/first molars of each

subject, and a 5-s maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) was recorded to

standardise TA and MM sEMG signal. The mean sEMG potential obtained in

the first acquisition was set at 100%, and all further sEMG potentials were

expressed as a percentage of this value (µV/µVx100) (Ferrario et al 2000).

Submental muscles standardisation procedures: the subjects were invited to push

their tongue at their best (without teeth clenching) against the palate, and a 5-s

sEMG SM activity was recorded. All further SM sEMG potentials were

expressed as a percentage of this value (µV/µVx100). This test was repeated

twice (A and B) in each appointment, in order to assess SM muscles

standardisation procedures repeatability.

Maximal voluntary teeth clenching: TA, MM and SM sEMG activity was

recorded during a 5-s maximal voluntary clenching (MVC) test in intercuspal

position (IP); as “the complete intercuspation of the opposing teeth independent

of condylar position, sometimes referred to as the best fit of the teeth regardless

of the condylar position” (The Academy of Prosthodontics, 2005). The subjects

were invited to clench as hard as possible and to maintain the same level of

contraction during the entire test.



Each appointment (T1 and T2, with a 2 weeks interval between them), was

composed by four acquisition steps:

Masticatory muscles standardisation procedures.

Submental muscles standardisation procedures.

Maximal voluntary teeth clenching.

Saliva swallowing: we asked the subjects to swallow their saliva; a 5-s sEMG

activity was recorded. They were asked to bring their teeth in contact during

swallowing and to keep them in rest position (with no occlusal contacts) at the

end of it. We repeated the exercise twice (A and B) in each appointment to

assess intra-appointment repeatability. A 90-s break period elapsed between the

two acquisitions in order to let the subjects drink some water to wet their mouth

and collect new saliva.

For each acquisition the best performance 3s intervals were isolated and analyzed.

During the tests, the subjects were asked to perform at their best, to avoid head and neck

movements and maintain a relaxed facial expression to reduce cross-talks. Within

subject, test order was randomised by a computer random number generator and 1

minute rest period was allowed. All acquisitions were made by the same operator.

2.2.5.sEMG data analysis


The instrument software tools analyzed the sEMG waves computing two standardized

indexes as follow:

Muscles symmetry was estimated calculating the percentage overlapping

coefficient (POC, %) (Ferrario et al 2000), an index of symmetric muscular

contraction ranging between 0% and 100%. When two paired muscles contract

with perfect symmetry, a POC of 100% is obtained. Temporalis, Masseter and

submental muscles POCs were obtained for each subject for each acquisition


Muscles activity was estimated calculating the standardized activity index

(Impact, %). It quantifies the total muscular recruitment during MVC relative to

the standardisation test computing the mean total muscle activities as the


integrated areas of the sEMG potentials over time (Ferrario et al 2002). The

index was obtained for each muscle and for each acquisition session.

Submental muscles indexes were computed twice in each appointment since

standardisation procedures were repeated (T1A-T1B; T2A-T2B).


Using the instrument software tools, for each acquisition session, sEMG waves were

analyzed computing two standardized indexes as follow:

POC index

IMPACT index

Other measurements were done by analysing the graphic of the swallowing wave of

each muscle:

Duration of activation of each muscle, considered as the interval in which

muscle activity was higher than 10% of its standardization test. 10% value was

chosen in order to not consider muscular basal activity.

Duration of the whole swallowing test, described as the interval between the

beginning of first muscle activation and the end of last muscle activation.

Intensity of the spike and the time of the spike of activation of each muscle

relatively to its total duration of activity (Fig18).

Figure 18: example of an eletromyographical signal of a muscle activated during swallowing. X axes: time

(ms), Y axes: intensity of activation (μV/μVx100). .

2.2.6. Statistical Evaluations


Descriptive statistics were computed for all sEMG indexes for MVC. For the evaluation

of the protocol reliability a two-way factorial analysis of variance was made: "Factor 1"


(F1-appointment, T1 vs T2), "Factor 2" (F2- standardisation session, A vs B) and F1 X


Mean absolute difference (MAD), technical error of measurement (TEM) and relative

error magnitude (REM) were calculated to quantify the reliability of the proposed

ssEMG protocol. MAD is the average of absolute differences between the values of 2

sets of measurements; TEM or Dahlberg’s error was used to evaluate the random error

and was computed as


where D is the difference between each couple of replicate measurements and n is the

number of couples (Rosati et al 2010).

The REM was obtained by dividing the MAD for a variable by the grand mean for that

variable and multiplying the result by 100; it represents an estimate of error magnitude

relative to the size of the measurement.

To evaluate the effect of sex and the possible differences among masseter, temporalis

and submental muscles in muscle symmetry and recruitment during teeth clenching a

set of analyses of variance were made. For both POC and Impact indexes, a two-way

ANOVA (factor 1: muscles, temporalis, masseter and submental; factor 2: sex) was

made. For all statistical tests, significance was set at 5% (P < 0.05), with a beta error

(Type II) larger than 0.95 (Sforza et al 2011).


Descriptive statistics were computed for all sEMG indexes for swallowing. The

evaluation of the protocol reliability was similar to the one of phase 1.

To evaluate the effect of sex and the possible differences in muscles symmetry,

recruitment and duration of activation during swallowing a set of analyses of variance

were made. For both POC and Impact indexes, a two-way ANOVA (factor 1: muscles,

temporalis, masseter and submental; factor 2: sex) was made. For all statistical tests,

significance was set at 5% (P < 0.05), with a beta error (Type II) larger than 0.95

(Sforza et al 2011).


2.3. Results


The ssEMG assessment of SM muscles was reliable, as shown in Table 1. For both POC

and Impact indexes, no Factor 1 (T1 vs T2) or Factor 2 (A vs B) or F1 X F2 significant

effects were found, with small MAD and TEM values. In contrast, the REM value of

impact index was larger than 30%. Since SM indexes were repeatable for all the

acquisitions (T1 A and B; T2 A and B), mean values were computed for the subsequent

comparisons (between males and females and among muscles).

Data about masticatory and submental area muscles symmetry and recruitment during

teeth clenching are reported in Table 2; the values of the symmetry index POC were

larger than 80% for all couples of muscles. Regarding recruitment values, anterior

temporalis (TA) and masseter (MM) muscles indexes resulted approximately the same

as the ones recorded during the standardisation acquisition (clenching on cotton rolls),

while SM developed on average 31% of the activity expressed during the

standardisation test (pushing the tongue against the palate). The recruitment of

submental area muscles resulted significantly lower than that of MM and TA in both

sexes (P<0.001). Side-related differences were not evaluated due to the high POC

values; for Impact index comparisons we considered a mean between the Impact values

of the right and the left side (the values were almost the same).

Table 1: standardized surface electromyography (ssEMG) indexes –POC (%) and Impact (%) mean and standard

deviation (SD) for Submental Muscles and their reliability, evaluated computing a two-way analysis of variance: F1

(T1 vs T2) and F2 (A vs B). No F1 X F2 interactions. N.S. not significant (p>0.05). Mean Absolute Difference

(MAD); Technical Error of Measurement (TEM) and Relative Error Magnitude (REM).

T1 vs T2 A vs B MAD TEM REM

POC (%) mean 85.79 N.S. N.S. 5.13 4.72 6

SD 7.66

IMPACT (%) mean 31.99 N.S. N.S. 11.48 10.80 37

SD 14.52

Submental ssEMG reliability during teeth clenching


Table 2: masticatory muscles (Anterior Temporalis, Masseter, Submental muscles) ssEMG during teeth clenching.

Symmetry estimated by the Percentage Overlapping Coefficient index (POC%) and recruitment by the Impact (%)

index. Comparisons were performed by 2-way ANOVAs. N.S. not significant (p>0.05). Mean with different

superscripts (A and B) differ at post hoc test.


The ssEMG assessment of MM, TA, SM muscles was reliable, as shown in Table 3. For

all the indexes, POC, Impact, duration of activation of each couple of muscles and

duration of the whole exercise, no Factor 1 (T1 vs T2) or Factor 2 (A vs B) or F1 X F2

significant effects were found, with small MAD and TEM values. In contrast, the REM

value of Impact and duration indexes were close to 30%. Since indexes were repeatable,

mean values (among the four acquisitions T1 A and B, T2 A and B) were computed for

the subsequent comparisons.

Data about masticatory and submental area muscles during swallowing are reported in

Table 4. The values of the symmetry index (POC) were larger or close to 80% for TA

and SM, while they were statistically smaller for MM (p<0.001). Regarding recruitment

values, the indexes resulted approximately between 22 and 28% of the ones recorded

during the standardisation acquisition for all the muscles. The recruitment of each

couple of muscles resulted significantly different from the others in both sexes

(P<0.001). The MM resulted to be the less recruited, while the TA was the most

activated. As it is reported for the TA activation it seemed to be a sex-related difference

(men 30.65%, women 21.70%), although statistical analysis did not demonstrate a

significance (due to the high standard deviations). However a larger sample is probably

needed in order to better assess this data. Also for the duration of activation of each

couple of muscles statistical differences were found among all the couples (p<0.001);

the MM showed the shortest activation (an average value of approximately 1 s), while

Mean SD Mean SD mean SD mean SD

Temporalis 84.17 1.93 82.81 2.18 104.6 ᴬ 16.5 108.2 ᴬ 19.5

Masseter 82.93 2.79 83.14 2.03 109.85 ᴬ 23.7 99.52 ᴬ 17

Submental 84.75 3.86 81.46 8.57 31.74 ᴮ 12.84 29.54 ᴮ 14.86

Comparison muscle N.S. muscle p<0.001

sex N.S. sex N.S.

muscle x sex N.S. muscle x sex N.S.

POC (%) IMPACT (%)

Men Women Men Women


the SM the longest one (an average value of more than 1.5 s). The duration of the whole

swallowing was found to be between 1.5 and 2 s.

In Table 5 and 6 the results about the timing of the maximum spike of activation of each

couple of muscles are shown; this value is reported as a percentage of the duration of

the activation of each couple of muscles. The results showed that all the couples of

muscles had their spike of activation between 35.87 and 42.65% of their total duration

of activation. The ssEMG graphic assessment of the position of the spike of activation

for MM, TA and SM was reliable, as shown in Table 5. For each couple of muscles, no

Factor 1 (T1 vs T2) or Factor 2 (A vs B) or F1 X F2 significant effects were found, with

small MAD,TEM and REM values. Since indexes were repeatable, mean values (among

the four acquisitions T1 A and B, T2 A and B) were computed for the subsequent

comparisons. No muscle-related differences nor sex ones have been reported (Table 6).

However the results were close to significance for the comparisons among muscles; a

larger sample is needed in order to better assess this data. In Table 7 and 8 the results

about the intensity of the maximum spike of activation of each couple of muscles are

shown. The MM has the lowest spike around 53% of its total activity, while the SM

show the highest spike around 73% of its total activity, with the lowest standard

deviation (16.26). The ssEMG graphic assessment of the intensity of the spike of

activation for MM, TA and SM was reliable, as shown in Table 7. For each couple of

muscles, no Factor 1 (T1 vs T2) or Factor 2 (A vs B) or F1 X F2 significant effects were

found, with small MAD,TEM and REM values. Since indexes were repeatable, mean

values (among the four acquisitions T1 A and B, T2 A and B) were computed for the

subsequent comparisons. Muscle-related differences has been reported (Table 8). In

Figure 19 we drew a graphic representing the model of the muscular recruitment.


Table 3: standardized surface electromyography (ssEMG) indexes during swallowing : POC (%), Impact (%),

duration of activation of each couple of muscles (s) (masseter muscles MM, temporalis muscles TA and submental

muscles SM), duration of the whole exercise (s), mean and standard deviation (SD) for masseter, temporalis and

submental muscles and their reliability, evaluated computing a two-way analysis of variance: F1 (T1 vs T2) and F2

(A vs B). No F1 X F2 interactions. N.S. not significant (p>0.05). Mean Absolute Difference (MAD); Technical Error

of Measurement (TEM) and Relative Error Magnitude (REM).


POC(%) mean 80.1 N.S. N.S. 3.43 2.65 4.3

SD 3.6

mean 77.78 N.S. N.S. 4.66 3.31 6

SD 5.94

mean 83.01 N.S. N.S. 2.86 1.57 3.4

SD 8.52

IMPACT(%) mean 28.93 N.S. N.S. 4.96 3.13 21

SD 13.36

mean 22.55 N.S. N.S. 4.72 3.17 27

SD 12.12

mean 27.54 N.S. N.S. 3.86 2.15 15

SD 12.53

DURATION(s) mean 1.12 N.S. N.S. 0.26 0.19 27

SD 0.48

mean 0.93 N.S. N.S. 0.26 0.19 27

SD 0.43

mean 1.54 N.S. N.S. 0.25 0.14 16

SD 0.46

DURATION TOT(s) mean 1.7 N.S. N.S. 0.22 0.14 13

SD 0.44






ssEMG indexes reliability during swallowing






Table 4: masticatory muscles (Anterior Temporalis, Masseter, Submental muscles) ssEMG during swallowing. POC

(%), Impact (%), duration of activation of each couple of muscles (s), duration of the whole exercise (s) indexes are

shown. Comparisons were performed by 2-way ANOVAs (expect of the duration of the exercise index, for which a

Student T test has been conducted). N.S. not significant (p>0.05). Mean with different superscripts (A,B and C)

differ at post hoc test.


Mean SD Mean SD

Temporalis 79.29ᴬ 5.5 79.85ᴬ 4.43

Masseter 76.57ᴮ 9.45 74.53ᴮ 8.88

Submental 84.75ᴬ 3.86 81.46ᴬ 8.57

Comparison muscle P<0.001

sex N.S.

muscle x sex N.S.


Mean SD Mean SD

Temporalis 30.65ᴬ 11.44 21.70ᴬ 12.94

Masseter 23.75ᴮ 10.78 16.44ᴮ 12.33

Submental 26ᶜ 13.73 26.71ᶜ 12.97

Comparison muscle P<0.001

sex N.S.

muscle x sex N.S.


Mean SD Mean SD

Temporalis 1.18ᴬ 0.4 0.89ᴬ 0.4

Masseter 0.99ᴮ 0.38 0.72ᴮ 0.45

Submental 1.6ᶜ 0.5 1.37ᶜ 0.41

Comparison muscle P<0.001

sex N.S.

muscle x sex N.S.


Mean SD Mean SD

Comparison 1.83 0.44 1.51 0.44

sex N.S.

Men Women

Men Women

Men Women

Men Women


Table 5: graphical spike position during swallowing, calculated as a percentage of the duration of activation of each

couple of muscles (masseter muscles MM, temporalis muscles TA, submental muscles SM). Mean and Standard

Deviation (SD) have been calculated. The reliability of the position was calculated computing a two-way analysis of

variance: F1 (T1 vs T2) and F2 (A vs B). No F1 X F2 interactions. N.S. not significant (p>0.05). Mean Absolute

Difference (MAD); Technical Error of Measurement (TEM) and Relative Error Magnitude (REM).

Table 6: spike position during swallowing evaluated for temporalis, masseter and submental muscles, shown as a

percentage of the duration of activation of each couple of muscles. Comparisons were performed by 2-way

ANOVAs. N.S. not significant (p>0.05).

Table 7: graphical spike intensity during swallowing, calculated of each couple of muscles (masseter muscles MM,

temporalis muscles TA, submental muscles SM). Mean and Standard Deviation (SD) have been calculated. The

reliability of the position was calculated computing a two-way analysis of variance: F1 (T1 vs T2) and F2 (A vs B).

No F1 X F2 interactions. N.S. not significant (p>0.05). Mean Absolute Difference (MAD); Technical Error of

Measurement (TEM) and Relative Error Magnitude (REM).


mean 35.87 N.S. N.S. 19 16 6

SD 22

mean 36.33 N.S. N.S. 18 17 6

SD 21.8

mean 42.65 N.S. N.S. 16 14 4

SD 19.32




Spike position reliability (%)


Mean SD Mean SD

Temporalis 36.96 20.26 35.71 21.88

Masseter 35.56 20.78 36.68 21.99

Submental 40.98 18.54 44.22 19.35

Comparison muscle N.S.

sex N.S.

muscle x sex N.S.

Men Women


mean 60.38 N.S. N.S. 7.55 4.94 12

SD 15.2

mean 53.45 N.S. N.S. 8 5.24 15

SD 17.9

mean 73.45 N.S. N.S. 9.35 5.97 13

SD 16.26

Intensity of the spike (μV/μV*100)





Table 8: intensity of the spike during swallowing evaluated for temporalis, masseter and submental muscles.

Comparisons were performed by 2-way ANOVAs. N.S. not significant (p>0.05). Values with * statistically differ at

post hoc test.

Figure 19: graphical representation of the muscular recruitment model during swallowing. MM, TA and SM are

reported with different colours. Duration (s) on the abscissae axis and intensity of activity (%) on the ordinates axis.

2.4. Discussion

Standardized surface electromyographical (ssEMG) protocols during clenching have

been largely studied and accepted by the scientific literature as a useful tool to evaluate

the superficial masticatory muscles (TA and MM) activity and therefore they entered in

the daily clinical practice (Ferrario et al 2006; Suvinen et al 2009). On the contrary, the

surface electromyographical assessment of submental muscles and the analysis of

dynamic oral functions, such as swallowing, is still an open field of research and further

scientific approval is needed before clinical applications. The purposes of the current

study were therefore firstly to develop a standardized protocol for the assessment of the

SM during a simple static task, like MVC (phase 1); secondly to apply the protocol to


Mean SD Mean SD

Temporalis 61.4 12.1 58.5 18

Masseter 53.4* 14.1 50.3* 21.5

Submental 74.5* 15 70.4* 17.1

Comparison muscle p=0.006

sex N.S.

muscle x sex N.S.



the analysis of the oral phase of swallowing, in order to draw the muscular recruitment

model in a sample of healthy subjects (phase 2).


MVC represents the simplest and best described oral task and therefore it represents an

ideal condition to test the reliability of the recording protocol for the muscles of the

masticatory apparatus. The standardized protocol proposed in the present study

demonstrated a high repeatability of the EMG indexes of all the analyzed muscles both

intra and inter-appointment for MVC. During MVC both symmetry and recruitment of

submental area muscles were found to be reliable. No significant differences were found

for symmetry and recruitment indexes of the submental muscles neither within the

single appointment nor between the two recording sessions. However the symmetry

showed a low variability, while the recruitment index was highly variable (REM about

37%). One possible explanation for this large value can be found in the biomechanics of

the analyzed muscles. During maximal voluntary clenching in intercuspal position, the

elevator muscles (among which masseter and temporalis) perform their activities

between relatively fixed bone ends, although the mandible undergoes a non-negligible

deformation caused by elevator muscles stress during clenching (Jiang and Ai 2002).

SM have a fixed origin on the mandible which is solidarized to the skull by the

contraction of elevator muscles and an insertion on the hyoid bone whose stability is

directly linked to mutual coordination with infrahyoid muscles. The elevator muscles

must clench as hard as possible; submental muscles instead must "negotiate" their

performance with infrahyoid muscles to ensure the stability of the whole pharyngo-

laryngeal complex. It is plausible that the larger variability of the SM during teeth

clenching may be due to this “dynamism in coordination” to assure hyoid positioning.

Regarding muscle recruitment in healthy subjects, we can emphasize that the MM and

TA perform similarly when clenching either with cotton rolls or in maximal

intercuspidation (as amply demonstrated in previous studies) (Botelho et al 2009;

Forrester et al 2011; Frongia et al 2013). As expected the floor of the mouth showed a

significantly lower activation than masseter and temporalis muscles, since it works

mainly as a jaw depressor. However, in our recordings the SM were recruited with an

average value of about 31% of the standardising exercise, which let hypothesise a not


negligible co-working role in clenching. Our results are slightly higher than those (about

24%) reported by a previous study (van Willigen et al 1997). The differences in the

values could be due to different standardisation exercises (in the previous study the

subject was asked to activate the mouth opening muscles with a blocked jaw). This

quite high co-activation of the mouth floor during teeth clenching has been proposed as

the result of a motor pattern established with the occlusal overload protection purpose in

the event of sudden mechanical failure (van Willigen et al 1997).

Regarding muscles symmetry in healthy subjects, our data confirm those of previous

studies that reported mean values of asymmetry lower than 17% for all muscles.

(Ferrario et al 2000).


Regarding swallowing, for the aim of the study, we decided to test a “guided” kind of

swallowing, asking the patients to keep their teeth in contact while swallowing. The

usefulness of sEMG for the analysis of swallowing have already been assessed (Vaiman

2009; Stepp 2012; Yu et al 2013), however standardized protocols are still needed in

order to let comparisons among subjects and longitudinal evaluations. As it is reported

this new tested protocol was repeatable for all the analyzed indexes, although an high

inter-individual variability was detected especially for the Impact and the duration of

activation of masseter and anterior temporalis muscles (MM and TA) (REM values

between 21 and 27%). This result could be linked with the voluntary action of jaw

elevator muscles, which are recruited in the oral phase of swallowing for the

stabilization of the mandible. As it is largely explained the first (oral) part of the oro-

pharyngeal phase of swallowing is mainly voluntary and it also receives a cortical

control. The oral stage is subjected to marked individual variability, whereas the

pharyngeal stage is generally more consistent (Lavelle 1988), since it is linked with a

triggered reflex. POC index for MM resulted statistically lower than the others. This

result is in accordance with other electromyographical studies, conducted with different

volumes of the bolus that found an highly asymmetrical pattern of the MM being more

influenced by the volume of the swallowed liquid than temporalis and submental

muscles. Authors hypothesised that this muscle group was compliant to adaptation and

that in a population of healthy subjects it is possible to observe a certain degree of


muscle imbalance, which can be considered as physiological and compatible with

normal function. The existence of a preferred chewing side has been demonstrated and

it can be said that this imbalance condition can lead to different stimulus between the

working and balancing sides during chewing and can contribute to the asymmetric

development of the facial skeleton and, consequently, the muscles of this region. The

authors speculated that one of the possible explanations for the asymmetry found

between the masseter muscle electrical activity may be related to masticatory preference

side in the volunteers. However in this study, the normalization was different from the

one tested in our protocol, considering (100%) the average of the three repetitions

required in the task of maximal voluntary clench as a reference value, when the

masseter muscle is at the height of its muscular activity and all other data was analyzed

in terms of reference value percentage. In addition the authors did not consider tooth

contact and occlusal strength (Pernambuco et al 2011). Higher POC values for SM

could be also explained considering the morphological aspects and the electrodes

position, since all the mouth floor is composed by muscular overlapping fibers. Activity

index (Impact) was statistically different between all the couple of muscles (p<0.001)

and the MM showed the lowest activity; this could be explained with a bigger

participation of postural and stabilization muscles (TA and SM), instead of strength

ones (MM). However the activity of all the muscles was not larger than 30% of their

maximal activity. Even the graphical analysis of the spike confirmed our speculation.

MM shows the lowest spike of activity with the largest variability, on the contrary SM

show the highest spike with a small variability. This could be linked with the reflexive

nature of SM action. All the couples of muscles differ for the duration of activation. The

MM showed the lowest duration, while the SM showed the longest one. This can be

easily understood if it is considered how SM work from the earliest stage until the late

portion of the oropharyngeal phase of swallowing. Also the duration of the entire

swallowing test is similar to the values demonstrated in previous similar studies

(Vaiman et al 2004 b; Wilson et al 2006; Monaco et al 2008). A larger sample of

healthy adults is probably needed. A final general consideration has to be conducted.

Many parameters showed an high variability between all the subjects and a bigger

sample is needed in order to detect swallowing normality values. The normal muscle

activity during swallow has several graphic patterns and the results of the quantitative


and qualitative analyses demonstrated that normal swallowing function is highly

variable from individual to individual (Vaiman et al 2004 c; Pernambuco et al 2012). A

single model of muscular pattern between subjects is impossible to be drawn, but

several models have to be done; nevertheless we tried to draw a mean model of

recruitment (Fig 19). Each subject showed a repeatability of this model in different

acquisition sets. It can be stated that an intra-subject model can be assessed. All our

results are in accordance with previous studies. Vaiman et al enrolled about 400 healthy

subjects, dividing them into different groups according to their age and asking them to

swallow different volume bolus (among these also saliva swallowing has been

assessed). They did not give them any indication about teeth clenching. The duration of

swallowing was demonstrated to be 1.55 s, SM showed an higher activation than MM

and there were not sex related differences. A inter-individual variability has been

assessed, with different physiological muscular patterns. (Vaiman et al 2004 a,b,c).

One of the limitation of the present investigation is the standardisation procedure

(pushing the tongue against the hard palate) that did not assure to obtain the maximal

muscles activity, but it allowed us to identify a repeatable exercise involving a high

activity level of submental muscles, which can be used as a reference for subsequent

tasks analysis. Another limitation is the reduced number of recruited subjects, since the

research was designed as a pilot study aiming at the definition of a new protocol that

should be further verified in a larger sample, thus obtaining mean values of the in the


2.5. Conclusions

This research represents a preliminary approach for the development of a standardized,

simple protocol for the sEMG assessment of the oral phase of swallowing, which could

be daily used in the clinical practice. The obtained results have demonstrated the

reliability of the protocol; however the high variability between the subjects results in

the impossibility of drawing a single model of muscular recruitment for all the subjects.

On the contrary in each subject a repeatable muscular model can be seen. The

complexity of the task requires a larger sample size for a better assessment of the

different physiological models of swallowing. In addition as it is reported this research

represents a first step in the electromyographical analysis of swallowing. We evaluated


a para-physiological task, asking the subjects to keep their teeth in contact during

swallowing. In the future the protocol could be applied to a “more physiological” kind

of swallowing, asking the subjects to swallow in their most comfortable way, without

giving them instructions about teeth position. Thus speculations about the activation and

the symmetry of masticatory muscles during the oral phase of swallowing in healthy

subjects can be done and clinical usefulness can be proved.




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